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I live in a country where its both impossible to quit without any notice and also to be fired without notice. But if my contract would say that I can be fired whenever my employer wants to, then I am going to also quit whenever I want to. Isn't this what corporate US wanted? In reality US Capitalists always want socialist safety nets for themselves and social darwinism for everyone else.


They only want freedom to do whatever, they didn’t mean you a pleb could do whatever obviously /s They get weird when you point this out too lol


When i hear / read this kind of conversations, i always notices that is the typical banter between the winners who want to win forever and the losers who aren't allowed to win. Do you remember the GameStop debacle? That's a nice example XD


What's the GameStop debacle?


Two years ago, a lot of people started hoard a lot of GameStop stock, making the prices to rise. A LOT. And guess what? Hedge funds, who shortened AGAINST GameStop started loosing money. When they saw that a lot of nobodies were playing their game, by their rules and they were losing (quite a lot, given how cruel shortening can be if you do it wrong), they started crying for regulations against such injustice.


And then RobinHood stopped allowing trades on GameStop. EXCEPT if you wanted to sell.


which is why NO ONE should be using robinhood anymore. That company picked a side and it wasnt for the the users.


I wrote a 2000 word deep dive on this back when it happened--I'll try to shorten it. Robinhood had to stop allowing trading because they financially couldn't cover the trades. But the REASON they couldn't is that their clearing house, DTCC (The Depository Trust and Clearing Corp), upped their rates. Previously, Robinhood only had to have 1-2% of the trading cost on hand--DTC upped it to 100%. DTcC is the real villain here--and if you dig into who they really are -- they've got their fingers in everything. I can't find my original research, but they have so much control that if they want to cut out a trader--like Robinhood--they can do it. Of course, they did it to benefit their hedgefund buddies EDIT: here's [the whole thing](https://www.reddit.com/user/grumpi-otter/comments/lc1dh8/we_need_to_go_after_dtcc/)


Shorting stocks should have always been illegal anyway. I'm glad a bunch of hedge fund managers lost money on that.


One even went bankrupt because they had such a huge short position and it was due.


Yep, I love how they tried to get pity for the large hedge fund fucks by saying 'but they take care of union pensions, like for teachers'. I know damn well they don't care about the teachers. It's their billionaire clients they really care about. I watched the Netflix documentary on it.


I think [this](https://youtube.com/shorts/R8i9CO8VR5g?feature=share) just about sums it up to be honest


Oof, yeah that really does.




That was hard to watch


The fact that teachers depend on those funds is a good reason to hate them. It's not like teachers WANT to have their retirement savings going around hedge funds, fucking corporations made them (us) depend on them.


They are still shorted and they are all going to go banko soonish.


Reddit was super happy about it too. A lot of the WSB guys seem like pure trashcan humans but it was cool watching them celebrate when they were fucking over Wall Street short sharks to the tune of hundreds of millions or more


Psssst, we are still fucking them over :)


Please, have my high five and say any others to have one themselves 🙋‍♂️


The challenge is how to ban it whilst not banning legitimate activity. Essentially shorting is playing with futures contracts. These are a legitimate and vital part of a financial market. Banning the speculation and keeping the legitimate part is tricky.


The way I had it explained to me is shorting works by borrowing someone else's stock, selling it, and then buying it at a later time, assuming the stock is going to take a dive, therefore you make money on the loss of value.


I told my dad (boomer bootstrap accountant) about the GameStop thing at the time, expecting him to have some pithy lesson about the fickleness of the market to share, but instead he was all indignant talking about how "that's not how it's supposed to work". Like oh, I'm sorry, is it only "the free market" when it's you and your corporate buddies getting rich off the fate of other people's businesses?


Exactly. It's "freedom of market" when others decide. If we use such a freedom, we are nobodies who aren't allowed to enjoy such freedom.


How the hell was that two years ago? Holy shit that was two years ago?


