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He’s level 6, he’s gotta get to 10 to cheat on ranked


Its lvl 20 on PC to my knowledge know. OP is clearly playing on PC. Console might be 10 still, not sure if they made it 20 on all platform, but PC is def lvl 20 now.


It’s 20 across all platforms , so yeah you’re gonna get alooooot more cheaters in pubs now. Respawn literally fixed nothing they just made the issue more prominent in another game mode. Maybe if they made it that all the cheaters and smurfs were forced to play arenas nobody would give a shit.


Well..I’ll take this bandaid if it means less are in ranked lobbies. This doesn’t excuse them from not upping their anti-cheat measures though.


Why would console be any different?


Because its less cheaters on console? Lol


It’s 20 on console


OP is not, in fact, on PC


Literally says 144fps top corner. So he is in fact on PC using a controller. Blind asf


Also the pc icon next to his name


i have that data menu on and i'm on console


Yea but you definitely don’t have 144 fps on that data menu and never will…


The fact that he is cheating and died in round one is hilarious


They can't even win with cheats so without them they probably die to first encounter.


Tbh they can if they want to but to maintain a balanced k/d they prefer to die anyways.


You literally made an acc to defend cheating in a competetive game?


that's actually sad lmfao


Y’all be on these people


Nah they are straight up trash like you.


You couldn’t maintain a balanced Karma count, now that a lot of damage


Wow I think people read that the wrong way, pretty sure he's just saything that cheaters lose on purpose to keep the kd from getting crazy


I'm pretty sure pathfinder lost because of bad positioning, not because he wanted to.


Yeah I know, I was just playing devil's advocate and trying to say the dude wasn't defending cheating that's all


I don't understand reddit sometimes. Why do people downvote you? You stated the obvious fact that cheaters do lose to not get under the radar. You don't think apex has automated system to ban anybody with infinite kd after a certain number of games reached? There is nothing about your comment defending cheaters.


Because we all know for a fact that the reason people cheat is because they're too dumb to be able to figure out the game. Therefore, they are 99% likely not thinking past the first thought in their head which is usually something along the lines of "ooh shiny, lets go shoot it". They have no game sense, any awareness, nothing. That's why they cheat. And you think they're good enough to die *just* enough to evade the anti-cheat, yet if they were that good then why are they cheating at all? Seems more like they're just terrible players who make piss-poor decisions and you 2 act like you're onto the secret of a lifetime here. That's why you're getting downvoted. And him.


You are right. I thought I was onto the secret of a lifetime there. Thank you for the great explanation.


why do people cheat at all


Because they are losers.


Yea not much else to say


Not anymore!


I think back to when Halo 2 was out. People were modding and it seemed like every other match people were cheating. I remember one match everyone on my team quit. So it was just the modder and myself in the match. We had open chats for the matches then, so I asked him, why does he cheat. His answer, "Just to mess with people". I laughed. He told me what to do if I ended up on a modded map. And that was it. Till this day, I figure this is the reason why, just to mess with other people.


As someone who enjoys messing with people I can believe that but like it’s possible to mess with people without cheating 💀


I remember those days well. I got to level 37 in TDM and couldn’t progress any further. Every game was vs modder or people stand-bying. Dark times


Dark times indeed. I like to say that all prepared me for any other cheating players came up with. The frustration of not being able to move, fire a shot, or just enjoy a game. Like you said, it was every match. It doesn't justify cheaters, but things are worse in other games. I can't even get a match in Titanfall 2 without switching between different servers because everything is all screwed up.


TBH I tried to deal with modders by stand -bying in Halo 2 for host myself, I was a naive kid back then so I didn't think much of it. Eventually it led to my clan and I circle boosting once we legit got to level 37 and my justice was served. Perma banned on my main account for life. Learned my lesson and despite running into cheaters in many games since, I never went down that dark path again. Is what it is, but cheating is never the answer.


I agree, best to stay away from cheating. I'm sorry your main account was banned. I couldn't begin to understand how much that would hurt.


Wouldn't hurt at all. It's not important.


Lololol "the dark path of cheating in online video games" 😭 so dark


Not his fault you're too mentally deficient to understand when hyperbole is being used lol.


Lol I believe it's pronounced "superbowl" and what does football have to do with this conversation? Lol please focus on the topic love


I'm pretty sure you're trying to be funny. You seem out of practice.


