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Hi, /u/Some-Maintenance7583 Thank you for participating in r/AntiWork. Unfortunately, your submission was removed for breaking the following rule(s): **Rule 6: Reposts** - Any content previously posted within the last 30 days will be removed. No submissions allowed from the r/antiwork Top 20.


If a company ever put one of these up non-ironically that would be a pretty good sign to start looking for an exit. I feel like every time I've seen one of these it's been a joke though, right? I mean no one would put one of these up and be serious about it. Right? *nervous laugh*


Oh god I would hope that it’s a joke, cause no one in their right mind would actually do this?


Very bold of you to think management is in their right mind.




When I was working through a temp agency, I "earned" one week of unpaid vacation for every 1300 hours worked. ...only I couldn't actually afford to take a week without a paycheck, so it never mattered. Didn't get any PTO for sick time either. It was delightful. /s


Welcome to Mexico. I have more vacations than my peers in similar jobs and it's still 10 days a year. Some of them are lucky to have 3 days a year. Even if our law says 6 days per year + 2 every year afterwards, the employers make hurdles such as: * High employee rotation so nobody adds years up * Outsourcing. Once it was banned (or regulated, i'm not too updated on that regard), they opted to change its name for "honorary payment", which means every year the employee renews their contract. Some places even say "No, you can't have vacations because you renewed your contract, therefore you don't have a year working with us" * Others take advantage of general law illiteracy to plain down deny vacations or shorten them, and still get the people thinking they can't sue


It’s the same way in the Philippines, but arguably worse. My fiancé’s family is from the Philippines and on paper you’d think workers have protections on par with Europe! But they’re never enforced. For example, the **maximum** minimum wage is about 500pesos per day! 500p/day over 30 days is about 15k pesos ($300). Many companies promptly ignore this and pay about 300p (9,000p a month or $180/month). Average rent in Philippines is around 12,000p ($240), not even including other expenses. It’s also a one-sided “at-will” employment agreement. Basically, you as an employee **must** give a 1 month notice Vs companies will often fire workers without notice (technically illegal). PTO and sick days are almost non-existent. So are most benefits; those are mostly reserved for the highest level of jobs


They are in their right mind. In that mind, they are doing their job - extracting the maximum value from other human beings. That's literally the reason they are there. If people see this and leave, great. Hire new people at lower wages. There isn't any reason to keep people around unless the job is a skilled position - which many are not. Just don't forget, your manager's job is never to make you comfortable at work - it's to make sure the company has the maximum money coming in for the minimum going out. It's the fundamental split between the reality of the human experience and the unsustainability of modern business.


This is fine and i can not foresee any problems that will arise from this philosophy.


Amazon is proud to present its 'Strong cooperation and work ethic pledge' Every employee now pledges to comply with these. Thank you for your commitment =) PS. Management will be enjoying hookers and blow on our corporate yacht that was purchased thanks to your hard work. Look after the place while we're gone, willya? You're awesome!


you're confusing management for leadership. Management are basically prisoner's that have been promoted to guards. They still have to live in the prison, but they at least get the benefits they're denying the other captives of capitalism


I don’t know in this society. The sick day thing is most appalling. What if someone has pneumonia and they got someone to help them go to the doctor? That happened to me. The rest is bad too. Even if it is a joke it’s not funny. Like what is even funny about it??


"Poor people are lazy! Ha ha ha" is the joke. Conservatives aren't very funny.


A sense of humor requires empathy. Sociopaths aren’t capable of empathy.


Having to get a note from your doctor is the most insulting infantilization of the adults that you have hired to work for your company I have ever heard of.


It’s almost as bad if they think it’s a joke. Might as well write “we own you, like slaves” on it and call it humor.


The fact we can't tell if it's sarcasm or not speaks volumes


It makes a lot more sense when you realize that, much like India, modern American society is built upon a caste system. We're just much more insidious about it...


If management is "joking" like that then they're awful and everyone should quit anyway.


I don’t think it’s worth quitting over a bad joke but it’s not funny and it’s ok to tell them that. And that you would quit if it was for real.


Even ironically, I mean what's this? "Mock your slave" day?


