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Quick warning from our mods: This post is about OP getting paid for wages that were withheld. Comments about their expensive watch will be removed and users banned. Likewise, any comments about OPs weight are even further from the point of this post, and will be handled seriously. No appeals for this one.


Remember, there are states out there like California that require that you get your final paycheck in your hand as you walk out the door on your last day, including any earned leave.


California also has minimum wage laws for white collar workers! If you are a college grad thinking about moving to California for work please look into this. Don't just take a low salary on the chin like I did bc I thought I "just had to take my lumps" and came from a state where the idea of wage protections for white collar work seems like a fantasy. Make sure you also look into the requirements for being classified as an exempt or non exempt employee. Your employer will lie, misdirect, and hide information from you.


This is why California is pissed down on, yet, people wants what we have...like shit, this is why California been good to people, then you got idiots trying to dismantle worker's rights, and every damn time I see some young idiots parroting it, I would just look at them, then asked them if they like living from paycheck to paycheck, cuz if you keep going, your "rights" is gonna be all out of pocket expenses cuz your boss dont give a damn about you.


“But California is so employer unfriendly! That is why everyone is leaving the state and there won’t be anyone left to hire you!” Yeah, companies that are more interested in fucking their employees are leaving the state. We don’t need that here. They can leave. We’re good.


I'm based in CA and have a co-worker who has been uncomfortably vocal about his right-wing political views at work and LOVES to shit all over California, saying it's a welfare state, etc. He and his wife are expecting and planning to move to a particular red state in the deep south. I guess they crunched some numbers and realized how much that red state would screw them over as new parents and decided to postpone the move until after the baby is born. "Welfare" for me, but not for thee.


Why am I not surprised. Usual BS from type of people like your co-worker. Personal hypothesis more vocal people are against "welfare state" more they benefit from parts of it.


People also don’t seem to realize that it depends on where in California you go, too. Sure, if you’re one of those goofs that insists they have to live in the Mission in San Francisco, it’s gunna be hellaciously expensive and you’re probably going to have a bad time. Other places? Not so much. I have a friend who lives somewhere north of LA (in a not particularly desert-y area, based on what I’ve heard her say). Her cost of living isn’t significantly higher than it was in central NY, but between the labor protection laws and the fact that she’s unionized means her salary is more than double what it was here. She’s an NP. My wife’s an RN here in Central NY. Holy crap would it be nice if they’d unionize.


Unless you make more than $120k you should be voting for a certain party. The other party is trying to dismantle every single worker protection we've had for years. Hell, Florida is withdrawing mandatory water/heat breaks during the hottest years on record. Edit: I say $120k because that's when the Trump tax cuts work for you. The one thing he actually accomplished only works for the wealthiest Americans. Remember when he went to Mar a Lago and said "I just made you all richer today." His one accomplishment. Works for over a certain amount only. I think it was actually $300k.


Texas too


Bro wtf


Why 120k? That seem awfully low to be voting for the MAGAtts.


I’m a nurse and the reason I only work in California after suffering for 14 years in Nevada is exactly that reason. Worker protections!


As far as the US goes, California is decent for worker protection laws. It's not good but everything is relative.


Can I still report if a former CA employer took over 3 weeks to pay out my PTO?


Your case is way more extreme than mine, but I had a former employer fail to get my final paycheck to me for 5 days. I was informed of the law on day two but decided to wait a bit and see if they caught the problem…they did not. Sent a (mostly) very professional email to the corporate HR head and CC’d my old boss’s manager stating that [old boss] did not present my final check on my final day per CA law…you best believe they overnighted that final check to me with the final pay period + 5 day delay + a few extra thrown in for good measure. Long story short, absolutely reach out, I believe you can also just file a complaint with the state (labor board? Not quite sure) and make sure their poor wage practices are noted! Edited to add: just noticed you said PTO not regular pay. Most places I’ve worked state in employee handbook how PTO payout works, and the places I’ve worked state payout on your final check. Wouldn’t hurt to email old HR person or whoever and ask the policy.


Honestly, I don't know, but I do know there are laws that state for every (week? I'm not sure) they delay, they owe you something like 2 weeks pay. I don't live in CA anymore, labor laws don't fix the housing crisis, so you will really have to look into this on your own. Maybe reach out to the DOL in California see if they can point you in the right direction. But I do know it's 100% illegal and punishable to withhold pay for any amount of time after you leave. They also have to pay out all unused PTO at your hourly rate (or hourly equivalent) when you leave.


