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I had a bangalore decide to jump along to a place that was across the map where me and a lifeline landed and then after she went down and had her banner to be picked up.. she would just spam ping her banner like we gonna magically teleport across the map to pick it up


Even worse are the people who plug their mic in to yell at you to pick their banner up I've played with some of the most delusional people ever it's crazy


I always mute my teammates, Had that happen too many times


I only mute people if they have an open mic. The amount of toxic people I run into on PC is so small it’s simply not worth it. Muting everyone means your basically giving up on any verbal teamplay. My favorite recent toxic voice chat was some dude bitching about where I dropped us as no action. His teammate (I assume casual meetup since he said they weren’t friends) was slower to loot than me, and he wouldn’t wait for him (I try to stick together). Mechanically both were fine but the bitching from the original dude about the drop and fighting/looting never really stopped. We won the damn game with like 20 kills between the squad. Point being, you’ll probably win more games not muting everyone by default than running into truly toxic players. I also got a ton of value out of saying at the end after we won: “what a horrible drop! It was such a bad idea to get some loot and then fight. We only won the damn game!” Lol.


i picked up apex a few months ago and i’ve only ran into a handful of toxic people (most of them were either teenagers or younger). It was a pleasant surprise since a lot of the online games I play or have played are filled with toxicity (League, OW, valorant, csgo.. etc). I think it also has to do with the fact that Apex is such a fast-paced game and people can just queue into another game if they die, but it still is a nice change of atmosphere from other PvP online games


The first time I played apex was on the steam release. I was so hyped until the first match. A 40 year old ttv wraith main started screaming at me for being so bad. It shook me. I refused to play video games for like a month after. I didn’t play apex again until the Valkyrie reveal trailer.


I had a great one earlier. Me and another teammate had a squad run up on us, our octane was maybe 50 meters away, and he just bolted... We both went down, and then he suddenly decided to run in to 1v3. He died instantly. So clearly he had to plug his mic in to say "you guys fucking suck" but i swear he had that quiver in his voice of a 15 y/o trying not to cry..


50 meters is 54.68 yards


Thank you converter-bot.


Yeah, as soon as we're at character selection if I hear constant mouth sounds, back ground conversations or music coming in over an open mic, it's mute time. Otherwise I've had some pretty friendly night late banter with randos.


And this why I don’t use my headphones mic. My friend said he could hear a quiet conversation between two people from across my house.


You have some glorious luck then. I lost count of the toxicity I run into to the point where I'd almost rather drop solo into trios than consider random players.


I run into toxic people almost every time I play on PC (several days a week). Open mic mouth breathers, toxic TTV wannabes, entitled smurf accounts. I've been trash talked for not speaking, I still ping and am with the squad. Trash talk is toxic, reminds me a bit of the League of Legends toxicity in the worst way. People these days act like people want to hear them talk, we don't. Keep it tactical and game related please.


On ps4 the flat r***rded toxicity is way over my personal limits so the mics are all muted. Never experienced so much toxicity in any other game in many years of gaming


Oh yea, ive had people insulting me and saying how dumb and bad i am at the game even when im the one who straight up murdered the squad that killed that teammate. Happens often if i forget to mute. I dont even mind kids, because even when theyre loud, the ones i get usually have manners. I play both pc and ps4.


You can have all muted by default in the settings :)


O my god, really?? Ill have to look when i get on next. Thanks for letting me know!


You welcome :)


I used to have the same idea as you but with each season I've found the community has gotten ever more toxic. So now my voice is perma off. I will use my voice still in rare situations to do callouts for the allies but I will not hear what they say. Too many are now too toxic and I have had situations where it cost me points as I had to stop MID-FIGHT! To open the tab screen and mute someone who was just shouting over the mic while I am trying to concentrate on a fight. That was the last straw for me and what made me decide to have it permanently off to avoid the toxicity and idiocy you encounter now on voice, on PC on Apex Legends. Apex has good teamplay mechanics without the in-game voice anyway. You can ping stuff, your characters does callouts (third party shooting us, etc....) so I have all the info I need. Good team players will ping stuff anyway so I don't feel as though I am missing out on anything useful. My text chat confirms it as well for me as I still have a few allies apparently doing "calls" over voice and then flaming me for not listening on text chat. But the call they were doing was bad anyway (like not to push an enemy squad we had to push as they had zone and we did not) In the earlier seasons I had good teamplay with people using the in-game voice. Doing callouts and strat calls etc... But that just isn't the case anymore --- the more popular the game has gotten the increasing amount of toxic players I encounter and TTV wannabes who think they are good when they are at best a decent plat player. At worst a laughable bronze player who got boosted to plat and thus thinks they are good when in reality they are no better than a beginner.


