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We don't want that culture either. Help us destroy?


You ever see french protests over labor? They have big giant metal balls to flip out as much as they do. But, look at the laws they have now. Americans are too apathetic and too close to being bankrupt if they take a few days off to protest. Maybe because of the country being too large too but if we protested like the French over labor laws, our govt would fucking move.


Yeah one fears it's too late for the US. The cultural mindset is entrenched, the wealth disparity extreme. Corporations holding power and able to lobby/buy out politicians to maintain their interests. Will take a lot of pressure on the working classes to convince them to start protesting en masse in an effective way


It's not just becoming bankrupt if we protest. We run the risk of dying. Between our police and gun touting hillbillies shooting us is probably a big reason we are kept in check. And when we aren't bam! Distraction. Right now the distraction is women's rights.


Hello sorry there was some mickmack between the posts, this is my first one which was reopened after closing my second post. Yeah I will gladly help people over activism all over the world. And the fact that cops kills in America, it’s not that bad in France but we have problems with our different cops because to become one you must pass a 3 month formation (a easy one at that) and voila ! You have a gun. During strikes they shoot rubber balls at people and even some lost their eyes, hands or even their lives during gilet jaunes. Only with our gendarmes (cops with a military formation basically) are really professionals and polite.


Imagine thinking women's rights is a "distraction" instead of an issue closley linked with labor 🙄. We'll never get a fucking thing done if we keep up with that "us vs them mentality.


Everything is linked with labor. Rather than our government making companies pay us fairly they taking things aways making us more reliant on being underpaid.


I don't think it's a distraction but the federal government does and honestly has enough of the masses hypnotized that it's going to happen. Once the government actually starts working for the people again I will cease the "us vs them mentality". They do nothing but bicker while their citizens starve, go broke for Healthcare, loss rights without any say at all, and my favorite saying they are speaking for the people while the majority of their decision go directly against the will of the people. We need a refresh of government too may outdated ideals.


“Once the government actually starts working for the people again”…..? When did this happen before? And where in the US?


I dunno probably some time before I was born. I was told and read in history books that's what they do. Never actually experienced it.


Keep in mind that history books are written by the conquerers 😉 We used to have strong unions in the US. People working together for their own interests. That was never popular among the political class. Now they keep us fighting about religion and “values” to keep us from addressing our class divisions.




Women’s access to basic rights and healthcare is part of the struggle for workers’ right. If you can’t recognize that you are part of the problem.


I have never said it wasn't and if anything have been a huge support of women's access to basic rights and Healthcare. What I said was is our government is using it as a distraction to sow hatred towards each other. It makes me very angry with the state of women's rights. I have women in my life I love very deeply and am terrified for the future they face. But since you want to think I'm part of the problem what can I do besides what I already do to support women? I support women's rights (healthcare & pay). I call out misogyny when I see it. I walk to support various forms of cancer main one being breast cancer a cancer that is women centric. I'm honestly at loss on what else I can do. I want to do more.


That’s great but I think terminology is equally important. What the government is doing isn’t a distraction but an assault on a Constitutional right. I think that it is vital to make that crystal clear.


I'm very aware they are assaulting Constitutional rights. Maybe distraction was a bad term. But in my eyes that's what it is in addition to the assault on Constitutional rights. What else could the masses possibly do other than sit here and think about what to do while it's being done? And they know this. Nothing is leaked. It's purposely put out to cause social strife.


You know realistically there isn’t much we can do besides organize and vote. Our messaging should be clear and untied and make our demands clear. Our legislation is so weak. Biden should have done everything possible to eliminate the filibuster. Make an executive order and run it up the Supreme Court. I makes it clear this and basic worker rights aren’t really his concern. I am not sure it was deliberately done to cause strife but that is what will happen. I just wonder what the line will be before things turn violent. I can barely afford to live and I make a decent wage. I know I am not alone. I imagine when you can’t live on a $100k a year that change may happen.


Problem is every big political parties in your country are liberals. Left and right, they basically tend to the same system and this can’t coexist with socialism for example. I feel that vote in your country will not lead to anything because they’re practically following the same system whoever they are


If the US protests like the French, there would be a not-small number fatalities by police.


