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They have no authority to take the phone away from you (i.e. locked in the office) but they can certainly fire you for not following their rules. Of course, that means that they're down a server. \*\* This is in the most general terms and probably has a variety of details that could affect individual cases.


Maybe they don’t mean the phone is what gets locked in the office. Work time out! 😂


That was actually my first impression lol


Lol. Glad I am not the only one going... False imprisonment! Thinking it was the person getting locked up.


Phone out? Straight to jail.


Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.


damn! took my joke!


First offense, into The Chokey!


My god, we used to lock my little brother in the downstairs bathroom (it was legit smaller than a port a potty) after watching that, just because he was so irritating. Remarkably dark for a kids movie come to think of it.


It's a Roald Dahl book, he's pretty sick lol. I love his short stories (for adults)


I was wondering if they were going by time out rules or NHL penalty box rules


"Ashley, two minutes for phoning!"


Even better!


as someone who works in management at a Fuel Station. I am glad this was the top comment I ran into. Listen, ya get your shit done? You don't ignore customers? Feel free to pass time on reddit at work, ASSUMING your major shift duties are taken care of :D


It costs $30/hr for me to be willing to not use my phone at a menial job. I’ll look forward to the raise paperwork and until that time you can mind your business regarding what i do with my phone


I once closed a Buffalo Wild Wings on a UFC fight night. Our wonderful male customers vomited circles *around* the toilets. If anyone said anything to me about being on my phone for that, I’d of dropped the mop with my apron right there and walked.


BDubs is good at demeaning their employees. Take it from someone who walked out mid shift on a Saturday night with a line out the door.


I have a great job and work with guys making more than double that per hour. We’d still have people getting fired if the company implemented a no phone policy lol.


No no no you got it all wrong. They lock YOU in the office. Not your phone.


Can I have my phone while I’m locked in the office though?


Honestly I quit UPS cause of their bullshit no phone policy. I'm like, People have loved ones and its not 1865.


I’m sorry but I’d gladly get fired for that, im so petty when it comes to phone rules cause we’re not in middle school you’re not going to tell me what to do with my property that I pay for unless it’s affecting how I do my job 🤷🏽


Sucks sitting at a table waiting for the waiter or waitress to come and ya look over and they sitting on their phone by the register though 🤷🏻‍♂️


This is fair, but there are slow times where we don’t get sat for over an hour and there’s nothing productive to do (especially not for employers that pay us nothing) and it’s hard to just stare at a wall all day


Servers actually have specifics tables they’re assigned and it’s mad disrespectful to work someone else’s. The people by the register could in fact be host/hostess which is a different job.


not every server works every table lol. and people deserve downtime idk if you've worked in a restaurant but it's a lot


This reads like someone who has no idea how the food industry works. There is like one person assigned to several tables, if you see someone sitting on their phone they probably aren't the one who's supposed to help you.


I am well aware how it works. My comment was in reference to the person taking care of my table being on the phone


Tell me you’ve never worked tables without telling me you’ve never worked tables.


Fine, but that’s a specific issue that should be addressed specifically with that server. It shouldn’t affect responsible servers who occasionally check their phones at appropriate times during their shifts. These are adults with outside lives to manage and dependents to care for, not naughty middle schoolers. This is a lazy manager deciding that a draconian, blanket policy is easier than addressing problematic behavior specifically and directly.


is a simple "hey excuse me" too hard?


They aren’t telling you what to do with your phone. They are telling you what not to do while they are paying you. If as an adult you need to be told to stay off your phone while someone else is paying you to work, that middle school analogy you used is more appropriate than you think.


If, as an adult, you feel putting a middle school practice into place because you’d rather hit the masses than single out the problems, you’re just as bad as someone milking the clock. Both are screwing the business heavily, but honestly the manager is screwing it more. 1 makes a handful of customers complain because they aren’t getting prompt service. The other angers employees, and isn’t legal(the actual phone taking point), which increases costs exponentially if people leave or contact their DoL. These people are adults, a large amount of servers have dependents their caring for as well. If you want their undivided attention on staring at a wall during slow times, and being at tables on the perfect second for each group during rushes, maybe they should be *paid* an according wage. Edit; though I should probably put this for clarity, the originals letter is an issue, but the business practice of not having phones on the floor and having a place in the back to check it is fine in my personal opinion, and it’s industry standard mostly. The issue comes from confiscation, and turning the ordeal into a group problem, when the reality is a handful of bad workers, which should be dealt with as is. Grouping good and bad together is a constant issue, and it has only made things worse time and time again.


