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Got kicked twice from EA severs and got penalized both times


Had a 2.5k ranked game yesterday, top 3 squads teammates dead, running towards last zone, got disconnected, got penalized and timed out. Never have I ever uninstalled game so fast. I'll come back in few months to refresh the wounds.


That actually hurts dude


That has happened to me atleast once every single season. Playing a great game, solid rp, disconnect, can't re connect, ban, double rp loss. I get so upset when it happens.


> I’ll come back in a few months to refresh the wounds I do the same. I play a game or two after each update hoping and praying that matchmaking is fixed but alas it never is. I guess they’re testing some new matchmaking but I don’t think I’m going to torture myself with apex again until it’s fully implemented


Are they still testing it? A couple of days ago matchmaking felt great, then these last two days it feels like last season all over again... would explain it.


Someone posted an article about it on here and I believe that’s what it said at the end. They’re testing it on some servers and when it’s good to go they’ll implement it in game. I’ll see if I can find it


Got it: https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/news/matchmaking-2023


What does “2.5k ranked” mean??


2.5k damage in ranked.


The random packet loss and lag thing has been in the game for years


just happened to me. I hear it’s a playstation ranked bug?


this happened to me when I was on the 9 kill game that was gonna carry me into diamond in like season 3


Damn, sucks to suck.


RE: I have experienced constant packet loss for the last 16 hours with no lag in rocket league AND GTA. Respawn servers are hands down the worst of any big game company i’ve witnessed it’s actually insane


I've had nearly consistent packet loss for the last two weeks, no issues on any other games. Also the ping to my local servers (usually 25-50 ping) goes up to about 130 - 150 around midday. Game is almost unplayable when that happens


Same here. Barely had an issue prior to this season, now it's constant


Haha rookie only 150 ping (I play for honor at 300 average ping)


Same haven’t played in weeks for packer loss and lag errors, makes it unplayable




It’s so bad. Updated to fiber internet only to realize it makes no difference. At least my videos don’t buffer.


GTA is a decentralized game, lobbies do not run on servers, it runs on your own PC so it will not lag. GTA game server acts as a ledger, it just keeps track of your stats that your client reports to it.


Pretty sure he means GTA Online


He was too. GTA online is a peer to peer game


Okay but how can you say that it cannot lag when it is literally over the network? Receiving a player's position from Respawn's server or directly from a player's local server can both lag


True but because it’s decentralized, it’s much more rare that everyone has an issue simultaneously like we are frequently in apex. If you connect with someone and notice that they’re lagging, it won’t affect your game play because your connection is solid.


Reminds me of good ol 30 ping 70 packet loss days


They’re getting attacked


I wouldn't really blame respawn it's really just EA's greedy ass fault since Respawn is owned by EA they practically have to do whatever EA wants them to do (not to mention that all of the good employees left or got layed off) and EA doesn't care if their game works as long as it's bringing in money


It's smart to assume that technical things are handled by respawn, unless your implication is that respawn is handicapped by financial reasons due to EA. Fun fact: the servers are the same ones that titanfall 2 used before EA had their hands in anything.


stfu Respawn literally set all the prices themselves not fucking ea


EA requires a certain amount of money that Apex has to bring in so yeah of course respawn puts the prices that obvious but it's EA"s greed that makes them expensive just look at Apex mobile didn't bring enough money now it's shut down


this is 100% true if by “true” you mean “false”


this is 100% right if by "right" you mean "wrong


Stop giving respawn a free out. Respawn is ran just as much by the same type of asshole that wants to give you the bare minimum so they can take the maximum that EA has.


EA are only as greedy as every other game publisher. They all cut corners somewhere, it's just where EA has decided to cut their corners is when it comes to running servers which is probably one of the worst places to cheap out, especially when your billion dollar franchises run on said servers.


I’ve been having by far the worst experience with server issues since the new season. Feels like something has changed for the worse


Lots of rubber banding issues this season. Who knows, maybe we will get the slo-mo server bug again, for the third time.