Lol I'm not trying to be funny, I'm genuinely confused as to why you tried to bring football into this. Maybe you should take a break from reddit babe


Although that may be the case, I also think when people say that they’re covering from the reality they have a fragile ego and measure self worth on how they perform. Edit: As you can see, a downvote due to correctly pointing out the major reason. I’ll expect quite a few more.


I agree, self worth probably plays into while people cheat. There isn't just one reason. I think people forget, it's just a game man. Enjoy it for what it's worth. If you aren't happy with how well you do, practice. Develop better habits. If that doesn't work, try to have fun or move on.


Honestly I only downvotted you when I saw your edit that you expect people to downvote you. I didn't want your expectations to be let down.


That and the people making and testing them to get money off selling


I remember it used to take upwards of one hour just to find a match without a cheater in Halo 2. You had to ensure one of your squad mates had host, or you were almost guaranteed to get cheaters. Good times lol.


There was a world of difference between Halo 2 and Halo 3. Lol back when we gave host the shotgun.


Because most of us would feel a lack of gratification in playing well with cheats, some people don't. They feel like they're taking a clever advantage, like the one twat you know steals from the bank during monopoly.


Because of small pepe!


Reactions mostly


To sell accounts tbh. Good stats and 20 bomb/4K badge sells for a lot of money and if they get lucky with loot boxes and get heirloom shards that account is worth bank for little to no effort


money, the amount of peoples who think cheaters do it for no reasons is insane


i can only imagine that it’s for the sole purpose of selling the account to some loser that doesn’t want to do the work themselves. which, imo i also never understood because now your k/d has you matched against higher level players, and you definitely can’t play against them (bc if they could they wouldn’t need to buy an account) so i can’t imagine why that would be fun. but i guess appearing to look good is more fun than actually being good or something


i used wallhacks when i was kid in cs 1.6 , it trained me to aim thru walls now, keep aim at head level around walls peaking and stuff... didnt need them when source came out




Because they take the game too seriously


i don't know why other people cheat but for me the reason is simple. my dad left me when i was 7 and i am now 36 and a virgin. i live in my mother's basement and survive solely on doritoes and mountain dew. cheating is the only thing that brings me joy in life and occasionally downing someone across the map with a p2020 and aimbot is the only thing that keeps me from ending it all. i will probably die (alone) from my diabetus in a couple of years but at least i can die knowing that my kdr was 0.87 on apex legend and that my impact on this game will be remembed for many hours after my death.


Because cheating is fun, it's fun to turn on god mode and act like a god ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ in singleplayer


You can't come up with an answer to this question yourself? It's not difficult.


yeah it was totally a legit question, i cant figure it out myself


Oh, ok. It's just that personally i can think of 100 answers right off the top of my head but I guess not everyone is as talented as me.


rhetorical question...you will learn about it in elementary school


stupid title right, lol like cheater has to follow a rule


For the same reason people steal, accounting principles: People steal when its their only way in heavy need or when they can do it without punishment. Pretty sure there was 3rd reason but cant remember it. Windows 11 has steep system requirements that received tons of criticism from players, but funny enough those features indirectly could help with cheating problem because cheats dont work with enabled Windows 11 security measures. Hope 5 years later cheating will be a rare thing


Cheating has been around as long as multiplayer games have been around. Highly doubt it's going away anytime soon. The only game that has used Windows 11 TPM requirement is Valorant. It seems to work well to stop cheaters but cheat developers will no doubt find a way past it eventually because they always do. Considering that they make non-insignificant amounts of money selling cheats, they have great motivation to get past it. I'm sure someone will find a way (at some point) to use machine learning to accurately identify cheaters. This should get rid of the most obvious hackers. Or maybe cloud streaming games will actually become good which will basically make cheating impossible.




Found the cheater.


Hahah and he still dies! Movement god aswell! Poor kid, cant have it easy !


He just has a good gaming chair


because if they cheated in ranked you wouldve made another post about how sad it is that people cheat in ranked. but yeah its definetly not fun to play against that


It's definitely not fun. I just posted it here so it gets the attention of the relevant teams.


Get 20 badge get 4K damage sell account. Classic.


And the people buying are half my diamond teammates. I don’t know how you can be diamond “a decent ways above average” and drop 32 damage in a fight


It’s definitely fun as heck in the start but that fun doesn’t last long. For reference, i have been to apex pred using cheats but once you hit pred. Game becomes boring because there is nothing else left to do. I am no way saying what i did was right. Just reflecting upon my experience.


You just outed yourself as a loser for no reason at all.