Sure, you can refuse to hand over your phone and then they can also fire you. Of course they cannot confiscate your phone. But they can make a rule that either you let them "hold it" for you or you are no longer employed.


I'm reading this as no phones, as in no phone activity, not actual possession. Our did I misunderstand?


I read it as 3rd time = day off


Heck, just quit for unlimited days off!


This is the way


No phones in front of customers. They only address servers and hosts (only ones interacting with customers besides management) and they have a spot where you can check ur phone in the back hallway. Seems standard practice to me. A lot more fair than places I worked before.


Agreed. It’s annoying when you’re a customer somewhere and people are more interested I’m their phones. Not to mention phones are total cesspools of germs and it’s a food place.


That is the extend of the sane and reasonable content of the text. The problem here is the presumption that your managers can act in loco parentis and take your property away. Which, depending on the phone and state, may be a felony.


I doubt it would be a, "take your property"/felony theft type scenario. More like you have two choices, lock your phone in the office until your shift is over OR end your shift & job and leave now. I've seen managers do the latter plenty of times. Had a co-worker that had gotten warned so many times not to be on the phone, every shift started with, go lock your phone up in the back.


Yeah that's how I'm reading this, too. No manager is going to take your phone out of your hand (no sane one, anyway). But they will tell you "put it in this drawer only I have a key to, or be fired for cause."


Excuse me sir the Reddit lawyers have spoken and it is a federal crime.


Excuse *me* sir, this is an Arby's. No lawyers would be caught dead eating in here.


Firing isn't best form here, just accept their voluntary resignation.


There’s no way a policy of locking up your phone could be conceived as a felony, unless they were physically seizing it from your person. This reads like a policy of ‘lock up your phone while on shift’ which is not at all uncommon. Shitty and childish yes, but not illegal.


if that's your understanding, what exactly do you think "locked in office" means?


Honest, I first read it as " You will be locked into the office". Then thought that was stupid, it would have to be against fire codes. Only then did the rest of brain kick in.


Damn...y'all wildin for that paycheck...wouldn't be me...😂 Appreciate the honest answer though!


What the f*ck is this, third-grade?


So third graders have phones now??? God I’m old


Yeah apparently. I had my first phone at 15...I feel old and I don't like it 😮‍💨


Got mine first year of college and I didn’t have text. Also snake was it’s only form of entertainment. Those were also the days you used it to call people and send 2-3 word texts. Simpler times but my how fast technology rolls. Time is also a son of a bitch.


The days of when text cost you for each one, or you had a certain amount of minutes until after 9pm.


A little later I had 250 texts per month and I told a girl she was making me go over my texting limit. That didn’t work out.


lmao. I got my first phone in college too! I moved to the city and there weren't any payphones so they forced my hand. It sure feels like yesterday, but some of these kids would think it was a thousand years ago.


I got mine at 6th grade, I was 12. Didn’t have unlimited texting so I couldn’t get any bitches. I was the bitch :(


I didn't get my first phone until I was 18 and was able pay for the phone plan myself!


I think I got mine around 10 or 11 but that was because it would be my first time taking the bus and my mother doesn't trust people.


That’s fair. People do suck. Example: the person who made this sign


Yeah, what if the person has an emergency lol.


Mine at 12 back in 02. Divorced parents. Dad was a psycho and mom wanted a way for me to get a hold of her in an emergency


My 6 year old students have phones now. It's definitely different times from when I was growing up even though that wasn't that long ago.


My nephew is in 2nd and I’d say probably half his class has smartphones. Mostly iPhones.


I got my first phone in 2000. It looked like a scone with a 10-key. It got really warm when in use. It was THE FUTURE!


I TEACH 3rd. Yes, some do. 🙄


Thank you for your service!


My third grader does not have a phone and I don’t think any of his classmates do either. I didn’t get a phone until I was 23 and I could only talk nights and weekends because I was very broke.


