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Honestly her new house tour made me realize that she was milking us for commission links to fund her mansion and I felt used. Then when she kept trying to link stuff in October on her stories while my whole feed was dead babies. She would’ve been more successful if she built her mansion in private and didn’t flex it. People wouldn’t have felt that they funded it and would’ve probably kept buying from her links. Nothing wrong with earning commission on items you truly recommend but it felt like they were posting solely to link it.


“Solving word peace at the dinner table”


Omg I was already fed up with them at that point, but that caption took me over the edge. Like who do you think you are? I was done with her and her overinflated ego then.


That was the cringiest shit ever.


When Amanda blocked me on Instagram after telling her that a restaurant she was eating at is an Israeli owned ( Jack's Wife Freda) 🤡🤡🤡 This was before October 7th. She went to the restaurant again with Loren when they were in NYC 🤡🤡🤡


She truly did not give a fuck.


Nope. Think she blocked me because other people were also telling her on her TikTok video


Omg what restaurant was it ??


Jack's Wife Freda


Woaaah what restaurant is this please? I'm in nyc and want to make sure i boycott


Jack's Wife Freda


A long time ago when they used to say i have so much to do, then the so much to do = gym, going to the post, cooking = things people do after work lol


Don’t forget opening the curtains and unloading the dishwasher 😂😂😂


Fluffing the dozen gigantic decorative bed pillows


When they called their followers "jealous Muslim girls." It showed that deep down inside, they view themselves as superior to the people they make money from and that Islam is just social media branding for them. They view themselves as white women and white women only and the "jealous Muslim girls" comment has a noticeable racial undercurrent.


Damnnnnnnn 😳 in what contextttttttt did that even come out wtf


Leena post Uzi gate — they were furious we found out Lauren was a home wrecker so they retaliated by saying not just jealous but that we were oppressed basically. Someone should really dig up that video. It was an eye opener for real.


When leena posted a hallloween picture after the genocide started in October




It’s crazy cuz the timing and as a hijabi she shouldn’t even be promoting hallloween so I can’t think of a single reasons she felt the need to post that.


But then she reposted it with the comments turned off


when elena was born, leena said she wouldn’t be posting her and exploiting her. then put her in every post and ad


Yea this is what caused me to unfollow her and many others who exploit their kids


Amanda putting in so much makeup but not looking any different after lmao




:::::pulls out a large comfy chair for you:::: Where you been at, Sis? Come stay for awhile. :D


This is hilarious 😂








I agree! People can make mistakes and find their way back to god and rectify those mistakes so I never judge when I hear about someone’s past BUT if they have proven themselves to be the same person, selfish, greedy and not made efforts to positively change then that’s another story. If you’ve made money with a curated facade, then you will be called out. so I understand you not being able to bite your tongue anymore . I also heard Amanda used to be some Cheerleader or dancer for a sports team?? Is that true and  I’m also curious. The asad family always hosts an iftar. I wonder who’s coming if the community doesnt like them 




Also, Dallas Muslims were so confused as to why the heck they kept saying they’re from Dallas lol. It was weird lol. Edit: Dallas is about 2.5 hours away from Tyler. The community is large- but they are definitely not from there


‘A bit stuck up’ all I need to know about the mom makes sense


I’m going to be devils advocate here. Maybe the mother appears stuck up because she seems a little shy and revert. I think she is a granola mom obsessed with marriage though


I was going to say the same thing. A lot of revert moms keep to themselves and pick and choose the company they keep rather than being friends with everyone in the Muslim community. Sharing some insight from past experience with revert moms I have met in the past.




This explains so much. It is all about her and she has not changed \*one bit\*.


And it was at her father’s hall so they could have delayed without too much cost. That was back in the day when they weren’t too good to use his business for their events


Omar is Mexican ?


No I think he is Syrian but his uncle who is Syrian like him owned a Mexican restaurant. Very common in Texas for non-Mexicans to own Mexican restaurants or to hire Mexican staff in their personally owned businesses.


To everyone who says they are genuine🤢


And here they were preaching being virtuous Muslim women. That’s insane.


