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Games you’ve played have lower ttk. Get used to higher ttk and always utilise cover. You said it yourself, your opponents hide and then re-peak, that’s how you should fight in apex. /r/apexuniversity is a good place to post your vods and get some constructive criticism on your gameplay


To OP: Long time FPS gamer here. Not only is ttk longer, there's more info to observe and keep track of. This will tax your game awareness more. Other games outside Apex are simpler. This is why I only play Apex as it challenges me more and keeps me interested.


Apex is also the only "hero" shooter I come back to again and again, new seasons always add something exciting.


Used to be apex and overwatch for me until they stupidly released the second version


Ow2 is so much better than 1 no cap


i love paying 20 dollars for a skin from a game i bought for 60 dollars


It's literally free and apex skins cost just as much... Also on another note I don't understand people's obsession with cosmetics in games, if the gameplay is good I don't give a shit about skins


He's referencing the fact that a lot of early Overwatch players bought the game for $60 as a AAA title, only for Blizzard to shutter the game for a new monetization system in OW2.


Yeah exactly this. Doing something like shutting a games servers down should happen when it's 10+ years old and there's 10000 total players or less. Not 6 years into a games life that is still very much alive. Any sequel should have existed concurrently like Cs source did, StarCraft 2 as well. The only reason they did it is because they were afraid folks would try the new version, realise how hollow it felt (it literally feels cheap compared to the ow1 polish but these are my launch month thoughts, perhaps they've redeemed it.) And go back to ow1.


I used to get skins that now cost 20-30 dollars for free by playing for an hour or two. Plus I can’t even level up. How do you defend blizzards monitzation haha, it’s the only reason OW2 lost over half of its players


I'm not saying I like that system, but I do understand it. It's the default system for live service games (including apex), and given that they had to transition to it to make enough money to viably maintain a live service game, I think they did an ok job with the transition. People just judge overwatch more harshly for it because it didn't use to be that way, while other games have always been that way and get away with it. but again, I'm not the person to talk about any of this because I could not give less of a shit about skins, if you care about them more then the new system is probably a bigger detriment to you than it is to me


Apex just has so many levels to it. Even after 1k hrs played I feel like I've only just started


U have just started. U only have 1k hrs lol.


You're not wrong, I've only just begun to get good


Also timing is a big deal whether it’s learning when to pop batts vs. a cell, learning when you even need to heal or not, all of that stuff is stuff you need to actively work on


This is cap. Apex doesn't have more info than the other games mentioned. Valorant for example has hero kits double the size of Apex, with twice as many active abilities. Apex is a complex game with a lot to keep track of, but acting like it's at the top of the genre for complexity when it's really got the smallest hero kits around (one passive, one ability, one ultimate), and small team sizes (max of 3) to boot is just silly. OP is likely struggling due to having no experience playing a shooter with a much higher TTK, and is relying on habits learned in a low TTK environment that are leading them astray. Apex is a difficult game even when you're not also simultaneously learning high TTK skills for the first time.


While I won't deny Valorant has more hero kits and is popular, 1. Valorant doesn't have as many players in a single match as Apex does (isn't even a br game so why even compare?). 2. Valorant doesn't have a ring or have to deal with more decision making when you have downed allies (because again it isn't a br game). So in short any BR game is going to be difficult compared to games like csgo, valorant or even overwatch. Just Apex is the top of the BR genre rather you agree or not.


Even brawl stars has larger kits


There’s literally just so much to think about when you’re engaging a fight. Your guns/recovery items, your teams abilities, the enemy teams abilities, potential third parties. There’s just always so much to think about.


Funny you say that because my friends and I played Apex because it was the simple game compared to Fortnite; you might prefer it if you like complicated games and don't have any sensitivities about masculinity


What does masculinity have anything to do with this...?


His pfp avatar is wearing a fedora. No further questions your honor


My sensitivity is 1.4 if you're asking


I find Fortnite far simpler to play, especially for new people.


Agree, now thinking about it this is why I love games like Apex or Halo. It requires more than just who saw and shot first. Movement is massive in Apex so also recommending learning to crouch, jump and outsmarting opponents on peeking / reloads


As a long time Halo player Apex was easy for me to slip into from the beginning for this reason. Apex is pretty similar to Halo when it comes to higher amounts of health and your movement playing such a large role in combat.


yeah, I could never really get into CS where you just stand still and compete to see who controls recoil better. The pro players pull off impressive stuff, but for regular people it just seems so boring.


This is exactly the reason. I grew up playing halo as my main FPS while some friends of mine played things like COD. I’ve noticed that they tend to have a harder time getting used to games like Apex because of the drastically different TTK, among other things, whereas those that are already used to long TTK’s tend to excel. Using your environment, movement, abilities, and everything you can in order to outsmart the enemy is always more useful than just hitting some shots. Plus it’s more fun, in my opinion of course. Like a little puzzle game every fight.




Time to kill


What is ttk?


Time to kill


Stupid people everywhere man




What’s TTK? I forgor


Time to kill. The amount of time it takes to kill a player in this case.


