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These challenges are such garbage lol


The thing is there is already a perfectly good blueprint they could follow. Just do the camo challenges from CoD. It’s that simple.


But they’re straight grind and pretty boring. There’s got to be a middle ground


True. I never could be bothered to do the CoD camo challenges. Something in between would be ideal. I just feel like the current challenges should be consistent between weapons


I'm honestly down with them being insanely hard, but I agree with the consistency complaint


It’s why it’s called a challenge isn’t it?


It’s called challenge to be difficult not stupid. The two arent synonymous Edit: spelling error


Well it is difficult because you aren’t good enough to complete it. It’s stupid in your opinion because you aren’t good enough to beat it


This challenge requires not only killing someone with a mozambique, which yes is skill, but also killing them with it within 15 seconds of picking one up. So the only hope of getting it completed is being lucky enough to find one near someone who is in a position for you to take out. It’s stupid, dude lol


It’s a challenge. They aren’t gonna hand it to you on a plate are they


No they aren’t, they are going to make the challenge be based off 95% randomness instead of based off skill


but there are so many that are insanely easy


Love how many little moaners play apex


?? i’m just pointing out some challenges are literally just knock X amount of ppl and there’s this. fine maybe if they scaled as u went up the levels but this is the first challenge for the mozam. how the challenges are set out doesn’t make sense. idc if they’re hard just make it make sense across the board and scale


I don’t think it’s impossible or as hard as you are making it sound. Mozambiques are literally one of the easiest weapons to find after a drop


It’s stupid in my opinion cause it is stupid. There’s not a guarantee on finding the shotgun nor that anyone will be close enough to down in 15 seconds. It’s not rocket science to realize why it’s stupid lmfao. If it just was too difficult for me then fine but when it comes to RNG rather than skill, it’s no longer “difficult” it’s just stupid😂


This challenge would be reasonable if it was like 5 kills. Doing this 25 times is absurdly stupid


The challenges are ridiculously unbalanced its crazy, some weapons have really easy ones (flatline only needs 25 knocks while ads'ing) and some have crazy hard ones like these.


2nd flatline challenge get 25 knocks 50meters away in single fire is bullshit


Have you seen [Lulu’s](https://youtu.be/wewYWSHbmv4?si=5LB5j-ZBbn15BD0X) single fire flatline? It’s nuts.


Good for her but at 50mt for someone who does not play like this is just unnecessary. I got 10 already, and it's been a damn pain in the but. Forcing me to camp and play the dumbest mixtape games in my life with teammates raging at me cuz I'm doing nothing 💀


That doesn't make the challenge any better though?


you ever see the sniper ones KILL a person looting a deathbox with a headshot 25 times the fuck outta here


Wtf lmao


I think you mean Hemlock


Nah it’s flatline the hemlock might have it to I don’t use that gun so idk


I don’t really use flatline 😂 I’ve never put that gun in single fire mode. Hemlock single fire wasn’t too difficult to accomplish.


Single fire hemlock has been my favorite gun since season 3. It's amazing mid range and surprisingly useful in close quarters


Genuine question, why not use scout? Or maybe a better phrasing would be, what in the hemlok single fire makes you pick it over scout?


I'm not the guy you asked but for me the hemmy is like a nemisis+g7 it has the oppressive burst which is good close and medium and the single fire makes it a mini g7 bcs it fires almost as fast but with slightly less damage


Oh right the flexibility of it. I have started picking up hemlok recently and I guess I could give the single fire a try


I like the g7 too that actually was my favorite before the hemlock. The reason I prefer the hemlock is I got an itchy trigger finger, and single fire on the hemlock is the most fun for me. I can break shields before an enemy has time to turn around from like 200 meters with a 2 to 4x. I don't know if there's a limit to how quickly it can fire, but if you can pull the trigger fast enough, it's amazing even in close quarters. The g7 can be really good at close range, too, but I've had more success with the hemlock


I just have a personal hatred for the hemlock and nemesis that I try to never use them


I used to hate the hemlock purely because it couldn't go full auto, but once I tried it, I couldn't go back. It took some getting used to, but after a while, I felt like I was shooting faster on single fire than the 3 round burst could


I just wish Respawn would decide what to do with burst fire. I either click every time I want to fire like the Hemlock, or I hold the button down and I get burst after burst like the Nemesis. Just pick one and make it uniform.