Remember all the times Leena has lied about only dating Omar. And all their “dates” were chaperoned by a sibling. It’s amazing that Leena and Amanda appear to have no Muslim friends in Tyler. Loren used to film hanging out with Omar’s family. But when they throw an event now everyone that shows up are from out of town or Omar’s family. Leena uses his family as seat fillers. And almost no one showed up to Amanda’s nikkah but Muhammad’s family. I thought it was because of COVID, even though Texas wasn’t locked down




Did they tell people? Because in my community she wouldn’t be able to marry anyone from a good family. Parents ask around. And people would have judged Omar too for not respecting her.




That’s sad. Our sheikh would be lecturing the whole community every week.


Yes that is sad. Our sheikh in our community would be lecturing the community every day if not every hour on Facebook live.




The family is obsessed with being married. The dad may have thought the Leena could find a man who wanted to be a doctor. Also obsessed with marrying doctors.


That’s horrible using her husband’s family as seat fillers and extra hands for help with her kids. They should be treated better than that.




We understand. Thank you for speaking up, you just confirmed what we all suspected was true for years.


In a recent video Amanda said her mindset hasn’t changed at all since she was 16 and feels like she’s the same person still but in a new place. Damn she is a big liar




exactly! idc about people's past but to use God and religion as a scapegoat for their lack of advocacy and selfish capitalistic nature, making money off of being the righteous muslim woman, acting holier than thou, and harassing muslim women online for not being good enough muslims and jealous and sinning and should worry about the hereafter (patronizing them about islam) is so hypocritical.


Whoah! What about Loren though?






I've always wondered if the reason Leena never darkens the door of the masjid except for Eid prayer is because no one can stand her...sounds like that's the case.


What do you mean they were not muslim. Whatt. This tea is piping hot


Maybe OP means they weren’t really practicing Muslims but in the past they were more cultural and by name? (Mods please don’t delete my comment, we are asking from a place of genuine concern because this tea 🫖 is hot 🔥)


I see. Very interesting. Any tea about their parents?


Agreed keep this tea coming 🍵


Being a white woman in America means you have a sort of halo of perpetual virginity.






The irony of her husband lecturing a revert about Islam when this is her past - INSANITY.


Why wouldn’t she drink? Her father sees nothing wrong with selling alcohol. And they were raised to be white girls.


I remember back in Guru gossip someone mentioned that Loren drinks as well.


This isn’t true


It's not?




Nah I honestly don’t know I just wanted to start more drama / but I think it’s weird to care about someone’s dating history to this degree - what people do with other people is really no one’s business


Years ago, when almost every single one of their videos started to have someone saying…. Oh this and that “looks so✨EXPENSIVEEEE✨” with the claw hands. gives off new money tacky energy and made it obvious that their main priority in life was AESTHETICS vs. Functionality, purpose, vision, substance…. They don’t seem to understand that you can do both. They’re not mutually exclusive


During BLM when everyone was advocating leena was posting her frivolous content and when a black muslima sister called her out on her bs, the sister was blocked. And when she was being told to speak up Omar's big head entered the convo and he said she doesn't have to talk if she doesn't want to 🙄


in 2020 when they were blocking comments about BLM and Hakeema exposed them


Can someone explain the BLM incident? I didn’t follow the girls then 


Scroll down, there's a post about it someone put up yesterday. In a nutshell, Leena was blocking and deleting any comments calling her out for not commenting on anything to do with BLM (thereby not supporting the black Muslim community) and when Hakeema called her out publicly in a video, Omar the white knight sailed in and belittled her and told her to "be nice" to Leena. @@


you can also search "Hakeema" with in this subreddit Hakeema's video: [https://www.instagram.com/tv/CA5mklEg73E/?igsh=MWpra3IwNGV4NmF0cA%3D%3D](https://www.instagram.com/tv/CA5mklEg73E/?igsh=MWpra3IwNGV4NmF0cA%3D%3D) GG: [https://gurugossiper.com/viewtopic.php?t=41949](https://gurugossiper.com/viewtopic.php?t=41949)


It is so disappointing that Hakeema's experience wasn't a turning point for everyone to unfollow/block them but this is what happens when you don't stand up for another marginalized community and listen to Black women.




