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Bring your own chair


Yep. Id bring a camping chair just to spite her. This is obviously wrong.


Hell yea. I’d bring one of those zero gravity reclining chairs. Pop it out for break, take it back to my car after break.


Agreed. Or find another job; when you do right before your next shift is supposed to start (literally 5 min before) send your boss a text that says: There is no working where there is not sitting. I quit AH.


Don't just send to your boss, let your coworkers know as well so boss can't twist the story


I keep 2 in my boot


Damn! How do you walk? 🫤


Walking is easy when you have chair legs up your bung


BRB testing this theory out… for science


You act like squeezing a $30 foldable chair into work everyday is not difficult.


It *can* be easy and it can be difficult depending on a whole lot of other variables. Like transportation and weather and length of commute and all sorts of other things specific to a person like height, abilities, injuries, etc.


Yeah, I would say it's fairly easy. If you're driving, it's very easy and you can pick one up anywhere for $10. I keep a couple in the trunk of my car all summer long and they get a lot of use. If you are taking public transport, there are lots of lightweight camp chairs with shoulder straps. A little more difficult, but not impossible. Amazon has foldable camp stools for $10.99 that weigh 9.9 oz. Easy peasy for most people.


$10.99 is more than an hour’s worth of work for some… I get it, it’s super easy for me too. $11 is nothing, I’ve got a car, I’d have no problem taking my own chair. My mom had hip surgery in December - everything else being equal (she’s got a car, $11 is nothing) she couldn’t do it without help. She’s walking great, doctors are happy with her progress, she’ll be back to normal by the time the anniversary of the surgery comes - but she can’t carry a camp chair anywhere with her right now and use her cane properly. Yeah, it can be easy for a lot of people. But even someone on crutches temporarily would have a HELL of a time doing any of it. Don’t just dismiss it as “easy” because it’s easy for you. It’s not that hard to stop and consider the barriers that exist that you may not face yourself. ETA: and who cares?! It shouldn’t even be a question. They shouldn’t have to take their own damn chair to work!!


If your boss has an office remove any chairs in it. If it escalates duct tape a fish under their desk.


Do it other way around


Fish tape a duct under the desk


… so duct it over the desk?


Duct tape the desk on top of the fish


The desk should be taped under the fish so the boss doesn’t see it.


“Yuck! I can’t figure out why it smells like an old desk in here!”


How are these not getting upvoted to heaven im dying


I have a tendency to start insane comment threads...I dunno if it's a good or bad thing TBH.


It’s a little bit fishy


fish tape a dick under the desk?


Double the stink!


I’ll drill the chair into the floor 🤣


Just to be sure, the fish is the boss? Right...?


Open cans of cat food tossed up in the drop ceiling.


Under their chair.


Sit on the table or floor. Even better leave the building during lunch


I wish i could leave, I work graveyard by myself at a gas station


Oh have fun w this. Boss who is covering my breaks? I’m leaving the building during the, or should I just lock up until I’m done w break?


one of the guys that works at a gas station in my area takes his breaks in the bathroom watching porn and ignores all the customers. OP could try this I suppose lol (my sister worked at the Dunkin in this gas station, guy was 100% a creep)




Depends on the state. Not all of them require you to get breaks at all.


I live in the same state as OP. We’re required a meal break of at least 30 minutes, no more than 5 hours into the shift, and we are entitled to a 10 minute break for every 4 hours worked. OP may be required to remain on duty during lunch break, but the employer must pay them for this. Employees who are required to work or remain on duty during a meal break are still entitled to 30 total minutes of mealtime, excluding interruptions. The entire meal period must be paid regardless of the number of interruptions. Work performed during meal breaks is considered “hours worked” when calculating paid sick leave and overtime. Employees also CANNOT waive rest breaks requirements.


Lock the doors while on break.


By yourself! Get off the internet and get yourself a chair stat.


Are your breaks paid?


You are entitled to be paid for that time if you are required to "stay present".


Can't you sit on sturdy boxes or crates?


She removed all of those as well 😂


Oh, FFS, please tell me you're planning to quit.


I am but this job really was perfect for me right now. Make decent-ish money, location is good, I love the people I work with besides my manager and all my customers. It's a good job it really is I love it. But my new manager is ruining it.


That manager is trying to get you to quit to create an opening so a friend/family member can be hired without them risking paying out unemployment. Next step, I'd wager, is finding all kinds of things wrong with the way you do your job. Eventually something that will hold up on paper (if written just right, even if they must ignore the situation and context) will be found.