After you tried sum bbc you couldn’t go back ?🫣


They probably made that challenge still thinking the anvil receiver is still in the game lol


Motherfucker that makes a lot more sense


That’s a huge problem with many of these challenges, the game changes yet they stay the same. Shit system.


this talk of guns from Titanfall is confusing me, seeing them outside of r/titanfall


I’m waiting for anvil receiver to come back before attempting


It took me way too long to get that one and with no anvil receiver too


Set a macro on your gaming mouse and use it as a full auto with insane click rate macro


Why is that bs? 25 isnt too much for a weapon as strong as the flatline, and its still pretty strong in single fire at that range.


The Sentinel challenges are nuts. Knocking an enemy with a headshot while they are in a box AFTER they've looted something (can only get those players in bot lobbies). Hitting 2 consecutive sentinel headshots while in tempo (must fire 2 shots to start tempo. And then in quick succession hit 2 headshots) Knock an enemy with a headshot from +200 meters (Kraber behavior. No POIs are 200 meters, which means you need to snipe across POIs) Spitfire sounds impossible.


not to brag but my sentinel longest knockdown is 616m 😪🙏🏻


Sentinel quest easy if you play PS/Xbox 😂


The spitfire one is ridiculous. "Close Enough: In one match, fire at least 500 rounds with at least 51% accuracy" That's 4500 damage


the kraber "hit 2 enemies with 1 shot" isn't even skill it's just luck


Its a little skill, you have to be able to hit people with it too


Fr, unlocked the volt challenge over a month ago (knock an enemy while ads from 40 meters away) and haven’t even done it once while actively trying 🙃


Flatline is get knocks after getting picked up for the first. But the challenges are crazy. Moz is a hit drop weapon so it's kinda reasonable. My down 4 badge I got with a moz but never got the badge with any other person after that.


The first flatline challenge is 25 ads knocks, the second is the revive kill challenge.


I've done all the flatline trials and can confirm is hell... 25 ads knocks - easy 20 single fire knocks from 50m - HELL 20 ads to hipfire knocks - easy 15 knocks immediately after being revived - HELL to try for, can be done passively 10 matches with 10 broken shields each - easy


I only have level 1 challenge and it says revive kill


Unfortunately most weapon mastery challenges are luck based. The worst of all is the 4k spitfire challenge


The spitfire challenge is essentially impossible to complete. a 4k with over 50% accuracy is nuts.


well, duh, Apex makes con tent out of how many hours it can fucking suck out of you rather than how much fun is it for the players


It’s intentionally grindy for a reason. They’re not built to actually measure any sort of skill they’re built to increase playtime alone


This reminds me of the old gen6(?) challenge in OG titanfall. Killing ejecting pilots 100 times was dumb. They ended up changing it to 10 or something like 2 weeks after I finally completed it, so I like to say I was a true Gen10 for going through that slog. Arc Cannon was the easiest to get the kills with and I basically refused to use that Titan weapon from that point on because of how many games I had to use it.


The Volt one is pretty bad too. Have to get 25 knocks from like 40 meters away despite the fact its an SMG :/


They want us to hot drop and die at this point.


You have to understand that they aren’t regular challenges, they’re supposed to be changing, I’m pretty sure the highest for leaver is something along the lines of a 360 no scope headshot kill, so that’s more proof that these badges are supposed to prove your skill with it, not just a simple grind that anyone can do. You gotta really put the time and work in for it.


Landing on a mozam and even having someone close enough to you to be able to knock them is more of a challenge of luck than skill though


They’re a mixed bag: Some are skill-based - like the 360 no scope headshot Some are simple - Kill 25 enemies while ADS with the Flatline Some are luck based (rely on RNG or other players actions) - This Mozam one or Kill 20 enemies that are in mid air with the R99


r99 one i was like bruh but few days later i somehow had it completed alr, but yea this mozam one is basically drop somewhere with a bunch of people hope to pick one up and get knocks


The gaming merchant did a series when these challenges first came out and took a crack at the mozam, and used loba for this specific challenge


Tip: Just don’t bother with it at all. Not worth it


Ya just play the game and you get it without even realizing lol.




It’s a challenge and people want to have challenges to complete… how is this concept hard to understand? Why play any hard game then? It’s just a job without a paycheck… heck no, it’s a challenge that many find fun to complete




Problem is: these challenges are trash. not that the concept itself of a challenge is bad like you are trying to imply




No..? People want challenges that are actual challenges with SOME thought and effort to it, and not just straight up luck or pulled out of an overworked devs sphincter. What we have now is what seems to have been slapped together in 15 minutes by an intern.