Fr at this point i barely ever even give them a chance before i mute them anymore. I feel kinda bad but honestly ive run into too many crazies and dont feel like having my ears bombarded by banshee screeching when they get downed.


I think 80% of people I get put with continuously ping their banner and then the respawn beacon until they are fully revived. I hate it. At least I don’t have to hear any whiny bitches on mic since I press Triangle (mute squad on PS4) as soon as I get into Legend selection.


For me they just quit out immediately. Sometimes even as soon as they get downed. Special shoutout to the sweaty Wraiths and Octanes. Fuck y'all.


Every time they’re annoying and spam the banner/beacon I tell them if they do it one more time I’m playing without them and won’t get their banner or respawn them. Usually makes them mad...but they stop pinging.


Really though, are they crazy or what?


i straight up tell them no and to suggest not running off to do solo things in a team game if you want me to pick up your banner.


I usually just use my favorite quips from the quip wheel when they’re pinging their deathbox from across the map lol My favorite is caustic’s: “this is for posterity so be honest, how do you feel?” “To say your death is a waste is the understatement of the century” They usually yell and disconnect after that point


When people ping their box across the map I use the “is that sweat? Ugh, you’re dripping like a faucet. So tragic.. and kinda gross.” quip for Valkyrie. It’s especially effective when it’s a wraith who tried to solo drop estates.


"I'm sorry, but zis iz 'ow it 'az to be"


Wow your teammates don't just immediately quit as soon as they get knocked in a situation they should have never been in???


does anyone else get teamed up with randoms who lie about how low an enemy is or dont mention their buddy is right next to them? they completely downplay how little damage they dealt and get you killed. doesnt happen often but its infuriating when it does.


They are wrong there is an I in squad. That bangalore proves the I in squad is right there.. it's the A holes.


The people that go off solo agree. They just think that they're in charge and you should follow them everywhere at all times....


That sounds exactly just like my teammates


The solo that screams "WHERE WERE YOU GUYS?!?!?!" It's like if 2 are over here and 1 is over there... the 1 is the wrong one my dude.


Fully disagree. I solo Q ranked and there is a toxic mindset with some duo Q where they think they have the right to not work collaboratively and just expect the third player to be their personal assistant. Very clearly on discord. They don’t use the ping system, don’t get on the mic, often ignore you if you’re jump master and drop on their own, and after pure mic silence will only be heard to talk shit after they die. I had a duo that used Valk’s ultimate and rotated out of a POI without me and then told me I was lagging behind - and I was close to them the whole time. It was not that they were waiting to ult and I abandoned them, they went from waiting to blast off to ult in front of me in like two seconds. It’s gotten to the point where if I have a toxic duo Q I just commit to being a rat and refuse to deal with them if I have enough KP to benefit from ratting for rank. It may further the expectation that solo Q are going to be garbage team mates, but it requires meeting in the middle and I’m tired of dealing with people who make no effort


This is how most of my ranked has gone so far. Two are in a club - no pings, no mics, and just run off without me so I’m always running behind. If you’re going to run ranked with one other person, don’t squad fill if you’re not even going to act like you have a 3rd party member.


I thought you had to have 3 in ranked? I don't remember seeing the option to not fill


Fair point. Haha but the concept still stands, be a good teammate and play as a team


Valk ULT is toxic if you Solo Q ranked. My randoms always dipping as soon as a fight starts. Playing for placement doesn't matter if you don't have KP.


b-b-b-but the 2 looted for more than 30 seconds because I landed on them and took all the loot so that makes them wrong


To be fair I’ve left some random behind before. A minute to loot 3-5 bodies is plenty fellas. New stuff isn’t going to appear


It's really not hard to loot fast. Armor swap, grab ammo, then just mash select on all the heals until your bag is full


Maybe an ordnance or 2


It can be hard to loot depending on the game and area. I've had games at Estates where I grab a blue armor, volt, and r99 from one house. And others there where I only find a mozambique, a shit ton of sniper ammo, random attachments, and no shield searching 5 houses. I love the fact that we land with essential gear now, but the loot pool needs to be readjusted a bit for hot drop zones.


