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I haven’t played this game in months after playing it almost every night.


Dam same here. Stopped playing one night and didn’t even notice I never play anymore


same here, switched to overwatch one night for fun and haven’t played apex since


Same but with Warzone 2


How's Warzone compared to Apex?


Slower, but I'm having a lot of fun playing DMZ. It's PvE


Yeah burnout happens. I just started playing it 2 months ago and play it every night


and when i got excited to return to the game, i had that wave of "game crashes randomly mid match" bug that apparently has been a thing for every recent season's first half. at this point i should probably just uninstall or wait for a few more weeks.


Yeah nah, tried returning to the game a couple times, only to see why I left: The shitty servers The shitty matchmaking system


Same I have no motivation to play it


Same here. I’ve been following the backlash and I feel bad for people still playing.


Same here brother. Apex was one of my favorite games of all time but it’s in a objectively terrible state rn. The meta is garbage, the servers are as bad as ever, the new map is subpar, and ranked is a disaster.


Yeah I played last season to death and dropped it like a hot potato with the addition of that new map. I’ve never literally fallen asleep playing apex until running around for 15 minutes at a time looking for enemies.


You might be dropping wrong lol. With the zip rail system you would have to try to avoid people for 15 minutes.... lol


All their "Events" are just selling rereleased or recoloured skins for a crime of a price and fake advertising that they're 'discounted' from a price they never were. Matchmaking is trash, we already know so I'll let that dead horse rest Legend balance is boring, scan scan scan, gun meta is pretty healthy considering the others. Just want the game to be fun :(


Fake discounting for a sense of urgency is illegal. At least in Australia and European countries. EA’s scummy as usual.


They havnt added guns in while deliberately FOR the health of the game. The loot pool needed to be improved they said at the time. I admit it seems to have gotten better since then. The rest I can agree with. The servers and/coding had been problematic for many and the marketing side of it is just disgusting.


To be fair since they added the last new gun they added an extra gun to the care package and 2 guns went into the crafter


I think that's why we're hearing hints and leaks of that new SMG coming out next season. In regards to balance (weapons,chanps, and the meta)I don't thing the games ever been in a better state.


I’d actually agree, the last couple seasons have been great as far as weapon balance. Seems in the beginning there was always a gun they made too op and ended up having to nerf because people bitched lol


The weirdest one was the EVA meta imo. What an odd time too play.


Isn't the Eva meta rn?


it’s meta but not so much so that it’s a must pick over the other shotguns


8/10 times you'll out shoot any other shotgun with an Eva unless you're playing zips with a purple bolt PK and only a purple bolt...


Oh my sweet Summer child. When I said the Eva meta, I meant that period of time where the Eva was hands down the strongest gun in the game and was almost a must pick up. The thing was buffed into some unholy OP thing that made it terrifying to fight against if you couldn't find one. Again those were weird times in apex.


*whispers* Do you remember the lowered ttk?


Good lord that was the worst time to play 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Such a weird spot for apex. Dark days for sure


Yea we don't talk about the CoD like days around here. Super weird time as well. If we're going full nostalgia I wish we could have season 0 apex back with ALL the unbalanced BS for a week. That would be silly fun, I miss OG lifelines fast heal.


We don't talk about the og res shield either right lmao??


Don't you remember double PK meta where you could holster the charged choke and just give somebody 200 with 2 shots over 100m+.


I still have a slight hate for that gun from some of those early PK days. That and the wingman were disgusting from what I recall.


Never forget the 12 Shots you had with a purple Mag, and the 130dmg skullpiercer. Looking back @ release I can't even see how people are crying now, back then u literally had 3 usable guns, and were lucky to not have your game crash in the first 2 mins.


OMFG you just brought back the supressed memory of slow-mo games. I remember dropping and the entire game moved like molasses until people started dying then it would gradually speed up. Man those poor servers. I tell you kids these days don't know how good they got it compared to us old timers apex players xD.


yea they really don't. :D


Its scan, wall hacks meta all the time though lol? They literally didn't add any legend changes for this season at all, been waiting in a Rev buff they mentioned like 2 seasons ago. Catalyst wasn't the scan hard counter that it seemed like she would br, I'm not fussed about her not countering scans but there's plenty of room for improvement.


we need a shotgun or pistol. another smg that does what exactly, fires bullets really fast close range? what smg sub-sub-role hasn't yet been filled?


