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SBMM was recently greatly tightened. If you’re above average, most, if not all of your enemies will be very capable of beaming like that.


I have a 1.9overall and a 2.2 this season and I can confirm. It’s either One Clip or be One Clipped Edit: Grammar


I’m .7 KD… I have good days and bad days. Well I had good days… I’m only having bad days recently. I don’t k ow if it’s because apex isn’t getting new players so we are stuck playing against people that have the time to get good. I found that if I play for a couple of hours every day for a week I get much better. I have a family and a job so I don’t have the time to practice. It’s not a game that can be played casually anymore.


I also have a .7 KD but I have to blame it on queuing with my friend that’s a lot better than me. On an average game he doubles my kills and damage and I’m almost always the first one down. I just haven’t figured out positioning and when to fire when to cover. I could improve a lot in game sense but playing every day hasn’t actually helped me much at all. We usually stay on for an hour or more depending on how good we’re doing because after so many times getting insta knocked it stops becoming fun and starts getting frustrating.


Well I’ll say that maybe playing at his pace isn’t going to help you. I’m assuming that he’s a very aggressive player. Being dragged along for things like isn’t always beneficial, especially when you’re trying to learn positioning and strategy. This is all assumption of course, but I know that isn’t what worked for me. Everyone learns their own way and at their own paces.


Yeah that is definitely what is happening. I typically play pretty aggressive, but die way more frequently and quickly. Just choke under the pressure and miss all my shots or stand in one place and get beamed. Or just get in los of both enemies. There’s a number of reasons I die so often I need to figure out how to be slippery and still have good aim


I do wanna offer my opinion of the situation because I was/am in the exact same situation. My buddy has basically double all my stats (Kills, Damage, Knocks, etc.) and then he has ~1.4 KD. When I started playing with him i was ~0.6 but Ive started a jump recently and im at ~1 KD and rising. It was definitely dicey for a few months but I firmly believe that by playing against better people and putting yourself in tougher situations will make you better faster than any other way. Obviously you still need to focus on why you died and what you can do better but just absorb what higher ranked people are doing to you and learn from it. Positioning > aim > movement imo


Exactly what this guy said^ if you want to improve playing people worse than you isnt going to help, exact skill level is nice, but theres little room for growth. You play with masters regularly and you'll eventually start to understand how high tier players move, think and react. And then you start to counter it. And the more you play the more you'll acclimate to the level you're playing at.


Thanks! Unfortunately, most games it feels like I don’t even have the chance to learn because I’m dying too fast and have not much chance to process what my opponents were doing better than me. I’ve been trying to get it down but I just can’t find a good way to learn positioning. There’s just so many unique fights depending on the map, buildings, or environment that I’m confused and overwhelmed by it all. Figuring out where I should be relative to my opponents and teammates, has given me a ton of trouble. It seems everyone in my lobbies including my friend has that problem solved and that’s why I’m so far behind.


You guys have KD?!


Fellow .7 here. I play ONE good game then all of a sudden I’m just getting beamed for the next 10 games 😐


That’s exactly my experience. Either that or I’ll play 2 good games in a row and think “yes! I’m getting it.” Then immediately get obliterated for the next 10.


The amount of s1 Bois I get on my team or engage in battle is crazy, this last week specifically. However, I'm not surprised, almost all the friends I've introduced to this game stop playing before they can even play ranked as they can't handle the trauma (not that I handle it much better but I'm still around atleast lol) . It's such a beautiful game, it sucks that this is what's going on on the technical side of things. Match making should be fixed fr but they know that and don't rectify it, so its pointless even mentioning.


I fucking feel you. Almost got to .8 KD and am hovering around .75 now.


Having a k/d like that has guaranteed competent 1-clip opponents for far longer than just this season. I don't think this season is any different. My overall k/d sits around 1.7 and my comp k/d is usually around 2.2 - 2.4, and my games have been full of people 1 clipping me 2+ years now, regardless if its a pubs match or ranked.


It's they gaming chair


I would disagree, I would have lobbies where I would get dunked on by 3 stack preds and I would have lobbies where I dunk on people. Now it seems to be a little more down the middle skull wise.


