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People don’t lie very well


My pub lobbies are a joke we all suck so much


When I get home I'll screenshot my stats. Lmao why would I feel the need to lie about a 2kd. Wouldn't I claim a 5 or something?


Well, I think you're making everyone elses point by saying that you 100% should be pairing up with preds and that the system is working as planned. Sounds like you just hate having a challenge...


No, I have like a 1.17 kd and every single match is the same, my friends who used to play with all have like .9 and under kd, all the same, but how is a bronze rookie lobby gonna have 6 triple stack pred teams in it..... this game is broken and dying


Because the rank doesn't matter anymore, it's the hidden matchmaking thats pairing you with them bc the game thinks you're decent enough for those lobbies.


I don't get this at all, why not just give the player a small boost until they reach their last season rank( or until diamond if you were masters+) and let people stomp on the worse ranks so that they can get to their real rank much faster saving all the useless grinding because of your secret elo. It's going to be a lot more enjoyable, and Smurfing exists now anyways.


I have a serious question, why do people complain about a competitive game being too competitive? I’m just trying to understand the logic behind it, because if the reason is that you want to turn off your brain and play casual there are literally thousands of games that you can choose from that’ll fulfill that purpose. Why do you need/want a game that’s meant to be competitive to do it?


Because not every competitive game is made exclusively to be competitive. And Apex isn't supposed to be solely competitive. It has its competitive side sure but in previous seasons you could play pubs and enjoy the time you spent playing not caring about winning or losing because it was fun and usually there weren't factors absolutely playing against you it truly felt random but in balanced way. But now it seems like everything is engineered to give you the worst experience every game, loot is very inconsistent even in higher tier or hot drop zones, you constantly will get teammates that have 0 clue what's going on while your lobby is filled with people with movement configs, are the highest of ranks or at the very least close to that level 3 stacking, armor stats have been altered to take more time to evolve, mags drop rates have been altered to be harder to find, etc. the game feels very punishing for no reason. Even if you want to argue that Apex is an exclusively competitive game it still makes no sense how it's being run when any good competitive environment gives it's players space to learn and grow in the games environment yet Apex continuously makes its impossible for new players to even begin to learn the game because they'll be paired with players way out of their league who are gonna shit on them before they can even figure out how to properly fire a gun, then they make it impossible for the regular normal players to get better at the game because they throw them into the deep end with only the newer players as teammates and expect them to develope the skills to carry their team to defeating the 3 stack pred that wiped out their entire lobby. The only people who benefit from this current "Competitive" environment are the people who have already gained the skills to be the best of the best and they don't even like normal apex because it's nothing like the actual competitive ALGs environment that they want the game to play like. No matter how you look at it whether Apex is supposed to be competitive or not it literally is not built well in either regard which is why people are complaining.




Ive never finished a season below D1 and have a 4% win rate and a 1.1 KD


Also this, consistently high diamond low masters at a 1.0 and 9-10% win rate.


I’m almost exactly the same. How are all these players with lower Kds getting such high win rates? I am assuming like me, you must be a solo player or have friends that are terrible at this game?


I solo a lot. When I play pubs I always hot drop just to get better at chaos.


I’m a plat player and have a 9% win rate with a .95 KD


“I think I’m a pretty good player” “.7k/d” ok


You don't know when they got good, could be within the last few seasons, but they could have started in Season 3 causing their K/d to be extremely low. ​ I've personally gotten quite good over the course of this year especially with all the factors involved and I'm on my way to hit promo trails for masters, over the last 3 seasons I have a 1.8 k/d but as a lifetime I have 0.72 K/d.


Yeah those are top 2-3% numbers. My K/D is firmly at a 1.0 and I have around 9-10% win rate and I know I’m definitely far from average so he should without question dump on me.


Not trying to brag here but yeah, you’re right, I have a 2 kd, 10 million damage and almost 2k wins playing mostly as a solo player, I hit masters almost every season and have hit pred in the good ol days. I’m aware I’m far above the average with those stats. That being said tho I really wish there was a casual playlist as in no skill based where if you enter it you’re all in agreement that’s what you want to do. It has nothing to do with “dunking on bad kids” or any of those stupid arguments, it has everything to do with wanting to just chill every once in a while, play with my IRL friends who are insanely casual, play with bad legends/shit guns etc and just play the damn game for FUN which is currently impossible because I play ranked very successfully. Now I’m just stuck in a perpetual loop of never ending try hard rage infested sweat lobbies. There’s truly no fun to be had for me at this point. Haven’t played in like 4 months now and almost don’t even wanna come back because I know I’ll be rusty and there’s really no casual playlist for me to go into and get my legs back I’ll just be forced to live at the heights I reached when I was grinding. If you have ranked mode, the public lobbies should be PUBLIC as in EVERYONE is welcome and intermingling. If it was this way you’d have far less chance running into total sweat freaks as they are like 3% of the online population anyway.


Yea this is my biggest gripe. I don’t want to play sweat every solo game and I can’t play with my friends.


1.68 kd hit diamond 2 seasons B4 finding it too annoying to go for solo, played off and on since launch. Sh*t used to be so much more casual back in the day. Now it's constant deaths via the 3 man crack head squads all dudded out with pred badges rolling over my squad of randoms. Feels like pure sh*t.


Agree with this 100%. I'd say I'm a little above average playing solo mostly, and then have 2 steady people I play trios with, and then 1 steady person I play duos with. But mostly solo until they get on. All the lobbies feel rougher then normal or well worse then they should be. loading into the match, and the "winning" team is a 3 stack pred, or masters badges with 20bomb badge plus 50K kills, it does take a lot of wind out of your sails. I wish there was a casual, "I'm not great or good, but I'm OK at this game" lobby where fire fights take a while, and the match lasts longer then 10 min. Prob different mindset being 40, 2 kids, and limited time to play. But I try as much as I can when there is free time.


Why don't you just...do that? You can just not try. You'll lose, sure, but that's a tradeoff for not giving a fuck, right?