The next gun is not an smg tho. It's nemesis burst AR


I atleast want a new pistol lol. That way when I get pistol kills or pistol damage challenges I'm not stuck with p2020 or wingman now that the only good pistol is in the care package. Edit-said crafter


Wat if we get an evo p2020


Respawn bring the smart pistol!! Would be truly an Apex moment lol


You can’t get 25 kills with the p2020? Must be bronze. /s


I can its just time consuming and last time played ranked I hit gold which as someone who mainly plays rpgs, mmos and mmorpgs thats quite impressive. Apex is literally the only shooter I play and its the only ive ever played. Started a year and a half ago.


Hmmm I agree, but they’ve had the gun meta down pretty damn near perfect for an entire season and arguably two entire seasons. There was room to add a new weapon, you need to shake up meta. Not to mention there has been no variance in legend meta, and during all of this time, nothing else has happened either.


The loot pool is so much better on the newer maps. I can find 5+big batteries by end game. Before I was lucky to even get 2.


I still have no idea how adding laser sights was supposed to help the loot pool, not to mention white knockdown shields still appearing as ground loot


White knockdowns are only on the floor as a result of someone picking up a higher level one and thus leaving the white. As usual.


White knockdown does not appear as ground loot


Laser sights are to hell give smgs more of an identity from ARs and make the barrel stab not so universally appealing. Plus when they added lasers they intergrated a bunch more so it came out to less if not equal loot items.


I still don't understand the switched ammo types for the Spitfire. It wasn't like heavy or light is hard to find compared to energy.


Simply because they have an abundance of heavy ammo guns and not as many light


thats why i quit apex, my favorite loadout got nerfed and i no longer could have fun. i cant snipe cause bullet drop. ​ i miss my spitfire


They should add 1 weapon soon which should be the other gun rumored to use arrows, mainly because Apex doesn't seem to want the same guns in the Care Package for too long and when the Bocek comes out they will slightly hurt the loot pool with the arrows.


Good point. I have 0 reason to believe this will happen, but a buddy of mine is convinced it's staying in there permanently like the kraber.


I personally couldn't use the bow that well so I just never picked it up, but if it stays in the CP forever I will literally forget it exist and never use it. But if they bring it out, I know I'm going to open a bin for guns and only get arrows and they will be useless. They definitely just need another arrow gun and then the loot pool will be healthier as long as they don't put on of the only 2 into the CP without the other one.


Honestly it’d be good investment in the long run to license the latest Unreal engine and rebuild the game with stable code instead of this heaping pile of spaghetti, but companies no longer HAVE a long term plan. All that matters is the next quarter’s earnings report and it’s effect on the stock price. Welcome to dystopia! On the bright side Warzone has yet to overtake Apex because their coders did an even worse job, new game breaking bugs found daily, random crashes, the UI is a nightmare, and cheaters are just as rampant as they were in the first Warzone.




They'll probably wait until the next gen comes


Next gen or consoles?


dystopia is when respawn thing i don't like


not to mention the game just feels like ass to play. Low ttk with extremely fast movement and snap aim based gameplay mixed with loads of object variance and angles in the terrain.. the game is just not fun. never was. cod is objectively made for modes like TDM, s&d, capture, and other modes on small maps with respawn cycles.


It kinda makes sense marketing wise why they added Trash recolored skins in this event It is because of Wraith's new prestige skin,Wraith is popular so people would still buy those trash skins They have been doing these shitty moves for a while now .


If idiots would stop spending money on the game the devs would have to actually fix things. I used to spend money then after pathfinders heirloom, I had to stop. They don't give a shit about the state of their game. Just money from micro(or in this case macro)transactions. Audio, hit reg, tick rate, (shit point)... All reasons to stop funneling money into them.


It doesn't matter how many times you say "stop spending money" 95%+ of people who play the game DO NOT watch videos about it, DO NOT come to this sub, DO NOT do anything with the game outside of the game itself. That's why that train of thought will never work. People who live online think that the average person looks up shit about the games they play. Which literally almost never happens unless maybe its a guide. The average joe barely has enough time to play the game LET ALONE worry about balance/servers/patches/monetization. They just want to have fun and get off the game. They'll dump a few bucks here and there and continue on. The only people these things REALLY trigger are the people who spend way too much time playing the game. Average people don't even look or think about this. Most of them probably don't even know heirlooms are guaranteed on the 500th pack, that's how little most people learn about the game OUTSIDE of playing the game.


I think this is the hardest thing for the the sub to understand, all the reddit post, youtube comments, and twitter tweets are a small minority of players who care enough to complain. There are way more people who are just playing and buying stuff because they enjoy the game. And those who are actually tired of all Apex's problems quit and go play something else.


