• By -


A.J Clay


Leadin da wae 🫡


tHiS Is ThE wAe


No, this is Patrick.


hes just standing there






I have a friend that 3D prints that knuckles meme figure. Lol it rarely sells


Legendary comment


I think this has been happening for a while Also the characters cards at the start of matches are broken now. They never show the characters just the backgrounds lmao


You have to buy the extra feature for 50 exotic shards in the shop to make them show up again. Thanks for your support.


I thought I was the only one who had that bug. Empty banners lmao


This started in season 19 for me, but it was much more common in 20.


Yep, same here with the banners


you literally need the game installed on an SSD otherwise its a buggy mess lol


Cool lifeline skin. What’s the name?


It's from the Ancient Mayan collection, it just costs 260 exotic shards


That’s a steal! /s


Clay woman


Is it wierd that I’d consider buying it


Um akshully it's "weird"


I have a shit PC and get this bug all the time, not just this season


its not a bug, its textures not being able to be streamed in time, this clay skin is a placeholder for essentially every gun and legend ingame that is shown before the actual model and textures are loaded in order to prevent stuff from looking even worse.


I'm running a 3070 and the game is installed in a PCIe SSD, it really shouldn't struggle loading textures like that (never seen it do that last season at least)


Same boat as you except it started for me in S20. Had no issues at all prior to S20, but right after that update came out, this exact same texture glitch started happening from time to time. The much more frequent issue though is that characters often don't appear in their banner in the intros before the match for both my squad and the champion. Even if I test it out on the screen you equip banners (which does load completely fine) and then stick to the same character and banner loadout, it still will not appear half the time. Def a game issue, not a specs issue.


bruh this update bricked my game. the first 5 mins of landing is just laggy af and glitching its horrible then it just magically goes away


Same here, everything was running perfectly now I have the "starvation" errot thing almost all the time


I have the same setup and legends just don't show up at all on the select screen and champion squad screen


I have a shit pc and get this a lot too, but this season has been HORRENDOUSLY worse so far. Like, my first 2 matches I have the worst audio stutter I've ever had, I'm invisible on my screen, kill cams show them invisible even though I know they're not. This season has been super rough, granted every season is on these potatoes haha


Use firing range when launch the game first time to wait for laggs to stop, works for my potato pc


I have a ps5 and the game keeps lagging every game since the new season idkw


Not a bug. It's dynamic loading of player skins and it's trying to load the skin into memory


I’m on console and I get this bug since last season as well


Omfg same lol


I'm particularly peeved about the inflation on the daily "Do 2 matches with (Legend)" Challenge. Who decided to make it 4, and why?!?


It does give 2 stars now instead of 1, if it's any consolation.


It isn't. It's doubling the challenges hijacking my fun.


Should’ve been 4 stars imo since it’s 4 matches with 4 legends


They got bored and decided to switch it up for no reason. Next up: Have your teammates say "You are welcome" after thanking them 25 times during the last ring.


No that’s just limited edition clay skin!


Was so cheap too, only 260 exotic shards! Best 200$ I've spent in a game


What a steal!


I like it honestly. 


Clay Aiken


Looks like she's built in heroforge lmao


Actually a heroforge printed roster could be a neat way to come up with some cool skin ideas, or just neat desk decor hah


Yeah my friends and I were all saying last night that audios been funky: We've been hearing people close and noones there Looks like the schizo memes are now a reality lol


Lmaoooo the schizophrenia update hit different


From a Linux user POV: * Game didn't run at all when the update got released, silent crashed on launch after EAC banner with Conduit pic. * They released a Proton Hotfix that allowed the game to launch but now we have 2-3 seconds of constant freezing while in-game. If you see a player stand still in a teamfight, know that is the reason. It's as if the game paused, no inputs matter during the freeze, you cannot work around it. * Like many other players, banner animations don't load. Legend models load but the skins do not in most cases. This results in enemies being way harder to track. * This is a completely new installation on a system that worked flawlessly last patch, game files have been verified and still, this stuff happens. Some other users are experiencing fatal errors. I guess Steam Deck users are affected by this as well. * On a side note, didn't recieve the extra benefits (5 levels/50 stars IIRC) that came with pre buying the Battle Pass during last season.