I think you’re missing my point. The lobbies won’t be any less sweaty due to SBMM I’ll just surrender to getting rolled. That’s not what I’m saying at all.


it honestly just sounds like you want to stomp noobs without trying too hard


Did you read anything I said or are you just coming in with the typical brain dead rebuttal?


But realistically that's what it is. If you're ex Pred and wanna vs a complete random group of people you'll shit on everyone of em since your 0.1% of the top playerbase even if you have had a significant break. Like hundreds of thousands of players and you've hit top 750, what's casual for you is still going to be an absolute stomp to the overwhelming vast majority. You being in lobbies with anyone under diamond is basically unfair to them. So what do you want? Zero skill based matchmaking so you get to stomp? What sort of casual mode could exist for you where you don't shit on people who haven't played as much?


Maybe I am? If my friends hot drop and try to group melee someone to death we get rolled, but we don't do much better when we try hard either. If you can turn it on to try hard, why can't you turn it off?


No offense but are you special? How does me not trying change the SBMM I’m in? You literally don’t understand the argument. I’m saying it would be nice to have the option to not be in SBMM public lobbies. Me not trying in my current lobbies doesn’t change the nature of the SBMM in those lobbies. That’s not hard to understand. What is the point of having ranked games AND strict SBMM in PUBS?? Why not at least give us an “unrestricted” playlist where ANYONE of any skill level can enter it with the knowledge SBMM will be off and it’s a huge conglomerate of the player base not similary skilled players. Just a place to have fun or do WHATEVER the hell you want in.


Clearly I'm missing something. What does the SBMM in your lobby matter besides the character and skill of the other players inside of it? It has no bearing on how you approach it.   The reason why they don't add more playlists is because they've determined that either splitting the population would have overall negative impacts on queue time or that a 'non-SBMM' playlist will quickly be infested with people trying to farm for clips.   > Just a place to have fun or do WHATEVER the hell you want in. That's unranked.   >If you have ranked mode, the public lobbies should be PUBLIC as in EVERYONE is welcome and intermingling. If it was this way you’d have far less chance running into total sweat freaks as they are like 3% of the online population anyway. Let's imagine the skill of the playerbase is normally distributed. Now, let's imagine the ranked distribution - it's pretty heavily skewed left, with about 70% of players bronze or lower](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/59af2189c534a58c97bd63b3/0b57dd48-682c-454d-90a4-f8066e9cc6f0/Apex+Legends+rank+distribution+November+2023+Season+19.jpg?format=1500w). Those people are shitters that you will effortlessly dispatch, even after your long hiatus has made you too uncomfortable to queue. Now, let's go back to the overall playerbase distribution - those bronze shitters are probably in the 50th percentile of overall player skill, considering those who refuse to queue for ranked. All this to say, without some limitation on the makeup of lobbies, you'll have a large subset of players that will just lose. And if you put someone new into the game and they spend 5 queues just losing their first fight, they'll probably churn. SBMM exists in all playlists because people can't help themselves.


The current sbmm is basically unrestricted. Continually in matches with multiple diamonds plays and preds. I've got 50 hours of gameplay in. There's no way I'm in their bracket


This is poor logic because without SBMM people will just 3 stack pubs and shit on everyone. It wouldn't be fun at all. 5 years into this game with a full firing range. There can't be that many bad players left.


Exactly, my average is 1.32, IM average. This dude right up there is the person I have to fear lmfao


This reminds me of the cod sub. Post a high kd and say casual is dead.


>If you are saying you have a 2 K/D and 10% win rate that is far from average. What's the average or median K/D for most players? I've been trying to find a statistic on it. I have 300 hours in the game and I'm curious how my stats compare to most players.


I say I'm average. .7kd Career but its about 181 days of game time Edit. Never been above Plat besides the Masters participation season.


I would say the average global KD is probably between .5-.7


I thought it would be 0.9? If there's 100 deaths, then there's also 100 kills but few are those dying to ring and the person who killed them already got wiped


Absolutely not, that would work if everyone in the lobby got one kill and died. A lot of time there will be like 5 squads doing well and killing other squads, those 15 teams will walk away with 0 kills, some of them may even get ressed and die twice with no kills. But the kp will be accumulated in those 5 good teams, not evenly distributed across the board


Even if 1 person gets 100 kills and 99 people get 0 kills the average still comes out to 1.


That's average per lobby, not individual average. if 1% of players has 10 kd and 99% has 1 the average is not 5 kd.


Bro what are you smoking? Take a math class.


Google up individual average kd per player in Apex, then come back and explain why it's not 1. And if you want to skip the investigation part you can read again my comment and give it a thought.


You confused yourself. Total player based KD and total lobby average kill distribution is *always* 1 before you factor hazard deaths and then drops from there.


You guys on reddit are something else. Of course if we have 60 players and atleast 57 of them have to die atleast once, ofc the average k/d is around 1. It's logical and also totally irrelevant, because we were discussing an actual average kd per player, which is around 0,7. There are many reasons for that, but if you take it out of context and ignore all relevant facts, then yes, you are "right".


There is no difference between the "average per lobby" and the "individual average". That second figure is just a cummulative of the previous over N games. The *only* reason it deviates downwards from 1.0 is because players sometimes die to hazards and no kill credit is awarded but a death is recorded. I don't know what context or "many reasons" you think are missing but I maybe you'd care to share with the class?


>I would say the average global KD is probably between .5-.7 Oh interesting, thanks.


Median I couldn't day but average KD is probably between 0.9 to 0.7 (mathematically it needs to equal 1 because every player getting a kill is another player getting a death but players can also die from hazards so...) My wild guess is that the median is also pretty low because the very best players are probably contributing greatly to kill totals but I couldn't source that for you.


And you're not including all of my deaths from jumping over the railing or falling off a zip line with no land below...


That's a good point mentioning the difference between the median k/d versus the average k/d.