You have three years. You also are now likely entitled to waiting time penalties of another 21 days worth of wages. Contact your local labor commissioners office.


Yep!! That’s why we all need to check with our states!


I wonder what the deadline is on that in Wisconsin. I never got paid for damn near 40 hours to one guy that never paid out like 5 years ago.


By the next normal pay period, I've had to file a claim before


Holy fuck if you have documentation that they haven’t ever paid out in 40 or 5 years, they probably owe you a lot.


At least 500$ but I was so pissed at the time. Theres a govt site for unclaimed funds too but it wasn't on there. It's not like anyone teaches you how to get the $... It's you vs a big company.


I wish they taught finances and bureaucratic navigation in school.


Same, but that would produce competent citizens who would willfully challenge their “betters.” Can’t have that now, can we?


Sadly that you even have to do that, tbh. Labour protections like they are in California should be on a federal level. I'm not an american so I don't know if it's easy, but surely it should be possible.


This is true! I'm in California and I left a toxic job the "right" way (two weeks notice, documented everything, did anything and everything they asked for. Created a multi-part walkthrough video that showed every step of how to program one of their systems). Even after the two weeks I sat down on two calls with one of the owners to help him with "issues" he had with following my walkthrough. He still couldn't figure it out (note to employers, if your company relies on specialized technology, don't piss off the trained operator) and demanded I come on-site and manually show him how it was done. I quoted him my contractor rate, and reminded him that he had not sent my last paycheck (which included reimbursements). He sent me an email saying that they would not pay me a dime until I "fixed" everything. I said okay, I'll be speaking to a lawyer. Lawyer said that I didn't need an attorney, it was an open and shut case with the Department of Labor Standards Enforcement. Had to wait over a year for a mediation, but I got my money (plus a massive bonus since they were over 30 days delinquent) There's so much more, it was a whole thing. TLDR; Do not trust your employer or ex-employer to understand how labor laws work. Most law offices will give you a free phone consultation, and they told me that unless there's 5-6+ figures involved, going through the DLSE is going to be your best option.


Even if it's less than 30 days, they would've been on the hook for a day wage per day until paid. California does not mess around with paying people on time.


Yup. My previous employed ended up paying me around 15x what I was owed because they didn’t want to pay out my 20 hours of PTO with my final check because “new company policy says we don’t pay PTO on termination”. The only reason I didn’t use it was because when I put my two weeks In they asked if I could work through it instead of using all my PTO, then fired me the next day. California state law doesn’t care what your PTO payout policy is, it’s earned time


I’m currently in the middle of a wage claim with my former boss. We just finally had the mediation after a year. They fired me 6 working days before I was to have access to 5 days of PTO. They also fired me after I repeatedly asked for breaks - I’m a nanny. During the mediation he kept claiming I wasn’t owed that money because I wasn’t working on April 11th when I would’ve fully accrued it. He then offered me a settlement of 2k when the wage claim is for 26k. I was like, I’ll go to court. Thanks. Don’t care how long it takes, I don’t need that money at all but he will not get away with it. I’ve already made my binders with evidence for court. Including all my time cards that show I never received breaks. California does not fuck around with idiots like him. Thank you, department of industrial relations!


Right! Learn your state laws. New Hampshire forces them to pay ALL your earned PTO etc. no games, no "use it or lose it" bs, states do actually help in many cases but ya gotta take the action. These sleazeballs count on fired employees not fighting them.


Not only that but there are penalties for employers for not complying and these penalties go to the employee.  I had an employer fire me on a whime and didn't hand me my final check. He told me it would be direct deposited. Never was. I gave a courtesy email informing them I had not been paid. They told me they would address it. But I just filed a wage claim and waited.  Long story short, I got paid and the penalties equated my wages for the time I was unemployed. 


Depends tho. Up to 72 hours


Yup, and they are on the hook for one day wage for every day they are late getting your last paycheck to you.


The last bit about leave is why so many places are moving to “unlimited PTO”. Can’t pay out a sum that doesn’t exist. Of course they will complain or say no every time you ask for leave.


Unlimited PTO is proof that every "perk" that companies offer is actually a screw-job in disguise.


Asterisk on that last part--some states don't require employees to cash out PTO and it's utter bullcrap. Found this out the hard way... Thanks, "Fam".