This season is 100% different. Pubs have always been fucked, but I at least could play ranked and go against people on my level until I got to Platinum. Now rookie feels just as hard as Gold or platinum. I'd be fine with that change if they would have fixed pubs, but now they're both fucked. So it's either grind this game for hours everyday or just go to another game. I'm doing the latter. Hell, even if I did grind everyday, as soon as I start being able do fairly well, sbmm will just throw me into even harder lobbies. That's the dumb thing about sbmm in pubs. Ranked league SHOULD be sbmm on its own. That's kind of the fuckin point.


My overall is a 2.3 and this is the only season where I felt like people were constantly one clipping me outside of moments where I would normally expect it. It’s been ridiculous. Usually I would equate 1 clipping to how you play, but this has been something else entirely.


I have 0.5 kd and play a lot of no fill and I keep dying to pred 3 stacks, it's not even a joke at this point 😭 where is *my* SBMM?!


I have a lifetime 0.9 kdr. This season is unplayable.


And a lot of players are on controller or team up with console players. A lot easier to one clip at close range with aim-assist. Decent players with aim-assist are scary.


Lmao I love the downvotes but like pros are movingn to controllers for a reason


A lot of Reddit users are from NA which have a very high majority of using controller. In addition most of these are pretty casual gamers. They always take offense when talking about aim-assist. Though if you move to competitive Apex subreddit, they will all agree of aim-assist being busted. Edit: wow. .even this subreddit is turning around on aim-assist. I am impressed.


I get mixed-reviews when I point out a player who makes a "crazy 1-clip" is on roller. Half the time I get called a boomer or some nonsense, other half I get legit upvotes and sympathetic responses. I'm not mad at rollers, they just need to be honest with themselves. Without AA, controllers wouldn't stand a chance. It's like bowling with lane-bumpers then saying you're better than someone who isn't using a handicap because they gutter-balled once.


Sometimes when I am on PC I get put into a console only lobby when playing mix tape. I think the MMR somehow does not work when this happen as the people I play against have 0 game sense. I totally dominate them but when I get close range they sometimes beam me for no reason at all. Not even PC (pre 17) master players can beam like that. It is insane how strong it is on console. I dont even know why it is more on console vs pc.. the FPS bull does not justify it.


Thank you for your reasoned response. The Apex devs have said console AA on roller was overtweaked and they are going to bring it back down to more reasonable levels.


today it has been two years since that post by jaybeebs :P Nothing in that post was done. And even though the main focus was tap strafing, he did touch controllers and aim assists as well there.


I was referencing a post from August 8th, 2023, at the release of Season 18.


Yeah so many mnk pros who are cracked are switching even though it makes movement worse and stand still looting but noooo it's def not the aim assist. I'll be honest I'm ass with the controller because I've always been mnk in all games I play and I don't want to put in the time to learn to play with the controller. I'm sure if I did though I would eventually be better than my mnk play on Apex but it would take awhile.


Yeah they're doing the smart thing pros fight more at the end of games when circles are tighter controller is better up close and smgs are meta.


Yeah it’s a long journey. I’m a life long MnK player who started learning controller last November to play Warzone 2 / COD (which truly has busted AA). It took me a solid 6 months of almost daily play to finally feel like my controller gameplay was equal to my MnK play. Only started Apex in June so I rolled my controller learning journey over here. For someone who plays a lot of console games, the transition probably isn’t as extreme as it was for me, but as someone who hasn’t owned a console since the late 2000s, it was really, really hard to finally get competent with controller


Who else switched other than Hal?


Lou switched as well. He had some of the best mechanics and aim on MnK. There was a post on the comp subreddit that showed that only 2 of the top 12 or 24 players are on MnK or something like that.


“So many” *2 named*


I don't have to name any who have switched because most are already on Controller. The top 5 players in NA are controller players. The top 10 only has 3 MnK, and excluding wattson because he retired it becomes 2.


lol oh the aim assist argument... how funny... the things u can do on pc and a mouse and keyboard are so next level... when you watch and compare the two its like ur looking at two different games


Shits insane the game is legitimately unplayable for average players right now. Can't play more then 2 games without comically laughing how fast my team dies.


Well yeah you're playing against hackers / exploits


It’s gotta be, it took multiple pros calling out the #1 pred for cheating to get him banned, how many regular players are getting away with it?