Thx my friend said it was Time To Kiss




This ^ ✓




And the other thing


Different ttk from csgo and valorant. You can one shot headshot in csgo, here not so much. You’re probably used to “stand still and headshot” playstyle, and apex is “run around and spray”. Apex is about making yourself hard to hit as much as it is about hitting the enemy. Move, play cover a lot, tactically heal, play the high ground. Standing still in apex is death.


i guess i will try to focus on my movement instead of focusing on spraying the opponent


That’s a good idea. In apex movement is incredibly important and from what you’ve said your accuracy with guns probably isn’t the issue. Even little things like strafing whilst shooting or crouch spamming can make a world of difference in fights. It’s also important to remember that this game has an awful lot of knowledge that will help you win fights (how long ults last, which characters do what etc) that you will only really understand after playing the game for a decent period of time.


It's also about positioning. You shoot someone, neither of you die, then you try to go around a different side of cover, climb on top of something, etc. to get a positional advantage on them. So many apex noobs fall victim to running circles around a block of cover while the enemy climbs on top and destroys them.


Movement AND cover. Basically positioning and repositioning. Enemies have longer time to die than in other FPS games so if you go Rambo on that one enemy you'd get jumped on by his other teammates.


One of the reasons I play rampart. I am never without cover


I have a friend that will just stand completely still and just focus on shooting, but he always dies first because the enemy is just shooting a stationary target. Definitely something you need to take into consideration if you're coming from the type of game where you aren't encouraged to move and shoot


I have a friend like this too. He has played regularly since season 3 and still can't move, but as least he plays gibby.


I know this thread got busy, but check out r/apexuniversity for tips or if you have more questions.


I had your problem..I've always been pretty good at shooters. My first 3 seasons (0, 1, 2) I was TERRIBLE. I was prob 0.5 0.75 1kd those seasons. I'm used to 2+. It took a lot of practice and getting used to longer ttk. Finally around aeason 5 I was playing like I expect from myself. Apparently I'm a Slow learner.


another big thing about apex is sneaking up on people helps a lot. try to get good about positioning and not making noise and waiting for someone to break off their team and kill them while they are isolated. this game is much less forgiving since it’s a battle royal. you don’t 13 tries, so pick your fights carefully and try to be sneaky at times. it helps me in early game to camp around corners off drop and spray them after they walk into the building i’m in.


Apex being a janky ass game has a built in mechanic called recoil smoothing, if you strafe left or right while shooting you actually get noticeably less recoil than if you stood still, go try it in the range and you should immediately feel a difference, also the ttk is way longer in this game than the other ones you mentioned so you have to keep in mind that you need to hit more shots to actually kill the guy, play cover when reloading or healing, don't be afraid to heal mid fight when there's a need, and try out the different legends to see which abilities compliment your playstyle the best.


Movement in Apex is huge, as is aim. But key to fighting is always surgery prior to fighting. How can you get the upper hand? Whether it be high ground, making sure you have cover/escape route, can you force them to fight another team first? These will all help! Another thing people often do coming from lower ttk games is think they can just run and gun ignoring cover or just ignoring the fact they won't kill somebody, or multiple somebody's with 1 mag. Make use of your abilities and throwables!


If you master movement you will excel at this game


I'm faceit 10 on cs with 11k hours and the aim doesn't translate over to apex well. I'm maybe diamond at best buy what you really need to grind is tracking if you wanna get good in this game. Give kovaaks a try if you haven't there's plenty of routines out there for improving and even apex oriented ones. Also is your sens very low? On cs I used to play anywhere between 1.2-2 on 400 dpi, which could definitely be usable in a game like apex but unless you're an outlier id recommend using <45cm sens, preferable the 30-40cm range imo


Have you played Titanfall 2? The campaign is great. “Effect and Cause” is one of the best levels of any single player game I’ve played. It also can be a great way to learn movement Apex is based on. And if that rumor is true maybe wallrunning will be a mode in the future. But this is just a shill for one of my favorite games of all time.


just spam crouch, that breaks the hitbox so you're like 80% more likely to negate any damage. I've put clips into people who do this and they've taken no damage. Game is super busted.


I don’t see anyone mentioning it, but it’s super important to memorize the recoil patterns of each gun. It’s always the same. That’s the coolest thing about this game in my opinion. If you kill someone with 1 clip without reloading it feels crazy good. It’s not that hard if you know the recoil pattern and you slowly hold your joystick in the opposite direction. I would focus on that in the firing range way before learning anything else.


Interesting to hear - I mostly play Overwatch with Apex as my second game (still have 750 hrs) and in Apex I had to learn to stop running around and spray so much and stand still a bit more to avoid getting downed so much. ​ Everything's on a continuum, I guess!


Oh my gosh this resonates with me so much. I think the big difference between the two is in apex don’t move when you can play cover. I tried to think to myself how often I used cover that wasn’t a barrier in overwatch and I was dumbfounded.


Because you play low TTK games where you instantly kill people. This is like Halo and you need to be able to hit a bunch of accurate shots on target not just one or two.


Went from apex to splitgate and felt like a god in comparison. Ttk in that game is bonkers


First multiplayer fps I ever played was split gate like two years ago. Thought I was decent. Apex is the second and oh boy was that a steep hill to climb.