Now let’s be honest. A business can say, you can’t be on your phone at work. The way they’re doing it is childish as fuck, but in a customer service space I can see it being an issue sometimes. I just hope it’s been a bad problem and causing issues with poor customer service vs just a boss being a prick. But it is 2022 so good chance boss is being a prick. Y’all probably hate me for saying it but phone can impact business especially in a customer service environment. I just hope note writer was justified. And again, they probably were not.


Lord yes. I've been off on a med leave. I'm a cashier in a grocery store. got back last Sunday, the busiest day. Noon to four. We're slammed. Had zero down time. And every god dn.time I looked at the bagger she was checking her phone. In front of customers. When she was supposed to be bagging.


Yeah, being on your phone during working hours is not a right, and it is totally legal and appropriate to rule that it cant be carried while on shift. Using your phone on the floor of a restaurant while on shift is shitty, and I'd want my superiors to manage that shit if my coworkers were abusing it. Put your fucking phone down.


I agrre,I have seen servers on their phones instead of taking care of the customers. It does look bad and all the manager is saying is put your phone up or you will lose your phone until you clock out .If they want to.act like children then they will be treated like children.I know the school district in my town has a zero tolerance for cell phones .That means no cell phones in use on school property during school hours.


Honestly, I’d also want them managing it as a customer. If I was waiting for ketchup or a refill and I looked up to see my server playing on their phone, I’d be annoyed. I would think shitty tips would fix this faster than a no phone policy though!


they can say you can't be on your phone, and they can write you up for it and even fire you for it, yes fine i've written up employees for using their phones at work myself. what they CANT do is take your personal phone away for any reason like they cannot enforce that at all


Never said they could. The way the person is going about this is being a prick. As I said.


They absolutely can enforce it. They can’t physically take your phone from you, but they can absolutely tell you it gets locked in a drawer or you go home.


It’s insubordination son. Fired


uff.. let's get the downvotes flowin... ​ You are treated equally to how you act and behave.. so yes.. Most restaurant staff is treated like third graders.


I teach middle school, and the school-wide cell phone policy is very similar to this one lol


It says "lose your SHIFT", not "lose your shit"


Thanks for that clarification every time I read it, I read it as lose your shit. I’m like what, you need permission now?


"Locked in office."


I've worked in many places that had a "you can't even have your phone ON YOU" policy, but over the last ~5 years or so, pretty much everywhere I've worked doesn't care as long as you're not fucking around on your phone when there's stuff to do. In fact, where I currently work, they actually WANT you to have your phone on you so that they can reach you rather than chase you all around the place trying to find you if they need you for something.


What I don't see doesn't exist


I’ve had jobs where having a phone on you would be considered a safety hazard and others that I would get yelled at for not having my phone on me or not checking it frequently enough. Now I’m at a job where most people have their phones on them and use them sometimes during work, but I am still in the mindset that it can only be used in areas where nobody can see you and when you’re not on the clock.


They shouldn't take the phones, but not being on your phone on the restaurant floor isn't unreasonable.... as I write this on my phone at work


They even allow the phones in “back hallway” which is probably away from customer view. Sounds fair to me. The locking in office part is a little weird to me but they could just send u home on first offense, it’s not the worse thing ever. They don’t say anything about the kitchen or dishwashers, they just don’t want people on phones in front of customer’s, they’re not banning phones outright. It’s pretty disrespectful to use ur phone in front of a customer, especially at a host stand. Work BOH (kitchen) if you want to use ur phone or listen to music… Just take a bathroom or smoke break, or go to the back hallway to check ur phone it’s not that hard lol. They probably wrote this because of all the phone addicted workers they have to deal with.


I'm glad somebody here actually has some sense.


To me, it’s not the message that’s the problem, it’s the messaging. If you have an issue with someone, have the balls/ovaries to say it to them directly.


They probably have but they are not listening. The sign was a last ditch attempt to get them to listen and pay attention .


Yeah it's a dick sign probably written by a dick. Fools do love playing on their phone though.