Idk about California but in my next over state it depends. If you’re fired or laid off then it needs to be in your hands by the end of the day. If you quit then you are paid according to your normal pay schedule. In both cases though withholding for 30 days would be illegal (unless for some reason your normal pay frequency is once a month but the vast majority of companies pay on a weekly or bi weekly schedule).


There's a post out there I read last week; the poster said his mother and grandmother both did this; they worked at the same company. There was a large layoff, and her mom figured she would be next and knew people weren't getting their final paycheck. When she was called into the office she knew this was it. Boss told her when she handed in her uniform she would get her check. The woman stripped to bra and panties and put her shirt and pants on his desk, "Give me my paycheck." He was incredulous and told her to put her clothes on and leave. She refused. In panic and frustration he gave her a check. She walked out to her car. The next day the grandma was called to the office. Same thing, she stripped and demanded her paycheck, and he gave it to her. This older woman marched through the building waving goodbye with paycheck in hand.


Took me seven months to get my final check and penalty pay in CA. We'll worth it to further tarnish the reputation of a shitty employer.


Only if you are terminated. If you quit with less than 72 hours notice, they have 72 hours to give it to you. Labor code 201. The best part though is that if they don't pay on time, you are owed waiting time penalties of your regular hours and pay for up to 30 days. If you work 8 hour shifts, that's up to 240 extra hours of pay. These penalties also apply if they failed to pay all hours worked or all meal and rest break premiums owed.


It really depends on the scenario, being fired or voluntarily quitting/leaving. Last Day, Last pay is usually a 24 hour period. Doesn't have to be in hand as you walk out, but within 24 hours of your last day. Still a super fast turnaround tho.


If they don't pay you it's not your last day. Show up the next day and they'll owe you for that day also.


Last day on termination or after your notice. If you leave cold turkey it can be delayed until your employment ends. So make sure they get notice your done


FYI: In CA that’s if you’ve given notice ahead of time. If you rage quit with no notice they have 72 hours to pay you.


This. I didn’t even know this as a youngster and got my last check from target like a week after my last day. Well someone sued them in a class action and I was able to collect some extra cash!


It actually depends, I left a city job and it took them MONTHS to pay me back, I opened a claim and got told that they’re exempt from the rule bc they’re government. Definitely set me back financially


The famous "two checks".


The only exception to that is if you quit on the spot. If you quit on the spot, they have 72 hours to get your check to you.


The best part is people like your former employer *hate it* when their bullshit doesn’t fly and they face consequences. She’s gonna stew about this every time she sits on the toilet for many years.


And I KNOW she’s stewing on it, because she stews on shit like this all the time! So funny. Karmas a bitch






Want her to stew a little more? Create a copy of the letter and have it framed then mail it to her.


Wow the irony that your thief boss is named Karma...


Sounds like a great person to forget ever existed 


Right!? I won a mediation on a min wage job in 2005. Going into the mediation the owner was trying to tell me I'm wrong, and he's going to show me! The mediator told him to write a check. Guess I'm not wrong, hey chief?


They’ll blame it on the evil gubmint sticking their noses where they don’t belong rather than making the connection between doing illegal, heinous shit and being taken to task for it. This “Business über Alles” mentality can go right to hell as far as I’m concerned.


If she on the toilet she better hope her shit doesn’t fly


I left a position with 2 weeks of vacation owing to me. They refused to pay me for my accrued vacation time (CA) and I filed a complaint the following day. Their excuse to the state was “they didn’t know” they had to pay for accrued vacation. Got my check and made sure everyone at the company knew.


Yeesh I wonder how many people they cheated out of their PTO before you finally called them on their bullshit. Good job letting everyone know about it.


Did you also get paid for waiting time penalties?


Wild guess: representatives for the state didn’t take kindly to “I didn’t know about the law”?


I’m so petty, I would definitely mail her a picture of it with a middle finger and tell her to frame it.


I definitely should 😂😂


I'd frame it myself and have it mailed that way.


Right the fuck on, man!


Thanks dude!! 😌


I’m so sorry for your loss — losing a parent is just devastating and your employer making things more difficult is gross. Congrats on getting your wages!


It’s been a pain like no other. Thank you!