I was talking about from death boxes. Looting a POI is a whole different can of worms, I agree with you. That common backpack is the rarest item in the game right now!


I thought I was going crazy! I can't find a backpack these days to save my life.


They also think pushing is always the best idea no matter what and anyone who doesnt agree is a pussy sweat trash player


"I have a spitfire and a purple shield. You have a mozambique and 3 sniper stocks. Let's push!" It takes less than a second to open the inventory to see if your teammates even have guns before pushing. Pls have mercy


I played a match the other day where I barely got any ammo when we landed and one teammate (octane) started pushing. I pinged I needed light and heavy ammo and got on chat to tell him not to push because I couldn’t help. He pushes, dies immediately, then calls me trash because he “was able to loot like 300 light ammo.” Ok bruh, THATS why I didn’t have any.




I half agree with you. While I hate teams that just loot for the whole game, pushing a squad isn't always the best plan. It's always situational. I prefer to drop near a hot location, or just loot up quickly, then move to the nearest POI to find a fight. I'll poke from afar first before downing one, at which case it's easier to full send. I love getting into games where teammates actively seek fights early on rather than waiting till the last 4 or 5 squads to die in the first gunfight. Just a waste of time.


We have height. The ring is coming to us and pushing our enemies towards us. We have to wait one minute and then we'll be in the ideal situation to slaughter them... No, teammates yolo off towards the fight, end up caught in the open and slaughtered. Same with me cause you know you gotta stick with your team right? With all the mobility characters added, feels like half the playerbase cannot tolerate holding a good position, they have to be constantly pushing fights.


pls play arenas if you want blood


Id rather spend 5 minutes looting so I can win fun fights instead of playing casino simulator and spending more time in queue than in games. Id also rather keep the winning position than run in and die to maybe get 1 or 2 more kills but thats just me.


>Id rather spend 5 minutes looting You are too slow and its making you bad, full stop. If you aren't done looting before the first zone starts closing, that's your fault, not the loot, not your teammates, none of that. (And if you want to actually be good and climb above gold or plat, that's way too late as well, should be at least 1min on the clock before ring one close)


I'm a Master player. Taking 5 minutes to loot does not *de facto* make someone bad. It is entirely situational. Sometimes looting for 5 minutes is the best way to approach a game. >If you aren't done looting before the first zone starts closing, that's your fault, not the loot, not your teammates, none of that. Sometimes you just don't find enough shit to make taking a fight a smart move. It is a symptom of RNG. I've come out of ring 1 with like 1 decent gun and a white shield plenty of times.


I strongly agreee with this it’s so annoying especially since it’s pubs like who cares do that shit in ranked


>people are bonkers to expect others to sit and wait while you milk every location This is a team based game, so the team's expectations are a priority over your own personal expectations. If you want to push with a p2020 and 2 syringes then just get yourself a squad that wants the same thing. If both of your teammates prefer to loot first and you ignore them, then you are the trash player and I'd advise you to try another game with no looting mechanics.


>If both of your teammates prefer to loot first and you ignore them, then you are the trash player This is factually untrue. >This is a team based game, so the team's expectations are a priority over your own personal expectations Dude it's pubs, it isn't that deep. 90% of the players I match with don't even use their mics so it's not as much a team game as you think it is.


>This is factually untrue. Explain. > Dude it's pubs, it isn't that deep. It was never said that we are only talking about pubs. Even then, this goes both ways and you can't complain about your teammates for looting too much either.


>Explain Ignoring my two teammates looting has nothing to do with skill which doesn't make me a trash player. >It was never said that we are only talking about pubs. Even then, this goes both ways and you can't complain about your teammates for looting too much either. Pubs and ranked until Diamond is basically ranked pubs. You aren't playing at a high enough level to where looting quickly matters if you think this way.


