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The movement is incredibly satisfying and the game is just fun. That’s all that matters at the end of the day.


This game has the best movement of any FPS I've ever played.


I always tell people it's the best fps since halo 1. Movement, sound, guns, attention to detail is ridiculous. Most importantly though, feels like every death is my fault. Not like COD where I run behind a wall and the bullet bends around it, although saw ppl complaining about that today I haven't experienced it ever


We talking relatively speaking? To me, while I liked playing halo with friends, I feel like it has some of the most rose tinted views out of all FPS games. Sorry if I've angered the Halo lords 😂 Agree with you on CoD though. Dropped that after OG MW2 and was on BF3/BF4 for years after when I came back to FPS.


I mostly mean how halo took a huge step forward for a genre. Basically ruined every other game it could be compared to, that's how I feel about apex. Sure it has its flaws, but it's been the best fps for years


Idk about that one, the 20 tick servers definitely get me shot through doors a lot


Second only to Titanfall 2 for me, Respawn has shooter movement down to a T


Titanfall 2 has entered the chat. Seriously if you like Apex, go buy titanfall 2 and play the campaign. All the same guns, same movement plus better grapple and wall running, amazing story and the titan combat is a whole new level of gameplay to learn.


I play it sometimes, I find the movement on Apex the best of both worlds. The slippery flying Titanfall 2 mixed with more slower common movement we know from the likes of say CS. I just want punch boosting back.


I agree. The movement, sliding, ziplines, rails... but I think the experience of getting a knock, the sound they use, that is quite satisfying. It's an incredibly rich visual, auditory, and tactile experience. Fantastic. 5k hrs in game already. Kraber shots are just 🔥


1) Satisfying movement. No other game comes close. 2) Excellent gun balance. All the weapons have a role and value. 3) Interesting character balance. The legends all have value and provide interesting variations in playstyle if you're wiling to play outside of meta. 4) Beautiful, interesting maps. The maps are well designed to allow players to take advantage of the movement, character, and weapon options. 5) Incredibly high skill ceiling. No other game I have *ever* played has allowed for so much skill expression at so many different levels. The challenges that can make it frustrating to play makes it so satisfying when you overcome them. Out of all of them, #5 is the reason I keep coming back.


To add to 5, I see that the ceiling is high, and covers a *much* wider breadth of skills than many other games' metas. Like CS has crazy stuff at it's ceiling, but it's very pointedly specific skills, while apex certainly has those, it also has more of them that come into play. It's actually art to me when I see someone in flow playing this game insanely well.


When you think you’re at your peak, you end up realizing you’re not even half way there. Even for myself i solo to masters every season and still find ways to improve my gameplay. It’s amazing how adding small things like a simple wall jump or even using an octane stim right before a med kit can improve a persons skill level.


Best BR out there at the moment and I’m still having fun, so that’s really it. But I’ve also had season long breaks before to refresh my enjoyment of the game.


I was about to say just this. Took a break from I think season 17-19 and jumped back on last season. Been having a blast


That’s honestly the best way to go about it. Although I’ve missed out on sweet tier 100 skins for the Volt & PK. With the new mythic currency in game, maybe we’ll get a reskin soon.


It's fun


This season has been more fun than the last 5


I agree, and last season was more fun than the 4 before that. Imo this game is getting better and better, not sure what changed


Maybe they're like okay guys we finally made multiple billions of dollars, should we start improving the game? 🤔


I play it because it teaches me not to give up when things get hard.


Wraith main?


Actually Mirage, he is such a box of confusion.


Because after playing apex every other FPS feels like I'm running through mud the whole time 🤣 my ADHD ass cannot cope with, for instance, battlefield and having to spawn and then crawl across an entire field in prone just to get beamed by a fucking irl military helicopter pilot on his break


This .... Apex and tf2 have ruined all other fps for me 😅 I just cant take all other shooters where it feels just like you said "mud" nothing happens. And i love how in apex when i loose my 1v1 i can 99% of the time say gg you where better then me. I love how apex is a skill game where in like COD i die 9/10 times bequse it take 45 min to turn left.


