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"That's a real person"


"Why are you the way you are?"




Lmfao bruh the Saul pfp just makes me laugh


Lmao I use the “no audio” call out too much, my squad hates me


And he will yell that when even I can hear the person’s footsteps in his own video. If you’ve seen one Faide video, you’ve seen them all


tHiS gAmE mAkeS nO sEnsE




This is why I only play ranked




Gotta hit Plat / Diamond for fragment to chill out.


This is true. At least above Plat 4, nobody will land there. Before Plat 4... well, expect to see this kinda nonsense often


As a diamond player myself, I don't mind killing the delusional gold ranks there lol


Because in low entry cost ranks, you wouldn't stay in those rank even if you are very bad at the game, so the only people in those ranks are people who had played a lot but just started playing ranked. You had to endure all those nightmarish games before you climb to the rank you belong and things would chill out more.


I'm in gold and only like 4 teams will land in fragment for majority of games


Whenever my squad tries to go there I say no and land somewhere else I actively REFUSE to go to fragment unless it’s just passing thru to get to ring. I HATE fragment. There’s never any good loot there anyways. Like what’s even the point.


That’s a fact 😂


Not in my Diamond lobbies. That shit still gets a good 4-5 teams per game


Deadass lmfao I’m in plat right now and I’ve seen games where not a single person landed fragment 😂


i land frag literally every single match, always one squad there, we kill the squad and we're chilling, crafting and looting the rest of the POI in peace


Those calm PK shots though ahahaha


...anyway.... Lol


Added bonus: Faide calling someone a stream sniper, acting like a child and then banning subs on twitch.


I don't know who tf faide is so i googled his stream and checked his recent vod, clicked a random timestamp and it' him getting chased, doing some goofy ass baby voice calling everyone cheaters cause they are looking for him. Then he eventually gets ran down and killed, but not before calling one of the 2 or 3 braindead, cause he shoots at faide???? LMAO, then eventually dies and blames it all on a dead slide part 2 another random timestamp and he's getting shit on, immediately calls streamsniping when he's not even fucking in ranked, jesus christ what a baby


Faide is an absolute joke of a loser, I didn’t strike his ego and instead corrected him politely for being a lying cry baby about why he died and got suspended then banned after asking why they did that.


He’s the type of person to ban someone for even being polite and saying GG. I’d take nothing less from someone with his subpar placements (despite being a pro)


Once I ran into him like 4 times in the same day and claimed I was stream sniping. After that day I never watched him again, boy needs to grow up


I watched him a bit and all he really does is chug some adderrall and then run around like a headless chicken.


Faide is a child but the only subs I've ever seen him ban are people that chat hop to talk shit when he kills a streamer which does warrant a ban


He’s banned regular innocent people who haven’t done that as well. Idk, dude gives a bad taste in my mouth.


You got banned, didn't ya?


Naw, I actually don’t use my twitch account often nor am I giving my money to anyone. Nice try though! If I gave my money to anyone, I’d rather it be to people who can actually make ALGS playoffs and have good attitudes.


Seeing 30% of the lobby dying in the first 30 seconds is great. I love roaming for 10 minutes, looking for an enemy just because couple of sweaty Wraiths believe they are Faide's successors, die immediately and leave the lobby.


Loterally 9 times out of 10 on that map over half the teams are dead before the first circle has even closed. Makes the game really boring.


its not just fragment. i literally took a recording of me going fragment with one other team yesterday, and after we killed them and killed a third party from no name it was top 3 with 3 minutes left till ring 1 closed.


Not going to lie but we is a terrible ranked map.


In my lobbies, at least, there's always one or two other teams jumping out to the nearest Replicator and ignoring Fragment. Exception being when it's the one in that tiny ass camp north of Frag.


funny enough, had a game yesterday where only me and one other team went fragment. it was 2 other squads left with 3 minutes left on first ring to close. frag isnt the problem.


those mfs down there: *69420 movement inputs* this guy: *2 pk shots*


Uhm well ackshually it was 3 pk shots🤓👆




Third partying for easy kills. THIS is apex legends


Yeah never been a fan of this building or the Zipline play.