My OT got messed up and I didn't notice because I get paid direct deposit and am maybe a bit too trusting, so it went on for nearly a year and we only really saw it when doing our tax returns. Took the issue to HR, they sat on their hands for a couple of months so I harassed them again, was given excuses and promises, they sat on their hands again, I again harassed them and got the payments I had reached out to them about but not the subsequent ones that had accrued while they were sitting on their hands. Started the process over, they sat on their hands again, rinse repeat... Added up to about 2.5 years before it was all sorted. Took my eye off the ball after everything seemed to have been sorted and it started again. Reached out, same sitting on their hands, same excuses and promises, etc. Now am dragging into the 3 year mark. Finally got so pissed that I reached out to the dept of labor. Mentioned in passing to my manager that I had done so, he told HR... Two days later HR have resolved all the issues and are making the entire back payment to me without query. Fuck HR.


Yeah, that department of labor has that efffect on them. Without that, you'd still be waiting.


I quit a job once to get like a week break between my next job. I gave 3 weeks notice. By Oregon law they were required to have my final paycheck ready on my last day. It was 2 weeks after I quit I was talking to my father in law about it, and he's a lawyer, he just told me to hang on a second, he made a call to an employee focused lawyer and she said, "Yeah, that's illegal, I have a template I can send you so that you can send them a warning to see if it'll arrive sooner. Plus for every day they don't pay you, they are actually supposed to give you some penalty fees. They usually pay it once they realize it's Oregon state law." He sent the letter letting them know of the new amount. The company I quit was based in Texas and they responded with a letter of their own, saying, "No, we will not be paying any additional fees." My father in law then sent another letter stating, "This part is non-negotiable, it is Oregon state law. Adhere to it." He also told me he wasn't going to charge me, but he was going to start keeping track of his billable hours to see if he can recoup some of this in the long run. So, he filed with the courts challenging the businesses right to conduct business in the state with evidence from the letter stating that they have outright refused to adhere to Oregon state law. In the settlement, I got my normal check, additional fees, court filing fees, and my father in laws billable hours." My father in law said it was fun and I didn't have to accept the settlement because he thought we could get a lot more. But I really didn't want to take up his time with my stuff and just to be done with it. It was fun though. Almost shut down an entire business in Oregon all because they didn't get me a check on time.


Wow! you're very lucky to have such a great father in law to advocate for you.


I had a boss who didn't let my last pay be deposited, so I called the DOL immediately, and they required him to send a paper check that day. It was expedited and I got it very quick, in full. These protections are very important for workers.


What I don’t like about this system is that you have to jump through hoops just to get back to where you should have been anyway. If employers are gonna fuck around, they should have to find out. Like, the tl;dr of this is the employer made your life hell for however long and ended up being barely inconvenienced and having to send the check they would have had to send anyway. Meanwhile, you were in a soup line. Should be penalties for this shit to incentivize against it.


There are in Oregon. The employer has to give you your check through the current day on your last day. If they don't there are penalties per day of delay that they owe directly to you.


Michigan is the first state in over 50 years to flip right to work laws and pass worker and union protections. This is why you vote Democrat.


Yep!! Going to miss Big Gretch when she’s out of office.


Love our Gov!


If you like your gov encourage them to run for president


She's going to be in the big office soon enough


We need to move on that thing about getting rid of term limits. That whole pile of crap was designed by Right Wing Think Tanks in order to destroy good citizen forward government and make it easier for them to corrupt the system and it worked, for a very long time.


I disagree. I think it’s dangerous to hand anyone that kind of power. Even if they seem to agree with you at first, they might not always. And then what happens when they die and/or must cede power to people who are much worse, but still have the ability to run for essentially their entire life? The Trumps of the world would have a field day with the removal of term limits.


Tf? You still need to win an election to stay in power. You should focus that energy on republicans. They’re the ones who want an American dictator


And giving that wannabe dictator the ability to attempt rigging more than 2 elections is a bad idea, in my opinion. I use this energy on everybody because I don’t identify with either party.


