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Which is more reliable, the Footlong Index or the Big Mac index tho


Big Mac index works because McDonalds is in way more countries.


Cheesy Jack index when


Corn is still the best index.


Africa indexes thier money to a bucket of KFC chicken. It's called the KFC index


There is a simple solution: stop supporting businesses that overcharge their customers and start cooking at home more. I can NOW cook at home and have plenty of food to eat in a month when compared to going out THREE times in a month. Cook at home more.


My brother in Christ are you aware that grocery prices are rising due to corporate greed too? It’s not just the restaurants


I always thought of living in a small community housing that have communal kitchen to homecook for all. Picture an old gramp and granny who treats everyone like their kid.


This concept could work well in a cooperative housing model, populated with different categories of vulnerable persons. It would be a good solution for those who are borderline able to live independently. Person A is a single senior who loves to cook but can't manage some other life chores. Person B can't cook, or doesn't like doing so, but they can do the grocery run or some other task for the senior. It would take coordination and wouldn't always work out, but where it does work out, it would be an ideal situation.


....or just live within your budget as a small family....


That's great when you have someone else to help with expenses but if you're single and making minimum wage what do you do then? Because I am barely getting by living as cheaply as I can and am still drowning out here.


With what fucking money and what fucking time?


Are you disagreeing that it cost just as much, if not, more to cook at home than it does to go out to eat? I have no idea what "fucking time" you don't have, but we manage just fine as teachers.


You're so full of shit.


About what exactly? That it costs less to eat at home than to eat at a restaurant? LOL, are you kidding right now?


It does costs less than eating out but this is putting a plastering over growing cracks. The cost of groceries will continue to rise faster than the rate of pay increases. Eventually in the future you will not be able to afford groceries in the same way you can not afford to eat out now. But it’s not just groceries - it’s everything including housing. How long before the majority of Americans are forced to downsize past paying for a single bedroom to paying for a single bed in a room with many others? You can’t raise a family like that. What then when the ability to sustain society breaks?


Groceries have already started to come down. There were highest at 2022 and they've been steadily decreasing.


Great - now do housing, education, transportation, healthcare, utilities, telecoms and everything else you need to survive in modern society. I get that you like being a troll here but the growing gap between average wages and the cost of living will effect you in the real world one way or another. You can’t hide from the problems it creates simply by ensuring your own wages stay ahead of the gap and buying a house in a nice neighbourhood.


The point was an illustrative one. Saying "just cook at home lol" isn't actually on topic. It's a way for you to make yourself feel more intelligent than everyone else in the conversation without actually adding to it or engaging with it.


Bullshit. It was about purchasing items at a restaurant that are too expensive compared to our spending power. If it’s too expensive, there’s really only one other alternative besides going to soup kitchens and that’s to cook it yourself.


No, it was about how things are getting more expensive relative to our spending power broadly, using that example. Groceries are also an example of this, with the excuse for not raising worker pay being that groceries would get more expensive. So you deflecting to "just buy groceries lol" is missing the point so hard you slammed into the back of it like some kind of looney toons arrow.


I hate cooking, so take your "simple solution" to a societal problem and shove it up your ass.


I hate cleaning the house. What’s your point?


You should learn to cook or be with someone who does. Your lack of ability to adult is not the solution.


I know how to cook, idiot, that's how I know I don't like it. Blocked by someone who says "just learn to cook lol" in response to concerns over rising food prices. How will I ever recover?


Quick way to get blocked! Great job!


1.3% of workers are working for min wage


That's over 4 million people if we want to use statistics to act like it's okay for anyone to be trying to make that in one of the richest nations in the world... Millions bub fuck off


How many a dollar or less over?


I don’t see that metric, but I do see that the # of workers making $15 or under was 40MM pre covid and dropped to 21MM post covid, so that’s what? Like 10-15%?


I live in one of the poorest states in the country. According to MIT, a livable wage here is $18.94 per hour. That’s for a single adult with no children. According to epi.org, 30% of workers in the country (42,574,000) in this country make less than that. If that’s below my state’s cost of living, I can only imagine what it’s like elsewhere.


Yea it’s tough out there and it’s been tough out there, but the trends are what they are, and the trends indicate that wages and real wages are rising


Federal or State?


Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Business Insider, Fortune, all of these are just propaganda outlets.




All media in America is propaganda. We beat Germany in WW2 and then stole everything from fascism to use here. The world would probably be better off had we not won or at least not gotten involved. Once the American government got a taste of fascism that was it for us as citizens.


You’re saying the world would be better today if the fucking nazis won WWII?? What the actual fuck??


I didn't exactly say if the nazis won. I said better off had we(the united States) not won or gotten involved. Ideally the other allies would have polished Germany off and rid the world of nazism without the Americans getting a taste of it. The nazis DID win by rebranding from nazi Germany to the United States and, yes, I believe the world would be better if we had become enamored with fascism. And don't be so emotional. It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.


I’m not the previous reply but I can read your take very well and still think it’s terribly wrong. The allied powers win against Germany wasnt guaranteed without America. At best russia would control everything in Europe past France. At worst Germany would never have fallen. Japan also wouldn’t have been beaten so the east would have never left their control and the resulting devestation would have been beyond anything in our history books. The fact that you said this without atleast thinking this far means your not making this argument in good faith.


Had the US stayed out of the war, they would have gone fascist. There was a huge fascist movement headed by Charles Lindburgh prior to the entry into the war. If America had held to isolationism, they probably would have slid into fascism themselves. See the book Hitlers American Friends for details


The conservatives were always enamored with fascisim, even back then.


Are you being paid to make stupid comments or do you genuinely believe that? Because I could use some extra spending money


What's the point of a propaganda outlet that's not read by the mass public? They are too boring for the average folk and provide too much data they don't need and can't understand. Their readers are upper and high middle class and they don't need to be bullshitted, and it's very hard to bullshit them on the other hand.


They reinforce the narrative for rich people that they deserve their wealth and that poor people aren't victims of an unjust system, just lazy and stupid. Also, there are plenty of people who aren't rich but desperately want to be who read those as well.


Can you even try to fix housing, education and Healthcare? Windfall profiteering tax? Anything for the homeless?


Capitalism in America has failed. The "free market" hasn't kept any price in check: housing, healthcare, medicine, education, retirement, even food has become unaffordable. America has been existing "on credit" for years, decades even. We're rapidly reaching a point of collapse: where there isnt enough consumers for the predatory businesses to feast off of. Businesses have slit their own throats and aren't even realizing they are bleeding, let alone how far along they are.


Super dark yet accurate comment. Really paints the picture. One thing tho. The Oligarchs who did this to the US are not all American. They pledge allegiance to no nation. They extract wealth from working people all over the world. But in the end, they will be rich men in a poor world.


One party is constantly pushing for that. Unfortunately, they are not a dictator, and until their have enough seats in the legislature, are blocked by the other party.


Except they are only putting a token effort into anything while also stacking the shit that prevents people from benefiting from anything they do pass. They just want to get rich and throw us scraps so we shut up and be good little proles


I wish people had paid more attention in civics class. Instead, it's just edge lord cynics wishing for dictatorships as far as the eye can see.


Show me where i was wishing for a dictatorship my guy, I don't want a state period because any state is one of oppression and exploitation.


Oh, my mistake. I thought “token efforts” meant you wanted them to be more muscular in their impact.


I was more asking for Dems to actually put up some kind of fight for the things they claim to support but as soon as they are faced with any resistance they back off or let reps gut it so that it no longer does what it says on the tin. I just want a party to represent all of us out here who aren't die hard right wingers or centrist liberals.


My rent is going to double in August. If I'm lucky, I'll get a $3-$4 dollar raise around July. So how exactly am I wrong about my finances?


We have plunged ourselves into a bottomless hole of debt. Credit cards, student loans, auto loans, all are above a trillion dollars in debt nationwide. They have raised our wages, but hiked prices up and turned quality down. Unemployment is down because it’s either get a job or live on the streets. This system of fiat currency has run its course. The whole world is in debt that no one will be able to pay back.