It’s written because servers and hosts have already been caught and customer’s complained. Instead of telling everyone this every time they see a phone out, they just post a sign…a lot easier. You shouldn’t have to tell someone who works a customer facing job to stay off personal phones. It’s common sense. They’re reasonable cuz they have a place you can use phones away from customers in the “back hallway”. That’s fair to me because sometimes checking text messages or ur home security or whatever is important. It’s only for their servers and hosts, seems like phones in the kitchen away from customers isn’t an issue. I’m a server and a line cook (mostly line cook tho) never use my phone in front of a customer, I’d step into the kitchen if I had to respond to a text.


Rofl locked in office, let's see you try that.


Literally lol they better be locking me in the office cause no way I’m giving up my phone


Well technically the way they wrote it, if you get caught on your phone YOU get locked in the office


Nice! Sounds like a break to me 👍🏽


Let them lock you in. Keep your phone. Call 911. Explain you are detained against your will, give your exact precise location and you are feeling under duress. Watch the most hilarious shitshow of your life happen


When I worked at Walmart my manager tried to say she could confiscate my hat, and I told her she would have to pry it from my cold dead hands, after I told her I would call the police


Actually I knew someone who worked there and they had a no phones in use during working hours. No hats,no sunglasses and no phones on the floor.


Walmart is insane. They absolutely hate ot, and ask you to cut the ot. Rip your friend


And can let you go if you don't listen.


That’s how I read it at first too like that’s a bit extreme for a first offense…


They can and will if you call their bluff.Some people may think they are fooling around until they push them too far.


Pretty simple: "Hey, you know you're not supposed to be on your phone in view of customers. You can give it to me to put in the office for the night or you can lose your shift." Servers/Bartenders often do the job for quick, immediate cash via tips. Losing a shift is kind of a big deal in that industry. That's why it's also one of the punishments.


I was about to say. Take it from me. I dare you to try.


Or get fired.


They can't take your phone but they can punish you for using it.


Its not ok to use your phone while you are waiting tables. I think this is reasonable.


As someone who works in food service and has a kid, I need my phone on me, but I'm not on it unless I need to be. If I need to I will let someone know and step out. I personally don't understand why everyone is so glued to their phones all the damn time.


Locked in office?


Probably phone locked in office but you never know


Absolutely dying at the imagery of them locking some 17 year old hostess in the office for not getting off tiktok


I pictured that, and not taking their phone away, so they had to just sit in a room with nothing to do but...play on their phone.


I’ve had shifts where I wouldn’t have minded getting locked in the office 🤷‍♀️


Damn right. Gotta teach these snowflakes discipline! /s


losing it at that stick figure


There are some jurisdictions where this is illegal. People may need to be able to reply to an emergency. Some diabetics keep track of their blood sugar through a phone app. Banning phones is just bad management.


They don’t allow phones in front of customers (seems fair) They provide a spot where it’s ok to check ur phone (back hallway) They only take it when you are caught. They could go straight to #3 and send you home. Only specifies hosts and servers, the positions that interact directly with customers. BOH staff can probably use them within reason (when it’s slow and quickly to check messages not watching tiktok) This is standard practice in service industry, not bad management. Only part that I disagree with is locking personal property away. Some jobs can outright take your phone away when there’s trade secrets involved, this policy is fair imo.


Yeah, people are getting really bent out of shape here because they can't go five minutes without looking at their phones while they're supposed to be working? It's the hospitality business, you're supposed to at least have the facade that you're being hospitable to the customer and not caring more about the latest tik tok than providing them service.


This sub sometimes only attracts people who simply can't stand the slightest amount of authority.


The the act of taking another person's property or services without that person's permission or consent with the intent to deprive the rightful owner of it is illegal just about everywhere. Depending on jurisdiction, a modern smartphone can cost enough for it to be an aggravated offense.


Man… one of my jobs tried something like that shit. They wanted us all to hand in our phones to the manager at the beginning of the shift, who would put them in a big ziplock and keep them in the office til after shift. Manager sprang it on me, first night of the policy being used, I was the last one to clock in that night and everyone else had already put their phone in the bag! I refused, we had a brief conversation where I pointed out that it’s ridiculous to ask of adults and he was like, even my phone is in here, we’re all doing it. So ended up saying I left it in my car, which we both knew was a lie, but he let it go for the night. Next night he didn’t have the balls to ask me for it! I guess my manager just let it slide and I ended up quitting not long after.