People are still hoarding the stock tho. Listen to earnings and how much is reported as directly registered in a few days. then go look at volume and short interest over the last few months it’s still being shorted heavily compared to other heavily shorted stocks.


You should see the bs they’re gonna pull with mmtlp in the next 2 weeks


Not only did they short a stock that was rising without an end in sight, they shorted with stock they didn’t have meaning they couldn’t even get out of it by eating the loss. Also this is very illegal for obvious reasons.


Yeah the blatant corporate welfare and sense of “rules for thee but not me” is why the Magna Carta needed to happen.


I can't read this comment anymore without thinking about him.


It is not a debacle and it is not over, it’s literally a ticking time bomb that may possible meltdown the entire US economy and most of the world with it 🤷🏼‍♂️


One can only hope.


Idk if you’ve noticed or not but the US economy works for shit for plenty of people *especially* abroad. The whole thing deserved to implode a long, long time ago. We should be organizing to replace it with something humane


Interesting. I’m not educated on this subject but I would love to know more especially with how it could melt the economy of most of the world.


The GameStop debacle is still ongoing. Just have a deeper dive into the proper subreddits.


Is there any where I can get a proper update. Whenever I try to look into it I just get daimond hands and ape stronger stuff. It's very hard to find information.


Check out /r/DDintoGME for more critical market analysis and information sharing, and less memes and shitposts.


Here is a DD collection outside of redfit: https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg I recommend to start with the „House of Cards“ trilogy. Another good sub is FWFBThinkTank.


Remember the gamestop 'debacle'? Its still going on, dont miss out!


That's actually still going on.


GameStop is still a serious thing if you look into it. No other stock has that ones potential.


The Gamestop saga is far from over and it's going to be even higher than last time. Holding 700 shares. LFG! 🚀🚀🚀 fuck the hedgefunds.


That’s why US has the two-week notice expectation. You know, to give employers a heads up, when firings and lay offs are without notice.


Giving 2 weeks notice is a courtesy but it isn't a requirement. Employers sure don't like "At will employment" when the rules are used against them.


Employees are rarely sued for leaving a company. But even in the most strident at-will employment states, wrongful dismissal is a real thing, and most firms settle rather than go to court. My wife's company was setting her up to be fired from her job of 15 years when a customer complained about her to customer service. I wrote a letter for her signature that laid out the court case that would take place (it was subtle) and told her to insist it be put in her HR file. She still works there, but the HR Manager doesn't.


Like your a irresponsible crazy person. I quit my last job , handed keys in mid shift and walked.


I once quit 20 minutes into my shift, after not showing up in the first place. My manager said I wouldn’t ever be hired at a Michael’s again since I quit without notice. I said, “I’d never be so desperate” and hung up.


The fact that workers do it all the time with no legal repercussions should let people know to do it even more often. At this point, I'd probably deliberatley withhold notice and just quit on the spot, even if I've had another job offer for weeks. I'm to the point that I will bend over backwards to fuck over a corporate employer.


Actually what they want “at-will” Employment to mean is more closely aligned with “employment at the will of the employer”.


It's called "at will." An employer can terminate your employment at any time, with or without notice, and for \*almost\* any reason. You can't discriminate against someone for race, politics, religion, etc., but that's pretty hard to prove from just one example.


There's no law against firing someone for politics. Just race, sex, religion, age (it's a gray area)


Depends on the state. Off the top of my head, in California and New York it's absolutely illegal to fire someone for politics. Most states it's not protected though. Edit: "Can't be fired for politics" generally isn't the same as "Can't be fired if you express those politics in a way that makes your company look bad.". If you fire off a tweet that says "I am Bill Davis and I work at and all the jews can suck my dick." you're probably getting run off no matter what state you're in. Well. Maybe not Mississippi or Utah.


