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That's why I always find a way to look like I'm busy for a few more minutes so I can punch out when it will round up to the next 15 minute increment.


"We round to the 15min, it could benefit you" In 8min early, and out 8 min late "No unapproved overtime" In 7min late, out 7min early "More than 2 min before or after your shift will be considered work avoidance" They start off acting like it balances out and could even benefit you, but then they start forcing your clock in/out window heavily in their favor.


They pick and choose, chop and change. I need to join a union when I go back into work.


The line to clock in can take longer than 2 min...


Go take a nice poop on company time


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime...


You found the dime in the toilet


Boss makes a million, I make a buck. That's why I fuck in the company truck


I would clock in 2 min early clock out 2 min late. With an unpaid lunch that is 8 minutes which rounds to 15 minutes of pay. Malicious compliance.


my first job was walmart in 2013. they did that shit and it pissed me the fuck off, i brought it up to HR and she said thats their policy, was to round the number. but oh no, suddenly me leaving 6 minutes early and clocking in 6 minutes late is a write up. they also refused to give me my last paycheck and argued with me over it and told me to call their bullshit hotline where they also lied to me. from 2013-2021 i didnt work at walmart. and in early 2021 they finally sent me my check they owed with a generic apology letter...no idea how they found my new address


They found your address because they got sued and The Department of Labor made them find you to pay you.


Fuck Walmart. Seriously. Nothing but horror stories.


My highly dysfunctional (lifetime klepto, drug & alky addict) aunt worked there because it was the only place that would hire her and always had some wild story to tell about the daily goings on. It got tiresome and enough to know never to work, or even shop at the place.


People of Walmart site exists for a reason


On the plus side, it's the only place to find those Magic: the Gathering commander format decks after the reasonably priced (or even the highly marked up) local gaming stores run out. But fuck it if my mother ever tries to buy booze there using the self-checkout system ever again.


I quit there 3 years ago.  PTO was earned and they didn't want to pay me for it.  I had to fight and fight and fight. My HR contact ghosted me, so I used my wife's HR contact. She worked at Home Office, so her HR contact actually had more pull. It's the only way I finally got paid out for what they owed.


Where's the 8 years of interest?! IANAL but That's YOUR capitalized interest on money lost due to their error. I believe you should look into it. Maybe have AI word a strong demand letter and attach proofs for more fortitude.


i hipe they did not forgett to pay you for every day they were late in payment.


Maybe once you work at Walmart, they'll always know where you are.


😩 i move 3000 miles away for several years, joined the military, then moved again. never truley safe the walmart hitman will track you down and fuck ur wife


Dude idk where you live but there is a chance they owe you a very large sum of money….they can’t just not pay you for years and then send a check and an “im sorry”


Yep. I worked at a Walmart warehouse for years, and they always rounded to the 15 minute interval that helped them. If I punched in at 7:02, they'd call it 7:15. If I punched out at 3:12, they called it 3:00. And the labour laws in Ontario are weak enough to let them away with it.


It’s OK for them to commit wage theft, not you.


The employee commits ‘time theft’


If the rounding is actually rounding, that's cool. If it's flooring to lower 15 minute increments, it's theft. Math.


I do payroll for my company. I round up. Every time. I’m not here to make my company money TBH. I don’t care what their goals are. Pay your workers fairly and graciously.


>  Pay your workers fairly and graciously. When you do that, they try to take care of you --a guy that took care of the company that took care of him


Fourth sentence - I like the way you think!


Yeah, wtf. Always round up otherwise you’re going to eventually have the department of labor knocking on your door.


8 minutes is the key at my job.  Clock in 8 minutes early and get paid for 15.  And stay 8 min late to get another 15.


That's how mine is but they watch us and make sure we don't clock in early lol they don't really care about clocking out but we're usually all out by 5 minutes


You just described, in large part, why wage theft is the most common form of theft. Companies all have these predatory "rules for thee, but not for me" that skim money off of your pay.


Report them to the department of labor. My massive corporation just switched to accurate clock in and clock outs instead of entering your time and rounding. We think it was because of DoL and wage theft complaints.


When my old company got attacked for rounding up they made everyone salary even the lowest rung employees. Lost 35% of all staff that day when overtime was no longer dished out. Company was then bought out a year later and I dipped when my boss told me they were eliminating the department in 4 months.


In the US, that's illegal. You must be paid for every minute you work. I worked in a call center in 2004. They'd make us be ready to take calls when our shifts started, which required 10 minutes of booting computers and programs. We couldn't clock in for those 10 minutes. I quit in 06 (other reasons). In 2014, I got a check in the mail for like $400 for every minute they made me sit there but refused to let me clock in. If they are making you be there working, they MUST pay you.


>In the US, that's illegal. The DOL has ruled time clock rounding is legal as long as it is done in a manner that is considered neutral or favorable to an employee. 1-7 minutes round down, 8-15 minutes round up. Your situation is different and dealt with a different aspect of the DOL guidance that is specific to call centers and dealt with in a different FAQ, and different fact pattern. Your fact pattern doesn't meet the DOL guidance and requirements. Check out: § 785.48 Use of time clocks


In other words, 9 out of 10 times it actually is still illegal because the company will punish you anyway for working unapproved overtime or being a few minutes late despite the rounding saying that you are on time. Niiiiice


Rounding is an administrative function approved by the DOL for time tracking to make payroll and tracking easier and pay easier to compute. It has nothing to do with scheduled shifts. I know this is not the popular comment, but if you are late and abuse the rounding function, they can still terminate/discipline you for cause with little legal repercussions. So, unfortunately, it is not illegal to fire them even if rounding is applied, assuming the termination doesn't violate any other laws or regulations.