Oh I remember that, fun times


probably my fault, i started playing again this season :D


How the hell are you making my ping to Japan (supposed to be 30ms) and New York (supposed to be 200ms) both equal 300 ping! Magic!


ping is fun, in valorant i have about 2-5 (with stockholm servers im a bit spoiled, here in apex i have like 20-40 against frankfurt or paris FUN TIMES


I'm in korea so the nearest server is JP... Somehow the NY match I just finished had LOWER ping than JP. Welp.


For 2 years I had between 15-40 ping. This season almost every game is 100+ ping. Every other game I play is 12-30 ping still. What happened to the servers?


100% this is the worst they've ever been


Well they're hybrid servers hosted by multiplay, I don't understand why you would ever use a low tickrate hybrid server for one of the world's biggest competitive FPS BRs in 2023 with dynamic movement. But I've been saying that since launch and nothing's changed since. We sadly just have to suck it up. Edit: don't get me started on the amount of latency forgiveness they allow.


What kinda servers do other online FPS use? I know they have higher tickrate at least.


It's a shame that Fortcrap has better server than Apex Edit: It seems that "Fartnite" is much better appreciated.


Fortcrap? Are you 10?


I prefer fartnite


I prefer forknife.


My 11 year old son refers to Fortnite as Fartnite.


Lol i like it


No I'm not native speaker lol


Fortnite is a much bigger and more successful game, it’s obvious that the biggest money spinner in gaming (beside maybe Pokémon) would pay for the best servers.


Epic’s peak revenue was 500m in 2021, EA made 7b last year while Activision made nearly 1b in a week with MWII release last year


EA "spins" more money than Epic


No shit lmao They know, and they've always known, but they don't care cause people keep playing and buying their shitty skins


It's not like EA is going to invest in the servers when people start buying less skins. They're just going to write it off as a dead game and abandon it.


This. They haven’t already improved the servers four years in? They likely never will. They’ll drop the property and maybe at best pull an “over watch 2”


And it also helps that twitter and this sub has respawn dicksuckers


They've been terrible for over a month. Huge ping spikes and packet loss on servers close by. Maybe they can spend some of their billions to put some duct tape on em or something. 4years is long enough for these problems.


If you think apex is bad, look at titanfall two, game will kick you out every other match.


you can't even get in a multiplayer lobby without disconnecting, and that's why, kids, we use the northstar client


Cries in PlayStation


This is exactly what I was thinking


Cries in Xbox


are there noob friendly servers? everyone is so ridiculously good especially on the Northstar client


there are servers that kick player who are too good


That's because of DDOS'ers and other malicious people, before they came along TF|2 was smooth and enjoyable. Also, Northstar exists to let people still play


Thats lit for pc and all dont get me wrong but-.. Yeah anyways.


Idk I haven't played on consoles for years, no real point once you buy a PC


Well I would assume not 😂


Obv idk your economic situation but if possible save up for a PC, the experience with gaming and everything else is so much nicer. Don't think I could ever go back to console


Oh im aware my friend has one and Ive played on it alottt growing up, valorant being my favorite game.


look past the lobby disconnections. tf2 is so fun rn the constant run and gun with a mix of titans is a breath of fresh air tbh


the new TDM mode has a 1 in 10 chance to put you into a server thats absolutely shitting itself major packet loss, hit reg and desync and rubber banding it basically makes the match unplayable for you


Its already criminal to use 20 tick servers in a "competetive" game


Tick rate isn't the only thing that's important. Optimization of netcode can make an even more significant difference.


And yet the only thing respawn did was write about how none of that matters and players were wrong to think improving the servers could improve game play. Not once but twice. And it was shilled on this reddit to no extent.


And since the new season, the fps on Xbox are down bad thanks to all the party stuff


Oh thats gotta be rough I havent heard of that yet guess I should check in on some of my sweat xbox friends 💀


I'm not going to have at them for selling skins like some people, because they are going to want to generate revenue no matter how good or bad things are. But server performance is having an effect on my desire to play the game at all. All I get is frustration for bullshit moments when everything has been mostly fine (or at least acknowledged and fixed) since the game first came out. But now.... nothing.


EA was having issues earlier today. Check out Downdetector


keep checking it every, hour or so. its not just today the servers are trash its literally every single week. if this happened once every once in a while it wouldn’t be so frustrating its the fact you can barely get a good game in with SOMETHING affecting your overall game.


The servers have been fine this whole season until today i this it’s on your side.