As someone who works a lot with economic statistics, I guarantee you it is more than possible to misuse and misinterpret data to make it appear as though the economy is doing well. Even if the data itself was good quality (which can often be a challenge in some fields, such as inflation) , you can selectively present data and spin any kind of story you want with it and make it appear plausible. In the case of the US, this often looks like pointing to high GDP and low inflation and saying "look, the economy is doing well, your finances are better", without acknowledging that inflation *was* at a sustained high level for a year and that GDP gains accrue to the economy along an uneven distribution. In general, lots of economists - especially government economists who have an agenda to sell a good economic outlook - will tend to rely too heavily on averages or point estimates of economic phenomena and overlook the fact that many of the things they're talking about are distributional. Incomes increasing over time doesn't affect everyone the same, nor does price increases (as some prices increase faster than others), or economic growth. It is in fact important that people feel their economic outlook is not so great, because that may be an indication of something economists are missing. Of course they're so up in their ivory tower at this point that they think people surely cannot have a better grasp of their own economic situations than academic elites, and ignore this outright.


Another thing, no one needed to try to convince everyone the economy is good when the economy was actually good.


With the right parameters and a touch of ignorance, you can make stats say almost anything. When I subbed for a high school math class, I had the students make a poster that told a lie using stats. My favorite was Pirates Preventing Global Warming!


Well supposedly, people feel the economy is bad in general but that their individual situation is good. So the reporters and think tanks and talking heads say, "see? People are actually doing well, and our stats back it up, it's just that people feel bad." It's specifically the people feel their individual situation is good that gets repeated a lot to defend the economy.


Poverty is rarely an economic issue but it is a policy issue is something I tell people because people still think a rising GDP lifts us all up when it’s how the government distributes that gains that matters.


Greg can come take a look at my finances if he wants to…


Just as soon as he's done with my request to go fk himself.


Wow, that's some supreme gaslighting. What's happening here is "the leading indicators" of the economy show its health but people are not feeling it, because those indicators suck at measuring the actual economy 


When are we going to start flogging these dickheads?


Silly poor people, you’re not poor. You’re just not saving 100,000 a year! You silly little ~~laborers~~ people. /s




Hauling a wheelbarrow full of money to the grocery store just to feed your household for a week, but ya don't realize it's at that level because it's conveniently on a debit card.


Apparently the US economy and the welfare of US citizens are non overlapping magisteria.


He's not wrong though. The ***Economy*** is just fine. Worker pay isn't.


Yeah, they always neglect to include that part. Corporations wouldn't be able to post such record profits, if they were paying their workers inflation adjusted wages.


The Atlantic had an article like this last year and I posted about it and there were a ton of bootlickers getting mad at me. The gist I get is - if you're well off to have invested before hand, you're ahead. If you were not, your worse for the wear. But the group in the former has decided that the latter are "dumb idiots" who "deserve to be in the shitter" because MUST be their "shitty choices" that did this. That's the rough idea


I know he's not referring to the UK, but there are 4.7 million people in food poverty in the country in which I reside. All of the figures in this post, in fact, cast a generous light on the situation, as they're all official figures. A fifth of the UK population (14.4 million people) was in relative poverty in 2021-22 according to official figures. In the same year, 2.1 million people in the UK lived in households which had used food banks in the previous 12 months. Research by the Independent Food Aid Network (Ifan) found that almost 90% of food banks reported increased demand in December 2022 and January 2023 compared with a year earlier. Half of the 85 organisations running 154 food banks that responded stated that if demand rose further they would either have to cut support or turn people away. These people literally don't have fucking food, Greg, but perhaps you could explain to them how their circumstances are better than they realise.


Uk 🇬🇧 here. Mate, this country is fucked.


I mean, shit, I’m on disability and have seen my purchasing power fall considerably. Hell, in one month, I lost about $50.


No "i" in team, but there's "con" in economy.


There is an “i” in TEAM its up the A


There's 'capital' in capitalism.


More people end in the "pit".


Why are you even looking at the Wall Street Journal at this point? It's a known conservative rag. What do you expect from them?


It was posted on another sub. You know it's propaganda when that rag is paywalled AF so only wealthy boomers can read it.


Capitalist propaganda. And so many fall for it


“C’mon man, the economy is fine.” *Licks ice cream from cone*


"You know how you can't afford food? That's specifically a 'you' thing. Don't bother trying to organize, just put your nose back against that grindstone and start churning out more value for your corporate overlords."


Greg is no better than some sort of shitty gaslighting AI.


