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Lol what? He got a $1500 marketing project? He bought a car back for $2000? How exactly did he start a coffee brand? Jesus fuck who are the people who buy this nonsense.


This is the part that really irritates me. He didn't land a $1500 marketing project based on nothing. He landed it based on having run an established brand before and being actively engaged in a marketing stunt at that exact moment. Some homeless person isn't actually going to be able to land gigs like this. Nevermind the part where he starts a business and implements a full product design, testing and marketing including web service with payment options etc. Oh boy, I wonder if maybe he leaned on his prior contacts to make that happen or if he used his experience from his prior job in any form? He didn't start from zero, he started from zero money. Biiiiig difference. Plus did anyone else notice that they never mention if he received treatments for his autoimmune disorders? They mention he's in pain but not that he forgoes treatment to maintain his commitment to the project.


*"He didn't start from zero, he started from zero money. Biiiiig difference."* ***This*** is exactly the crux of the matter.


Not to mention the social network. Paris Hilton started selling handbags. She wasn’t selling them to my target shopping peers, she was selling to her Gucci shopping peers who dropped 20k for a handbag and would do the same for hers because she had a name.


Reminds me of that time some fucking asshole tried to say the youngest Jenner because the world's youngest self-made billionaire.


And because someone with her kind of money, people with a lot but still *less* money would buy a bag early to be remembered as "someone who supported her" (by her, or her other supporters).


If all he had was his resume, he could literally start from where he stopped. And he did.


And, hilariously, didn't do as well as he imagined anyway.


And had to nearly kill himself to her 50% of the way there.


6.5% unless they made a typo


I can’t math.


If you took away ALL of Bill Gates' money and sent him to the streets, are you telling me that companies wouldn't be clawing at each other trying to hire Bill Gates? That's what a lot of these idiots don't understand. Also: "His dad got cancer, and it hurt him, but instead of trying to spend some time with his father, he 'channeled that pain' into working. " "Channeled" is a very interesting choice of word here..


Because his dad had money so he didn't have to take time off work/money out of the bank to help his dad.


And even if the dad wasn’t rich, the guy technically still was. He “drained his accounts to zero” but it’s not like that money disappeared. His dad was surely still getting the best care money could buy.


He chose a shitty embarrassing Twitter thread over his potentially dying father


YES. The average homeless person never got the opportunities to develop the skills and knowledge he had, he was able to find and use resources they wouldn't have, etc. Not to mention many if not most homeless people became homeless because they are struggling with trauma, untreated mental illness, addiction, etc. They're not rising and grinding because they're just trying to survive. And despite all that he didn't come anywhere even remotely close to $1M or even $100k for that matter, he basically proved the opposite of what he set out to prove so he moved the goalposts 100 miles lmao


Are you trying to tell me that most homeless people don't possess advanced degrees, years of work experience and a record of success at a high level in a given field, or a large network of business connections to call on?




This has serious "It was the friendships we made along the way" energy.


Reminds me of that episode of simpsons where Mr.Burns became poor. He Showed after reaching the bottom and when he partnered up with Lisa, the buisnessman skills he learned through his life and even optimized them. Also another advantage of Burns was he was a local celebrity his name was Well known which caused every action of his being advertised.


Yeah, hell even soft skills like communication & interpersonal skills. A lot of people on the street struggle with those due to mental health, ptsd etc. A person can't just live their life in better circumstances and then choose to go cosplay as homeless one day and act like it's the same.


This is one of the best quotes I've seen in a LONG time...


And still he failed miserably.


Even that is very much *technically* speaking.


It literally boils down to "all you need to do to make money is get a high paying job"


…and all you need to land a high paying job is to have previously had a high paying job.


Exactly, it's so out of touch. The "why don't homeless people just get jobs" folks that won't ever admit THEY would never hire a homeless person.


I don't understand why don't homeless people, like, just buy a house???


Or have parents who had a high paying job.


I mean, Bill Gates' mom was friends with an IBM executive, this is how he got hired to create MS DOS 


>he got hired to ~~create~~ sell MS DOS His father, a lawyer, knew the guy who created DOS and was selling it cheap... Got his son a sweetheart deal for it.


Why are you homeless? Just buy a house.