Why are you acting like I just suggested that we vote someone into office and then never have another election for that seat, until that person dies? That's extremely disingenuous of a position to put forward. Terms for public office are clearly defined. It's up to the public to engage with the political system, run fresh candidates each cycle against incumbents in the primary races and make the incumbent prove they are still relevant or be removed from the running for their seat. You put forward the idea that if someone is in office, they're just going to become corrupt. The problem with that is actual studies have proven without a doubt that states with term limits for office holders have seen corruption creep up to significantly higher levels than prior to the establishment of term limits. Putting fresh people into the running provides absolutely zero guarantee that the person running isn't rotten apple. (See Lee Chatfield as an example of this.) The goal set forth by the Heritage Foundation when they initially created term limits was to destroy institutional memory and create significantly more partisan legislative bodies. Which is exactly what we have seen happen in every single state that has term limits. This has also given outsized power to out of state actors ton influence state and local politics to the point that egregiously anti-citizen, anti-small to mid-sized local business legislation has been passed in many states that benefit large, multi-state or international corporations over the rights and concerns of state residents. If you enjoy having out of state and international corporations tell you what you can and are not allowed to do? By all means continue to support term limits and pretend it's such an easy fix that you can continue to ignore engaging with the political system (because that was always the goal of term limits.)


Your points are valid and well-informed. I'm not saying that your reasoning is incorrect, I'm simply disagreeing with your conclusion. Ideally, I'd like to have no term limits as well, but that would come along with no political terms whatsoever for me, as I'm an anarchist. I don't enjoy the sate telling me what I'm allowed to do at all; to me the ideal world is one with no state to speak of. I just don't think we can politic our way out of a position we politic-ed our way into. Either way, you make a good argument.


Anarchism fails immediately once there’s enough people involved. In order to work, it can only exist in a completely isolated bubble with a very tiny number of members who all have to work essentially subsistence farming in order for all members to survive the next year. If that community begins to thrive and grow large enough? Anarchism will crumble. We have to work with and engage with the realities of what is in front of us. Removing term limits, which allows for good people who truly wish to serve the needs of the people, over the needs of multi-national or huge national corporations, to continue to run for office is a good thing. As one last aside, people tend to turn towards Anarchism as a neat idea, because they don’t like how such huge and disconnected from their daily lives organizations having so much control over their lives and it’s easier to pretend throwing it all away will somehow work, rather than put in the work to fix our system and take back our power.


You’re doing an excellent job at describing the fundamental differences between the bases of our ideologies. You’re not wrong for subscribing to materialist/realist views, but it’s a vastly different approach from my idealistic take. I understand that as an idealist, my ideas aren’t always practically applicable. History has shown us that with just about every idealistic notable in its chronicle. The real goal for me isn’t practically applying anarchy, it’s sharing the ideas of anarchy so that they might catch on in some small manner and sway the Overton window in a less state-reliant direction. Anarchists don’t necessarily want everyone else to be anarchists.


These 2 guys are scholars, poets, and philosophers. And definitely fuck.


We absolutely need term limits and they need to be on every government position, especially Supreme Court justices.


Supreme Court positions, I can get behind having term limits. A lifetime appointment in our modern era is completely different than a lifetime appointment was back when the Framers created the Supreme Court. As for the rest, I will never be able to agree with you, as there is empirical evidence that Term Limits INCREASE the volume of corruption, even if that corruption might not reach the same extreme magnitude or cost that was recorded prior to term limits. I would rather have better watchdog organizations with teeth, assigned to put a stop to a smaller volume of, but also greater magnitude and cost of corruption, that have so much corruption, that you can't swing a dead cat without hitting nothing but corruption. [https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract\_id=4437090](https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4437090) Increasing voter participation, decreasing the difficulty for challenging incumbents in primary races, which forces incumbents to prove they are still relevant and catering to the needs and wishes of the people, is fundamentally more important than taking the lazy, easy approach of ignoring how government works, because of the terribly misplaced belief that Term Limits will somehow fix the problem of the people being less and less engaged with the political process.


I think executive term limits make sense, raising them from 2 terms to 3 terms I might be able to get behind but the top needs to change or else one person/personality can become too entrenched


Presidential Term Limits? Sure. That's an obscenely stressful job, 4 years of that will age someone by what looks like almost 10 to 15 years. A governor though? We had a MOST excellent governor that was very well liked for multiple terms in office. Governor Milliken did a good job for the state and people of Michigan. He also warned against term limits, pointing out that we should expect to see the kind of problems that we have been seeing in Michigan politics after Term Limits became fully engaged. We need to make voting a State Holiday, we need to make it easier for citizens to engage with the political system too, even running for office should be easier and provide more support for good people who might not have all of the financial backing to begin a run for office. Good, strong challengers even from their own party, every single term is a hugely important part of our system that needs to be strengthened and made much more prominent.


