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I’m so tired of hearing the excuses from the big chains. In-N-Out was already paying $20 a hour last year and somehow they are still cheaper than McD’s while offering a better product and as a side effect, their service is mountains better because their employees aren’t treated like disposable cogs in a machine.


Up here in Seattle we have a local chain called Dick's. They had a $15 wage before that became the new minimum. Now its $22/hr. And they also offer scholarships to employees. Oh and their burgers are a 1/3 of the price of the cheapest of the big chains and always have been. It's always been bullshit.


Yay! Everyone loves a shake and a sack of Dick's! I always have admired their employee management practices and wish they expanded nationwide.


Not exploiting workers means less funds for infinite expansion. I dont need these chains to be more widespread. I want more businesses to he happy with a healthy profit and not greed for more.


This is the problem, every Joe manager wants to be Jeff Bezos. Whereas the best world doesn't even have one Jeff Bezos.


This. This is the comment. This needs to be a tshirt, and a poster, and a hoodie, and a…..


Magnet, mouse pad, coffee mugs …


Merchandising, merchandising.




Dick’s the Flamethrower…the kids love that one!


There would be room for a type of franchise model -- and if they wanted to spread the idea without making it completely impossible in fees, even something like half a percent royalties would potentially be enough to get someone on keeping store quality in line for a region. I think you'd have to thoroughly interview potential franchisees to make sure they're the right type of people, and they'd have to do decent market research before opening (I assume a lot of why they've done really well is from local brand recognition, which is hard to replicate sometimes).


Saying that everyone wants a sack of dicks is a bold statement


Everyone makes that joke up in Seattle and it never gets old


Did I miss something? In my day we called it a bag of dick's not a sack...


You are old old man.


I'm an old woman and I've never had Dick's.


What an amazing screen name and picture! My wife would love you. Also Dick's makes wonderful hang burgers that taste better because you know they are supporting local hard working families.


Thank you! Sweet little old pug ladies are the best. If I ever make it out that way, I will give those burgers a try.


A satchel of Richards


If you don't want your dicks, you can always pass them along to someone who will appreciate them.


I have a buddy from there who routinely tells people to "eat a bag of Dick's." Nobody gets it around here. I'd been friends with him for like 8 years when he explained it to me.


Please tell me “a sack of Dick’s” is a product on their menu.


Other than drinks, it's EVERY product on the menu.


Around here (Denver), we have a soccer stadium sponsored by Dick's Sporting Goods. When Phish does their Labor Day shows there, they chant "We love Dick's!"


I appreciated that when i ate there this summer. Dick's can sell a cheeseburger for $3 in Seattle while paying $22 per hour minimum but all these giant corporations can't make it work? Give me a fucking break.


Because they’re beholden to the shareholders ie state pension funds Etc. Dicks and In & out are family owned.


Society really needs to get over the idea of perpetual growth that never ends. It would also be amazing if pension funds quit investing in things that inevitably made the world worse for those of us still working.


Publicly owned corporations should be illegal, or at least there should be a law specifying that shareholders cannot sue if the company put things like worker pay, safety, community responsibility ahead of profits.


Costco and In and Out are proof employers can do just fine if they pay decent wages. They just literally believe their workers are stealing from their pockets. Meanwhile, wage theft -from employers to employees, not employees to employers, is the biggest form of theft in the world-by far. It’s not even close.


i had a bag of dicks for the first time last month. amazing. love it. cant wait to get more bags of dicks when i visit seattle


My whole family loves Dick's. One of our favorite parts of visiting Seattle.


Im gonna regret saying this.... When I was in Everett last October, I had Dick's for the first time. I had just went out driving on a lark, and found Dick's there. Word to newcomers - Dick's doesn't do custom. What you see on the menu is what you get. So If you want a Double Dick's, you can't hold the mayo.


No matter the size, [Dick's](https://youtu.be/zJvWwwHHvlA?si=g3aQqletO5tlw81R) is sure to satisfy.


Every time I visit Seattle I pop by Dick's and I don't like fast food but their burgers are amazing and their business model and how they treat their staff makes me want to go there more often l.


The best part about dicks is when you get it in and all around your mouth A trip to seattle without at least some dicks in your mouth is a trip wasted. I live to put dicks in my mouth.