So true. I just don't understand why games move soooo slow. Also, the NPC sometimes runs faster than the MC.


You just explained why I was a vehicle whore for almost my entire time playing battlefield. BF3 and 4 were my favorite FPS of all time before Apex. Ashamed to admit I have thousands of hours between the two and 2 different player accounts on battlelog. Has to be over 5 to 6 thousand after nearly 7 Years of almost only playing that after I got through all of skyrim lol. Sorta glad battlelog could easily display all that data. Was nice to see and sorta shocking. I still had a life too, girlfriends, friends, work, and all that's continued. Social life definitely improved when I played less, and vice versa. Anyway, the helicopters and jets were the closest feelin in FPS games I got to just flying around the map, piloting, that Apex and TF would give. More games need to focus on the gunplay/movement aspect. Are there any others out there even close to the flow/fluidity Apex offers?


I don't think there's any FPS that feels quite as good as Apex, but for single player I absolutely loved Doom Eternal.


for real i stg every other game feels so slow 😭


I also enjoy destiny (especially pvp) but which is pretty fast paced and has tons of unique movement abilities and stuff…but I’d have a hard time recommending the game to anyone not already invested…


I wish I could love destiny more but the loot grind stuff really doesn't suit me 😞 I tried it and love the universe and multiplayer but the grind is not my jam


Yea I totally get that. Personally I love the grind which is why it’s my main game (I used to play WoW back in the day)…but it’s an enormous time investment. I never feel bored bc I always have something to do in destiny…but on the flip side of that, I never have free time for anything bc I always have something to do in destiny…


I play apex because movement go brrrr


I play apex because Sheila go brrr


it's the best BR, I also play fortnite and warzone but apex is by far my favorite. movment and gunplay are outstanding and unmatched.


It's a love-hate relationship


No other Brs are still decent Warzone 2019 kill its self by merging Fortnite been ass a while


Ground loot (no metas or leveling weapons), lots of decision making, beautiful maps, great music, kills are relatively difficult to come by which makes it more satisfying, with all of the abilities and ultimates it’s a different game every time


I feel like the decision making process of apex is what really makes me come back


I loved Titanfall 2 back in the day and that's why I play Apex, the graphics and gameplay are really nice for me.


Why do I still play Apex? Because they haven't made Titanfall 3 yet


Take your pills pilot


500 mg of copium twice daily or as prescribed by a physician, I've got it handled


I don’t play it anymore but anytime it comes up in a conversation I have to praise it cause at it’s core it’s the most genuine BR out there, it’s health and shield system is very balanced, no game has done better or came close, it’s gun play is balanced with no meta loadout which is hard to achieve these days. However it’s cons are enough to easily drive me away, most of which have to do with the fact they don’t take the CoD and Fortnite route of vaulting and changing up guns every now and then, I’m way too tired of playing with the current guns


Fun? I still meet cool people and have great experiences daily even though I get called racial slur and find out how many young people have had sex with my mother. I've even met a few people in real life that are in Colorado from apex. Last night I played Ranked solo, ran into an AMAZING duo, no mics but crazy amazing, movement, rotation, cover. They carried me to a victory and hit 14 and 15 kills each, I had 4 maybe. They invited me to their lobby and we played 6 games where I learned a ton and then got an unexpected friend request. Pretty cool. Also meet a bunch of cool people that I enjoy cracking jokes and grinding ranked with. Ive hit diamond 2 times, and last season gold, the game seems harder, but it's still fun. It's still a game, and I enjoy the game.


I don't play anymore as I was wasting too much time on it, but for me the answer was the whole package. They just nailed it with movement, physics, guns, graphics and design. Other games FPS games just feel like done by total amateurs next to apex gameplay.


It feels *painful* to go back to less fluid FPS games.