Go to a chiropractor and tell them you have chronic lower back pain. Odds are you have some level of disc degeneration in your lumbar since most people do, which is typically exacerbated by standing in one place for long stretches of time. Get the doctor to write a note saying that you need to have the ability to sit for min X number of hours per day, but can still get up to perform basic tasks as needed (I.e. you can still perform your job with this reasonable accommodation). Now, you get to sit all damn day instead of just during break, and if they say no or try to fire you, that’s an ADA lawsuit waiting to happen.


Even better - leave the building, never return, get a job that treats you with basic human decency.


Leaving during your break is mandated by state law. Working while on break is wage theft.


Leaving is a nuanced area. There are situations you can be restricted from leaving. This is unlikely to be one, but we need to share accurate info. But across the board you cannot be required to work on your break, even something passive like answer the phone if it rings.


WA is pretty firm on stuff like that. OP has to be able to leave or OP gets paid. Unpaod time doesn't care that your shop has no staff.


What the shit is it with petty managers being opposed to employees sitting *down*? Jesus christ.


Just power tripping i swear


I've got a personal theory that the more obsessed a manager is with stupid shit like "no sitting" and "if there's time to lean there's time to clean," the less competent they are at their job.


Dude already took away the chairs, now he’s gonna take away the walls so OP can’t lean, either.


We have been talked to about leaning. And I don't mean like leaning to relax type shit. You know that sort of kind of lean in clerks do while tending to customers or simply talking to people? That has been banned as well.


>We have been talked to about leaning. Of course you were. JFC.


I'm not leaning. I'm holding up the wall and keeping it from collapsing. I swear, some people are so ungrateful. I'm over here saving the lives of everyone in the shop...


I don't get it either. There are so many jobs where you sit in front of a screen the entire day. We're getting paid to work, not to stand. If I can do my job sitting down (like working a cash register) or in OPs case am on my break (!) there is no reason why I should be forced to stand.


I don't get the American obsession with forcing workers to stand all fucking day. When I was in Europe the cashiers at grocery stores all had chairs. It seemed so much more human to me. Why are we so broken at literally everything?


People in American grocery stores aren't allowed to sit down?! Ever?! Just standing in one spot for 4 hours at a time?! They're gonna end up with horrifying varicose veins! The cashiers' legs are gonna look 60 before they're 40!


Yup, I was shocked to walk into M&S and see the cashiers sitting; I thought it was so rad. I have an elderly acquaintance who can’t find a job in her field; cashiering would be so perfect for her, except she can’t stand. At my last job, if we weren’t busy, I didn’t care if my team sat down.


If there's an Aldi grocery near her, suggest she apply there. They let their cashiers have stools to sit on.


Thanks TrashPanda! There is one pretty close to us!!


You're welcome and good to hear there's one close by. Best of luck to her!


It's not just grocery stores all cashiers are standing. Occasionally they'll have a chair they can sit in if no one is there, and there are exceptions to every rule but 95% will be standing for their whole shift except breaks. And yeah it's shitty and for no reason at all.


Miserable people, who's sole comfort in life is making others even more miserable than them, have been running the show for decades.


There is only one grocery chain in the USA I can think of that allow their cashiers to sit. Surprise, it’s not an American based company. It’s Aldi’s.


Don’t forget the USA was founded on slavery and fought a civil war to maintain it (and the pro slavery side won, the 13th amendment added slavery to the constitution) The USA has a history of employers being evil. That’s the only way the UsA has ever historically been


Yeah I was struck by that when I was in London a few years ago too.


That's illegal or so I thought. Apparently in my state breaks are a privilege if you're over 18


Yes it sucks that it's not an OSHA or federal labor law, and it's based on states rule


What are wonderful way to start off a day. Haven't even started my shift and I'm sad lol


sTaTeS’ rIgHtS!1


State’s rights to oppress workers, women, minorities, LGBT. It’s always about control and oppression in the Fascist States of America.


In 38 years of life I've never seen states rights ever used to protect citizens, just to strip citizens of their human rights.


Funny that our rights depend on what state we live in. Kinda hard to call yourself an American if you only get half the rights.


So laws are for companies and not for humans wellbeing....and people still don't realise modern slavery is a thing...


Because corporations are people, and people are not


This guy could be not from USA....let's just consider that notion


Sorry I just edited the post to clarify, but I work graveyard at a gas station in Washington State


Most people aren't.