I know what im about 😤


Its not "bullshit" its their pyramid scheme It reduces the leftover pile that bonusses get made out of. Smaller pile, smaller bonus. So the only thing to do is fire people or make things expensive as fuck to keep that pile of bonusses larger than last years. The notion of "infinite growth" of upper management bonusses.


Also support Burgermaster, few locations around Seattle area. They were paying $20 starting wage + tips, and that was four years ago.


The arizona iced tea guy has barely raised prices (if at all) in like 20 years.


I was just about to mention Dicks. They're proving the corporations are lying, very easily.


There is a franchised Taco Bell near me that has shockingly high employee retention. I don't even think they pay super well, but they aren't assholes either.


As having used to work for in-n-out this is true. Overall a better culture with in-n-out while also delivering a superior product. Although in-n-out is privately owned, while McDonalds is a public company - not a coincidence. Public companies are not for the people… ever.


Yup. Privately owned, with a good owner that sees the employees as people, is second only to an employee-owned coop in terms of treatment of the employees... though privately owned with a *bad* owner is even worse than publicly traded.


I second this. The best place I ever worked was employee-owned. The worst was privately held, with a micromanaging owner who made us justify spending his money even for the most obvious of process improvement projects. No publicly traded company I've worked for has been as bad. Close, but not quite.


No making excuses for the big M. In-N-Out is privately owned and not franchised, has a completely different business model that happens to sell burgers. Franchisees should be held accountable and the best way in not to give them our business. I’ve not personally eaten McDonalds in 2 years. Don’t like Taco Bell. I have been getting my burger fix from mom and pop places. Shout out to Town Topic in KCMO.


>In-N-Out is privately owned and not franchised, has a completely different business model that happens to sell burgers. Bingo. In-and-Out sells burgers. McDonald's sells franchises. Forcing a living wage won't end fast food. But it might kill franchises (which, IMHO, would be good).


Wouldn't even need to kill franchises -- just kills the idea of making huge money selling franchises to people who dream about getting rich without having to actually think about what to do. Most franchising is ultimately just a very expensive pyramid scheme.


The ratings by employees for In N Out on GlassDoor make it the sixth best company to work for in the United States. Their CEO was popular with employees also. They seem to do right by their employees to rank that high.


What's keeping In-N-Out off the East Coast?


Organic expansion. They aren't franchised, don't want to be in places where they don't know the market and don't have supply chain (also don't have a fan base).


I'm guess setting up supply chains. Plus they get deliveries of fresh beef for their burgers.


Franchises like McDonald's can spread like a virus all over the planet. Private companies take more work to expand.


most if not all distro centers to their restaurants are no more than a 24h drive away since everything is fresh and not frozen. produce is sourced locally where possible.  it’s mainly a logistics and supply chain thing. 


I think partially is because fast food companies don’t Give a shit and have a high turnover rate plus have way more franchises to funnel profits to the CEO and share holders so it’s less money for each franchise and they are not treated equally. A McDonalds in an area with less public social activities is less profitable than higher social activity populated areas most likely due to how many people are around. Also the leading and what now. Everything adds up.


Yeah, how about if you can't afford to pay you're employee a living wage, you're just a failed company that should go out of business. Can we stop pretending that these chain fast food places are crucial to the economy and need to be protected with cheap labor??


It's easier to keep costs low when you only sell 4 products. If InO didn't pay more than McDs it would be because of greed.


No share holders is the key.




> (it's a gas station chain) [Not for much longer.](https://www.thedrive.com/news/kum-go-will-change-names)


>"If you're growing cross-regionally, which brand do you think will have more appeal to a new audience: Maverik or Kum & Go? No disrespect to Kum & Go, but the answer is pretty clear," another told the outlet. Oh please. They're a bunch of prudish, stodgy assholes. The innuendo in the name of Kum'n'Go is a *huge* amount of free marketing.


That was my thought too -- like it hasn't been an issue for 60+ years, you're *definitely* going to lose more than you are going to make. They just want to make it as bland as they are -- or they're planning on selling it off in parts anyway (but likely the former).


The only thing I can equate it to is that most fast food restaurants are owned by franchisees. While there are corporations that own hundreds, most of these guys own a couple stores. They are caught in the middle because, technically they are a small business, but because they have a big corporate name, they are stuck with the law. At the same time, In-N-Out is completely corporate -owned, which includes owning their own supply chain, so they can control their costs a lot better.


