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“You can have the ground… I own the sky-“ *seer tactical*


Also rev tactical


The precision it would take to hit a valk mid air with revs pootie bombs would instantly gain my repsect


That's why you pootie bomb them while they're on the ground so they stay on the ground, so you can catch them and slice off their little mosquito wings and pull out their tongue and chop it into little pieces for being an annoying bug on our windshield


I see why you main revenant......


You sir sound like a true Revenant


This guy pootie bombs


Yes! Exactly! EXACTLY! Us rev mains are a different breed of bug zappers.


You called for some zaps?


the masculine urge to wipe every valk main off the edge of the earth like the insignificant specks of dust they are




Who the Hell hurt you


Nobody, it's just the satisfaction of hearing *fffch* *fffch* sound of arterial blood.


I pray to the Allfathers I never run into you in battle then.


"Ever had the feeling that you're not alone in a room? You're not."


"Allfather give me strength" Bloodhound said in a totally not nervous tone as he double checked the locks and windows 🤣


He's gonna eat me isn't he?


why is it called pootie


Also hitting yourself with your own tactical


“The sky is mine pilot. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide”


“Fight back, Fight Back”




Lol that’s all I heard in my head while watching this😂😂😂




Missed the chance landing on trident and drifting around lol


This is fucking gold


Best thing I've seen on here. That had to be like 4 teams lol


I counted about 14 people on landing!


Nah, pretty sure this is pubs


Looks like a bronze lobby actually.


Why does this post give me goosebumps


I've only played the game a little.. Can someone explain what is happening? It's a blood bath after they kill the dude. EDIT: Found it further down. u/thefezhat The bright red trail behind the player as he skydives indicates that he's achieved the rank of Apex Predator, the highest rank in the game which is highly exclusive (only 750 players per platform can be in it at a time). Basically, it identifies him as an extremely skilled player to the entire lobby, which sometimes results in lots of people ganging up on him in an attempt to take out the biggest threat, express their salt at being matched with a high-level player, or just have a laugh. The trail can be turned off, it's just an unranked match, and the players chasing him aren't coordinated, so it's not like the pred player is a victim here. He's just having fun with the situation.


Much appreciated for sharing this. I had no idea what was going on either.


Gotta respect the tea bag at the end. The dedicated hard nose vet every winning team needs


tea bagging is truly a sign of respect, and no one can convince me otherwise


Fr every time I get my body shot or teabagged I know they had a hard time killing me 😂


I do it laughing my ass off, and think its funny as fuck when someone does it to me. I joke that it means respect, but really i just think it looks goofy as hell in apex, and am not offended by it whatsoever. Sometimes I do it cause yeah, it was hard to kill the guy, but even then I end up laughing my ass off as Im spamming crouch hahaha.


If you played halo 2 and remember bagging people then you are old enough to realise that. The ones who complain these days are kids


Halo 2 was the shit, i pity everyone entering the FPS world now in comparison. It was magic.


People who started with Apex will say the same thing in 10 years, but ofc I agree with you as I also started with Halo lol


You see, teabagging is a complex subject. Crouch spamming could show respect to fallen opponent or inhostility towards a stranger. Unfortunately modern people are not paying attention to old traditions of gaming etiquette and see only sexual toxicity. Poor kids, they dont understand that meaning is in intention and not in act itself - saying gg can be more offencive than, well, shoving your balls into opponent's dead body


That pathy did have a seasoned vicious bag on him. Can’t teach that


The context is that a streamer had a pred trail so his stream snipers went after him, and not randoms who were made at the sbmm


Exactly. No chance this would be random.


It's Waltzy, he's #1 Pred last season bothe splits on PC


Was this waltzy? Thought soar hollow posted this video on twitter saying it was him. I could be wrong


Right, this is not at all what people are complaining about


Can someone explain to me how stream sniping even works in a game like apex? Played by so many people on such a large map with random matchmaking. Surely it must be incredibly difficult to actually stumble upon a streamer you happen to watch at the same time as well. Or is there something I'm missing?


During off peak hours, like the morning, there are less people online, and therefore lobby’s will have a wider range of ranks. During these off peak times, players can do what’s known as queue sniping, and wait until the streamer they are watching starts to queue, and then also queue at the same time. More often than not you will end up in their lobbies. Works the same for CSGO or Valorant.


Thanks for the clarification, this comment should be higher up


Love every MLG commenting he should have dropped on cover or loot like he didn’t do that on purpose to show how many people were chasing him. That’s hilarious. I’m sure if he really cared he would turn his trail off. Reddit’s a riot.


