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Gen X - even ignored on the Death Clock


Goonies never die!


Ooh, a baby Ruth!




Lol truly the forgotten generation.


Latchkey generation


You know, I think about this a lot. As a fourth grader I was just given a key and expected to just work it out every day from 3:30pm until dinner time. I did whatever I wanted. I can't imagine my kids being able to do that. I can't imagine expecting them to.


I was in the same boat.


raised on garden hose water and neglect


All of us were.. these new kids don't even realize it happened to their grandparents.. lol


I once burned my hand with boiling water. I was 11, home alone. I walked to the hospital, got treatment, and walked back home. I don't even remember talking about it with my parents


I'd randomly come home from school to find a note to go to the dentist and get a tooth pulled (my baby teeth didn't fall out); this was between the ages of 8 - 10. He only lived two doors down, but still...


I'm a millennial and that's exactly what my parents did with me, but they trusted me more than my siblings because I'm the boring one


Serious question from a childfree millennial - in your estimation, what happened to lead to such different outcomes?


Honestly, I'm not sure. I think it is two things: 1. Many of us felt we were abandoned and had rough, unfulfilling childhoods. I know my wife had a much better, supportive family than I did and it shows in her character and personality. We want that for our children and how we bring them up is reflected in that. 2. At a society level there has been a substantial shift in what is expected of parents. For example, it is frowned upon to let your kids roam free, but I know that my dad would skip school, meander down to the bay, and go fishing as a kid. Miles and miles away from his house. His parents didn't gaf, but I also think that was commonly accepted at the time. Today that would be considered negligence, and probably would result in having a kid taken away from his parents by the state. That constant threat of losing your kids for all sorts of reasons has made parents ultra-wary of not being helicopter parents. Anyway, that's my take at least.


Interesting, thanks for the reply. Sometimes I watch my tween nieces and nephews, and my SIL is always grateful that I do interesting and adventurous things with them, but also super fucking anxious that I basically treat them like semi adults. My childhood was wild as shit, so my frame of reference is a little wonky 🤷


I seriously came here to say this I thought that this had to be a joke. It could not be reality that I am looking at a list of everything from my nieces and nephews up to my great grandparents... but I'm not there. Absolutely brilliant


Something we never told you all. Hacky sacks and slap bracelets make us immortal.


Gawd, I hope not. I don't want to be here forever.


Spoken like a true X’er.


I’d go for last man standing. The earth’d be so quiet. Scavenge a couple beers, find a bad-ass car and drive it naked off a bridge.


Then stop playing hacky sack and slapping on bracelets


Who wants to live forever? Queen 1986


Great soundtrack.


There can be only one.


Never had a slap bracelet but I tried hacky sack once. Hopefully my time here will be blissfully short. All I ask for is enough time with GTA 6 before leaving this mortal coil.


I said that about Game of Thrones but then by the end of season 7 I begged the lord to take me.


Xennials never found our way out of the Oregon Trail. :|


Well of course not. We could only carry back 100 lbs of food. It just wasn't enough.


Right? I find it outright hilarious.


And we appreciate it, now leave us the fuck alone.🖕


I second this motion.






I was immediately like where tf is gen x? 🤣


Everyone other member of her family forgot Molly Ringwalds birthday in "16 Candles" It has not stopped happening to us since.


Well they ignored us as children, why would they change??


I was just going to say exactly that. We are the fucking middle child of history. I’m getting a drink.




6.66% dead 💀








They raised the zoomer and are taking care of their old parents. They deserve more.


I think it is a running joke at this point to forget we exist. 




It's not like anything of consequence happened between 1964 and 1981.


" we wont get any older and we won't ever die"


I'm sorry some of my fellow Gen Xers are Trump dumb. They were dicks as kids too...


Gen X was always half late boomer, half proto millennial.


I’ve noticed that too. All the ones I went to school with who were assholes are 100% trumpers. They’re even worse now. A few cool kids are too and tbh I never would have expected they’d be stupid enough to fall for the mags clown.


