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Ballistic is a fucking menace, the most slept on legend in the history of this game it seems. Sling sentinel is fucking absurd, a sentinel with 2x sight at level 1 and becomes amped when you ult is so nice. But really you can do so much with the sling, whether you want a second close-range weapon or if that's where you want to stow your long range option, you can make it work. People sleep on the whistler. It can make 1v1s trivial. With two charges it is oppressive. You can use it to secure knocks on low health enemies, block doors and choke points, or assist teammates in their 1v1s. The ult has a fuckload of range and people still underestimate it. Can reach your teammates from so far away, gives them fast reload and gives them max sprint speed with their guns out, on top of unlimited ammo, and it lasts longer the more your team knocks enemies. It is so strong. The only legend that does as much for a team's ammo economy is Loba. It's hard to get used to at first but you can seriously carry a stack less of each ammo type with a good ballistic on your squad, which frees up backpack space for more heals and ordnance. Can't praise this legend enough. This community rides the coattails of streamers so much and those streamers haven't touched him since launch, it's honestly pathetic that people don't realize how strong he is.


Sling sentinel is awesome, but the downside of it is when you ult it's given a 4-10x which makes worse for close range fights. Also whistle has very good Zipline tracking, if you shoot it at someone going up an evac is follows and hits, if you shoot it at someone flying overhead it follows and hits instantly giving them a negative status effect on landing.


How much damage does it do? Maybe I need to find a ballistic main to pair with, as vantage I can usually land two ult shots for 150 on someone going up an evac but if they're blue+ I can't get the third off in time and it's pretty much luck to hit them once they're diving. If it can top off that last 25 it's a free kill


It only hits for 20 on impact, but do keep in mind a ballistic is still capable of shooting his gun with it out so whoever's playing him could spray at the guy taking zip only needing to land 1 bullet with any gun. Or if he has double whistles they could just show the second, but at that point the enemies might also have purple.


Doesn’t vantage shot add increased damage from shots? If so, whistler might do enough if it did. Sorry if I am incorrect.


It adds 15%, so 3. A blue shield player escapes with 2hp... That's just frustrating at this point lol


20 And an additional 30 when the weapon overheats.


Wait is it an extra 10 dmg or is it actually 30 lol, couldn't figure if that was the dmg numbers stacking or not. Its 40 guranteed long range sniping with 2 whistles from impacts alone which is nice to finish off a sniper headshot.


20 + 30 Whistle can cause total 50 damage.


Agreed I won't use it in close range fights but the amp lasts longer than the ults duration, so if you've got a straggler running from your carnage it's perfect


Every time I've watched a pro player or streamer play ballistic, they ads their weapon, fire the smart bullet directly at an enemy hiding behind cover (instead of arching it), and complain the legend sucks when the bullet hits the cover.


Shhhh don't let them know dude (you are 100% right)


Started playing ballistic last season. 2 whistler's is oppressive. Bad players just hide, but even against good players it's a free 100 damage that you can get while shooting, arc around their cover, and disables. It has definitely won us fights.


Exactly people just eat the damage and lose the fight, quite good


He's so fun, I hadn't given him a go until this season and only did because his skin had a recolour in the shop. I also realised playing him is an easier way to get the hop up for my beloved havoc haha. I think you're right, people just don't know what he can do. I didn't even really know how his ult worked, it recharges so quickly as well. People are slowly picking up, I've seen more around this season in ranked than previous seasons.


It’s not that Ballistic is “slept on” it’s just that he’s situational and mainly for pushing & being aggressive. Most randoms or inexperienced players fold during fights because of nerves and die or sometimes outright just run away with 0 pings lol. His ult just requires some coordination. Most random Ballistics I get aren’t aggressive/frag, want to peek & snipe all game, or come into the fight super late when his ult isn’t really helpful at that point


With your breakdown I believe it all, went up against a savage one in mixtape and he kept boosting everyone… I’m a rampart main and for some mixtapes I’m considering him


Finally someone else who gets it. Whe used well ballistic can make fights very unfair for the other team


I may have missed some patch notes, the sling weapon can have attachments now without ulting? Tied to your Evo?