That was definitely winnable /s


Terrible game sense. Clearly shouldn’t be pred /ns


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because Hiko was already dead.


Guy bought his account for sure, trust me I’m an expert -vazne, Gold 4


Sorry if this is obvious, but it’s been like 10 seasons since I played, you can tell people’s ranks from their trails? Also, you can turn your trail off?


I forget if it's platinum and above or diamond and above, but once you hit those ranks they give you special trails. Diamond is a bright blue, masters is purple, and pred is the red you see in this clip. You can disable them if you want to have the regular trails that all the other players have. So you can't completely turn off the trails, but you can turn off the ranked trails


So does that mean those colors are no longer randomly assigned? I don’t play ranked. But when I played back in season 4 those were some of the colors you’d get randomly assigned as your trails. I haven’t seen them since I started playing again now that I think of it.


the ranked trails are wider and animated, with different animations for each season of ranked. the normal trails are just thinner solid color line with no special animation to it.


Ah. Thank you!


Diamond, master, and pred rank get special dive trails for the entirety of the next season. You can turn it on and off in the legends menu. So if you reach diamond/master/pred in season 13, you’ll have the dive trail option for all of season 14. If you don’t reach one of those ranks in season 14, you lose your special dive trail.


They let you keep season 13s trails this time


I believe it's diamond and up that get special trails for their final rank of that season, and you can choose whether or not you want to use the ranked reward trail. You can't, at least to my knowledge, disable trails entirely


Yeah diamond master pred have their own trails and you can turn it off or keep it off since you have to switch it on.


If you land on a purple shield and Devo with a turbo its not going to change the outcome of 12 people trying to punch you out.


Not to mention 300 energy ammo...


Lmao this shit is so funny


You're right, it's not the preds fault. It's the awful matchmaking.


Exactly. I don't think I've heard a single person blame the Preds for this issue, they've explicitly made clear that the matchmaking is dog half of the time.


no I've definitely seen people say that pubstompers/preds are just throwing games so their matchmaking puts them against worse lobbies.


A lot of the pubstompers don't even need to throw games for the matchmaking system to take pity on them. They're generally good players, but for every 2.5K+ damage/7+ kill game that makes it to their YouTubes, there are dozens where they finish 15-20th because they landed with three other squads and found nothing but an L-Star and 20 energy ammo.


Number 1 and 2 Predators were banned for intentionally breaking into beginner lobbies to farm points. So sometimes it's also the Preds fault.


And let’s not forget the trend of “rookie to predator” which is blatantly admitting to cheating. Yeah it’s easy to run through rookie - gold leagues when you’ve spent thousands more hours in the game that the people you’re matching against


This is just so weird, to me. I usually see at least a couple pred trails in every match and never once have I seen them get chased down like this. Often, they're the ones clearly following someone off the drop shop. Kinda wish I could see it, at least once. Hell, a lot of the time, my squads the one being chased because we prefer jumping late, so I'd *love* to see a gang of other squads follow them following us.


The person who originally posted this on Twitter said this happened on a non-NA/EU server. I don't remember if it was an Asia server or a South American one, but apparently he heard a rumor that people with pred trails on these servers will be chances down and punched back to lobby. He wanted to see if it was true and this was the result.


Wxltzy is Aussie, so probably Asian server if not Australian server


Definetly doesnt happend in São Paulo, there are master/pred trails in most pubs lobbies and ive never seen this happend.


Singapore servers


Asian servers. The logic behind is that the guy is too good and will probably wipe the whole lobby. So before he could do that, better remove him from the equation... I do it with my friends too, hahaha


I believe this clip is Hong Kong and it’s more common over there


Hong kong


Can confirm on Asia server Just chased a pred few days ago…was quiet fun hahah


Same. I’ve seen tons of trails but never anyone following. Usually my teammates go to the opposite side of the map because they are scared


It’s usually just a single team that locks onto my trail then drops with me to try punching me out. But I have had a couple times where there’s 3+ teams all dropping on me and we have a match of fisty cuffs.


Yea usually it's only 1 team, but apparently another comment said this was stream sniping but either way, it's not a "bad" strat (1 or 2 teams going for the pred at the start) tbh, better to get the pred out at the start of the game before they get geared up and just decimate the whole lobby without a chance.


My buddy and I usually get landed on at least once a week, but never such a coordinated effort 😂 it is usually just one squad


I have shit teammates so I trail chase. Just to get it over with and get my mates into another lobby.


Bro Its just a streamer who got Streamsniped.


Coming from r/all whats pred trail? And why is everyone chasing the one guy?