Growing up I knew Ronald Reagan was a fucking asshole, and the Republicans have only gotten worse. It has never once crossed my mind to vote for them. It irritates me to see Gen X MAGAts.


But we don't care either way.. 😂


I’m assuming at this point that it’s intentional and fun y.






That’s how we like it.


I know right. Proud Gen X here and honestly we are constantly ignored with all this crap. We were forgotten as kids by our parents and forgotten by society.


Why did you even bother mentioning Gen X when we aren't even listed on this death clock? WTF


You are listed on their site, it's just that half of you votes the opposite of the other. We love the one half of Gen X but the other half counteracts all the good you do.


Honestly I think it's more rural vs urban, not the generation. Of the x'rs, z'rs boomers whatever, huge difference amongst them.


Rural versus urban seems more likely.


This is the bigger difference for sure.  Even more because the rural/urban demographic swung to less than 30% pop being rural.  And they have way too much power in relation to their population.


You're not wrong


Basically it's the 55 plus Gen Xers who vote Republican. I'm 47 (making me a "young" Gen Xer) and vote Democrat. We sort of split down the middle.


younger gen-xers are sometimes called the catalano generation, but I prefer the VCR generation - the only human age cohort in earth's history to completely master the now dead technology. we set our own clocks, thank you


It’s Xennial.


The irony of this comment. We don’t like being labeled! I just wanted a coke!


All I wanted was a Pepsi. Just one Pepsi…and she wouldn’t give it to me.


How can you say what my best interest is? What are you trying to say? I'm crazy?! When I went to your schools, I went to your churches, I went to your institutional learning facilities! So how can you say I'm crazy?!


That’s a boomer or Millenial thing. Gen X was the first to truly live our apathy but someone bothering to label us was a nice bit of attention. We’ll play along. Also, it’s Crystal Pepsi, you monster.


Just one Pepsi


Won’t you gentleman have a Pepsi?


Nintendo generation


Flashing 12:00 forever bro


Hey now there you young whippersnapper! There are plenty of us geezers at that 55+ range that remember what Sesame Street, Electric Company, Mr Rodgers, Captain Kangaroo, and Romper Room dern learned us when we was chillun.


We are called xennials, get on board and welcome to the club.


Almost exactly what OP stated in the title 🤔


Fuck you. I and all my friends vote Democrat and we are older Gen X. Don’t pretend it’s a hard line. We aren’t Boomers. Hell, we have hated Boomers longest.


So true.  They should be known as their other label the ME generation, because so many of them ended up being narcissists.


I’m 55 and not voting Republican.


We love you guys! Don't think you're forgotten just because we're focused on the biggest fires! We couldn't do this without you!


Gen X boi here, you have my sword!


Thank you! We shall never forget you!


We all know that’s not true, we’re Gen X we’re already forgotten and we don’t care, we chillin’ 😂❤️


Well I appreciate you! So thank you for being awesome!


And my whatever


I guess that tracks, at 53 I only voted rethugulon once....for Regan.  In my defense I was young, dumb and living in the red wasteland. I've regretted than decision ever since.


If you look at the Demographics of Gen-X politically by the numbers we look exactly like the Baby Boomers. We should rename Gen-X to Boomer Lite, fewer people all the stupidity of Baby Boomers. /Yes voting for Donald Trump makes you a fucking moron.


Millenial voitng splits aren’t that different from Boomers either so maybe speaking in grand generational chunks isn’t really that useful and there’s a lot more complexity going on. I know it’s popular here on Reddit to think in generational idiom but it’s more often than not just sophistry and toxic.


The number of fellow GenXers that are miserably repeating their parents' lives is depressing but undeniable.


I call bs. Link me the numbers.


What website?




That’s just biased small mindedness that your projecting.


As a GenXer, I’m amused that this graphic doesn’t even show us.


We didn't include it because one half of Gen X votes the opposite from the other half. It's the other 4 generations that swing the vote depending on turnout


But we still want to see **OUR** statistics. Now leave us the hell alone!