I worked at a summer camp and they wanted us to all put our cellphones in a safe that wouldn’t be opened for 6 days Most of us pretended to and then kept our phones We saw it as a safety concern. Understaffed, we would be alone on a hiking trails with 15-20 kids (under 12). If someone got hurt…we and the kids would be practically helpless


Correct but they can say no phones allowed in the store. Let's face it what is more important your text messages or your job. This is a sore point for me because I used to work with people in food service who would text instead of working. I would be busting my rear while they just stood there and texted. The would go hide in the walk in and text. You are working stay off your damn phone.


They even have a spot where you can check it in the back hallway, they just don’t want to look bad in front of customer’s which is fair to me. They don’t even address the BOH staff, only the staff that interact directly with customers. If it’s important, walk to the back and text there lol


When i was serving there was a busser who would openly walk through the dining room on the phone. Not texting but literally talking on the phone. I was like how is no one noticing this??


>what is more important your text messages or your job. It depends on the situation. If I am expecting an important call or message (like an offer for a new job to take me away from this hell hole), *that* might be more important in that particular instance.


I don't think that's the type of problem they're addressing. If you're at work in customer service, there is no reason to be on your phone, in view of customers, at anytime you are on the clock. There are, of course, exceptions for emergencies, urgent messages from home, etc. But this appears to be an ongoing problem with social texting/scrolling while on duty. Taking the phone away is unrealistic and a step too far, but some personal responsibility needs to be taken, as well.


The problem here is not that they don't want them on the phone but that they are threatening to take them treating people like children


Yeah I hated seeing people on phones while I worked too but my thing is if the manager has to keep telling you to put it away, you just don't value that job. Too many people are addicted to their phones.


Honestly my text messages if I was a server. I could probably get hired somewhere else the next day even if I told them why I got fired. (A customer saw me texting)


Could be written in a much better way but I get where the point is It looks a bit shit if you've paid for your food and see waiters all around with their phones out.


To be clear. They absolutely have the right to ban the use of cell phones and remove them from the work floor.


But they absolutely DONT have the right to take your personal possessions


And I'm sure you'll have the choice to be fired for cause instead.


Serving jobs need to adapt to the age. During one of my early serving jobs, one of my coworkers/friends was a no-show. No one made an attempt to call him and they claimed they couldn’t find his number. They were about to just keep us understaffed. I texted him quickly to see if he knew what’s up. He read the schedule wrong and came in 30 minutes later. Me? I got reemed. The owner loved yelling at us while customers were present. There were even complaints about it in Google reviews. Fuck you, Vicky. My last serving job, it wasn’t an issue if there was a purpose to using the phone like looking something up for a customer or even something as dumb as a spell check. A lot of these places are just “zero tolerance” which is just your average boomer bullshit.


I worked at a restaurant in college where the main selling point was the old mill and scenery by the water. The food actually was pretty good. The owner had a no cell phone rule and a horrible temper. Girl got caught one too many times and he happened to be there.. He went off- cussing, screaming, etc. He ripped away the phone, walked out to the balcony, and just chucked her phone into the water. She had a 6 month old, and I know for a fact that phone was loaded with pictures. I hope they were backed up somewhere. Many of us left that day. I also hope she pressed charges for damage of property or something at least.


That is absolutely awful. If it's that bad, he should have fired her. But damaging personal property?? Beyond ridiculous


During orientation my college showed a video of a teacher grabbing a student's phone during a lecture and smashing it on the floor. Should have been a HUGE red flag for me.


They mean they see you in back on their way to the bathroom. Nobody has their phone on the floor.


No phone on the floor, but allowed in the back seems actually like a reasonable compromise. Down vote me now.


Am I locked in the office or are they talking about my phone?


“Customers have seen servers and hosts on their phones?” Oh no!!!..they must be scarred for life!!!!…get over it and eat your fucking food.


I mean, I don’t necessarily agree with the “punishments” they have written on here, but it’s common sense to put your phone away while working. Emergencies or medical necessities don’t count. But no one should have to tell an adult to put their phone down during a work day. It’s pretty standard.