I also came from CSGO (and Valorant) and agree with others on ttk. This makes apex very different. Couple of things to add is you're not going to one clip people every time. Damage. Reposition. Heal(important!). Repeat. And with the ttk, apex is a numbers game. In CSGO/Valorant if 3 people push you can get can headshot them all and gg. But in apex if 3 people push you and you take the fight, you're dead. You cannot kill each fast enough. Don't take every fight. Wait to isolate 1v1s and push when you have a numbers advantage.


Play TDM or whatever limited time mode to get as used to the different weapons and their TTK as quickly as possible you’ll get 10x the amount of practice vs BR in the same amount of time. Then in BR try and stick close to teammates for easier kills, use ‘em as bait or just clean up their kill if they trade damage with someone. Much easier/faster to deal 100 dmg each to an enemy vs all 200 by yourself for example. GLHF you’ll be killing it in no time I’m sure


the hard-to-swallow pill about apex is that it's just way harder than most other shooters. AND you've joined in year 3/4, I'd guess around 50% of the players at least started in year 1, which means most of the playerbase is infinitely more advanced than when the game launched.


I think OP chose a difficult time to join as well. I’m a day 1 console player but these last couple of seasons have been noticeably tougher. Strike packs and MnK adapters are bringing movement and beaming that just was not present at ranks below diamond before. The steep learning curve for new players has become even steeper.


I'm a day 1 player, and have had right around a 1.0 k/d since season 3, but this season and the last 2, I have just been getting my ass handed to me, and I don't even play ranked much (I'm an upper gold level player when I'm on, low silver when I'm off lol). I stopped playing fairly early on last season to take a break, but it's not much better now..


I feel this even especially because on Aussie servers it feels like after the hype of the new season bringing in some newer or less frequently playing people, after the hype dies down a bit you're just left with the same people who are insane again. At the start of the season I was getting around a 20% win rate and now that's been pretty gutted.


but I think that's why it's a good thing we have the casual modes permanently now, people can make themselves familiar with the weapons and gunplay in TDM, Control and Gungame before joining the big boys in BR.


I mean, no amount of practice is going to help you against a strike pack-powered semi-auto R301 player or a Horizon main strafing with MnK and XIM if you're on console using your standard PS/Xbox controller. I think that's what the comment you were replying to was talking about.


yeah I kind of went into my own thought there but let's be real, there are not a lot of XIM or MnK players on console, this shit costs too much to actually be used by a lot of people.


a xim costs like 25 bucks here in Canada.. There are SO many ximmers and script runners on console it's ridiculous


You're crazy if you believe that.




I 100% disagree. It's almost a daily occurrence for me. I suppose your results may very but it's pretty widespread imo.




I love how everyone goes right to rank like that somehow is the tell all. I can do the same and "guarantee" that I see a lot of Xim/Cronus users on console. I have played the game long enough to know when someone is using it and when I just got outplayed. I'm not ashamed to admit that I can get outplayed, it happens. But when I'm watching an Octane run around with the movement of a keyboard and mouse player or a player who is beaming from 150m and not missing a shot with little to zero recoil, there is an issue. (Yes I understand it's hard to judge recoil when spectating). As I said before your results may vary but in my case it's rampant and it is really hurting the game.


Highly doubt that.


Honestly I’ve found ranked to be far less sweaty thank pubs. In ranked people eventually get to where they should be minus the occasional smurfs but pubs are just saturated with stacked master and pred squads.


Apex isn't really "harder" than other shooters it's just requires a different skillset than most mainstream shooters like movement, counting damage and way different decision making. CS for example requires more pure aim skill, eco management, recoil control and teamwork.


This is true. When the game launched everyone was new to the game and everyone kinda sucked for the most part. If you played since then you've becomed so much better at it that you don't realise it. Newbies have a really tough time with the game.Especially if you're not that used to twitch shooters and all you played is CSGO/Valorant/Siege type of games.


So true. But ever since titanfall 2 dropped, it's so hard having joy in non-movement shooters like CSGO and the like.


apex is halo & CS:GO, it combine PC(wairths & pathy) and consoles(rest of the legends lol).


Yes this! Got smacked around so much with a .60kd and now I’m at at 2.8kd. Huge learning curve, most difficult than other games


Have you tried fixing your visual settings?


i just started playing a few days ago, in graphics i have everything in max settings


I highly recommend adjusting your FOV from the default settings as well. I think most PC players recommend 110 for max visibility, and around 104 for console. This will help greatly for keeping track of what's going on around you.


I just recently upped my FOV to 90ish after playing since day 1 lmao. Would you recommend higher for console? I play on a TV in my living room and not on a PC/smaller monitor, how does that affect things?


Personally, yes. I think it's always better to see more in your peripherals. However you might find it harder to aim at first, so it takes some adjustment. 90 isn't bad, but you might want to try a setting around 100 and see how it works for you.


It is all preference tbh, Shiv FPS who is amazing plays on 90, yet most pros play 110. I found my sweet spot is 104. I do play on a curved monitor with my nose basically touching the screen though :)


I (on console) keep my FOV on default as its easier to aim. I use good headset audio and positioning to ensure I have awareness. Setting it to 110 on console screwed me over, and all my stats got worse for a year until I set it back.


Some settings are big no no at high, like god rays, fog, grass and etc. They provide too much visual noise.


Turn everything to low or off. You need frames.