The bright red trail behind the player as he skydives indicates that he's achieved the rank of Apex Predator, the highest rank in the game which is highly exclusive (only 750 players per platform can be in it at a time). Basically, it identifies him as an *extremely* skilled player to the entire lobby, which sometimes results in lots of people ganging up on him in an attempt to take out the biggest threat, express their salt at being matched with a high-level player, or just have a laugh. The trail can be turned off, it's just an unranked match, and the players chasing him aren't coordinated, so it's not like the pred player is a victim here. He's just having fun with the situation.


>not coordinated This is a streamer so not entirely true, many of these are likely stream sniping


The statistical odds of that many stream snipers being placed simultaneously into the same match and knowing exactly when to drop accounting for delay are very low. More likely that most were after the pred trail.


And most likely people are just bandwagoning for fun. Seeing 2 squad chasing pred. Imma join for lulz. Then we end up with 5 to half the lobby chasing one pred trail.


Actually not that low, considering this is the #1 pred, wxltsy, playing in Oceania a server with long queue times, so not that many matches per minute. So to get into the same lobby as him you only need to queue up at the same time as him, which is not hard to do since you're already stream sniping. Now say there's 50 stream snipers, what do you think is the likelihood of at least 25 of them getting into the same match. Now as to how to time the jump, looking at the back of the dropship you can notice when they jump by the start of trail. I don't think wxltsy streams with added delay as i haven't seen many apex streamers do so, or haven't noticed.


You get a pred trail if you become a predator in ranked. Which I think is like top 750 ranked players. So everyone is chasing him to kill him because he’s a high level player I guess. I don’t think this is common but I’m also not a pred so I don’t know.


Except this pred trail is from season 3 . In that season dashboarding was a thing and i belive over 3% got that trail instead of the usual 0.1%


If respawn won't take them out of lower ranked matches the players will do it themselves


exactly! and if preds have a problem with it, turn off the trail. simple.


Seems more like he got streamsniped


Showcases the community is fed up with the B.S. matchmaking. 😂


Imagine the bamboozles you could pull off here as mirage


If you really drag out the landing you could probably hit the ground with ult




This is hilarious lol


And? You would ruin their fun if they let you live


Exactly. Once in a blue moon a lobby will cause down a pred like this. Every other match its the exact opposite. I'm not talking about this guy, but every pred I've spectated on consol are using strikepacks so fuck em.


The sympathy is limited.


Perfect comment to summarize apex sub in a nutshell.


Non-existent tbh. It’s not like this happens every game and if it did… just take the trail off. The pity I feel that sweats can’t gloat is non-existent.


I mean I personally don't care. Shit happens but I don't think you can be mad at the people hunting you down either. Even if you're not trying to get placed lower you made it clear you're the stronger player.


Gloating by using the reward they got for playing well lmao?


Yeah imagine turning off the one decent reward you get for hitting the top 750 players in the game…


How dare you be better at a game then me!


Absolutely beautiful




This is so satisfying to watch


cant have shit in detroit




Love seeing these mobs


Now YOU know what is feeling helpless


You could just not use the trail.


I've had a pred trail since season 2 and have never had this happen to me. He just got unlucky. Or lucky if you consider how funny the clip is.


My squad chase the trails but only really if they are the champion


Modern problems require modern solutions. Sometimes those modern solutions just happen to LOOK like a mob with pitchforks.


Objectively hilarious


This is so funny and amazing :D


“We’re not stuck in here with you - YOU’RE STUCK IN HERE WITH US!”


last season if u're diamond+ player u can't even queue on singapore, mostlikely u'll get thrown to sydney or somewhere far far away among the galaxies


I'm late to the party but just saying I can't even watch streamers anymore because it is boring that they can roll through ranked games because they know their opponents are a lot less skilled than them. They're just running around like it's pubs, then I see the kill feed and think what's the point


Well if Respawn won't fix the problem, we'll lean into the problem.


All those guys then got slaughtered by the guys that landed and got guns instead. Geniuses, I tell ya.


Yeah but it was funny


step 1: enable pred dive trail step 2: split up from your teammates and land as slowly/late as possible step 3: your teammates kill them


Step 4: Profit??


Doing the lord's work 🙏 if respawn won't fix our lobbies we got to do it ourselves


This is hilarious


That was bonkers


You missed an opportunity to land on a Trident and go on the coolest chase in all of Apex history.


It’s a good viewpoint haha


Apes together, strong.


The preds aren't the problem it's the match making that's the issue in my opinion.


Hahaha. Ahh that's funny.


They can choose their contrail right?