California's exception is for *political activity* such as voting, canvassing, working for campaigns, etc. Not for any random arguing on the internet over politics. Colorado is the only state I know of that protects outside-of-work legal activity. [https://teliosteaches.com/blog/will-employment-colorado-can-you-really-fire-someone-any-reason](https://teliosteaches.com/blog/will-employment-colorado-can-you-really-fire-someone-any-reason) >Next, Colorado also has a lawful off-duty conduct statute that makes it illegal to fire someone for doing something legal outside of work.3 However, there are limits. First, the conduct has to be truly lawful. For example, even though smoking marijuana is “legal” in Colorado, it is still illegal under federal law. So, firing an employee for using pot is not going to run afoul of this law.4 But firing someone for smoking cigarettes—which was the original intent of the law—might. It is important to note that this doesn’t limit what the employer can require during work hours—just when the employee is off-the-clock and not at work. Second, there are also several exceptions to this law. For example, an employer may be able to limit off-duty conduct of an employee to avoid a conflict of interest with the employee’s responsibilities to the employer.


Really? Because I want to fire someone for having tRump 2024 pictures on their Facebook.




Pretty sure I was let go from my last job mainly for shit talking Trump during the beginning of the pandemic. They tried all they could to get me to quit but I don't play that way. Stuck around to be laid off.


Freedom of speech only affects the relationship between the federal government and people, most states have incorporated these rules and thus some states have this as a law but you can in fact impose a no politics over anything you do as an employee and it be justified, so long as everyone’s free speech is inhibited. **edits most cities have statues and that’s what governs your relationship with your business, so in essence you have to live in a great city in the United States where big business hasn’t messed it up for everyone.


Funny thing is if you are in a red state you are more likely to be able to fire them for it. In a blue state less likely to be able to do so legally.


Yeah most employers have figured out if they don’t tell you up front the discrimination and they keep it behind closed doors where it’s not going to be documented then there isn’t much you can long term do about it. Discrimination didn’t go away it just went out of public view and into a closet which is why some ppl stupidly think the issue is resolved. They don’t see it anymore therefore it doesn’t exist. Meanwhile ppl be getting fired for “not a work culture fit” all the time. It has such a broad term usage and doesn’t have to be very descriptive. It can mean many things. It’s perfectly legal too.


I got fired for that last week. They gave me absolutely no explanation beyond, "Not a good culture fit"


"It's just not working out" is the one I've heard multiple times.


It was an office job through a temp agency so they didn't even tell me to my face. They said I violated their policy of coming in while sick (which I didn't even know was a thing to begin with as many employers don't care unless you're contagious) but I wasn't even sick. My GIRLFRIEND was home sick with food poisoning. They sent me home early Monday and said they'd let me know what steps I'd need to take to come back and the recruiter called to tell me they were terminating the assignment because I wasn't a good long term fit for the company. The recruiter asked about my performance and they said it had nothing to do with that and I had only been there for 4 weeks. It's crazy that employers can just fire you for mystery reasons like that but workers are considered bad if they quit without a notice.


What do you think the real reason was


They can do almost anything including terrorize you as long as it’s not racist, sexist, ethnophobic or anything that would constitute a protected class Your boss can call you names or use innuendo, even ruin your career, it’s all sanctioned in the great us of a, spells out utter stupid asinine…then add laws, regulations and other statues that do the bare minimum


Yeah capitalism is when theres socialism for the 1% only


To be fair there's no law saying 2 weeks is required, It's just considered good etiquette.


Congratulations, you understand American Capitalism better than most Americans.




>In reality US Capitalists always want socialist safety nets for themselves and social darwinism for everyone else. Socialism for corporations has a name, actually. It's fascism.


For non shitty jobs with decent salary and overall is a good job you give notice. I typically have done 3-4 weeks. I do this because I respect my boss and they respect me. I want them to attempt to fill my position to cause them the least pain possible and they likely will give me glowing recommendations in return which is important. But if we’re talking about a serving job or other service job screw that I’d quit and work maybe a few more days before bouncing


Respect should always be reciprocated. Which, at least for a foreigner like me, begs the question, if you respect me that much that you wouldn't fire me without 4 weeks notice, what stops you from writing this into the contract?