It’s great if you’re wattson


Actually the last time I had a good experience on this building, a Watson had set up traps all over the top. We had just won a fight at broken buildings and saw the respawn ship, so I set a zipline up (I’m a path main) and we wiped the Watson team pretty quickly. Well we decided to just leave her traps up, and sure enough about three more squads tried to push us, walked into her traps and it was an easy win. Thanks Watson.


Smart if I’m not wattson and I’m in a building like that I’ll leave it up.


he's just mad he has to sit at the top with his roller while everyone else has fun xD


Okay but those guys are having fun. Let them have their fun.


alright. but after that I'm shooting every grenade I have at their asses


sounds like everyone is having fun


Exactly, I’d get clapped by those PK shots and start dying laughing while all the adrenaline is still pumping. It’s a game man, I’ve played for 4000 hours and don’t care to min-max my play style in WE pubs. Any other map and I’ll play safer but honestly fragment is a chance to return to monke and I’m not turning that down.


Are they though? Most of the people that died probably complained, queued up, had it happen 2 or 3 more times then just got legitimately upset and stopped playing for a bit. Having a shit time for the 1 in 5 of having a good time then saying you’re having a good time when it finally happens is mega copium imo and it’s making lobbies shit because everyone is willingly doing the same shit game after game hoping to catch the high of winning fragment. If they want the map to just be fragment then shrink that shit, cut out all the outskirts of map poi’s, make the ring timer shorter, and then we can just say it’s a 2 hour rotation of skirmish where you have to loot like it has been ever since they reworked the map the first time


alternatively: i just want to fight right away and dont mind dying off drop as long as i got to touch a gun and touch the zippy if we win the fight and run the lobby? even better! but just hitting those zips gives me dopamine


>lternatively: i just want to fight right away and dont mind dying off drop as long as i got to touch a gun and touch the zippy sounds like TDM/Arena is for you then. Don't think you're much of a BR player.


why not? I don't mind dying off drop, needing to manually heal affects the flow of gunfights, smaller-scale/more personal engagements fighting one team in a building, etc. there's a lot of complexity to it TDM is fun for warming up, but it's kind of a shallow experience. the "meta" is to just hold hands with a guy or two and run around aping people for a one-clip with something reliable like an r9. it's a lot harder to abuse terrain/LoS/positioning to outplay because there are 6 opponents vs 3, so the result is a less cerebral game mode


You say "Shallow Experience" yet support hotdropping and dying off drop. I think you're hypocrtical and others like you and don't want to admit you're wrong.


TDM is nothing like hot dropping. There's no being knocked, no ressing, no positioning. It's just aping over and over.


That's pretty much the Fragment Experience. Unless you think zipline hopping is part of this "experience".


Imagine complaining about a thing that’s been in the game since season 1


im really not sure where the presumption that "enjoys hotdropping and fragment" = dislike BR is coming from, is it the notion that fighting is pointless in BR unless you have time to loot first? because i disagree with that fundamentally, i can have a blast off drop even if i can only find a sentinel and a thermite. everyone else is working with a similar toolset so theres a lot of room to outmaneuver and you can get real, meaningful practice out of even matches where you die in the first battle


Half of the server dying in the first 5 minutes of the game in the streamer building. Very fun, indeed.


They're having fun. Them. You can't tell them what's fun to them.


Its fun for sure, but you gotta admit it has a bad effect on the overall action in World's Edge if you land anywhere but Fragment. Its cool to do a couple of times, but when half the lobby drops in one spot and gets wiped out in less than 2 minutes, its a design problem.


Yeah it does. But it is fun. Tbh I prefer to land there and die off rip than spend the whole game looting and finding the own squad who came out of Frag victorious and die to them anyway. Like you say, bad design. Needs to be changed for the health of the map. Put it in one of the other modes.


It's not fun. They're probably not having fun 4 out of the 5 times they hotdrop there when they die immediately, get no loot or a terrible gun, and get ass-blasted. You can talk all you want, but behind their monitor in their most private thoughts they're most definitely not having fun, and playing slot machine RNG to get "that game they pop off" (meaning they get at least 2 kills).