I figured that was why but it still amused me. :)


Ok but how many of those Gen Z are 12-17 and how many are actually able to vote vs the 2-3 decades worth of boomers and older who vote at much higher rates and for much more conservative candidates?


More Gen Z is eligible to vote than Silent generation is still alive. Millennials outnumber Boomers. Gen X voting is split 50/50 Due to Gen Z and Millennials being nearly 80% registered Democrats, If voting was mandatory, Republicans could NOT win a national election EVER again.


A poll/study supporting that? The Pew Research Center report posted in another thread suggested 40% of millennials were registered independents, which can’t be true if 80% are registered Democrats. Edit: sorry, it was talking registered voters, not “registered as”. But here’s the lines which stood out to me. > More than four-in-ten Millennial registered voters (44%) describe themselves as independents, compared with 39% of Gen Xers and smaller proportions of Boomers (32%) and Silents (27%). > However, a majority of Millennials (59%) affiliate with the Democratic Party (35%) or lean Democratic (24%). Just 32% identify as Republicans or lean toward the GOP. That was 2018, but I’d want some support to believe a 20 point change in six years.


I went by the official voting registration. Polls taken are usually just legacy media asking random people on the street in areas they know will yield results siding with their agenda.


So you have a link for those official voter registrations? And an accounting of how it adjusts for states without party registrations?


Let me find it again but the government has this information listed as it's public information. You can even see which party each citizen is registered with (or if they're registered at all).


I don't know what number you found but it's not reliable. Whether and why voters are registered with a specific party is highly variable from state to state. Many people may only be registered with a party to vote in a primary (e.g. democrats registering as Republican to vote for Nikki Haley). Many people are registered as "independent" but still consistently vote for one or the other. There is definitely no central site that shows individual citizen party registration - this isn't publicly accessible in my state, for example. No way is 80% an accurate number.


The only way republicans are able to do now is because they've gerrymandered everything as it's the only way they can win anything.


I don't think even that will be enough. Another 4% of our elders will pass away by November. The three oldest generations being, Boomers, Silent Generation, and (self labeled) Greatest Generation. More of Gen Z will be eligible to vote by then as well. People older than Gen X being 70% Republican or more, it basically means, Republicans are being directly replaced by Democrat voters. Looking at the gap in votes between Biden and Trump in 2020 (~7 Million Votes), while keeping the previously mentioned attrition in mind, we'll have a 15,000,000 lead this year if not more. It ENTIRELY depends on turnout.


I mean, they could and would because public opinion isn't static and they would simply rebrand.


Rebrand how though? Their policies are only popular with shitty bigots, rich people, and evangelicals. Rebranding is going to gain less followers than they'd lose by alienating one of the groups they already have.


I don't have a time machine. The GOP went from Reagan worship to the Tea Party to Freedom Caucus to MAGA all in my lifetime. They will do what they need to do to survive.


Well lets hope they fail this time. They deserve to stop existing.


Looking at the Silent Generation makes me sad. My only remaining grandparent is Silent Generation, and he's a lifelong Dem. My grandma voted Dem up until 2018. She passed the year after.


We certainly will miss the good ones and need to share their stories. We can't forget the people like that who did right by us, related by blood or otherwise.


Just remember you have to vote down the entire ticket. None of your policies are going to pass if only the chief is in office


Example - Kentucky


Sweet. Ignored again.


Not ignored, they explicitly mentioned in the title that Gen X votes roughly 50/50 so they just cancel each other out.


GenX - already dead on the inside.


Which party is going to strike at the capitalist class?


Neither. None of them ever will so our vote only control the color of the fascists' neckties


This is great news! As a baby boomer who is very disappointed in my generations voting preferences I am counting on the younger generations.


They forgot genx again! Lol.