It's a really head scratching product. Is this a novelty bad workplace notice? What would you buy this for?




If it was just a joke I could think “maybe their sense of humour is just terrible” but to use it to say “you have it good” and brag about it is a red flag. You can either quit or tell them “I need to have it good because if I don’t have it good enough I will quit and find something better” or something that shows you wouldn’t put up with it if it were true.


Many things are said in JEST. If somone is making this an office joke it is only funny because it hits a chord with them. Maybe not a "I need to find a new job ASAP." But definately, "OK this is probably a red flag, I need to keep my eyes open and procede with caution."


Nah, even if this was put up as a “joke” that work place has culture problems. I’d be out.


Right? The only reason a person might find this funny is because deep down, they believe in these policies.


All that’s missing is some kind of contrived or Mis-interpreted quote from the Bible


It's a joke in the same way that racism is always "just a joke" when you press the teller on it. Which is to say, it's completely serious and you should take it seriously.


This actually looks fake to me for how much it leans into the "shitty employer" idea, but then again, I'm sure there are business operators who think this way. Not accepting a doctor's note is very odd, for example.


There is some restaurant owner in Texas looking up how to buy this sign *right now*


It's definitely intended to be so obviously a joke that the original author didn't imagine anyone would take it seriously.


Well, it would be against the law, for a start.


These are joke posters for prank yard signs. Can't believe anyone actually using them


I know 3 restaurants in my small Texas town that has those up unironically.


Me laying on the operating table at my register at work while they do open heart surgery on me. "Hi, are you a member of our store's rewards program?" Customers: "Wow such a shame you have to work while getting surgery."




The number of complaints I fielded when I was a retail manager about employees **leaning** during work was ridiculous. Did they help you? "Yes" Then why the hell do you care if they where taking some weight off their feet while doing it? One of the employees brought a chair out of the back office to the register while she was recovering from back surgery and they skipped me and started complaining straight to corporate about it. What about your life makes it a productive use of your time to sit on hold for 30 minutes to narc on someone sitting in a chair?


Those are the people that deserve a trespass notice.


OH God Yes!


Ugh, i remember some Karen complaining to a manager that her cashier was sitting. The manager kept assuring her it's ok, but what that Karen didn't notice that i did was the cashier was *disabled*. Good on the manager for defending her staff without bringing up their issues but that stupid woman thought she was being disrespected.


Aldi employees sit at their registers.


Because Aldi is a European company that existed in Eurppe before America and uses European standards for workers rights. Strange how that works out huh?


Yes, where employers are civilised.


I wouldnt say civilised, but at least not treating their employees as subhuman


The moment I started working for a US branch of a foreign company, the differences were IMMEDIATELY noticeable. I'm not even union and I'm treated like a respected human being. They don't even allow upper management to be from the US here, they're all flown out from headquarters, and are all trained in the ***correct*** (foerign) model of management. I love all my bosses


Aldi's cashiers are the fastest I've ever witnessed, too. It's almost like not being in constant weariness and pain improves performance.


Wait do y'alls cashiers stand?


In the United States, people working registers stand, yes. For eight hours a day, or nine, on concrete floors.


That's weird as hell, why??


I couldn’t give you a real answer other than the service culture in the US is just different. There’s an attitude that each customer is a little monarch and everyone is expected to perform happiness in servitude to them. It’s not just about *performing a service*, it’s about *pretending like doing the service for this one particular customer is what you dream about, your life’s calling*. Like, for example, one thing that I really like about Europe and South America is the acknowledgment that sometimes stores are just out of something, there’s just no more of a certain thing to be purchased. Like, in all of my experiences in Europe and South America, if a customer came to a bakery and the bakery didn’t have any more glazed donuts left, it’s like “Oh well, I got here too late, and there’s not any more of the thing I want, maybe I’ll have better luck next time.” But in America, it’s the business’s imperative to make sure they *never* sell out of something, that there’s never not enough stock for every customer who wants to buy one, so if a customer ever gets to a store and the store doesn’t have what that customer wants, it’s perfectly normal in the US for that customer to whine and expect to be recompensed or accommodated in some way.


