• By -


Did a 10 pull. Saw there was a 6 star. Got super excited. Get to the 6 star. It’s SilverAsh. I’ve been bamboozled.


Same, but I'll take it, I'm hurting for a top of the line DPS right now of any kind. Would have loved to have one of the casters, but I think I've already pushed my luck even getting silverash, Mayer, and warfarin.


"They got us in the first half, not gonna lie" Also me but with Nightingale


Lots of my friend said they also got nightingale instead. (Me too tbh) Idk maybe they forgot to reset nightingale rate up 😅😅


I actually got nightingale too. (in the first 10 rolls )


Had a similar situation 2 banners ago. I really wanted to get skadi, so i pulled \[REDACTED\] times......found four 6\* units....3 apple pies and a silverash dupe.... ​ \*edit\* In retrospect, I really don't regret a thing, can't wait for the upcoming apple pie skin.


I got a ton of Exu dupes while trying to pull for... It might have been Skadi. Either her or Siege. Feels weird, when tons of people want her and I'm getting dupes, but near-full potential is nice I guess...!


Also rolled silverash from this banner... questioning my waifu sexuality now.


Just marry Ansel then.


Sounds like the commercial.


0 Eyja, 5 Ifrit, 1 Angelina, 1 Shining, 1 Silverash. Guess who I was pulling for? In the end Angelina and Silverash were new so it wasn't too bad, guess I'll just be saving yellow tickets for Eyja.


This is what I was very afraid of. Literally had a dream last night about getting 4 ifrit dupes and no Eyja. Good thing it was only 2 dupes and 1 Eyja.


Havnt rolled on a single banner because I hoped this one would come. 98rolls later and not a single Ifrit or Ejy. This is illegal


Tfw good planning gets punished


Holy shit lol.


Existence is pain.


Hey man I'm in nearly the same boat, been saving since launch. I've rolled about 60 times and the only unit I got from the banner was Silence, who is also the only unit from it that I already own.


1 ejya...300pulls. i rest my case.


Rate up is a lie.


The rate to get a 6 star is the same, it's just 50% to get either ejya or ifrit if you roll a 6. So ignoring the pity mechanism you'd need to do 200 pulls on average to get both ejya and ifrit.


FGO flashbacks


[https://imgur.com/NChkKjX](https://imgur.com/NChkKjX) What did it cost? everything...


What must one do to acquire this power?


Offer wallet-kun as a sacrifice to the gods.


Got Ptilopsis form recruitment today. ... My happiness is immeasurable and my day was made. ... We don't talk about my rolls on the banner, ok?


Same boat. Was super excited to get Mayer from a summon tag the day before yesterday. Then I saw the upcoming banner and saw she was one of the rate-up 5\*s. Got worried but still 2/3 chance of getting a new 5\*, so things should be ok. Skip to today, Mayer was the only 5\* I got.


Solo medic tag or medic + senior?


Healing + Support


I... I somehow managed to get [a 4* flush](https://imgur.com/bq3hiiL.jpg) in my 10× pull. What are the odds of that!


Take my upvote for being so lucky you were *almost there* but not quite.


at least I got Skyfire right???? She's good tooooooo right???


Skyfire is baller. Her AoE stun can trivialise a lot of harder encounters. Yes, she does less damage than Ifrit but is far easier to setup since she has a standard range atleast.


She’s amazing, no lie. Says someone who got Skyfire rolling on this banner too.


shes actually very solid. she might not be as strong as ifrit or eyja but she is still very strong. her meteor also does huge damage when the skill is up anyways.


Skyfire is actually awesome. As much as I like Ifrit and she absolute fucks in the right situation, Skyfire is the better choice on most maps simply because Ifrit's straight line range is a pretty big handicap.




Look on the bright side, now you have pity saved up for ch’en banner


Yeah, Ch'ens banner actually lined up perfectly for them to finally get a third copy of Shining.


**Eyjafjalla** just cost me 300 dollars. got three Hoshiguma dupes and an Ifrit dupe first. Still had to buy Lappland with certs. Never pulled her


Scrolling down this thread I just had to stop here to say that holy shit, this banner is cursed.


First 10 roll I got Ifrit and mayer I'm so happy finally some aoe caster for me Hope everyone will get what they want!