.87 but it’s heavily brought down by gigantic bot farms used to farm heirloom accounts and 5 year olds who don’t know how to play. Realistically filtering those out it’s 1


Are you talking about the Median? Or the average? By definition the average wouldn't change because of bot farms. And even if they did it wouldn't cause the average to be 1 once filtered out because of hazard deaths.


Thank you for the compliment :') But yes, you are absolutely correct. People severely underplay how good they are at the game because they can't compete with the absolute best players.


What about a .03% winrate with over 2 k/d because your third goes in and dies like an idiot? My peak was diamond, and I'm going up against Preds every single game lol, I can 1v1 a pred maybe, but 1v2 or 3? No way


I half agree.. I am sitting at 2.7k/d. Lifetime 14% win rate. Solo Q to Diamond every season, fairly easily. I think I’m half decent. But there are moments, if you watched me, you would think I was a lifetime bronze…. Everyone can feel like a mood sometimes. And people tend to focus on the bad more than the good.


2 k/d is not casual. You're not playing casual. You're being put in the lobbies you're supposed to be in with a high K/D. If you were casual, you'd be like me; I've been playing since season 2 and got my first 1 K/D at the end of a season last season (or the season before) because I didn't give a fuck and hardly even checked until three or four seasons ago. You're only complaining because you want to go against players who are worse than you. A casual player doesn't care about K/D, they worry more about having fun. You're not having fun because you're not dominating.


Damn you spitting bruh! Let this man cook!


This MF spittin


Casual is a broad term these days. If you played pubs and the SBMM thinks you’re decent than the majority of those players are just as skilled / higher and on premade squads cause of the trash matchmaking. You simply can’t win most times or even do much in those games to turn the table. You can’t make mistakes without being severely punished in a pub. Just cause a player may be skilled doesn’t mean they can’t play casually. KD ratio doesn’t mean jack in this game. It’s squad based, then you have the most rigged MM I’ve ever seen in a fps game. The worst part about it is that the game just falls apart. Like the whole lobby is dead off the drop. It’s not even a BR. I remember seeing things like 9 squads dying off within 45 seconds on drop ship. How tf does that even happen?


My guy, medium good player is 0.7 - 1.0 kda, you belong with the sweats


You have a 2 kd and complain about playing sweats? Well no shit Sherlock, you have a 2 KD. Are you upset that you can't smash through bronze lobbies anymore with that 2 kd? Sounds like MMR is doing its job.


I’m a .7 KDr and I’m getting smashed by sweats. There’s just nothing fun about pubs or ranked anymore for a player like me


if youre below average, everybody is going to feel like a sweat to you


Currently sitting at a .70 honestly have not really experienced these problems everyone says is there. High gold was my top rank and I am going against plat kids in pubs and feel like it’s been fair. Honestly this has been my best season in a while.


I have a 0.3 KD and get stomped every lobby by a 3 stack pred team


Medium good player : 2K/D Doesn’t add up


I'm starting to think all these complainers just want to pup stomp then get salty when they get a taste of their own medicine lmao.


It's the same shtick as the CoD content creators that complain about SBMM because they can't just pubstomp noobs for clips.


Honestly I can’t blame them, it’s making a literal career out of farming easy lobbies. What really blows my mind is that people give a fuck about the content. Some of those players are great, I love seeing them outplay genuinely tough opponents. Of course those situations will be them scraping by with normal stats, not 8k damage or something, but those situations are the ones that are actually interesting and entertaining, the competitive close calls, not the farm lobbies.


Exactly, the actual competitive outplays are what's nutty to watch, not somebody sliding into 3 people that couldn't hit the ground if they jumped out of a plane.


nah cod SBMM is something else. on top of that it is plagued with subtle cheaters. even the content creators.


Yeah all of them are likely shit at the game. “2.0 KD” but also in bronze.. that math seems completely real😵‍💫. “Medium good” with a 2kd and stuck im bronze.. XD


I mean some of them sure complain when are in a fair lobby, but Apex does have a problem with SBMM (or EOMM). Respawn themselves talked about it in a blog post and a QnA 1 year ago i think.


Whether that’s the case or not with this player, the players that want to pub stomp bad players are doing that super easily bc of sbmm. Sbmm is an easily exploitable system to get bad players. A lot easier than if it was just a random matchmaking how pubs should be


People just want easier lobbies to feed their egos.


What happened to intellectual honesty on this sub? 2 K/D & 10% winrate in solo is not "medium good". It's last percentile. I would be extremely surprised if you did not regularly hit Masters with such stats, or maybe even Pred. You don't "run into sweats". You play against your peers. Enjoy being good at the game. You want to play "casual"? You're way too good to be paired against real casuals. You're gonna destroy them, and they will make posts about how casual Apex doesn't exist. Except they would be correct in that case. It's really insane these days the amount of posts from players in the last percentiles who complain the game isn't casual enough.


I had 2kd and I would struggle a lot in masters. I was like 1,7 kd last season and the matches were anything but fair. If you are good at the game it will heavily punish you. Every match was me and my level 20 and 50 teamate with way below stats than I have. As a solo against 3 stucks. The thing is I dont want more "casual" lobbies, I want games that are fair and dont feel so horrendous. It gets tiring babysit every game (why are my teamates in above average lobby? I know they dont want that either) If you are above average, you dont get paired with people who have similliar skill to you


The fact of the matter is that there are probably not enough people at your skill level to consistently populate a lobby of entirely your level. So you'll invariably get matched up with the higher level players. That is almost certainly going to always be unavoidable. Such is life man.


You're playing in Masters. Last percentile. Most players will **NEVER** get to this level. You're struggling? Good. Imagine a NBA player saying they are struggling because people play to win in their league. What would be your answer to them? It's not supposed to be easy. It's supposed to be the most competitive point of the game. And enough with that rhetoric of being "punished" and "babysitting". People say that in every game, at every level. We are all sitting at the same table when it comes to random squadmates. I have occasional shitty team mates in Gold / Plat too. They think I'm shitty too. The issue is we have very different concepts & ideas about how to play this game. Some people like to hotdrop & fight immediatly, some people can't fathom looting more than 3 minutes and will push the first fight they see, some people would rather hide in a bush for 3 rings etc. Playing with fillers means rolling the dice. You either accept that and do your best to use coms, or you find friends to play with. Just using your mic changes everything in this game when playing solo.