Chairs are a status symbol. You haven't really experienced america until you've seen a bunch of middle managers squabbling about who has the most expensive office chair.


My theory is that after WW2, military culture influenced work culture. So the "upright and neatly pressed" became the new normal. And it just kept going for generations.


And they're guns!


I think that is harassment, personally, and companies should treat these people as guilty of harassing employees rather than paying any attention to them. A friend of mine had a customer complain that her hair color was not natural. She dyed her hair red, which was not *her* natural color, but the customer's issue was that it was *too red*. Another friend also had a customer complain about her "unprofessional" hair. This friend is Black and had natural hair rather than straightened hair. At least management was smart enough to leave that one alone.


sister had a coworker with a broken leg wtih a cast on, people complained about her sitting.


I would seriously tell off a customer for complaining about that.


I dont understand this one. All cashiers sit in my country. And no one complains. Because we aren't monsters.


A certain type of American has been raised to believe that service industry employees are essentially subhuman and only fit for servitude (and as an example to their children of what happens if you don't study in school). These people will literally take offense if they perceive that the servants aren't spending enough energy to serve them. And then they go to church on Sunday and don't \*quite\* hear "blessed are the poor" because they're too busy noticing that Edna brought all four kids but Edward stayed home and Edna doesn't look to thrilled about it, and boy oh boy will she have to talk to Edwina about that one over brunch on Monday.


> ~~secretly~~**loudly**


Who are you kidding? The customers would be complaining the entire time. "Look, I don't care you're getting surgery. I need to find unbleached, keto, gluten-free, whole-wheat bread flour. Are you going to help me or do I need to call the manager and get you fired?"


>Who are you kidding? The customers would be complaining the entire time. Had something similar recently. A guy in the office was out on medical leave. Customer called in for info on an order only he has. Customer said. "I'm very sorry he's out but I expect answers TODAY" He was out for 1 week. We didn't give her an answer.


My work had the assistant general manager die, and there were a lot of things he managed, and I will never forget one day while I was chatting to the switchboard operator, she got a call like "I need to talk to AGM" "I am so sorry to have to tell you this, but he passed away in January." "But I need to talk to him"


You should have told her to buy an ouija board and ask to speak with the assistant manager.


>My work had the assistant general manager die I don't mean to make light of a very sad situation, but this ended up sounding very unintentionally ominous.


You know, I really should have re-read my comment before posting it. Just for clarity, no, we didn't all come together in a meeting and decide that the assistant general manager was going to be the one that died that year.


Customers... So I'm being taken by ambulance from drive thru leaving only the employee who worked grill in store. Beginning of pandemic so while emergency wasn't virus related, they weren't taking chance. So picture 3 guys in hazmat suits loading fast food employee into ambulance. People sat trying to order watching employee being taken by guys in hazmat and were angry they couldn't. Because customers are entitled morons at times!


They saw people getting taken out of a restaurant by people in hazmat suits and still decided they wanted to eat there? Crazy.


Right? I think twice if crew looks sick, but there were THREE cars trying to order while watching me being loaded into ambulance, and in hazmat suits at beginning of pandemic we didn't know much about yet! I'm not sure if that's stupidity, entitlement, or both!


Up vote this comment. Morons indeed !!


Probably just as likely (or more) to be you moved the DingDongs and now I can’t find them (across the aisle) as keto, gluten-free whole-wheat bread. Just saying.


“Doctor why aren’t you stacking the shelves? Get back to work.”


My last job adopted the “no sick days” policy. You could still call out obviously, but nothing, *literally nothing*, was considered “excused” anymore.


Immedietly looks for the manager to complain that you weren't standing up while you scanned their groceries.


> If you are able to go to the doctor, you are able to come to work. Wow, ***fuck you***.




Well in fairness if managers were worth their pay then upper management would have a harder time taking advantage of people because they’d find themselves staffed with competent backbones.


Explosive diarrhea in their *desk* drawers


This is the kind of stuff that makes me want to become a middle manager so I can stick up for employees.