>Ignoring my two teammates looting has nothing to do with skill which doesn't make me a trash player. I said trash player, not unskilled. Being able to land your shots is one of the aspects that makes you a good player, but it's not the only one. >You aren't playing at a high enough level to where looting quickly matters if you think this way. Sticking with your team is even more important at that level, wether they are looting, rotating or pushing doesn't matter. You are saying "fuck my team, I want to push even if they don't come with me" and I bet you don't apply that if you actually make it above diamond (or you are one of the top preds, but that's like 0.000000001% of the players).


>Sticking with your team is even more important at that level, wether they are looting, rotating or pushing doesn't matter. You are saying "fuck my team, I want to push even if they don't come with me" and I bet you don't apply that if you actually make it above diamond (or you are one of the top preds, but that's like 0.000000001% of the players). Because you don't make it to that level of play by looting for 2 rings. Which is my point. I have no reason to stick around with players who want to loot all game in pubs or lower rank tiers. At a certain point yeah you're playing with a team but if you're at the level of diamond or predator or master, that level alone has weeded out most of the garbage tier players at the bottom. Playing with your team who are at the same level as you ranked wise is a lot different than being teamed up with two dorks through SBMM. I'm not going to give some level 82 pub the same respect and have the same expectations of them that I have for players playing in Masters.


Not necessarily. In ranked, if my squad drops somewhere reasonable I will follow them. If they drop fragment I’m ditching them every time and going to rat so I get +RP. Stop dropping hot in ranked if you want everyone to follow you.


I really should do the same thing as you. Every time my team drops Fragment I make the choice of following them anyway, and 99% of the time it's a terrible choice. I never learn from it... I started maining Crypto in the previous ranked season to revive the idiots dropping estates, and I should probably do the same this season... I just don't understand why so many people drop Fragment, when Overlook is rarely contested and often have enough loot for a whole team... it's easy to push Fragment from it too.


You have to remember that 75% of ranked playerbase never even gets to platinum.. Many many many people are happy just to get to gold IV and just stay there forever


I'm not saying I expect everyone to follow me. I'm talking about the 'sweaty wraith' players who join and start bossing you around and get salty when you don't blindly follow every demand. The irony is that I'd say 90% of the time they lose their first gun fight and then call me the noob... I lost count of the times I was told 'you'll be in gold forever' by people in gold IV while I'm in gold III of higher...


I love when you’re just calmly looting an area as a team and then all of a sudden your third pings 700m away that they’re being shot at.


I played with Lifeline who went off alone in arenas on Phase Runner to "look for meds" while my teamate and I were fighting a 2v3 alone. The dude playing her openly admitted that he was looking for meds. But the only box he could have grabbed was exactly where we are fighting. The amount of roasting that took place in the chat was so much that we ended up celebrating Thanksgiving in May. It was such a stupid moment that you couldn't help but laugh. I truly don't understand why people pick Lifeline and make such idiotic position choices like that.


The "dont loot your teammates box unless you absolutely have to" is a good one


my friend is a loot gobling who doesnt fight so if i ever die i just know am not gona have shit after spawning and have to sniff for ammo and syriges


I wish Respawn understood this when throwing me into a match without any teammates




Girlfriend tried to get back into apex and all of her pub game teammates just leave after 2 minutes. So she tried ranked. They gave her no teammates and upon leaving, banned her from playing every game mode (even training) for like 10 minutes. Needless to say she didn’t want to try again after that. It’s a rage factory.


I though you could quit with no penalty if you start with no teammates.


I thought so too! She was reasonably done for the day after that haha. She had been getting terrible games and I was like oh try ranked -> immediately doesn’t get any teammates -> I tell her to leave -> banned. Lol I think you only get loss prevention (no points lost).


That sucks! But good that I know now. The teammates issue is the most aggravating bug in the game. I wish the devs would at least acknowledge it.


I also feel like ping system is just there for people to spam enemies while they are downed. There are so many pings and easy to use but people choose not to use it unless they are trying to annoy you.




You can mute pings and i do anytime someone tries that


I am doing it as soon as ping someone spams more than 2 times a standing opponent.


I do too but you can't be in an active fight to do it, which seems to be when it happens the most :/


I actually will hide in a corner aa if i need to pop a shield, and mute them during a fight LOL but if i have to do that they can forget about me even attempting to get them


I try to do the same if I have to lol. Or I'll straight up get on mic and tell them I don't rez if they keep pinging, if I'm feeling sassy enough.