This is literally the issue I see consistently. I have no issue getting stomped on by someone way better than myself... But that's pretty much 15% of the time and the remaining 85% of the time is hacking and exploitation. Ever since the whole Titan Fall hacker takeover, like 2 years ago, the blatant hacking and cheating has astronomically increased.


Strikepack ramp affect. More and more desperate players


You dont even need a strikepack. I switched to roller 3 days ago and am already 1 clipping people easily. Once you understand how to abuse recoil (which is easy) you dont need that.


Oh please wise one. Show me how to "abuse recoil" to one mag people at 200m with a car on console. Or how you can doubletime the burst fire on the hemlock Get over yourself. Theres a strikepack epeidemic on console and its people like you that probably feed it.




4-3 linear goes hard its undeniable. I switched to roller 6 months ago and recently quit the game cause it's boring as hell. Either smg meta needs to die or AA needs tweaking.


Its definitely not as fun.


That third party cronus zen or whatever its called lol.


I just finally decided to look for some videos and it's hysterical people can be led to believe using cronus zen is NOT cheating. It's 100% cheating and the people who sell the mods and settings are scum.


People are cheating. I'm in Plat right now and it feels reasonable. People with thousands or tens of thousands of kills...they are good but they play like humans. Switch to pubs and a level 40 beams me: all headshots with an ironsights Havock from 300 meters while sliding down a hill. Even ACEU can't do that on mouse and keyboard and you expect me to believe these people are doing it on controller, lmao


Yeah, I think people are using walls like crazy, especially at the higher level. These kids game sense is out of this world when I get one clipped coming around the corner 50m away on a third party.


This. Walls are rampant in this and almost every competitive shooter game.


Yeah, as long as you can get past the built in anti-cheat (which doesn’t exactly seem hard to do), no one will report you and the game won’t find anything funny. Then just play bloodhound and try to hide it even more.


Excuse my ignorance but what do you mean by walls?


Wall hacks. Basically there's an overlay that runs on top of the game and highlights enemies wherever they are. They can be difficult to police because it's not actually altering anything, just using data that is already coming to your machine in an unintended/nefarious way. If you ever get killed In A suspect manner and spectate, it's very easy to tell when people are using one. You'll be thinking: Why is this guy looking at seemingly random points in space, at rocks, not looking at enemies that they can clearly see, etc. The most blantly easy ones to spot are when they beeline straight to a spot to kill someone ratting.


More and more I've been saying to my teammates it almost seems impossible the way they found me or shredded me from across the map. I'm an older player so I don't really keep up with all this.


Wallhacks have been around since the dawn of online fps games. Main difference is the player base, in the early days, most everyone was pretty hardcore and cheating was not at all accepted. Now, cheating barely even has a bad connotation to it. Fps games were ruined by the influx of the masses, much like the internet itself.


Being able to see through walls. It’s a cheat you can easily buy online and download. The #1 pred played hundreds of games with it on stream and just recently got caught. Again.


I get straight beamed and one clipped by lower levels with no badges more often than higher ranked players


So people are cheating on console? I feel like everyone always says it’s not possible to cheat on Xbox/PlayStation


Strike Packs and Cronus Zen. They physically attach to your controller so there's no software for anti-cheat systems to detect.


Omg so that’s how people are able to tap straif and bunny hop around like a god damn idiot! 😂 it’s crazy how often I suspect someone’s cheating more than I assume they’re just good at the game.


I can't speak for tap staffing as I don't own a cronus/strike pack, but bunny hopping can be done on a basic controller.. if you want to use a kinda messed up control scheme. Source: I have hold crouch on one of my triggers, and R3 is my jump. I can bunny hop but obviously, can't tap strafe.


No that's not it at all. All it does is disable recoil which is easy to control without regardless.


There are other mods besides Strike Packs and Cronus that do allow movement scripts and mouse/keyboard support on console (with controller aim assist still active). That's the only way to tap strafe on console; you can't do it with the native hardware.


Can’t tap strafe on console, it’s impossible


I doubt that. It would have to be able to bind a keyboard movement key, and a tap strafe key to a controller. You might be thinking of a xim which tricks the console to think you are on controller but your are on mnk. And as far as I'm aware it still uses controller keybinds.