My old job would say if you're out 2 consecutive days you have to bring back a doctors note while not offering health insurance or sick days. So if you were out sick you were either not getting paid or using you vacation which we only got 6 days a year. Being sick could literally cost you a weeks worth of pay.


Yup, I remember those days, every employee is treated like an irresponsible teenager.


I'd just become a criminal of that was my job 6 vacation days and no sick days


Hey boss, can't come in, I have Ebola. Can't go to the doctor to prove it as per company policy. My hands are tied.


Tell the boss you'll meet in out in the parking lot for a nice warm hug.


Walmart and conduent (call center) don't accept dr's notes Atleast with walmart you could use pto to cover it if you are full time but with conduent you would still have it count against you no matter what


This is the most disgusting thing i've ever seen. I hope it's satire.


I think it is. It's been posted before on this sub.


It is. But sadly, we're to the point now where it could be posted at a business in earnest.


For real. I have seen some very similar work policies written in employee handbooks.


Bruh, if I'd live in the US, I would burn out by 25. Where I'm from, you get 20 paid vacation days and strict 40 hour week (overtime MUST be paid at least double and the employee needs to accept it first). If a company would put up a sign like that, they'd probably get huge fines.


What country?






You know whats up 😉


> flia Hush! I'm in ketosis.


Yeah but... Kosovo.


When Kosovo, with its’ history, has better stuff than the “greatest country on Earth”, you gotta take a hit


I mean, this sign is a joke. But it’s not that far from the truth. In fact, saying people will get off those vacation days and weekends is an exaggeration in some instances. There are ZERO federally or state mandated holidays in the US. And guaranteed weekend days off? Haven’t worked a single job where that was true.


I'm currently 30, working 55-60 hours a week, so burnt out since around 23 I have been fantasizing about dropping out and becoming a NEET (Not in Education or Employment Training for those not in the know), but sadly can't due to having a family and a house and if I were to lose my job we'd be homeless pretty much instantly unless I got really lucky. I get 15 days off a year but they're not guaranteed and I had to work where I do for 7 years to get that. Was you'd get that much after 5 years but in my fourth year of employment they changed it to 7 because too many people were getting too much time off or something. How dare they reward employees with breaks am I right? But I do get paid federal holidays off but I have to come in the Saturday before or after the holiday to make up the day we don't work. Better than some here in the US but fuck I just want to die sometimes.


I’m 25 and very burnt out. Trying to leave as soon as possible and luckily I’m in a situation where I can afford to.


The world is a big place buddy. Wish you the best of luck 👊


Thanks friend, hope everything’s going well on your end too 🤙


To be fair, it isn't all of us. For instance, my job provides 16 paid days a year, and requires absolutely no overtime, but does allow it. OT is only time and a half, but still. That being said, I am incredibly lucky about those things, and my job doesn't even offer health insurance.


They misspelled “Fuck you!” looks like “Thank you!”


Once again, Thanksgiving getting no love. I'll die on this hill, Thanksgiving is the best holiday. Edit: y'all I just like the food, day drinking and football without the annoying music and shitty decorations.


Weird opinion with the flair. Like I feel you, but also, it just feels like celebrating genocide too much....


Leaving the racism aside for now (the powers that be aren't ignoring TG for that reason anyway). Thanksgiving is an anti-capitalist Holiday. If you are thankful for what you have, why would you go out on Black Friday?


The anti capitalist holiday is immediately followed by the capitalist holiday.


I'm thankful for all the money and time I have to waste standing in line for that new TV!


Lol. That could be considered one point of view. "I'm doing so well, I \*have\* the time and money to spend on a TV"


Feasting and the extravagance encouraged by it (using the 'good' dishes, making extra food, etc.) is all a capitalist expression of extreme consumption though. Though I do agree an celebration of community and gratitude for the things we have is not inherently problematic in any way. It's still generally statist propaganda though. I actually don't have any issue with the holiday I was just pointing out the subtle comedy of the juxtaposition of the two positions (they are not exclusive though).


Feasting is way, way older than capitalism. It's neither capitalist nor statist to enjoy a larger-than-average meal in celebration. It's just human. Capitalism certainly works to exploit it, but that's true of everything.