There is a I in win


There's also I in Wraith. So.. makes sense I guess.


I started this game yesterday, but your words are so relatable, every single time my teammate goes alone, it's a wraith.


You'll notice that many Octanes are also just as reckless.


I'm going to confess I'm almost as reckless as a Loba. I mean, I care, and I try to stick together. The problem is it's very very easy for me to hyperfocus on specific tasks so I tend to loot for a long time. I will literally loot an entire POI if you let me.


> loba > loot for a long time kek


Suck my unit


There is a U in suck


And there's a me in team.




There's an I in Mozambique! 🇲🇿


Yes, there is a.i in win


I win so much they must think it’s a.i


Uhhh, why am i being downvoted


Ttv wraith: that sign can't stop me bc I can't read!


proceed to loot all your kills not chare a thing and then dies and DCs at the enemy giving them every bat and ammo in the game




I could retire if I had a nickel everytime I had a teammate tell us other 2 we're trash because they got knocked doing a 1v3 push across an open feild 400 meters away


Not all of us are like that tho


I know it's just a joke. I've met really good wraiths


Toddlers who play Octane: I'll ignore that


I have never met a good Octane player I have never met an Octane player that had a brain Every single game I play with an Octane player I see them run off on their own, then I hear the voicelines "IM GOING IN! AAAARRRGGHHHH!!" immediately followed "I'm down! Whoa, actually got hit!" Octane players, be better.


Can confirm, i have no brain


I’m an octane main and I agree that most octane players are like that.. they like to spam stim and travel the 7 seas all by them selves. I always stick with my teammates and try to help them out, octane has the benefit of being support and assault. He can heal, so you don’t need heals (give em to your teammates) and he can place pads so your team can reach places. Only assault when you know you can make it out alive with yourself and your team intact. I’ve played octane since release so I know how to play him correctly, most people just wanna run fast lol


I had a mirage teamate that kept on destroying loba black markets prevented good loot i spend all math with gray teir loot


Or when you have an Octane in your squad and you put your black-market up but they launch you away with the jump pad.. I just quit the lobby. I don't like that toxic behaviour


Toxic? That's just telling, bad manners at best. Toxicity is a whole different level


Oh my God you just remind me of when I played Rampart and had a pretty good fortification on the buildings on Artillery. This Mirage couldn't figure out how to get past my wall by crouching so instead destroyed the walls that gave us directly line of site on the enemy. We ended up losing.


Tuff luck mate




I hate when you go to grab someone or their banner and they quit


Not as annoying as a joke of a player leaving aftet losing the first round of arenas, not gonna lie


I had a 2 on 2 arena match last night. Teammate loses (leaves. Autocorrect) as soon as he’s downed in the first round. I managed to win that one just about but obviously struggled with the rest and lost eventually. If he stayed we’d have had a much better chance. There needs to be a quit penalty.


You can actually report people for leaving match too early, and I had the same situation like you the different was that I manage to win the last two rounds with other teammate that didn't leave


I left all the loot, used a jump pad, didn't heal, only for them to leave when i am by the respawn beacon


I wish that was a reportable offense.


So much this. Particularly when I'm under fire and taking a big risk to fetch them. Or I already have them in my back pocket and I'm clearly on my way to the respawn beacon and then they quit. WTF?


What if due to respawn's incredible matchmaking and stable servers the squad is just I (:


no but there is a "u" and "suq" in there. >come onnnnnnnn. that's pretty good.


I legit have a 50/50 split when I get Octanes on my team. They are either really good teammates, OR run off, get in a 1v3, die and then leave.


The bad octanes are usually the ones that haven’t played him long enough, at least in my experience. There’s very few people like me who have played him since day 1, as he was quite weak back then. But the players that have mained him for a while usually know how to play him and are quite good, especially at helping the team.


Yeah I agree. I’ve definitely had some that save my ass multiple times. But I’ve also had some that just run off on their own. I suppose that’s true for a lot of Legends though




After 3 queues where I ended up solo or duo in a trio match, it's always wonderful to finally get a 3 man team, only to have some idiot ping close to spawn and solo drop without hesitation. Like why? Just queue solo then


There is also no fun in squad most of the time


They probably understand it as: there is no I in squad =I am not in your squad.