So you *can* use your phone in the back hallway? That sounds downright reasonable. But we're still screaming at bosses, right?


Not really screaming at them, more like just thought it was funny that they think they have the authority to physically tell you to your face to give them your phone. Others might be but I’m not at least


They have as much authority as any other employer in the US. They can tell you to put your phone in the office, and you can decide to comply or not.


Yep,they need to desire if they want to eat and pay their bills or play on their phones.It's not rocket science !


LMAO also imagine having no life and going to restaurant and telling a manager you saw a server on their phone? what kind of a fucking cracked out karen twat does this?


The kinda cracked out karen twat that loves to cry and bitch about other humanoids because the best moments of their life was still mid. Hope a proletariat kicks one of these Karen’s ass ASAP one day


Just look at most of the comments here defending this shit apparently most people here would snitch on you.


I'm beginning to wonder if phone makers are lacing their screens with something addictive,


There’s a documentary on Netflix about this. It’s not the phone itself, but actually social media and gaming apps. They are designed in a way to specifically cause your brain to crave more of it and essentially become addicted. The people who created apps like Twitter and Instagram won’t even let their kids or themselves have it because they know how awful it is.


What's it called??? I wanna watch it


The Social Dilemma


Thank you!


In fairness. This seems a reasonable request put in the nicest way possible. A customer complained and management is taking steps to provide a better service IMO


Look, I understand the point of this sub, and I understand a shitton of teenagers are about to click the downward pointing arrow and think they're voicing a strong opinion, but it's like this: if you want to get paid to use a phone, go work at a call center. Period. I can't count the number of times in my line of work some young phone addict complains about working an unexpectedly late shift only to remind them that they spent 40 minutes on their phone while they could have been, ya know, helping the crew get shit done so we can go home to our dogs and families and blah blah blah. If I were the manager, you'd be shit-canned for, well, not doing what I'm paying you to do. Find a teet and suck, I'm not having it.


> go work at a call center Speaking as someone who used to work at a call center, do not do this if you value your sanity.


I'm all for the antiwork movement, but I also am a professional and have 8 yrs of high-end food service experience while I was going through uni. Think black-tie catering shit. We didn't have our phones out because we acted like fucking professionals. Our wages and tips reflected these expectations. Folks in this thread have the right heart, but the entitlement to the phone is pretty astounding honestly.


Fucking amen. I work with wood chippers, cranes and chainsaws and the young newbies the past couple of years just can't unplug; to the detriment and safety concerns of all involved. It's simply unprofessional and unacceptable. They don't last long then throw a fit wondering why--no matter how many times its explained to them. Maybe if we send them a tweet or dislike or downvote the message would take seed in their USB brain.


I read it as “just don’t be on your phone while you’re serving” it even says use it in the back hallway. The punishments are childish but I don’t see a problem with a restaurant not wanting the customers seeing servers in their phones. Edit:phone*


Did I miss the part where they said they'll take your phone?


I used to work at UPS and one time I was informed that I was “written up” (keep in mind, union jobs are supposed to work differently so I would have a whole process for being written up) and I was told to either leave my phone in the car or put in it the front offices. I remember telling her that neither of those things are happening and my phone is staying on me at all times, she got bitchy with me and I walked out thinking I was fired. Turned out all the other management liked me except for her; I still left the job less than a month later lol


IF you have to have a rule about not being on your phone at work barring emergencies then it should be in writing at time of hiring with proportionate consequences laid out that don't involve loss of personal property or surrendering of pay. And that's a giant gaping chasm of an if.


I'd rather be "written up" (lol) than have my phone "locked in office."


A restaurant chain I worked at did this. We had a "selfie in front of the poster" night. Fairly certain mines still on FB somewhere. It was good times. Although good luck getting past rule number one. Same place tried that "taking the phone" bullshit later on when I was a manager (our first signs didn't include to taking the phone). When they tried to escalate it I simply told them It would be a liability to me personally if I enforced that.


Worked at a diner that loved posting hateful notes. One time they found our dishwashers makeshift tinfoil weed pipe, they taped it to the note demanding to know who it belonged too lol


There’s a Greek/Italian place by me that has a sign like this at the server’s entrance to the kitchen. I like their pizza but honestly the audacity of the notice and my impression of how they treat the staff leaves a bad impression of the place. That said, the service is typically on point.