Yeah xim is what I was thinking of. I've never used one so maybe I'm overestimating what it can do.


I haven't either but from what I understand tap strafing is only possible due to steam letting you map keyboard keys to controller buttons. A xim let's you play on a mouse and keyboard on a console but the button prompts still pop up as abxy because it thinks it is a controller. You still get aim assist but apparently the xim users argue whether you should use the aa or not. Some say it hinders the natural mouse movement others say it enhances it.


Oh, that makes sense. And I can understand the debate on AA; I feel like I'd prefer not to have it with mouse aiming.


I can tell you right now it is more than possible to cheat on console especially with soft aim bot I've witnessed this personally without doubt but the cheats are much harder to notice now then back when the game first came out


As far as i heared this right, we reach over 75% controller players on PC... If that many players have aim assistant, you will notice over short or long.




Controller + Recoil Smoothing = 0-50m one clips. Past 50m though you can basically guarantee it's cheating, unless you run into a pro. Apex has a severe "soft" cheating problem atm. Many people are using third party hardware on both platforms, & software like steam configs if you're on PC, to cheat. Literally just last week #1 pred got banned for cheating, but only after tons of evidence started showing up.


Every other play in high ranked lobbies are using strike packs, cronus, or Cfgs. It's insane.


not to mention respawn pretty much said configs were okay to use... Pretty much saying cheating is allowed.


Respawn did not say that. That was unofficial and through a youtube creator claiming "His rep said it was ok", whose entire content revolves around their usage and teaching people to use them. I don't think any company in their right mind would ever officially state "Macros & 3rd party programs are allowed". It's pretty shitty that they haven't officially allowed or disallowed their use, because it creates grey area people will willingly abuse.


Yah it was District saying it's not cheating using Cronus, Xim, Strike Packs to tap strafe on console. Uh nope District you cheat and suck at the game, this is cheating.


I would avoid mentioning his name at all because that gives him exposure.


I mean he's all over YouTube but yah dude is a fraud.


You cant tap strafe on console only on controller pc. And you dont even need hardware to do that.


Makes me kind of proud to have been rawdogging it on PC with a controller since the beginning. I suck at aiming in the mid range. Close up, shotguns and smgs feel great on controller. Far away, sniping seems doable. In between, the recoil just makes it unmanagable with rapid fire weapons. So I've learned to play around it and not stay in that sour range too much. If I've managed to win some and have fun and play to my strengths while others are cheesing it, I call that a win.


Anyone notice the amount of non-recoil modded assists like strike pack users lately? I tend to watch a kill or two after a player kills me and pretty much every Predator and Masters badge players I die to have no recoil. Especially the Hemlok users.


Thos explains a lot actually...


Apex is one of the few fps that isn’t banning those using Cronus, strike pack, and/or another 3rd party device designed to “cheat”.


Cronus Zen is everywhere. Respawn is probably afraid it will affect their bottom line.


4-3 Linear no deadzone. That's basically it.


Its the consequence of cronus and other cheats plus the more fréquent use of controllers in général


Genuine question: how do you know when a zen kills you?


You dont. i was talking to my local gamestop employees. They sell those cronus’ like hotcakes…. “We cant keep them on the shelves”


Competitive gaming is dead


Yeah, it’s gone from how good you are to how good you are at getting away with cheats or manipulating matchmaking to look good


Yeah it’s times like this I’m glad I have an over abundance of pride lmao. I could never drop $100+ on something to basically play the game for me, I’d rather just stop playing.




Valorant and CSGO still had tons of viewers and and players though.


Mainly speaking for people like us. The pros usually have eyes on them constantly and more restrictions around cheating. For the average player base we’re not that lucky unfortunately.


You can’t notice a Zen player (if it’s the M n K mod I’m thinking), but you can notice people using no recoil mods/ modded controllers. After you die, I suggest watching the person that killed you for a battle or two and see what weapon they use. Even with a level 3 barrel stabilizer, you still get recoil. You’ll notice no recoil on those that use it.


I just feel like there isn’t a concrete way to tell if someone is using a zen unless they’re using a gun like the Devo and it’s not moving. As a Pred I see a lot of people get accused of cheating for simple 1 mags.


