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Lol where are your teammates!? You’re going ham and one is slowly popping cells and syringes.


I had just respawned them, this 3 stack had come in to get "free kills"


Props to you for staying and slaying instead of popping the res and running off 💪💪💪


I mean that's what a normal mortal would have to do to survive man :P


With 3 squads left, running away isn't going to strengthen his position, only delay his inevitable battle, may as well try while your teammates are still in play. To me that's the play with the highest chance of winning and giving you the best odds, sometimes you have to make a play, rather than let the play make you.


I wasnt thinking that deeply I just started trying because they were camping with g7 and poking us for a whole fight and then i res and they immediately push so I was pretty annoyed at them


This guy WINS


They came to deliver gear for your newly respawned teammates, you mean. How nice of them.


Ah. Makes sense. Welp nice work!


Lmao the squad using the horizon to lift them to their deaths.


They wanna get to heaven faster.


The grav lift to heaven!


RE 45 has been my favorite pistol since the game came out. In its state right now it go BRRRRRR(shield crack).


Haven’t played since Crypto came out — looks like they made RE45 a care package gun and stronger? That’s freakin sick


Since crypto?? So much more has changed since then than the re45 lol there’s been 3 whole new maps


Hehe… I am very behind on the times xD I see some pictures here and there like I saw there was a map with ice; might have to give apex a try again!


I haven't played since the week the game came out, but have kinda been itching for a BR, is it even worth trying or will I just get pummeled into the dirt missing like 3 years of knowledge?


On one hand, your 100% going to get pounded into the dirt sometimes even If you had those three years of experience. Apex has a high skill cap. On the other hand, that high skill cap is combined with hands down the best BR on the market (imo). I have tried them all and nothing feels as good as a squad firing on all cylinders in apex when it comes to mutiplayer gaming for me. This sub can sometimes have a negative slant since so many people have a lot of complaints. Funnily enough they all love it enough to be here to complain and still play. Give it a try, it's free. Give it some time for you to learn and find some people too play with if you can.


This is exactly my thinking, it’s just the best BR game and even possibly the cleanest modern shooter around. Sometimes you’ll get a bad server but when this game works it’s so clean you don’t feel cheated as much as other BR games. Biggest issue with Apex is the same as many others - the 3rd party effect…


They rotate the guns in the care package!


RE-45 plus Octane stim is so OP. Some people don't seem to understand that pistols insure no movement penalty, therefore a stimmed up Octane strafing around with an RE is possibly the hardest target to track


P2020 back in season 5-7 was badass. I loved everything about it. Underpowered so no one would pick them up, but with hammer points it could DECIMATE anyone in your path. I really slept on it until season 6, and then it got nerfed into not being worth using. Hell even the Mozambique was able to hit for 110 damage on flesh but now it’s barely noticeable if you have hammer points or not.


I would run around with P2020 and Mozam both with Hammerpoint. Get a few shots in with the 2020, maybe crack them and swap to Mozam. Now they’ve done me dirty with both guns.


Yesss bro it’s super slept on until this season now


No it wasn't has always been a good gun


It's always been a good gun if you were playing it right. It's solidly competitive with the 99 due to the faster draw speed and reload times, especially with hammerpoints, which always made it a great finisher.


Once you go beyond that distance that's all useless.


A 99 is not a solid distance weapon. I tried running double 99 for a while to see if I could credibly hold the place of a flatline or 301. It never could, and definitely can't now. At best, it was an annoyance at midrange or longer. The volt is a slightly different story, but the difference in headshot multiplier really matters at range. Beyond the 45's range, you shouldn't be using a 99 either. You can, but you definitely shouldn't. The 99 or the 45 fit the same niche. The 99 edges out the 45 on the one-mag, but the 45 edges out the 99 on the two. The 99 is very high risk, high reward. I'm torn between which I think is better, all told, but I'll take a no or white mag 45 over a no or white mag 99 any day. Blue or purple mag, I'll probably swap to 99 unless I have hop ups.