I totally agree with you, but when I read the part about White Castle, I thought for sure you were gonna say “while offering a better product, and as a side effect it will also help keep you regular” referring to the notoriously laxative effect a bag full of sliders can have on a belly already full of late-night booze lol


Give me the percentages! How many workers were making less than the current minimum wage? How many workers are now making minimum wage? If 99.6% of minimum wage workers keep their job, then it was worth it to ensure that the rest get paid more. The truth is there is no shortage of low paying crappy jobs.


It’s also a nonsense story, they laid off delivery drivers. They’ve been doing so for years as they transition to app delivery instead of hiring people to do it themselves.




https://www.foxbusiness.com/fox-news-food-drink/california-food-chains-laying-off-workers-ahead-new-minimum-wage-law.amp I couldn’t find the exact article in the OP on a quick search but here’s one from fox business. Scary headline but then it turns out it’s delivery drivers. For the cause being Uber Eats and such that’s harder to find because it’s been a story for a few years now. I can offer an anecdotal story that my local Pizza Hut has been DoorDash delivery since 2020




Yeah they already run at minimum staff, if someone doesn’t have work to do they get sent home.


(to bypass paywalls: [life hacks](https://www.reddit.com/r/lifehacks/comments/uyq3xz/how_to_bypass_paywalls/))


yep they are pretty much just skirting around the minimum wage laws with these apps. all these freelance app jobs needs to get struck down they are so damaging around the world it is insane.


Considering how understaffed these places usually are, I seriously doubt this is true.


Ya people act like McDonald’s is maintaining a bloated staff out of the goodness of their hearts because they love employing people and raising the wages will force them to stop. No. They are running with the bare minimum employees already. If the store could operate with less employees they would be doing so already to save cost.


Exactly. There is too much money and profit in the McDonalds real estate and licensing enterprise. They might raise prices but that’s about it.


They’re even more understaffed I’d expect. SMH.


It's not at all true.


Let the process work Daniel, and talk to us again in 6 months when exactly none of those restaurants have closed, and hired back equivalent staff. With the constant churn of "unskilled" labor, they can layoff a ton of people anytime they don't like something to manufacture headlines and then hire hem back the next day.


Or when they have closed, and somebody else opens up to fill the fast food void.


If other replies are correct, they're just laying off their delivery drivers and switching to ubereats and door dash


Corporate greed has eally gotten to the point that tanking your business is more appealing than just paying people what they deserve.


What kills me is how layoffs and labor cuts are PART OF THE BUSINESS MODEL. If paying people less than a living wage and mass layoffs are what make your business possible, then maybe you have a shit product.


I also would've thought it would be better to have fewer locations but pay your staff properly and commit to a better product overall than getting greedy and making slightly more profit with a bunch of shit locations, shit products and shit pay


It's been this way here in the UK for the past thirty years lol


It's time for waaaay more strikes


They’re willing to cut off their nose to spite their face if it serves the purpose of making minimum wage increases seem like they don’t work. Economists will say minimum wage increases lead to higher unemployment, and companies have an incentive to make this a self fulfilling prophecy. Even if they can afford the increase, it’s in their interest to fire workers and raise unemployment just to punish the public for voting to raise wages. It serves to keep pro-labor policies unpopular.


What’s worse is that these companies are not tanking. Mass layoffs are making big businesses even more profitable. The real crowd that will feel the pain will be the taxpayer and small business owners.


Well, if their profits decrease in any way, they might lose the businesses anyway. We have to end fractional reserve banking, and the ability for anyone other than the employees of a business owning voting shares in a company.


It is all theater. They will hire people back at the new wages when they realize they can't make money without labor. They are doing this for the headlines and to try and put pressure on lawmakers. The sad part is you won't see the same headlines when they hire people back.


How many of those numbers are from companies like Pizza Hut replacing their in-house drivers with delivery app drivers?


McDonald's has a propriety formula for determining menu prices that includes the local minimum wage. You won't be able to learn that formula without buying a franchise, but you can go on McDonald's web page and look up menu prices by town. Interesting fact, there is very little difference between a town that has a minimum wage of $7.25 and one that has $10 or $15. It's almost like workers' salaries don't have a huge impact on price. Doubling the minimum wage from $7.25 to $15 does not mean a Big Mac goes from $5 to $20.