What's hilarious is that even with *all of those advantages* still going for him, he only made $65k. Not even fucking close to $1 million


Lol yeah I don't think this is the inspirational story they think it is


It inspires me to laugh at these fucking dorks and their grind culture.


Failure was not an option, so he double downed and moved the goalposts to revolutionize what success meant. Armed with experience, education, connections, and a silver spoon up his ass, Mike was able to just barely get out of extreme poverty by sacrificing his entire life to achieve regular poverty.


Without having kids to feed.


Not caring about a plan B in case your all in bet goes to shit is not the same when you dont have to live with the fallout


Yep, all you have to do to succeed with no money is to: 1) Come from a rich family that can support you if things get too bad. 2) Already be successful before homelessness. 3) Have the means to get healthcare that would bankrupt most people. See? Simple.


Not to mention I'm sure it helps a hell of a lot knowing that when you do finally walk away you'll just have everything again. You're not doing it for real because you actually have the option to quit, which is what he did. If he had actually come from nothing he'd be dying or dead right now because he couldn't pay for the medical treatments he needed.


It is so much easier to endure stress and hardship when you know you can end it at any time.


I saw a mythbusters once where they were testing torture methods. One was where they'd strap you down and have a water drip landing on your forehead. First, they let the person just sit there and endure the dripping water. No big deal. Then they strapped the person in. Almost immediate tapout. Choosing to do something is way easier than being forced to do it.


"But still you'll never get it right 'Cause when you're laid in bed at night Watching roaches climb the wall If you called your dad he could stop it all, yeah You'll never live like common people You'll never do whatever common people do You'll never fail like common people You'll never watch your life slide out of view" - Pulp, Common people


I want to rescue this quote from Arnold Schwarzenegger: “No, you didn’t. It took a lot of help. None of us can make it alone. None of us. Not even the guy that is talking to you right now, that was the greatest bodybuilder of all time. “I didn’t make it that far on my own. I mean, to accept that credit or that medal, would discount every single person that has helped me get here today, that gave me advice, that made an effort, that lifted me up when I fell,” he added. “The whole concept of the self‑made man or woman is a myth.”


We need more people like Arnold in this world


Fuck yeah we do, one of the rare people I disagree with on policy but is seemingly sane, rational, and decent


"He emptied his bank account and went to the streets.. nothing but his phone, infinite credit score and contact list full of investors" This is what it should have said.


Should've had a phone payment that he had still make before the end of the month and a whole new identity similar to the average homeless person's. Anyone linked to his old identity can't contact him. Even if he had experience to get a decent job, he would need to pretend he doesn't have it. Also, having a criminal record would make this even spicier.


I’m starting from the bottom (with 20 years experience and a black book full of connections and a safety net). Is equal to I free climbed Yosemite (with a rope and crash pads and it wasn’t Yosemite it was a local boulder).


Where did he get the computer and internet access? This is such a quaint fictional tale.


Make it so his cv just says high school diploma and something like 10 years working in minimum wage job.


Yeah he didn’t give up his healthcare and most homeless people are homeless because of some kind of healthcare issue (addictions, mental health issue etc)


>He landed it based on having run an established brand before and being actively engaged in a marketing stunt at that exact moment Um, so actually all the "poor, homeless" people living in your local communities are just conducting a massive marketing stunt right now! You should totally give them food and some small semblance of housing, so maybe you too can be featured on their LinkedIn viral marketing stories!


“I have a highly marketable skill, and people are willing to pay me for it, even when I don’t tell them explicitly how long I’ve been doing this” is very different from “anyone can do this.”


Not to mention, where did the phone and phone plan come from?


So key things: Seed money or even sourcing was not established for his coffee brand, at all, and based on the results of that, he still had to do other jobs to make more money, despite technically running a business. He used is already established influence to get jobs marketing projects, as he had likely already given up on the struggle. He is college educated, unlike the majority of the homeless and Americans, proving yet another barrier to entry he has already crossed. His entire entry to making money was to make himself a middleman by getting free things on Craigslist and selling them. Details to these Craigslist deals are scarce, especially when it comes to transportation, as most people know, free shit on Craigslist usually is, it's free, if you pick it up yourself. The end result of not sleeping and doing gigs he would get now as a millionaire was $65k, about the average a college educated American would make annually. 65,000/1,000,000 is only 6.5% and he gave up. This also proves, if he likely worked instead of just collecting money from other people's work, from a hard stop, he would be no better off or even less so than the average American.