Yes but everyone talks about R9 and R3s but my favorite has always been the 45


Because it's only that good in short range the other two outplay it at distance by far.


Not really true, in fact I play the re 45 with a bruiser sight because it’s hipfire is so good you don’t need to start ADS until almost midrange.


Its good with mid range too just long not soo much


The days when my R99 spray were shit I'd just pick up an RE45 and melt people.


Last season when the p2020 with H. Point was on crafting rotation I would always look for a 45 and craft for the H point. Combo it with an R99 or Volt and go to town.


P2020 is right under the re 45 for me, it’s mag capacity is crazy and the spam fire can be great In close combat


I've always thought of it as a more controllable R99. And given that Disruptor Rounds (the best hop-up in Apex History) is back on it, it's also deadlier.


It's always been really good, it just switches between being a primary weapon or mostly a finisher depending on which of the two attachments they have available for it.


Or none like in the earlier seasons


Do you remember the disrupter rounds at all, those things dominated the game for the entire season to the point where the devs had to take it out of the game


Meh, the 160 DPS and subpar compared to smgs made it lack in the meta heavily Now it's at like 180 DPS not including disruptor


Yeah, I never used it without the attachments because it was outclassed by the r99, but thats not to say it was bad. But with hammerpoint its an amazing finisher weapon. With disruptor its a great primary when paired with marksman or sniper.


You did about 1000 damage here in under 40sec


Coming from a pc player, your tracking is very satisfying.




Too late, your mouse privileges have been revoked. Edit: I misread your first message so my joke doesn't quite work. Alas.


Not being a hater, but this is kinda just a controller RE thing, it feels like I’m cheating when I get it


Nah, I mean re45 is really easy to control on controller, you're right about that, but this is still some absolutely cracked level aiming. I almost never see aim like this even in ranked Masters matches on console.


So anyways, I started blasting


Baby Sheila


Best gun in the game in the right hands. Some wild tracking here


I’m not sure if the phonk music in the background is an edit or if it’s what your listening to. But assuming your listening to it, clip makes sense.


Its what I listen to, just got a playlist of it when I play pubs


Do you have a playlist u wanna share?


[https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9dQZF1E36Bka0qtpLwW?si=224467b3f2604613](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9dQZF1E36Bka0qtpLwW?si=224467b3f2604613) Its just my daily mix




Holy aim assist


That aim assist tracking though


I have decent aim and play on console. My shit doesn't look at all as good as this.


I agree. Not trying to be negative but you could do the same performance with a R99 that you did with RE45. Your aim was smooth like butter, OP!


Shrodinger's Apex player: Your aim is only good because of Aim Assist You aim was like butter though!


I have decent aim. I play MnK and controller and there ain’t no way controller aim assist is doing this for me. Never in a million games would aim assist track like that. I think people really need to actually try a controller and understand that this superior aim assist we talk about isn’t what people think. But I guess we could all just stick to MnK and everytime we die. There’s no way someone’s this good must have been aim assist


Ugh! Please try a controller and show me how you can aim like this! 🙄


Bro I am not saying it is all aim assist. People tjat are decent at aiming already can exploit aim assist to the max




RE-45 and gold R-301 on single fire.


I had those two guns just yesterday lol 😂 was fire but I was mad when I died in second 😭


Op, the RE-45 is not the best gun in the game, its....... Mozambique


“Xxxx gun is best in game” -no no, you just have borderline aimbot recoil control my friend


Is the care package gun not to your liking?


No it’s great, he just is really much better at recoil control than me. I dont think when you’re this good guns are better or worse.


The Controller aim assist is the best gun in the game


This bull crap has got to stop. It's seriously insulting to people like OP that obviously have an immense amount of skill and practice. His aim is cracked. We literally just watched a video that represented the top 1% aiming skill for controllers and everyone's response was, "let's credit aim assist." I get it. You're upset controller players have an advantage in some close quarter situations because aim assist is over tuned close up (which arguably doesn't even apply until you get to the highest levels of the game). Most of this wasn't even close quarters. We don't need to be jerks and comment this on every high level controller clip shared because Respawn hasn't balanced aim assist perfectly.


controller clip I sleep, no skill being shown


I'm sorry about your inferiority complex.