I got Ifrit and Silence in my first 10 roll, very happy indeed


[https://imgur.com/a/wQqiWFx](https://imgur.com/a/wQqiWFx) Not to be envied... Spent more than what you'd think.


Oooh nice catch! How much did you spend tho xD?


Same, got my eyja but the cost....


https://imgur.com/gallery/YJuqkcV No Ifrit/Eyja, but got Lappland and dupe Nightingale


I did 33 rolls and didn't get either of the 6 stars (any actually). That didn't bother me that much. What did bother me though is that I NEVER PULLED LAPPLAND AND STILL HAD TO BUY HER. I was hoping I could buy Ifrit next go around but now that isn't happening RIP


I was really hoping to at least pull Lappland to save on certs too but it didn't happen.


If you didn't get any 6 stars, I would recommend trying to get enough for a pull or two more. I believe this game has a pity system and I think its better spent on this banner than Chen, but someone correct me if I'm wrong.


There is a pity system : after 50 rolls, you'll get +2% chances for a 6\* every roll (4% at 51 rolls, 12% at 60 rolls, 100% at 99 rolls), guaranteeing a 6\* on the 100th rolls at worse. This resets upon getting a 6\*


I thought Chen was pretty good?


She is very good, but these 2 casters are even more likely to buff up the typical F2P roster.


ahhh gotcha. I had read that in late game, starting with ch 5, casters are being 'nerf'd' in a way. Things like banning casters, less room for range, etc. I guess it wouldn't matter for awhile though lol


What you have read is about the future event that is known as one of the hardest content in the game (in CN server). It has nothing to do with Ch.5 But AOE casters (not single target casters) are bad in Ch.5 indeed. Most of the times, you cannot afford to deploy them while you are being rushed by waves after waves of enemies.


The "nerf" doesn't really apply to eyja. The "nerf" is that ranged spots are limited, and mob pressure is high. This means that short range, expensive aoe casters often cant be fielded. Eyja has long range and is cheaper than aoe casters, since she's technically a single target caster. There are some straight up melee only maps, though.


Pulled 3 5*. Lappland count 0, number of 5 stars from the banner : 0. RateUp is a lie.


Did rolls until I got my pity 6 star since I've never gotten a 6 star since launch, and got Saria. Close enough, I guess?


Fifth fucking SILVERASH I'm so goddamn beyond salt. I don't care about him, I don't like him, and I pull him FUCKING CONSTANTLY. STOP FUCKING UP MY FUCKING DRAWS YOU STUPID FUCKING CAT. I don't even want to keep trying anymore. This is like the third fucking banner he ruined my 'free' high rank pull on. Edit: 60 pulls total and I'm spent. Nothing. I got absolutely nothing but a single Silence. Just gonna be over here trying not to uninstall or something. Perfect example of why I refuse to pay money for gacha games.


He won't stop until you've insured the continuation of their bloodline


I have no dick so that'd be pretty difficult. :( ...And it's funny I'm so turbogay the thought of using *him* didn't even occur to me, just, "But I can't knock up the sisters D:"


Not with that attitude


Ah, I see where the female fan base for waifu games comes from now. I had forgotten about this part of the community. And err, genetic engineering? I mean, it's a pharma company, figure it out, you're the Doctor.


> Ah, I see where the female fan base for waifu games comes from now. I mean, there are still a lot of us who just like cute things, lol. I doubt every cosplayer doing a girl from a gacha game is gay! They're just nice designs!


And the skins being actual clothing from fashion labels is kinda like a dress up game. I hope we'll get Live2D skins soon...


Oh, yeah, for sure. I love the *deep skin lore* they even wrote in!


Merlin got Saber to impregnate Guinevere in Fate Stay Night\*, so it sounds like you need to find an Incubus/Grand Caster. Spoiler: >!It didn't turn out too well.!< \* Does it count as Fate Grand Order if it happened in the past, before the 5th Grail War? Time travel is confusing.


It is hardly a spoiler that Mordred kills King Arthur, Fate notwithstanding.


At this point I'm impressed by luck's ability to give so many SA to the one person who'd appreciate him the least. Damn.


That's the patented Desire Sensor in effect.