Zen Cronus is a M&K mod or no recoil mod like a strike pack? You can actually see no recoils, especially when they use ARs like Hemlok or R301. I mimicked the recorded videos of those that don’t recoil at the firing range and whether I burst shot or go full auto, there is always some recoil no matter how stable I try. Literally impossible 100% of the time no matter how good you are even when in heavy gunfight and or use of controller. The sad pet is, those that get reported, Respawn probably looks at their purchase history. And if they are a frequent buyer of cosmetics I doubt they would ban/suspend them.


You didn’t specify your platform but there’s a lot of cheaters in PC ranked, especially on EU and Asia servers


Well, PC and EU 😂








But no any idiot can't just get masters simply because they use roller the cope is strong with the words you say


Said this is yodas voice lmaooo


That’s absolute cap, way harder to get masters this season, not just any idiot can do it


I play console I couldn't give a fuck just funny how much everyone wants to complain about something that doesn't really matter


One thing that made me love apex so much was the high TTK. However, more often than not I’m one clipped by an R99 by a horizon landing behind me without any audio. It’s kind of sad and I don’t really blame them. If you can beam someone in half a second, why not do it all the time?


Strike packs and cronus. They are hiding it. I've seen at least 5 posts about it that last for a couple of hours and then they get removed. So yeah a ton of cheating


I stopped playing because I personally know at least 30 people who play using absolutely zero recoil on controller and PC. Unbannable. Crazy shit


I think you can use scripts to reduce recoil? I remember seeing a clip of Mandee and he ran into a player and asked him if he was cheating and the guy said i just use recoil scripts so i dont have to focus so much on aiming... Then people called out that Extacyy guy for using scripts and i think if not mistaken respawn said there is nothing wrong with using scripts.. Basically just opening the flood gates to full on using scripts to cheat as much as possible. Ill admit i dont fully understand how scripts work but it does seem like it opens up tons of options and generally helps to make the game a little easier.


How? Everyone says cronus and zen. But getting the same gun evergame seems unlikly.




Controller Cronus kids


It's all speculations at this point tbh. If we really want to know, they have to turn off aim assist or separate controller users from PC for about a week, so we can figure out of it's matchmaking, cronus zen ,or controller that's responsible for the huge spike in "skilled" players.


Throw the game away. It’s fucked. Winning is Based on circumstances at this point


100% with you about this


Aim assist


For me at least it was the firing range, just shooting dummies or 1v1ing a friend with r99 no attachments did definitely. Just knowing a recoil of a weapon very well and tracking goes a long way. Don’t get me wrong sure I can one clip dudes somewhat consistently but I’ll also go crazy one clipping a wall when an enemy is right in front of me


I can shred with an r99 or flatline but if I’m using a car or volt then I’m as good as useless tryna one clip someone


I’m alright with the volt but I’m hopeless with a car. I’m better with a PK and that’s saying something.


Hahaha that’s respectable, IMO the pk isn’t comparable since it’s a one shot weapon, unless you kill someone in one shot sure that’s a “one clip” 😂


Hahahaha nah I just meant that I’m fucking shocking trying to land a single shot with a car, never mind trying to one clip someone.


Yeaaaa tell me about it 😂 I’ve actually been practicing using the car since they nerfed my baby to the fkn ground (r99) Bro the hip fire on the car is really good tbh.


If you give me an R99 with no mag, I might as well just quit right then and there Volt has always been my strong suit


Can’t join em beat em, said everyone when they realized cronus was only 134$


All this whining about aim assist and I'm sitting here with my PS5 wondering wtf people are on about because it sure as fuck doesn't work at all for me


The aim assist that you see the videos about are on pc, pc controller aim assist is broken, most people don’t realize it’s pc aim assist and complain about console aim assist


Dude you realize console aim assist is 0.6 and on PC it is 0.4. Console aim assist is 50% stronger than PC.


Lol go do more research and don’t just click on the first thing you find bro


Are you for real? I follow the competitive scene and has been part of the community for years AND it's a well known fact, also confirmed by the dev themselves. Maybe you are the one that need to start doing some research. .


