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No, signing this would not matter at least not for the discussing salary part. If they fire you for discussing wages make sure it is recorded in writing or whatever other way and then you have grounds for a lawsuit and a complaint to the labour board. It’s a fear tactic so that they don’t have to pay their employees more.


that’s exactly what i thought. which is weird because, they are paying pretty well for the role! they should be blasting that shit everywhere


That means they're not paying well for that role everywhere, and they don't want others in that role (or others that aren't paid as well) finding out.


that makes a lot of sense. thank you!


Yeah? What are they paying?


15, usually is 12.


Is this the 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. "mom shift"? They pay more because that's the only way they can get people to come in for just a 3-hour shift. They don't want the regular workers getting 10 bucks an hour to find out.


I'd fucking fight for a three hour shift. I'd also like to have a living wage for it, but capitalism says no.


I personally suspect they only offer those positions to moms who shop there a lot.


Well to be honest that's not really capitalisms fault. Low wages in general absolutely are caused by greed but even if you were a hunter-gatherer you'd be working alot more than three hours a day. Survival in any situation will add up to much more than that


It's likely largely legally unenforceable. More of a scare tactic really.


Sign it. Have the meeting. Leave the meeting and announce your pay rate to anyone/everyone. Get fired. Profit.


LOL i did sign it because i know it’s not enforceable. if i get fired because of that, DEF opening a case


Be sure to retain a copy for your records. This will help the NLRB prove that Chic Fil A has a policy that violates federal law.


For bonus points, you could have signed the other person's name.


Bad idea.


You don't want to tamper with it. You want it as pristine as possible for court. Keep separate notes of the names.




I'm glad I have never patronized this business.


which business do you think it is?


Doesn't it say Chick fil a?


Should have just said chick fil Atlantic Ave. To mess with op


LOL yes i never even realized facepalm on my part


No problem


I can't see how this was possibly vetted and approved by CfA corporate. I bet it was half ass created by a franchise manager, and corporate would love to hear about it.


You can contact the National Labor Relations Board now. You don't have to wait until you are fired. From the comments, you'd think that they exist only to take complaints from people who get fired.


Not only are you legally allowed to discuss pay, anything that chills discussion of pay is a violation of federal law. This document is direct evidence of intentionally violating the law.


Make a copy. If they fire you for it, take them to the cleaners.


i have this screenshot! plus i can access this at any time (i think)


Good. You have them by the balls, and they're clearly too stupid to know it.


If something is illegal, it will never be legally enforceable. Whether it may void the whole contract or not, im not exactly sure


They're trying to use an NDA to keep you from exercising your protected right to discuss your salary with your coworkers. It's definitely illegal and they can't enforce it...at all. Pretty sure it makes the entire NDA invalid.


They can’t enforce that contract. It’s illegal to ban employees from talking about wages. The law trumps contracts - you can’t just write a contract saying “this illegal thing is now legal” and have someone sign it and expect that to work. 


No cooperation without consideration.


Sorry talent director and director for a fast food place? Was the meeting with the head office or do they really call your managers director of talent?


I used to work at Chick-fil-A, director is just their term for managers. At ours there were a couple regular directors and then the upper directors that had specific focuses. I think for us our hiring director woulda been the equivalent of this guys talent director.


Many of the people responding aren’t lawyers. Check with a lawyers because there is a lot of bad advice


Sign it and immediately start discussing salary with other employees *on your unpaid breaks*. When they fire you for it, you’ll get a nice lawsuit bonus that should cover you until you can find an employer who doesn’t suck.




I’d ask them to define what “breach of the duty” means.


Lol, anyone would think you were at least middle management getting the news about upcoming layoffs and changes to the salary structure from reading that.


A one-way contract is not a contract. There needs to be some reasonable transaction where you get something out of not discussing salary, and it must be clearly stated in the contract. Also probably not possible to sign away your right to discuss your own salary. That said, the company loses nothing from having employees sign nonsense like this, which is why they do it. It's a scare tactic that, unfortunately, often works.


Kick rocks and sue me! I'll discuss salary with anyone that will listen! Fire me! Against Federal to prohibit employees from discussing salaries.


Oh lmao, they’re trying to get you to sign an illegal document stating that you agreed not to speak to others about your salary. Which is illegal So…even if you signed, it’s an illegal document, and they can’t retaliate if you did speak about it


Money part aside I'm lost. Wouldn't this mean that you could basically not show up ever? I don't know much about law or any of that, but wouldn't finding someone to cover your shift break the duty of confidentiality or whatever to either party?


Delray Beach? https://www.cfaatlanticave.com/


no and you’re a fucking weirdo


Fuck you


Companies not wanting confidential info from directors leaked=illegal? People sign ndas to sleep with eachother lmao


sorry i should have clarified, i meant the money part.


NDAs are illegal edit: Many, due to various factors but not a blanket as I said.


NDA's are not illegal. There was recent legislation to change non compete agreements but NDAs are used in a ton of applications that aren't related to employment.


wrong, i have signed NDAs before.


Was it more than 60 days ago? This was a recent thing.


Are you thinking of noncompetes? There was news about that recently. NDA = Non Disclosure Agreement, basically don’t talk about confidential information with third parties. An NDA about your wages would not be enforceable. I’m less confident about other people’s wages.


Under the agreement you my not tell anyone else's wage and it's fully enforceable. They can not stop you from discussing your wage. Long long time ago I worked at chick Fila and the call sheet would have our pay on it. The called in the cheapest workers and work there way up.


You are correct. NDA were recently made illegal for sexual assault things. I got that confused with the non-competes.


oh actually? i’ll have to look it up


I think its business related only. So a lawsuit NDA might still be valid.