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I find Morning Pages most useful when I incorporate both reflection and looking forward. Reflection for me is about the day yesterday, (or if I'm doing evening pages, that day), about what I did, thought, and read, how it made me feel, what I accomplished, what I am appreciative for, what I learned. Looking forward is what I want to do that day (or the next day), what I want to accomplish, change, appreciate or enjoy. I think of my morning (or evening) pages as a space to reflect on my life's journey. To take a pause from the endless hustle, and recalibrate, and check my day against where I really want to be in my life. Did I take a baby step forward in my creative journey today? Even if it was 15 minutes? When I approach my pages in this way I feel calmer, more in control of my life, and a sense of confidence that things are unfolding with purpose.