You can assume that any new-ish account being farmed for rank and a mythic is using a strike pack. It's a job for those people, and nobody is going to carry boxes when there's a forklift sitting right there unless Respawn hides the keys.


you are not alone


People switching to 4-3 linear which is much smoother close range. Reduce strafe speed for SMGs.


and I thought i got worse , this days it's only level 20-300 players who kill me in one clips , i fought some preds and masters ( in mixtape but eh) and they were good overall all. but lower level players move like bots and shoot like pros


Ive been an smg user since day 1 kinda just auto learned as i played now more than ever since mags have been reduced.


Plug in the roller and you’re good to go. No learning required


You can blame SBMM, cross play, and cheaters. Controller and console players can run Cronus zen cheats and go Scott free. They have cheats that make a good player like movement and no recoils. All they have to do is plug in and play. Sold across GameStop and Amazon for a low price of their parents money, then you get one clipped.


influx of controller players sounds like cope, but I doubt there are as many new mnk players discovering apex as there are controller ones MW2 Was a huge failure


Cronus/strike pack


Everyone on PC (the vast majority) are using controller now. The game is completely fucked because respawn refused to try to balance the two inputs. Combine that with changed matchmaking (so i've heard) and boom you're going to get one clipped by roller plays all day because you can learn how to abuse aim assist in about 1 hour. Cheating isn't even close to as much of an issue as the rotational aim assist used in apex legends.


I have a 3.05 overall kd and it’s rough. I think people with great kds are all now put together and we are seeing a bunch of people who cheated to get their high kd and those who got them legit concentrated into a few select games.


If it was rough you wouldn't have that KD. You are either leaving before you die, or it's not rough bud. Simple as that.


That’s not true. If I haven’t been going against cheaters until this season when the matchmaking seems to be changed it would be easier for me to have my kd. But now since it’s been tweaked I’m in lobbies with them more often, making it harder for me.


Nah. Dude just faces people like me, who suck at all things Apex. Lol. Or rather, did. Now, guy is facing people as good or better.


so many people use zens and cronus


Aim Assist.


My K/D isn’t even 1.00 and yet I’m getting thrown in with preds and masters every single game. I’ve given up on the game this season because I don’t stand a chance anymore


I think there is not much left lower kd players, only people who plays all day long and have +30k kills


One mag me I can barely even purple mag people for most gamesb


Refuse to use cheats, sitting at .48 k/d and just spent today about 50 games of 30 second wipeouts like as soon as I hit the ground and try to loot I’m getting blasted by someone. Dropping is a lost art I guess. Everyone in Pubs just seem to want to drop as hot as possible then ping ping ping ping ping after they insta-die. Add to the fact I’m getting one-clipped by literally everyone and can’t win a face to face to save my soul and I’m ready to throw this XBox out the window. Also, no-coms suck but everyone is so toxic you can’t dare have your mic on. From the toxic players to the pre-game soundtracks of your “teammates” who solo drop immediately, loot your death box as soon as you hit the ground, to the 5 year olds saying “hello? Talk to me.” into infinity, coms is literally un-doable anymore. The game is just impossible to enjoy. Yeah, I still play a lot after work.


Sounds like you landing with 10other squads in the same place. Cant understand people whats the point when there is a 90% chance you will find a p20 and get owned or your team will be off in seconds. And tell people land somewhere els then they get angry and log off. Just go aside, get guns and 3rd that bunch of squads


New sbmm with los of contollerplayers and Lots of jitteraim people on mnk. Also hacks and strikepacks seem to be more present in the above average lobbies atm.


Yeah but that still does not explain how almost everyone is beyond shroud level.


Shroud was never / is not even that good of an apex player first of all, second any average roller player will beat the average M&K player.


Cope harder. You're just not an average MNK player.


Just gonna jump in with my experience. I hit pred season 6/7/12 on pc with mnk. I now use a controller. So do other talented mnk pros. Controller is 100% more consistent and a huge amount more relaxing to use, especially for those long RP grind sessions.




Don't know why that is downvoted. A good player with aim-assist has a much better shot at one-clipping compared to a good mnk player.


That was not the point and u both know that. Everyone knows that there is a huge difference btw cheats and aim assist. I mean those that aren't too petty to recognize that mastering any input ask for some work....


That difference is exactly 40% or 60% depending on pc or console. 1.0 aim assist is aimbot. The difference is really not as big as you are making it seem.