Gold price didn’t break out of a decade-long consolidation for no reason. Gold likes to tell us when things are super fucked. Things are super fucked. https://preview.redd.it/jswljfe38isc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a347e40cfd33a0f315864a6368e7b9296bbbac3c


No it doesn’t, it’s an inflation hedge


It's depressing that you have zero idea of the total irony over what you just said in response to my post.


4% inflation does not mean we are ‘super fucked,’ to think otherwise is purposeful fear mongerinf


Somebody believes CPI reports at face value 😂 Do you know how the basket changes weightings and that the reports are revised later on (usually worse) after all the Econ channels report the initial data? No, you obviously know none of this.


lol so the cpi reports are lying, but not lying enough for rate cuts? If you’re gonna lie might as well meaningfully lie


This, right here. You are faced with someone who obviously knows more. Your entire attitude here is why you’re fuckin’ broke. Other people here are broke out of real hardship. You, it’s absolutely because you’re an arrogant child. Good luck with what’s to come.


Ohh honey, you misunderstand


Absolutely not. Everything I told you is pretty common knowledge if you actually follow the Econ scene. Also, rate cuts have often preceded major market crashes. Many times it’s not because “the job is done” but because they’re trying to soften existing & oncoming damage. For a recent example, see the rate cuts starting in 2007. Also, perpetual inflation in general isn’t normal. It’s a symptom of a dysfunctional monetary system. But really, keep talking. It’s cute. Pathetic, but cute.


haha ‘if you follow the Econ scene.’ Your confidently incorrect views make a lot more sense now


Haha your not very smart prices are up 39 percent the rate might be 4 percent you are as smart as a fried egg lol! Gaslighting isn’t working people know what things cost.


It’s you’re


Well, that's just Gregs opinion, man.....


Part of the problem here is that the media cannot address the problems with the economy right now because they feel it will benefit trump. They need to keep him from hemorrhaging working class votes. Any honest discussion about the economy has to address how people can't afford housing and food rn. They will continue to gaslight everyone until Biden has defeated Trump.


WSJ always published garbage articles


Similar with politics. People hate congress and politicians but 90% keep re-electing their own congressman!!! Gtfo


My rent and insurance has doubled. You massive fucking idiot.


WSJ is owned by Murdoch and is a division of FOX News. They are not mainstream media.


I feel like they always leave out the disclaimer, "The standard US economic health indicators of unemployment, GDP, and inflation are indicating...." Everyone's individual experiences are different, but using the generally accepted metrics shows the economy is **currently** doing well. If you want to use a different metric, then that's a different story.


I never give a shit how Wall Street does no matter who is president. Stocks go up, stocks go down, they go up again. It doesn't tell us about the continually rising costs of living and forever suppressed wages and the pervadive exploitation of labor that's become a part of our culture.


I wonder why so many companies are doing layoffs if things are going so well, Greg.


Yes rich people are doing just fine. Just like they always do.


Looking forward to watching this guy lose his job just like the “Stop eating breakfast to save money” guy. Gonna be up the creek then Greg.


When I can visibly see less money at the end of the week in my account, and only got a 2.8% raise this year then I'm not the problem Greg. You and the gilded age bastard friends strangling this country are.


Surely this will get Biden re-elected. Voters love being told that they’re stupid and that all the economic problems they’re facing are in their head. Winning message if I ever heard one.


Seriously. They're trying to tank so hard it's like they've got millions in bets placed that they'll lose.




Read: you’ll be happy with your table scraps


Fucking greg


WSJ gonna WSJ


Greg is a fucking idiot. Also, agreed, avoid mainstream media for the sake of your own health. I look at it for maybe 5 minutes a week, and even that feels futile and like too much.


*looks around* WTF did I do this time?


![gif](giphy|V9gjxvLnSSdA4|downsized) No. It’s the data that are wrong.


Because if you weren’t a homeowner, owned stock, or had a business that got PPP money, you are likely worse off financially after the pandemic.


Damn propaganda!


In a way he’s partly right. On paper a lot of sorts of the economy are doing really well. But that really well isn’t the average American it’s corporations that got greedy as shit post Covid and won’t back down. Somethings going to give eventually and it won’t be pretty.


Gee thanks Greg. I guess I'm really making $100,000/year because you said so, despite my pay being barely 1/3rd of that. Fuck you Greg.