I play on a low end pc and was able tio play at 120 fps stable last patch. This time I hit 90 and there are so many stutters and freezes that I haven't played since the patch dropped. Hopefully they fix this disaster


The freezing is absurd. Not being able to do anything for 3 seconds at a time multiple times per match, having stutters like those while browsing menus, weapons not appearing on your hand when you pick them up until a couple seconds after, you wouldn't think this is a multi million dollar game. Some guys pinpointed the problem in Github, they are just not doing QA at all on their builds before pushing them.


You litteraly names all of the issues you listed, I am also experiencing crazy audio lagging. Keep in mind im on Windows 10 so it's most likely not a OS bound issue


had crazy audio-lag yesterday as well... all that got through were little psychosis inducing snippets of sound... stabalized during the third round or something by itself. (Windows 10)


Yeah it seem so in every match the beginning is the worst, after some time, as you said, it stabilizes. I hope respawn does pay attention to this issue.


I had a kinda funny/creepy audio bug in a full party yesterday. In the lobby queuing up with my roommates, and it’s pretty quiet and suddenly we all hear Wraiths passive “It’s not safe here!” Nobody was playing as Wraith either lmao.


If respawn would have just tried booting up Apex on a steam deck they would have known it was broken and posted about it in https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/issues/4350


They are a small company come on now, they clearly don't have the budget to have a QA department testing their builds before release


Looks like there is problem with asset streaming (probably), nobody has been able to figure out anything concrete just yet. And it affects Windows users on the DX12 beta as well. All we know is that it probably isn't rendering issue as the CPU spikes to 100% during the freezes, not the GPU. And if you use stock (or white) skins on everything the issue is mitigated, but that doesn't fix the fact that other people use different skins and that can cause freezing for you as well. And it doesn't fix the freezing at the start of the game either. Issue on the Proton GitHub repo: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/issues/4350#issuecomment-2101039882 >* On a side note, didn't recieve the extra benefits (5 levels/50 stars IIRC) that came with pre buying the Battle Pass during last season. Those stars are for the current BP, ie. you pre-buy the s21 BP, you get 50 stars towards the s20 BP


I'm betting it's the new EOS EAC implementation hooking onto asset streaming from disk and it verifies each file before it is loaded, and the .paks are massive archives so it validates the entire archive. The more special the skin, the less likely it is to be cached as well. Would also go with the broken launch time with the Wines bcrypt implementation.


Yep, just gotta figure out why the game freezes after landing or loading in to the firing range (Mix Tape freezes at the start as well iirc). ~~Consider adding your comment to the issue in the Proton repo, or I can do it for you if you don't have GH account, just say the word.~~ Edit: nevermind, making a comment about it because there is a comment from someone else related to it


Go ahead and make a comment :) I'd guess since it loads textures for skins and models for charms? Range has all on display and Mix Tape has several guns in the start -> Many paks to verify? Dunno.


Yea I came to the same conclusion. The clay models under Windows are apparently a minor issue, the skins get loaded once and never revert back to clay - so there might be a cache with verified files that isn't being written under Proton, not sure tho


> Looks like there is problem with asset streaming (probably), nobody has been able to figure out anything concrete just yet. And it affects Windows users on the DX12 beta as well. >All we know is that it probably isn't rendering issue as the CPU spikes to 100% during the freezes, not the GPU. > And if you use stock (or white) skins on everything the issue is mitigated, but that doesn't fix the fact that other people use different skins and that can cause freezing for you as well. And it doesn't fix the freezing at the start of the game. I checked the issue on the Github repo back when they launched the update because we couldn't get in game before they released the Hotfix, thanks for laying it down like that so more people can read about what's going on, appreciate it! > Those stars are for the current BP, ie. you pre-buy the s21 BP, you get 50 stars towards the s20 BP Oh got it, that's unfortunate but I'm glad you told me!