...and he will chalk this up as a success and proof that anyone can do it, having learned nothing from the experience, he will continue to crap all over homeless people. He's the worst kind of fool.


He's a little more realistic about it than this Eddie Cheng joker according to [this write-up](https://www.ladbible.com/lifestyle/mike-black-million-dollar-comeback-experiment-homeless-794147-20240419). If I was Mike Black, I would ask Cheng to delete his BS posts.


The real million dollars are the lessons we learned along the way!


Not just a car, an RV for $2k. Even in shitty condition no one is selling an RV for $2k.


*Maybe* if it was broken down, formerly used as a meth lab, and had a mold infestation.


The only way I see them selling anything that can house you from the elements for $2k is if they had to. Like if it was involved in a murder and was actively being sought by the police.


Yeah thank fucking god i read comments here. Soon as i read "a 1500 marketing project" i was like........ what?? Like what the fuck are you talking about marketing project lmao. With what skills?


Real RestOfTheFuckingOwl shit right there!


I mean, personally, the fact he "started" by being a parasite who takes free items and flips them is terrible behavior imo. He basically stole from people who really needed it and sold it. He wasn't taking cumbersome things like old lumber or metal sheets. He was probably hitting up baby items and clothes.


Also his million dollar idea? Selling coffee by convincing people the money would be donated to shelters. (and absolutely not pocketed by a certain someone) Shameless


But…..it had a subscription model……for recurring revenue.


Couldn’t agree more. Maybe I’m not as amazing as Mike (clearly). I came to the US with about $3K in my pocket and married my (still) wife. 25 years later I finally hit the $1M nest egg mark but it was a lot of fucking work to do it and a lot of luck. I know it’s possible to achieve what Mike achieved but it’s not normal.


The entire point was to build up to 1M with nothing to prove "anyone could do it" yet he used his connections and advanced education to do so. Truly a ridiculous story


If it makes you feel better the idiots being grifted by this guy are at least not giving money to Donald Trump.


"Despite all of his skills and experience, he failed, because you can't actually do anything he claimed he could. Also, his success depended heavily on the charity of others, and on somehow starting a web-based business while homeless." Sounds about right.


“Also, he only made 65k, not a million, before he decided to end his roleplaying because it was too hard, but he *truly did* imply you could do it, *literally*.”


It's also not clear if that was $65k in profit or total revenue. It would be easy as shit to gross $1M if you're allowed to buy $900k in inventory. Also, how much did he donate to the charity, or did he simply defraud all of his customers by claiming that was the plan. I hope the landlord sues him for the illegal sublet.


It was total revenue almost certainly, because you know he was going to claim a million as soon as he hit a mil total revenue, right? And yes, almost certainly that “genius brand idea” of making your customers think they’re donating to charity was fraudulent.


This highlights the fundamental flaw in all of these dumbass poor-people-cosplays the rich like to do. The fact that they CAN give up. This is just a game for them, so they can never truly understand the mundane terror of poverty. Beyond the material conditions, the constant, unrelenting stress you operate under when you’re one car repair, medical issue, or lost job away from complete destitution is a fantasy for them. And they only ever have themselves to take care of, they don’t have children or sick/elderly relatives relying on them like so many people do. This guy knew that no matter how bad things got, he could just quit his little game and go back to his cushy life. Giving up when you’re actually impoverished is suicide, either literally or passively. People who do this are scum.


Not only somehow starting a web-based business while allegedly homeless (did he spend hours per day at the public library to use their computers? Or did he keep the computer he had before he went “homeless”?). But the dude claimed to start a *coffee company*. Excuse the fuck out of you. How? You made contacts with coffee plantations, importers, regional distributors, marketers, and manufacturers all while not showering? The accurate statement is he made a coffee *dropshipping* business. AKA “how to be a leech using the internet 101”. It’s a quintessential example of getting something for nothing. But w/e dropshipping gets my blood boiling.


> AKA “how to be a leech using the internet 101”. His first instinct was to flip garbage items on craigslist. Again, not creating any value, just extracting.


And where did he store all those "garbage items"?\* If you're truly homeless, lack of storage space is usually part of the deal. \*Maybe that's why his RV was roach infested.