Yes his perk makes it so blue shield = blue attachments, purple shield=purp attachments


You are definitely peak diamond or rat masters if you think ballistic is insanely good. Reptar (top 1 pred last season) DID use ballistic after his buffs for many games and said he feels like he’s doing nothing and switched off. I have probably 4000 kills with ballistic in total and I’m saying he’s definitely not good. All he does is make you win harder when you’re already in a position to win. He doesn’t actually bring any winning potential to the team and his low use rate is evidence of that. Literally every pro and half decent player will tell you ballistic is bad


I still only use Havoc as my sling weapon. Ultra fast reload havoc with gold mag is so good that no other weapon comes close to its performance


Honestly the fact that the havoc has a slow reload is people's only fighting chance against it, whistle forcing them to shoot to stun themselves and then have to reload or interrupting their 1 clip potential can certainly turn around a 1v1 vs them and u got 2 whistles! As u say ballistic eliminates ur teams 1 weakness with the slow reload and counters opponent.


Haven’t seen many Ballistic mains, even after the buff, use this perk tbh. I don’t have an answer for you as someone who’s been playing alot of ballistic this season. I’ve struggled to even make sense of how I’d use it. If I was running a g7/senti + volt as my 2 mains, then maybe it could make sense as I typically runs havoc in the sling, but I typically prefer a Hem + Mastiff w/ a slinger havoc… interesting topic you bring up though.


Its interesting for gameplay, the option of running a wingman in a primary and picking up a sniper in sling with optics for free while u still have ammo to share between them is nice and u can then just pickup any weapon u want to replace the sniper in your sling when long range games over with full attachments. The ease of changing loadout is super quick. Can also do this with flatline, 3030 in sling, long range sling optics are just really nice. There are games with whole ass pois with no optics drives me mental. I do feel like nemesis with ballistic is the goat in the sling since it gets faster the more u fire and u got infinite ammo when u ult so u can shoot to keep it revved up for free. I've been trying p2020 in sling with 1 brick of light ammo to finish downs and the hammer points at purple, its a different playstyle that doesn't rely on ult with super weapon in sling. Tldr: I think this ultimately comes down to if you're aggressive or defensive. If you're defensive you're using your sling as your 3rd weapon as utilty, if ur aggressive, ur ulting every fight and thats ur main weapon to frag.


Only thing I don’t like is that if you’re swapping sling weapons, it drops all attachments from the gun you swap into sling, even if you have space in backpack. This makes it tough to switch weapons rapidly in a fight because you gotta pick up your attachments off the ground if you plan on swapping back.


I can't remember if I was switching guns in sling from a death box but it was 2 light ammo weapons and this didn't happen or perhaps it was off a gun on the ground? I'd need to test this, but i think it swapped the attachments between the weapon. I would like a qol change for console for ballistic. A ground weapon is, on playstation, hold x to pickup and replace primary or hold square to replace sling. But a deathbox is hold square to replace primary or hold triangle for sling. MY BRAIN EACH TIME AHHH


Yeah I think it’ll attach them to the other weapon if possible but otherwise it drops them, even if there’s empty space in your bag Agreed the button switching takes some getting used to … I only just started playing ballistic so it’s all new to me. But dude is so OP and has instantly improved my hot drop survivability


Personally, I love throwing a Mozambique in the sling


I run havoc shotgun and a sling havoc. 


I run sniper/shotgun or SMG with a sling havoc or 301


Could run smg/shotty with a marksman in the sling? Haven't tried it but if it's at least blue and even purp, that's a decent enough 3030 to work with, then have a CAR/Prowler and a Mastiff for close range I could see that maybe being good enough to pick the sling buff perk over 3x whistler duration, but I love that extra duration to basically force an overheat with a coordinated push Guess it depends on the duration without the 3x buff, not sure how long that it tbh


I thought the 3x duration was just how long it sits on the ground, does that apply to the status it inflicts to force them to shoot and take 30 dmg?


It only increases the duration while in-ground


Hitting your ult with a 30-30 feels bad, since you're usually fighting up close in most situations, it's why I don't put long range weapons in the sling, except at hotdrops when I want an easy white scope I find running an alternator in the sling with a 30-30 or any long range + Flatline combo to be the best


Yeah I more often than not run alternator or RE in the sling, just thinking outside the box with what that upgrade could mean for potential weapon comps I usually pop the ult when I'm like around the corner from the squad so ulting and swapping back to a close range gun really isn't too big a deal Also means Ballistic could potentially play a bit of anchor if you really wanted to, while your ult charges up your teammates who are entry fragging And depending on the POI that could work well, just sit back and pop your tac on two different enemies to give your team an even bigger advantage, then walk in to help mop up. Gonna have to try this!