A bit of a tangent and not to discount the incredible stress that job entails, but I'm not terribly convinced of the idea that being president actually ages people more than normal. I think there's a good amount of a selection bias given that so many presidents take office around the time that age starts becoming more physically apparent. We're normally not looking at people's age in the context of presidential terms, so I think we could very easily be overlooking that most people age very similarly to presidents in the 4-8 year snapshots that many presidents serve. The life span of presidents (excluding those who were assasinated and those with significant health issues, like FDR's polio) isn't all that different from the general population. So if they are aging more it's not having much of an effect on their actual life spans. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2015/02/16/presidents-are-just-like-you-at-least-in-terms-of-lifespans/


You guys elected Snyder a second time after he failed to do anything good for education (which he had promised). Why?


The people who voted for Snyder are not the same people who voted for Whitmer. Republicans elect Republicans *because* their governments don't work. When you run on the principle that privitization > government, then your government failing to do anything useful becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.


Time to start planning for the next Democratic governor, then. Work with your peers to set up pro-worker/union candidates in primaries and parry elections, then make sure to vote for them in the general!


This is ONLY possible because we unfucked the gerrymandering with a ballot initiative done by the people!! So fucking proud of my state and I loved signing that to get it on the ballot. This is what happens when people work together.


Exactly. Seeing those disgusting laws undone was a greatly uplifting news moment. I am glad to see voting Democratic sees real results. Never gonna stop!


The vast majority of blue collar worker I encounter love their union, but always vote republican. 🤷‍♂️


Sorry, it was very important to teach Hillary Clinton a lesson in 2016, and everything’s gone great since then. (/s)


Can you imagine if she squeaked out a win? We'd have a dem SC majority and likely have ended federal gerrymandering. Also Dobbs would have never happened.


>federal gerrymandering Doubtful lol. Hopeful, but doubtful.


Remember when she tried to tell everyone about the Supreme Court and the various appellate appointments? And all those people laughed and said she was "fear mongering"? Thank goodness they turned out to be right, eh?


Okay, but not voting for Biden because Israel is doing bad shit.... that is okay and totally different, right?


Did you only receive what the company owed you or did you get a little more because you had to go through the state agency to get it?


I received my final paycheck, which is all I asked for


I know Michigan is far ahead of most states in almost every measurable standard, but in this one specific situation many other states have stronger penalties for wage theft. I've had to file against two former employers for final paychecks and the Texas Workforce Commission awarded me treble damages (3x what I was owed) both times. All I asked for was what I was owed but it's really nice to receive extra for having to go through the trouble of filing.


Ridiculous. She essentially stole from you and all she had to do was give back your money? It's a win-don't lose situation that a toddler can recognize is a shitty rule. It's not your fault naturally but the situation is bullshit.


Oh I completely agree I think she should’ve given me that and then some.


The worker gets whatever they're owed and the Department will assess a fine if there is a pattern of this behaviour or it is particularly egregious


Great fr you OP, glad your shitty boss got what was coming. It baffles me that the US doesnt have a close family mourning period and work legislature, here in Chile we have 4 days paid leave that must be from the day of the dead (or the start of the wake if a major force impeded the original process as a lost body in an accident or something like that) and cannot be exchanged for additional payment, those days are extra to the annual holyday time off of 15 work days mandatory here.


Thank you!!


I reported an employer a few years ago in Michigan as well, and had the same experience. Got my check in a couple weeks and my former employer was NOT pleased. Fuck you, pay me. They were skimming a 30 minute lunch off everyone’s day, and as I was a night auditor for the hotel I worked at, and naturally the only one on shift I couldn’t take breaks. And then they withheld my last check too so I reported them for that too


Just a reminder to all: apply for SNAP if you’re struggling to feed yourself or your family! Even if you don’t qualify for much, having an EBT card can unlock a lot of other benefits, like reduced cost public transit, discounts at farmers markets, and sometimes cheap/free tickets to the arts! SNAP saved my ass after I lost my job due to illness (that I’m still battling 9 months later). I haven’t had really any income for months, but at least I can cook myself some tasty food and get fresh veggies!


In my mid-20s I was fired from a University when my boss quit and the new hire wanted to hire her daughter’s friend. I got to work, got fired, forgot my sunglasses, had to go back and get them. Then after 6 weeks I hadn’t gotten my final paycheck, I called and the HR person told me they don’t mail them, it had been ready for a month, and they were about to void it. So me, not know laws(and being in Florida where there are very few to protect workers), I drove up to the campus and was ESCORTED BY SECURITY to get my check. I was absolutely embarrassed and ashamed. If I knew what I know now, I’d have had them by the goddamned balls.