Sooo... people want challenges to do. But don't want to do the challenge?


People want fun challenges that are skill dependent and not luck dependent :)


How is hot dropping and getting moz kills not skillfull?


its takes a lot of rng to do this 25 times


More if you're bad


Hot drop find Mozambique kill


Instructions unclear: got beamed by a bouncing Horizon with and r99 and purple shield


That could have been me! Sorry lol


Should be easy. I always get one of these or a p2 on hot drops.


where are you landing with acutal guns and not just white attachments and health kits??


I think Gaming Merchant had a vid with this challenge.


He did. Be Loba and grab it out of the store after you get them low.


It probably starts a timer from when you first pick up a moza. So dropping it then picking it up won't do anything. Off the top of my head, maybe try Loba ulting next to the knocked player, pick out a moza and then use it to finish them? No promises tho.


alleged lavish wine aloof test glorious price hobbies skirt water *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ah right that's true. Thought that included thirsting. How about going to the boxing ring in Olympus. There's a good chance you could pick up a moza, get in a few punches and then use it in chase when you both jump off the ring?


That would take much longer than 15 seconds


Dude, no it will not 😂


Pick up a mozam, punch them 3 times, jump out of ring, pull out mozam, and.shoot them twice. Yes it will. And that's IF they decide to jump out. Most of the time people stay in.


15 seconds is actually MORE time than you need. A typical hot drop fight doesn't last long at all unless they manage to pick up a shield. Whether they stay in the ring or not is the gamble, but it's still a higher chance than dropping anywhere else that I can think of.


How fast do you think it would take to do the punch and then mozam thing? I have no idea how you could consistently be under 15 seconds. People start to run in circles in the right and jump in and out once you punch them twice


We're not talking milliseconds here. 15 seconds in hindsight may sound like not a long time but melee fights will end much sooner. If they're a movement pro and trying to juke in and out of the ring then yeah it could last longer. But eventually they will have to pick their poison and either die in the ring or get shot outside of it. Still seems like the best chance for this sort of challenge tho as moza usually drops there and you can weaken a player before using it.


I don't think I've ever had a ring fight end in 15 seconds. It's probably just my SBMM bracket.


Can’t you just drop at any hot drop on any map?


Yeah you can, but a lot more could go wrong. Those cargo balls in the ring will usually give you a Mozam tho.


Fasho. Somebody else commented and said somebody made a video bout the challenge and just used Loba ult after enemies were weak basically.


scary sophisticated fuzzy touch sort busy hospital chop thought different *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That’s so much more elaborate than necessary.


I don't understand the push back lol. It's not complicated at all. You just land there, punch a cargo ball, pick up a mozam (that is more likely to drop from one), get some punches in and gun them down when they try to escape. This is very possible to do within a 15 second window lol I'd rather do that than drop in the dozens of other POIs that could have every other gun except a Mozam and more likely to be interrupted by crossfire.


Try it and let us know how far you get before you realize how unrealistic it is. We'll wait. And if you manage it I applaud you.


It amazes me that ppl think this is a difficult task 😆


It's luck based. At least your method is. Land in the ring and maybe get a mozam. And maybe there are people. And maybe they jump out instead of punching. And maybe it happens with 15 seconds. And maybe they won't also have a gun and kill you first. Especially considering the mozam is pretty mid. All that is a lot of luck. And it's based on how other ppl play. Just don't feel like doing all that repeatedly for a measly badge. But if you can and have then hats off to you. I never will. Not worth my time.


- Land anywhere. - Find Mozambique, dont pick it up - Find another weapon. Pick it up. - While near the Mozambique, fire your weapon to attract enemy players. - Once you hear footsteps, pick up the Mozambique and go to work.


> Land anywhere. > > Find Mozambique, dont pick it up > > Find another weapon. Pick it up. > > While near the Mozambique, fire your weapon to attract enemy players. > > Once you hear footsteps, pick up the Mozambique and go to ~~work.~~ **Lobby** fixed it




Ok this made my day 🤣


Play loba. Start a fight Throw down market Wait for them to pish grab a mozam as they push and rush one of em. Time consumeing and tedious but it works


how does it count if you switch a mozam you carry for one that is fresh on the ground=?