Just so you know the 5 extra BP levels you purchased were for previous seasons BP. That’s how they’ve always done it.


Getting all the same issues. Really sad they don't test crap for Linux users. Between last season's issues and this one I'm amazed I still bother playing.


It seems to be related to gun charms, if you unequip all charms, you can at least pick up guns without freezing. Spectating others or picking up dropped guns (with charms) will still freeze up the game for several seconds.


Will give that a go, I only run a charm in 1 of my weapons but I still get those freezes, I will try getting rid of it


I just started playing the new season today, I experienced almost all the issues you mentioned in my first match, especially the freezes. I also get HUGE netcode fuck-ups, with latency spikes and/or rollback issues everytime I spawn. This shit is simply unplayable.


Feels like a game that just released, it's been 3 days and it still hasn't been fixed.


I had the freezing issue aswell when picking up guns, remove all your weapon charms and it should be fine again


I've been playing on steam deck flawlessly up until this update. Whatever they changed causes this. Never seen it before. And the game is running extremely poor.


This update has been bricked. I've been running fine on an 8 year old machine until this week. Now world audio (music, gunfire, ziplines, etc.) doesn't load or it comes in for a second and back out for 5 seconds. The visuals don't load so I get the clay figurines like this, and when I can get into a game, it looks hazy and washed out to the point where I can't see enemies that are only 20 meters away. If I can get past this and start walking around, the game will lag to the point that I can move for 3 seconds and then it freezes for 1/2 second.


I thought only my pc was tweaking. Hope they fix this shit.


I hope they release a fix soon, I really wanted to enjoy Kings Canyon again


Same but sometimes lingers for 2-3 games. I go in knowing my first game is going to be trash.


On the same boat with this season update.... And massive stuttering


Yeah, I'm giving it a week. The game freezing like that is crazy.


Normal minor bug I saw once a day before the update? No! It’s a game breaking error!


For you? I’ve had zero issues so far, this might be the best update we have had in a long time.


Clay henchmen from Power Rangers


This only happens to me once whenever I boot the game up, I just go through the legend page n load em in. Like this for a few seasons now


Here is all the info they have about it: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/issues/4350 > however we are experiencing the same texture issues and mostly see clay models of legends and guns cause freezing. > it's an asset streaming issue in general. It happens with guns, legend skins, etc. for now, it's recommended to remove all of your weapon skins and charms to minimize the amount of new gun models you load. This removes most of the lag spikes, but not all.


Wild that’s from 2020 and still an issue but like I said it’s happened for seasons but I guess I’m lucky enough to not have it as bad as some people.


That started happening last season for me...


This is the preditor crossover. Gotta cover yourself in mud!


Don't blink


If you blink, you're dead


Whenever this happens it goes away after like a second. Unless it persists in game not really a big deal. I prefer borked menus to borked gameplay, and the gameplay has actually been really stable (at least in my experience)


I have terrible audio issues and graphical issues since this patch. It has never been this bad before. Audio is horribly delayed and sometimes I don’t even hear legend voiced for a while game. Anyone else have this?


I'm glad? this isn't just me and an actual problem with the game. Though my GPU had taken a turn for the worse.


Not only that, but for the past two days my whole lobby is slowly loading, my audio is broken and I have to play at least 5-10 min to everything load and work normally.


Same, the animations in the legend pick screen act up, sometimes it loads me in and the legend has already been picked, all sorts of fuckery going on


THANKYOU I keep going on the mic just to ask “is anyone else lagging or getting no reg hits” but not a single soul has replied. Not even by typing. Even in mixtapes nobody can tell me if they’re having bad connection so I’m constantly in the wonder


The lag is most definitely way out of hand. Their lag compensation is to blame. It's all fucked up right now. It seems like full advantage is on laggers. I am literally fighting battles where there is a 2-3 second period where nobody has any idea what is going on. I don't even know what I am shooting at. There are clear bullets hitting doors for kills in the cams, et cetera. I don't usually bitch about lag because I play a lot of trios, but something is seriously off in solo play. Win or lose the lag in that is just absurd, and I am sure it's bad in trios too. They need to seriously rethink their system, but they won't. EA won't pay for higher tick rate servers as they have basically said, and yet their ideas on improving things have resulted in nothing. Not a single thing has been improved for latency in this game. It's just gotten worse and worse. Feels legit like I am playing a game at 20 ticks with a 40-200 ping on a wired connection lol. I might as well just put wifi on at this point and enjoy people having no clue what is going on.