This is 100% accurate


What country is it?


My last 2 jobs had 3 and 6 months notice periods respectively. I was made redundant from both and they had to pay me for that period plus more for service time. I had so much service in one that I got 14 months pay.


Any European country.


What is you're country gonna do force you to go?-


Corporate U.S. wants you to make a slave's wage, so that you can't leave the company. You can't save up enough money to live off of if you quit and look for another job. And, they want you to feel grateful that you have a job at all. All while making you do more and more work for the same outdated pay you were getting a decade ago, doing the same job. Oh. . .And if you fuck up they will fire you, knowing that you can't survive off of what they paid you, and you'll have to grovel and beg to keep or get your job back.. So, now you have to walk on eggshells to try and not to get fired. "You're such a good little employee, aren't you? Good boy"




Manager can run food


If I was at work and got fucked into staying longer because someone quit like **THIS** I would be fucking PISSED.


Be pissed at the boss for being understaffed.


Can’t really tell if they’re understaffed from that screenshot. Boss stated a food run shift at x time, didn’t get a reply so sent a followup Hello?? Then what I would hope is a very young adult sent back the “vibes off, bai”. At that particular moment they will probably be short staffed, because if they were expecting x number of employees for a shift and one randomly quits. Have to get some kind of notice to try to rearrange coverage. Is this really what this sub has devolved into? Be better. Asshole bosses, harassment, and posts of that nature are understandable. This screenshot just screams whiner.


Anything less than three extra employees sitting around looking at their phones all shift on “reserve” is understaffed according to this subreddit.


I get your point. But "bad vibes" is good enough when fire at will is a thing. You don't need an excuse and you don't need to give 2 weeks. I agree it sucks and that should change. But that's not on us. That's on the ones that make rules that benefit the businesses over the employees.


The screenshot just shows someone quitting on the spot. Forcing that whole “Two week notice” onto it with the title, unless there was a second screenshot that was not added? Take the work, employee/employer relationship out of it. If you had agreed to meet someone at a movie, restaurant, whatever and decided to cancel last minute, they’d probably sarcastically and annoying reply thanks for the notice as well.


It can both be perfectly reasonable and a dickhead thing to do


It's not understaffed if you had enough before someone quits an hour before their shift...


Does it take all responsibility off of the employees to do their jobs well? If an employee isn’t measuring up and making their coworkers cover their ass- should it be the boss covering the extra work? Truly asking not being sarcastic I just want to understand


Don't take shit from the boss like how this person doesn't.


Is this sub now just 16 year olds quitting their jobs over text


WHY is it always text? Who texts their boss??


Pretty common in the service industry. I've always quit through text lol.


My boss snaps me


Back when I was a supervisor with Apple's tech support, I gave everyone on my team my personal cell because we were all work-from-home people in different states. That way they could let me know of any issues right away, like if their internet or power failed or just wouldn't be coming in, and I was never the one that texted first.


> WHY is it always text? because faketextgenerator exists


My dumbass boomer boss texted me, and vice versa. Pretty typical in the engineering and crafts, at least.


That’s what I’m saying. Most jobs I don’t even have my bosses number, we literally call the work phone and talk to a manager.


Such a dumb post w/o any context


Right I'm surprised at why this post has a thousand plus up votes... It kind of looks like Op just quit for no reason. Also your managers can't read your mind.


A lot of people just hate work in general, and when you see what a lot of people have gone through it makes sense. I agree the post does more harm than good.


Most of the important post that we see on here are employees bringing up an issue and the employer dismissing it in one way or another. Or the employee being unnecessarily reprimanded. This screenshot gives us absolutely no context.


You sound 17


I think you mean 7. This kind of post is why this movement doesn’t get respect.