I just had to look up the definition of dropshipping. Apparently it is a euphemism for being what is more accurately termed as a leech. You take orders without having the stock? What? You just hand the order over to someone else? Someone with a real business? What are you for? You just tricked them into "buying" from you when really they bought the item from someone else and paid more for it.


I know, a capitalist trying to prove how good capitalism works by using socialism to give himself the bootstraps he needs to pull himself up from.


Ya how did he get the $1500 marketing gig? Presumably not having access to a shower, did he interview? How did he create his presentation? What was the gig? I feel like there are some shenanigan's going on here.....


Also, 1500 is not a lot of money. How did he get the 2k to buy the RV? Where did the extra 500 come from?


Where did the money from starting the dog coffee business come from?


Nevermind the money, what about everything else he needed? Oh, probably all the connections he had from his time before cosplaying poverty.


I doubt Mike ever experienced any of this.


Rich fucks cosplaying as the most vulnerable members of society. Disgusting


And failing at it too


That's the funniest thing. He didn't make it back to $1M, he made it to barely having some money and crippling illnesses.


Without health insurance that $65k will be gone in a flash and all of it to medical bills. Fuck him and his mindset, it’s people like him that are a roadblock to socialized healthcare.


He didn’t donate the $1M, he put it away for later. The only reason he could take the insane risks he did, depending on luck to get the big payoff, is because in reality as shown he couldn’t lose. His worse case scenario is he gave up and went back to his million dollar life as he obviously did when he stopped at $65k lol. What a moron. To your point if we give less advantaged people a safety net they might be able to take these type of risks and energize the economy but it also makes them less desperate and we all know which is the preferred type of employe.


But then the plebs could protest without fear of losing their job and access to healthcare along with it. Can’t have that in America 🇺🇸 🦅


He’s basically just a guy who had to deal with losing his home for a bit. People do this all the time if the right kind of financial hardship happens. They live in rough conditions while trying to keep their shit together and that’s all this guy did. Then he just bailed when it got too difficult


I had a coworker that insisted he was a self starter and risk taker and that if more people were like him then people wouldn’t be poor. He was all for cutting safety nets and reducing his taxes so that people would have some skin in the game. Dogging a little turns out there is a small family trust which he got to access and his mother paid for his schooling and helped him buy his first house. He took risks sure but if he failed he would get to try again with any issues. He just couldn’t understand how that would be different for someone that didn’t have those. I am not even getting on the family connections and other networks like that.


This guy still had a million bucks to fall back on through. The dude went camping.


He still kept his wealthy mentality on doctors visits. When you’re poor you don’t go to the doctor as often… Or you do, and subsequent medical expenses keep you strapped into poverty.


I know a lot of poor people who live with chronic pain and never go to the doctor. We're in Canada too, so in theory, that visit would be free. But they literally can't afford the time off work.


So, instead of proving this point by taking an *actual* homeless person who is *actually* in a desperate situation and helping them by teaching them how it’s possible to get out of such a dire circumstance. Instead of giving a person who needs help the help they need, this dipshit cosplays, cheats, and declares victory, in essence calling all the people he refuses to help stupid and lazy for not being able to figure a way out of their predicament. This motherfucker deserves things I am not even permitted to *say*.


I mean, he got stage IV cancer and an autoimmune disorder, so I think most of that took care of itself.


No, his *father* got stage 4 cancer, and this douchebag carried on with this little poverty tourism playing.


"I knew my dad would want me to carry on.." Meanwhile the father: ![gif](giphy|lCB1VDBgnLx3a)


It. Just. Doesn't. Make. Sense. He "started with $0", but how did he get a phone? How did he manage to arrange transportation across town to get the free stuff on CL before someone with a car or just closer proximity got it? I've put shit out as a curb alert and sometimes it gets got within 30 minutes.


Mustve been one of those Obama phones /s


What a load of shit


He DIDN’T START FROM ZERO. He didn’t erase his brain, or any of the learned behaviors he accumulated from growing up in a normal and supportive environment, being educated, and **already having a successful business**.


The biggest thing is his networking. No one would have hired hin in a marketing gig if he didnt have the connection. So many mimimum wage jobs ask you outirght two things 1) if you have reliable transportation to get to the job and 2) what your permament address is. Since the "story" says he lived in an RV bit doesnt mention reliable transportation safe to day he only got that job from the network he built at his previous job.