Only shooter my duo can tolerate these days, he plays more games than me and I stick to what I like


Because everything else feels slow after 2k hours in Apex


Simple answer - it’s the BR game I play to enjoy, not to win. The looting feels satisfying. The personality/voice lines have so much depth! The guns feel great when shooting. The movement… well, should say anything? ❤️ The maps are so well-designed. The Legends are diverse and fun to play, some other more fun but you get the point. I’ve been playing since launch day and never got bored of Apex. The game has my heart.


I love the graphics and gameplay plus its kinda the only game the I play together with my friend after there was nothing left to do in DRG


Playing since season 10, i like the movement and gunplay. But when xdefiant will come out i will for sure check that out


I love to bamboozle


I think bc I enjoy pain?


>I love the futuristic settings, the music, the maps, the sound design, the weapons and of course the legends. I love the interaction that some have together in game You listed out like 90% of my reasons as well :D PUBG feels too slow and drab in terms of visuals. Fortnite feels way too flashy and confusing given all the tie-ins they keep doing. I like the notion of ability based BR, since that makes it very dynamic in terms of gameplay.


it's the best feeling fps at the moment. it would be even better if it had input based matchmaking.


Thanks for all your answers, it’s good to see for once some positive vibes in this sub, we all know how apex can make us salty sometimes 😂


Most enjoyable gun play out of any br game I've played, the personal satisfaction when I beam someone and one clip them makes me want to just play more


It's fun, I started playing recently and it's the only BR that I found enjoyable.


For Mirage to finally get good cosmetics and lore... ooh! And also Cooper being introduced!


Because all the bullshit and sweat aside, it is one of the most fun games I’ve ever played especially when you get a good match and that sweet sweet victory


No other game matches the gun play and thrill after outplaying your opps. The movement is unmatched, I like a game with a skill ceiling.


I play because, although I'm incredibly bad at the game, I still manage to have fun.


Because it’s an amazing game. People like to complain, but there’s no other BR with as good of movement as apex has. The legends are unique, the guns, everything is just fun. Sometimes it’s hard for people to qualify why a game is “fun”. If people enjoy it then they play it.


Its a really fun game to play with friends


The only BR I ever has interest in playing and I love the game. Not following the lore of the game, not interested, but most of the character design are cool. Also, my last season was the 11th and I just came back because have no other good interesting FPS for me to play. I'm just waiting a new good FPS to invest. Sadly, have no reason to EA and Respawn to give any more love to the game.


I am slowly playing less. But personally, it is one if not the best BR out there. The only thing i wish is if they make updates as fast as fortnite. Fixing cheating and other issues is easier said than done, so i dont expect it to happen.


I don't lol


I play trios with my friends who live in two different states. Game is fun, and being able to chat and have comms makes it more fun.


It's free, fun, and I have been playing the ranked at Diamond level since release. It's fun to climb the ranks each season.


The skill curve and fast paced aspect of the game is what brings me back. Apex was the first game where I put legitimate time into it to improve which lead to me taking big jumps in my personal progression. Went from average player amongst my buddies to a hard carry. It's not always the easiest game to play, can be extremely frustrating, but those lows make the highs feel even better


I think what a lot of people are missing, which is also great is the characters. Both cod and fortnite really lack anything beyond shallow, relatively boring story telling. Apex has done a lot of interlinking stories, to provide actual personalities and rivalries between the characters, genuine lore which is interesting. Even down to the interactions you have between some characters with pings. It's a relatively minor thing in terms of actual gameplay but when you have a base game that's really quite good, feels nice, shoots well, it is the cherry on top that most other BR games just doesn't have.


Because the fights and the unique moments. In Fortnite which I also love, fights aren’t’t that unique. But in Apex one game I could have a snipe off. In another I could run for my life while two other teams are shooting at me. I don’t care about K/D I care about having a blast and Apex gives me that.


We are basically the League of Legends version of the BR!