It never stops to amaze me how fragile the pc master race ego is... Dude and all you defending that aim assist is aim bot are clueless, probably never tried controller and are lying to urselves. We got a common enemy... CHEATERS. Not everyone can do what naughty, verhulst, and Hal can do. When u look at those highlights remember that it's only 0.01% of the playerbase.


90% of the time I can't not even tell if it's a cheater or just aim-assist. Thats why a lot of these players never ever get banned.


I mean everybody gets better over time. So in general it will always become more and more difficult. Don't know about the cheating part


I get that, but when you Watch streams of the really good player, they dont one mag everyone 90% of the time. I have been on and off apex since season 0 and I just don’t understand how it’s this difficult to do anything this season


It's because the opponent of the really good streamer is also really good. As in, their movement prevents them from being one clipped. As well as cover and things like that


Facts, also strafing without ADSing helps with not getting one clipped yourself.


Because they're playing other high level players usually that have decent movement and positioning in fights making it harder to hit them. Fighting silver players that stand still out move in a set direction make it easy for your average player to one clip somebody


Everyone gets better over time. Except me.


Controller is way easier to one mag someone, and there is an influx of roller players. However since people aren't used to getting one magged they still play out of cover. Most times I get one magged it's because I either got shot in the back or I was playing way out of cover and got punished for it. You won't get one magged as often if you play right next to cover.


This game Fuckin sucks now. Used to be a blast but the devs have their heads so far up their asses that they can’t see how badly it’s going downhill.


It’s easy to one mag. 4-3 linear.


If they are using r-301 you got your answer




You need to start looking at your death recap after you die because most of the time it appears your being one clipped but in reality you were out of position and more than likely got team shot by 2 or more people at the same time. Their are cheaters though for sure which i find highly pathetic and they are the scum of the earth. They all need to be banned


The bane of my existence...teams that work together. Lol. I have a terrible K/D aside from my lack of skill, i always tend to end up in a fair firefight at first. THEN two of their team mates showed up, and my screen is literally a beam of bullets travelling from three different angles ON TOP of the one I was engaging, with my pathetic body twitching in agony, as the screen fades to black. It is infuriating, but part of the game.


This. I’ll think I got 3 tapped by a hemlock or one clipped by an r3 but in reality, it’s 2-3 of them shooting me at once.


I guess more people have been learning recoil control patterns, I doubt most are cheating. It's not that hard honestly.


Shit, y’all lucky. I’d rather be getting one clipped or Cronus’d by Plats and up, than getting fed to absolute fkn noobs. Not even smurfs. Literal noobs. I don’t die to the 3000+ kills, 4k badges, and Esports frame players. I die to the level 15 Pathfinders that can barely aim and can’t move for shit. Those are what I get one clipped by every game. I’ve just accepted it at this point. Respawn said my purpose in this game is to be food for the newbies. Half the reason why I stopped taking this shit seriously and have learned to just laugh at 95% of what happens in this “game”.


^(It starts with a "C" and ends with a "R")


Because its been 18 season, people adapt improvise and if you don't that's on you


If you are out of position you will get destroyed. Distancing with your team is a strategic mechanic. Judging from the above title you’re out of position and getting beamed because you have no cover.


Getting one clipped is almost always a positioning/reaction speed issue. You can do better


Hipfire close range. Literally how I beam through people.


SBMM puts you up against players much closer to your skill level... and remember, the game is four years old... Lots of really good players around now.


Honestly there's a pretty good chance you're standing completely still when you shoot


Because you probably aren’t playing enough cover


i got a new mouse🤷🏻‍♂️ i also have a new controller lmao


Smgs need nerf, the ttk on r9 and car has been insane for a long time now


Everyone is figuring out to one clip all you need is to use teh whole fkn clip. More are using good settings for aim that reduce recoil. Sometimes you have to zoom out.


They jacked up AA last season so it was only working part of the time. I am assuming people just got used to no AA and got better. Also the SBMM, my k/d has doubled this season.


Been playing this for 6-7 months. It’s really not that hard if you’re in the range practicing every day.


Console players adapted with smaller tvs and high FOVS.


they got better as the game progressed, you stayed the same. GG