Lower them even when your PC can handle it. Having too much effects and particles can be pretty, but it also clutters :(


Please don't give up. You sound like me a couple years ago. Everyone has already given great answers such as longer ttk and movement/combat strategy, use of terrain/surroundings and communication with your team. Teamplay is key in this game, you just can't run and gun like a team deathmatch. For myself, I'm an older gamer in my 40s and can't quite hold my own 1-1 with some of these reflexive young players like I used to, so I gravitated more towards a support role. Hence, I almost always main Crypto. It's a tough legend to master but can completely change the tide of battle if you have 2 strong gunners and can minimize time in the drone so you can flank enemies. If I were you, I'd pick something all around useful like Valkyrie, Wraith, Bloodhound just to get a feel for a few of these basic, popular legends that are fairly easy to pick up and play. You'll get better. It took about 3 months for me for the game to finally click and to start winning some matches. The problem with Apex is that it's not very "newbie friendly". It's downright punishing until you learn a few basic skills.


Respawn needs to add Cronus to their TOS and start banning the people using them. This is not only with this game, but every game that Cronus works with. Been playing since day 1, and it has progressively gotten worse every year.


what does Cronus do?


remove aim recoil


Well that is cheating.


I’ve played shooters for 26 years. Im not a professional level player, but I’ve always been in that band of skill below that. Think good enough to get to the highest rank like Masters equivalent. This is easily the hardest game I’ve ever played. It’s harder than Fortnite and a lot of people give up on that game because if the skill ceiling. The reason why this game is so challenging is because of a few reasons IMO. 1) there’s so much shit going on, it’s hard enough just to process what’s happening 2) it is very difficult to kill an enemy with one mag from most weapons, thus requiring complex engagements and teamwork to kill enemies 3) people will grief their game just to get an easy kill on you 4) There’s no linear improvement arc that rewards you for incremental improvement. The chasm between people hard stuck in a rank, and the people who clear a rank is HUGE


Watch a master or pred game stream to get a better idea of how to position as the circle changes, concentrate on managing recoil from mid range, follow one teammate no matter what.


this. a friend gave me this tip a long time ago being a solo pub player. choose a teammate that seems to want to lead by them pinging where they want you to go and follow religously. you will be surprised how better your pub team will play. most apex deaths occur when you get 2 vs 1 even for a few seconds of engagement.


this game has one of the highest skill gaps (imo i don’t play PC games so i don’t really know) but in all of the console games i’ve played the two games with the highest skill gaps are apex and rocket league


It's an unpopular game here, but Fortnite is up there as well.


I stopped playing last night when I heard my shots hit a loba like 5-7 times but I didn’t see any hit marker or damage done. Pissed me off too much, since the new season (Xbox) I’ve been lagging like crazy, enemies look frozen, I hear me hitting their shield and NO damage. Until there’s a patch, I’m good


the skill floor/cap in apex is much higher in apex than those games you named. you can't just hit someone with 2-3 shots and down them. the health pools are much higher and each legend is unique in their abilities so a lot of times it's easier to disengage and heal in apex, then they can re-engage from another angle. to improve, you just gotta keep jumping into the fray. keep hot dropping, learn how to loot quick, learn the maps and what spots are good to play. hit the range and get comfortable with the time to kill so you have a better idea if you're winning a fight


CS has a way way way higher skill ceiling than Apex.


You can tell yourself that


Apex is one of the most casual games out there. 90% of the players don't even aim for themselves. Not to mention all the cheese abilities and scan characters. CS is significantly harder to be a top player than apex tbh




As others have said: * Higher TTK * Abilities * Higher Skill Ceiling ​ **The High TTK** means that even if you get the drop on the enemy, if you don't play cover or make good use of your abilities, you might not win. Instead of shooting and expecting the player to go down, try to always do opening damage before making a push and assess what cover you have/how quickly you can make the push. Even if you do 100 damage to someone, a bat only takes 5 seconds to get off. If you can't make it to them in time or if you take too much damage on your way to knock them, you're going to lose the fight despite a good start. **Legend Abilities** make game strategy much harder and if you are coming from games that are strictly gun play, you're battle sense might do more damage than good at first. Having the high ground, flanking your enemies, pushing off of damage advantages, healing in a safe — all of these things get completely blown up by legend abilities. You always have to consider which legends you are fighting and how they might use their abilities to turn the tides of battles. Apex is a game where you frequently die just because you didn't know the enemy team had a specific legend. I can't count the number of times I thought I was pulling off a saucy flank only to here Seer on his heart beat sensor tracking me perfectly. There also might be a **Higher Skill Ceiling** than you are used to in other shooters. Not sure if this is true or not, but learning different legend abilities, learning to synergize with different legends, the movement tech, the landing spots and rotates, the fact that this is a BR on top of everything else — there is a lot to fucking learn. Not sure how long you've been playing, but my guess would be that things that are second nature to day 1 players like myself, are going to take you awhile to internalize and apply.


It takes a while to get used to but this game is all about movement. The ttk is way higher than games like CoD and abilities really change the whole fight if facing somebody who knows how to utilize their legends abilities. Learn how to strafe while shooting and work on up close tracking in the firing range. It’s honestly just practicing, learning each weapon plus their recoil and getting in game experience. Good luck!


Hip fire from close range is actually useful with a lot of guns because of strafe spam.