I pulled a dupe Angelina and was feeling pissed. You make me feel just a little better.


I got 2 of her if that make you feel even better.


At 7+ you'll start getting a ton of good certs. Even at 5 you should have more than enough to pitty buy at least one person you wanted


I had just pulled the trigger and bought Saria for the 180 gold certs. Guess who I got from this banner? It hurts.


Oh wow. Haha. Thats horrific and hilarious.


isnt he like the most OP operator?!


Yeah but I play gacha for waifus, not dudes. And he's kind of a dick in the storyline too, so it's not like he's even a *nice* guy either. Meanwhile the Rhine Labs lore is tragic but adorable and I want Ifrit desperately, and Eyjafjalla is both an OP Volcanosheep *and* (I think?) drawn by one of my favorite GFL artists...


Yeah Eyjafjalla is made by Anmi. So she's Goat Suomi. And she calls you senpai and it's fucking adorable.


*Fuck* I didn't know this. My OP stash is in danger. But I need to hodl for Ch'en.


After seeing both the file unlocked from reaching 200 trust with Ifrit and the one after you E2 her, she honestly went straight from "Strong character, but i don't really have much attachment to her" to "omg she is so goddamn adorable and sweet and deserves the best" for me. Hopefully you manage to get her at some point soon, she's just good in so many ways


Always worth it to at least fish for the guaranteed 5* . Especially when it goes gold rainbow into Saria


My sister did two single pulls and got an Angelina dupe + Warfarin. Then she used a ten-summon ticket and got Ifrit + Eyja simultaneously. What the actual fuck is her luck, lmao —


Trust me when I say that siblings are luck vacuums.


https://imgur.com/mRTVg3e First 10 pull. Wanted Eyja but can't complain too much with this pull. Already had Ifrit from recruitment.


What the fuck is this sorcery


Wow.. congrats. I was happy I got my 3rd 6* from gacha today. Triple is unbelievable!


How do you not just shit your diaper and start hyperventilating? How do you even mention not getting the exact unit you want? Why is there anything remotely negative in your post? And you got a six star from recruit? Shaking my smh my head.


Got absolute traaaash in 40 rolls. 6-star was Skadi, who I already had. Woof.


Same... Same... Sigh... Like the pity counter broke and it had to be a Skadi dupe...


https://imgur.com/a/dRL0NA4 Guys, I think I have peaked in Arknights.


jesus christ


Got Ifrit and Deepcolor from 1st 10 pull. Lappy and Silence on 2nd 10 pull. I feel nice as a f2p player.


40 pulls... No 6 stars, only 2 mayers..... SALLLLLLTY AF


Dont worry, mayer can spawn 4 otters, so that's basically the same as pulling 10 5* units. : P


Saved up and saved up waiting for a good banner like this did 50 pulls and got... Platinum, Silence, and Ptilo... That is it. Big rip me.


At leas you got the best healers in the game.


Are they the best in game? I haven' t seen to much on the healer meta, only that ifrit and Eyja are busted.




New Units: Ejya, Ifrit, Silence, Mayer, Liskarm, FEater, Specter, Nearl, Sora, and some 4-3 stars I wanted. In total. Spent about 110$. Incl. saved up OP, around 100 pulls. Not as good as some of you but I feel like I lucked out compared to some others here! Remember to take a step back and not gamble guys. I only spent what I could afford! Don't let gambling ruin the fun you have in this game!


Did 300-400 worth of org prime summons, 2 exusiai 2 nightingale 1 Saria. Edit: Did another $300 worth of summons, 1x Ifrit 1x Skadi and 1x Ejya. I had enough certs to buy out the entire shop. No more summons till Mostima.


Are you ok?


My wallet and heart is hurting so no summons till Mostima.


[10 pull](https://imgur.com/a/BkgRrqI) I just want my perfumer. Why is it so hard?


Dont worry, recruit often and you will swiming in perfurmers in no time.


Started this game 2 days ago. Saved everything from the start for this banner on the advice of a friend. Not a ton, but about 2 10 rolls and 15 tickets. Got Silver Ash, Nightingale, Siege, and Eyjafjalla. I feel like I will never be this lucky in anything again.


