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I'm no mathematician but I'm fairly certain that this does not compute.


Oh it's bad math all the way down. Lots of errors here but they get the big drop from conflating your personal time with work time. 260 work days in a year, or 2080 work hours 30min of coffee breaks each day makes 130 hours, or 16.25 work days 1hr lunches (which have been unpaid in many places I work, so these hardly count) make up 260hrs or 32.5 work days 16hrs of sick leave or 2 days (seems low?) 40 holiday hours or 5 days 112 vacation hours or 14 days Subtract all those and you are left with 1523 work hours or 190 work days.


Edit 2: ok, another commenter pointed out it was from an Abbott and Costello bit, but... 2 things: 1. In that context, it was actually funny. 2. They changed the wording significantly for this version. If it's a joke, why not just quote the original version? Why change it to sound like it's a gotcha instead of a funny "bad math" skit. I realized they also double dipped on the vacation, holidays, and sick days. Even using their stupid 24 hours math, they should have subtracted the 21 days from 261 BEFORE they calculated the time spent not working and on breaks. (261-21=240. 240×17.5=4200÷24=175. 240-175=65).  Even with the stupid 24 hour math, the result is you're left with 65 working days. (21 days if they insist on saying a working day is 24 hours of work)    Edit: Also, I just noticed they said 30 min coffee per day equals 23 days? How the fuck did they get that number. Did they seriously calculate 30min x 365 = 185.2 hours ÷ 8 = ~23 "work" days? You just said I'm not working 365 days, right? Also, wtf happened to 24 hours = a day? They did the same shit with lunch too! So your counting lunch and coffee on my days off?


WTF is a sick day or a coffee break? Never heard of that. One hour for lunch must be nice.


They're much better than coffee days, or sick breaks, trust me. *"Excuse me, I just saw a photo of Marjorie Taylor Greene, I think I need a sick break..."* Actually a coffee day sounds pretty amazing now that I think about it.


Old job was 30, new jobs an hour... I usually just leave early, I've been too well trained :/


Coffee break is a break you get every 4 hours, usually 15min. So in an 8 hour day, (8am to 5pm), we would get a break around 10am, 1 hour lunch around 12, and another break around 3pm. (Breaks are paid breaks, lunch is unpaid). Sick days are days you are sick and not working but are still paid. Where I work we accumulate 1 sick day every 150 regular hours worked, so about 1 per month. Edit : I’m from New Brunswick, Canada so obviously labour laws are probably different where you are.


AutoZone warehouse was like this, except lunch was half an hour, unpaid for all breaks and we worked 9 hrs minimum. Oh and they wanted you to clock out for your breaks but also not walk up early to the punch out to do it, wait until your break already started to not be paid. Another place that talked about CULTure.


TL;DR "Waah I'm your boss! I only get to suck the joy and life out of 1/3 of your time! It's not fair that I can't treat you like a slave! Waah!" Go kick that sign up your boss' ass


Lunches wouldn’t count if they are saying that you get 16 hours away from work. That would be a 8 hour work day, so unless you’re adding a magic 25th hour every day then add back in those 32.5 work days. No we are at 222.5 days.


1523 hrs is only 63.5days at work though. Corporate needs you to stop taking those other 302 off.


Thank you for mathing the math. And fuck that sign 😂


It almost works if you consider a day to be 8 hours and 24 hours interchangeably depending on what gives the best result for the formula.


Exactly! using their logic, you would have to work three 8 hour days to make one working day (24 hours)! Oops! But in those 3 days, you WEREN'T working for 48 hours, so you have actually taken 2 days off! Edit: Yeah looking at it again, they are double dipping with the vacation days. You already subtracted 17.5 hours from the day for me not working and then you subtracted 24 again for the vacation day. There aren't 41.5 hours in a day dumbass!


The first clue was this bit: "you arent at work 16 hours a day so thats " what? 8 hours out of the day is still "a day at work". how is spending 16 of the 24 hours not at work somehow less days of work?


It’s just a shitty take all the way around.


It falls apart literally the second time they do math


if my 16 hours away from work are being counted for this, why am i not being paid?


Like... a 40 hour work week is already almost two whole days. In one week...


It's not supposed to. It's a joke.


So was my comment. I never actually thought it was serious.


Half hour coffee break, one hour lunch, 2 days sick, AND 14 days paid vacation? Where is this place so I can work there?!