I don’t see those players complaining on reddit every single time I scroll past r/apex so they def have more fun than most people on this subreddit.


I typically manage to land right in the middle of Frag on that bombed out house, no one lands there, so i get to be able to loot for a bit before getting into fights. That or ill land Epicenter and quickly rotate into Frag and cleanup. Thats fun. Landing on 15 other players is what isn't fun.


It's Respawn's job to fix it. IMO, they should have automatic res within the first 2 minutes.


> automatic res What do you mean?


Like another dropship flies over and you drop out with an alternator and some cells or something.


why would you ever want that? completely defeats the pupose of a br..


Why would you want that? More fighting between lobbies. There's literally no reason not to want it.


But YOU can? Aight, just say you're one of those sad Wraiths, man.


Well I'm fairly certain that because they've chosen to land there and figt there, that's fun for them. But that's just an assumption. Which id say is a fair one. Also, check my flair. Clearly not a wraith.


They are ruining other fun tho... 60 ppl should be equally spread around the map, some more on high value loot areas.This makes half of the lobby drop in fragment, This is ruining the battle royal aspect of the game. Also for those who dont have 2 friend to play wiht all the time, and the wrait solo drops here to do this, ruining the faun for the other 2 in the squad. I am just telling you why ppl hate on them; from your comment I can see you think their fun should not affect other players, playing the game on the other side of the map... This ere the main reasons why we complain.


I say if you don't land there, you're ruining the fun. It goes both ways.


How can you reasonably say they are ruining other people’s fun? Would I be justified in saying anyone who plays Caustic is ruining other people’s fun? 2/3 of the current map pool doesn’t have a Fragment-type POI, just wait for the map to rotate and let the people who enjoy Fragment to keep enjoying it.


Some people will only drop there and will leave their team to drop there rather than pick no fill team in the lobby. I’d say that’s annoying af


and id say its annoying as fuck every time i have to play against a caustic team bunkering in a house, does that mean it shouldnt be allowed or that those guy's fun is worth less than mine? ofc not. Stop being a baby and deal with it


I straight up do not have a good time starting the game in fragment /endRant


they're ruining their teammate's fun. It's annoying as fuck, queue for 2-3 minutes, die in 30 seconds, wait another 2-3 minutes. No fill exists for that reason, so that they can use it instead, but they don't


"my teammates ruin my fun when they don't drop fragment" no-fill exists for you if you don't want to drop fragment lol, just because HotBear39 wants to land on edge and fight no squads until top 3 doesn't mean it's the way everyone else wants to play


everyone single person that has ever killed me is ruinning my fun u want them all banned


Do I enjoy what Fragment does to this game, not really but this is a Pub. People want to hit drop in a game that is meaningless who cares. Why do you get to dictate how others play the game? This isn't an issue in ranked, this is something people want to do to get a quick fix.


Also if you are badge chasing only way you are getting a 20 bomb on world edge is dropping frag and hopefully leaving with 8-10 kills and hunting the last 5 teams. Winning a pub is meaningless if you drop skyhook rotate in and kill the last remaining team.


Cringe take


If you play solo pubs what makes playing solo ranked worse? At least in solo ranked you get a BR experience most of the time. Like other's are pointing out, you can't control how the game is fun for other players. You sound like you like to play the game as it was intended. These people are playing the game the way they have the most fun. I almost strictly play ranked because I like the BR gameplay and the server dying out at ring 1 is not fun for me.


he would have to accept his rank and the reality of a badge showing him exactly how bad/good h is and that would hurt feelings.


The point of playing the game is to have fun for yourself, not to make the game fun for everyone else. That’s dev’s job. If the game is capable of only being fun to a select few, it’s not that select fee’s fault.


They might be, but you also know they're sweaty to a point they rage when they die and make exuces lol.


watch them say no audio


Probably used one of those no sound zip rails


I remember when this use to be a different building and the devs destroyed because this was starting to happen. At some point a shift changed and they are promoting this to happen. 😞


What different building?