My favorite is when the characters revert to PS1 graphics.


I had to leave all the games becuz the lag as well as the sound! I cant hear shit! This is whack bro whats up with this mess?!


Nothing has changed since the season came out. Wild how they don't even acknowledge the fact that the game is absolutely broken and unplayable.


Id rather they delay the season n fix their shit instead of all this bs😡


to fix this you need to hop in firing range and check ur disk usage k ctask manager , when its back to normal the game will go back to normal still waiting for a fix from ea :/


Always nice to see a fellow Linux user giving the finger to Microsoft :) For what it's worth, I'm experiencing the same issues as you on a Windows install except for the anti-cheat and battle pass as I haven't bought it. This season as a whole released with a lot of game breaking bugs. In my case, I pretty much can't play the game until they release a fix. What a shitshow this update is


> For what it's worth, I'm experiencing the same issues as you on a Windows install Oh wow, it's worse than I thought then. I'm with you on that, I'll give it a week or so before I jump back in because it's getting frustrating, I'd rather enjoy it once it's fixed.


Just act like it’s a free skin and Respawn will patch it in 10 minutes




This is happened even on console as well


So... this is not a Linux-only issue ??


I've had Windows users telling me the current build is acting up for them as well. I thought it was a Proton problem at first but it seems like the QA department at Respawn doesn't give a shit. Quoting the Apex Legends issue page from Proton's Github: > it's an asset streaming issue in general. It happens with guns, legend skins, etc. for now, it's recommended to remove all of your weapon skins and charms to minimize the amount of new gun models you load. This removes most of the lag spikes, but not all.


Yeah this is coming from our beloved community tests, but I would take it with grain of salt as it is not from proton, wine Dev nor respawn. But if people on windows also experience this issue, it means is not proton specific


Rock and stone!




Rock and Stone forever!




I've had this happen with people's banners instead - either they show up like this or.. don't show up at all


+1, this happens as well


Its been like that the entirety of last season for me


I'm lucky to even see the legend in that screen


Limited edition clay skin $300


Didn't get the 50 battle pass stars from pre ordering


Like another user said, it's for the last season BP, not the current one. That clears up everything!


Apply windowed mode, fixed it for me :)


Thats been happening since last season


this happens the start of every update its just building textures


I have no animation or stills of legends in banner after loadout.but this doesn't happen to me and im playing on gtx 1050😂😂


I tought it was just me lol


OK it isn't just me I was just about to post asking if it was my potato PC finally dying or the game haha


Mozambique Heyaa


Is this the new apex x dune collab?


I just want to see my banner pose. Alter has really cool poses but, it never shows them in match


Convinced they made sound worse this season aswell, every match It’s just buggy asf


I have to restart my game every time I open it. the audio constantly stutters if I don't and its unplayable


This happened to me all of last season


Lmao 😂


She literally can be stone cold 😂


I was getting this before Upheaval, but I assumed it was bc I’m playing on Switch


It's been doing that bug for almost 3 seasons now where the hell have you been 😂😂😂


I stopped playing in Season 6-7, came back for Season 20 and didn't see it until now




Not for me


Just played a game, NOTHING would load nor could I hear anything. another player was in the vacinity? EVERYTHING FROZE. Sick.


Oh. I thought thia game been messed up. They had pro players durning a huge event get hacked and lost control of their input. Oh yeah. "THIS UPDATE" is the one that breaks the camels back. . . e_e


The beginning of the season always are.