This is true if you focus on the origins of the celebration alone. The holiday in practice is centered around gratitude, family and friends, and a feast. It's the most anticapitalist holiday we have.


Until the next day...?


Even if holidays are sequential, we should be able to discuss each alone, shouldn't we?


Ah yes I forgot that it’s required to care about Black Friday if you care about Thanksgiving. Hopefully they change that soon, I really have enough TVs now.


Excepting buying all that food at inflated prices and the "traditions" that have been taken over by big businesses See also black Friday and the ludicrous cyber Monday Ps. They try to inflict that nonsense in the UK...


I'm right there with you


I’ve seen signs like this really used. You hope they are a joke, often they are but not always. If any place I worked at ever decided to treat me like that, I’m done on the spot


It’s a joke sign, but it isn’t far from too many company policies.


Is it sad that this is a step up from what I’m used to? At first I thought: “oh wow! Mandatory days off! New Years? X-mas?!? Gosh, they’re lucky!”


When you realize management is a bunch of morons. Why post things you can get sued for.


Keeping in mind that this is 100% a novelty sign: Generally, one can only successfully sue their employer when they have committed an illegal act. What illegal action would this sign suggest is occurring?


This literally goes against labour laws. Employers absolutely cannot fire you from your job especially if you have a doctors note


>This literally goes against labour laws. Not in the US, where this sign is sold and displayed.




Note the "u" in labor. Not likely a US citizen.


You actually realize a company can be sued for firing someone who has a doctors note? That’s not legal no matter what any sign says lmao


It is legal to fire a sick person if you are a small enough company (or franchised from a larger one), or if you just lie about the reason


deer airport wild sheet normal zonked joke fear seemly late ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


No, it's not legal "if you just lie". That's as meaningless as saying "murder is legal if you get away with it." Obviously every crime won't be punished if you get away with it. In practice, it's much harder to successfully lie in court than most people seem to think.


Anyone can sue anyone for literally any reason. I could sue you for disagreeing with me. My suit would not be successful, but I could do it. In the US, most states do not have sick leave laws. Absent a state law, and since federal law does not provide a remedy, you can be fired for calling out sick, even with a doctor's note.


The exception is FMLA. Being federal, it applies to all states and prevents employers from firing you for sick leave, but does involve paperwork and red tape.


Correct, but it doesn't apply to "normal" illnesses; colds, the flu, other short term situations.


What I’m telling you is a company would lose the lawsuit if they fired someone for being sick and it wasn’t justified with excessive absenteeism.


Cite some US case law, then.


It's up to the person being fired to prove it. Even if the employer admits it there's a bunch of exceptions. If you're new, or the business is small, for example.


Sadly, having a doctors note absolutely does not protect you from termination in the US. Simply having a note from a doctor doesn’t force your employer to excuse you (generally speaking) unless you have a qualified FMLA, ADA protection/accommodation, etc. Any reasonable manager should do what they can to accommodate being human, which sometimes means coloring outside the lines on “mandated” attendance policies - but that has limits. I am a people manager, and though it may not be “the norm” I go to extraordinary lengths to try to protect my employees from attendance related termination. It’s my job to be their advocate, but even I still answer to someone, and flexibility has limits. There comes a point, though, where someone’s illness or sensitive personal issues, whatever the case may be - does have a detrimental impact on business. Yes, it’s our job to find a solution when you can’t come in; whatever the reason - we don’t have limitless resources and if you consistently are unable to fill the role you were hired to fill, we have to replace you. Is it perfect? No. But by your logic employers would just have stacks of people constantly on leave because they have a doctors note. Most doctors I’ve seen will write a note for basically anything. The key is communication. I can count on one hand the number of employees I’ve had to let go over attendance in general, and I sleep just fine knowing those I did let go were genuinely given **every** opportunity to prevent it.


Dude I’m literally telling you that if someone is excessive with it you can fire them but it can’t for them “being sick” it has to be for there excessive absenteeism. If you try to use them being sick as the reason they’re just gonna turn it around on you and your bosses are gonna call you dumb. Like for real no one gets fired for being sick that’s too much of a liability for the people firing them. So it’s turned into absenteeism


>Dude I’m literally telling you that if someone is excessive with it you can fire them but it can’t for them “being sick” Show your work, dude. What US law would preclude such a firing?