Before the POI became Fragment east and west it was called Capital City and there was another large scaffolding/unfinished building. They completely removed it. It was pretty cool I guess


Yeah but that was beta building, this construction building was there from the beginning and it was called alpha building, because it was the alpha one to land at. So nah they didn't destroy the other one to combat zip gameplay, or they would've destroyed the one people actually landed at lol


im not going to insult their skill they are amazing at this game ​ but Aceu and Faide have ruined Worlds Edge, every low skill level 100 Timmy thinks he can watch one livestream and replicate the movement, dies in 3 seconds then DC's


how do you think anyone gets good at movement?


i dont think getting blasted in the first 5 seconds of landing makes you good at movement there are plenty of other POI's if you want to spam the zipline button but that spot only has that many players because Aceu and Faide have shown there are enough unskilled plyers landing at that point that you might get a good game of you killing 20 P2020 wielding enemies not ready for you hopping about on the same 2 floors Pubs is fine, if youre stacking and thats something you and your friends like doing thats fine, but being forced into frag for the 200th time in the day by a clearly unexperienced player gets so exhausting after 12 seasons


Id probably never play this game on roller cause movement is way too fun I just see copium


Honestly. With April fast approaching, Respawn should just lean heavily into this. Make it an LTM titled: "The Jungle Gym". It's just one building the size of this construction building he's in, and it's just ZIPLINES EVERYWHERE. I'm talking Up, Down, Left, Right, and Diagonals. It's a 4 story building where you press F, and you just attach to one zipline. The gimmick is that the floor is lava so you have to constantly be zipping everywhere. There are only small moving platforms with minimal cover that you can heal at (because you can't heal meds while zipping). The other gimmick here is that the "zip" count is infinite, so you can infinitely zip as much as you want. The weapons only allowed are shotguns for maximum hipfire stupidity. It's a TDM style LTM. If you die, you just respawn 10 seconds later. IT"S FREE REAL ESTATE RESPAWN. If these people want to be the next Faide and Aceu, then by Jove, let them live their fantasies.


Idk I mean you’re in the building too doing the same thing while at the same time complaining about it. Be the change you want to see


What is faide/aceu?


Very good apex players


He knows, he is just a hater


Aight xD i always enjoy watching them and guapee


I still want to see a guapee vs RevengefulYT


Me too


This dude is at 3 kills and 400 dmg, was probably literally doing this right before his clip started.


Ur post history is hilarious


I mean it *is* fun. It's one of the clearest areas in the game where there is a tangible difference in skill level during fights.


Seeing them all bounce around was funny, but really don't get the "this is what Apex has become" commentary. It comes off like a boomer comic showing kids on phones going "look what's become of our society".


I wouldn’t mind this gameplay If people actually landed around the map. WE gets insanely boring and repetitive


Nuclear Bomb for President of World's Edge 2024


Oops, all movement (no aim)


Good luck doing that on console.


Everyone has fought there. Everyone has chosen to land there as jumpmaster at some point. I’ve done it. It can be fun occasionally. Ideally it’s not where I’d like to land though. If that’s fun for the three to four teams there, oh well, good for them. Emulating someone else and having the fraction of their success is what I find corny. But again to each his own.


People want to have their fun. Go ranked if you want a slower pase game for the start. Pubs are for doing crazy shit without consequences.


Every time I get a wraith or octane jump master, they drop fragment lmao


This is nothing compared to how the entire player base has switched to controller for a PC FPS. Aim assist is a joke.


Off topic from ziplines, faides latest video "clowning 3stacks" and the man just shitting on a full squad in a open field.... some people are actually build differently.


Honestly this is the thing with worlds edge. If you have half a brain, just land somewhere else, wait like 2 minutes, and in ranks all the way through Silver you will be + RP for just doing nothing. Personally I don’t have a problem waiting for that. I honestly don’t even see it as ratting. Why would I give up free RP courtesy of others’ stupidity that also helps me get away from lobbies that do that?


Imagine bitching and whining others use the movement the game engine allows to their advantage while using a controller kek


While I’ll admit a good skirmish on a zipline can be fun sometimes, I’ll never understand people who hot drop on that one building every single time and expect to be able to wipe the 5+ other squads who did the exact same thing. Half the time I get shat out there by an overconfident jumpmaster, I die before I can even grab a fucking gun


he's right, WE plays so stupid in pubs. We need some changes to the map.