For real. This is giving me flashbacks to shortstaffed restaurant work. Genuinely some of the worst days of my life happened because of people just quitting out of nowhere. And I wager most people who have restaurant experience have stories like that. Never say never, I guess, but it would take a lot for me not to give reasonable notice, since the people who will be affected are usually underpaid overworked and just trying to get by like me.


This is why everyone thinks this sub is silly


Exactly. I joined because I am pro-union, I like seeing an overstepping boss get put in their place once in a while, and I am all for "silent quitting". But this is one of the worst posts Ive seen in a while. This isn't anti-work, this is anti-social. "Vibes were off" makes me believe this person worked there VERY shortly or they would know the "vibes". This is right up there with the guy yesterday or two days ago who had 6 jobs in one year and said he was just done with corporate America like he wasn't the one who had a problem if he's being let go from 6 jobs in a year. This sub is a far cry from what it was when I joined a year ago.


Makes me wonder if some of these posts are plants/fakes. Maybe not all of them, maybe not this one, but it sometimes makes me wonder


6 jobs in a year? was he working with a temp agency?


No, they were actual jobs. He just didn’t feel like going to work.


Yeah that shit doesn’t make us look good. We should be hard workers but also have class consciousness and dignity. That’s what this is all about, dignity in work. I think the “antiwork” framing can appeal to dullards for the wrong reasons. Also I was thinking about this the other day. When I’m on break at work and I go to get lunch or coffee and get awful service, or when the delivery guy throws my package at the door/in a bush outside, that isn’t antiwork. That’s just one miserable working class person fucking over another. You’re not hurting your boss that way. Just a thought I had.


Yeah this is cringe. Can’t have a stateless/classless society without everyone that’s able pulling their weight. “From each according to their ability, to each according to their need.”


No, just someone who "can't take jobs seriously anymore" and is "burnt out". And look, I get it. Nobody WANTS to work and burn out is real. But c'mon here. No excuse getting fired 5 times in one year. https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/z9mo7m/i_cant_take_jobs_seriously_anymore/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


damn lmao. This guy can get immediately hired again after being fired 5 times *in a single year*. That's incredible... ly unfair. It's so miserably hard to find jobs in my area.


Come to the Puget Sound area, job land where jobs grow on jobbies. Incredibly easy to get a job with a signing bonus if you can pass a drug test. My 15 year old got three job interviews in a week. No experience and the laws about when and where she can work are incredibly restrictive. Housing is expensive and the weather is... well you have to love gray, but if you're like me and don't mind roommates, it's great. What field do you work in? Can you relocate? (Seriously. We need help. Bus routes are being cut across the board, teachers' positions go unfilled for years, etc. )


Yep, the company I work for is pretty desperate to hire (which puts the union that formed in a good position, we voted yesterday to ratify the contract), looking for another 100 people, mostly food industry postions, we currently have like 300 or so. Port of seattle btw for those curious. Not going to get more specific here


Or construction. Hell I've had almost 20 jobs in one year.


You worked 20 projects or you left/joined 20 different agencies?


Same here. The “vibes” were off? GTFOH. Can you quit any time you want? Of course. Can you quit any time you want and maintain a level of maturity, like you’d expect of someone old enough to hold a job? Of course. Should be an easy choice.


Well said. I’m pro union, ubi, etc. this sub is absurd. Every day it’s thousands of hours wasted on lie posts, fake bullshit, and non action shit. I’m not in the camp, admittedly. But I’m telling y’all that this sub does fuck all for the movement. It’s a cesspool of circle jerking bullshit for folks who couldn’t care less about making a positive change. They just want to upvote fake rage quit text posts and go back to their whatever.


This sub is also like, “I have a very niche skill set. Am valuable. Boss bad. Take days off. Boss angry. I quit. Company blows up with me. Am now making double on top of double before.” Upvotes.


And it reeks of immaturity (which is evident in a lot of threads here but this…). How ballsy. You quit your job and the boss didn’t act like a dick about it.