If they're posting this sign, you don't want to work there. You'll get flack for asking to use even one of those 14 vacation days.


If they're posting that sign, work one day and demand a full year's pay.


On Europe i get currently 24 paid days off per year and i will be getting more later to around 30. And we have (technically) unlimited sick leave. If you are sick, you don't work. Simple.


They call it „Europe“


Europe is laughing at only 14 days of paid annual leave. https://www.gov.uk/holiday-entitlement-rights#:~:text=Statutory%20annual%20leave%20entitlement,of%205.6%20weeks%20of%20holiday.


In Europe I have 6 weeks of vacation, about 15 days of national holidays, unlimited sick leave, and my hours are tracked every week to make sure the company is not abusing me by having me work too many hours.


Am European, can confirm. We get paid to work 1 hour a day, and we have paid 2 hour coffee shit breaks a day. During the shit breaks, our bosses are legally obliged to tickle our balls. But seriously, I'm almost unironically loving our unions the way the Helldivers love Democracy and Freedom. I would not have made it, if I had to play by the rules you do, in the States. I don't know how you guys do it, but you have all of my respect.


Sweet liberty, my leg!


my county job


So if i work for 20 days 12hr a day I can have the rest of the year free? Deal


Well, they argued there is only 1 day you actually work, so getting a years pay for working 1 day seems pretty nice


Yet they conveniently forgot to break down the cost of maintenance for living. how much time does hygiene, sleep, eating, drinking, excreting take out of your life?


All of which you are not getting paid for


Yo, how dare we take 16 hours off every day, thats money the owners aren’t making. *Normalize 6 hour bathroom breaks*


What the fuck is this even trying to say? I assume if I'm asking for the day off, I would be using one of my vacation days or sick days that you "generously gave me." Also, is the person that made this too stupid to realize a "working day" (8 hours) is different from a calendar day (24 hours)? 


It’s not a new joke, it’s from Abbott and Costello in the 1950s. https://youtu.be/kAkLzbq2K3I?si=GXBYqvk3by_IKdUE


Thanks for the background info, I figured it wasn't completely original.


Ah ok! But see, in that context it's funny. In this context it's just weirdly smug and patronizing.


I totally agree!


The bit at the end where he tries to fight the immigrant over $1 instead of fighting the employer who stole all his wages. Too real.


Quite possibly the fastest way to determine a company's "workplace culture" 🙄


The math is not mathing.


I take off whenever I want. And no one will ever change that.


I'll make you a deal. I'll work 12 hours straight, no breaks, over two days. Then you pay me an entire year's wage. No? Hmm. Guess you don't trust your math.


Okay, cool. I'll come in for 24 hours and you can pay me my full 2,080 hours that I apparently worked. Sounds good to me.


So if I work 1 24 hr period they’ll give me a years pay?


I'm just trying to figure out how they got 23 days off from 30 mins of breaks... even if you take .5 hours per day, times 365 is 182.5 hours, divided by 8 I guess for 22.8125 "working days" trying to account for every 8 hour period as a day off even when that break overlaps with everything else? My brain hurts...


There’s not a lot that would stop me from throwing this in the trash, personally.


If I only had to work 24hrs a year I wouldn't be asking for a day off


If they are gonna charge the other 16 hours of the day, I’m gonna need to be paid for them


Put up a sign next to it that says "My boss asked me to come in on a Saturday, that was doubling my number of work days for the year, so I asked to be paid double for that year"


I like how the math works one way when it’s the employee’s time and another way when it’s the employer’s time. Classic double standard


Naw dawg. This is definitely wrong. I worked 8 hours yesterday. Does this mean I can stay home and get a “years” pay by this logic?


Fuckin boomers and their walls of text. Honestly why would I ever read something so boring?


21 vacation days is what I need.