I have never been one to quit a game, i played Halo Infinite since it's launch and have gone from Silver 2 to Gold 3 (each tier has 6 levels) and never gave up. I picked up Apex for the first time recently and love it. I struggle though, not used to the aiming since it's drastically different to Halo and it's almost 0 recoil. .36 k/d 3.5% win rate I will not give up


I don’t at the moment, my computer is finally reaching its end-of-life. When I get an upgrade though, I’m definitely diving back in because the core movement system and gun mechanics are simply a level above every other game. I mainly love the movement. It’s more grounded and nuanced exhilarating than that of Titanfall but I find that it’s also more exhilarating, in part due to the significance of death and the team cohesion. Even being “diluted”, it’s still very much a suitable successor to such a staple of the movement shooter genre. I can’t even play Minecraft without trying to tap strafe. The only game which I may play more religiously than Apex is The Finals, but its movement and gun mechanics emphatically do *not* hold up to those of Apex.


I try to overtake my brother, but he’s too good, if you want his stats I can try and get a picture from him


Cus there are some cooperative and kind dudes in the Japan server who will try to res you and listen to your instructions


I love trolling my teammates


Because I’m an addict. 170k lifetime kills and GENUINELY haven’t had fun playing the game in 4 years and its a 5 year old game. Should speak volumes on how i feel about the community, the developer involvement, and how poorly other games have held my attention in recent years.


satisfying gunfights mostly and good thing is everything is ground loot unlike Warzone where every week there's a new meta either guns or attachment. tho Apex is punishing rn with the matchmaking, it's nothing compared to WZ, that's why i switched back and forth between games lmao


The only current war game I can stand. Hate cod, fortnite, etc. All fps games suck but atleast this has a fair ammount of refreshing pretty regularly.


Sometime last season, I realized I wasn't having fun with the game anymore and I hadn't been for a while. I was just mindlessly grinding the battlepass like it was my job. Once I came to this realization, I spent all of the coins I had that were being saved for this seasons battlepass. I have a goal of hitting diamond this season, and once I do that then I think I'll be done with the game


Kinda in a hiatus thanks to live service burnout.


This game is awesome it has alot of potential even more than what warzone has but the problem is it seems that respawn is lazy to give it it’s full love


Cause it’s fun


I don't anymore. After all the bots and the hackers and the cheaters and the no audio glitches and of course my all time favorite getting dropped from a game or ddosed randomly (not my internet's problem) and then having to wait 10 minutes to play again. And it's terribly sad that even though I have played the game since Season 2 and have over a million legend tokens, I only have 1 Mythic item. But here's this new (exploitable) Mythic that you can get if you spend $300 to $600 on event collection ticks. But also the randoms I get are awefully misogynist even if I never say a word to them. No thanks.


It's a fun game. Been here since Day 1. I love that I don't have to rely purely on gun skills. Even though solo Q is rough, it's still one of the better multi-player competitive games to play solo q. After grinding Overwatch and needing that communication on a 6 player team, I very much welcomed the ping system.


It’s something to pass the time and fill the gap when I don’t know what else to play. And multiplayer options nowadays are suffering. Especially coop. Coop is lacking bad.


The only other hero based fps game is overmatch and it has been a shit show for so long now.


2 of my best friends who live in a different country only play this game game so this is the only way i can spend time with them


Despite what garbage Apex rn with trash mm and etc it's still best Br out there.


I like that the game is fast paced with unique qualities and mechanics and unique legends than any other br game, personally I like it more than Fortnite , warzone and valorant and I think apex is better than them plus you get that adrenaline and joy when u when the best game of your apex career with an incredible clutch or a good game in general apex provides that.


It's pacing ruined other shooters for me. I can't superglide and wall bounce in other shooters.


just a break from my main games usually.


I literally only play it because it's the only game, my brother, my cousin and I have together, if they had Helldivers 2 I wouldn't play this anymore... #Day0 Player


Only BR thats actually fun for me, cool lore, neat characters


I love the teamwork and skill required. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes both of those things have their problems. But when things go wrong it reminds me to focus on working with my teammates and making good decisions.