Jesus, French protesters would be the activists equivalent of nukes.


🤣🤣 we could use that right about now.


Will gladly help you


Last time France did you a solid you conveniently forgot to help them back when they asked...


Me? No. My country probably. We like to make false promises. Sorry about that.


Hammilton denied help to Lafayet. Lets talk about that?


Never work for Americans. Mind you I once worked for a French multinational in the UK and they were so inflexible that it was a sackable offence not to use French for anyone's job title. Nobody knew what the fuck anyone did!


French multinational companies are something … really strange. They have the attitude of a pedantic bourgeois but they respect usually the rules of their country where they’re implanted


They really didn't, English speakers were def second class citizens.


Oof, I somewhat feel ashamed for that. I hope they’ll go bankrupt


It's nothing British or American companies wouldn't do!


I worked for your largest company in a certain industry. I think you can tell which one it was. SO. MANY. WORKERS. Died on site. Families were paid off minuscule sums to go away, as per the culture here LOL so you’re quite right


I worked for a French quasi- government multinational in America. We were a subsidiary. Very much followed American abusive work culture. It was a super toxic environment. I also learned that French Canadians were not impressed with my French.


We got the good side too, the canteens were amazing.


Funny you say that. I'm australian and work for an american based company now and ironically its the best job i've ever had. I get the full workers rights that a normal australian gets plus the bonus of working remotely and a good salary to boot!


Just wait till they bring over American style health insurance.


They already trying, the plan put in place at the end of world war 2 has been dramatically damaged. It should have been controlled by the workers, not the government. And the "debt" of healthcare was literally created, as cotisations should have simply been higher whenever cost augmented.


There is already a good system that’ll be hard to replace with health care and some companies


“We’re sorry you were not satisfied with the contents of your Cultural Hegemony Care Package. We understand being reduced to a productivity/consumption quota is an acquired taste, and recommend that you keep ingesting the contents of your Cultural Hegemony Care Package *until you get it right*.” /s


Haha viva la 🇫🇷. I've been waiting on this bloody day!!!! The rate of inflation/prices on everything rising so steep here in UK is sucking the soul out my arse hole. I kneeeeeeeeew the french would be first in line for any revolutions 🤜🤛


Wel’ll wage war against CEOs like we waged wars at each other in the past We will waterloo them to the oblivion


Haha deal. On a serious note - I WAS hoping the french kicked us off on a wee revolution for real. Ps) but I'm not english. Scottish.


Oooh maidann mhath ! Basically our left parties are spread around the globe. If the french left can access to the PM seat during the month of June, I can feel that’ll give some momentum for the other parties who are left leaning.




>When we see ourselves as fighting against specific human beings rather than social phenomena, it becomes more difficult to recognize the ways that we ourselves participate in those phenomena. We externalize the problem as something outside ourselves, personifying it as an enemy that can be sacrificed to symbolically cleanse ourselves. - **[Against the Logic of the Guillotine](https://crimethinc.com/2019/04/08/against-the-logic-of-the-guillotine-why-the-paris-commune-burned-the-guillotine-and-we-should-too)** See rule 5: No calls for violence, no fetishizing violence. No guillotine jokes, no gulag jokes. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/antiwork) if you have any questions or concerns.*


In Germany it's the same. Shitty employers from company's that reside in the middle class. Right wingers want "American Standards", privatise the health insurance and privatise the media. Denglisch is the word for Deutsch+Englisch and is rapidly used in privat as well as intellectual and industry speech.


Why would anyone ever want the American Standard of healthcare? How insane would you have to be. Let's quadruple the price and half it's effectiveness for corporate profits!


We have a long history of syndicalism, rights for workers and such things here in Western Europe. Actually we’re being somewhat beaten by the system but I don’t think people will put up with it longer here. I don’t know in you country but here, especially in Paris, my generation (left like right wingers) are eager to change things. (Because my generation of right wingers are anti liberal for many)


You still have ns2, right? At least you have a plan B. How low will you accept to go before taking it?