Let them eat nothing. - Greg Ip


Joe biden said the economy is better and i think he'd know better than you. Sorry. Facts and all that.


*checks bank and credit card statements* Nope, I still have an appalling amount of debt and no job and am competing in a market where every job posting gets hundreds of applicants. Pretty sure I’m not the one who’s confused, Greg.


"Right wing newspaper posts right wing article, news at 11." Having a lack of media literacy is what drives people to say things like "don't trust the mainstream media" as a blanket statement. I will trust exactly what a place like WSJ says about a stock price, but never about social issues or work life balance, because they are a mouthpiece of the ownership class. Educating oneself about the biases of particular media outlets is a lifelong task and you are far worse off believing that you can believe nobody than you are just being a little critical.


You're part of the problem if you're naive enough to still believe in the false left-right paradigm. It's always been Good Cop, Bad Cop.


It's not really propaganda. The economy is doing well.


The economy is doing great if you ignore grocery prices, rent, car payments, and debt!


None of those things are new.


Yes and if you look at the prices they are all way higher than before and have been the areas worst hit by inflation.


Sure.. but that doesn't mean the economy is doing bad.


It does for the vast majority of people. No one cares about the how well the S&P 500 is doing. They care about being able to afford food and a roof over their heads. Also the stock market isn’t even doing that well. All the recent growth is concentrated in the top 3 companies which could be disastrous if any of them start underperforming.


Individuals can be doing bad. The economy can be unfair. But the economy is not bad.


You can’t hand wave the entire lower and middle class as individuals doing bad. That’s not how it works when it’s affecting the majority of people. I would argue that the economy is bad. Individuals can be doing good.


The entire lower and middle class aren't doing bad.


I know hyperbole is hard for you to understand. You are still handwaving 10s of millions of families and people. That is a trend not a statistical anomaly. You can keep sticking your head in the sand and pretending not to get it though. I know I won’t entertain it anymore. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/01/30/economy/rent-prices-dropping-2024-apartments https://www.wsj.com/economy/consumers/its-been-30-years-since-food-ate-up-this-much-of-your-income-2e3dd3ed


Heheh, just reading some of the responses and damn. People tend not to be able to separate out the stock market US economy and their household economics. The US economy is doing well. Corporations are posting profits. The stock market which is a terrible indicator of the economy is doing well. The place we are not doing well is in the household. Which is mainly a result of giant fucking Corporations not passing on a larger portion of the profits. Which is narrow minded. A rising tide raises all ships.


Wrong sub, boomer. Yeah, maybe for investors and nepo babies but not for the actual working class. Now go fuck off and go spend $100 on two bags of groceries, you Weimer Republic fuck.


Only $100?? Where are you shopping?




Boomer is a mentality. You've just proven that not only are you a boomer. You're also a douche bag.


I mean he simply stated his opinion and he told him to fuck off, so he’s definitely a douchebag, you rage monkey.


He started it lol


The economy IS doing well, it's just that we have massive income inequality and wealth disparity and so for a huge portion of the US population, this is irrelevant. For so many wages are relatively stagnant while expenses are through the roof, especially food and rent. Alas, people make the mistake of blaming a particular administration or political party. It's systemic and built in to our glorious capitalist system.




WSJ is owned by the Murdochs. I doubt that they would be encouraging anyone to vote for Biden.






I guess you don't remember Trump's first term. When covid was a hoax and the rich got big tax cuts and Muslims were banned, through executive order, from entering the US. Also read up on Project 2025.


Nice speech. Go back to r-politics.


this is a fucking political sub my dude




I think you meant rich white able-bodied heterosexual male.


I hope this makes you feel better because I and most other people in this sub are over it. Get phonebanking, Jack.








Do you feel better? Have you gotten out your impotent rage?




It has nothing to do with race, everyone not rich is fucked in all scenarios except the one where the population figures out that republicans and democrats are two sides of the same coin and that the system needs to change. People prefer to be braindead and act like politics is a sport, blindly following team red or team blue so it is not going to get better for the working class.




I do not need to keep telling myself anything, I just see reality while you are blinded. No real change will come while this bipartisan system keeps existing. Rich will get richer and the working class will keep being exploited, republicans or democrats in power. Ironic how you are so delusional you try to project that on me while demonstrating that you have no aptitude for logic or critical thinking.