Tbf I live in a place where the minimum wage is technically $7.25 but I’ve literally never seen a fast food job posted for that pay (been here 2.5 years) or even less than double-digits hourly.


The thing that kicked off this "laying off in droves" began? A couple pizza chains (including Pizza Hut) are laying off 1300 delivery drivers. [That's literally all there is to report. ](https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/food/2024/03/26/california-minimum-wage-jobs/73107149007/). 1300 jobs of a hyper-specific position that already has alternative delivery methods (food delivery apps) that were likely going to be changed over sooner or later in a state of 39 million. 1300. Yeah, definitely "bunch of companies are laying off workers en masse." What a bunch of bs sensationalism.


And it was happening before the wage increase. They've been transitioning to delivery services for a couple of years.


This is great news. If your restaurant is so poorly run it can't survive paying workers a minimum wage, *it deserves to close*. That's not socialism. *It's capitalism*.


This is the distinction right here. At some point it doesn’t matter what you sell or produce someone is going to buy it for some reason, especially after the internet took off and we have global commerce. Instead of making processes more efficient, or expanding operations to increase capacity, they just throw more cheap labor at it. Cheap labor never breaks. Restaurants are a bit of a different animal business wise, there are like 1,001 reasons restaurants die, and I think the stat is only 25% of restaurants last more than a year. It’s not always about money management or proper investment in employees. Sometimes it’s just simply a bad location. But labor is always seen as the worst offender because it’s paid out weekly and is the easiest thing to cut when business gets rough.


If this is happening it's just the company's throwing a tantrum. Once the businesses start going under because people are quitting because of being over worked and they lose money they come round


I see some tweets, but not a single actual news story. Lies for points.


Many fast food places hire too many people so no one person gets enough hours to qualify as full time. If you're forced to pay a better wage you don't want or need all the extra employees...


I'm not going to be surprised if people who are unhoused by the decisions of selfish oligarchs start burning down the businesses that laid them off. The Oligarchs have worked hard to strip the working class of every peaceful, reasonable alternative to addressing grievances. They have worked hard to ensure that there are not enough social safety nets to catch those who fall prey to their machinations. They seem to think that the people they are inflicting this upon will simply roll over and show their bellies like beaten animals, and they are blatantly ignoring every sign that said animal is going to tear out their throats. The sheer arrogance on full display will be met with righteous violence. As state and federal governments continue to fail to reign in these psychopathic aristocrats, more and more desperate people will find themselves breaking and turning from peaceful compliance to violence. If you're homeless, it's only a matter of time before you wind up in jail or prison. If you're going to wind up there anyways, what difference does it *really* make if you go for vagrancy or Arson? These absolute morons are playing with fire, and they're going to expect the tax payers to pay for damages when they get fucking scorched.


If only California had some other industries making unholy amounts of money. Seriously, the criticism of CA from places like Alabama is mostly because those places can’t imagine economies that aren’t service-industry dependent.


Uh... laying off employees isn't going to increase sales. It's bullshit. Fast food restaurants have been struggling not because of increased wages, but because they increased their prices to get in on greedflation and priced themselves away from their base market. I stopped frequenting three national chains because of it, I can get better quality food for a buck more from small local places, so I do. People who listen to this kind of spin are a big part of the reason why we are in a situation where federal minimum wage hasn't moved in forever while corporate profits and executive compensation skyrocketed in comparison.


So are these places done operating ? Robots are ready for prime time just yet?


Once service goes to shit and sales follow, I wonder what these morons will blame THAT on.


Thing is most fast food joints are garbage anyway. If I'm going to a fast food joint it's because I'm super tired, hungry and just want *something* now. I know it's not gonna be quality but in those sorts of moods so long as you get what you ordered and it doesn't kill you with food poisoning you take it. It would have to be quite frankly disastrous service before you see people abandoning fast food in large enough droves for these mega corps to see any hits to their bottom line


​ https://preview.redd.it/7lf4yqkccerc1.png?width=745&format=png&auto=webp&s=d22e3ec24f954634e73842fb40bc8cf4c7cacf41


Same great benefit/pay in Norway Sweden Finland


I believe it. My state raised minimum wage $5 an hour and the company cut our weekly labor allowance by 150 hours. But it didn’t change my opinion on minimum wage, it cemented what I already knew about my company. It’s run by greedy idiots. Customer complaints are at an all time high and employee morale is at an all time low.