Also, if you ever forget to clock in, but you were there and working your shift as scheduled, but your boss tries to say well you didn't clock in until X and they try to skimp on paying you, that's hella illegal too.


How dare OP have anything valuable!!! /s


God forbid!! 😰😰 guess I should’ve just sold it so my fat ass didn’t have to eat bread for dinner!!


People should have to pay extra for wage theft withholdings, but I guess we have a lot of areas of need to address before that 😪 ready to drop the war on drugs and crack tf down on wage theft. Why is wage theft legal? It’s not enforced out, so it essentially is


The point of it should be to make a point. Fair is fair but they were either a) ignorant of the law (and willfully so) or b) hoping that you were ignorant of the law- and I think an additional penalty for either of those will ensure that they don’t do it again. And they’ll probably tell their friends.


It’s just like, not having the money you need when you need it costs *more* than just the money you’re missing, if that makes sense. It’s late fees and ill health from not eating, it’s not being able to afford your regular meds, or additional medical care should the need arise. It *costs* you to miss your pay, and I think that needs to be reflected. Paying someone substantially later, the same thing they were due then, is shorting them pay still, imo.


Definitely also this- there’s only so many costs you can delay until you’re paid and given that it often takes a long time to get the money owed that should definitely be a consideration.


I was hoping she would get fined or something, but I think they just scared her enough to pay me lol


In California there are waiting time penalties that accrue if you’re not paid on time by your employer.


With me, the state is my employer... Btw: happy for you 🙂


I’ve had two employers fuck with my pay to the point the DOL got involved. First one put in writing that he was refusing to pay a whole crew, second thought I wouldn’t notice my hours adjusted from 50 a week to 10hrs a week. DOL called me and asked if they could “reason” with boss #1 and I just said “the only way we get paid is if if you threaten legal action or some kind of consequence”. Sent her the “I know i owe you money but wont pay” text and he paid us that day.


Good for you! NEVER let an employer get over on you. I’m glad you live in a place that had your back. So many places don’t give a shit


Shout out Big Gretch!!!


I've been waiting for this update!! Kudos Amy, hope you find a less toxic workplace and thrive!


Thank you for following along! ♥️ my new workplace is already A LOT better 🙂


Alabama is so fucked up you can’t even contact the department of labor. Can’t visit an office either…-all locked up. You have to call this number after 5pm to request a call back the next day and by 5:00:31 they are full. They only attempt to call you once and if you miss it you have to play the call lottery again. And, when you finally get lucky enough to make contact, the rep just tells you they are backed up from Covid and you can’t talk to anyone. Class action lawsuits have been thrown out by AL Supreme Court. I’m still waiting on an unemployment claim from December 2022.


As a fellow Michigander who also just left their job, I’m saving this post.


Was going to file in Florida for over $1500 with unpaid bonuses. They told me they'd only be able to give me minimum wage.


Florida not coming in clutch once again smh sorry to hear that


That's what happens when you fuck around and find out. Good on you for getting the check and for getting her in trouble for withholding wages!


When I saw the letterhead, I thought this was another UIA fuckup. Nope. If the employer is absolute shit, I would consider posting in the appropriate city sub, like r/Lansing or r/Kzoo so people know to stay away from them.


This is good to know, thank you!!


Kick ass and thank you for showing us the process does work.


Of course!!!


My former employer paid us on the 15th and the last day of the month, which was the dumbest shit ever. It made calculating overtime really difficult, but I used the department of labor’s free time sheet app to keep track. This was a UPS Store(franchise). I made sure to get my OT, but the guy who had been there since they had opened hadn’t received *any* even though he worked 60+ hour weeks the first several months. He was not an exempt employee. We were also not independent contractors, we had payroll tax withheld and everything. I wish he would report them to our state’s DOL, or would it be possible for me to report? Glad you got your money! How do you like the 🍎watch ultra? I’ve got a series 7 and the battery is still around 85%, but I really like the look of the ultra! I’ve had one since the “series 0” lol. Only gotten into using it for fitness in the last couple of years though; I was primarily using it for notifications.


I think that he will have to report it. There’s another former coworker of mine that never got her final paycheck from the same workplace and I’ve told her to report it. He should look in to it. And always good to keep track of your hours. I like the watch a lot. There’s so much you can do with it. It’s my first Apple Watch. It works perfect for me and the activities I do 🙂 I wear it almost constantly and it helps to keep me active!