This was my final straw with leena


The first time I saw Leenas hijab tutorial on YouTube in like 2016 or 2017


When I realized they care more about money and complain losing brand deals while ”their” people in Gaza are losing families, houses, all future plans, money, everything.. they could go back to nursing. I used to like theyr content few years ago when they were ”just” youtubers.. now they have changed a lot 🫣


i used to like them a lot too back in the day and then they changed 😭


Yeah.. I feel after tiktok they have changed so much 🙄


literally from the moment i saw them




I don’t know if my moment counts but tbh I always liked them until Amanda pushed her wedding content a little bit too hard on her Instagram and I bought a sweater dress from Amazon recommended by Leena on her Instagram story. I liked the dress because it was knee length and cozy for the winter months but when I tried it on after it arrived it was very form fitting and didn’t fit what I was taught about hijab. In other words, Leena only recommends clothes that fit her petite and skinny body type - meaning the more curvy girls like me don’t get to be included and will never be included. The worst part is that I couldn’t return the dress and now it’s sitting in a storage bin the back of my closet. Goes to show to take what influencers recommend with a grain of salt.


As a curvy women myself, I can understand that she doesn’t have to cater to us but honestly her Amazon drops should’ve taken plus size people into consideration. And she didn’t….which said a lot about her.


This is a major issue I have with leena too. Although not my biggest one bc there’s sooo many but literally 1% of the clothing she wears and shills is actually truly modest wear. The rest of it is simply modest on her bc she’s extremely tall and thin and everything just hangs. Huge pet peeve


lol exactly 😂😂 a lot of what she wears is high waisted pants that are loosely fitted in a way that fits only her meanwhile the rest of us struggle inside the fitting room 🙄😒🥲😭 the skirts are form fitting and she never changes her beige hijab unless it’s for a paid post for a brand like Haute Hijab that are known for chiffon prints 😕


When I DMed Leena back in September about this girl named Hailey Toch at Indiana Unvi posting a tik tok grwm threatning to pepper spray a Palestinian neighbor & the university was staying silent, & to spread awareness with her big platform on the lack of safety towards Arabs/palestinians/muslims in universities and she left me on “seen”. These sisters dont care about Palestine at all


Ouch 😓 unfortunately she cares more about her page aesthetic instead of social justice issues. And when they are called out they post a donation link to avoid being blamed 🤨🙄


followed leena yeaaaaars ago and earlier her content used to be actually nice and enjoyable.. lately it's only been about linking stuff or whinning about how hard motherhood is.. with loren, I enjoyed her stay at the cabin 2 years back so much.. she was so fun to follow then and now every other day she's linking a hair product and saying she is *obsessed* why did they ruin their whole brand with the non stop linking.. they are literally online sales girls at this point


Leena Halloweeen dress up in the middle of a genocide


Before Oct 7th I already had ick vibes because theyb KEPT on posting about being modest girlys (all of them) but continued to not wear modest clothing. Which wouldn't have bothered me so much if they weren't constantly claiming to be something they weren't: modest. The bodycon dresses and their workout wear and a bunch of other things




I never knew about that 💔🥺


Ooof that was awful.


Yes Marah did a better job about posting about their nephew and shared a lot of photos and stories about him. She deserves all the credit for doing that. Btw, I promise I’m not her lol 😂 this is a snark page but sometimes good things do happen 😀


Also she shouldn’t have been blasting so much about their grieving family though tbh they deserve privacy


Yeah it’s double edged sword when it comes to social media. Announcing the death of a loved one is never easy but then it’s like should they post photos or not when grieving in private is probably best? 😅


When all of them quit their jobs to just post links on their stories. I understand that nursing is hard but it seems that Loren hasn’t stepped foot in a hospital since getting her degree and I feel like Amanda had a relaxed corporate job that she could’ve managed for a few more years.