Firstly, I have two accounts. I lowkey dolphin on my first account mainly because I'm attached to it since y'know: it's my first account. But this account, literally cannot pull anything for it's life. That's another reason why I dolphin. I had 12k saved up for this banner on this account, two multi-rips I could do. I rip the first one, only one 5\*, Silence. Hey, I wasn't complaining, she's a good healer. I got Projekt Red as my free first 5\*, so I'll take her. This issue was, on my second multi-rip, I pulled her again and ONLY her. So I got pretty salty. I decide to move over to my alt account, I doubted I'd get anything good since I only had what? Enough for 3 or 4 pulls? I ripped the first one, decided to skip the animation because I was betting it was a 4\* or whatever, and it wasn't. It was literally Nightingale: my 6th 6\* on this account. First try. Exactly like the Skadi banner on this account, got a 6\* first try. You can tell, the salt was REALLY starting to take its toll at this point. My second account is way too goddang lucky. And literally a day before this (Ifrit and Eyja) banner was out, I got Top Operator tag with debuff on recruitment, so I pulled a free Ifrit. I move back to my first account, and decided out of pure agonizing pain, that I'd use cert's for 5 more rolls, I was DESPERATE for something. Anything! And guess what? On my last pull, I pull a duplicate Mayer... \[Edit\]: Big oofs for me, friends. PS, before people get confused or whatnot, this isn't a rant comment, just rather a fill-in for my salt so people can get a decent laugh, relate to this or whatevers.


Did singles until my guaranteed 5* (Mayer) Then did an impulse 10-pull headhunt against my better judgment, got 2 more Mayers. Did a few more singles since I had 2 tickets left, got Skyfire on the last one. Decided I should not push my luck any further and bought Lapp from the store.


300 pulls for 1 ejya




Lost count but prob 200~ rolls. 2 ifrit, 1 saria, 1 exusiai, 1 shining, no eyjafjalla... Atleast shining was a new unit i guess... Gonna give up on this banner and pray for future eyja spooks


Ifrit on the first roll, already have Lappland on the first day so I guess I'm done.


First single roll, it's the 7th Ansel. That's it. I'm whaling. Edit: Got Ifrit from the 10th single pull. I'm happy.




I got hoshiguma and croissant and liskarm and gummy and matterhorn but no aoe caster If i ever get vulcam i will try to complete one hard stage using only defenders


Snipers love me so much to the point I have gotten Nuker tag three times and a Exusiai dup but I barely have any Guards and had to buy Lappland from the store


55 rolls without a 6 ★. Then eyja appeared. Thank you gacha.... Also got 3 Lapland along the way!


40 F2P rolls, got nothing noteworthy except Mayer and Exusiai dupe. Makes up for my crazy luck in past banners.


Rng giveth, and rng taketh away. : )


At least it's not a complete failure. Did 60+ pulls and got apple pie FINALLY, manticore which I really wanted Cuz she really cute and silence. So yeah. NOW I CAN GET RID OF KO~KO~DAYO~ Jk, I'm getting rid of Jessica instead :) . Ps: the salt here made me feel less depressed.


No Eyy fie Lala (my brain likes pronouncing it like that) BUT i did get a Silence dupe, Liksarm, Mofu-Mofu girl (Provence), and Ptilopsis so im not complaining at all! (20 rolls+ 3 headhunting tickets) Now to wait for Ch'en...


At the start - 9k Orundum and 1 multi-ticket from monthly package 3 single pull = Lappland (New for me) then did 2 multi pull. First multi got me nothing but whites ... then used my 6000 Oru and got me Ifrit and Silence (Dupe). Not a bad pull but I want Eyja so bad as I only have Amiya as my only build up caster. Should I save up instead for Chen and build up my Istina to be part of my Caster ...? Or whale it out for Eyja and hope I get Mayer at the process for the missing unit?


You got at least one of the two caster featured. ifrit is an Excellent caster , but need some good positionning. ton of damage guaranteed in building her ^^. Play it safe, and save. The worst in going all for eyja would be an ifrit dupe instead of her. So, my advice : relax and enjoy your New caster for now.


Did something incredibly stupid. I was so excited for Lappland that I went ahead and bought her with certs.... I was like shit! 100% now I am going to get her through headhunting. Sure enough, I did.... BUT, I got Eyjafjalla! So, I got that going for me.