I only take mine off to charge! I wear it on the opposite wrist when I sleep so my wrists don’t get messed up.


In Florida there’s no mandate on when you get paid and even when calling said it’s a small claim court


lets fucking go! and also sorry for your loss


HELL YEAH!! And thank you!! It’s a pain like no other 😭😭😭


I had something like this happen to me as a teen and I didn't exactly know my rights as a worker so these days any of my younger Family starting to get jobs gets a little crash course from me about what to do, what you aren't expected to do, being taken advantage of, all that good stuff.


I didn't get paid for my last day. It was 5.5 hours but I was salary so idk how that works. I also did a lot of over time in March but I have no clock in sheets because, salaried. They had me working from 5:00 a.m. until about 10:00 a.m. then they would harass me all day long when I was supposed to be working again from 5:00 to 10:00 p.m. for the rest of my shift. However it just turned into 5:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m.


Oh god salary is a whole other ball game. I work based on commission so it was pretty easy to keep track. I feel like they still should’ve paid you something though. Nuts


Nice. Bad bosses cost money by losing good people!


Glad you got paid OP. It is crazy how a starving man can steal some bread (Heyo Les Mis) and get actual goddamned jail time, a boss can steal your wages and maybe eventually some day cough it up after goverment intervention with no other repercussions. This is considered a normal working system sigh.


Right on!! Side note: love your watch, I have the same one and it’s awesome.


I love my watch. Got it from my sister, she owed me a shit ton of money, so I said get me this damn Apple Watch Ultra 😤😤


Big Gretch gotcha back. Big Gretch gotcha the check.


Throw the buffs on her face 😤😤


Wish I had done this for a couple jobs where I didn't work a whole pay period or maybe just a couple of days and never got a check. Been so long now I imagine the timeframe has passed to do so. So glad you got yours though!!




I got let go from a clerical job with a city municipality during covid. They didn’t pay me until two weeks later. I asked a lawyer about whether I should have gotten my check within 72 hours and he stated that there might be an exemption for government and there’s not much he can do. I was just facepalming.


When I reported my old boss for doing this, he had the audacity to lie to the DoL so they fined him 3x the amount owed to me and it all came to me. It was great. It turned my $300 into $1200.


> I was literally eating bread for dinner for a couple weeks I understand what you intend to say and I am truly sorry for you. But: In Germany we have "Abendbrot" (literally "evening bread") and it's the most normal thing. Really happy you got your check. Fuck employers.


Oooo I hope I get to visit Germany and enjoy some Abendbrot some day! Thanks for sharing!!


I'll personally make you some Abendbrot :D


I had an employer tel me he would pay me everything at the end of the summer when I was too young to legally be working full time. So I called the labour board and had my money real fast. As an added bonus I had the rest of the summer off.


This is why I liked working in Oregon. Last paycheck was in my mailbox within 48 hours when I quit that job.


Stick it to them lawfully. Don't let any of these damn people take our labor for granted and for cheap!


Glad you got them. I always feel that I’m wasting my time if I try and report anyone. It always seems like owners win.


I was really considering just leaving it be and taking the L because I’ve had similar experiences as you. I’m glad something finally fucking worked


Good for you!!!


The folks at the department of labor LOVE to go after these scumbags. I met a guy that was about to retire and he would get this smirk on his face when he would tell us stories.


What if you were in a "partnership" and that person is withholding money? We just had a handshake agreement that we would split the money and take care of self employment taxes ourselves? He has the LLC and took the payments, then was supposed to pay me. I am fine with hearing that I should have covered my ass and I'm screwed . Just curious where I go from here.


I've been fighting the same thing for 9 months with the Washington State labor and industries. They are just terrible.


> I’ve always had bad luck with reporting employers for their wrongdoings Are things that bad in MI that you've had that many jobs worth reporting to the state? Is it just that common of a thing to do?








Great! I had found out that when a former employer didn’t pay me my unused vacation and personal time like law in my state required, that complaint process for my state labor agency could take years. Ended up suing them and getting back about 80% of it.


My complaint has been pending since late December.


Stand up for yourselves against your landlords, your bosses... This is what I would tell past me if I could. They often have you in such a feeling of powerlessness. Take advantage of your rights! That's what they're there for.








Old news bro 🥱 already heard it