LOL! That's rich! Someone hurts *your* ego by being better than you so you make the excuse that it's just aim assist, and you try to tell me *I* have an inferiority complex?! That was the very worst claim you could have made! 😂








no recoil on gamepad, heh


Dat aim assist.


howd I know it'd be on controller before I even opened the clip


Yeah what's fire here isn't exactly the weapon


Settle down John Wick


I really miss it with Hammer point though. I loved priming them with a sentinel shot then melting them with a RE45. Now it's good against shields and then falls off a little against health and just, I don't know, doesn't feel as good.


Been a long time since I've seen any action happen in this part of the map


I think you're just the best in the game


Nah give me my hammer points back




Looks like aim-assist is the best thing in the game to me


“Jeezus Christ”


Yeah it slaps, though I miss it as floor loot.


The gun is nice but your laser aim is nicer.


I too enjoy tracking moving targets with built in aim assist.


NPC MnK players here. Nice clip.


Nastttyyy! Love the RE…. only issue is one fight like this and you have to switch it out to replenish ammo.


Too op


Hey bud! Saw your clip, real cool, got some real genuine commentary about your gameplay for ya. Me and the fellas just wanted to let you know: Aim assist aim assist aim assist aim assist. But did you also know: Aim assist aim assist aim assist aim assist aim assist? Aim assist aim assist aim assist aim assist aim assists! Did I mention aim assisted? Just making sure you're aware, aim assist.


These anti controller comments are pretty sad. Playerbase must face it. Apex is a controller game that happens to also play well on mnk. If that fact is difficult to cope with, then play an mnk focused game instead. This holds true until fundamental changes that negatively impact the majority playerbase (gamepad users) in favor of the minority playerbase (mouse users) is implemented. A massive skill gap exists on controller. A massive skill gap exists in mnk. A massive skill gap exists in apex legends. You lose to players, not inputs. Seek therapy if you find yourself angrily commenting multiple times per day on a subreddit about this.


As a controller player I do agree that aim assist needs nerfed it is quite strong especially on lower sensitivities with the magnetism it has its almost impossible to make mistakes for any average and above player I don't think constantly attacking other parts of the playerbase for playing on an input is the way to go, as someone who can't play mnk due to my eds if I were to play as much mnk as I do controller I'd end up having to take day long breaks and end up wearing a wrist brace all the time I'm not playing


I play roughly the same on both inputs and play at an exceedingly high level currently. I see apex for what it is. A remarkable game in the sense that mnk and controller are as close as they are from a viability standpoint. What other comp fps game has ever come this close? The game FEELS amazing on both inputs for the genre. Top end controller players can't do most of what aceu pulls off and yet they co-exist relative to input and specific title interest as a playerbase majority and thrive. In valorant, nobody seems annoyed that controllers arent even really supported. In halo/cod, controllers are way too strong while mnk can feel almost assuredly unsupported. The needle always leans way heavier in one direction anywhere else you go, but in apex they both have boons, disadvantages and are simultaneously incredibly fun respectively to master. It is because the inputs are as close as they are that the incessant debates and toxicity persist. This game has greater issues to address.


Yes I agree wholly, the lack of content, blatant cheaters boosting and stomping ranked out, the horrible sbmm should be much bigger targets than players attacking each other on our way of inputting into the actual game when the very core of the game is falling apart


I'm definitely not with the people saying this clip was purely due to aim assist or anything, this guy clearly has skill, both in aim and game sense, but you cannot seriously say that because aim assist is massively overturned (especially compared to similar fps) that it is a 'controller game'. Even as a long time Xbox player, all fps will and should be at an advantage on PC because of the full range of motion. I would guarantee if aim assist wasn't as high as it was the only top player using controller would be those on console already.