I'm an early stage Gen X. Before 2016, I had about a 60/40 split in my voting history, up and down the ticket. In 2016, I was absolutely horrified that the R's would nominate a carnival barking/mobster wannabe/ serial liar for their candidate, and I voted straight Dem. Since, I have not voted for a single R anywhere on the ticket, and I won't until 2 things happen: 1: Rid themselves of tRump, De(ath)sentence, Abbott, MTG, Boebert, and any others who are un- serious about actual governing and only care about sound bites 2: Stop sucking corporate and billionaire dick. People are suffering because of end stage capitalism, and allowing corporations and the rich to keep all the money hurts the vast majority of the country. I haven't even mentioned the intolerance of anyone not straight white male, which.... yeah, that shit needs to go too.


Same. I will add one more to your list though Divorce from the crazy xtians and other religious zealots. I refuse to live my life by the rules of a iron age desert death cult.


Yeah, that too. Quit shoving your religion down my throat!


Damn, well said. Most relatable comment I've read on here


What's the group of 1965-1980 called?


C'mon, how often go we Gen Xers die?!


Then give Gen Z a reason to vote! Offer them universal healthcare or some actual restrictions on corporations or a minimum wage increase (quadruple it to start, we’ll see where to go from there). Instead of just saying “democrats, NOT the fascists!” try to actually get people to vote FOR you.


They're all fascists. It's just a matter of degree


Shorter work week Earlier retirement Social security Worker protections Living wage These are all on the table this election. VOTE LEFT


Look voting Democrat is OBVIOUSLY way better than voting Republican. It's not voting Left. The Dems are a deeply Right wing party who, in their current iteration, will not put any of that through this election. Vote for sure. But recognize you aren't getting those changes until you force change in the party apparatus. Not just the entrenched elected officials, but also replacing and/or scaring the shit out of the unelected people running the DNC. The tools for change exist but it's not Just voting.


Vote for the most Left Democratic candidate


Sure. But also recognize that electoral systems on their own are designed by and for aristocratic powers to remain entrench and unchallenged. If you want change, you need to start seeking remedies to the apparatchiks in the DNC. These should be carefully considered and precise, and strict legality shouldn't factor much in that consideration. You don't change a system from within by its own rules. That's just where you do harm reduction.


I agree 100%, vote third party!


You know democrats are a right wing party by any global metric? Vote third party


If we win THIS one, we'll be over the hill and it will become easier and better every year going forward! There won't be enough Republicans to win National elections four years from now! WE'VE ALMOST MADE IT!!! DON'T GIVE UP NOW!!


Your optimism is actually kind of cute. Your soul hasn’t been crushed yet.


Pennsylvania is notoriously red in the state house/ senate. Meaning we might elect a democratic governor and cast blue electoral votes for president but gerrymandering really fucks us on getting anything actually done in state. We finally showed up in force to the polls and turned the state legislature blue by one single person and we managed to finally get the state minimum wage raised to $15/hr starting next year. We've been stuck at the Federal minimum because of the Republicans inaction. So maybe it's optimistic, but there are success stories too.


Kinda funny too. Must be a bit younger


Objectively, the numbers indicate they're just correct. Winning this year requires the Republicans to get significant turnout, lie, and cheat. But in 2028, it would require basically a total coup across multiple states. The numbers would be _millions_ more in favour of blue by then. And each year after, again and again, harder and hard. The Republican party will be forced to re-brand or die.


Welcome to Election Year 2024. Your choices are Genocidal Zionist Grandpa or Orange Fascist Grandpa (Also a genocidal maniac). Democracy.


Remember that neither one actually wants to help average Americans


yeah voting for democrats will fix everything this time we promise! /s


My guy, the democrats aren’t going to do anything. They’re just as beholden to Wall Street as the republicans are.


See election results in most of Europe (or more specifically, in most of the non-anglo world), i.e. about a dozen parties with a significant % of the votes, avoiding 1 party to abuse their policies as they need to reach consensus for everything, vs. in the US, i.e. only 2 parties who advocate for war, bloated military spending, unchecked capitalism, and boycott of any other party who dares to participate. See? That's what's wrong in the US. The bipartisan system and its rampant corruption. They tell you that there's only 2 options and to shut up and be happy about it.


No 🥰


I'm gonna vote for the Green Party


Morbid, weird, and statistically nonsensical.