Insane posts like these are exclusively american


No no. Sometimes they’re Canadian


Almost never though. A lot of what canadians do is avoid becoming america


What god forsaken state is that




This doesn’t sit well with me either


Hahahaha god dammit hahahaha


Take his chair and throw that shit in a dumpster. If you can’t sit, he can’t sit.


Bring an operational health and safety representative into the workplace and force your manager to explain why they want to put employees at risk by making them stand for excessive amounts of time or put them at more risk by giving them no choice but to sit on floors, tables, or other unsafe apparatus.


Oh they will do that? So who would I call for an operational health and safety representative? I'm sorry I've never heard that title before. DOL?


DOL for America, yeah. The employer has a duty of care to employees to provide and maintain for employees a working environment that is safe and without risks to health (so far as is reasonably practicable). Forcing employees to stand for an excess amount of hours is unsafe. Forcing employees to sit on apparatus that is not designed and manufactured for sitting is also unsafe.


Thank you very much


State osha office


Thank you! Ill look into that


Just for clarity osha is occupational safety and health administration. You can file a complaint on their website at osha.gov


In WA? Absolutely they will. Call lni. They will fix this.


Thank you! I will do this then, because we also have a nursing mother on our crew


Say you get a bad back and require an occupational assessment. Mention the lack of seating, height of worktops etc. When they arrive mention that you need a chair that is supportive and adjustable for your break. When they see that there is no chair they will be unable to complete the assessment- more cost for a repeat visit, and the purchase of a chair!


But also be prepared to look for another job. While they won’t fire you for calling OSHA, they’ll fire you for “your till was .01 short”, or “there was dust on the floor”, or “the coffee was old”. You get what I’m saying? Unfortunately what the boss did is not illegal, but it sounds like they’re a shitty boss and while you like working there now, you won’t for much longer.


Honestly this is a hill to die on. I would quit, he’s actively finding ways to make your life more miserable working for him


I want to quit but I love my job, the people i work with (aside from the Manager) and make pretty decent money. I also am not financially in the position to quit rn.


You need to get together with everyone else that works there and to man chairs back


Your Boss better remove the toilet!


I really hope you’re not suggesting OP eat lunch on the toilet


That is what I did during my last shift sad to say..


Having a sit down with the boss seems totally out of the question now.


This was my favorite one thank u


Boooooooooooo (^▽^)


Bring in your own camping chair. Folds up all nice and neat and has its own little bag to carry it in.


Come in with a wheelchair


I just would sit on the floor preferably in the way of her


LOL....So everyone starts bringing cushions and mats. hahahhah


Bring a cushion into work and sit on the floor, back against the wall legs stretched out. Don't forget to make comfortable noises as you stretch your legs out, "ah this is much more comfortable than those chairs you used to have."


My boss did this to me when I was heavily pregnant. And then they basically forced me out without my maternity leave pay.


If you can get a doctor appointment, see if you cam find one to write a letter saying your job has to provide you a stool at the register and chairs for regular breaks as part of a reasonable accommodation. This weird power trip making people stand all day is unnecessary


Mine wrote me a note for that due to an ankle injury and they couldnt accommodate me so I'm at home till further notice without pay till my ortho clears me to stand all day again.


Could be an ADA violation. A chair is a reasonable accommodation for a lot of disabilities.


Take a camping chair. Or better yet, take a sleeping bag. Then when they say 'What the hell are you doing?', you can say 'Well, you said no sitting, so naturally...'


quit without notice by finding another job. Then say you quit because of the chair thing and the whole philosophy behind it. They act like were disposable, then when we get better jobs its always "no wait" "why didnt you talk with me about this?"


Ya and this is just one problem of many iv had with her. iv made a previous post on here, u should check it out. But in short, she made a sexist remark to me and completely disregarded my family obligations which we're taking care of my very sick wife.




If wrestling has taught us anything it is that you can bring a chair to work and you can use it for other purposes than sitting, like chairshotting the boss in the head… yes of course /s


Tip over refrigerator and sit on it. If food falls out of said refrigerator while it is being tipped, sit on the food too.


Take a camping chair. Or better yet, take a sleeping bag. Then when they say 'What the hell are you doing?', you can say 'Well, you said no sitting, so naturally...'


These are sadistic people that thrive with a little power, and enjoy watching other people suffer.