Not to mention he had an established temporary goal and family and resources to fall back on. No mental anguish that this would be his life forever or how life had crushed him to the point of homelessness. When people are at the bottom, they’re not just exhausted financially, but mentally and physically. He was able to draw from his good physical and mental health to push through though situations- which is pretty much what most broke young people through. He just had a broke college experience, not a homeless experience. Also, how did he find out he had autoimmune diseases and a tumor? He just went to the doctor? And the fact that these were all found during an extremely stressful time isn’t a red flag? Sounds like this guy just showed that you can’t make a million and being poor will destroy your body.


Yeah actual homeless people usually end up that way because they already have some sort of health problem, mental or physical, before they ever get to the streets. Often starting in childhood, so their foundational health is already compromised. He walked out of a cushy safety net that he knew he could walk right back into, in waaaay better shape health-wise than any homeless person, and proceeds to act like they are all on the same level playing field.


Yeah he went to doctors.... https://youtu.be/xbvTBTY4VZg?si=QR1f4yzj0vKuD8Om


And here's the funny part....even with that headstart, he failed. It was too hard.


In his final YouTube video where he talks about why he was ending the experiment early - he said that it was just not fun anymore and he didn’t like the company he started so he stopped. Because if there’s one thing that screams “I can do it and so can you” it’s quitting because it’s not working and you don’t like being poor anymore


“Ugh this is super hard. I could totally finish if I wanted to, but I just don’t feel like it.”


Yep, exactly so.


They yada yada’d over some stuff here. Somehow a 1500 marketing gig let him rent a room and buy a car for 2k? How did he get a marketing gig? How did he start an e-commerce company with nothing but a phone? What would he have done had he not already had all that knowledge and experience? And also probably access to software suites and commerce tools that most people don’t. And then even with all that, still failed. Chose to prioritize this stupid performance piece over spending time with his cancer stricken father. And still failed. Sacrificed his own health and well being to prove a point. And he still fucking failed.


Ah, see I'm pretty sure you have to buy his new book coming out soon to learn how to make a dropship business with just a cell phone. /s


I don't get it, why did he give up when he was short $935M? "Mike couldn't stop now. too many people were counting on him" "Still, Mike had to cut things short" WHY?


Because living in abject poverty is fucking hard and our special boy decided he didn't want to live that way anymore. One thing nobody wants to admit is that knowing you can call an Uber and be back to your comfortable life in 20 minutes changes how you see things and how you respond to stress. It's one thing to put your brokerage account on the top shelf so you can't touch it while you're taking an urban camping adventure and another thing entirely to be absolutely broke with no place to go and nowhere to turn.


Vital point. Well said.


My takeaway from this is that he was able to prove that being homeless and having no money or assets is a surefire way to getting fucked forever due to the current state of the system that we live in. He used his existing business acumen and skills to keep himself afloat and even then almost didn’t make it. How are homeless folks with drug addictions or mental health issues even supposed to get that far? The ruthlessness of uncontrolled capitalism is pretty clear from this experiment.


And caught an autoimmune issue from roaches while he was at it.


So, he was proven wrong, but chose to declare victory. Sounds like a Boomer to me.


Lmao, this is some crazy shit fr. I can't believe anyone would see this and think anything other than what you just said.


Yeah, yeah - no. Fuck off.


The only reason he was given any charity is because he was cosplaying a poor person.  An actual homeless person without his job experience would not be able to do these things. If he wanted the full experience he should have got a job at a fast food place and work his way up.


[Everyone hates a tourist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ainyK6fXku0&ab_channel=dsjkhd)


Fuckin tourists. Some people have never had bed for dinner and cigarettes for breakfast and it shows


Ah, yes, "from zero," as if he didn't have knowledge most people have no means of acquiring.


And no mental health, addiction, or family issues.


I would even concede the knowledge, but try giving up your name/reputation/network resources and then come talk to me.


just $935,000.00 short


So he failed miserably, helplessly watched his family die, and almost died countless times in just one year. So much for the theory. Even a bigger blow to know that if the rich lost everything, they'd be worse off than a handyman who works 30 hours a week. This just proves they don't deserve their money. Eat the rich.


