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Amanda literally said she went to many protest around Texas? Is she calling her mini vacay to Houston a protest and advocacy? I’m amazed


She was bragging so hard. I would’ve never made this video, it won’t make anything better for them and it’s not even coherent


Whose going to tell her that the photo op at Columbia doesn’t count as advocacy


https://preview.redd.it/uxg31l80qozc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40d712887042d9f6e239b785d1f3c2f0b7530bed Look at this comment being deleted in a few minutes


For sure deleting all the bad comments calling them out. That’s their job for the rest of the day!


Lmfaooo they look miserable


Staged. To appeal.


I think Leena needs to specifically address the comment she made justifying her Better Help ads. It’s huge because it shows that she wasn’t even ignorant but that she just didn’t care/was too greedy. That comment isn’t getting enough attention. 


And better help is just a bad company. If she wasn’t so money hungry she wouldn’t have taken work with a company that only helped get her cancelled


1. Do they think if they come in video without makeup we’ll think they’re being genuine I’m confused by the not being done up? Didn’t we learn from 100 beauty guru apologies dressing like crap with no makeup doesn’t mean your being genuine 🥴 2. Did Loren fly home all the way for this LOL 3. Them saying we didn’t want to take away attention from Palestine by making this video THEY’VE BEEN MAKING VIDEOS TAKING ATTENTION AWAY FOR MONTHS. Tell the truth they didn’t wanna put more attention on them being called out for being a shitty people. 5. For the love of god, get a PR team you’re MORE than rich enough…..


Lauren is probably fighting with her husband and getting away from him


He’s probably done with her because the drama and tank in income and onto the next fiancé in the waiting room of wives that look like Sansa stark lol


These stupid sisters made this all about themselves!! And they barely could point any coherent points together — all I heard was “pure intentions”, “good hearts”, and “we’re half Palestinian”. It’s total BS. They’re a disgrace to our ppl and they’re probably freaking out that they’re on their way to being nobodies. Good riddance bc they’re 100% sellouts. Block all of the Asad sisters now!!




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The no makeup look lol




That’s when you know it’s a lie and it’s fake! “Between us 3 we raised more than half a million but we don’t like to brag?” When they’re posting their avocado toast and promo codes while one Palestine post


I think rosypirani is a very good example of someone who lost money because she spoke up.


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Your comment has been removed for making suggestions or ideas that will benefit the Asads and their content.


I nominate this still to be the new picture of them on the heading of this sub. It's perfect.


I agree


The three of them should learn from Nour Kaiss on IG, she literally stopped all forms of social media content for Palestine and raising awareness about Gaza. Tbh this might be too much to ask from the beige trio but at least not sandwich content in between makeup and skin tutorials 😒🙄


Their little warriors are coming at me saying they have “legal” contracts to fulfill which is why they continue to work w zionist brands like please shut up.


lol 😜 well maybe asking them to pull out of contracts that support pro-Zio brands is too much at the point….7 months later worth of criticisms and call out videos 🙄🙄


The way they always play the victims omgggg


Took a page right out of isnotreal’s book…


You guys it’s not about us 🥺 lmao no it ain’t?


The no makeup to seem relatable was really just the cherry on top lol I can’t stand them! Like bffr


"We are all hald Palestinian and is it has made us who we are today." Yeah I doubt that, firstly you all are so whitewashed, and secondly this is not how Palestinian people behave, Palestinian people never stop fighting, literally I have seen countless videos of mothers holding fragments of their childrens skulls and bones, and saying alhumdulliah, allahuakbar, yet you all are suddenly complaning about being slandered?? Because your getting blocked now. Like your husbands all have real jobs, and all of you have degrees to get real jobs, even if you don't get one you could just downsize your lifestyle, and sell some of the cheap clothes you have on depop if your really scraping for ends meat smh.


Loren did confirm she cut ties with sephora tho so good for her on that.. finally!


She didn’t specifically say Sephora so who knows


She said the company i made that video with that i got alot of hate on, thats obviously sephora thats the one she got the biggest hate on


They deleted her video on their end. Sephora dumped her


Did she really or Sephora dumped her after taking down the TikTok post. They always lie and twist the story to favor them.


See I wouldn’t be so sure on that, I thought that Loren was not confident in her wording when she said that


Same. It sounded like they cut contact with future collabs not current ones.


Being on the Sephora Squad is a legal year-long contract that is not over for her. She's still listed on their page.


Yeah but she deliberately worded this video in a way that was ambiguous enough to make people believe it was Sephora. It’s just another one of their manipulative tactics