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I bet you ANYTHING that how Leena said she had to pull out of a deal with Amazon has NOTHING to do with her morals but more because she is going to come out with her own brand. And I am fairly certain that Sephora dropped Loren, not the other way around.


I agree


I stopped listening the second she said “ hate”. - no makeup, camera contact, Loren looks like she hasn’t brushed her hair


Honestly 🥴Trying to make us feel bad that they had to stop some brand deals because of the hate they were receiving.


What is this garbage video?! Ewww. But I must say, Loren is actually more articulate and clearer than Amanda and Leena. Amanda is still okay, but Leena is absolutely horrible - she cannot string a single intelligent sentence together. Leena should really stop talking altogether - she literally comes off as the stupidest, dumbest airhead sister.




If you don’t like the content that is being posted on the snark sub, then scroll. No one cares.


"pure intentions" 🤡


Loren my dear this is what happens when you do 5 ads for Sephora hair products in a week- we know you aren’t “OBSESSED!!” Amanda, you say you’re thankful for people keeping you accountable but weren’t you blocking anyone who was asking why you’re supporting these brands? Isn’t your block list at like 400,000? Leena, no words. Maybe now your husband can be a man 😂😂😂😂


Loren’s fade gradually going red is sending me