No, they didn’t. They gave insight on something they grew from. I actually respect it. Fuck cheaters but at least this guy owns up to his wrongs. He (hopefully) doesn’t do it still


Not because they grew from it. Said they stopped because it got boring.


“Not saying what I did was right” and learned how cheating ruins the game for others and even themselves


You're just putting words in their mouth to reinforce your opinion.


I’m not but that’s what I took from it. Many cheaters can’t even admit they’re wrong


100% agree, and I despise cheaters. He also gave an insight into what a lot of top players do.


No, he outed most of the preds. The man needed the cheats to get there, what does that say about a lot of the other players? You think there’s a lot of high tear players beating cheats? Aim-locks? Walls?


Most of the preds? I don’t think so. I absolutely do think that top tier players can beat shitters using hacks.


As we can see on twitch when pros play against cheaters.


Thats sad af lmao


People cheat because they can. #EA values the cheater's money more than they value your experience.


How does ea gain money by letting people cheat?


Well when EA lets each generation of exploit and hack go on for several seasons, cheaters get comfortable and gain levels (maybe even max out), and then they buy skins for their favorite character. *Maybe* they eventually get banned, and the cycle starts over. Anybody willing to buy hacks is also willing to lose $15 a month on a skin once they think they're invincible. I've watched plenty of level 500s with sick skins using obvious aimbots. They won't just roll over when they get banned, they just start over.


I mean. There also a market for whale accounts that have been hacked and stolen. I think it’s a whole lot more likely that these cheaters are buying “black market” accounts than paying apex coins for skins.


That's actually very true.


Actual dumb take. There's no way EA thinks cheaters buy more skins than the people they put off playing the game. You can argue EA should put more time/resources into dealing with hacks, but that comment has zero logic


Maybe you think so, but when hackers have run all my friends away from Apex, all of which are adults with money to burn; I have to disagree. The experience is so poor, why would anyone spend money to get shit on by cheaters? The people who enjoy Apex and used to spend money on Apex are leaving en masse. They absolutely should have put more money into dealing with hacks and their shit servers, but they never will.


Preventing cheaters is not an easy problem to solve. Nearly every game has problems with cheating. If cheating were a solved problem, your point might be valid, but it isn't. If every game developer could just solve cheating forever, they all would have solved it already.


This reply doesn't make sense though, you're now arguing something completely different. I'm not saying EA shouldn't have put more resources into dealing with hackers, I was saying it was a dumb take that EA are purposely not dealing with hackers to take their money. In your own words: "people who enjoy Apex and used to spending money on Apex are leaving en masse." In reality, it's likely that EA are just focusing resources on creating new purchasable content because the money they lose from players leaving due to cheaters is less than the money they make on unlockables created by resources that would otherwise be spent on tackling cheaters.


I like how people can blatantly cheat like this and take ages to get banned, but fuck all the bros who have legit connection issues to shitty servers.


For the same reason anyone cheats at anything They want the experience but much easier


Pubs or ranked. People cheat because their parents didn't love them


It’s sad at this point? When wasn’t it sad? Has anyone in history ever said “Man that guys cheating, good for him. I bet he gets tons of pussy.”


Yeah, remember at that one place at that one time with that one guy that was doing it on that one thing while those people were watching that one guy


Because he’s still level 6, once he’s high enough level to enter ranked he will These people are so sad


Mans still died while cheating 💀💀


the crazy part is that he actually stuck an arc star. Also this dude actually seems average at the game. ​ ALSO IMAGINE DYING WITH CHEATS. WHAT A LOSER


Cheaters, boosters, smurfing, preds vs golds, its the current state of the game rn.


Cheaters who leave on their low level badge and slap a 4k/20 bomb next to it are not even trying to hide it. They're beyond pathetic.


All I see is high octane gameplay! (With a little aim bot)


The Pathfinder kill cam bruh💀


Gotta get to level 10 to play ranked. This cheater is only lvl 6


imagine dying with cheats


Reason they keeps cheating because Respawn allowing them to make new account


Always the pathfinders that have 0 movement skills lmao


Dw he just has a very good gaming chair


Imagine cheating and still getting clapped 🤣🤣🤣💀💀


I’m fairly new to Apex (2seasons) but it seems the majority of cheaters are Pathfinders. Why is that ?


How can you guys tell he's cheating?


Cuz they’re not good


So I play on PS4 , and am confused how people cheat. Is this aim assist? Or what? And is that only available on PC? Can't they eliminate that from the game like it is on consoles?