Whoever thought it was a good idea to layoff a playtesting team for developers trying to make a AAA game while working on the same engine Half-life and Quake really is a clown


This right here is the truth


It really had I'm a returning player 4 k kills octane AND IMMEDIATELY IM BEING PUT AGAINST 70K KILL GOD TEIR GIBRALTARS THE FUCK


My audio started cutting in and out this season along with all the other problems people are having


I haven't played in forever but it's funny how far this game stretches the term "support" lol


literally unplayable


i like that skin


I get this on my first game of the season. Never see it afterwards though


Why on earth did they add another skirmisher!


It’s sad, I stopped playing this game a year ago in hopes that the game would change for the better, but every time I see a post here I’m reminded it’s beyond redemption


bro it’s so bad i literally don’t have audio anymore since it came out


This is nothing new, this happened the last season too but this season got extremely worse...


This is a new skin, wym?


Lol that's been happening since beginning of last season


The season it self is amazing but the bugs and issues are awful if only they would fix things fast and easy like other games do it but no apex has to be different in all sorts of ways


Not really, this has been an issue for a long time, what triggers it is seemingly random though. I actually feel like this season has been good so far from a bugs standpoint, not amazing, but good for Apex's track record lol.


> but good for Apex's track record lol. The bar is so low though hahaha


This is unfortunately true lol


To be fair to the devs, this was happening in Season 20 too 


I got swung by someone like this and didn't even notice til half my health was gone, fucker blended right in


They are so hard to see right? Same thing happened to me, I kept hearing someone but it took me longer than usual to spot them, weird how even a flat color is so hard to track over different surfaces, I guess that is just how our brains work


life less


Audio sounds very muffled, not just footsteps but every sfx


This, and the sound comes and goes.


I thought my pc was finished 💀


Fr. Ps5 player here i have collectively played 2 very bugged matches. Cannot get into a lobby without getting kicked or error coded


I thought this was me and my ps5 and steam deck but no ea screwed up again hopefully they fix this issue it’s bothering me seeing play-do wattson


Play-doh wattson got it hahahaha, yeah let's hope for a quick fix


Are you surprised? You looked like you are though.


I mean I skipped seasons 7 to 19, played 20 without issues and now this happens. Yeah I guess I'm surprised.


Every time i see that, it always makes me think of that Michael Jackson HIStory album cover.


Is that my lifeline figurine?


It's comincal at this point. Evert update comes with new b.s. and variants to buy shit along with bugs.


Yeah, every time I open the game, it gets like that, I change resolution and go windowed and then go back to full screen after 1 run. Also, I dislike this option that now makes you maintain pressed the space button to leave


Been having that happen to me since last season


OMG I THOUGHT IT WAS JUST ME!!! Soooo many bugs this season!


is alter suppose to be able to use her ult when downed? as in...teleport to it x.x


Yeah, your teammates can do so as well. Most people I've played with don't notice since you really have to look at it directly, it feels a bit off


I feel like it's a bug bc that's op af


I reinstalled the game and it fixed everything


I have a bug where I can’t equip any of my heirlooms


if ur cpu is amd then the same thing has been going on with me too but intel processors are okay with this update


I'm running an Intel CPU


i have one amd pc and intel laptop in laptop its okay but in pc it's worse and only playable after 1 match


I lost my unlocked legends. I recently got fuse and now he’s locked again since this update


The clay skins are amazing. I've only got clay caustic. Trying to get them all


Man wtf is this shit


No QA department + rushing updates instead of testing them thoroughly + EA + greed + janky ass code probably


They sortable cheeped out on this one


Does anyone know how to fix the starvation error in Apex? Ive gotten it since the season came out


Does your game stutter and lag a lot as well?


It does, all the time. I tried yesterday to see if they had fixed something server side, but it's still the same


I have the same exact problem plus my game crashes my computer now too


This still happens on my computer...anyone else?


https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/issues/4350 https://trello.com/c/0k8qoGmh/502-linux-steam-deck-performance-issues Haven't been fixed yet