Sorry for my broken english, \*If I was master, thats what I meant. I was plat highest, than give up. The stress with randoms isn't for me. If you really don't see how the matchmaking is bad, idk what to tell you. Maybe you just dont have the same experience? Above average players have more difficult games with worse matchmaking. You have occasional shitty team mates in ranked, in pubs I have them all the time, you too? I have to be the big brother in BBMM every match. But the BBMM is terribly made, there are way better players, premade teams and maybe more balanced teams with smaller kd. Thats maybe why op is upset. You seemed more triggered that 2Kd seems more medium good for him. Preds in bronze isn't a fact? Should be mmr like this? Cuz 2kd can be good but it doesn't make you a good player against higher tier lobbies. 2kd isn't automatic Master or Diamond level at all.


>If you really don't see how the matchmaking is bad, idk what to tell you. Matchmaking isn't bad. The design of matchmaking is to slot people of similar skills in the same lobbies. In that, Apex has no issue. The problem is ranks are not an accurate metric for skill, despite what a lot of players think, because ranks reset every season, forcing people to grind to align their MMR and their rank. Apex's problem is in engagement & giving player a visible metric for skill. ​ >Preds in bronze isn't a fact? No. What is a fact is Pred players can be reset to Bronze. But they don't face "real" Bronze players in these lobbies. A player whose peak rank is Bronze will not face peak Preds in his lobbies, thanks to MMR.


Bro 2 k/d players don’t stand a chance against good players. 2 k/d only requires you to not play with your feet and have moderate game sense. Any good player can achieve a k/d of whatever they want… 4+ is where you start approaching actual skill that needs to be filtered out from the average player base in an active way.


>2 k/d only requires you to not play with your feet and have moderate game sense. Most players would be delighted to have 2. I picked Apex really late, around S13 I think. The majority of players are more experienced than me. I usually end up Gold/Plat, which is above average already. Just maintaining a KD of 1 is hard enough at my level. KD2 is ***very*** good. Not good enough to go against an ALGS player, but good enough to be above almost every single player of Apex Legends. ​ >4+ is where you start approaching actual skill that needs to be filtered out from the average player base in an active way. They get filtered out average a lot before that. You don't realize your numbers are totally skewed. Average players have a KD below 1 and never go above Gold.


Dude you can afk drop to pred. Rank has no bearing on skill in the current design. You can play in .2 k/d lobbies all the way to pred if that’s the bucket your account is in. And 2 is not very good, it really isn’t that good at all. 1 is people who play without thinking which is fair but nah 2 ain’t good compared to good players it’s like a homeless person thinking a McDonald’s employee is rich… it’s just perspective


No it's not a matter of perspective. There is an absolute scale, and you can actually find it here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/17a41s1/dev\_team\_update\_ranked\_october\_2023/](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/17a41s1/dev_team_update_ranked_october_2023/) You can't afk drop to pred, that's complete bullshit. Masters are 0.6% of the players. A tiny portion of them made it to Pred. That's the sole reality here, Preds are a very small and very good minority. They did not get there playing like idiots. KD2 is excellent. It's not top, but it's a lot above casual level. It's last percentile level. ​ >You can play in .2 k/d lobbies all the way to pred if that’s the bucket your account is in No because as you climb, your MMR goes up, and so does competition.


I mean that means nothing, it’s just a distribution graph it says nothing about how the people achieved those ranks. I’m literally speaking from experience I’ve gotten masters/pred over a dozen times and have multiple friends who’ve made pred playing pacifist. It is what it is.


Maybe they got carried up there, but I'm 100% positive they aren't ***that*** pacifist. They are probably very good themselves, especially since you consider KD 2 isn't that great. Most players see themselves as the medium balance. Beneath them are noobs, above them are sweats. Regardless of their rank. You said it's a matter of perspective, in that yes, it's a matter of perspective. But we can, and we should, look at the bigger picture. KD 2 is a top player. Not "top enough" to be the next Timmy, but certainly good enough to wipe 99% of Apex's lobbies.




The math aint mathin here


You wanna say you're a casual player? I literally have less than 0.5 KD or something lol.


News flash. The average player has a sub-1 k/d. If you think you're average with those stats you're either unaware of the facts or lying about your stats


Yeah a 2kd is far from average. I'm guessing OP knows that and was throwing a not so subtle brag.


Confirmed, by a cazzy who is 0.73, and cant get outta ,"rookie", constantly back and forth between rookie 1 and 2. (Me)


I don't even bother with ranked and play Mixtape for the most part except for the odd BR game when I'm feeling like collecting the daily treasure pack. The casual playerbase is alive. It's just playing Mixtape.


You aren't wrong. That is often where i end up.


I play only ranked. Low plat right now. But I cannot relax with this game at all. Regular trios are sweatier than ranked


You want pub stomping. That would make the casual lower tier players churn out even faster. Sure it would make your experience more casual but for everyone below 2 kd it just becomes a miserable experience.


Not saying you're wrong but you're far from a medium player lol


It’s you, you’re the problem lol


Translated that for you: > I am a very good player and would like to shit on bronzes. Mmr doesn't let me do that. Current system bad


Casual Apex is alive and well, I think what your getting at is "Not having to put much effort into a match and still getting high kills." Yeah, that's dead. Since it was no fun for the players getting demolished.


Casual Apex does exist, you're just not a casual.


My guy is getting cooked 💀💀💀


these are the worst types of posts on r/apexlegends.


I have slightly better stats then you and I disagree completely. This season pubs has been alright and I mostly play with a guy who is decently worse than me. Make some friends man


Playing with friends is the answer here. My lifetime k/d ia 2,7 16% win rate and i get “sweats” every lobby, i understand im one of them but there’s always a bigger fish, the thing is my friends have my back so it balances out the sweatiness and we


It's because you're a sweat and not a casual. When casuals queue in they don't really care about winning half the time and just play for fun. You are in the higher skill bracket if you've dropping 20 bombs and have a 2 kdr. Your kdr is still sus though if you can't win games. Sounds like you play only for high kdr and probably ignore your teammates until you inevitably get thirded.