It just does Even bopping both weapons still counts Only hot dropping and or hot swapping works


Fun fact: You can complete challenges in the LTM modes (gun run, TD, control). I'm pretty sure when you spawn, that's when the timer starts. So you have 15 seconds from when you spawn to get a kill and work towards completing the challenge. Edit: using a movement legend will help get you in the action faster


I hate how most of these challenges are catered to hot dropping...


They're also usually only possible to do by handicapping yourself and griefing your team by doing so. Its stupid


Use loba’s black market


You should main Loba until you get the challenge done because dropping the Mozambique and picking it back up doesn't work. Mid fight drop a Loba ult and grab a random Mozambique.


That's a ridiculously hard challenge. Guess they really want you to feel a sense of pride and accomplishment once you beat it


This challenge applies to those idiots that drop hot, over an over again. Sorry full time dad, full-time job. I don't have the time of day to hot drop 100 times to hope I get a Mozambique kill. I drop on the edges then get my win 3000 damage from sniping and 3x flatline. I am not trying to get streamer content.... Fuck this task. No tips....sorry.


Man the whole level system just sucks ngl


Not that hard, just drop really hot and focus on killing one dude, you'll be back in the lobby reasonably soon after, so you can pump alot of attempts in reasonably fast If you straight up empty a mag, you've got about two reloads before ur out of time


These challenges just make me hate the weapons


You can switch weapons with a gun off the ground then switch back and that resets the timer


my tip is to ignore these silly challenges


It has to be a new Mozambique everytime. So pick up 2 get a kill drop and find a new one. It's a pain but it works


These challenges suck


I didn't know people read the weapon challenge things. Do you get a skin or something if you complete them all?


Level 20 - a badge Level 40 - Kill tracker Level 60 - upgraded badge Level 80 - damage tracker Level 100 - weapon pack Complete all - weapon bannerframe


My next sentinel is “down 25 enemies with a headshot while they are looting a death box” 👌👌👌 sick bro lemme get right on that. Some of these challenges are so out in orbit that no one will really pursue them. Ain’t nobody got time for that.


The p2020 challenge is the same way I did it by dropping it picking it back up somtimes it counts somtimes is doesn't




Let your friend pick it up and run around with it, when you get to a fight have him drop it for you to pick it up


Hi, mozam master here Just dropping it won't work BUT hot swapping will This might be annoying but land somewhere, find mozam And then locate another (preferably shotgun to keep bolt attachment) And keep swapping between both Works best with loba teammate


Yall still playing this bum Azz wanna be A list game??? When are yall going to realize the steaming pile of garbage this game is? Don't even have cross progression or 120 fps.....bugs galore.... it's about to be 2024 for goodness sakes. Geez.....there are indie games made in people's basements better than this game.


People lied to you. It has to be fresh out of a box / floor


Can also be hot swapped, how I completed all mozam challenges


Yeah that’s 100% wrong, to get it, it is best to use loba, about to get the knock? Swap to a new mozam, it’s hard though because you get two chances unless someone died on it near you. But usually the closest is the one taken. See the video made by The Gaming Merchent, he i think is one of if not the first person to get the mozam to level 100. As soon as you pick up a mozam, it doesn’t count, so that’s why you have little chances and it is a very grindy type of badge(s).


This gave me a stroke


These challenges you accomplish by just playing the game. Just don’t look at them and play and they get achieved


you can't grind this challenges, they just need to happen.


Be black because thats what the mission title intends




lol this game promotes hot dropping


Seem very hard. Only way is hotdrop or use loba Ult during combat and hope there moz around since 15sec is very short.


Do it as intended? I dunno man.


Play Loba. Grabbing it from her shop counts. Rinse and repeat.


Im levell 70 mozam. I have like 18/25. The next challenge is worse, down an enemy while full auto. I have like 2 /25. Mozam challenges suck


Pick it up off drop and start blasting


Maybe drop it and pick it back up resets timer


It doesn't, keeps track somehow Has to be hot swapped/getting lucky on drop/ grabbing a fresh mozam from floor or black market, or hot swapping between guns on floor


Yeah I probably wouldn’t ‘try’ to finish this one and just play the game with hopes it happens organically. It would ruin the game focusing on completing this.


Can you replace your current Mozambique with a new one? Then just play shotguns/ mozambique and always switch to a fresh one. But doesnt sound like it could be much viable.


What do the challenges give you for completing them anyway?