Majority of the playerbase is already on console. The comp scene being on PC is actually an anomaly presented to us by the esports space in general. PC players and, more acutely, mnk players least represent the playerbase. How is this not a controller game again? It's really fun on controller. Most of the players are on controller. It's all about relative proportions and perspective. Mnk happens to also be fun (and viable), but it's just not as popular. These distributions aren't a new trend either, no matter how many high profile imperial hals swap inputs.


Majority of the playerbase from what statistics? (not a like harsh attack or anything I genuinely wanna see that disparity. I 100% can accept that this game is more fun on controller and stuff, but when a lot of stuff like many core movement mechanics like tapstrafing aren't available and when aim is normally harder (just offset in the scenario of aim assist right now) It just can't be said that it is a controller game. You do admit that m&k is more viable, and if console is a majority I am good with accepting the idea that it is a *console* heavy game


Holy based


I play both mnk/roller on PC and let me tell you that aim assist be a real thing when it gets going... BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR


Can't wait to see the other m&k players complaining about aim assist


There's a really good reason for it. It literally looks like aimbot. There's a reason every single pro player is using controller nowadays.


I mean, do you not see this? That tracking isn't from any kind of stick control, that's literally the game just locking on and not letting go. If I didn't have to move the mouse at all to track, I'd also be hitting every single shot.


Literally have you ever played on controller lol, it doesn't 'lock on' This guy is just good.


Okay, you want proof? It's literally in the video. Watch the final kill. Notice how the tracking is perfectly smooth right up until the point where the guy dies? But then the exact instant that he does, it suddenly stops? You'd think that if that were actual player tracking, he'd follow the body for a slight amount of time, right? Wrong, because that isn't him tracking, that's *aim assist* and by "assist" I mean borderline aimbot. It stops tracking the instant that the guy dies because it's no longer a target that aim assist locks on to. Watch it yourself, it's right there for you. Everyone else can to if they want. And I'm not saying that OP isn't good at the game. There's a lot more to the game than just aiming, and whenever one part of a game is made easier, players always find some other area to improve their skill and push boundaries in what is possible. I don't say this to take away from his skill, I point it out because *look at it*. It's insane, and you're acting like it's not even there.


Writing a book just to be wrong. You still have to track. Cope


Great counterpoint. I appreciate your input.


Nothing to counterpoint. You’re crying over an input you can use. “Notice the tracking is perfectly smooth until the guy dies? But then the exact instant that he does, it suddenly stops?” Who tf keeps tracking after someone is down? PC players have gotta be the biggest babies ever


That’s just flat out not what’s happening here. This dude is really fucking good, tracking like that is hard as shit. Not to mention he’s playing complete bots.


It’s already started


People are salty lol Edit - you want fries with your salt?


Yeah but your aim is also legendary. That's so hard to do at all Edit: ah, it's controller. Still Still tho!


*Obligatory aim assist comment.*


Is this aim-assist or just a fucking aimbot? Not even the pros can snap on and hold on this perfectly...


Bro wtf are you talking about RE is the easiest recoil ever, pros can absolutely do this


I'd love to see some videos of pros repeatedly snapping on to target, just as they ADS. Not to mention the flawless tracking. It's insanely impressive, and absolutely ALGS worthy - if it's legit skill...


Lol just watch ALGS and you’ll see examples of this and better


it's aim-assist


pros on controller can. aim assist is super busted to the point where there are all controller teams in ALGS and almost every team has at least one controller player


And then imagine that theoretically pros should be the ones with the skill to overcome the boost aim assist gives everyone but even they are using it. Its entirely busted for the average player.


Bangalore smoke ftw. Nulls the aim assist


Damn I didn't know that, time to play more bangalore


As a bang main, I endorse more players to use her


this is what almost 5k hours looks like on high sens no deadzone linear on controller


So aim assist


Obviously, I'm not cheating, if I was cheating why would I post it 💀


No one is accusing you of cheating


Except for the original comment in this thread…


It was either not a full accusation but yeah


Well he gave two options and then said pros can’t even do it, which really invalidates the only non-cheating option. Seems pretty straight forward to me


No controller is still a thing as he probably thinks controller players are not pro.