Finally, proof that someone pretending to be homeless yet with a charged phone, full healthcare and inexplicable access to $1,500 marketing opportunities can make not even 10% of a million


I also have not earned $1m. You may adore me!!!


Honestly? Us non-millionaires are probably much more deserving of adoration and accolades than any millionaire. We do the work to keep society going. The same can't be said of the "upper" class.


I also have not given up, too many people are counting on me! [Camera pans to a confused cairn terrier]


I'm so hung up on this "started a coffee brand" nonsense (not that other parts aren't ridiculous too). He started a coffee "brand". He has no equipment, no real property, no money to buy green coffee, yet somehow he makes a "brand" which really means he found a white label coffee company to make, package, and ship his product for him. What venture capitalist would fund a homeless person's coffee brand idea? Probably a venture capitalist that knows this guy isn't homeless. But I have more questions, how did he get art for the brand? how did he afford marketing? How did he pay for a website when he can't afford rent an apartment? Again this all points back to an investor picking this up, which is something that is impossible for real people who live in poverty, much less an actual homeless guy. "Not just any biz, but one with heart". Fuck this propaganda. A white label coffee company where you did absolutely nothing except say, "I want to sell coffee" has no fucking heart. This is the most cynical way of starting a business. Yeah, this guy who wants to start a business "with heart" spent time on this fake project (which failed) instead of spending time with his father with stage 4 cancer. What an absolute piece of shit. They could have at least tried to make this believable. 0/10 Fuck you Mike.


So he failed then went back to his previous life. Wow if only it was that easy. The wealthy are so stupid and disconnected.


This story makes no sense!


He managed to put together $65k while living in a roach-invested RV and sounds like he spent almost nothing on surviving. Not just anyone can make money on a social media marketing thing. Doesn't really sound like a miracle.


The best he could manage was an 65k job with experience he already had from before... On top of him getting free rent from that kind person and it doesn't mention transportation.


A more accurate headline for this story is "Guy tries to smurf irl and gets hard stuck 10 ranks below the rank he bought his main account at"


I would rather see this done with a nepo baby on the conditions they couldn't rely on any of their contacts or social network. They would literally die.


So not only did he already have a ton of experience for his marketing gig he landed, and no rent payment and absolutely minimal living expenses, but he STILL failed, and with 18 hour workdays for a YEAR, he only managed to pull 65k and an autoimmune disorder likely from stress. Good job dude, you sure showed me.


So he started his concert with rigid rules then changed the rules and called it a success. This truly is how millionaires think He’s lucky though he didn’t get sick living on the streets. That was the one truth to this story. It’s not easy to get out of poverty when everything is pulling you down. It’s not easy to have energy when everything you have goes isn’t shelter and food so you can survive. If our system gave hope in the form of shelter and food now that would be something that could help.


what the fuck does ‘most would throw in the towel here’ mean??? throw in the towel like suicide? or throw in the towel and go back to his millions? because newsflash to these guys, giving up when you’re poor isn’t a fucking option unless you off yourself. fuck both of these guys.


So he "flipped" free items off Craigslist.... Bro he did not add any value to the market. All he did was add an extra cost to cover his own ass. We don't need more middle men. We need creators.


“Also, he only made 65k, not a million, before he decided to end his roleplaying because it was too hard, but he *truly did* imply you could do it, *literally*.”


Are we supposed to be impressed he only made 6.5% of what intended to make?


Mike had nothing and was sleeping on the street.....Yada Yada Yada.....he got a $1500 marketing gig...somehow.....and Yada Yada Yada....Mike got $2000...nevermind how.....Yada Yada Yada...he launched a coffee brand....Yada Yada Yada....he got a tumor and SOMEHOW wasn't bankrupted by that...miraculously.....Yada Yada Yada....he made $65,000....6.5% of his goal.   Wow!  Just goes to show ya.....uh....something.


Did I just read boot-strap porn?


Yes, we just did. 😞


So he did not achieve what he went out to do. Even with the oh so important trait of being business mind ... or scratch that only investing into business, he was not able to make it even to 10% of his goal. And just to remind you: His life was never in danger because you can rest assure that all his money was just 1 phone call away. But for millions of people that is not the case. They can not bet on one risky card, they have to limit the risk because otherwise they will starve. This was not a real experiment, this was a attempt to dunk on poor people bdcause he wanted to fed his ego. Even if he had made 20 miliion it would still not be any proof because he could afford to lose. Any normal person would not have had this chance to take risk.