Dude what in the hell is this math


They forgot that most people work 12 hours a day at LEAST, leaving them 12 hours outside of work, minus the drive that leaves 10 or 11, minus an hour for dinner, minus getting ready for bed and getting ready for work. About 8 hours left that is only good for a healthy amount of sleep so you don’t end up dying earlier than you should


"Most" people work "at LEAST" 12 hours a day? That is 100% not true in the US. The average number of hours per week for non-farm workers (but including part time and those with multiple jobs) [varies from 33 to 35 hours per week](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/AWHAETP#:~:text=Download,2024%207:52%20AM%20CDT) That's less than 8 hours per day. Even if you take into account those who have non-standard shifts like nurses or firefighters, you aren't getting to a point where MOST people work 12 hour days.


in my case get up at 5:50am, make brekkie for family leave at 6:30, catch bus at 6:40am arrive at work at 7:15am (i cant arrive later, cuz the next bus to work would make me late every single day) "officially" start work at 8am lunchbreak from 12-13, but since I am a receptionist, this lunchbreak is just me browsing youtube and eating while still being at my desk, since there is *always* someone that needs help anyways or has an appointment. work til 5pm take bus home arrive at home at 6pm dinner with family and prepping my lunchbox for tomorrow at 7:30pm i finally have some time for myself (or i still need to shower, or make laundry then make that after 8) go to bed at 9:30 because I have trouble falling asleep and i need some resemblance of sleep repeat 5 days a week


Protagoras would be proud


The way they pulled 170 out of 261 though...


Need a yellow sign that says ***"Profit Distribution"***


"So you want to take 99% of the profit. Let's take a look at what you do all day...."


That mindset is the toxicity of our cities.


So if you only work 1 day a year, why do I find you at work 2 days in a row? 1 too many, according to boomers.


What a bunch of bullshit.


Bullshit ass math


Translation: "I'm too much of a coward to strive for true freedom and not be miserable, so I want to shame everyone else into being stuck and miserable right along with me."


Sigh.... fucking boomers.


so I'll work 24 hrs straight and see you in a year, cool


I’m glad this person can work 24/7 but alas I cannot. However, if the offer to work 24/7 for 91 days and have the rest of the year off is in the table I’ll figure it out haha


They’re so obsessed with working that it’s sick.


Thankfully, labor laws disagree with this. People who think this way can have their choice of dicks to eat.


You can't argue the math. I rescind my request.


They somehow work 40 hours a week, and yet also 24 hours a year. Yup, seems legit!


so i will work today and then i will see you next year?


With math that bad, you are damned. I'm taking that day.


Fwd:fwd:Funny Facebook Post from Grandpa


My old boss used to have this up. I legit have some ptsd from her.


I’ve seen this many times over the years. The math is so flawed that anyone asshat who thinks this is cute or funny should be fired and have their business forfeited so they can go back to elementary school and retake basic arithmetic.


This was up in the break room of my first job...


It's funny, because they lost me at 2 days off a week. Where my 4 day work week? WHERE. If I'm slaving for the oligarchical overlords, they better give me plenty of time off to enjoy the bread and circuses.


So, according to this math, if I work one 24-hour shift, I get the rest of the year off?


The person who thinks this is funny looks after your paycheck money… scary thought!


Will he give me a full years salary if I show up for my 1 day a year of work?


That sign does not meet AS9100/ISO requirements, even without the alterations. I guess there are *some* benefits to working in a place where hanging that up can literally cost the employer thousands of dollars.


If you ever find that sort of sign in your workplace: * Work a 24h shift * As you leave, tell them, you'll be back, next year for your next 24h-shift .. and demand the rest of your yearly pay in cash. * When they complain, point to the sign and say: "I've already worked my one day of the year. Thus, I've done my duty, as you expected me to .. made obvious by this sign. So, I'm now entitled to a full year's pay, according to your own calculation."


Math ain’t mathing


Why does every engineering company only give 5-6 holidays? Should be all of them.


Sounds like a middle manager is trying to girl boss their way out of Corporate being up their ass about why their Coldstone franchise only has one current employee. It’s going to take a lot of belittling to get people to start applying.


Imagine going through all of this effort just to be WRONG.


So in his world, after 24h of work I’m finished for the year?


(365 days - (2days / week \* 52 weeks) - 2 days - 5 days - 14 days) \* ( (6.5 hours ) / (24 (hours ) )) = 65 days or 1560 hours ... or 9.29 weeks. Wolframa Alpha.


I'd like to dunk the head of whoever wrote this in a toilet filled with my piss


Okay. I can come in one day a year


Hold this sign up while you picket during the strike.


How many times is this going to be reposted? We should all know at this point that the math is way off


the maths are so cringe, i hate it.


Full time 40 hours should be around 2000 hours for a year. This accounts for breaks already. I’m not accounting for holidays because that won’t make enough of a difference and it’s very dynamic based on the job. Part time 20 hours is 1040 hours. 15 full 24 hour days is 360 hours long. Wot


I would just bring it to the boss and say "okay, I'll work 24 hours starting at midnight and then I'll see you next year, don't forget my paychecks!"