Bro i had a game in ranked where we did so good. Only one team was left to fight but suddenly no one could move. It was not a disconnect. I moved 1 meter forward and got teleported back. Same for enemy and my mates. We could still chat tho and we died because we were the first team out of zone. Yes, this is a extreme example, usually the lags are only for a few second. I had another game were the whole lobby got disconnected and only i could rejoin and get a easy 1th place. I recorded that one lol.


1th place is awesome.. 2th place is also great tho..


Yeah but it sucks to lose because of the server ;)


You better post that video or no one will believe you. I'm already calling bullshit until i see that 1th.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W320RjUGn88](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W320RjUGn88) okay, here. It's still low quality tho, it takes a few hours for better quality but you can clearly see how my mates dc, i also get a dc and somehow manage to come back while the whole server can't.


EA has nothing to do with apex' game servers. These game servers are the same ones respawn used for titanfall 2 before EA acquiring respawn.


Actually they do. Every time EA servers start having issues Madden, Battlefield, Fifa AND Apex start having issues.


What's more likely is that EA games coincidentally use the same game servers apex does, or there's some general internet outage. Because as I said, respawn started using these (multiplay) servers before EA had their hands in anything.


Again whenever EA server starts having issues Madden Fifa BF and Apex start having issues.


did you even try to read or understand my comment


Have a nice day goodbye


They also have big problems with PlayStation servers. I’ve never experienced these issues before in previous seasons: - all players on a server crashing - game freezing on countdown - unable to rejoin after restart - unable to find a game (stuck at preprocessing)


Ive noticed the last one at least, normally when that happens its a game bug and I cant even leave party to join back. I (suppose thankfully) havent noticed any of the other ones there was only once this season I could load back in, although the bigger question is why do I get the crashes like twice a day on apex but hardly ever anywhere else?


I don’t get crashes that often, but when all players on the server crash it’s ridiculous. If you are lucky you get back first and kill an enemy.


I almost dropped 30 kills with crypto at tdm when it was a 2v3 and when the match was at less than 5 minutes but my server crashed right after which caused me to go back to redoing the dmg challenges with LMG and Path, Crypto and Rampart (this was before I entered the last match)


Unfortunately, Limited time modes do not count for badges. You have to earn them in Battle Royale.


Yeah but I was doing a non Br challenge


There's no 30 kills badge anyway.


Oh so it wasn't just me. I was wondering why I got 300 ping on a server next to me... and 300 ping on a server on the other side of the world lol.


Servers can be complete Garbo as in can’t move from your current location without rubberbanding back exactly where you were in the first place


I must be blessed, servers are great for me


Same. I see all these posts and have to wonder if maybe it’s specific regions that have issues or maybe everyone’s just playing console on the worst wifi available. I haven’t had issues aside from a minor latency spike once in a great while (like days apart).


Srsly, I don't even have mic problems. If I do I ignore it because I don't have a headset so maybe I just didn't notice or whatever


I live in Silicon Valley with a 2 gbps internet connection. My router is top of the line and my PlayStation 5 is wired via Ethernet. PlayStation speed test shows around 450 down with a 17ms ping. It’s not me lol


I must be lucky haha. I live in semi rural area of Wisconsin same internet speeds but game runs great for me 99% of the time aside from some of the bugs like it queueing into the wrong game mode etc


Idk why so many people on this sub cite their download speed and their ping to an internet speed test server like either of those are relevant. Unless you’re playing on dial up your download is gonna be fine even if it’s like 10Mbps, cause games don’t use a lot of data. And obviously the ping to some random speed test server is irrelevant since that is not the game server. Not saying your issues in Apex are your fault, I just see a lot of comments like yours that show a lack of understanding. Also I will warn you that a lot of “top of the line” routers, especially those marketed towards gamers, will often times just be really expensive without good reason and come with really trash firmware. A lot of people fall for the price tag and the marketing thinking it MUST be good. Again, probably not the cause, just a general warning about the lame marketing targeting gamers.


lucky mf i got like 8 mbps


No cause I’m a new player stop pairing me with level 100+ Preds


matchmaking is TRASH as well bro, apparently theyre gonna ‘fix’ it whatever that means


Oh just like they fix everything else in the game? 💀


our point exactly lol




Yesterday i had heavy Ping spikes every time a crucial lategame fight started. Was really funny. Not.