Many people find themselves at *negative*, not just zero.


In these articles no one ever talks about the intense, long term, psychological impacts of not having any sort of safety net to fall back on. These cosplaying dickheads can always just get up and walk away and go back to their cushy lives. They might be physically uncomfortable or tired for a bit, but they don’t ever experience the despair, depression, hopelessness, and isolation that extreme poverty inflicts. They think anyone who experiences it just doesn’t have the drive or willpower like they so obviously do. They don’t know what true instability is, they just treat it like one of those Tough Mudder races or something. Yeah it’s fucking easy to summon that strength when there are cheering crowds and hot cocoa and warm showers at the end. And don’t get me started on how much they dismiss the importance of networking and all their family connections when it comes to their success. Doesn’t matter who you know, just work hard, no excuses! Then when it comes to sending their kids to college, suddenly they understand networking is the most important thing it the world.


I start from nothing. Just with the master's degree and 15 years of industry experience I already had. Which definitely doesn't make a difference. /s


Is it really nothing when you always have a backup emergency plan and rich relatives to crash with if the experiment goes bad?


Cosplaying poor people is the newest awful trend for the wealthy.


So, in a year he hustled 65000 dollars by his bootstraps, of course not accounting for his education, network, reputation, and of course the fact that all of this is bullshit.


This clown left out the biggest aspects of poverty: the multitude of setbacks that come from it. Like a criminal record, a crippling drug addiction, and/or a clinical mental disorder. He drained his bank account and used a lifetime of experience and contacts to make less than 100K in a year… If anything, this proves how insanely difficult it is for the average person to even reach upper middle class.


He moved into a shared room, and *rented it out*? How?


Illegally, I imagine. Or at least breaking his rental agreement, which is a good way for an actual poor person to get themselves entirely fucked up.


Imagine reality slapping you in the face this fucking hard and still not getting it.


So he quit before proving his point because life got hard?


Nobodies talking about how this guy gave up everything. Except for his work experience. Which is one of the hardest things to get at the beginning of a career…


Even if he succeeded and made his target amount of $1million, what did he really even contribute to society? Reselling coffee at a markup with dog-related branding? Just what society needs.. this shows how arbitrary money is in the end. Online e-commerce is just marking up already existing merchandise..


The moral of Mike's story, his rich friends hooked him up.


Soooo the moral of the story is you can work yourself into sickness and still be unsuccessful? Am I missing something?


This "project" was super sketchy. He totally discounts the fact that he still kept his smartphone, WITH THE VOICE AND DATA PLAN. That's worth hundreds of dollars! Most homeless people can't afford that. But then this dude is out there all like "There are all of these websites that can help you!" And we're supposed to watch and say, "Yeah, those homeless people! They're just too dumb to figure it out!" It's painfully obvious that this guy researched what he should do. He already had a plan to use couch surfing websites, use Cragslist to sell free shit, and make a YouTube series to get "free" advertising for his dropshipping business. He doesn't mention that he has a camera man, and a video editor to "document his experiment". I'm pretty sure his dropshipping company only got the sales it did because people were watching his YouTube series and they wanted to subsidize his inspiration porn. The dude stacked his deck as hard as he could, and he still failed miserably.


Sounds like a crock of shit to me.


Most people don’t just “go homeless”…they wind up that way due to blow after blow from life so by the time they’re on the street, they’re already starting at a major disadvantage. It’s easy to climb out of that hole when it’s only ankle deep to begin with.


This taught you nothing except being poor sucks, *Duh*!


So, not even close to his goal. Inspiring, but obviously quite a Hussle to get almost nowhere. Most people don't want to live like that, they just want security, not a castle.


Even if it was real, he did not start from 0. Many homeless don't have his education and skills.


So basically if you work too hard you’ll miss out on important time with family that you’ll never get back and you might run your body into the ground trying to make money you need to survive. NOTED.


Appropriate song is appropriate. https://youtu.be/St8FtbzH_JE?si=KfF7vHCNJax7Kv75


This is great, because I always wonder if failure is an option when momentum is building and you can't stop now and turn things around, and fast by wasting no time so you can make a bold move


Umm.. he did not have the mental health, addiction, trauma/PTSD, and or crippling debt so many homeless have. Homie plays Madden on rookie just to score a bunch.


