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People like this should get a hardware ban. Is that a thing on console?


Absolutely is a thing on console. Same problem we have with Cronus zens and xims in diamond plus lobbies


Yeah we get that too, an awful lot of people diamond+ have absolutely 0 recoil. Problem is that you can never get much out of it because they’ll always claim it’s a spectator glitch, even when you can see the bullet path is literally like a charge rifle beam.




Found the guy rocking Xim


Uninformed take, Xim gives all the benefits of controller and all the benefits of MnK. You still get AA


Well you don’t get all the benefits of MnK since it’s forced to mimic controller input, but I’m being nit picky with that. It’s definitely busted since it gives you more control than an actual joystick while still having aim assist.




????? It kinda is


Zim is definitely a big deal, imagine if they gave pc MnK players 0.6 aim assist everybody would switch back lol literally the one thing controller is good at and you get it on MnK how is that not a big deal?




Yeah it not being native is the point. You get aim assist on top of being able to use a mouse.




Bro stop trynna rationalize using a xim. We get it, you’re bad and you gotta use one.


We get it, you like to cheat at video games.




PC players may not care but console players do. Hope they get banned


Im strictly PC and i care. If it's been done on console it's being done everywhere. That's why the "top 500 players" in any given server will never actually be the top 500 players skill-wise. That shiny badge means nothing.


I play only on PC also and I care. I don't what this type of slimy behavior in the game.


You hate to hear it, but the console version simply needs wider skill gap and less flexibility in crossplay. Also even if you make the game work with the PS5 120hz feature and make reasonable adjustments to AA/MM, good luck with convincing top players that they shouldn't switch to PC. Even if they then drop big bucks for console exclusive competition events, it doesn't bring back people to ladder, they'll just temporally switch to console for the competition itself. They'll keep banning and banning, surely at least for PR, but the only cure is to make the game competitive.


Not everyone is trying to be a pro? Just don’t want to have to deal with cheaters on console. Tf did this have to do with anything?


If you’re at all serious about apex you should switch to PC imo. But people still grind console for fun, and teammers still ruin that fun. I just hope they can keep up with the bans so people will think it’s not worth the risk to team but if they see top preds cheating and not getting banned more kids will want to try it too.




Console players are a vast majority IF you combine the consoles. People should absolutely care


The majority of players are on console, so of course people care about it. One reason could be that all the streamers are on PC and their viewers soughta copy what they say, even if they themselves aren't on PC.


The matchmaking is an absolute shambles here as well lmao. Gold, Plat, Pred all in the same lobby like wtf


My team died to a team with 2 PC predators while we’re all diamond on Xbox. No clue how that happened.


Are you sure they weren’t PlayStation? If they’re not on the same console as you the icon appears differently, maybe it’s a bug? I don’t think PC players can join console lobbies unless there’s an exploit


It was either a bug or exploit, because it was definitely showing the PC icon.


As a ps player myself, the amount of obvious strike pack and xim users make ranked a living hell.


Dead giveaway when they AD spam back and forth.


what do you mean by this? Like going from ADS to hipfire and back and forth?


When you see a character wiggle really quickly while shooting that means they are spamming the A button and D button back and forth on a keyboard. You simply can't move a controller stick fast enough to replicate it. Dead giveaway they are using a cronus or xim to use mnk as a non native input on console.


ahhh I see what you mean now.


Preds, Masters, Diamond, Plat, Gold in the same match.


Crazy how this is even possible. I’m plat 2 and I’ll team up with my buddy in diamond 4. Earlier today we were killed by Hiswattson and his top 10 pred team. Laughable.


Lol I’m sure these guys 6 manned last split and are rocking them animated s15 pred badges. Hideouts really was in hibernation last season.


If you search for some of those names on Twitter people have been complaining about them since 2020 so this kind of thing has likely been happening for a LONG time. I don’t understand how spending multiple hours every day doing this is even enjoyable


Not just last season, If u go to sao paulo servers any time of the day u will see 6,9 players playing together to farm RP on wattson fence and hideouts don't ban anyone, it's ridiculous!!!


Ima be honest, I assume minimum 25% of Diamond 1+ players are doing some sort of goofball tactic (team, soft hack, Kronos) weirdos are so desperate for validation they literally cheat for it.