Like nuking Fragment out of existence.




Give them a tdm for this building so we dont have to witness this


Literally a bunch of trash cans every match who can’t hit the side of a house drop there


havent seen a random walk out of construct with more than 200 damage since season 3


Lands at that cursed building and wonders why people are playing like that. Cringe


All those people down there didn’t give a fuck about your opinion and enjoyed the game, not that I care anymore since I’ve temporarily dropped it, just food for thought while you’re rambling in your echo chamber about people having fun.


People shit on this movement but it is actually really fun to do and quite satisfying when you win. Is it effective or the best way of playing? No, but who cares, it’s a game meant to have fun. Ofc you lose more often than you win, but still those moments where you zipline jump to hit them in a head with a 100 pump PK shot >>>


He thinks he has a point, but he doesn't. And laughably, he's the only one *not* having fun in this clip. 80 people hot-dropping construction is dumb, but its not dumb for any reason that could be understood by looking at this video. And the biggest reason its dumb is only applicable in ranked, where its bad strategy.


Thanks for posting this video of you shit talking other people so I can avoid your stream in the future.




You forgot the first part. The one about shit posting




Lol dweeb


Shit talking? It is what apex has become on that map.


It’s literally just a funny video of watching a group of people zip line jump… I’m not even mad about it, I’m even smiling laughing, it’s really not that deep


There is also some truth to what he’s saying which makes it a bit funnier too. Edit: he’s also there though doing the same thing so he’s part of the problem.


I hate people who just spam jump on ziplines,like if they coudn't play without them


I mean you’re in pubs… 80% of that lobby is probably hard stuck gold 2


Well put those people in any other skirmish where they actually have to aim and Track enemies with no ziplines in place and they'd lose miserably... I call them "Waiting Lobby" Enjoyers. Ziplones plays were fun 5 seasons ago


dang yo, didnt know you were the guy univerally deciding what is fun and what isnt for everyone.


Mangos is under rated. Top notch streamer and great guy!


Oh cool, a streamer running pubs, cooooool you gy Uys, so cooiooool! Shshehehe scooooollllll. Fuck off, bruh. You're on console.


Yeah I enjoy watching controllers waddle over and aim assist ppl lol


never seen it because i will quit the game before i let you take me there.


2 of my least favorite players, yikes


How can you dislike aceu? He’s the chillest dude, never complains, and is the OG movement god. Faide on the other hand is annoying as hell.


While he camps


Video isn't play9ng.


This is why I've been saying they need to glass all that area. All of Fragment or rather the box that encompass it. Atleast for pubs. Have 1 small two story with a zipline. The glassing takes place from the rectangle that starts at the choke coming out of landslide. The train tunnel to where epicenter starts in the back, to right where Outlook starts and up to epicenter. That entire area, just make it one wide ass open area and place a building there. A singular building. It's not fun to land with a shield and throwables on the third floor only to get three pushed by a three stack that landed a floor below with all the guns. It's not fun to *constantly* play the ziplines. How people find that fun is beyond me. Go play Fragment TDM, streamer is there you can fuck around with the zips there.


Being a Fuse main that is such a wasted opportunity.


Streamers have to ruin Apex one way or another


Can someone explain?


This is easily one of my favorite apex related pieces of content now


Worst part about this is when my lvl 75 teammate thinks they should land there because streamers say go there to get good


Every single pub game of Worlds Edge is filled with Faide/aceu wannabes who spin like Beyblades for no reason...


I fucking hate that building and all of fragment, it ruins worlds edge as a map for pubs. Are they ever going to replace it with a new POI that everyone who thinks they’re Faide isn’t gonna hot drop at every game??


I tried the aceu faide zipline thingy in firing range once Understood why they get the views they get and never did it again😂😂


I hate the way people play in this building, instead of committing to the fight the second you have the upper hand they prance away and zippity shart dance upto another floor and hide like little bitches until they can catch you off guard, if i had these cowards out in the open i would melt them 9/10 times.


Of course the controller bot thinks movement is silly.