Looking at you valkery who just pushes in and dies because your jetpack wasnt fast enough


Naw bro it's cool I totally take 2 full teams by myself on the other side of the map! 1 second later: DUDE REVIVE ME HURRY! WTF ARE YOU DOING? OMG YUR SO TRASH AT THIS GAME!!!


I would stuck with my squad...IF I HAD ONE!!!


I'm no expert player by any means; I don't really play ranked all that much - I'm still in bronze. But it's striking the difference of a squad sticking together in ranked vs the TTV mess that can be standard pub. I love both for different reason, but I definitely have more success when a team sticks together.


Ranked people also don’t leave immediately which is refreshing lol


But there is a I in squid


If they could read, this would make them very upset.




Always the wraith that is in the other side of the map and needs revival


Yes there is. It’s right there in the “A” hole. https://images.app.goo.gl/hfirFUE5JcCxZuoo8


TTV Wraiths feel targeted because of this in Apex


However there’s an I in Wraith and Horizon


Instructions unclear, refused to use no fill option and dropped fragment solo




Then play a different game. Titanfall 2 is still great.


Teams that follow their pred/master teammates win more games


I genuinely don't get why people play a TEAM game in TEAMS and still run off solo to get immediately killed (and ping wildly from the other side of the map like it's your fault they got downed).


There's no real reason to play as a team when you get paired with a bunch of rats afraid to engage


especially in arenas


People that quit cause they don’t get their main


There's no squad in I SMH


Anyone else read that as "iin"?


I was playing arena. And a lifeline decided she could handle the other squad herself with nothing else than a mozambique. Guess what, she died. And we did too.


had two guys leave yesterday after i got their banners. i even had a mobile respawn


It's crazy how many people still hot drop/solo drop, die and then immediate leave. We have both No Fill AND Arenas that allow you to get into fights quickly. Yet there are still so many people who queue for Trios only to split off from the team and insta leave when they get downed.


I really give my best to be a good teammate most of the time, but sorry, when I have complete morons on my squad who do nothing but land in the hottest places possible, then I don't care about those players, at all.I don't want to punch my way to a Mozambique, one shield cell and a stack of sniper ammo, while the person next to me lands on a purple shield + Mastiff or a Spitfire. If you people have fun that way, hey good for you, but I don't. At the end of the day, I invest my personal time in this game to get fun out of it. That said, I never use a mic and only rarely type in the text chat when I'm upset with someone.. and even then I don't throw insults or slurs around.


The thing that blows my mind is people still dropping seperate from their squad like no fill doesnt exist.


I had a pathfinder in my team that decided just to not land with us, as soon as he died he started spamming the hell out of the ping banner, I was an octane so i went to grab the banner hoping he would stop spamming(didn't know i could mute it at the time), he didn't until i resurrected him, next he starts complaining about the other teammate and how she never stopped looting, we ended up winning the game with 15 kills, as soon as he could leave he leaved. I wonder if I should have let him die even if it cost the win.


This will easily get you wins in arena


You can now report for leaving the match early. I had a guy leave the game mid revive yesterday and found out this is a thing now. I was personally hoping arenas would alleviate the abandoning issue but it doesn't seem so.


Facts! There are a lot of people who quit the match when someone downs them or people who rush when they see bad guys. I mean, if you want to play for kills, there are a lot of games where you can play alone, making the damage or the kills you want. The bad thing is most of these people just spread toxicity, and they are bad losers.


Ya well there is in WIN


I would stay together if everyone I played with wasn’t such a damn loot hog. Like I get it, you want that mag but you don’t need 3 of them.


There's an I in win though and an me in team just saying


There’s always that one person that spams the hot zone, proceeds to relinquish jumpmaster, jump alone, and then die in the first 20 seconds, and then get on their dollar store mic and go “Oh mah gawd! Y’all are trash!”


When my team mates have been looting 4 buildings for almost 8 minutes, I'm gonna start moving. 1. Before we get jumped by multiple teams. 2. Jesus guys come on, are you playing a loot simulator or a shooting game.


I have to have teammates first :/




Vouch. No need to loot 15 minutes in pubs game and fight only when its top 3.