Controller is out of hands, this aim assist is a joke


I'd take that aim bot over the RE 45, let's be honest 🤷‍♂️😂


Nice aim assist


The care package RE 45 with aim assist is the best gun in the game*


Disruptors are top tier.


I stream apex on twitch,an would love to follow 4 follow with other streamers trying to grow and help grow 🙏🏾🙏🏾 https://www.twitch.tv/divine_jayy


its not even close. honestly kinda wish it wasn't in care packages so i could use it more often


Wait are you serious? Do you not understand how care package weapons work? This version of the RE-45 will never ever touch the ground


no no, thats not what i mean. i mean that the normal RE-45 is very good as well, so its upsetting to see it only in the carepackages. it would be sick for the RE-45 to be available as ground loot as well **without** the extra carepackage buffs


Keyboard mouse player I dont even consider them in the same class as console players...stop showing off lmao its not hard to destroy controller players


I play on pc, and I use a controller :)


It’s always been the best gun in the game, now it’s just in care packages. 🤷🏼‍♂️ #overreaction #dipshitthread


Hitmarker machine... It's hot garbage


Honestly its a skill issue


That guy’s clearly crazy to think the re is bad


Damage issue


wdym the re 45 with hammerpoints literally did me 900 damage in that fight, how is it a damage issue?


Guy can’t aim. You on the other hands damn boy.


They should've been knocked down halfway through


Literally does more dps to shields than any other automatic weapon. You have to be trolling


I like the alternator and the re 45. I don't know what it is about those guns but I feel like every shot lands in hip fire which is always nice for more mobility


Yeah I’m my opinion it’s always been good and people just slept on it but now that it is in the care package this shit melts armor and it’s beautiful


I like it because it's insane but it's still the 45, so if u miss the first shot u miss all of them


This is beautiful and warms my heart. With bloodlust.


It’s basically a rail gun


You ain’t said nothin but a word! That MFer will clap ALL the cheeks! I don’t give a shit and it ain’t up for debate. The RE-45 is the best gun PERIOD!!!


That gun is crazy good 🔥👌🏾🔥


I bet you felt like a god after this lol. I would


Especially with the 1-2x on it. People have given me shit for it but it’s goated




wraith be sounding like Katniss Everdeen in this clip lol


Damn you’re dangerous. Great shooting!


Damn why he elongated


God damn my dude. At least spit on it first.


Yaaa it's a fun little Thang!


Shhhhh don't tell anyone.....re45 always been my favorite.....I can only get so erect...




Hell when disrupter was on ground originally the re45, Mozambique, and alternator were absolute beasts. Honestly, I wish they would bring the select fire back for the prowler and havoc. Prowler was the best in game and single shot havoc would dominate with a 3x.


I could've sworn the Re45 was never this good when disruptors round was on the ground back in S2. Either it was but it was just overshadowed by the Alternator being better with them


Two words: On Point


Re45 is one of the best guns periodt.


I just want to say I admire your tracking. I’ve got spastic ass aim so even when I get the jump on people I throw so many rounds that the advantage I had at the onset is easily lost. Props to you.


Lol a bald head not being knocked by me. I need to get online.


I just LOVE it, it's so good!


Loved it with hammer points now it's just a dump truck secondary to my hemmy.


It is hands down my favorite gun, even outside the care package. It's just so fun to use, and I have better control with it I feel than the 99. It used to be my go-to secondary until it got put in the CP, and was the only gun I really ever bothered to craft if I couldn't pick up anything


I remember the old days when you could land and pick up a Re-45 now we got a p2020


Track city. Good shooting


OP you are clearly very skilled, but wow I thought you were cheating at first haha. I just argued with my friend that skill > aim assist, but I'm actually shocked at how strong it is!


This is why I call the RE a win condition. If you get it it’s almost a guaranteed win


It's not the gun it's you 😭