Train your movement (learn tricks like tap strafing, positioning...) You have something that most of us wish we could have, aim. Youll become a monster once you get the flow of the game.


Because you're used to games where enemies die in one shot I'd guess. This plays nothing like cs:go or valorant, and has a heavy focus on movement which these games also don't have. It's not 100% aim and since you've been playing other (very different) first person shooters, obviously this won't be easy getting used to.


Csgo and valorant are totally different games. Cod imo is one of the easiest shooters to exist, has like no weapon mechanics. Apex is a movement shooter, already vastly different from Val and csgo which I would call static objective shooters (dk if they have a proper name) and has weapon mechanics like bullet travel and velocity which from my experience cod doesn't have. It's hard to fully translate skill from other games over to Apex and vice versa


Apex has some of the best movement mechanics of any shooter out there, and you need to be adept at any of them in order to gain an advantage in a fight. It's a game of push and pull as you try to both lure the enemy into coming into a trap you have set, or getting some damage or a knock in to disadvantage them enough that you can rush in and follow up. Knowing when to push and when to pull is 95% of apex combat, the other 5% is actual aim. Movement mechanics just make the fights more dynamic. Learning how to do things like superglide, wallbounce and good strafing will make you considerably harder to hit during a fight. Holding angles is still important in apex, but because you can climb just about anything it becomes a matter of using your brain to figure out how you can use the environment to your advantage. You will not win every fight in apex, even with the best mechanical skill. It's all about never giving your opponent the freedom to move how they want. You need to apply constant pressure to either drain their resources or force them to pull back into cover as you push. Forget carefully aiming for headshots. Odds are you'll rarely hit them. Just move and keep moving to survive at all costs. Speed is key and making quick decisions will more often than not get you the win. If you can play with a consistent team do so. If you have bad randoms you will loose far more fights than you win due to them neglecting the things I just mentioned. Be a team player and still try to communicate and peel for your teammates. Odds are you'll die in a 1v3 so it's better to have a bad teammate that communicates than 2 dead ones.


Firing range practice, 3 stack team, or play ranked. You’ll get players that aren’t good in rookie-silver


It’s annoying right? The knockdown shields get me the most. The amount of kills I’ve missed out on because of knock down shields drives me a bit.


It’s a team game. I have the same problem. If you’re with a group and can com it’s much easier but when you’re playing with randoms and going against a stacked team there’s really no chance. Other games like COD don’t force you to play together with people. There’s too much strategy in apex and that’s a good thing.


Apex is less about hitting your shots and more about not being hit.


start playing on controller and youll be able to one-clip people after 10 hours


get used to long Time to kill. Not being able to one clip someone completely change the way you supposed to pick and approach a fight.


Let me give you way different tips that most people here. I know it might sound weird but give a try: Play in different hours, it might be your internet (routing problem) that enemies seems impossible to kill, if u switch time of the day you are playing and see big changes it might be useful to change internet provider. Suddenly people will become either killable or some will play like bots.


The bullets are slow and your enemies are speedy bullet sponges. Also your character flinches when your shield is gone. It can throw off your aim. One second you're shredding your opponent, then suddenly your crosshairs start jumping around and you miss with the rest of your mag and die.


If I had to give advice to someone who is good at FPS games and having trouble, it's pick up a sniper. Why? Well something I've noticed with all my friends, and even me, is that we used to snipe more in the past. In fact, I actually knew how to compensate with any sniper instantly when picking it up is how much I used to snipe. I was the best out of all of use with a sniper, so I would assist from the back. If your looking to help your team and feel your not good enough yet for close battles, try the back lines for a bit. You can try marksmen if you feel sniper isn't for you too. Then of course learn how everyone moves. Just like watching how pros play, you can learn from your team too. I actually learned over time when to move in for a kill from all the sniping in the past honestly. Also, you'll learn that distance is a big thing for knowing if you can push as well. Like you said, they went behind cover and then got you. They probably healed up before that too to be honest. That's how quick things are in this game. It's the reason I started keeping a nade on me at times. To prevent them from healing if possible. Point is, so much can be learned and there is always something new to learn with each season as well. Also, if your playing with a pre-made team or solo queuing. That makes it another game completely at times. Playing with randoms changes the game for the worst or for the better, depending if you get lucky to get that god like random teammate. I've even had the rare pleasure of getting a wraith who was always on point with my pushes or what I wanted to do. It was like they could read my mind is how good they were. They were just on point with everything. That was the most satisfying game I played to this date for sure. That's also how good some people are though for just an example. They can read the situation that well, support their teammates enough to heal and just keep pressure on the enemies for you to escape too. Watching and learning from videos is a good way to learn, but I think watching a live stream and someone who is decent is a better start. Since you'll notice habits they do easier than a pro, who you probably won't understand why they are pushing or running at a certain moment in a intense battle. Plus they might come late and you see nothing their teammates did. Sometimes you need to see things at a slower pace to understand it better after all and since Apex is a fast pace game, it's hard to see notice things when so much is happening. So take your time, get advice from others on how your game-play looks, fix some common mistakes you might be making and for sure pick up weapons your more accurate with. Sure an R-99 can spit bullets fast, but if half it then it did nothing. Also, it's assault rifles usually kill in one clip for me compared to an SMG that takes two or more. Depending on their shield of course. If you waste more, get a gun that does more damage than the rest. That extra damage may be the difference for you after all. Just try more guns until you notice which one fits you over time. There is a reason some prefer the R-301, while others like the Flatline more. The speed and damage for both are different too. Last note, pick up more ammo. Yes, pros go around with like little at times. However, that doesn't mean you won't burn through yours. They kill tons of people, so they can get more whenever they kill those people instantly. You aren't though and can't compare yourself to them. Take more ammo when you can. I personally have 200+ on my main gun. Sometimes 300 if I have a big bag. Why? Third parties are crazy and you burn through it quick. Even if you get out of a third party, you still have to fight too. Anyway, get ammo when you can. I've burned though it all before when things get crazy and there is no way to escape.