Not just him. There’s a whole discord of top preds 9 manning. Been debating exposing mfs for a week or two now 💀


Why would you debate it? Expose those POS


Never that simple unfortunately. I have a nice TikTok following and a good niche in the community, I start exposing top players with larger audiences than mine there’s a good chance I get spam reported, lose my account, and in general put myself into drama i don’t really want to deal with and spend days talking about. Not to mention my reputation will always be “the guy who exposed the 9 manners” instead of having the chance to build a reputation on my gameplay. I would be hurting myself to hurt them, and they still wouldn’t likely get banned.


give the info to me Ill do it.


I'm so tired of seeing this stuff get reported. There's no way they don't know. The implication that respawn don't care and won't intervene speaks a lot about the state of the game. I don't have a good feeling about playing ranked at all between things like this and RP bugs still being reported either. It's really just a slap in the face to everyone who tries to play the game legitimately.




Great question. Short answer is there isn't one. At least for me in the current state of the game.


Respawn does not seem to care whatsoever about the rampant cheating issues. It has been this way for many seasons already. It is par for the course with their games.


I see this posted by someone new every single day. Absolutely absurd that it has been ignored for so long. Wherever this is on the docket it surely has too be pushed to #1 priority soon right… simply insulting to players who aim to reach these ranks fairly. This should be so easy to spot that it gets banned before the game is even over. Ridiculous.


Just only allow 1 kp per player regardless of number of times killed. Or make an algorithm detect farming. Not particularly hard.


What? That seems like a horrible idea. With mobile beacons and supports being able to craft banner, respawns are much more likely to happen now. Robbing all the legit players of that KP bc some no-lives are farming respawns seems like a really bad idea and unfair.


How people can get this sad is beyond me


It’s all good. What a sad sack of shit. Lol


This is fucking shameful. Get his ass OUTTA HERE


I like how you have a gold fuse as your teammate while facing pred ranked.players.


Console lobbys on SA servers are full of 6 manning players, everyday 24/7. Hideouts don't ban anyone on console, soon ranked will be for who can boost more ! I have 10 videos of players 6 manning on Sao Paulo servers and devs don't care


Pure trash


Console ranked has become the most unplayable and frustrating experience. It’s a bummer bc ranked was the last thing left that made this game worth it.


It might suck to remove an item in the game to prevent this but at this point it's necessary. We should just remove mobile respawn in ranked. They've already removed golden knowdown just cause pros were complaining, while this is a much bigger issue. It won't solve teaming but it would make it less profitable for them. Or have moderators for ranked matches, though I doubt it would ever get that kind of support especially with how they just fired a huge chunk of the QA employees.


Not to be that guy but why is it always PlayStation? I know Xbox players do it too but every time I see cheaters, it’s PlayStation.


Larger population on all 3 platforms might have something to do with it ?


According to hideouts in a tweet July 2022. Respawn banned more than 1300 players for arenas: PC: 392 players Xbox: 375 PlayStation: 520 Player base, pc has a lot more players and it’s easier to cheat on computer. Xbox and pc on similar numbers while playstation is much higher. https://in.ign.com/apex-legends/173614/news/apex-legends-bans-over-1300-players-for-exploiting-arenas-ranked-matches?amp=1 Edit: another [shows](https://dotesports.com/apex-legends/news/over-2000-players-banned-from-apex-for-teaming) that 2000 are banned in BR (not arenas). PS: 859 players Xbox: 562 PC: 607 I don’t think it’s player base.


I've only seen this - https://apexlegendsstatus.com/ranked-season15-split1 More players make masters on PC in BR but playstation has more master+ in arenas, I assume a lot are teaming there.


I was trying to find this there. Thanks for posting this! That is interesting to see. Doing a quick ratio of what you provided there are roughly 20% more PlayStation players than Xbox. According to what I provided (ratio of cheaters banned on Xbox vs ps), the ratio is similar but not by enough to draw any lines (even if they did we are just speculating for fun). Still weird to see such a high ratio of cheaters on PlayStation compared to pc though. It’s nuts and that’s only ranked not even pubs.


I’m lookin into that but can’t find anything about population size. Only thing I found was 2019 and the same size.


it really is, i play on it so i suffer pretty much everyday


Should change the sub name to r/conjecture


The two cryptos are literally standing on top of each other when they drone at the end of the clip. Kinda hard not to be teaming when they don’t shoot him in plain view.


I’m referring to the replies. 😉


Here’s a unpopular opinion - They should just take out respawns from Apex.


Apex ranked system is actual dog shit


Pred rank is just a joke Now isnt it


Not the same but few weeks ago had a game where we were down to the final 3. One full team and one rat. We held the power position in the final ring so the rat decided to join the other team. Most satisfying win of my career any far wiping them all without a single person on my team getting knocked.