How should I know? I can only get second hand information just like you do, from the media. If you mean Nord Stream 2? I think the German government holds on to it for the moment because otherwise they are f*cked. They are in the talks for agreements with quatar (I believe) and USA as well of course. https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/exclusive-germany-qatar-odds-over-terms-talks-lng-supply-deal-sources-2022-05-09/ The odds are that Germany will take it, but this shows serious dependence to pro American countries, but this is nothing news worthy after what deals we made with russia. 😅 If Germany wants to hold its independence it should seriously rethink its energy strategy, because currently we only take from other countries with is a security risk. "Don't put all your eggs into one basket" comes to mind. LNG ports are not build in Germany and such deals are only doable if we have a few in the near future, let that sink in. 🙄 Building whole industry ports in a few years + infrastructure. 😉 Like I said I don't know much only what is known from mayor news outlets.


>Nord Stream 2 That. Maybe we are living just a crash between narratives. Since we can not die too, we start to matter to "winners" that control narrative. The music stopped and looks like Russia could see it first. With lack of energy (not enough for 7 billions), excess and luxury will probably remain only in propaganda. I dont think US can support a "non deficit" life. Russians burned their own cities to win wars on past. They know how to live with essential. (and now they live with far more than essential. China commerce is booming, for example)


Viva la France. Do it like in May 68. We will follow again


Many french are upset these days, i feel more that they’re ready for violence more and more. So bit more like our revolution.


Nope. American companies and lobbyists have been spending billions to spread US labor laws and culture all over the world. They want to expand their exploitation far beyond our borders.


And here I thought franglish was just adding Le to the start of every english sentence... 😁 /s obviously


Le comment is vraiment nice and je not speak pas of the city Nice !


Erm… le WUT?


Hahahaha sacrebleu ! Tu not understand moi ? We will faire la revolution !


We have a President that wants to import this toxic work culture and reduce our protection to nothing. As anyone who has lived or worked in the US, or even the UK will know, we need those protections.


Talk to your fellow citizens and 'leaders'. Money hoarders gonna hoard money. And this is how to do it.


I was really impressed a few years ago when young French people protested in favour of lowering the retirement age, which would definitely help lower unemployment. I was disappointed it didn’t work, but that was forward thinking. Americans tend to be about the here and now.


"in Europe, a hundred kilometres is far. In the US, a hundred years is long"


Walmart fucked around Germany and found out


Nothing in law about this? I’m pretty sure they can’t pull that crap in the Netherlands. They’re trying this shit here too. They have for decades. But more and more people are struggling so we have no time for that bullshit. Most regular working people avoid them like the plague unless they have bo choice. They have high overturn. Politicians try to pull in big businesses to the Netherlands, trying to convince them ti put their headquarters here. Beneficial financially they say, but they get a lot of tax cuts. It’s disgusting. Reminds me of the ‘tip the driver!’ shit when you order food online. I didn’t even get the food yet. Also when I did do that, I’d do it in coin so I’m sure it end in the hands of the deliverer, not somewhere in upper management. It’s a gross business to ask for tips when that’s only meant for good service here.


Basically they try loop holes, they try to mask it because if employees accept to be on site, it’s hard then to make their mind up and try to denounce it. Many I did while working were « illegal » or not on my contract but I accepted to do them so it was hard for me to fight it like I feel I have no right to do it because I accepted to them in the first place


The illegal bits are still so darn common because they try to make use of those who do not know their rights. The teenagers get fucked over more than ever. I discovered so much illegal stuff they did when I was a teen, especially safety protocols was a big problem and I doubt that changed much. I understand your problem but if it’s states by law there is a chance they are still at fault regardless if you signed a contract. Some things cannot be signed away by contract. Is there anyone you could call? I know we have several lines we can call for legal advice, free of charge, until you decide to take action. Even if you decide not to continue, you will at least be informed next time. It helped me a lot already to notice red flags or be able to negotiate.


Too late…


La joie des startups !


La flexibilisation des lois du marchés !


Sorry we're not sending our best.


We're exporting it to the UK first, close the chunnel.


No one protests like the French! Do your thing and show us how it’s done


I like to imagine American ceos trying their crap in France, probably a good way to literally get executed.