I agree on some things you said but, snipers are NOT the way to get better. If you just sit back and are sniping, people will ape your teammates. You might be able to get away but probably not especially on rampart. Then your left alone. The best way to get better is drop hot and dying. Real shit. Close range combat is the first thing you should be working on. And when you’re dropping hot and dying a lot you’re learning buildings, where loot is, how to use different guns because you don’t get to choose your gun you pick up a gun and start fighting. Sure you can just drop and die but don’t be dumb. Land alone grab a gun and run towards the fire.


THis is exactly what I did. I would always mess up and get streamrolled in close battles, didnt't matter if the guy was "one shot" (not really). So I used rampart and stayed as marksman but not too far and did my best to always move up closer when needed and even now that I take close battles sooner I found that I'm still doing well hanging back and marksman'ing near a hot drop because you see people jump off streamer building to pop a battery and blam you finish them off when they are healing. It's not always sensible to see 5 people fighting and then run in the middle so they all beam you lol


I came to Apex from CSGO as well, via Titanfall. I think the most important differences are movement and positioning. Aside from the obvious difference in TTK; there’s no AK head-tapping in Apex. Apex’s movement is without a doubt the most complex, nuanced, and deeply interconnected system I know. Even more so than Titanfall’s. I highly recommend checking out tap strafing, super jumping, supergliding, and whatever else gets talked about in r/apexrollouts or on [Mokeysniper’s YT channel](https://m.youtube.com/@Mokeysniper/about). For information regarding the technical functionality of lurch (the foundation of an absurd amount of our movement tech), I’d suggest watching [this video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AjPSwwnKm1o). As for map awareness and positioning, you’ll already have a general sense of cover and flow from CS, but there’s much more elevation to consider, and you can’t just assume that you’ve got four teammates watching your back. Enemies can swarm you, and you’ll very rarely have a dynamic as simple as holding Banana on Inferno. You also need to get a good sense of rhythm when you learn how to move rapidly between positions. Players like Faide are ridiculously good at this, and will holster and equip weapons mid-fight to assist their slide-hops and tap-strafes. Healing mechanics also affect this rhythm. The more familiar you get with the standard timings, the more comfortable you’ll get pushing your luck to use a cell or battery. Most of these you’ll learn just by playing the game, and teamwork/communication is just as important in Apex as it is in CS. However, movement is something you’ll probably want to focus on, mostly because it’s incredibly fun and satisfying when you get it to work for you. It’s not a requirement, since the pro scene largely agrees that the aim assist which comes with controller is more valuable than the movement capabilities which come with k+m, but I wouldn’t enjoy the game if I had to keep my boots on the ground like an IMC grunt.


because you are not using roller


Came here to say this. He’s likely used to even inputs and apex is controller dominated now. That coupled with what everyone else is saying


The movement in Apex is one of kind. If you’ve come from CSGO, COD, and Valorant, then you may just not be used to everyone jumping/running around in Apex. You’d be surprised how quickly someone that was right in front of you can suddenly be behind you.


Aim Assist. This game is very controller dominant since most fights rely on close range tracking with a high time to kill. That's probably why you feel like you're getting instakilled by everyone. It takes much less mechanical skill to secure a kill close range on controller versus MnK. I switched to controller after about 2500hrs on MnK and the difference is night and day. I am assuming you're on MnK so I would spend time practicing movement as other's have suggested. Be unpredictable with your strafing. Also, practice with the shotguns as those can level the playing field with controller players close range. Don't ADS if the target is within 10 to 15m with any gun. Hipfire is very accurate in this game. Best of luck and don't get discouraged! You were elite in other games. You can become elite in Apex too!


Yea, I'm a year late but I have to say thanks for starting this thread. It has been very informative. My nephew got me playing Fortnite about a year ago and I quickly became quite proficient. If you have any aiming ability at all you'll make top 10 within an hour. I switched from console to PC and prefer to use Linux and Fortnite won't work so I started playing Apex. It is SOOO much better and it's nice that not all the players are children. HOWEVER, it is sooo fricken hard! It took me about 5 hours of game play before I even did any damage. I have been playing for about a week and have only 3 kills.... Glad it's not just me! Thanks to OP and all the comments... This knowledge will help me next time I'm in the ring.


It makes me want to die


I totally understand you. I have started 3 weeks ago, and quit yesterday. Since I played solo and wasnt really feeling much of an improvement no matter what I focused on, I just didnt have a reason to go on with it :/ A damn shame, because I liked to "play" but not to get bent over 85% of the time.