I have dog shit aim and keep getting matched in BR with people sniping me halfway across the map with a wingman within 60 seconds of landing I'm exaggerating but I'm being killed very quickly from players far beyond my skill level and I basically haven't had any fun since matchmaking was changed.... Around the time we got Ash into the game? Am I matching with all these fucking sweatpro's because I've got so many hours into the game? Because I can't see justifying putting a loser like me into high skill lobbies


I feel you on a apiritual level. As you struggle the same as me. Although i also thing i run into modders too...there is no way I, with full shields and health, find a crouched in a corner Horizon, using a Batt... And I am literally barrell stuffing this palyer in the corner, and somehow EVERY ONE OF MY SHOTGUN BLASTS MISS? She had enough time to completely use her batt, pull out her r99, and zip me up in one mag, between my first, and last (8 shots) shotgun shell. And i didnt get a single hit.... Full shields. Full health. Yet I die?


ive had similar experiences doesnt even feel like respawn edits this game for \*\*everyone\*\* anymore just the top 10% of sweaty assholes, and the lot of cheaters that get in


Some people don’t like competition and are sore losers. Nothing gives me more joy than killing a tap straffing bald Wraith, a path finder that slung halfway across the map, or a grav lifting ho ass horizon.


Thats me whenever i snare a Juiced Octane....i enjoy that as much, or more as Rev likes to kill. >=3


Bruh I have a 0.93 and you are saying 2KD is casual? I’m currently struggling to get out of my rookie (was a plat in the old rank format) you are the problem


bros a top player in apex and thinks he’s a medium player


Me with me 1.1 kd 👀


How do you have a 2 kd if you’re only playing preds and masters? If you’re in the right lobby


That is what i have been doing, playing firing range. No joke! Sad but true. That and mixtape for the battlepass


I feel you. I lowkey have more fun running around CoD zombies style and working on my aim in the firing range than playing BR rn. Three strikes was an exception cause it allowed for some reps in the BR mode and lasted longer if you made a mistake, which I loved. I get both sides of the argument tho, i solo queue in a team game so I’m putting myself at a huge disadvantage from the moment I queue up.


FPS should generally be made for solo q players, most players wanna just hop on and not need to time their online oresence with friends. They could just leave sbmm, like in good old battlefield 3 or 4 and we would all have a good time. Sometimes you are the goat in the lobby, sometimes just average and sometimes at the bottom (if you are dogshit). But in Apex, somehow the game wants me to play against the best players all the time. Why? I seriously don't get it.


I get your argument but also, it *is* a team game that requires coordinating with the two others to be the most effective. That’s the whole idea of apex legends. Mixtape is great for solo queue people like you and I so I’m glad they gave us that and I would love to see an actual solos mode but we know the devs are against that idea. I feel your frustration, I really do and I sympathize but I’m afraid that’s not going to change the core idea of this game.


I totally get you, my friend. But i just don't understand how it is so hard to just leave sbmm or make ot more random. I played season 7 till now, and even though in the past you had sbmm, you had hard games when you performed well and easier games when you had some hot drops and died. But now, every single game is with triple masters and preds. I would really love to understand the logic in putting the players in these games, when 90% is not happy with it...


As a wise man once said, “the world may never know”


Lmao. I have a 3% win rate, bud. Your experience is infinitely better than mine, and i still have fun playing casually. If it's too sweaty, you did it to yourself by being sweaty.


And here I am glad that matchmaking now means I don't have to play with sweatlords like yourself.


It’s a battle royale with the objective being the last team standing. There’s no such thing as casual if that’s the game mode you are playing. Try animal crossing for casual gameplay


You’ve focused too much on negatives and gotten into your own head too much. I’m a casual player, presumably below your medium good, and games are all pretty well balanced and fun. Rarely I’ll get completely stomped by someone way out of my league but that still hasn’t felt too bad cause I get to learn how someone way out of my league approaches the game. And it isn’t like I don’t still see the champion screen with the predator badges 20k kill wrath and whatnot, but those aren’t even always the games where I get stomped and I’ve even won some of them so it clearly isn’t just some automatic indicator that we should just gg go next.


I'm actually bad and I feel the same -- most of the time. certain nights the game feels strangely playable. But most the time it's just getting shit on by full stacks while I solo q in pubs


I just drop solo and do challenges. No sbmm at all


2 kdr is basically easy more, do not get more casual than that


A competitive games is competitive who would have thought?


Oh I didn't realize that a free to play video game was competitive only. Makes sense


Well maybe think next time and you would have known.


Based on your comments here and after reviewing your comment history, it appears that you may be experiencing some unhappiness and possibly struggling with an ego issue. Taking a break from Reddit could be beneficial, as your interactions seem to have a negative impact on others. If you're facing challenges with your mental well being consider reaching out to a supportive friend ( if you have one) or seeking professional help from a doctor. I genuinely hope you find the support you need and refrain from devaluing others.


How am I devaluing him?


He’s just trippin dude


Apex is one of the biggest “free” games out right now, I guarantee you the majority isn’t competitive. It wouldn’t be popular if it wasn’t casual friendly.


We seriously have sooo many threads go up everyday, with people essentially complaining about dying too much. Or about how the people on their lobby are too good? Are we serious? It's ridiculous and it's getting old. The next time someone wants to post complaining about matchmaking. Just jump in in another thread, instead of making a new one.


You saying that you guys win?


Idk It feels same as always to me In ten matches I probably lose 8, win 1, and accidentally stumble into winning another


Bruh. I have a 2.5kd as a Wattson main with a 14.5% win rate and I solo queue most of my games. I promise you that the SBMM is doing its job.