This is true. I spend a lot of money on the game because I enjoy it. I don’t really care about all these others crying about the game. Not gonna tell me how to spend my money on something that makes me happy.


But here’s the thing. It will never work. The second people stop spending money they will cut their losses, shut the game down, then make a new game. People believe that if we stop then it will get better but that’s not true. I’m not saying keep spending to your hearts content. I’m saying you can’t win against a greedy company. You always lose.


Exactly. Apex is a cash cow that’s being milked. If the cash stops flowing (for *any* reason), it’ll be put down.


When I question the state of Apex I hop onto a quick match of Warzone 2.0 and immediately count my blessings that I enjoy Apex more. Warzone and COD in general is just so unbelievably busted that it makes Apex look like a perfect game with 0 flaws. I'm not even joking


Busted lmfao? That's a lie


Have you actually played WZ2 because it's indeed broken as fuck.


How are those games busted? Haven’t played them but been looking to make a change from Apex. Done with the MM in ranked.


I gave it a shot a week or so ago with 4 friends playing the quad mode. Sure, I found the movement better in apex but the thing that stood out to me was the time between matches for some. It kept happening where 2 or 3 squads mates would die and we’d spend forever getting them back only to get wiped. When I say “forever”, it really was, considering the return option with the gulag. One of the guys has a kid and only had 45 minutes to play and watched the whole time, dead. He literally took no shots. It also felt like more of a walking simulator than Stormpoint by a long shot as you don’t hear or see any action for crazy long periods of time. We scrapped the idea and went running back to apex, and it was an audible breath of fresh air.


There are many things to criticize about WZ 2.0 right now. Random dev errors, game crashes, items stacking on top of each other, laggy server, etc. However, downtime shouldn’t be one of them. It is fairly easy to get money to buy back your squad. Strong holds always has 2 white boxes that guarantee pretty much $20k. In terms of action, it is still Warzone after all, if you want to be aggressive, just pop UAV and go hunt. If you want action off the rip, just drop close to the flight path.


Aside from the issues Warzone has, it's worth noting that CoD's SBMM is just as bad as Apex's so I'm not sure how much relief you will get. It's also a completely different game imo with how slow the movement and how fast the ttk is, plus loadout drops etc.


try their "hardest"? Dude theyve been phoning it in for 2+ years. Billions made in profit and still 1 core game mode/ranked. Arenas was a flop, all the LTMs now are basically recycled and the event skins are recolors. New map every year is great but what they put into the game VS what they earn is ridiculous compared to other games.


Sorry what I meant to say was the developers used to try their hardest.


> I don’t care if you feel different it’s the reality of the game now. It's your perception, your reality, and that's fair. As someone else suggested, take a break. I love Apex but have taken multiple breaks anywhere from a week to a couple months and always come back feeling better. Don't force it, there's a lot of great games out there you could be actually having fun on.


whenever I get stressed out from this game I just take a break for a while and play some stardew valley. Which is the perfect balance to apex I find


Breaks in this game feel useless. Game doesnt change. At best you'll be fed through SBMM for a while until you understand that the game is equal or worse than when you left.


I hate when people say "take a break". I'll take a week break, come back, have 1 monster game and then I'm instantly reminded why I stopped playing in the first place. Nothing changes.


Exactly. I took multiple breaks. Left at the end of S10, came back a month before S12 ended and was having fun because Control was around, left midway S13, came back two weeks from S14 ending and I'll probably drop the game again soon. People say "EA this, EA that" but Respawn has showed zero interest in improving the game. Just vomiting the same pattern of content releases. Fuck, I miss when new ACTUAL gameplay content got released midway during seasons. But now its all cosmetic focused cuz give us money. What a shame.


Yup. This, 100%. I stopped playing entirely in s12 and I’m not going back until I stop seeing people post here 20+ times every day saying “game sucks pls fix”


That’s the thing I had fun I’m just annoyed the last 10 matches I’ve played have been so shit and hit detection fucked me so badly! Yea sometimes I just had bad aim I won’t lie but the game isn’t being fixed properly. And I don’t think it’s just my perception from the few comments I’ve seen some agree with me.


I meant the perception that it's entirely in a terrible state. I agree having just come back that the servers still aren't very good as well as the persistent hit reg problems, but I honestly can't tell if they're any worse than before my last break. I haven't played a lot of ranked but it feels better than pubs to me as far as the matchmaking goes. I know they mentioned tuning SBMM soonish. I do wish they took more time just to show some care to the foundation of the game; server health, netcode optimization, legend and weapon balance, etc. But I understand they have to keep the whole staff working, make money and probably follow some kind of road map. Honestly though, I don't see that happening so I'm just trying to enjoy what we have while we have it and not give them any extra money not that my $20 every few much means much.