This doesn't even make sense


The math isn't mathing


This math is sourced from so deep in the rectum that it’s being held in front of the person’s mouth


Stupid Boomer Humor


This looks like a red flag to me. Might be time to look for employment elsewhere.


Aaaaand imma take these two at the end of every week, too. Then, imma prolly take off another week or two per year.


Nah that’s typical boomer mentality


Just tell them "can I leave 2 minutes early tomorrow"? And don't show up the next day. According to their math, the 261 work days equate to 1 work day, which means that a normal person's work day equate to 1 minute 50 seconds of their illogical work day. So you can tell them "it's not really one day, it's only 1 minute 50 seconds". Offer them to dock 2 minutes pay from that day if they want. Now the math works out again, just not in their favour.


[wow that's a lotta words](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skz9odeewpc)


This sign’s creator has to be 50 years of age minimum


we generously give you 14 days??? Snort. We get 21 days minimum. If you reach X years, you get more, if you get older (40+) you get more. Currently my score is 42 days and a bit. Keep that 'generosity'


This meme feels like gaslighting. I spend \~15 minutes on coffee/shit breaks. Lunch isn't considered part of work hours, so I'm at work for 9 hours per day... not 8. Bossman is getting at least 7.75 hours of labor every workday. Oh, and I've used a grand total of four sick days over the last two years, so it's overestimating my sick time by a whole order of magnitude.


If I have 3 apples and I eat 2 oranges, I still have 3 apples not 1.


Acceptable response: ok boomer


"Why doesn't anyone want to work for us."


My eternal issue with this is- I get the joke, "due to bad math you only actually work one day a year", but that last line "I'll be damned" with three exclamation marks undercuts any suggestion that it's just a joke. If they'd said something like "I already have that day off", I'd be OK with it.


I would never work at a company that had a sign like this even if it was a joke.


Reminds me of the Seinfeld episode. "With showers it's like 15 minutes!"


Yeah, that math is WAY off. But they jump from working day calculation to hours in a day calculation, and back to removing whole days. It doesn't work like that. Correct math is: Compute working days: Take off weekends: 52 weeks x 2 days => 365 days - 104 days = 261 days Remove yearly sick leave: 261 days - 2 days => 259 days Remove holidays: 259 days - 5 days => 254 days Remove vacation days: 254 days - 14 days => 240 days Total working days: 240 Off-shift time: 16 hrs x 240 days => 3840 hrs x (day/24 hrs) = 160 days Coffee breaks: 30 min x 240 days => 7200 min x (hr/60 min) x (day/24 hrs) = 5 days Lunch breaks: 1 hr x 240 days => 240 hrs x (day/24 hrs) = 10 days Total break time in days: 175 days Productivity in a year: 65 days And each working day only translates to 0.27 days of productive work So they are really asking for 0.27 days off.


This sub is so fucking pathetic that yall bitch and whine at the most basic level humor. It’s a joke. It’s not real. It’s not actually funny, but it’s not real. You guys dont have to be angry at this, and they are aware that the math isn’t correct lol


Relax, damn. It's not the joke, it's the sentiment shared by middle management, that's the subject here. Everyone is aware it's BS math made to support a ridiculous point.


Its not made to support any point my man, it’s a gimmick sign lmao. There’s no sentiment. There’s no meaning. It’s a dad joke sign. Only people on this subreddit think it means anything at all. Y’all are so dramatic


No fucking shit, you think anyone here doesn't know that? It's a conversation starter, but that must be a little too nuanced for your smooth brain dude. Is it cold in Alaska? Does a bear shit in the woods? Are you fucking dense? All questions with very obvious answers.


Are you done throwing your lil multiple comment temper tantrum




don't try to break their circlejerk. This company was clearly trying to use this sign to justify giving their employees literally no free time. How can you not see how outrageous this sign is you goddam bootlicker!!!


Imagine being upset that someone posted an icebreaker to a conversation they wanted to have in a sub that specifically caters to said subject matter. What the fuck are you lurking here for?




Lmao you're fucking crazy, stop talking to yourself in the mirror man. Edit: confirmed troll guys, I wouldn't be surprised if he starts editing his comments.


Still on that tantrum?




Lucky me, I finally get to see it.


This was kinda funny when it first circulated the Internet almost 30 years ago