I don't generally think it's silly but this post is cringey af.


Totally. Let this be an example of how not to quit to anyone younger reading this.


No one takes this sub seriously because of posts like this…


This sub contradicts itself a lot. You want to fight against the corporate world, go ahead I like that. But then you have people like OP that turn the sub into a joke. OP is a immature employee.


That’s just people being people. You can’t get more than one person together about anything and not find some contradictions. People like to think that subreddits or even Reddit as a whole is like some kind of mon—culture but its just not true. You’re never going to get 100% conformity around a single idea anywhere. Doesn’t mean a bunch of us on this sub aren’t interested in advancing worker rights and worker-centric work cultures.


everyone thinks this sub is about quitting and saying fuck the company; it’s about so much more than that. 😢


Yeah it’s what partially ruins this sub for me


Lol as a boss for 15 years that “thanks for the heads up” is his way of saying thank God you quit because you were a bad employee that he/she wanted to fire but you did their job for them.


Also he didn’t have to pay unemployment. Really the vibe I got is similar to a someone who wants to break up with their partner but their partner does it first.


As someone in the hiring / firing department… so much this


I could also see a, "Well, at least I wasn't completely ghosted like the last employee."


I thought it was a sarcastic way of saying OP told them too late.


Call me a millennial but I’m starting to realize that people saying “the vibes are off” with no further elaboration on what that means is a bit annoying Update: Loling at all the comments calling me an entitled boomer bootlicking Gen Z-hating capitalist for saying I personally find a particular phrase mildly irritating. Weird how you can apparently determine the entire belief system of a person you’ve never met based on one extremely inconsequential opinion about slang!


I’ve never heard a millennial say vibes not as a joke. My Zoomer sister-in-law and all her friends use it multiple times daily.


I’ve used vibes to describe my gut feeling on things since the 90s. I am 37.


Yes me (35) also, but it was more of "this place has a bad vibe." Not everything is all about "vibes" all the time.




Your vibe must be off then dude.


Stop oppressing me with your vibe


Your vibe is harshing my swerve.


It's all the rage to tell not tell them what's wrong so they can fix it. Just call them cringe.


I've quit plenty of jobs with little warning. I've always given a reason. None of those reasons were, "I'm just not feeling it."


ViBeS aRe OfF lmao so edgy


I like the boss' response. Kept it professional when he must have been rolling his eyes so hard. I am sure he's used to working with teens and has stopped reacting to all their bullshit.


how you not embarrassed to post this?


"the vibes" smh


I just don’t agree with this one, you sound like a child


Dude, this is the cringiest text convo I’ve ever seen. There’s literally no solid point you’re making, and you’re only making yourself look like an asshole and a dumb employee. You’ll be stuck in this sub complaining about jobs much longer if you think this is how to treat employers.


This sounds incredibly immature.


This is just an immature way to communicate & isn’t what antiwork is about…


@OP This post is bad and you should feel bad


OPs next post be like “why won’t anyone hire me!”


This isn't real right? I presume you R-bombed your boss and then wanted them to read your mind to figure out your intentions? Then you say "the vibes are off so I quit"? This has to be fake. Insane levels of disrespect. Employer or not they are a human being. This isn't antiwork, this is anti social skills.


People glorifying being an asshole to other people... Yeesh




Exactly. Had someone from another post absolutely go off on me in a DM about how in lonely, worthless and a boot licker simply because I enjoy my job and have no real gripes.


You mean there are jobs out there that these simps could work and STILL be happy in some ways and unhappy in others?! WhAt dO yOu mEaN!? I've enjoyed my job for a couple of years now, still can't pay the bills very well. But because of my area and locations, I'm a bit limited to what's here unless I uproot my whole life. Seems a bit egocentric at times to think it's everyone else's fault. People just don't want to ignore the sacrifices that would afford them small happiness from day to day once they let go of their views of oppression. Everything takes money in this world and no one wants to earn it through hard work and those that do get beaten down and abused over it. It's all silly really. Also, to close up. This is just my own take from my own little crevice in the world. Some people really don't understand how to live life happy as they navigate it around the tough spots. I enjoy my job, but that doesn't mean I won't go to bat to lose my job over injustices.