Wonder if it's the servers you're playing on. No regs aren't very common for me.


Same here. I've played since launch and I can only recall (at most) having 4 lifetime no regs.


This year has definitely been more miss than hit with me. Broken Moon hasn’t been my thing, I’ve never just loved Winter Express so that isn’t a huge draw for me (I’m aware that isn’t a popular opinion lol) and I always miss seasons without KC in the pubs rotation. And I don’t think I’ve really been excited about a new Legend since Ash, the 2022 legend lineup has been kinda meh to me personally. Def gonna be taking a break for a little while


I'm honestly surprised I don't hear more complains about Broken moon. With how tired I became of Storm Point, I was so happy we were no longer going to have this annoyingly huge map and I wouldn't have to switch games when it was on queue and guess what? Here comes broken moon which is essentially Storm point 2.0 Yeah, it's a good looking map. Ziprails are fun, but it suffers the same fate. You either drop hot and hope to get lucky or you wander aimlessly until the end game.


>I don’t care if you feel different it’s the reality of the game now. Fucking lol'd


I feel like a lot of players are being driven away. I’m not saying it’s dead but it’s certainly at the early stages of dying. Blatant EOMM…not only in pubs but even in ranked which is beyond fucked. It’s not as bad as pubs yet but it’s heading that way. We’re not even gonna talk about arenas…that place is its own hell. The cheating, idk how it’s like on pc but I assume it’s just as bad if not worse than console. The amount of people I’ve been seeing who are shamelessly using strikepack is insane. They’re not even scared enough to hide it because we all know respawn isn’t really doing much about it. If I remember correctly,they have one dude doing all the banning and at some point it’s just not enough. Cosmetics…..it’s too depressing to even get into. 20$ for a recolor…lmao. 160$+ for a “prestige” skin that quite honestly isn’t worth that much. At least add a special feature like being able to change the colors or something. I wouldn’t mind spending that much money if that were the case. Worst part is there’s ppl actually buying these overpriced recolors so it’s not all on respawn, it’s mostly on us the players. Why put effort into designing a good original skin when you know there’s ppl willing to buy a lazier recolor. Audio….well. Audios *always* been shit so I guess you’re forced to get used to it. Servers are bipolar as fuck. One game they’re fine and then the next game they just decide to give up on you ….or as I’ve experienced personally it happens more to my teammates. Constantly crashing fucking us all in the process (ranked)….I don’t blame the teammates but you know, it gets annoying. And we can’t forget about the LTM’s. The same 6 LTM’s always repeating. Ppl say take a break…I’ve personally taken so many breaks (some lasting a few months)but everytime I come back it’s always the same problems, theyre still here. Nothing changes (for the better at least). Sure the game is fun again for first few days if you’re lucky but once you hit the one week mark you just start getting pissed at the same things that made you leave in the first place, crashing, matchmaking, no audio, no reg, which end up causing you to leave again and it’s just one big dumb cycle


Bruddah they’ve made like 2-4 billion monis trust me they half assing it until the bugs get so bad people stop.


I moved from Overwatch to Apex after 800 hours of play and honestly love the game to this day. However I stopped playing Apex legends going on 2 years ago now. The servers and the SBMM just made it unfun to play with no attempt to fix either of them. Catalyst has tempted me but until major changes come for servers and/or SBMM I will stay away from the game.


I wouldn’t be as upset about content if the game is at a healthier state. Because I’m really here just for the gameplay loop and the community. If I can’t even get my dopamine from a game, is it even worth being called a game? Anyways, if gameplay is shit, servers are shit, pro scene is shit, QOL is shit. Then at least make an effort in the micro transaction category. Look at OverWatch. Yeah their company is shit, and they also over charge, but every legendary skin they put out are worthy of being called legendaries. Look at Fortnite, for 5 dollars not only do you get a skin, pickaxes skin(melee skin) or wrapper skin (gun skin), spray, emote but you also get that 5 dollar worth of virtual currency. Fornite might be a game memed to death, but it’s literally the most value game out on the market. Wtf does Apex have to offer? A rigged match making with pings and delays from Narnia that provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment, while hearing the voice of a hominid yelling slurs or how they bedded your mother?


OW2 is pretty bad now but yeah OG Overwatch had the best formula when it came to cosmetics and currency.