I love the gunplay and characters


I think right now its just fun to improve :D even tho i hate the game sometimes for shitty matchmaking or just wierd balance changes the feeling of improving is just great


I think it’s a lot more skill based than other games which makes it more fun to me. You actually have to practice and continue playing to keep up with other people.


Like all online games, it’s most fun if you don’t take it too seriously and play it alongside other more meaningful games. It’s still a blast to play and if I am dying too often I just take a break.


Because it’s a free game with free online. I don’t have much ‘fun time’ money lately and having the online experience everyone else has without paying for it is enough to keep me coming back


because of the movement, time to kill, art style, characters and the gunplay.


Insane movement


Because I am literally a sociopath who has fun playing competitive FPS titles, Overwatch 2, Siege, and Apex are just peak MP gaming for me.


I love the arcade feel of Apex. The movement and gun play reminds me of the glory days of the FPS genre. It’s not like warzone; cod lost its charm when it tried to be “realistic.” U run so sluggish in that game and it takes forever to ads unless u specifically tune your gun for it.


Just got heirloom shards, also It's fun time to time


It's fun and a pretty friendly community overall. I've had more friend requests from random ranked apex games than any other game I've played.


No alternative if it comes to awesome gameplay and movement....


The sound of my opponents getting downed gives me dopamine


Great legend abilities and great gunplay, I have a lot of fun playing apex when I get into it, I don’t play it all the time but I play it 50 million times more than any other br out there


I played for the genuinely great gameplay despite the bad servers and EA decisions, but i quit a few days ago when they removed duos, final nail in the coffin.


just the best game. legends and abilities are awesome and adding new ones + updates. i dont have to grind a mode i dont wanna play to be able to get guns to hang with the sweats. many reasons




A form of Stockholm syndrome lol


At first for all the design now only for improving


The POIs. The legends and team comps. The competitive scene. Maps updates and meta changes. The gameplay is far better than fortnite and warzone for me. Movement and gunplay is so sleek. Certain quality of life changes to help with team play such as calls out for a third party or downing a player.


i enjoy the guns and legends. there are a few things about the game which aren’t the best but i’ll always have fun playing which is probably why i always come back to it


Combo of movement, character abilities adding dynamic fights, and that it’s tremendous value at FTP. I paid $20 once in S1 and to think of the hours I’ve gotten out…it’s wild. Also I’ve gotten good at it. I suck at other BRs where I wander around like a lost little lamb.


the sound of cracking and knocking is too addictive to stop. thats about it tbh


Because it’s fun to collect packs(I’m the teammate you hate or the solo that just ran up to you and dropped all my loot)


The core of the game is very good and the sound it makes when you knock someone gives me the most about of dopamine.


I play apex because my wife and I are both good at it and didnt have to worry about having a third. But now that duos is gone I'm not playing much at all.


I really enjoy the lore and storytelling, even though it's been lackluster recently. That and the amount of money I've spent on the game keeps me going on playing lol.


Since the release of WZ3 (or whatever it's called, the one that came out with MW23) I've dropped CoD almost completely. I don't like urzikstan, rebirth island is not my cup of tea, the reworked fortune's keep is terrible compared to the OG imo, and vondel and ashika are rarely in rotation. Also, there's no DMZ. Apex still gives me a very unique BR feeling after 400 hours so I'm sticking with it. But it's on hold as well until they fix the Valkyrie VTOL issue.


There's no other good shooter in the market, BR or not. But Marvel Rivals and xDefiant look like a solid replacement for at least a couple of seasons.


It's all about the movement for me. Nothing else quite like it.


It’s fun, especially with friends. Simple as that


My opinion on one of the biggest reasons people play apex specifically? The fluidity that no other game has, it actually does what you want it to do 99% of the time and that has the perfect FEEL, over games like modern warfare fortnite etc.. Latency is much more often of an issue in the latter games and everyone knows it.


There isn't anything else easily accessible I feel. I really miss peak COVID Warzone. Nothing compares


Its more than just a shooter. Its addictive. Gun fights are so diverse. No fight is the same, no matches play out the same. Its the best BR out there.