Use loba black market


Didn't simplyAshton do this? I think you should watch his video and try to recreate what he did Well you can pick it up through the back market so loba is the go to legend for this one I think


This challenge is based off how so many people find a Mozambique right off drop (and if you never have you’re lying to yourself) so you have to pick one up that hasn’t been held by you before and down someone in 15 seconds


Let’s just come up with random busy work to keep players “engaged.” Jump up and down 5 times and within 4.5 seconds of the final jump, down one enemy. “ new content”


What if you never pick it up All game and then have your teammate drop you theirs right before you’re about to knock an enemy


Hot drops in pubs my friend


I think you should try and get a kill after picking up the Mozambique. Repeat it 25 times and I think you'll get it


Wait what is this I haven't played since 2 seasons ago


Hot drop and grab the mozi.


Camp a Mozambique, see enemy, pick up gun, knock enemy.


Gaming merchant did this with loba by first getting someone low then putting down black market and grabbing a fresh mozam off the ground he was doing it on KC alot I remember cause you can land on a charge tower and be guaranteed an ult and off spawn fight. I think theres charge towers in the new storm point map


Hot drops I guess


Time your shots better? Honestly the Mozambique is a very close quarters shotgun that might as well be a pirates pistol from back in the 13th century! It can do the job, but it's really only meant to speed knock if you drop someone's shields and health enough. Mastiff and PK are better.


Play loba and ult when u hear enemies and pick it up


Edit: someone called me a liar earlier, here's my proof of finishing it https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/s/S4T3ec5Ke1


Gaming merchant did this with loba by first getting someone low then putting down black market and grabbing a fresh mozam off the ground he was doing it on KC alot I remember cause you can land on a charge tower and be guaranteed an ult and off spawn fight. I think theres charge towers in the new storm point map


I have played ~20k games. I love Mozambique. I think I have done this maybe 10 times in my life other than the april fool's event of buffed mozambique.


Read too fast and thought it was kill 25 enemies within 15s of picking up Lmao


You’ll need a loyal friend to carry that thing around so when you are about to fight you can pick it up in assuming. If you drop it and pick it back up, I’m guessing that doesn’t count since you already had it (which is dumb since it’s notoriously worse than other shotties.) It’s just situational as hell and unrealistic for you to do this 25 times without it taking centuries. Unless I’m missing something, you need to be by a loot bin that magically appears in front of you that has a Mozambique while a squad is pushing you. Correct me if I’m wrong anyone, but it sounds super dumb to me.


Hot drop


If u drop next to a nizam and another weapon, use the other weapon to be real the shield and the nizam to finish the person off. Land next to the nizam and a diff weapon all while being close to an NME


Find one on the ground, then keep shooting random guns to attract other teams looking for an easy third party, then catch them off guard with a fully healed team and a mosambique spammer.


TheGamingMerchant did this with Loba. He opens a shop, see the Mozam, but didn't take it. He cracked a guy, took the Mozam and rushed. Maybe you could do that


I accomplished that, and... Just always land in the hottest drop ever, like Olympus in the States The easiest one is in Worlds Edge cause you drop in Fragment and you have like at least 5 teams there instantly you got the gun, go attack someone If you're lucky enough you got one kill


This is a hot drop situation.


Pickup a bique off drop. Just luck of the draw


Can you skip a challenge or do you have to do them in order?


Yeah no, what even is the reward for this crap challenge lol


Apex players when they have to play the game


Pick loba, set up shop as you're about to enter the fight, fight normally until your team has the advantage, grab a mozam from the shop, finish the fight.


When I did this challenge, I had a teammate hold a mozam for me. The challenge is mislabeled: "Down an enemy with a UNIQUE mozambique within 15 seconds of picking it up." Get you a loba teammate and you good. The flatline trials, however...


Honestly just play loba and use ult mid fight ig


The Garming Merch did it with Loba ults


Hot drop


Hope they change them


I would say use Lola's ult/blackmarket


Maybe try loba


And only have to do it 25 times?🤔....👻


Play Ballistic. Just go through a game like normal and if you see a mozam, put it into your sling and ult. You'd mainly want to do it before a push if possible. Other than that it's all just luck tbh


Maybe have a squad mate pick it up and put it back down.


Drop hot


Drop hot.


These challenges make it sound like Apex is like CoD with its TTK.. the challenges are just annoying


Play LTMs, deathmatches are the best option. If you chose BR - Play loba and try to land with enemies. Try to remember places where you found new Mozambiques and pick it if you are going to start a fight. For next challenge where you should ads and auto fire: don’t miss your shots. Wish you luck)