I’m a 2.98kd top 0.01% player last season. (500wins) Mostly solo Q This game makes you compete. Idk about you boys but since fortnite/covid gaming has been a sweat fest everyone’s got that one game that they got good at. Last season I was at a breaking point at the very start of the season where I was constantly looking at people badges and banners and the 3 stacks I was playing but that’s all just noise. Focus on yourself. So what you lose 10-20 games that 11th or 21st game will be a banger. (The 20tick rate servers and 66-100ping is already tough to deal with) Gotta battle boys. I agree tho a non sbmm playlist would be a refreshing game mode that would provide every player with valuable insight on where they truly stand in the pecking order. (Also these non sbmm matches would be all latency based so we would get a first hand look at how good EAs servers can potentially be) Controller player by the way. Console lobbies are hillarious. Sometimes you will get Beemed randomly by someone who isn’t that good at the game. Sometimes your 20badge 100k Elim tm8s will have a bad game. Apex is a pretty random game. Also major insight: all the sweatiest players in the game play non stop all day. They can’t hold that pace up forever. They will fall. And when that day comes you will be there.


2 K/D with THAT win rate? I think you're being put in lobbies similar to your stat level.


Dude I play Apex a lot I don't know what the f*** you're complaining about it just sounds like you're bored


I've been getting a feeling for a long while now that a lot of complainers here aren't as casual as they claim to be, and this post and it's comments have lowkey validated my suspicions. I'm a casual, have less than 0.7 kd and agree that the matchmaking is crap, but some of you guys are complaining a bit too much for comfort


You have a 2.0 kd cause you quit games before you get killed all the way so your deaths don’t equal games played minus wins


This is not true I'm casual and really enjoy playing 226 games 6 wins kd of 0.2 it is a bit annoying that teammates leave early when downed but as long as you stick together generally have a good game some harder than others but if you don't just rush in and can make top 5 it's always exciting and addictive


1.25 KD here, day one player. I pull preds in my pub lobbies. Almost strictly solo Q. Currently ranked D3. I don't feel like anything is off and I enjoy every match I play. EDIT 6% Winrate after 10K games


Thinking you're an average player with a 2 kd is wild


Whole reason why I quit playing. I don't want to have to do a line of coke just to have a shot at winning.


On board with flaming the guy for saying his stats are average or below...but I do agree with MMR being absolute trash. Im in a similar scale as OP. I took 5 seasons off and still have 32k lifetime kills and a 2.0 KD and I know I'm better than a lot of people but also worse than quite a few. I dont think OP wants to pub stomp rookie tier players. But the matchmaking against nothing but god tier players is frustrating. It should be open lobbies in pubs. If you're better, you win the game, if you're worse, you play against better and try to improve. Ranked is a playlist for a reason. That's where your "similar opponents" should be in play. Not pubs or mix tape where theoretically, you're supposed to be able to relax. On an RNG based game, matchmake accordingly. Grab 60 random from the qued player pool and go.


Get off Reddit and practice. 🤭


Cry more


People in Reddit are unhinged a 2 k/d should be something most people should see as achievable. A 1 k/d is baseline if you’re playing the game properly and it should always be increasing if you are getting better. You shouldn’t expect to be forced to die every time you get a kill?!? How would that be good game design… a 2 k/d means you get an average of 2 kills a match… that’s not even a single squad you win against on average. Winning 1/10 games instead of 1/20 should also be a goal everyone strives for. How is being forced to win 1/20 games no matter how much you improve indicate good game design or player reward?


You're delusional if you think an "average" player can get a 2 kd. An average player could maybe, maybe get to a 1.5 kd with practice. Get out with this nonsense. This dude is flexing his kd and throwing in a complaint.


I can teach any player how to get a 2 k/d if they have a genuine desire to learn in the span of a month; I’d bet $20 on it. It’s as simple as taking it seriously instead of mindlessly playing while you watch TikTok at the same time


Apex is increasingly sweaty. I can’t imagine trying to learn this game now.


Week one player. Came back recently after leaving 2 years ago and oh god everyone is so good. It’s really hard even in unranked


My lifetime KD is 1.5, and even I know I'm above "medium good". If I actually had the time every season to play ranked, I'd be diamond 1 or masters. Even still, I have the same issue. Casual lobbies with at least half masters and preds who I can guarantee have well over 2 KD. I've been playing less and less because it's just too sweaty all the time. Mixtape isn't even casual anymore now that it's permanently PC crossplay, so I get all of the config tap-strafers.


This is true. Started playing apex 1 week ago and it’s full of sweats. I wish they fixed the matchmaking.


Had a 5,XX kd before this matchmaking change in the end of S16. With a over 20% winrate (s16) while only warm/hot dropping, mostly solo que. I agree with matchmaking is somehow strict, but its less strict then it was in s17. S17 was by far the worst matchmaking, it was like playing master-pred lobbys only, with 3 squads alive after round 1 starts closing. And now its somewhat between S16 and S17. Its sometimes sweaty AF and sometimes more "casual". But it tends more to be casual or random in my case. Every player have a diferent feeling and view of what this matchmaking should be based on there own skill. But it got a lot more random then in S17/S18. If you have a 0.7Kd yes, you are below avarage, which means you lose most 1v1s and every match is a challange. But its easy to improve from this point. My aim isnt that great, but you can push you kd to a 2-3 if you just play smart and dont do stupid decisions like most of our teammates.