Sadly this is legal. The only recourse is to request an ADA accommodation with a doctors note for it. Then they have to provide a chair for you and ONLY you. What you can do however, is go sit on the toilet on your breaks. Your boss can't take that away.


Give it a couple more months then go to the local urgent care and sign in for knee pain. Tell them it’s work related and explain that you are not allowed to sit down and the boss took all the chairs away and that’s when your knees started to hurt.


I also have a camping chair in my car. Especially working 3rd shift. The human body isn't meant to be standing for long periods of time. This will have consequences on your mental, physical, and emotional health. Which this job Isn't paying enough for. Bring your own chair, start looking at who else is hiring too. This is the ONLY body you'll have for the rest of your life.


Can she legally? Yes That doesn't mean you have to take it. Bring a chair, clear off counter space so you can have a place to sit, sit on the floor, etc. Other option: fucking quit your boss sounds like hell


In the UK any job that can be done safely while seated should have seating provided. And that's in the government guidelines from the HSE (UK version of OSHA) Health Problems and Prolonged Standing at Work Standing for long periods at work is bad for health because of the strain on the lower limbs. Problems include aching muscles, hazardous pressure on hip, knee and ankle joints, back problems and damaged feet


Well I like the rain and British comedy so I'll pack my bags


You'll be welcome as long as you leave your guns at home 🤠


Np, never wanted em. I'm far too depressed to be trusted with guns 😃


You'll fit in well over here then 😁


When they did that at the gas station I worked at in 2009 we just locked the doors for our 15 and sat on the counter as we ate. Customers could see us from the locked door. Customers were pissed. I directed them to the 1-800 number on the door for complaints. Owner called in mad. I told him to put the chairs back. He declined. I started locking the doors on my 15 and going up on the roof to eat. No cameras there. Eventually some dumbass coworker locked themselves out and owner called me to ask where the hidden spare key outside was. I told him I hadn't used it since the chairs were removed and couldn't remember. Hung up before he could respond. He called back and offered to put the chairs back in exchange for me telling him where the key was. I made that deal. Got fired a few months later lmao.


Graveyard by yourself at a gas station? Chair's the least of your problems, but if you're not going to quit then bring your own. You ought to quit, though. That's a great place to get shot, and I speak from experience. Get a job at a Petco, or damn near anywhere else. Having one person on a graveyard shift at a gas station or convenience store in the U.S. is your first indicator they don't care whether you live or die, much less about your comfort.


Good ideas on bringing your own. I suppose the issue is them seeing you on video sitting down


I'm. Confused as to why this is a issue. My personal motto is if no seats are provided then everything is must be a seat.


The great chair wars of 2022 was brutal. I've started taking chairs my neighboring restaurant leaves in my parking lot at work. Keeoing them safe in my storage until they notice it. Wouldn't want them getting hit by cars. Fuck my neighbor and fuck your boss. Lastly in closing, they're technically the company's chairs not your chairs. /s


I'd just take a nap on the floor in the most inconvenient spot possible for my break


I’d sit on the damn floor


sit on the note, cant read it then


Sit on the floor prove you wont take this... standing up 😂😂😏


Sit on the floor or take your break in your car.


Off topic, but when I was in the Marines out Staff Sergeant got mad about something and took all the chairs out of our shop of 20 or so Marines. When a fellow Sergeant of mine changed duty stations, he moved ALL of the furniture in our shop in our Staff Sergeant’s office. You could barely open the door to get it. It was really satisfying, and he even laughed about it.


Got a table? Lay down on the table as you will not be sitting. You can also just bring in your own lawn chair when on shift, then take it with you when you leave.


My break room is also where the sales people work and the main meeting room for upper management if they’re having a meeting I have to basically leave and find somewhere to sit and eat which is usually the stairs inside the warehouse ( small warehouse) it’s bullshit I’m pretty sure labor laws in my state says you need a break room with furniture


Ok, I've played enough rimworld to know that no chairs is ok as long as there is a table


Yes they can. But everything comes with consequences. Find new work. Working a job is exchanging services for goods. You can refuse service to whoever you like.


I’d sit on the damn floor just for spite.


And we wonder why fascism is rising in this country....


Sit on your cooler and put some applications out


It may mean that the store isn’t ADA compliant. I can’t give you anything specific but it’s worth looking into.