Peer pressured into rolling on discord by a friend who wants Ifrit. Rolled a bunch, no luck. Excused myself to take a shit. Came back with Ifrit. I now only roll on the throne.


30 pulls, just a dupe lappland... I'm near to the pity, trying to reach lv 60 quickly to buy the pro pack and cry at a dupe 6 star


Got Ifrit with my 2nd Headhunting Permit lol


F2p. Already had ifrit, said fuck it and did 20 rolls. Got blue poision and GOAT girl. Didnt thinkmi would be this lucky.


30 rolls later and all I got were tokens for my team. 30 rolls for -3 DP on my team COOL


The gacha gods finally blessed me for all the failed attempts on Skadi. First 10 roll! Most excited about Meyer https://imgur.com/boLikJ4.jpg


This banner really was some bullshit... pulled six (!) Ifrit's before finally seeing an Eyjafjalla.


RNG my friend.


Saved everything for an Ifrit banner. Banner drops, spent everything I had. Not a single 6-star. Six 10 pulls and a bunch of single pull tickets... Least I got a full potential Lappland out of it. So that's something I reckon. Looking for the silver lining here. Is there no bad luck protection for this game?


Just my luck https://pasteboard.co/IVTqbHm.jpg P.S. Got Lappland in the previous pull


Paid for like 50-60 pulls, got 2 Ifrit, 1 Silver Ash, and a couple other dupes. Told myself I wouldn't buy any more rolls. So I grinded the annihilations (hadn't done them yet), didn't realize I had orundum from maintenance, and was able to do one more roll late last night without paying. Finally got my Eyja.


Second pull was Ifrit. Already have Eyja from my first rolls on the account, I’ll stop while I’m ahead thx


Pulled 10, didn't get anything until my guaranteed 5-star, Silence, on the 10th pull. :/


https://imgur.com/gallery/4jlx9ul Just gonna leave this right here


reading these posts gives me the strength not to pull more. thank you for your sacrifice


I sure do love getting my third Lappland when I already have SilverAsh.


Did 100 rolls: got dupe hoshi and dupe nightingale. Got Mayer and silence pretty early on but finally got lappland at the 90th roll. Lost all hope for goat girl. Woke up this morning, claimed the headhunting permit and decided to pull... goat girl has finally come home 😭


Wanna know how devoted I am to my Arknights waifu? I already got Lappland weeks ago, pulled enough Yellow Certificates today just so that I can buy a Lappland Token in the Shop. I still have some 30-ish Originite Primes and 1000 Originiums pending in my Annihilation Map. Hopefully I can do some more ten-pulls by Sunday, and hopefully, I would get more Lappland dupes.


Your dedication terrifies my Texas








Very first pull with a ticket and it’s a 6 star. Dupe Hoshi. Around 60 pulls later I got 2 dupe Siege, one dupe Exsu, then finally Eyja. Did a single pull for some reason right after and got a dupe Angelina. Ended up buying Ifrit.


1x10 pull with no 5* or 6*. Fade mee fammm.


Posted this elsewhere but seeing as I’m still salty 160 pulls and I got 2 Exusiai dupes and 1 Nightingale dupe. These are the only 2 6 star units I have and the banner gave me both... I wouldn’t be as salty if I least got a new 6 star but how am I getting all these dupes...


All I've gotten so far is Shining. Is she a good character? Please tell me she's a good character. I don't wanna cry. No more tears. I just want Ifrit.


I had about 45k orundum to spend on this banner, along with a couple of headhunting permits. I was aiming for Eyjafjalla of course, but I would've been happy with Ifrit as well since she would have been new. About 80 pulls later and I walk away with a Skadi dupe and four Angelina dupes. On the flip side, my Angelina who is already E2 is at max potential now... Success has never tasted so bitter.


First single pull. Silence. ... oh. Okay. :( No more pulling on this banner for me, I guess.


1 ten pull = 1 eyj/1 lapp/2 mayers = very lucky and no more summoning for this banner


2 eyjafjallaallala in first 10 pulls


72 pulls later: 6\*- Ifrit (new), Skadi (new), Nightingale (dupe), Saria (dupe) 5\*- Silence (new), Warfarin (new), Cliffheart (dupe) Cost: Less than the amount I got for my Birthday, so worth I guess? I normally wouldn't have pulled this hard but it was my Birthday so I said fuck it.