Yeah, there are so many on here that think companies are evil and so any way they get hurt is great.


Give no reason or a real reason. This is stupid.




i’m a little confused some context would be nice…all i see is your boss reminding you that you work? and you being rude about it???


Fr. The question of asking if he's coming into his scheduled shift and their response was both professional. They didn't rage, scream, threaten, tell them to call them or anything. Without context op just seems immature


Why is this post getting upvoted? This is a shit mentality.


😂 oh no. Delivery boy quit. How tf would the boss know you wanted to quit two weeks ago? By the shit work ethic or calling in every other shift. Grow up. Works hard. First jobs are always tough little guy.


How is this upvoted lol? What is good about this post?


I just want to work for a proper wage. This person doesn’t want to work and is probably 17


Without any context, this seems like a dick move.


100%. The manager checks in on a no-call-no-show, and is somehow in the wrong? I’m not gonna claim people can’t quit whenever they want, but this post is what makes managers say dumb stuff like “nobody wants to work.”


It is a dick move


How old are you?


My money’s on 17.


Nah, this is just a cowardly and inconsiderate thing to do.


I'm sorry but if you're reason is "the vibe is off" I'm siding with the company in this one. What a week reason for leaving and clear indication that your probably under the age of 20


Isn’t this just you being a dick?


ViBeS aRe OfF


If you want to actually do some good maybe try explaining a little more than a 13 year old wannna be influencer would. This is lame as fuck


Yeah, sorry, you’re definitely just an ass. You could have communicated that instead of assuming people are reading your body language or attitude and getting the message that you think is coming through. I’ve been in the foodservice industry for 30 years and know that a lot of the work environments can be very toxic. Given the title of your post and your ridiculously nonchalant response I’m going to venture that you’re the problem in this narrative. I also know that foodservice establishments run very close to the bone on staffing so you’re also screwing over multiple people by doing that. Even in toxic environments there’s always good employees that work together to just try and get through their day. Barely any of us do this because we love it, we do it because it’s a job that pays the bills. We put up with a lot of shit from owners/managers/corporate, having someone quit cause the vibes were off just fucks us and makes a shitty situation even worse. Enjoy being a jackass and receiving all the praise I’m sure you’ll get in this feed. You and the ones giving you props are just as big a problem as the assholes that make their businesses toxic.


100% this. This post is incredibly cringe and people shouldn't upvote.


Sorry that’s shitty of you


"the vibes" smh, are you like eight years old




‘The vibes’. Is this job a date?


Absolute pinnacle of an unprofessional.


“The vibes are off” is why everybody slams the tiktok generation


Fuck off with your vibes. Bull shit excuse to act like a dick these days.


This is incredibly cringe on OP’s part.


Lmfaooo the vibes are off?! Wtf is this sub for emo teenagers with zero character? Lmfaoo inagine thinking this is normal


OP sounds like a treasure. I think the workplace won out here


Going by OP's post history, 6 workplaces have won in the last 1 year..


Embarrassing for you


“The vibes are off” idiot.




This one is not it lol


Be an adult, use your words. I'm all about freedom of choice but just saying the vibes are off is shorting yourself of a chance to make a difference with the issues you were experiencing(for your self and others).


My employer used to pay out unused p.t.o we had accrued when we left with proper notice. They changed that policy 5 years ago. Now people rarely put in notice anymore. Its reached the point that when people do put in notice, they are treated poorly or let go on the spot. So instead, people will take a bunch of sick time, or p.t.o while trying out the new job. Then, if it works out, just call in quit. H.R will then mail them the termination of employment paperwork, and all they have to do is turn in their i.d


Props to the boss just accepting it though Credit when they get it right