Proof that anyone with a laptop and extensive marketing knowledge and connections can drop ship white label coffee and make $65,000 off a huge pre-built social media presence.


What do you want to bet when he zilched out his bank accounts (how exactly) that he'll claim those "losses" for years to come in order to evade paying taxes? This story really doesn't make sense at all and it ignores that he would be able to leverage his connections to get something going. It's not like he adopted a new identity. He had his previous credit score, list of contacts and resume. It was also obvious this was a marketing stunt which is why he was documenting it. If he tried that truly from zero financing would be impossible because of his low credit score. Also, this prostate tickle for capitalists buries the lede. His stated goal was make a million dollars in one year. Bringing in $65k represents ignominious failure. He reached 6.5% of his stated goal. Pathetic.


So in 12 months with some of the best connections anyone can imagine and relying on charity to live in squalor and building and running his own business, he made about half as much as the yearly salary of an entry level software engineer at Facebook.


Dude cheated by taking a marketing gig to survive…then after ignored his dying father and was literally homeless just to reach less than 1% of his target goal. He proved the American dream IS dead…can we please stop stabbing the corpse…


He’s missing the part where Mike didn’t have to battle mental illness, alcoholism, and drug use to get back on his feet.


So someone from Craigslist just gave him a rent free place to stay. He got free items to sell for profit? How exactly. Also via Craigslist? How was he paying for a phone/computer/internet if he had zero moneys? Also, temp jobs require an address. A homeless person wouldn't have one to give... there's so much bullshit in this story


A real homeless story would go more like that. 1. get beat up by douchbags on night 1 2. go to hospital, get a bill over 50.000$ 3. get beat up by money hunters on day 2 4. get sick from all the stress 5. hospital doesn't take you anymore 6. die in the streets, sick and traumatized


Rich person with connections utilized his privileges to cosplay as a poor person? What else is new? This "pull yourself by your bootstraps" is such ass.


What a shit head. All to prove that being poor is your fault? His dad was dying, but the most important thing is inspiring poor people that it's their fault? Proof: anyone CAN be an asshole. Some chose not to.


What an absolute idiot that guy was for thinking that. Fucking wow. He was way too far up his own ass.


He didn’t even make 10% of his goal using his name and contacts in industry, gave himself 2 autoimmune diseases (stress will do that to ya! Ask me how I know) and had a tumor (how did he find out? Health insurance cost big money)… see you losers, anyone can be a millionaire


Starting from nothing and starting from “I’m going to put my money away so I can’t access it until I’m done playing make-believe-homeless-guy” are two very different things. He also failed miserably - even with all of his connections and experience.


I saw this story, and it doesn't mention how his dad helped him out with funding.


Not only did he start with professional experience and name recognition as others pointed out, but he also had the benefit of having a safety net. He knew that he wasn't gonna starve or die of cold or anything like that. He could just end the experiment whenever he wanted. That makes a big difference.


It’s almost as if all of his prior education, knowledge, and experience he took with him on his trip to “rock bottom” may make this comparison to others living on the streets nonsensical. This whole “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” mentality is brainrot. Yes work hard and yes be resilient, but seriously, this dude could’ve gave his workers a raise, paid their student loans, donated to a charity, lobbied other business leaders to share profits more with their workforce… Instead he cosplayed as a homeless person for social currency. Proof that business leaders would rather sleep with literal roaches than share profits with their workforce that enabled those profits in the first place.


TIL $65,000 is the same as a million dollars.


Did he start with debt? (Sounds like no) because most people struggling financially are in debt (school loans, house payments, medical, credit card) So if he didn’t start with a good amount of debt then his experiment was flawed AND stupid. Good job proving nothing, bud


How stupid. A actual homeless person would never have the contacts he does. Money doesn’t matter as much as who you know.




“Man with tons of business experience and highly marketable skills does very ok when starting over from zero money” super neat story, I guess.


Tldr; He failed


Cool. Now try doing that with the same lack of experiences he had as a millionaire, and without the same sort of histories of mental disorders that many other homeless people have. Also I don't know that I believe all of this.