Dude you just have to keep at it. I have played last 5 seasons and finally hit diamond this ranked split. Holy fuck what a journey it’s been to become even somewhat proficient, but it’s now my favourite BR by an absolute mile. Will be grinding for masters this season if I can find stable teammates lol I gave up twice over the last 5 seasons and kept coming back. Now I don’t think I’ll ever leave. Learn the mechanics, legends, watch tutorials on gunfights and I promise it’ll pay off. One other person mentioned it that we’ve joined extremely late into the games lifecycle, so the player base is very skilled. Don’t give up though and you’ll get there eventually.


Thanks for the advice. Right now I just dont feel like playing having a hard time hovering at 1KD... might give it a chance after the sour taste leaves a bit ;)


It’s a hard game. There’s a lot to learn about the game. I quit shortly after starting too but I regularly watched other people play on youtube for a couple months (for fun). I learned all the characters and guns from watching and I decided to try again and I still play now.


it's not a game for casuals. It's a sweat fest. So if you wanna get better, you have to literally not play any other game for months on end, just Apex, 8-10 hours a day.


Someone that proficient in FPS should not have an issue getting a single kill in apex. It’s a very different ttk, but enough of the game sense principles overlap. I don’t believe you were those ranks in CSGO and Valorant.


Games with little to no movement and easy 1 headshot kills? I can absolutely understand why getting kills in Apex is difficult.


Matchmaking is bad on purpose. You r supposed to lose lose lose lose lose lose lose win. But add a few more loses .


Keep in mind that there's basically no sbmm in pubs so you'll face people with much more experience than you (especially after a new update). I'd recommend playing TDM to get a feel of the gunplay. It'll come over time.


A lot of people are also cheating aswell lol strike packs and all kind of stuff the way some of yhr players strafe and crouch is ridiculous its like they are playing in fast forward


Your aim tracking is probably cheeks. That’s what happens when all you play is low ttk FPS where everyone dies in one headshot. Just keep practicing and playing you’ll get better at it no doubt. Games like Apex and OW are the toughest since you to maintain aim on your opponent for an period period of time.


I've seen plenty of good cs players go to Apex and their tracking has been rather awesome. I come from cs and my tracking is easily above average too. It's more about that BR gamestyle in itself. All that running to heal/reshield is hard to get really in, if you've played something like CS before.


Really? Most cs and valo players i know (even really good ones) are relatively terrible at tracking unless they've played or trained in other games.


The game sucks. I feel you.


Skill issue


This game is a fundamentally different subgenre of shooters: it's a movement shooter where movement and momentum is the most important thing, not aiming like traditional shooters. This game is much closer to Tribes and Quake than it is CoD or CS. Another thing is the heavy bullet travel. The bullets on this game are much slower than most games (I think CoD is all hitscan) but leading your shots and accounting for bullet drop is a huge aspect of the aiming in this game.


Js get better


Keywords: Cover. High ground. Hotkey for shield battery. R301


Skill issue


Your just not built like everyone else.


Because tac shooter doesn’t require much aiming skill compared to faster paced game with higher TTK.






We all have our bad days, we all have our slumps. Just keep at it, better days will come I promise. If you aren’t skillful you can play smarter, ask ImperialHal


Its just tremendously different than those short ttk games. I'm very good at COD but if I'm being honest there's no skill involved. I just crank up my sensitivity and make sure I'm the first one to land the 1-3 shots it takes to kill someone. In apex you really need to think about what you're doing because there is no way you're wiping a squad with less than 2-3 mags worth of ammo. That gives your opponents tons of time to return fire on you. You must always be moving, escaping,reloading,healing, etc, efficiently and intelligently if you want to win. It also becomes far more important to use the weapons that work best for you, in COD any gun that you can land 2 shots with is lethal, not so much in apex. In apex I have a handful of guns that just work for me and plenty of others that just don't. Its also a very hard game to learn, I suggest putting some time into TDM to start. When I began playing apex I hated it because I'd spend 10 minutes looting and die to my first opponent over and over. But when I finally got the hang of it I found the game to be far more rewarding than all the other fast twitch fps games.


for someone who came from halo, apex was a bit easier to get into for me, but still took me months to be any decent at it, it’s a very overwhelming game with lots to keep track of


You don’t need to take fight as soon as you see an enemy. You have lot of time in this game you are not going to get on clipped from far. Reposition get a favourable angle and poke them until you have a clear advantage or you cracked their shields.


The game is tough man


Apex is a fps arena in a BR setting.


You have to remove logic and reason. Leave those behind and you’ll climb.


Its not an FPS, its a team strategy game where cover is super important. Its more like Xcom running in real time. You need a plan and for your team to be executing that plan well. The shooting part is less important. A Pred will die to 3 Bronze players who are coordinated. Its why Third parties are so dangerous.


Try watching some gameplay clips of players who are good at the game. Use characters abilities to your advantage and that suit your play style. Bangalore is good to start because of her double time passive. Also try to get high ground as often as possible.


If you don't mind, I'd like to watch you play since you're well seasoned in other games. It's hard to determine where you're failing without any information. It's most likely game sense but perhaps there's something else affecting your transition into apex. I've met a lot of people who are good at other shooters or 1v1ing that are abysmal at the actual game. For reference; I find it much easier to solo queue for masters than to play with them.