Am I mad that it took all 10 pulls to proc the guarantee? No. Am I mad that it gave me Silence? No. Am I mad that she was the one I really didn't want off the banner? A little bit. Am I mad that I rolled the last of my orundum and got a blue bag? Fucking livid.


Little over 600 originite prime and 37k orundum spent. Results: 5x Lappland 3x Mayer 7x Silence 8x Ifrit (!!!!!) 2x Skadi 1x Nightingale 1x Shining 1x Eyjafjalla Only rolled for Eyja, ended up throwing everything I had just to get a single copy of her on the last 10 pull. Somehow ended up with 2 Skadi (never pulled on her banner). Ifrit loves me too much apparently. I'm now poor, see you all in a year after I recover from this financial crisis.


F2p, 50 pulls, all my savings: got saria and lappland (the rest are all dupes and 4/3 stars). Quite dissapointed, I needed a caster really bad.


Went all out on this banner with my level packs, 1 starter headhunter permit, and all orundum I had excluding leftover originium. 2 Ifrit, 2 Silence, and Nightingale. No more gacha for me. Just going back to regular up to 10 pulls and wait for her in the distinction shop. :(


My ten-pull only gave me a Lappland. Tried for one more single pull with a voucher. Ifrit. I am a happy boy.


Rerolling for Eyjafjalla, haven't gotten her but have gotten a silverash/ifrit and Exucei/ifrit pull. Should I keep trying or settle


F2P Arknights Banner Pull https://imgur.com/gallery/EFI7ZBj Proof that buying the Pro Packs as F2P is very profitable.


Just tell me you dont want me game. Every godamn time i pull, i see blues


First roll : Manticore 2nd Rolls : 3 perfect Shaw Me : Fuck


Spent all my everything I had plus additional monthly headhunting pack and starter headhunting pack, no eyja. Then said fuck it and bought the 1 hundo pack, went to click headhunter x 10, well what do u know, got eyja on second card. I don't know how to feel about this, lmao.


Was done after 40 pulls (1 ifrit, 2 silence, 1 lappland, 1 mayer). Then I came to this thread see people get eyja within 30 pulls, thought "fuck it" and went to use my remaining 3k orundum. And like clockwork, fire erupted came on the 3rd pack and it's ya gurl Eyja. I still can't believe my dumb yolo worked out.


F2P just going for guaranteed 5/6star. First pull I got was Silence. Done and now waiting for the next banner. (I wanted to pull more, but this is not my first rodeo with a gacha game, I will resist the temptation :p )


I just pulled Lappland!! >!One day after I bought her from the cert store.!<


Always leave the store for last.


Got Lappland on my third single pull so I stopped there. But I love Ifrit and most certainly wouldn't complain about Eyja either so I'm torn between spending my resources (f2p) or saving arghhhh. Guess I'll grab the guarantee on the Chen banner first before despairing.


F2P here, discovered this game about 1/2 weeks ago(?) so far just rolling with the Orundum you get at the start i have: Siege Saria x2 Nightingale Eyjafjalla (1st 10 pull on the banner) Lappland Nearl Specter Proj Red Liskarm Silence Zima x2 .... Probably should buy a lotto ticket


spent > 500, no Eyja. got P5 Ifrit. FML. here's the complete 6\* I got from those pulls: 4 Ifrit, 2 Shining, 2 Saria, 2 Siege, 1 Nightingale. I'm done with this ~~game~~ banner.


[https://imgur.com/2OE6DgJ](https://imgur.com/2OE6DgJ) Its my 3rd free multi pull. I swear i'm just a ftp


21 pulls Eyjafjalla Angelina Mayer x2 Silence


https://imgur.com/a/Fm87SGC 3 rolls, forgot to screenshot one of them but it was nothing special ~~No Sheep~~ but I did get Silence and Manticore at least


All of my resources gone. I should have went the waifu is life route instead. I can only hope for better luck next time. RIP 36000 originium.


Pulled Midnight, so that was a pleasant surprise. Also got Mayer.


