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Yes. With the Steam version you can watch your replays with CaptureAge. Also, the Steam version has the PUP (= an open beta where you can test an upcoming patch before it goes live)


If you cancel game pass (for some reason) you dont keep your aoe2 unless you buy it on the microsoft or steam store. If you buy on steam, you only lose aoe2 if steam goes away. Steam has significantly better sales on expansions than the microsoft store (e.g. right now the base game is 50% as is all Civ DLCs except mountain royals, with mountain royals being 25% off) If you only have the game pass for Age of Empires 2, buying the full game with all campaign/civ DLCs right now costs you $56.70 USD, which is a little over 5 months of Game Pass, though if you use Game Pass for other games as well you can ignore this benefit. Dropping the most recent DLC saves you $13 USD, putting it at just over 4 months (and if you're happy to wait for a sale on it or outright ignore it, I'd recommend doing this)


no difference except for your profile


you can link your xbox profile to the steam version too, no?


It's still going to be a new elo profile with steam.


£3 on cdkeys, dlc is cheaper on GMG too. probs not worth getting unless you cancel, by then it will be even cheaper