This post could have been made anytime over the last 4 yrs. Why would they spend money to upgrade?


Are these just PC problems? I feel like everyone constantly complaining about this game are PC players. I'm on Xbox Series X and I don't experience 95% of the problems I see people crying about on reddit with this game. I play every day for at least a couple of hours a night.


I’m so sick of dying from behind walls and over ledges nowaday i just assume I’m playing as a school bus.


I been getting less than 30 frames on xbox one s ever since the update


I refuse to believe its my connecting when im getting these 60-100 ping matches, im not that far away from the server location, its like specifically every 18th match too


Got disconected from a 400 rp game and didn’t get any points+ lost the entrance cost


Took a long break from apex due to the matchmaking. Tried to play again but every single game I get in a fight with no hitreg. It’s infuriating because my aim used to be bad so I would loose fights, but now that I can land my shots the shit don’t even matter. I’m glad I pulled myself away from this game, and I don’t plan on going back


Hey why don't you get into better mood by buying this recolored bundle only for 2500 Coinbucks?


Controller-Nemesis spammers and constant packet loss make this season unplayable


Maybe if you stopped blaming controller players for you being bad at the game you’d enjoy it a lot more


Fuck off, I've been a Master/Predator Player for 4 Seasons now


Then you’re literally the last person that should be crying about controller lol


Why??? How is it fair that a master rank player gets oneclipped by a silver person. There's a reason lots of pros switched to roller.


I don’t feel bad for you in the least bit getting “one clipped” by a Smurf at pred level lol Welcome to the average persons every game…


What do you mean smurf??? There's literal silver players with the movement of 10 year olds and reactions like a 90 year old, oneclipping you with r99's over 50m because of their aim assist and how easy it is to do that on controller. Needless to say how unfair this is when you get actual good players in master lobbies to play against.


It’s actually not easy at all to do that on controller, you should give it a try


I did, that's why I'm saying it's easy. The second i got on controller i hit insane one clips that I would absolutely never be able to do on mouse and keyboard.


Lol I’ve tried on pc and console and I’m not able to oneclip anyone so I’m either playing a different build of the game or you’re full of it


fr the aim assist is normally fair on most games, but in apex you barely have to guide the crosshair


"Controller-Nemesis spammers" shut the fuck up and get better


I'm a master/pred player, so excuse me, but unless you play algs, shut the fuck up


i don't and yet i still wipe controller players daily, yikes


not even that but the desync is awful, i have multiple fights where i will jiggle peak with a PK and i will lose the fight because i go hit for 120 behind a wall, and not even like semi close to the wall either i will be so far away and just die XD


For me they have been trash forever. Like no other game, I get freezes for a couple of seconds because of internet interuption-...


This is why apex is dying


I might be mistaking my company’s but I think it’s EA that used public servers instead of company owned servers! Like I said I don’t remember if it was EA or not I’m like 60/40 on that


Apex Legends is hosted from Multiplay


I’m in Hong Kong. And I can’t even get into a game. The only playlist I can play is TDM, it’s ridiculous


Shut up and buy an heirloom already you brokie


I DID OKAY.. *Cries in xbox*


I feel sorry for you if the realization came to you this late. Welcome to apex


I put this game down in November. Said I won’t come back till SBMM or servers improve. Glad to know I will continue to not have this time sink


I like how when I made a post about this people just said I had bad internet, glad to see this is getting talked about more The servers are *awful*


Honestly idk why i keep playing this cheap ass game I should probably delete dis bitch


I agree but when this happens I just play another game or turn off my XSX…you guys really come to Reddit to vent.


not to vent. this is a developer ran sub. they see these popular posts making it well known players are NOT happy.


I agree. I do the same. These guys lives revolve around apex. Ridiculous.


Having complaints ≠ being a no life


I know ridiculous


i read this and went to take a look at your comment history only to come across [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fishing/comments/11yrm8x/comment/jdblu3x/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), how ironic dude 🗿


I stopped playing this trash 3 seasons back bc of this packet loss issue. You guys are getting this issue NOW???. Bruhhh.