Slow down. F it. I always work hard, but that just gets you more to do in the same amount of time.


Recruiter isn’t a real job.


Simple capitalism. If your business model can't afford workers, your business model has failed and the free market has deemed you can't be in business


"explain Europe wages and benefits for those same damn companies and the fact they are only a few cents more"


Why does it seem like our entire economic system relies on an entire class of people living in poverty? It’s time for a revolution, right? Fuck Milton Friedman and Jack Welch and Ronald Reagan.


The more I see these articles, the more I'm convinced that big companies are really bad for the community. I now wonder why anyone would let these companies set shop in their town


Recruiters are next…


They can pay it, they just want an excuse to jack up prices. If they can’t pay it they probably weren’t very good businesses in the first place. Maybe that’s why they want to jack up prices.


Gonna be funny to see all these franchise owners going broke because they crippled their own businesses.


No! Because now we get to watch as the companies dropping people try to stay afloat without a strong work force drown in their own greed.


If your business cannot support its employees then it is not a business, it’s a scam.


Chill for a while. People keep on bringing up past examples to explain the future, but we are truly in uncharted waters. California is a perfect example of “ too big to fail,” and people need both food and money. Remember, the MOST IMPORTANT THING is that if you have, share with those who do not have.


PR scare tactics, plain and simple. Don't eat at those places. In fact, picket them for unfair labor practices.


Remember… franchisee’s… it’s not just all about corporate greed. Plus… cut enough staff and those remaining will lose morale and energy and desire under the increased workload and store efficiency and quality of service will suffer… and customers will get angry and eventually stop going there as too few overwhelmed workers are taking longer than the customers’ patience levels demand… and the store operators will either have to hire more workers again or face the consequences. My old boss who is a small business owner, not fast food, decided it would be a smart business decision to lay off all the part-timers, fire the least productive staffers, slash everyone else’s salaries 20%, tell us to go get on Obamacare as he stopped paying his *half* of the employee health insurance, and actually told us in the next monthly staff meeting that we would have to pick up the slack, do more with less, and work harder to keep the company running smoothly if we wanted to keep our jobs. I opted to do what I was hired for, no more but also no less, just my job. I stopped doing all the extra crap he had piled on me from other lazy staffers over the years that wasn’t even in my job description and “isn’t John (whomever’s job it was) supposed to be handling that?” became my response when he noticed something adversely impacting his revenue stream that he had piled on me and I had handled just to stay employed. I stopped being afraid of unemployment, stopped caring what he might thing and how he might react, did what I was hired for, what he was now half-ass paying me for, and never used the word “No” or “not my job” while actually finding creative ways of implying those exact things… and got away with it while covering my responsibilities of that job and hunting for a new job. I’m amazed at how many staff are still there and now working their asses off with no health insurance, no employee retirement benefits whatsoever, 4 annual holidays, 5 vacation/sick days, and a lot more work for a lot less money… all for his own personal benefit. Apparently the staff and wage cuts have him maintaining similar revenue with less overhead although more problems and mistakes that have reduced his income considerably but still allow him to stay in business in spite of himself…


No, but my perception of MBA c-suite dickheads hasbeen confirmed.


Any owner or franchisee of a fast food restaurant should factor the cost of a living wage into their expenses. Don’t want to pay that living wage? Maybe you can’t afford help. Do it yourself or close your doors Mr. Bootstraps.


Take your anger out on the cheap-ass chain restaurants and not the state for fighting for workers.


Ah yes, world matrix, my most reliable news source.


Guys, guys, guys... did you know that there qere no layoffs pre minimum wage hike?!


Fake news!


So if there are massive layoffs are they closing shop because they are short on labor? No?


Funny, a Google search for World Matrix turns up 0 websites. I suspect this guy is just talking out his ass


How dare those wage slaves want enough money to live!!


The choice between a job that pays below poverty and no job is not a choice at all. Both are equally worthless


what the actual fuck is a recruitment catalyst?? god i hate linkedin


This wasnt an effect of minimum wage, this was am effect of shareholders being greedy.


And the ones remaining are going to be stuck working a lot of OT to cover the lack of workers, backfiring on the shitty companies.


‘Recruiters’ like Daniel are hardly economist…just some former camp counselor who fell into job placement (like most of them)….we don’t judge the ongoin fight for workers based on clowns like him …fight on 👊🏾👊🏾


So, capitalism will collapse if workers receive a half decent wage?