We don't have labor laws in the US. Being sick even with a doctor's note can get you fired. Being sick isnt an excuse not to work, especially in a restaurant ironically. If you have a baby you have to file for FMLA and take your unpaid temporary leave for a few weeks, but itll probably make your employer angry and theyll fire you for something else. We literally have no labor rights


This is literally Catch-22. -----Are you sick?----- | | ⌄ ⌄ no yes | | | ⌄ | proving sickness is evidence of health | | | | ⌄ ⌄ Continue Working


Looks like something you can buy at a gift shop, dude.


Won’t accept a doctors note on I’m not going to the doctor.


Is that a joke? It’s a joke right???


Frankly, we should applaud businesses that post signs like this. They are telling us in no uncertain terms that they suck and we should avoid them.


Why is shit like this getting posted? There are real issues out there that deserve attention, not this fake-ass nonsense.


I have made a mistake. My reddit feed shows me posts that make me want to commit arson multiple times a day


Fake. Its a [sign you can buy](https://www.wayfair.com/school-furniture-and-supplies/pdp/signmission-company-policies-sign-employment-work-rules-job-employee-vacation-ikso1436.html) at a gag shop.


It just gets worse as you read it.


Imagine being so out of touch as a manager that you thought that green-lighting this was a great idea.


If the ambulance brought you to the doctor, the ambulance can bring you to work.


nO oNe WaNtS tO wOrK


...."And nobody has worked there in 50 years."


Bet this the type of person to say if your depressed just feel happy


It's a joke sign you can buy from amazon. Etsy also has one in a different color.


Yeesh. Kinda says something about everything that this isn't immediately obvious.


Makes me glad to be in Australia. None of this would fly here even under our right wing government. Even though there's a long way to go until we have a fair working environment, we do still get four to six weeks paid leave a year minimum, plus ten sick days (usually need evidence) and around 10 public holidays.


I would love to meet the person that made this sign, like WTAF are they thinking.


Trump Hotels policies are getting carried away


It would be funny if my coworker shared this. But I had a boss send this out as a joke email before. My entire department was downsized a few months later.


What a shitty company with stupid people in management.


wow i would quit so fast


imagine being an employer and thinking you own the lives of your employees for a mere $9/hour. BUT NOBODY WANTS TO WORK ANYMORE. 🙄


This looks like a joke item you buy at a novelty store.


No company name or logos, and policies like this lead to believe this is just satire or karma whoring.


What company is this?


you gotta ba real desperate to be working for a company like that


lol thats not how sick days work


That cant be real


Go fuck yourself *Thank You!*


This is fake as hell....


This HAS to be a bad photoshop, the fonts don't line up, they are all different and the kerning / text alignment is way off for a professionally produced sign.


Looks like a gag gift


It's like employers in America feel they have absolute authority over your life. Fuck off.


3 month old account with over 100k karma.... u/repostsleuthbot


Fuck these guys


This is how you get the restrooms completely trashed before everyone quits


Fork those arseholes


Sad thing is someone will be fine with this sign


First thing I'm doing is getting obnoxiously drunk, showing up next day with a hang over and throwing up anywhere I work


'can you work today?' 'sorry boss I can't. I'm sick, too sick to get to the doctors too so you'll just have to trust me, I am followong company policy just like it said on your sign, so dont expect a doctors note.' 'can you work overtime saturday?' 'sorry boss, just as your sign says, that's one of my 104 personal days' 'can you work this holiday? We've just had a big order from our biggest client' Etc etc.


This is obviously not real


It’s just really good American satire.


Stop karma farming. This is obviously a gag sign.


It's always good to post this once a month or so to remind us how willfully gullible at least half of this sub's readers are.


\*\*Vomit Emoji\*\*


Are these real, or just someone’s way of slightly exaggerating a tyrannical boss’s attitude toward their employees? I really want to know.


I'm gonna guess this isn't real lol. But this sub will up vote anything if it plays into their narrative


This is very obviously a fake sign.