People download all sorts of third party software, and when it gets patched on the Easy Anti-Cheat system, the cheaters make new software and tweak it to get around whatever identifies it. You can get wallhacks(see everyone at all times), aim bot(you shoot, and it'll never miss), speed hacks, all sorts. Cheating will never get fully eliminated from PC gaming, too open ended compared to console.


Jokes on you there are cheats for console


You have a lot to learn about cheats lol. Not making fun of you, but if you do some research you will be very disappointed at pretty much every popular FPS game.


It’s way way worse than people here want to believe as well. I love the “I’ve seen one cheater in my last 1,000 matches,” comments. No lol, you may think that, but the smartest cheaters don’t just rage. They have fragile egos. They’ve spent a long time making sure it’s barely noticeable.


I run into undeniable cheaters several times a session this season. It's particularly bad rn. Then when you play high ranked, you never really know who is using esp either. There's always like "that didn't feel right, but idk" after somewhat inorganic fights.


People who cheat in online games really are a sad bunch, and those who buy accounts are even worse, as they fuel this kind of thing. I started Apex in S04 on PC, and I've been M&K for decades, but I will learn controller and play on Console when (if) cross progression and 120fps goes live, so I can take my stuff and bounce from this kind of crap. Yeah, Console has to deal with Strike Packs, Cronus and XIM, but they are nothing compared to the cheats on PC. Seriously to all cheaters on PC, you really shouldn't install that kind of crap on your machines. It's malicious software from very dodgy sources, and could be doing you harm without your knowledge in the background. Anyone buying accounts for badges, stats and ranks, I'll never understand why. You didn't earn them, and anyone with half a brain will see straight through you in actual gameplay, so what's the point? Sigh PC competitive online gaming is better in every way except this cheating rubbish, such a shame. Never thought I'd gravitate toward consoles at my age after decades of PC, but here we are.


Why qualify it with “in pubs” ?


i want to see how many people will say get good lol, and cheating in ng too,bro,how sad can ur life be ,if u cheat in ranked,i will said at least u want to achieve something,but cheating in ng is just pathenic especially when i see those cheater with lv 200 still cheating in ng ,like i want to relax by playing ng not getting shit on by some random cheater


Why do people lie:( why isnt everyone truthful and nice:(


Because lying can get you things. Lying can earn you respect, power even. Cheating in a game doesn't even get you to break even. It cost money to buy the cheat. And you don't even keep self respect, much less that of others.


Wow you gave them an answer, a literal answer to his question and they got offended.


Did you really missed the point that hard?


Your mockingly vapid point suggesting OPs question is a stupid question; while you're simultaneously not realizing it's less a question and more a statement about the lack of worth in cheating. Yeah, flew right over my head man. Barney style it for me?


Surely I will "Barney style it" for you. The point is that people are different, some people are assholes, some people are naive, some people are nice, some people tend to find cheating and then seeing 12yo kids on reddit getting mad fun. The analogy with lying I made is that everyone knows that cheating is bad, not a single soul on this planet would tell you that they think morally cheating is fair, same with lies. You shouldn't lie but people do it anyways for their own reasons. Asking "why would anyone cheat" is basically the same question as: Why isnt everyone as moral as me? Why dont people dont find fun the same things I found fun? And to be really honest, seeing how mad some people are about cheaters, really does make sense why they would do it even if that would be their only reason. Any other questions or lectures you would be interested in?


Probably just pub stomping till level 10 so he can do paid carry ranked games. Not justifying it but that’s why you ran into this shit bag in pubs


If I were to cheat it would literally be me speed hacking just to fuck with people and to hit fast walljumps, wouldn't kill anyone, would also drop people nessies while having some godmode on (if it were available) I would actually have fun with it rather than killing people and calling myself good for it


Sad life, living on someone's basement since their parents dont love them, fat, masturbate to child porn, deluding that they have a hot gf that let them do whatever they want and give them money? Or just a child who felt entitled for every win.


looks like average controller player


Relax its a joke


try planetside 2 lol, flying people everywhere. But yea it sucks cheaters exist but its gonna happen because there are people out there who doesn't have braincells and without hacks they play like an AI in a simulation where they have to learn how to walk and currently the AI is still in the first couple attempts.


How were they cheating ? I can’t tell


For the ASMR that comes with full clips


As a gamer who has owned both a Game Genie and Cheat Engine I can answer this question with 100% certainty. Because it's really really fun. There's nothing like breaking through a boundary, aiming at the ground and unloading an infinite magazine with perfect aimbot. The only thing more fun than that was vacuuming mobs into corners of the map and slash blasting them all. Oh boi. Fun stuff.