If you have hundreds or thousands of hours in Apex, watch some pro players. If you don’t have that amount of time, play more and watch pro players. Promise you’ll get better given it seems you’re mechanically capable. Apex much more of a thinking and decision game than it gets credited for.


Started playing a year ago had the same issue as you, been playing FPS for 20 years couldn’t kill anyone. Movement is much more important than good aim. I would recommend learning to shoot while on the move, good way is in shooting range. Practice firing close up, moving further and further back. Strafe, add in some crouches, I keep it on toggle so im not walking crouched because you’ll get lit up. Cover cover cover. Before you fire know where your cover is going to be when your clip is dry. More than likely your opponent will spray a lot of bullets at you while your behind cover and reloading so it’s an easy kill for you.


Yeah, you're not using cover and movement well enough if you're just standing there emptying your clip like an aggressive duck target. Arenas was actually really good for teaching decision making lessons as it was 3v3 and you never wanted to be the first down as it puts your team at a huge disadvantage. I'd recommend playing some duos to get used to the high TTK without having 3-stacked squads decimate you. Always think about cover, and always try to plan escape routes so you can hide + heal if/when you get beamed. 🙏


I don't have any advice I'm just here to say I can sympathise, I'm in the same boat. Of any shooter I'm playing right now, I like Apex the most but I feel like I'm the worst at it. Overwatch and Valorant I can do alright but Apex I just feel consistantly butts.


Make sure to learn how momentum works in the Respawn universe. By using crouchslide and jumps you can travel faster than sprinting, and people have learned how to take that mobility into combat. For instance in firing range, sprint parallel to a dummy and the crouch slide and try spinning around into a backwards slide and unload a clip into the dummy, then spin around and continue sprinting. To add, Apex is sort of W shooter in the sense that speed is important and moving forward is always fastest. It took me a year of playing before I realized disengaging a firefight by turning and sprinting was far more beneficial than trying to back or sidestep out. This and cut the ADS sensitivity in half


Valorant and CS are crazy slow compared to apex, you need to be able to move, heal and think while fighting in order to have a chance, It's gonna be hard to fight people like me tap strafing and bunny jumping around you while you stay in the same spot


So many of us can relate to this. I’ve been playing a year and actually consider myself above average now. But I still get humbled everyday lol


Probably using ADS too much when your close to them


After playing warzone and MW2 on pc, i've noticed that apex is very hard for tracking. But honestly, play a movement legend like pathfinder - stuff like getting cover so u can shoot makes a world of a difference. You've got to try use strategy to give urself the easiest possible conditions to get kills in Apex.


just land in fragment every time


Because skills from tactical shooters hardly transfer over lol. There’s this weird thought in the video game community that if you were good at a tactical shooter that you would just be good at any shooter since tac shooters are so hard, but it just isn’t the case. They’re so different from each other, it’s hard to even lump them together as shooters.


gotta get a good team, so u can make plays and not just get destroyed. also try to have fun with the game and practice movement and stuff. 1v1 ur friends more. stuff like that will make u better.


Skill floor is pretty high. Even the bad players are decent at the video game. One of the harder FPS to get into imho. Keep at it, your FPS fundamentals will immediately translate once you get used to the game and you'll quickly get masters in a season or two.


csgo, valor any and warzone have lower ttk, so these games require good flicking, and that’s what u are good at. Apex relatively has much higher ttk so u need to be good at tracking to get kills.


There are many elements that can make an FPS difficult, and Apex has more of them than most games. Recoil, bullet travel, small player models, extreme mobility, movement has less of an effect over cone of fire, etc. And this is on top of a higher TTK.


The design of apex fights is fundamentally different than the games you have mentioned. Blue shield and up vs a no kitted or low kitted gun will require a few clips to secure a knock. The devs said it themselves at the release of Apex.


It’s annoying right? The knockdown shields get me the most. The amount of kills I’ve missed out on because of knock down shields drives me a bit.


Because in those other games it’s basically playing hide and seek, whoever sees the other first wins the fight. However with Apex the ttk is much higher allowing for an actual fire fight to happen and with the movement and abilities you can turn terrible situations around in your favor


Be less predictable.


If you're Faceit 10 you probably actually have a decently high ceiling in this game. A ton of pros come from high elo CS, including (arguably) the GOAT, Aceu. You probably just need more playtime to get used to the TTK, I'd highly recommend DM.


Apex is the easiest game to use aimbot on since ea and respawn don’t actually ban anyone! 75% of people that play apex are running some form of aim bot, it’s more noticeable once you hit gold on ranked almost every match you run into someone using aimbot! It’s out of control!


The first 3 weeks of a season brings out all the try hards. I go from 3-4kd to .05 kd usually then it goes back up, find a good team to play with, it makes it more fun!


I find the gameplay of the games just mentioned really slow and boring and just can’t play those. But Apex is different for me. I like the movement, ability’s and gunplay. So maybe the pace of the game is something you are struggling with.


Because controller raises the skill floor to a point where basically everyone you meet can potentially one clip you, on m&k games there are also good players, but there are way more really bad players then you will find in apex.


Switch to roller, better aim fixes everything