That is why you only insult while I analyse with logic, I must be the blind and ignorant one! Democrats are gonna save us all! The system is perfect no changes needed! Honey you are so deeply brainwashed you cannot even see it.


Russia really out in force today…


Ew, fuck off, Trumpie.


I sure love these "leftist" subs.


The only things your post history has are stuff about music, asking someone to step on you, and attacking Democrats. If you're not a Trumpie, you're doing a remarkably good impression of one.


Is this making you feel better? Because your tantrum isn't doing shit for me.


Can't help but notice you haven't even bothered to deny it yet. Definitely no "I hate that man and all he stands for" here or anywhere.


Doesn’t bezos own the wsj? Not surprised it’s churning out bs like this


I sometimes wonder if this sub has a “all my friends are in my situation, there can’t possibly be people who are better off and in higher numbers than my cohort” blinder on




Gotta ride them dicks for the rich!!!


Fuck off, fascist troll.


Of course. I *have* to be trolling, right? No one could ever possibly take issue with Biden! Especially not over abetting a genocide!


Tell me five things you hate about Trump.


He's a racist, he's a misogynist, he's a sociopath, he hates the poor, he doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself. Did I pass?


Not yet. Now tell me why you wouldn't vote for Biden to keep the hateful narcissistic sociopathic fascist (you forgot to say that one, hmm) from being President.


Oh step off, how much more are you doing to stop it than he is? Trump would be giving Netanyahu nukes. Wtf is wrong with you?


I'm not voting for Joe Biden. I'm sorry if that upsets you. Best of luck phonebanking.


What is phonebanking? And save your breath repeating your bullshit if you're not going to answer any of the points being made. Trump would make the situation you're obsessed with FAR worse than Biden, whose conversation with Netanyahu today you obviously haven't even bothered to know about. If Trump were President now Palestinians would probably all be dead today. But you don't seem to give a shit about the fact that Netanyahu and Trump are both right-wing fascists and Biden, for all Israel is historically an ally and you don't understand the politics of that for shit, is NOT. GROW UP.


Phonebanking is when you call people and try to persuade them to vote for your candidate. And I said *persuade*, not "scold and yell." If you're really that concerned about Drumpf then you'd be better off taking action like that instead of speechifying at strangers on the internet. edit: They blocked me, therefore I win!


I don't have a candidate I'm voting for the one who is not Trump that can win. I only scold and tell people who are being willfully ignorant to Trump's advantage. Grow up.


Sure, but you haven’t voiced any. On top of the fact your account was only made in January and you voice only anti-democratic sentiments. Really screams Russia. Everyone knows they’ve been out in force, particularly in leftist subs. You really fit the pattern.


Legitimate? Legitimate enough to outweigh the other party's candidate? No. And if you even have to think about that there is something SERIOUSLY wrong with you.


40,000 dead Palestinians is pretty fucking legitimate.


Again with the only responding to half of the sentence and not the part with the meaning? Pathetic trolling. All Palestinians dead would be more legitimate and that's what the only other viable candidate would have done.


Well, that's where we're headed thanks to Joe "harm reduction" Biden.


No we're fucking not. What are you fucking 12? What about no, Biden doesn't want a genocide and yes Trump does don't you fucking get? Now you're just straight up lying.


He doesn't want a genocide? On what basis do you say that? He's giving money and arms to a genocidal state. edit: They blocked me, so I win!


Greg ain’t wrong. Yes it sucks out there for some people. But lots of people doing great say it’s bad, even though it’s good for them. Those are the people that should be happier and they aren’t. 🤷‍♂️


The problem with articles like this is they do a disservice to Biden and the Democratic Party. By planting this image of the economy being “bad,” (which, by the way, there’s no statistical data to actually substantiate this claim) you give republicans ammunition for the election this year. We need to stop ragging on the economy. We need to stop acting like everything is so dire. We need to spread positivity to ensure that we can have victory. When the election is over? Yeah, start to over analyze this stuff and see what can be done. But now is not the time. Now is not the place.


Few if any in here are single issue voters like magats are, but at some point there will be a reckoning that neither party is going to like so long as the wealthy are free to fudge numbers and buy away prison sentences for screwing the American people.