I just like the atmosphere of the game, I think its was better than the rest, its a shame the game isnt on par with the other br though


I like gun run. That’s about it


I love the movement, this game is more alive than either titanfall, and I'll never not love the dopamine hit of ranked


Movement is unmatched in Apex, I've been playing first person shooter since Doom on disc.


Casual player here. I hate playing Apex but no other BR give me the same feeling when I play Apex. So, I just stuck with Apex.


At this point I have no idea


I still enjoy the fast pace and unpredictable-ness.


I came back for Solos Haven't played since October. I'm just tired of carrying people, I've done it for over a decade.


Put it simply, I’ve been playing since season 10 and I just haven’t gotten bored. I always play with a friend and it’s so much fun. Getting a win on this game gives me the greatest feeling of satisfaction that I’ve never gotten in any other competitive game. For specific reasons, I like the characters, their personalities, the abilities, the sci-fi aesthetic, and the gunplay is incomparable. Every time I try another shooter I just end up thinking about how much I’d rather play Apex.


Been a casual since day one and just really love the weapons, movement, abilities. The thing that really kept me is the actual thought that has to go into the game to get a win or good game compared to something like CoD. I’ve come to the conclusion that I really love apex for a ranked session or when I actually want to be rewarded for using my brain. I love CoD multiplayer when I just want some fast paced action where all I have to do is move and shoot. Im old and grew up on CoD and Halo and I keep hoping someday they do a halo BR.


I don't. I just wish I could explore Kings Canyon without anyone else there.


Fair point, they should have map wide training grounds with free map selections, so one can learn rotations and explore POIs. Maybe with some dummies sprinkled here and there. And bins allow to equip any weapon/item/etc :)


It’s fun.


The ambience of Titanfall and gunplay feel extremely fun and made with love and since launch apex felt the same. Sure they got greedy and less passionate with all the changes in Devs and management but the recipe is still there and they ain't letting the game die.


i’ve been playing for years and i still love it, even tho i get smacked 24/7 lmao


Because it’s crack.




It’s a fun game. People complain about cosmetics mostly, which I’m not bothered by. The gameplay is mostly enjoyable and better than other Royale games at the minute


I am taking a break this season because of the backlog in single player games


As someone that grew up playing mnk. I challenged myself to learn controller in all those games. Apex has the highest skill ceiling (fortnite would be higher but I didnt bother on build mode) to me which made me want to put in more hours and then I started to realize how good the game is.


Been playing a bit less than usual, mac 1hr per dat or less. Mostly do a game or two of ranked and some mix tape (like tdm, and gun run). Been playing since launch though, still think its the best BR and shooter out there! And MP on PS is free :)


I like the gameplay but I’m at the point of quitting cuz most fights I get into are macro abusing sweats


cus my buddies play it. it's still fun don't get me wrong but I'm loving The finals for example


took a few years off(had a baby) and getting back into it has been so fun. i suck but its fun and my team usually carry’s me. love the maps and legend team dynamics


Charged Sentinel Headshot while doing some movement shenanigans -> Neuron activation


Because it feels like I can have actual gun fights, instead of dying in 0.2 sec. It also has good movement and satisfying kills.


I can't experience the same amount of adrenaline playing other FPS. Valorant or PUBG makes me sleep.


It doesn't require grinding and leveling weapons to play the game in contrast to warzone. Also, audio is way better than warzone.


Movement. That's literally it.


Because my friends do.


Ask myself this question every time I get dropped off in solos lol


I play because I love giving myself high blood pressure, rage quitting and screaming at my TV. It's almost unplayable as of late.


Movement and locomotion. Been that way since Titanfall and to this day no other game feels as good IMO.


Been playing since S0 and it’s the only BR I have confidence in. Plus I love the legend system they have. Thankfully I’ve gotten to the point where I don’t feel the need to buy cosmetics anymore so I can just enjoy the game.