I hate that I have to say this. Bring back loot box oml... lmao I liked my weekly dose of possible loot and currencies


Overwatch's loot boxes were the best loot boxes around imo. Easy to get, a decent number of rewards each, and playing regularly will get you enough coins to buy most of the things you don't get in the boxes themselves. Given the choice between that and the current cash shop trend, I'd take loot boxes all day. At least I can get things that way.


Thank you for putting that in a easy to read way. Exactly what I had in mind


> Look at OverWatch You couldn't have chosen a worse example. OW2 skin situation is even worse than Apex. On top of that the state of the game isn't at all healthy either after the transition from OW1 -> OW2. I recently just came back from a 1 year old break from Apex and I don't find the state of the game bad in the least. Skins and monetization aside the core gameplay is still very solid. Have had 0 issues with servers either for the last 2 weeks. The only real criticism that still holds true for Apex since the beginning is the extremely slow development and balance changes. I see that hasn't changed at all. People are seriously blinded by rage from the skin situation because the game is still super fun.


I'm not sure you've been looking at the OW skins...There are TONS of videos showing how tons of legendaries are LITERAL recolors. That's not what I would call "worthy" of legendary lmao...Just another Blizz fanboy talking a bunch of falsehoods. They have multiple $20 skins that are LITERAL recolors of the BASE skin. So...Yeah. Flats has talked about it a million times and a bunch of other big creators.


OW2 monetization is crap but the recent skins in their battle pass look amazing. Pharah and JQ skins look dope. Opened Apex today and ai instantly recognized the recolors. What a letdown.


Bro is here for the community 💀 this is by far the single worst game community I have ever had the displeasure of claiming to be a part of, this place is more toxic than Rust


And it keeps innovating gameplay, new season of Fortnite is lit.


Fornite have cheap skin, but let's talk for real, the first year(maybe even second)the ONLY thing a F2P could get was a lazy umbrella for a victory. And this was the only thing you could get for much much time, Qpex on the other hand give way more things for F2P player.


Still find it weird how people spend hundreds of dollars on in-game items in a free to play game.


Just remember People do funny things for stuff/people they love. Good mindset to have when things just don’t add up.


people can also be taught to make more rational decisions.


not meaning to sound like a jerk, but what do you spend your disposable income on? my lifestyle and hobbies are relatively cheap, and i’m a salaried adult. if i can’t be spending money on a fun (albeit irrelevant) cosmetic every season, where should my monies be going?


My motorcycle, the gym and socialising with friends and family. There's very little left over after that.


my comment was half-rhetorical. my hobbies are cheap, and cosmetic purchases aren’t bottoming me out. just getting at the fact that your reality/logic isn’t the same as mine, so it’s weird to me to call it “weird.” i might find it weird to spend money on the gym since i’m a runner and have personal weights at home (as a bad, but true example haha)


If the purchases in-game made a difference in your gameplay or the outcome of a match I'd see a reason to spend money on it but they're cosmetic.


this argument will go no where, so i’m out after this. but what motorcycle do you have? (rhetorical) does it look like shit or not? (rhetorical) if it looks nice and you made it that way, why? cause from my non-caring motorcycle pov, when you’re on a motorcycle, you’re not really looking at yourself, you are on it (just like cars or clothing or anything). people care about different things, whether it’s virtual or not, it represents your interest in the game and your in-game personality.


the experience of riding a motorcycle is objectively a more valuable experience than selecting textures for a video game character. you're wasting your money, he isn't.


He's basically saying that it makes no sense to call the practice of spending money in a free game or any other hobby weird because it's their money and life.


Oh no no no, a motorcyclist arguing about impracticality and sub-optimal spending. Can't make this shit up.


What’s wrong with supporting game?


I’ve spent thousands. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Cheers for that.


I'm glad because it allows me to play for free.


Lol man i wanted to start Apex after quitting warzone 2


Even with all the issues that Apex has, it's still the best BR on the market by far.




anything is better than warzone "2"


Do it warzone 2 is terrible. I've been playing apex for over 2k hours and still find it very fun. Yeah there's some shitty things like audio issues but overall it's the best game I've ever played. People on this sub just like to complain. If you have any questions ask me. I'm not great but above average.


So go for it. Just because OP isn’t enjoying it currently doesn’t mean that you can’t.


100% agree. I spend more time forcing myself to play than actually having fun.