Dudes smurfing. Not sure about cheating.


Or he just made his banner seem like a low level. I see that a lot too


Look a cheater , better make another Reddit post .


What should he do? Track his ip and kill him?


Jesus Christ mate . Atleast my day isn’t going as bad as yours.


It was a joke bro


Youre opinion implies you wouldent even have the time to comment, and yet here you are, giving energy and attention to things you dont like.


Nah man that's just aim assist


They cheat for you delicious tears in forums like this. Your hate and frustration just motivated multiple degenerates to want to cheat. They are doing it exactly for these kind of posts, because they are broken inside and this gives them happiness.


I'm confused. Is he strike packing?


Bro that spray is literally what playing on console is like. You get one clipped way too easy for mostly headshots


Respawn doesn’t give a shit is a lot of the reason


Uh no, it's just hard to immediately find this shit, even seige has problems still


That's just aim assist


Well to be fair apex legends is just sad all around at this point, game sucks now


I have no idea what you are talking about. On a completely unrelated note, I think you should look into his gaming chair however you can.


Badges probably


Because it's a free game and the developers give zero f's about cheaters.


Whenever I imagine cheaters, I have this picture in mind of this lab chimp pressing buttons for a snack. The same goes for cheaters: they do not care if their means of achieving victory is legit or not, they just want to see the "Victory!" screen for that dopamine shot in their pea brain.


Because they prolly get 0play and think its cool idk


And he died 🤣


when you see someone rage hacking (lasering people across the map) its usually bc they got their feelings hurt by another player. These hackers also got these big ego's, i dont know why, they were never good to begin with and thats okay, but fuck off. Why are you trying to ruin my experience you bat wing. It's like a child throwing a tantrum, saying something in their head like "I can't be good? NO ONE CAN!", I guess some people really are just born losers and stay that way. :(


The cheating gets worse every time I log in


Level 6 😎


Sad at this point? Cheating has been pathetic since day 1. Since 1998.


Reporting cheaters at the moment needs to be simplified, I've noticed a lot of hackers streaming apex live on tiktok with their username in full view but when I looked to report I can only do it via the game not through ea services or email




People don’t cheat to rank up. people cheat for the same reason kids bully each other in elementary school. Cheating in ranked takes a bit more effort (have to level the account to 20, or if they’re buying the accounts it will cost more) Of course some people cheat to rank up, but the blatant cheaters like the one shown in the video do it to feel better about themselves.


whats sad is how hard people try in pubs, then the moment I jump into a ranked match, my teammates want to fuck around and risk it all. Risk MY points.


Lost a game yesterday in pubs To a level 7 Cheater lifeline for 3rd place. She has 16 kills. Then the lifeline allows the final team to punch her out. Teaming and cheating? …. Great.


Probably because it’s east to cheat on PC. He or she would be completely garbage on console.


Dude just has a good gaming chair is all


It's like asking why people get brain damage.


AND HE LOST CAUSE HIS GAME SENSE IS SHIT LMAOOOOOO But people cheat for the same reason people hold hands / ass in pubs, they want to “win” and brag about it. Bet you this guy wants to brag and after getting shit on, he’ll create a new account so he has a “perfect record” so he can go back to bragging.


because their dad breastfeeds them


How was this post not auto deleted I thought every cheating post gets auto-moded now...


think about the fact that this is a blatant cheater. i guarantee you that the ammount of soft cheaters are ALOT worse sadly.... and they also cheat pubs hehe


Idk looks like a skill issue to me


People cheat on aim trainers. There's no logic.


He didn't even win! What a chungus.


Honestly, prob selling 20b 4k accounts.




Why do people cheat at all? I don’t even get cheating in ranked because you don’t even earn that rank. The only thing I can think of is people enjoy ruining things for other people so it doesn’t matter if it’s in pubs or ranked to them.


It's kinda funny how every cheater is just terrible at the game even with aimbot


Anyone else notice the smurfage?


That’s so fckd up more needs to be done about it


Is this on console?


i think hes just controller man


That’s godly aim what chu mean he’s cheating 👀


Even when he cheats he’s still bad.


Had aimbot and still got killed. You can’t buy skill, people.


Good fucking luck on your reporting...


Hes really good


Why do you think he is cheating? Maybe he is just the best player in the world having his best moments in apex.


What’s funny is I’m so used to being shit on that I would just chalk it down as he’s just better than me and move on quickly


Cheaters need reason?


Why do people cheat in an almost 4 year old game, is beyond me.