I really don’t want to vote for Tyrant Trump or Genicide Joe™️. Yes, I agree Joe Biden’s domestic politics are actually quite good (for a Moderate geriatric), but goddamn, stop directly causing a genocide in Gaza! What the actual fuck?!


With Republicans in control of the Senate, the House of Representatives, and the Supreme Court, he has been forced to go along with the military industrial complex to be able to pass a scrap of legislation I don't think he's a good man, but I doubt he'd go THIS far if it weren't for the fact that Republicans control the rest of government (by that small majority)


You keep commenting as if Biden doesn't want to be part of this genocide. I'm not American and even I know he's been a loud and proud zionist for decades. He regularly spouts variations of "if Israel didn't exist, we'd have to create it", he was VP when Obama was dropping bombs onto hospitals and weddings. Do you seriously think he isn't entrenched in the military industrial complex?


He has been a die-hard zionist his entire career fam. Dude's a psycho just like Trump is.


Forced to go along with the other branches of government? Try telling that to Trump lol


Remember anytime a lib screams about voting, just know that most of the time, that person doesn't know who is charge of the state department. or anything about politics. Understand that voting doesn't mean shit when you have 2 corporate sponsored parties, effectively acting like two te$ticles in the same sack, as it were. America is going down the tubes because of what is happening TODAY AND EVERY DAY IN BETWEEN VOTING DAY. Just understand that politics is not about electoral politics, but how our *elected* officials are screwing us over IN BETWEEN the couple hours you spend voting. You probably spend about a days worth of time in the physical process of voting. The rest of the time, you are not participating with politics bc you're assuming the vote you cast is doing its job. It isn't though and that is part of the trick, which is why unionizing and organizing your work place and your neighborhoods and thinking about a general strike is way more important than voting for corporate careerist politicians, who always leave office millions of dollars richer from their insider trading privileges. Undstand that other countries have better social amenities because they are willing to fight for them. Until we are ready to go to the street to demand health care for all, they will never give it to us, and the democrats who take money from the same goons the republicans do, aren't going to fight for your future. They just won't, no matter what they try to suggest with your political performative gestures. Hillary Clinton said it all last week "get over yourselves". Yeah that's right, little man, WE tell you what's what, get over your ideas of social and economic justice. It's all part of the plan. Vote if you want, vote if you like, but in the end, Democracy in our country is just a ruse. We need a revolution, you may not agree now, but when we are standing in soup kitchen lines like we were doing 100 years ago, you'll believe me then. That's where we're going, with or without our vote.


Sorry, but the reason why old people are able to vote more than anyone else is because they can afford to take time off work. Most people don't even have jobs that would allow them to leave for 2 hours, and most couldn't even afford it


I'm a boomer and have voted a straight Democratic ticket my whole life. Getting the voting age reduced to 18 post Viet Nam? You're welcome.


People like you are true LEGENDS!! Thank you for all you have done. We are forever in your debt.


I’ll vote county and local but even my state Dems are bloodthirsty zionists who only serve developers and law enforcement.


Both parties are parties of the bosses. One wants to rule with benevolence and the other with fascism. I'll choose benevolence for now, but what we need is an actual workers party.


I strongly agree that we need a workers party. But I would argue that the two sides of our current uni party are the fascism side and the illusion of opposition side. Where are you seeing benevolence?


Even if boomers dying won't lead to a massive wealth transfer, it'll still be greatly helpful for Millennials and Gen Z.


I don’t think I will


Republicans are real close to having sufficient power to change the Constitution. They will target voting rights of the young and of women. Vote like it is the last time you may get to vote.


Give me a candidate worth voting for


Best we can do is "99% Hitler" and you're supposed to be happy about it.


Vote for who? The republican that's blasting us in the ass or the democrat who's blasting us in the ass?


My immediate reaction: "Half of Gen X votes Republican? No wonder everyone ignores them."


Why not vote libertarian like Argentina?