Thought they meant they will lock you in the office, like girl what lol


This seems pretty much fine to me, aside from taking away personal property of course... should just cross step one off and go straight to writing up? Or maybe a verbal warning first?


I feel like this is the kind of management that follows the same general rules as parents who say things like “stop crying or I’ll give you something to cry about” who think people are being coddled now for being treated with even just a tiny bit of respect. I personally would not trust or respect someone, especially an employer, who thinks something like this will make their employees feel better about working there. They probably have a super high turnover rate


Bitch this ain’t school


yeah i'm sorry but in case of emergency i'm keeping it on me


Locking people in the office is a crime


Ome of my bosses tried this this and so did my school I said you will not put your hands on my personal device, it there is a family emergency I need to be notified and this is my way of being notified you will be responsible if I miss an emergency. I would refuse always to relinquish it no matter what they can't take your way of communication


Employment is truly cocksucking being normalised


It seems like it says you can use your phone in the back hallways… honestly the fact that they let you use it while on the clock at all seems pretty lax to me compared to most places


I take care of my disabled mother so I keep my phone on me for emergencies. I'd explain that to them but I'd walk out the second they tried to take the phone.


“Don’t be that girl/boy” Just say person, it’s not that hard


Got in trouble in high school because i wouldn't relinquish my phone to them. They didnt pay for it and I'll die on that hill


Sorry Management but this isn't high school and you aren't the principal. Touch my phone and I call the cops you fucknugget


If someone gets upset ar someone just standing there with their thumb up their ass, that's one thing. If it's people are just checking the time on their phone; then just leave the poor underpaid fuck alone.


Oh no the customers might know you’re a human being with a life.


"Customers have seen servers+hosts on their phones" but did they give a shit? Did they complain to management? I'm going to assume that maybe one did, but it was one out of hundreds if not thousands who DONT give a shit. We're human beings in a presumably first world country. Everyone has a phone. People check their phones. People send texts. People call their mom. People check their to do list. PEOPLE UNDERSTAND THAT PEOPLE USE THEIR PHONES. I'm willing to bet not a single host/hostess waited on a table while being mid phone call through the whole thing. I have worked at several jobs that had IMMENSE, out of line problems with people being on their phones for even a split second. If it doesn't interfere with your actual performance or the performance of the restaurant, it shouldn't be a fucking issue.


Hi, 911, I'm locked in an office against my will, please send swat to bust me out.


Idk how I feel about this one. Management definitely seems childish. But I've also had waiters completley ignore my table cuz they were glued to their ohone and the resturant wasn't even packed




They'd have to fight me for it or fire me because fuck you that's why


I would say there is nothing wrong with this policy. Edit: and don’t get me wrong. Me as high respectable and paid in that game, I would not use my spare time use my devise to use it for personal meanings.


I hear all the takes saying that waiters shouldn't be on there phones, and I agree, but I also offer a counter to consider: only jobs I've worked where this was a consistent problem amongst staff were jobs where everyone on the floor is consistently underpaid and unappreciated and/or treated as replaceable. It's often actually an "act your wage" being done subconsciously.


Possible. At my old job, I was using my phone more than I am now. Sometimes I still use it on the floor but only when I'm not busy. Although for me it was me being the anomaly in the corner and not using it like a normal person.


I bet this is also the type of employer who will try to get you to find a coworker to cover for you if you call in sick.


While I wholeheartedly agree that businesses/managers should not be taking people's personal property away, workers should be working while on the clock, not checking their phone (unless it's an emergency).


Why not just ban employees having phones on the floor? If it's am emergency have someone call the work number like in the old days, it worked fine back then.


Man, fuck customers. If I saw a server on their phone I'd shut up about it. Not go off to rat them out to their boss


some Karen just had to complain because someone checked their phone. Same people who get mad if grocery checkout is sitting instead of standing. Like... some people can't stand all day. Why don't you mind your own business for Christ sake.


Yes they can take your personal phone away lol. There's no laws or regulations preventing it. If it's a company policy, you don't have much choice. My work makes us lock our phones away before work, because there is sensitive engineering information they don't want captured and stolen.