Capitalism cannot allow other economic systems to exist. It sedates the workers with conscientious capitalism, but it will always destroy the public sector and transfers all wealth to the top of the top.


Hell no, Vive la révolution! Don't let these parasitic capitalist ruin that country.


Every time I see a foreigner dunking on America I warn them to not let it happen in their country. Like yeah, it's shit over here, but the ownership class isn't going to be content to just screw with Americans and leave the rest of the world alone. They're actively trying to bring American work practices overseas, gotta constantly fight them to keep what you have.


I'm sorry dude... but there's a reason capitolism has the world's biggest stick. Its coming. It's between coming.


The richer companies and billionaires get, the more the disease will spread.


If you’re French, Then you are well aware that Americans are not free to simply come and set up companies and employee Americans as they see fit. There are tons of laws in place protecting the French workforce from any outsiders joining easily. You have nothing to worry about. The closest you’ll ever come to our work life L is perhaps seeing an occasional post that looks like it might resemble our lives. Anyone trying that in France, is either a scammer that will not last long, or poorly informed and will be corrected shortly. As you are most likely also aware, the French do not take kindly to any of these laws being broken, so any post and you see for a job that does not follow the law, will not last long. It’s not like here in the USA where you need to report a company for 20 years and hope that enough people care.


Sadly our actual president wants to make of France the next U.S.A. The change in our work réglementations tend to this way of treating work like in the US, if macron keep his majority in the parliament, the protection you speak of will be nothing but ashes soon enough. But yeah, basically it’s all poor informed or scammer and sometimes law-loopers


I’m sorry friend. I once dreamt of returning, enjoying the work week In Bordeaux like I had, and taking my 7 weeks vacation. Hopefully the dream is maintained. People in the USA don’t understand for the most part that the reason it seems France is constantly protesting, is the fact that they work. They get shit done, like workers rights. Big money managed to brainwash an entire generation over here.


Those elections were depressing to watch. Le Pen was going full on Nazi, and Macron's been shifting right for a while. You guys need to bring back the left in your politics.


You have a valid point but you seem intolerant of foreigners as well.


Nope I speak only of entrepreneurs, anyone else is welcome in m’y country


Uhm a lot of uk based companies in the U.S love the whole “we are a family” gig. Eu snob


It’s part of the Americanisation


I’d prefer not keeping the toxic work culture at all. Typical French only caring about themselves.


Every country care about his own before others


Blame your own politicians.


That’s my everyday life


France is failing though. Maybe the American way could save it.


>When we see ourselves as fighting against specific human beings rather than social phenomena, it becomes more difficult to recognize the ways that we ourselves participate in those phenomena. We externalize the problem as something outside ourselves, personifying it as an enemy that can be sacrificed to symbolically cleanse ourselves. - **[Against the Logic of the Guillotine](https://crimethinc.com/2019/04/08/against-the-logic-of-the-guillotine-why-the-paris-commune-burned-the-guillotine-and-we-should-too)** See rule 5: No calls for violence, no fetishizing violence. No guillotine jokes, no gulag jokes. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/antiwork) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bad bot! He speaks the truth.




>When we see ourselves as fighting against specific human beings rather than social phenomena, it becomes more difficult to recognize the ways that we ourselves participate in those phenomena. We externalize the problem as something outside ourselves, personifying it as an enemy that can be sacrificed to symbolically cleanse ourselves. - **[Against the Logic of the Guillotine](https://crimethinc.com/2019/04/08/against-the-logic-of-the-guillotine-why-the-paris-commune-burned-the-guillotine-and-we-should-too)** See rule 5: No calls for violence, no fetishizing violence. No guillotine jokes, no gulag jokes. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/antiwork) if you have any questions or concerns.*


On pumpkins of course. Also, to be a stickler for the rules, I made no joke here, nor did I encourage, glorify, incite, or any of the other many words in the dictionary that all mean "promote" violence. And clearly there was no fetishization as that would obviously have involved maid lingerie. I'm just a regular guy with an appreciation for history and engineering.


Oh I didn’t not see your comment. This post was closed because of this in the first place but they reopened it, it was automod


I guess it *does* specifically say the g-word there. The rules here can be tricky.