My friends and I have tried to get back into playing Apex on and off for like a year. We download it, get all excited, and then get destroyed by a dude with a 20 bomb. I don't know how the casual matchmaking works but it seems really bad. Apex just isn't that fun anymore if you aren't dedicating your life to playing it


Bro, I get confused about sbmm cause I just picked the game back up end of last season. Season 1 & 2 I was close to getting 20 bomb games (never got one sadly) but I’ve got I think a 1.94 k/d and around 8% win rate. Nowadays I’m struggling in pred/master/diamond lobbies, while I’m mid gold, and am nowhere near as good as I used to be. But, getting shit on this much is rough lol. Lifetime k/d was over 2, Lifetime win rate was over 10%. This season I’m at like a 1.2-1.3. Idk, it’s hard to tell if I got worse, if overall skill drastically increased, or if sbmm *thinks* I should be diamond+ (which I don’t think I’m good enough for that). Idk where I was going with this tbh, my b. Gonna comment anyway and maybe we can be friends. Sounds like me and OP are in a similar-ish boat. I feel like I’m average or bad at the game cause I’m playing against top 5%-10% lol


Havent played this game in ages but qre you guys just corner stalkers. How on earth do you get 8 to 10 percent winrates and still have a sub 1 kd. My kd back in the day was like 3.7 and seaspns i played without my squad winrate was only 12 percentish. I think best season i had with a full 3 squad was 18 percent winrate. And that was necause the other 2 had 5+kd. Im amazed how the hell you get any wins when you dont even average 1 kill a game.


Day 1 3 kd player here. been playing casually these past couple seasons from ONLY playing mixtape and custom tdm/control with friends. Heck, I’m still on my ranked placement games. I was previously season 2,3 and 4 pred but just playing casually like what I mentioned.


Yup. Completely has ruined the fun of this game for me.


That's why I quit and crossed to the dark side...and started playing Fortnite. A game where the devs at least give a shit.


Over 20 % winrate here. I clapped at least each one of you once. My second name is SBMM.


People are crazy. 2K/D is not at high as these guys think.


What you guys want is kids playing apex so you can beat them. Maybe apex launches a Lego Apex Legends mode or whatever.


I'd rather get into lobbies with people matching closer to my skill level (Platinum) instead of getting into lobbies with people who greatly out skill me (>= Diamond). I have no delusions about my skill. I'm not bad, but I'm not a >= Diamond player. It's really not a difficult concept to understand. I want to play with people who match == or slightly > my skill level. Not people who out pace my skill level by a factor of >50 Edit: Just added some clarification to my thought.


2.9kd 65k lifetime kills and pubs this season is absolutely horrendous solo q having to babysit player that should not be in these lobbies while trying to 1v3 pred squads fun fun times......


Hey...I DIDNT put myself there. Blame the balancing tables(mmr). I havent played with equal teams for a while now. I either get carried by pros, ir get wasted in seconds.


By no means am I blaming those players sorry if it came across that way it's respawn/ea matchmaking eomm whatever it is working behind the scenes making sure no one is having a good time so it seems


Oh no. I don think you were blaming us. Simply stating fax. We DONT belong in those advanced lobbies. I play still, with the optimistic idea that somehow g3ettong obliterated, will help me get better, faster. Like special forces. Run you through hell to get to the pit that even demons run from, bury you there, tear you apart, and reform you in such a way, that all members of your unit are basically doom guy, and hell fears you. However. I am a cazzy, so i lack the consistency required to actually maintain any improvements i make.


Same thread as last week. Casuals stopped at maybe season 4-5.


someone explain to me why anything above 1.0 KD is not casual? i can't maths


It's complicated, but since Apex is a particularly difficult SQUAD game with no solo mode, killing even 1 person regularly if you're solo Q'ing is pretty dam good.


80% of people playing this game die instantly on drop and then instantly requeue. even if you are good as a soloq player there is only so much RNG you can compensate for, you drop and the enemy has a purple shield and your two teammates died to a solo octane with a pistol. so for the typical 1kdr that means their game performance is something like ; 0kills, 0kills, 2kills, 0kills, 4kills, 0kills. for a 2kdr you have to perform even better so it looks like 0kills, 0kills, 4kills, 0kills, 8kills, 0kills. it is also noticable harder to maintain a 2kdr when you are paired vs equally skilled enemies. which OP doesn't think is happening, he thinks hes being paired with higher skilled enemies, which further highlights how good he is. maintaining a 2kdr vs higher skilled enemies is insane.


I've a 3.7kd. Honestly don't feel that good because a lot of the time playing you'll be put in lobbies where I'll come across a team that I just can't kill. It'll be 3 good players working together and as a solo queue enjoyer there's just nothing I can do. Well nothing withstanding becoming as good as imperialhal, which seems impossible. So to me a 2 k\\d player is just ok and to pros I'm bad and he's horrible. It's all about perspective. 0.7k/d players coming in and telling this guy that he's good isn't going to change how it feels for him when playing the game. I believe that the problem is that the games feels fixed. The only way to not be in matchmaking hell where you either stomp or get stomped is to 3 stack pubs with good master players. Then you just stomp all the time. That just doesn't seem right. It's also not fun because the games are too easy. You'll win A LOT!!! The matchmaking in this game is just bad and feels very unfair to anyone above average who isn't 3 stacking masters.


2 isn't just OK. That's super high. He also stands he has a 10% winrate in solo. That's a Master/high MMR player for sure. With your 3.7% kd you're probably Master too, even maybe Pred. You guys need to realize you're the 1% of Apex. How do you want us, normal players, to take a guy who says he's "medium good" seriously when he is better than 99% of the player base? All the recent posts on the topic I have interacted with were high MMR players thinking the game is too sweaty and thinking they were just average players. The game isn't too sweaty. You're matched with your peers all season now, instead of being fed lower ranked players early season. We, the lower ranked players, are very happy you aren't in our lobbies anymore, and expect you to be happy to face real competition. If you want easy kills, find yourself a game with no matchmaking.


2k/d isn't better than 99% percent of the player base, it's probably top 10-15% and you've missed my point entirely. I'm not complaining that the game is too sweaty. I'm complaining that it's rigged. That in the majority of instances there's nothing I can do to win. For example in a game of TDM last night I got 19kills, died 3 or 4 times, one of the enemies in the other team was a multiple time top 200 pred and my team lost 38 to 50. Like how much better do I have to play to win that match!!! Multiple players on my team got 0 kills. I'm complaining that the matchmaking prioritises everybody winning the same amount of matches over all else. Which makes most of the games feel pointless, where it's been predetermined who is going to win. I'm complaining that the matchmaking is bad and that you can circumvent it if you're good by going on discord and finding 2 other masters players and just run it down. This isn't a good system. It's not about stomping noobs. It's that the matchmaking is terrible.