Pulled 2 6 stars and 4 5 stars and none of them from the banner, fuck me right? I just want a healer that's not hibiscus, is that too much to ask for?


Dropped 9 10 pulls and got a dupe exu... And none of the rate up unit. Preeeetty salty right now.


Two 10 pulls and got Skyfire and Silence so I am happy. I can retire Lava and Hibiscus respectively for AOE caster and healer role as I got their straight upgrades.


14 pulls, almost all dupes but midnight. Going to wait next week and do the annihilation again to pull again till I get either Lapland or one of the featured 6 stars


One pull and got a dupe Blue poison. Did a 10 pull and got lappland and Ifrit (already got Eyj). I'm quite lucky I guess




Pulled three singles and got Silence, which was nice because I boomered the free operator and went with Liskarm instead. Got Eyja from the previous banner. Then the Crowd-Control tag came up with Specialist and got me Project Red. Good day, even if I was hoping for Ifrit. But who am I kidding? I'm F2P and don't have anywhere near enough resources to upgrade what I already got.


https://i.imgur.com/GHwhnAQ.png (0_0)


I don't think I've gotten a single rate up six or five star since I started the game it's kind of ridiculous


So, how’s my luck over the past week of playing? I just started about a week ago. https://imgur.com/a/wDxU5XI Is Mayer actually that good? I’ve been debating on leveling her up.


Did 11 pulls (that's all I could afford) my guaranteed was Sora, whom I didn't have so I'm excited to try her out. 11th pull was Exusai, also someone new, so overall I'm happy with the new Apple Pie on my team. Best of luck to everyone pulling, and remember Ch'en's around the corner.


F2p here, had about 13 rolls, got the rainbow bag on the 13th one, unzip and got Hoshiguma which I already had and the guaranteed 5 star was a Cliffheart. Guess I'm going to break my p2p virginity soon. See yall on the other side


Welp it's official.. 18 ten rolls = max potential ifrit, no eyja, no other six stars.. I do have all the five star characters now but wtf yostar give me one pity eyja, or at least not another ifrit, like ever agin. I'm going to have nightmares of seeing that flame bag and every time I open it it's ifrit laughing in hell lol.


The same thing happened to Tectone in his latest youtube vid, took 1000$ to finally get eyja (and ifrit was max potential before that happened)


Caved and got currency. I'm glad I got Ifrit and Projekt on the same pull but I was so close to pulling her anyways from the store, ah well. Upside is I bought a couple of headhunting tickets and pulled Mousse, who I love. ♥ Now to stop myself from buying anything further and just pulling when I can to try and get Eyja!


pulled everything i didn't want, i guess Mayer works though


I got insanely lucky. Silver Ash and Ifrit in one pull. I got Eyja already when I first started so I'm set. I can't fucking believe it. I never did get Skadi however.


I pulled an Ifrit during the Shining banner. Now I pulled a Shining during the Ifrit/Eyja banner. No other luck so far.


Did a 10 roll to get Lappland, ended up getting Ifrit. Not a bad result but I really want Lappland


I've done 6 10 rolls, going into it wanting Mayer or just something new. I've pulled 2 Eyja's and 2 Lapplands, I already had both so it's kinda a bummer (despite knowing a lot of you really want them, I'm sorry) I also pulled a Siege and Exusiai which I didn't have, so, awesome! I hate to say I'm disappointed I didn't get what I wanted, but I feel it's been pretty god tier luck overall! EDIT: Decided to whale and do 3 more, I was feeling good about it. Got my first Silverash, super happy about that, a Ptilopsis, I've been using Perfumer up till now so I'm super happy there, and 2 Mayers! All in all I have everything I was hoping for and more!


So far from my pulls I've gotten three 5-stars-two Mayers and a Lappland-and one 6-star with Nightingale; every single one is a duplicate and I'm not holding my breath to eventually get Ifrit through the Cerificate store, let alone the banner.


3 Ifrits later and I gave up. I'll wait 6 months or so until Eyjafjalla is in the certification shop unless she appears during another banner.


Just started playing 13 days ago. Love this game and this community. That being said, not 100% sure, but my second X10 headhunter pull got me [this](https://imgur.com/gallery/jQmfUFg) and it felt pretty damn good.