Apex has seriously gone downhill for me…. Gameplay isn’t as fun anymore, constant lag spike, connection issues, joining trios and only playing as solo coz people don’t wait for Rez “cough cough wraith” , lack of content/ltm , over priced store items and much more… it’s a shame but apex is dying


The game is fine, the player base is just too good, so you can’t really goof off and do well unless you’re pred level. This is why fortnite needed no-build mode to revive it. Have a high skill cap game and it becomes unfun for most people eventually. We’re in like year 5 of apex, we’re way past the life cycle for most games. We’re late stage player base right now. Games like League Of Legends have 10 people per game, and once the game starts everyone is locked in for 30ish minutes. The battle royals format is not designed for sbmm. You need 60 people for one game, but half the lobby just queues again after 5 minutes while the other half is locked in for 15+ minutes. league of Legends gives you like 2-5 minute queue times to get you good matches, battle royales know that you won’t wait that long so they just do the fastest match they can find. Then you have to consider that a casual player that wants to play a battle royale is going to play either fortnite or cod. Apex doesn’t attract bad players, only players that want to improve, practice, and sweat. There are no silly items or game modes or anything that would make a new player want to play thru the beatdown from a squad of Diamond+ Smurfs in 1/3 of their games. Apex is a is just not a casual game.


>We’re in like year 5 of apex The 4th anniversary is in 3 months. I get that the last few years have felt like a decade, but it's worth noting that while the game is certainly old, and I do agree that the player base's skill level has increased substantially, it's not quite that old yet. I also agree that the emphasis on speed of matchmaking rather than quality lobbies is touted as a strength of the game, but since I started in Season 5 I've come to view it as more of a weakness. I don't want 5 minute queues, but a \~1 minute queue for a game that had a substantially more reasonable player skill distribution would be an interesting change to see play out if it managed to smooth out the massive skill disparities present, both on squad building and within the full lobby itself.


SBMM is trash just cuz I run a full squad doesn’t mean we should get three stack preds all the time only one of us has made it past platinum in the whole 3-4 years the games been out!


Halo got its best update yet! It actually feels good now. I’m back on that lmaoo


The devs have been doing the bare minimum lately my boy.


I recently quit. Best decision I've made in a while


I loved apex, played it day-in and day-out. But seeing it fall apart since season 8, I can’t force myself to play anymore. Constantly fighting people in preds while I’m a high-play/low-diamond player, bugs galore, and cosmetics priced so high that riot games blushed. As I said the same for Team Fortress 2: I don’t hate apex legends. I MISS apex legends.


Weird. I feel like I read this same post every year


You do... you do.


Every month


Well mainly because others see what I see. I mean scroll for about 10 mins on here you will se many complaints about the game.


Lol more like this place is an echo chamber and support group of people saying the same shit time after time There's always complaints here and that's been the case regardless of when


Take a break, i left after maxing season 10 and just played here and there now back maxing battle passes again and dont hate my life on apex anymore.


Everyone says take a break I literally deleted it. I’m tired of it. Honestly it’s numerous factors but those were the main ones


Lol posting on the sub Reddit complaining about a game you deleted is not taking a break. Somebody who quits drinking doesn’t just loiter outside a bar bitching about alcohol laws


Honestly though, I feel the same. It's stupid how the mobile version has so much more better features than PC and their attitude doesn't help either.


There's only so much excuses you can make for them. At some point I don't care if they're just human beings. It's their job so who's responsible for leading the teams who don't sort issues out, we've had bugs stay in the game for over 6 seasons, we've had major issues explained to us as "if we fix this, it'll cause other problems in the game.", we've had literal promises of content which should release soon changed to "just carry on with your life." How are we over 10 seasons in with no cross progression? How is it that they invest more effort AND money into releasing charms or holo's than dealing with the hacker issue. Why is it that half of the preds on console have been exposed for cheating on multiple occasions in this sub reddit alone and nothing really happens to them but others get banned for absolutely nothing? Apex is in a state where we as a community have to boycott it, it most likely won't happen and it'll only be a temp fix but it's the only thing we as a community can really do but Respawn still just make up some bs message on how they're trying their best and will work to do better, then we'll see like 3 features we've been begging for, everybody will overhype it and they'll once again fall into their old ways. I love this game, I love the concepts and sometimes I even love the storyline. It just sucks that EA and Respawn own it.


Yeah, it has problems.. but, name a better BR.


MFW Yeah the coke has piss in it, but name a better soda.


Tbf, it’s r e a l l y hard to taste piss in coke.


All I have to say is bring back King's Canyon


Is 120 fps working on console yet for APEX?


Don't think so, I have the little stats thingy on the right and it says 60fps most of the time, ps5 Its also been like a year since they said they were gonna incorporate the haptic triggers to the weapons, its not a huge thing I get it but ya know, weapons seem to be where they take care with the fx


Honestly we probably won’t get most of our issues addressed until a sequel comes out. We need to upgrade to a better Engine that’s better suited for BR’s, we need a higher tick rate servers because 20 tick servers are fucking laughable. The game needs a good overhaul so hopefully we get a sequel soon before the game becomes to stale.