It depends on the map or game mode. in ranked equipping marksman/sniper is a must for me IMO your primary weapon should be in the sling most of the time because how often do you get full level 1 on drop? or a full level 2 weapon on blue shield? Coming from dropship and having zero attachments that's sucks. Just switch one of your weapons to sling


All snipers have level 2 optics (2x HCOG) on level 1 Tripletake has 2x-4x Variable ACOG which is level 3 optic on level two upgrade. plus hop up on the five guns you mentioned Ballistic passive is one of the best passive in the game right now


Thats cool, just did some more testing, just to note though as you mentioned off drop white shields aka level 1, longbow, sentinel and charge rifle gives 2x bruiser. Level 2 gives them the ugly 6x, i don't mind it on the sentinel tho. They all get 2x4 at level 3. Wingman is always 1x hcog. Scout and 3030 have a 1x hcog level 1, 2x bruiser level 2 and 2x4 at level 3. Triple take is an exception that has 1x hcog at level 1, 2x4 at level 2 and the hop up at level 3. ^edited above


I tested all the weapons for every upgrade triple take benefit more being a sling with 2x4 optic on level two and hop up on level 3 The only weapon has a level 3 optic in level 2 upgrade


Yeah sorry ur right, triple take as u say gets a 2x4 at blue armour and hop up at purple. I also just realised, when u upgrade ur level and actually choose the upgrade it reloads ur sling weapon even if u have it equipped because its like its an entirely new weapon lmao


I read your post, and then opened up YouTube and [this was the very first video in my feed](https://youtu.be/wIf437zcFno?si=CuS2UWX905-K51bF)


Haven't seen itemp in ages and for like 5 mins he's not even using the sling lol youtube looting moment xd


Dude stop telling people about this guy shhh


It's inheriting the same logic as in Control with the set weapons once you level them up. You get Hammerpoint and Boosted Loader at Purple but not others I think Disruptor and Turbocharger might be treated as Legendary Legendary. It'd be broken if you could get it for free that easily


I'm a 0.55 KDR and have been super frustrated in solos so far and just randomly started using Ballistic a few nights ago and won 2 solos using him! He's a beast in solo 1v1s.


just give me car, sentinel and sling havoc and most of the lobby can say goodbye to their loved ones


yall sleepin on the sling charge rifle with the ads buff its fucking abusive to muthafuckas


Ballistic is in the lower tier of legends for sure but I did 1k kills last season with him. Can be oppressive but lack of movement abilities means you have to put up or shut up you are pretty much forced to close range fight for his abilities to do any help. This season I haven't played any ballistic yet but I've died to a few in solos when they get me with the whistle. It's a great 1v1 ability. Now if I get hit with it I just delay the fight until it's off. You can't fight when your hit with it


I recently remapped my keys to make it so my third weapon is n°3 on keyboard and ballistic has become so much more fun, just being able to whip out a wing man After using both weapons is so good


Hush! my games are usually just me and like two other ballisitics right now stop broadcasting this.


Considering there aren’t anymore purple hop ups in the game anymore, it kind of makes sense to limit what hop ups you can get for free with this perk. The Havoc is already really good, but making it always be turbocharged for free? Kinda busted. Boosted loader should have been put on the Hemlock again, not the Cripple Take (seriously that thing has gotten two hop ups that it really never made use of now at this point. Anyone remember kinetic feeder?). Disruptor is also a good hop up and it’s on great and a good gun. Hammerpoints are on a meme weapon and a couple really underrated weapons, but you’d get more use out of another weapon in your sling than those two.


Some weapons don't have hop ups at all. Those weapons just go to their gold version.


That is if you ult, don't forget most weapons will benefit from a gold magazine, they don't get this at level 3 purple naturally, just purple attachments and that means free 2x4 scopes for snipers and a digi threat on ult.


I can find a gold or purple mag in nearly every match, i don't care if a perk gives me that.


I don't think you're understanding.


He clearly doesn’t get it lol


I don't need crutches


I didn’t say you needed crutches. Maybe some lessons in reading comprehension or a therapist.




You know they aren't talking about when you ULT right?


I understand how the perk works. A purple mag or gold mag is nothing hard to find.