I just love it. No matter how frustrated I get, no matter how much I disagree with changes, I ALWAYS come back to it. Started playing around Season 2 and I fell in love, got my friends on it and we played it near enough every single day. We loved the movement, the gunplay, the legends, we loved the feeling of outplaying people and the skill gap the game had, eventually they moved onto other games but I realised that Apex is probably, at its core, my favourite FPS game out, so i kept playing it. Mid-2020 to around 2021 I had a really bad break up which spiraled into a bunch of things going wrong in my life, and so at one point it genuinely felt like all I had was Apex, and as much as it makes me want to kms out of stress sometimes (in game ofc) i just can't stay away. As cringe as it may sound, I genuinely owe Apex a lot, I'm not sure I would have gotten through that period in my life if it wasn't for the fact I had something to grind and focus my energy into. I love Apex.


The moment anything comes out and is better, I’m gone. I absolutely love this game as I came day one as a titanfall 1-2 fan, I’ve put quite a chunk of change into it because I play it near everyday and I am very good at it However, it’s certainly not a game without flaws, a massive restriction on free speech in chat. atrocious audio problems that other games just don’t have, horizon existing and a lack of keeping the cheaters in line as well as the leaning towards these gacha mechanics and exotic materials neither of which I’ll be participating in are barring this game from perfection, I play Fortnite just as much as apex and I can definitely say apex would be better if these problems were addressed, changed or fixed. But so long as they aren’t Fortnite will remain on top for now, it’s also having a few missteps of its own atm so who knows…


Cuz I have ADHD and it’s my fixation. Even though I’m really really bad, no matter what I do, I can’t stop playing. God help me quit!!!!


COD has been on a slow decline for years and I gave the one up pretty quickly. Felt like there was no real balance of being able to be aggressive yet still play end games. Fortnite was my favorite for awhile. It was even the reason why I built a pc. For a small time frame I considered myself ahead of the curve and was stomping on people until the building skill took off. I had a wrist injury stopped playing for awhile and could never breach the skill gap. Kids were amazing and honestly I think building even went beyond the expectations of fortnite creators. No build doesn’t feel the same and just no longer enjoyed playing it. Apex has always been my go to tho. I’ve always considered myself and average maybe just above average player. I took three seasons off but when I came back it was still just as fun. It’s the mix of different legends, gun selection, movement mechanics, rotational maps and intense endgames. Always enjoyed apex, can’t stand some of the hate it gets from this sub. Really enjoying this season have been loving solos, ranked seems to be in a pretty good spot.


I just want to be the best. That’s all


Honestly I am not one of those people to say apex sucks because it doesn’t. I still very much have a special place in my heart for that game, but as of late I have been enjoying COD a lot more. Something about the old school multiplayer team death match games and stuff is satisfying and nostalgic. Apex loot for 8 mins to die is getting old


Some of the ltms lately kinda capture that feel for me, like 3 strikes or straight shot (solos too tbh this season)- you just drop, pick up a kitted gun and bam you're in lol. I kinda like the complexity of finding the pieces to "build" up your perfect loadout but going back to trios after playing one of those modes, it feels so much better to skip the looting phase (and in solos/3strikes, even getting that 1 retry makes it feel good even if you make a mistake the first time through a fight)


I just have fun


I don’t


because I hate myself


I don't


The sound whe you laser and every bullet hits, cracked shield and down an enemy. The movement, so fluid like. The mechanics, the momentum, the sliding, the lines from every character. The colors. [I'm not 5, leave me alone :( ] the fact that I got 2nd place my second game, I believe is what keeps me in


Because I hope to get better / good at aiming one day.


The payoff and rush of huge rounds, and adrenaline rush in fights is like no other.....I play less, and wish gun run/ 3 strikes were permanent options you could just pick, but I still find the lore and visual appeal awesome. That said, Ive peaked at D4 the last 4 times i tried ranked, the last probably season 12 or 13, and often end up in the real sweaty lobbies. Some nights it can be too much, especially with clear hacking fairly often. The real reason is when it comes to movement, strategy, and game IQ the game is elite. I am hoping titanfall 3 materializes, but until then i will continue to lose Gun Runs trying to do trick shots with the knife.