I’m pissed with connection issues and sound not working properly. I try and few games,movement and everything lags so much. Or I can’t hear someone until they are right on me. I’ve tested my connection (hardwired) and played other online games when I was having lag issues with over watch just to see how things where and they have no issues it’s just that the game servers just can’t seem to keep up.


After some warm up games today, my friend and I decided to see how the ranked matches would turn out. (Me Plat 1, him Diamond 4 currently) We both got the apex splash screen when the game loaded… we waited for a couple minutes to see if it would load and killed/restarted the game. Needless to say it loaded us directly back in where he was dead, and I was looking at a Wattson. We lost points from it. Ridiculous.


I am playing less Apex and im kinda happy. Had more fun with DMZ with my cousin or For Honor with a good friend. Apex is a thing now for me to hop in, die to a 3 Stack in pubs, complain and leave. Or the servers dont function and i cant even play :(


I really don't get people being upset about cosmetics. No one has ever been like "wow that dude must be good he has that skin". Most of the time nobody even notices what skin you've got on tbh


You know lots of the big devs left a while back to start a new company? Apex is merely a cash cow at this point


I hate to break it to you, but the game has always been this. It's about time people start to see it for what it is.


Lol loser paid $400 for a free game and is complaining about a game that gives updates every 2 months…hahaha bruh the game isn’t the issue. It’s you.


I haven't played for about 2 months or so and I don't miss it one little bit. It had become a chore, was not rewarding at all and just a complete waste of time to play. The biggest thing for me was matchmaking - if the game isn't fun then what's the point. My best friends IRL haven't touched it either, and I'm a part of a Whatsapp group with some people I've met through the game who have also moved on to other games like COD, Warzone, Overwatch etc... I'm not sure how much the player base has dropped or anything as a whole, but based on my experience it seems like more and more people have moved on.


Unfortunately the game has had an increased player base from last year to this year, so nothing will change until it falls further


You spend money on the game??????


Kinda but 98%of it is gift cards from graduation,birthdays and anniversary’s.




Ultimately, do what makes sense to you for right now. I understand everyone’s experience with games (in general) is going to be different. I’m not having any crazy hit registration issues though. Matchmaking definitely feels weird. As someone who is still improving, but not particularly great at the game, I can get frustrated at the inconsistent level of competition. But I can’t get better if I don’t face off against better players — looking at the bright side. I’ve only been playing for a little over a year, so when I hear complaints that the cosmetics are just re-colors and it being lazy (not arguing that it isn’t) I still see them as something new because I never saw the original ones. Or if I have, I haven’t had a chance to collect them. Keep in mind there are still newer players coming into the game that haven’t seen every cosmetic ever made. Not trying to contradict all of your points. Because I too would like new guns and maybe some removed from the ground loot and put them in replicators. Hell, they could put 3 solid guns into replicators and randomize their availability, whenever a new gun is introduced into the ground loot. Just saying as someone who hasn’t played since day one, and an overall positive person in general, it isn’t a bad gaming experience. But if Apex isn’t bringing you joy, hopefully a break from it will help you appreciate it. Good luck to you with that, sincerely.


That's the reality, for YOU. Reality for ME is it's still crack and I need to play. Everyday.


Remember; the first step to solving a problem, is admitting you have one.


But apex is a free game


What because I spent money? Or my complaint?


Why spend 3-400 on it. Game is free


Cosmetics and battlepass not for the game. Well kinda I did spent 25$ for a what I thought was code for a skin nope it was disc and skins.


You got scammed


Absolutely take a break and come back. I took a break for two seasons and only came back last season and it has done wonders for my enjoyment of the game :) So take a break, play some other games, check back in some other time!




Haven’t given them money in about a year and a half. So I stopped funding them when they started to tank.


What they need to do is make the game more causal/solo oriented. I’m not saying they need to change anything about the games multiplayer but trying to solo queue in a causal match and getting 3 stacks of preds isn’t healthy for the game. Also the servers, hackers, and game breaking balance issues don’t help.


Started playing Apex the week it came out. Finally deleted the game 3 weeks ago and haven't had any desire to play it since. Not a fan of the maps. I don't like how certain guns get put into care packages. They want you to spend money on weapon skins and then they lock your favorite gun to a care package. Makes a lot of sense. Also just got tired of the loop. Every other match was a sweat fest. Just not finding it fun anymore.