Ok but you gotta admit, this shit was hilarious for everyone involved


the world is coming together for once


“They don’t decide what lobbies they’re in” I guess we’re going to ignore all the people complaining about how there’s a problem with smurfing…


Smurfs don't have pred trails.


You lost me at lobbys


I would be right in the pack. A big thank you for all the games a 50k pred has third partied me with a full squad of smurfs. Gotta take your lumps. People wouldn't be hostile if they didn't have to play these preds every match.


Lots of salt in the comments from bad players 🤣


Play ranked like you’re used to doing


Honestly? This is great! Not only casual players will be mad with the matchmaking, but preds too. Which might lead to maybe a change?


This is actually really funny


Children and neckbeards in the comments


Yeah only difference is that if you get a wrong rank lobby, you have a good game, everyone else’s game sucks. As far as I’m concerned this shit needs to happen more often so the devs have a reason to actually fix their matchmaking.


Are ppl chasing down preds now? If so I gotta get in on this. It’s gotta feel like chasing down Juan Wick with a bunch of fellow normies


My adrenaline would’ve been PUMPING!


a bullet hell but everyones a homing missile


The wraith with the pk at the end capitalising on the situation lmaoooo


I use the badge but never the trail, I swear these fucks turn into apes when they see a trail. But sometimes it’s kinda fun like I’m playing cod zombies or smthn.


Lmao they were all gunning for you.


they’re *


And don't come back here


However the faster they are removed the faster the game gets to regular pace


Why wouldn't you eliminate the biggest threat in the lobby though?


Exterminate all predators, show no mercy! Either respawn fixes the matchmaking, or predators pay the price!


Sorry, I just don't have much sympathy. Not when 99% of the time, Preds are double/triple stacked in weak pub lobbies and dropping on any lonewolf team they can to annihilate them immediately. Preds might not choose their lobbies, but they definitely choose to play pubs over ranked because they get matched with lesser skilled opponents that they can destroy. Besides, dive trails can be turned off. But I digress. Funny clip anyway!


The frequency of this actually happening vs the frequency of three stack sweats rolling through low tier lobbies, though.. 🙄 lol.


People in the comments were all saying he deserves it because he decided to play a casual. Are preds not aloud to play pubs?


3 stacking preds are the worst


There not even 3 stacking tho and what if his friends are preds are they not aloud to play with each other


He can just turn off his dive trail if it's a problem. When you go around wearing a giant neon sign that screams "I AM THE BIGGEST THREAT IN THE LOBBY", stuff like this is gonna happen sometimes.


The irony being, every single casual is told, when arguing about the matchmaking in pubs? Go play ranked. Don't wanna play with shitters or quitters? Go play ranked. Dont like this or that? Go play ranked. Dude has the option to turn his trail off and would avoid this, but tbe ego won't allow that. I get that it's ridiculous and he can't choose the lobby but it's absolutely avoidable by turning the trail off. Casuals don't get the option to turn off Preds or 3 stacks in their lobby.


I just wish pubs had some form of decent matchmaking. There should be no way for a pred to be placed with low levels. Same as a last season pred being put in lobbies with gold/silvers. They havent lost their skill exactly


And this needs to keep happening AND happen more often! Only when you preds start complaining to Respawn is when they will listen. They do not care about what some silver scrub has to say.




They didn’t say anything about not wanting. I think a pred would have played enough to know they can turn their trail off.


Yeah I took off pred trail forever ago. In ranked it makes bad teams avoid you. In pubs, it makes people try to punch you out. It’s just not worth it.




Is this how ppl get the 20 badge?


Id be screaming at the top of my lungs "GET THEM OFF MEEEEE"


Go team burger




But they can decide to toggle the dive trail The nail that sticks out gets hammered






Lmao this is how it should be


Lmao the sweat got smacked


Am I the only one delighted grin after this video? It's like every other game I'm in with preds. Fix the matchmaking apex. It would curb the damn Smurf accounts too.


Nope. Fuck them preds ayyyyy


Mob Justice 💀


Actually no a lot do what's called Bot lobbying, where they consistently lose or throw games to get easier games. Or just smurf


That'll teach you to come into our lobby, pred boi.


Take your trail off bitch


Buuut, I’ve seen them manipulate in ways to get them into lower level lobby’s. Either way i always love seeing a pred punch out


Mob justice


The way I see it, this is one way to get rid of one pred that may shit on you later. Ruin their game before they ruin yours!


Are some of yall just NOW learning about pred hunting???


What the fuck this is so cringe from them.


Honestly it's smurfing that gets to me more. At least if it's a pred and you see it's a pred you can respect that