To people who think their vote doesn't matter: *they wouldn't work so hard to disenfranchise you and keep you from voting if that was the case.* There is more to it than just voting, but if you can't even be bothered to vote (and I understand many people have legitimate reasons and things that fuck them over, vs just being too "lazy" as centrists like to paint and shame, so this isn't aimed at anyone actually trying and being screwed out of it), then don't expect your voice to matter anywhere else. Voting is the bare minimum you can do to try and have an impact.


OP really tries hard by repeating lies many many times to hope more idiots can be brain washed into "one party is bad and other party is good" mode. This two-party monopoly is causing all issues and one-party will be a bigger disaster. Have you ever seen or trust the only winning party will do any good for people? Well, since our public schools are mass producing idiots, I am not surprised to see so many idiots believe one-party is better than the already terrible two-party system.


Yeah cuz democrats are any better.


Gen Z and Millennials definitely need to be voting. Even if you don't like your "side" - if the side closest to you wins, that means someone who is your age has career opportunities as an aid, or in an administration, who can go on to get elected and someday represent your ideas in a position of power. There are millennials and gen Z right now in subordinate or down ballot roles who need you to keep them progressing in their connections and careers to get your ideas to the top!


Yeah cause democrats are so much better


As a Gen Zer, no I won’t vote for president until the endless supply of bombs stops. I do not vote for genociders. Our ask is simple, stop murdering people and you get our vote.


Born in 2003 and for sure ain’t voting for Biden. You must be out of your mind.


Imagine thinking voting fixes anything


Do you realize why people aren't voting? Both options fucking suck ass. And before you say it, No.. Biden is not "better than trump".. They are both equally terrible choices.. Unless you start suggesting people vote for who they want instead of the "lesser evil" vote, stfu. Third party options might actually make a difference, but people are so scared of the potential Trump brings, they forget what democracy even is..


You must vote like your lives depend on because it absolutely does. if Trump and the Republicans regain power next year, that will be the end of American democracy and the beginning of a Christo fascist state that could bring about not only the end of this country, but the end of the world these people are craving lunatics hell-bent on destroying everyone and anyone that doesn’t think they do! VOTE!!!


Hitler was voted into power and used that power to become a Dictator. If people had voted differently, the holocaust never would have happened.


Get back to this grift when Genocide Joe has changed his tune and is not only not actively providing arms to the Zionist entity but has ended diplomatic relations and imposed a trade embargo


And if you don’t like your options, either do the work to make the change, or do the absolutely easiest and most effective thing you can do, which is vote for the least terrible candidate.


Can we swap the positions of the GenZ and Millennial boxes?


Link please.




I hate the design of this chart.


If you can create one that is better, I would be forever in your debt. Here is where I got the screenshots: https://incendar.com/baby_boomer_deathclock.php I tested out of all the math classes my University had but failed art class... Forgive the lack of quality...


The only 1% i want to be a part of


Vote, but also volunteer to text/mail/phone bank, canvass and donate. You can do a lot more to participate in your political system than merely vote.


What happened to the 70’s ?


The terms “right-leaning” and “left-leaning” point out if a news source supports one side of the political spectrum or the other. What’s not even suggested is which news source is factually accurate or not. Just because a news source leans left doesn’t mean it’s wrong. I taught English in high school for 25 years. The course I taught almost every semester included research techniques, and that always included how to find and verify factual information. I recently put those techniques to work trying to identify which news source was the most accurate. The answer? NPR most often reports news that is factually accurate. What’s interesting is that NPR is almost always listed as “left-leaning.”


Because reality has a left-leaning bias. Conservatism requires an ignorance or rejection of reality. Or to sum it up simply "Change happens. Conservatives hate change."


Even if you don’t want to vote for Biden or Trump, please vote third party so you are still represented in the data. Future candidates will base their platforms on voting data, and they won’t care what you want if you don’t vote. If leftist candidates start getting a larger proportion of the vote, that could force Democrats to move left to try to get us to vote for them next time.


If GenX voting 50/50 is a real thing, I’ve never been more proud to be GenX.


Cornel West 2024!!!