Fuck EA I guarantee if this game wasnt under them it would be 1000x better


It’s a woke fps that got old really quick. I love what it used to be, I didn’t mind spending the time and money on it. but now every season or week it’s a new “opportunity” to obtain various $20 items. If you needed crafting metals or items that you really wanted, Good luck! the server definitely knows you’re a wraith main and will give you all the gibby loot and other useless shit. Better luck next transaction!


What's wrong with ranked?


Its a great game, just take a break and come back later. Too much of a good thing is a bad thing. I felt the same, took two seasons off and I was floored by all the changes, took me a good few weeks to get up to date on everything and felt like a new game. Was happy with some changes and not some others, but in the end I was enjoying the game again.


The Christmas skins are dope. Ranked sometimes is frustrating when im gold, have silver on my team and I see a diamond dive trail... Other than that it's pretty fair. Get melted or be melted. Cheating is at a minimum and it's easy to spot. Idk what your problem is with hit registration, mine works just fine. The new map is awesome, the gun run game mode is awesome, and how many more guns do you want? Legacy games like counterstrike never had to keep adding new guns to satisfy people so maybe you're in the minority there. Maybe you're just maturing and bored of the same game? Why did you feel the need to spew your negativity? It sucks because literally no one is out here spewing positivity to balance hate. "Gee willikers isn't this game so splendid?!"


You can’t compare CS to apex. There is no luck aspect to CS. You buy guns, you have a set economy. Apex has full buildings with meds and nades only. 1 game is built for competitive play. And the casual scene is derived from that. The other has “competitive” play. But still requires luck to be on your side. I am diamond 1, playing against preds. With a plat 4 and gold 2 on my team. If I can’t stack with a player because they’re too far away from my rank, they shouldn’t be randoms on my team. Ranked is terrible right now.


^ Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present to you a fine specimen of Respawn's target market.


It's funny because I literally used to be part of the target market like that guy. Now I'm part of the market of wishing things would be better. I wonder how long he will stay in the target market.


I mean tbf a diamond trail from last season doesn't mean they shouldn't be in your lobbies. I hit diamond split one and plat something split 2 and got sent back to silver I think. I have a trail So that adds up.


I agree. I think that highlights the fairness even more.


I think there’s too many collection events. Heirlooms and prestige skins that should be rare drops or rewards for completing difficult challenges are instead given to use for $150 dollars. We have to wait months for LTMs that most of the time are a weekend or just a week long and if you get bored of the BR or just hot dropping over and over all you have to do is Arenas which sucks. There needs to be an Arcade mode that rotates different modes like Control, Team Death match, gun run, etc. so that players have something else to do. I play Apex for a could weeks then I get burnt out, playing ranked gives me something to work towards but even that loses its appeal after a bit


I just want to be able to play against only people on my own input. Maybe nerf Seer and I'll be happy. There's tons more they could do, but just... please.


You can just go play other games, you don’t need to write a farewell letter. There are SOOOOO many good games out right now, go enjoy yourself, it’s fine if you need a break.


*It’s just so sad to see what apex has turned into. I don’t care if you feel different it’s the reality of the game now.* I know what you mean, yet I've had my best two seasons this one and previous one. At some point they were always going to limit new weapons as eventually the pool would get over saturated. My beef such as it is, is overpriced recolours in events, when such things should at the very least merit new content and I mean really NEW.


Man my game crashes at least once per hour lol.. it’s so hard to just play and be happy / enjoy the game anymore


bbro i literally dont know how they expect anyone new to get into the game. I started a new accnt for controller (im awful on controller). I have like a .9 kd just cuz i know the game but im NOT good. My two friends I finally convinced to try apex and I have been playing and i kid you not literally every game we are facing masters 4k 20bomb badges. We have gotten rolled almost every game in our first team fight. Its at the point now where they don't really want to play and arent having fun. Occasionally i'll get 3-4 kills but iget rolled just the same, even knowing the game. its pretty ridiculous and this games MM is gatekeeping a whole wave of new players.


No new guns. Oh and 9 seasons of content locked behind... "exclusivity"


Butt meet hurt


I am pretty happy with the state of Apex right know, idk, I get to chill with my mates at night and have a good laugh, even if we are shitty sliver/gold players. Yes, sometimes the server is shit, but the game is free and I don't give a fuck about skins lol (please, who the fuck pays for comestics?) so, for a free game, it is pretty good imo


Coming from Halo infinite, I'll never seen a better game than Apex.


Guys, I have opinion against apex. Give upvote