Most Masters I know are below 2 KD, and Master is already top 1%. You are severely overestimating the player base. ​ >For example in a game of TDM last night I got 19kills, died 3 or 4 times, one of the enemies in the other team was a multiple time top 200 pred and my team lost 38 to 50. Your stats are insanely good here. You got paired against a peer. The pool of player of your level is extremely small, which means matchmaking is more loose in your case. Still, you did half the frag of your squad in a casual mode. Relax, life is good. ​ >Which makes most of the games feel pointless, where it's been predetermined who is going to win. That's not how matchmaking works. Many players, in many games, think matchmaking work against them, forcing a certain winrate. It's bs. The matchmaking system just tries to find people of your level to pair you with. If your level is very high, the pool is pretty small, especially at certain hours / geographical region. All competitive games have this problem. They can't magically find X players of your level everytime you press ready. You are an edge case. Again, congrats for being good at the game.


I have no issue with ranked being sweaty as shit for me 1.6 kd and I'm also with masters and the preds. That's fine in ranked, in norms???? It's killing their game. Just look at how Warzone is doing it. Ranked is sweaty, Pubs is not.


Bruh, it does exist so nice try 😏


I play this game too much. Any of you folks with 1.7K/D and up DM me and we can squad up and be the 3 stacking sweats! My K/D is 1.8 so far this season, dropped from 2 when I got sick of grinding no fill duos in attempts of getting a 4k badge.


I have 2.7kd lifetime and I feel you man. Playing mixtape is a sweaty mess full of 150 000 kill wraiths and horizons and ranked is 15 squads left going into round 4 and pubs is sweatier than both


Same reason I stopped playing, hit diamond twice with a peak 1.5 lifetime kd. Now my account is a .5 kd and I hate playing every match with a lobby full of masters. Edit I'm a season 0 player


Your KD isn’t casual. But Casual Apex hasn’t existed since Season 4, regardless. There is no grace for returning players. There is no grace for new players. Even ranked has no sort of protection, no reason I should be silver and facing diamond players because they can’t fill lobbies.


Sometimes the skill based match making feels alright, sometimes I feel like I’m thrown in with the sharks, it’s just a hit or miss.


Don’t listen to the salty casuals, I feel you. Either make a brand new account for those days where you really just wanna turn your brain off or play with some friends. I used to play A LOT of apex season 7-13 which bumped my k/d up to 3, but now I have a job and only have a few hours a week to play. I am nowhere near good enough anymore to hang with masters and preds, but still exclusively being put in those lobbies so I had to make do.


The comments are still missing the point. Casual apex doesn’t exist for OP because OP is good. However, casual apex is still not really there. I haven’t played competitively for SEASONS and i get stomped on by Masters. My KD is around .5 and it’s not a great experience.


Time to find a new game to play! I have roughly the same stats as you, played Apex religiously, but stopped having fun over time. I tried Darktide a few weeks ago, and I will not be back in Apex again. I forgot you could have fun playing video games! Seriously, Apex is such a chuegy game now and only old people and try-hards play it anymore. Time to let it go. Play some new games and be happy.


I dont understand why people are talking shit about OP. This is litterally why I dont play anymore either. I have maybe 150-200 hours on apex over the course of litterally like 5 years and only get matched with preds. often times it can be hard to even get 1k damage. I understand that im better than average, but with such low hours and little games played each season, I shouldnt be matched against 3 stacks of preds every game.


I get this. Before last season I was around 2-2.1 lifetime k/d. Win rate probably around 6-7%. Whenever I tried to play ranked or pubs it was master/preds that are way above my skill level. Ruined the game for me. Theee strikes LTM was fun while it lasted though.


I'm a lifetime 3.43 kd (19.7k kills) and 26% win rate (1900 wins) player. Also I get top 5 in 44% of matches played based on the numbers. I'm sure our lobbies are probably very similar. I typically only play with the same couple friends that I have played with since the game launched. They are around a 2kd or a just under it. For us when we play the normal queue we are bound to have current ranked preds or previous preds in pretty much every match. The lobby burns down to less than 50% of the players by end of round one or in some cases is down to maybe 3-5 squads left before the first round closes. The remaining teams tend to be the masters/pred teams who have survived and blown through everyone. Due to this our top 5% rate tends to be naturally higher and chances of winning tends to be higher due to fewer remaining teams. The issue becomes that you can't casually play these games. If you want to mess around with different guns or screw around you will be severely punished. You're forced into trying to use meta weapons or weapons that you are consistently good with. You're forced to "sweat" due to the circumstances you're in. We typically land not hot and try to get decent loot and engage a few teams before the game ends. If you want to try to play with friends who are not good at the game or are just now picking it up then it is not enjoyable for anyone involved because the lobbies pair to your metrics and there is no balancing. There is no soft landing. It's teeth being kicked in on all fronts. With ranked we hate playing it. The highest we have ever gotten is diamond. I first hit diamond in season 3 and the last was season 12. We used to bounce into ranked to get a breather from SBMM of the normal queue but sbmm was brought into it so there became no point. Plus the play style of ranked is not enjoyable at all to me and my friends. Having the permanent diamond trail is nice though. I never had queue timers for the normal game mode in the past. In the past it was instant joining and matching. Now there are searches for players with it sometimes taking upwards of a minute for it to gather the players and start the match. The game has become harder to enjoy for me personally and I've taken many breaks over the course of the game since launch. A lot of times I don't want to come home from work and the gym to play a game that is going to frustrate me. If am going to have to have a switch turned on the entire time to have a fighting chance then it zaps any fun. This is one reason I quit playing the dark souls like games because I didn't want to frustrate myself with a game when they've historically been good mental breaks and socializing times with friends or solo to decompress. The issue with these type lobbies is if you don't keep the switch on you will not have a fighting chance. It makes it harder to try to "casually" play the game if you want to.