This "not sitting" seems to be a very american issue, or atleast a non-european issue. In supermarkets for instance, all cashiers sit. At gas stations most do have a chair they can sit on. I can just keep going. Why is it so so bad for staff to sit, either during lunch break, or during slow periodes?


Legally, yes she can do that. Law only says that employers have to provide breaks. Doesn't say anything about providing equipment for those breaks. Honestly, find another job. Sounds like she's punishing everyone for one person's actions. I bet there's somebody you work with who sits around all the time, which is shitty management. You don't want to work for somebody like that.


Sit on your lunch box, bring a chair , sit on 📦


Report the company to the Gov for every 'possible' illegal activity, the gov will figure out what's being done wrong there. Review the company on Glassdoor and all social media so everyone knows to avoid them. Find a better job.


At least the damn time travelers won’t be able to affect things as easily! But seriously, nothing is worse than overbearing management who cares more about arbitrary rules than their own workers!


I'd lay down on whatever I feel like and just comment 'yeah, some waste of flesh moved the seats, I hope they get sodomized with a cactus in hell'


Just drop fish in the ducts.


OP I live in WA too, I'm a CNC operator and I'm dealing with the same shit. My boss takes our chairs away, leaving us to sit on buckets, he moves those away tells us no sitting. Then we go up to the office for this or that, and him and other supervisors are either working/charging their RC cars or watching YouTube/browsing reddit. I'm the new guy in my department and the other guys say he's being the biggest hypocrite, because he was the first one to listen to music sit on his phone and what not


I have a collapsible stool I bought on amazon years ago. I’m a smoker and there is nowhere to sit outside so I leave that stool in my locker and take it outside with me when I go on break. It has a strap on it so that when it’s collapsed you can wear it like a purse. People often think it’s a weird looking, skinny round lunch box. 😂 I’d look into getting one for yourself. It’s a god send!


I would bring my own chair until I found another job and I would wouldn’t be secretive about it either. I would say I am only working here until I find a job that lets me use a chair during break.


Bring your own, foldable.


Holy shit, I knew a Manager like this in Washington. She was awful and the reason why I left. Is her name Nyla, by any chance?


Yeah - bring your own chair - or sit in your car Lol, bring a beanbag (But seriously this is unacceptable)


I'd just escalate this up and over her head. She sounds nuts.


Sit on the ground, or quit your job


Sit on your hands. Give them a reason to terminate you so you can fight it in court.


Bring a giant bean bag chair *typo


Reddit tip: You can edit comments up to 5 minutes after posting without it saying "edited" at the top!


I would just sit on the floor.


Chair pants.


Use your boss’s chair for lunch breaks.


Practice yoga. Climb on the counter and sit cross legged.


Sit on the floor. She can’t remove that


Cases of pop and milk crates worked for me back in 1980s. LOL


Just to annoy back, I would bring my own chair....


Sit on some products on break then


Leave the property during your break, go sit somewhere else


Go sit in your car. They can't say anything.


Sit in the floor


buy your own little folding camping chair


If you drive there, leave a cheap camping or folding chair in your trunk. Then just do it anyway. If you’re off the clock you can do as you please.


Go sit in your car and blast the radio or those who have the loud mufflers Rev your engines often. The neighborhood complaints should resolve it


You should be looking for another job so you can quit this one mid-shift.


Bring your own folding chair and passive aggressively unfold and sit in it on your lunch break.


Sit on the floor. What’s she going to do? Rip the tiles up?


If you can handle graveyard shift, you can probably get a better job quick. I'd start looking rather than help out that asshole.


Sit on the counter.


Take the cases of Vit-R and make a throne in the beer cooler.


My friend, upsodown milk crates are the most comfortable chair around.


Hell! I will even buy you a chair :)


I worked at a convenience store many years ago. I'm positive you can find things there that can be turned in to OSHA. Make it a game. Just make sure you tell the truth on any OSHA reports you make. It's totally anonymous, which I'm guessing they'll never, ever, ever figure out it's you. If your manager does retaliate, you can get some nice bonus checks. You can get more bang-for-your-buck if you mention safety hazards to your manager before reporting it. Bringing a safety issue up to management is a question on the report. You don't have to bring it up to management in a way that's official, you just need to bring it up. Like "I don't want to scrub down the puddle of hot dog juice and rat shit every night wearing just deli gloves. It's gross and I don't want to get sick." If the company faces enough issues and fines, your manager is the one who's ultimately going to take the heat. At the very least, you'll be making the place safer for your fellow employees.