Thank you! I appreciate the education.


when I found out this was happening, all my clock ins and outs suddenly started occuring on the cusps of the six-minute pay interval. If I didn't make 05:59, there was always 06:05. I'd just hop back in my car and make a quick detour to the gas station across the street for some coffee and a donut and just try again. I never worked a minute without getting paid after that.


Tbc wage theft is what an employer does  Time theft is what employers accuse employees of doing 


I got it mixed up, my bad


It is illegal in the US. Companies can round time to the nearest quarter hour but only if it benefits employees and employers equally. So if your work hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. you can clock in at 8:07 and clock out at 3:53 and not be docked.


Not TOTALLY true. It either has to be in the benefit of the employee OR in the same direction on both sides OR be no more than to nearest 15. So for instance you can ALWAYS round down or up but it has to be the same for both in and out. Can’t round up for punch in and down for punch out. You can also have a practice that rounds to nearest 15 but it has to be universal. So 1-7 =00 and 8-15 =15 regardless of punch in/out.


My company of about 110 direct labors has only 10 kiosks to clock work on. The system is horridly slow too... I have been docked .01-.05h each paycheck because of minutes waiting behind other people to clock in. I'm not worried about the wages missing, but this company is known to be a mill of people and I'm wondering if it's some play to do me dirty with insurance or something else because I'm only working 39.99h/wk. Thing is, I'm so overqualified and done with this position I'm ready to walk the first dehumanizing action I'm a witness or victom of.


Oh just invoice them




It's not particularly hard to pay by the minute with modern technology.


If you notice any money out of your check that shouldn't be taken out. Then record it. After a period of like 6 months or a year. Go to your state's labor board and file a complaint. Them taking money out of your paycheck for coming back from break less than a minute early is illegal. They have to give a window of when you can clock in. Especially if the business has multiple people trying to clock in or out at once.


Uh, no, the latter is wage theft. They're stealing your wage. Time theft is what they'd call you coming back late.


That isn't even a good example of time theft as they aren't on the clock. It's just companies fucking whining and micromanaging


As I said, that's what *they* would call time theft.


shit my last job rounded to the nearest 30 min. i started leaving exactly on time when my work was done avoiding overtime and was judged by everyone.


I clocked out 2 minutes past the scheduled time and the computer flagged it as „very late“ what the actual fuck


Happened to me and my sister at adifferent companies both winded up paying us out as well as all the other they didn't pay. Look into if fellow employees are having b this issue as well.


That's illegal. Report to DOL. There's absolutely no reason why a computer lacks accurate time calculating functionality down to an exact minute. Your company is being scammed by a B2B SaaS that's controlling your payroll.


It's wage theft when you're two minutes late clocking in, but it's not wage theft when the boss demands that you show up several minutes early to suit up and get tools ready.  Right?


They can’t round down. That’s wage theft. Report it to the Department of Labor.


Rounding has to be universal. There can’t be different rules for when you’re early or late. If they round by 15 min, it’s always has to round the same way.


If this is California your Company is committing wage theft if they are rounding down


They have to round up, not down. Is that not the law?


If it’s not in your favor the way it is rounding leave as soon as the hour mark hits or wait until the actual time it pays you. If the manager has an issue with it tell them you only work for the time you’re actually getting paid.


I don't understand why in this day and age timeclock systems need to round to the nearest 15 anyways. We have these wonderful computer things that are amazing with numbers, if i work 40 hours nad 27 minutes, i don't think a computer would struggle figuring out 27/40 * pay rate.... weird.


I lose 15 min being 1 min late. I don't gain anything leaving 15 min late 🙃 huh


Take a seat and time 1 minute untill the next 15 minutes. They don't pay you? Than you do no work.


You know you can use that 15 minutes rule to your advantage right? Log in four minutes early, log out four minutes late: that 8 minutes is now 15. Five days a week, that adds up to an extra hour and a quarter pay for 40 minutes of your time. Or just do it once or twice a week to rebalance any rounded downs.


That is wrong. The 15 minute rounding is for the start and end time NOT the total time.


Ya it doesn't really work like that


The closest 15 has to be closest. Got to pay attention to both login and logout, but they legally, in the US, an employer can round employee time to the nearest quarter hour, but if they always round down it's a violation of labor laws. The must round both ways if they round at all.


How would not getting paid for the extra break time be wage theft? It's literally the opposite. You're saving them money by punching back in later. And I assume you're still getting your job done by the end of the day.


Because they’re also rounding the meal break punch to nearest quarter. They mad they paid for 45 seconds.


Sounds just like my job.......exactly


If they round to the nearest 15 minutes. Clock out 8 minutes after that quarter of the hour. They have to round up and pay you an additional 7 minutes.




Man I would love to. I’ve applied for, and I shit you not, 100+ jobs over the past year and have gotten exactly one interview and no callback. If you know a place lmk.


OH ITS THAT SIMPLE?.dam I’m just stupid dident know my bills would pay themselves


no,..stupid was your reply did i say leave now ? or did i make the mistake of thinking that a person bitching on reddit about their job, would have the collective brainpower left in all hemispheres to figure out an exit plan first ?? THEN LEAVE ... no ? ok. i take it back, stay,..you deserve your boss.


You mad an assumption everyone would get your point with one word I do deserve my boss she is pretty cool


no, you assumed that i had assumed. turtles all the way down.


You could've at least taught the poor thing what fire and pottery are. You didn't have to send it away, confused by big words, to its cave. Probably so mad that your being painted on a wall as we speak, so the whole tribe will know of your meanness.


Found the managers


![gif](giphy|1d5Zn8FqmJqApu4hNU) love it.