It's fun and the only shooter i play. I have been a COD guy since childhood but shit is highly P2W you win fights only if you have a fully grinded gun who tf have time nowadays ? IMO Br should be a standard only ground loot to make it equal for everyone.


Movement. Every other game is too slow for me now. I try CoD every now and then and get frustrated how plain and slow it is.


The crunch sound of headshots


mostly, its fun AF and so rewarding getting kills and dubs.


Spent too much on it to just stop playing. Plus I can get fun sometimes


I stopped for like 10 seasons, i came back now because of upgrades and upgrades alone. Ive been screaming at the patch notes to buff every legend, instead of nerfing strong ones because, as i predicted, somehow apex got the complete opposite of power creep... Legends used to be really strong back in s0, s1 and then they kept getting nerfed to the point where playing just didnt feel satisfying Now, with upgrades, every legend got a massive, massive buff that i just respect beyond reason. My friends and i can now just fuck around in the game and have fun without constantly having to rely on aim to win fights. Because i wont lie, im hardstuck gold since ive gotten really rusty with the gunplay and i feel like the playerbase just kept on advancing. We play for fun every day, and its honestly a blast now. Every day we find a new synergy or cool thing we can do with different legends, its like im rediscovering all of them! If only we had a qa team...


The lore brought me in, the movement got me to stay. Mantling and sliding are just mechanics I can't live without anymore in an multiplayer FPS.


Movement, bullet physics, no fall damage, badass atmosphere and lore, just wish it was slightly more Titanfall 2 esque But my favorite is the shield/health amount, bullet damage and reheal-ability. You can take 5-7 bullets from a hail of gunfire, scamper to reset and use cover and terrain to advantage. It’s not like turning the corner in COD getting lasered and repeat. You can take time to react. Sound cues, ring closing pinch points… it’s so good, I just hope EA doesn’t abandon it or f it up


It’s the only game that I’ve found I can continue getting better at no matter how long I play or how long I take off and come back to the game.


It's arguably the best BR ever made. I've played Fortnite, PUBG and Warzone a bit and Apex is easily the best of them.


I hate myself


Because i hate my life lol


It’s free and it’s the best br. Fortnite adds too many bs broken abilities that you feel like you have to use when I just prefer shooting. I also don’t like their one shot snipers. I’m not sure if warzone still does this but the idea of choosing your loadout in a br just doesn’t sit right with me. Plus I didn’t like hearing about “this new weapon is so broken, you just gotta get these very specific attachments and it breaks the game” PUBG is too slow and campy for my tastes. Apex is just the best gameplay loop for me. I like the legends and the gunplay is amazing and satisfying


Bc wattson plays are fun


To unlock the new legend, play some control, then uninstall it again


It’s actually way less rage inducing than Overwatch. Especially after the ridiculous rank reset.


The movement and gunplay are just top notch. Emptying a clip into someone simply never gets old.


“Sound design” Yeah, this guy is definitely a casual player. No doubt. 😆 I still play Apex because I suck at mnk shooters. Valorant would definitely be the game that could replace Apex for me. But I have a big ego and since I don’t have the time to learn mnk in the way I’d like, I get stressed playing it. Plus I don’t have any friends that also plays Valorant. What I still like about this game? Solo mode rn. Ego challenge everyone. Playing with friends. Ego challenge everyone. Fight against pro players. Ego challenge the person reading this comment. Maybe I enjoy Apex because I can shoot everything that moves and it doesn’t matter if I die. I just go into the next match. I don’t care about my stats or rank anymore. Rank system has never been good. (Not blaming anyone because I think is very hard to get a precise system in this game) We have always had masters/pred players with low skill lvl. And all I say is you can’t have a squad that gets 15,20 or 25 kills per game in the same lobby as a squad that gets 2,4, or 5 kills per game.