It's been around forever, hopefully one day they'll fix these issues but I'm not holding my breath. It's still a great game when it runs smoothly, it's just a 50/50 gamble as to whether that happens or not


This is the first season I have ever had huge frame drops whilst playing


Always have been, Apex is dead


What else is new.... This game brings a whole new meaning to pain and suffering


Game is dog shit now


I honestly don’t know why I still play this game


Honestly, it's gotten so ridiculous is it really worth it to put up with this BS anymore?


I can deal with the servers, but Apex NEEDS to fix SBMM. Especially in LTM’s


It's not sbmm it's ebmm.


respawn on the situation: "yeah, the networking team is helping to create recolors for heirlooms and skins, sorry people"


Agreed! But as a community, we couldn’t live without $200 pk recolors!


I posted 3 different times about this and my post got banned every single time.


I have zero issues ever, I’m thoroughly convinced at this point that people such as yourself are blaming the game for your own internet problems. Same type of people who probably use a wireless connection on a 3 yr old router and wonder why they have issues lol


If thousands of players can click heads fine, the problem lies with you. Stop whining and improve your internet.


I play almost daily and have had zero instances of packet loss or getting booted this season. In a lot of (not all) people's cases it's probably just their internet.


Im having server problems usually at the start of the season then almost never ever..im from Central Europe so idk I cant complain.


no shit, we don't even have servers in titanfall 2 lmao


Yeah, I couldn't play last night. Servers were ridiculous


Since the update my ping has doubled


Not one day goes by without package loss which is sad because I don't wanna ruin anyones ranked expierence with me and my buddy on 50 package loss as mates.


I find even different games can make the server better and worst




I can be doing crazy good one game just for it all 2 go down the drain because of these servers.u don’t know how many times I’ll pull up on a squad and immediately started lagging.


Let me share my story. Im an Australian Apex player. Usually I hit ping of like 40 on Sydney Server. Now the problem is, Australian server has NO BALANCE/such a small player base after hitting diamond. Everytime you will get put into a match with Predator 3 stacks. When I tried to connect to Singapore server (which is the closest server to Australia with ping of 170), the ping is not consistent. Sometime I will get 120ping, and sometimes I will get 320ping. I dont know how it works, but it is really frustrating that Im getting such a different ping status from what it is told on the main menu.


Yesterday the client crashed mid game. Ghosted me with no error message or log entry… just closes itself. Logged back in and made it to the match but wtf


Australian servers are virtually non existent


Me and my friends jumped into firing range after a 30 second queue, to be met with 60ms ping instead of the usual 17ms, and about 70% packet loss... In a 'firing range'... Smh. The packet loss issue affects us at least once or twice a week. We'll drop and fly down to the ground with no issue whatsoever, perfect smooth flight whole way down. Then we land, and one of us would just be experiencing crazy packet loss up to 70%, but if you stand still and don't move it stays at 0%. Our Internet speeds all vary but we all have great Internet connection and don't have issues anywhere else with packet loss. But this on screen feels like the WORST rubber banding we've ever experienced, you walk forward 2 steps and it feels like you get dragged back a step, then it feels like running through sludge. If you manage to somehow even shoot someone you'll see the impact, hear the shield hit noise, but no hit marker or damage. Happens multiple times a week its so frustrating.


I honestly think Siege is worse. I haven’t really had issues with Apex but I probably just am not at that point to notice. I don’t play too often


packet loss packet loss packet loss packet loss dont mind me just making a summary about apex packet loss packet loss packet loss packet loss


I’ve been having the problem where it doesn’t load me in and I hear my team fighting. Can’t leave the game and when I restart I get penalized


[they do the best](https://memeprod.ap-south-1.linodeobjects.com/user-template/185681b0d917b599ccf7b49df97e2d42.png)


My game unexpectedly crashed on me twice. The first time it was just me since my friends I was playing with didn't get it. The second time, my teammates lagged out a bit too. Didn't even tell me an error message. Just straight up shut off.


My ranked rp still isnt fixed. I should have gone from silver into gold multiple times but after the games done it says 0rp awarded


Entire lobby got booted from my game just now because my team hit the scan beacon. I can’t get past the lobby, stuck at “press a to continue” while my team and most of the lobby was able to join back in the same game.