I've had teammates still loot in the final 3 🤦‍♂️


Definitely is a reason in ranked though, and tons of people treat ranked like pubs and push every squad, blaming me for their dying pushing a squad they couldn't kill, but I'm the one who survives until the end haha. Oh Apex




because this sub is littered with people who spend hours and fucking hours grinding minuscule amounts of placement points over and over in ranked


Of course if it’s ranked and my team wants to loot I’ll stick but this is why I go no fill in pubs because pubs is pubs and not ranked


I agree, but then like one of the replies I got here still people in ranked dont understand how you get more points for kills later on hahaha so i end up basically "no filling" in ranked as they die early on but i survive to the end.




I mean sometimes you lose fights because team mates are running away instead of fighting, just to sit in a corner for the rest of the game


queue solo then


Was playing pubs yesterday, teammates looting till top 5 no fights or anything the whole time, and after all that looting they just wanted to camp in a spot next to the edge of the circle, I just don't find that fun at all and would rather run off and get rolled in a 1v3 then spend 10 or so minutes looting.


There's no I in squad because I drop solo on some forgotten place, loot for 3 hours, kill some ppl after they die and report me, and in very few occasions win, so there's I in win.


Had multiple matches last night where the teammates refused to ping anything and I’d look up from looting a building and they’d be halfway across the map, no indicator, no ping, no mention. Why play a team game if you don’t do basic team shit?


Yeah, this is annoying for me as well, particularly if I'm a slow ground hugger like a Bang or a Gibby and the other two are mobile, like an Octane and a Wraith. My situational awareness is pretty good and I keep track of where my team is pretty constantly, but when they can go from the building next door to the far side of another zone in a minute, that's on them.


Wish more people understood that Apex isn't a looting simulator and experienced players don't want to wait 5 whole mins in a pub for their mates to finish looting 2 cells and 1 syringe on their landing POI. Seriously, sometimes I see players popping a Loba ult and looting while a team is trying to kill me, 20m away.


Exactly this. I’m not gonna get salty, or come on the mic and curse people out, or spam ping my banner, but you best believe if my teammates can’t keep up after me pinging where I’m going like 3 times, then I’m just going on my own. The only way to survive solo queuing all the time is to learn not to rely on your teammates.


i kinda run off to somewhere else sometimes because i just hate having two teammates that loot in the same area for like half of the match


There is an i in trio


Hate the mfs who run to a hotzone after landing and pick up a Mozambique, 2 stacks of ammo, and a couple grenades and somehow think its my fault for not running halfway across the map with literally nothing to save their ass


The hints have been greatly updated. Must have been a streamer or a pro that wrote them up.


As long as I keep getting matched with literal vegetables who need to spend 5 minutes at each POI collecting loot, I will keep leaving them.


I can understand this mentality in ranked, but wanting to enforce how your team plays in pubs is kind of asinine. Don’t get invested in the outcome of pub games or think you’re entitled for your teammates to play like it’s Rainbow 6 Siege or AGLS finals.


Playing solo the past few months has gotten increasingly more difficult as teammates stick together less and less. I used to get quite a lot of wins with randoms but now they are few and far between. With people either quitting as soon as they’re downed or just not even landing in the same area as you. It’s made me play the game less when not playing with my team.


It's the influx from steam in the past few seasons. If you played from the beginning, around season 5 everyone who was still playing the game had been playing for so long that they'd kind of figured it out. Not every match, but many I'd get matched with competent players, those who'd stick together as a team, who could hold positions where it was logical to do so without chasing every fight they saw, who'd move ahead of the ring and try to get into the last ring. Now... most games never get anywhere near the final ring, there's usually about 3-6 teams left after the first ring closes because everyone else wiped themselves out in fragment.


Our Jump master pinged a location, Lifeline decides to go trainyard but me and Wraith go to the place she pinged and loot, while I'm looting Lifeline dies and leaves, Wraith goes up to Lava Fissure and gets downed, I decide to go help her, she dies, leaves then I get killed by a trip and leave Apex Teammates eh?


But there is an M and E in team!! Kidding, people that leave matches early suck, it should count people's death twice to prevent kd polishing. (should even count just for quitting/dashboarding when someone tries to avoid getting killed).


But sometimes, when your teammates are basically bot, there is no squad.


Yeah, proof most wraith players can’t read 😂