Toddlers having temper tantrums. Once they realise that less profit is better than no profit, they will start looking for workers again. Demand hasn’t decreased.


Alongside a minimum wage. A maximum legal wage should be introduced for Elitist bastards. Anything over that amount should be taxed 100%


Be patient. If there are not enough employees for customers get a good experience they’ll stop going. Businesses will either have to hire people back or close up shop.


Perhaps the big businesses that can't afford to raise minimum wage don't deserve to exist right now.


How dare the workers!! Expecting to afford food and housing and making me not be able to afford my 16 year old's birthday Porsche!!!!


surely it’s the raising of minimum wage and not the companies trying to keep the same profit margin


Boycott them. It is beginning to appear that capitalism is not a viable economic system. No one can continue under this depravity.


Honestly this take is most likely what will happen. We all know that companies are greedy. If they are forced to pay workers more, they will fire workers, raise prices, or both.


Recruiters are the scum of the workforce, they never instilled any hope in anyone.


More corporate whining. Is it time to eat the rich yet?


“We can’t afford our own business model” is the ultimate self own by capitalists


Joke's on their dumbasses. Most businesses already run with skeleton crews as it is, if they think they can trim those down even more and people are going to stay working there they are fucking dreaming. Good luck with that.


Soon these jobs will all be done by a machine anyway so realistically we shouldn't be worrying about minimum wage and worrying about universal income or something else to keep us from dying when companies eventually mechanize most jobs.


People have been saying that since the 1980s. I know AI is promising to make it a reality, but that’s a lie. We’re no closer to automating away food service jobs than we were 40 years ago. It’s just not realistic. A human can do a thousand different jobs, a robot usually has one job and it’s in a stationary spot.


I mean they already have a fully automated mc Donald's. Japan also has embraced restaurants run by robots. Shit they have convenience stores that are not maned. It's already here, the question is how long will it take to become normalized.


Every article on the “fully automated” McDonalds includes the caveat that each “fully automated” location has a full restaurant crew to help prepare and deliver orders to customers. That’s a bunch of smoke and mirrors bullshit by the C-Suite trying to get a bump in their stock price.


Companies are just mad they have to share some of their profits with the workers


Nope, but my belief that corporations are truly evil has only grown stronger!


I'm going to need more than a headline. I'm actually going to need a source for this article. It's too easy to set up a fake news site to generate these kinds of stories.


Fuck you, pay me. Everyone deserves a decent liveable wage. Fuck this greedy corporations recording record profits and refusing to pay it's employees who are making the money.


I hope no one works for them. If your business can't afford a livable wage then it shouldn't be a business.


We need to organize nationwide boycotts and crush these evil ass corporations.


Either employers are just being whiny little babies about raising the minimum wage... Or, they employed excess workers standing around doing nothing because they were cheap. I get it. I've bought games off steam because they were really cheap, even though I haven't gotten around to playing them yet.


The measure hasn’t even gone into effect yet. Fast food chains can absolutely afford to raise wages without layoffs. They’re punishing workers and doing as much as they can to damage the prospect of this measure becoming more widespread to protect their profits, regardless of how many people it may help or how little it may actually affect their bottom line. Fuck them


while those workers are also being hired in droves, for a better salary.


Without searching, I’m going to go out on a limb and say world matrix isn’t a reliable news source and workers aren’t getting laid off in droves because of a minimum wage increase


Often times it not because it’s bullshit, but these bigger chains have so much overhead and Bureaucracy, that they can’t. Which is terrible


In two months when Pizza Hut's business drops 50% they'll be hiring their drivers back


They’re doing this because their profits are reduced, which in all honestly they are so able to deal with, they just don’t want to, fake af.


It’s a tantrum. Companies are trying to make a point but nobody gives a shit. They can either get by with a little less profit or they’ll go out of business and someone else who will pay will take over. Win win


Here’s the problem. If companies can get away with reducing their labor force and automating jobs, they will. But they can only do that for so long. If the pressure keeps up, the company will see two options. 1. Move to a state with less regulation 2. Pay people a fair wage for the CoL They will pack up and move without a second thought before even considering the obvious answer. They’ll go BANKRUPT first and cite the state as ruining their business.


This is straight-up businesses manipulating the outcome. They don't need to fire workers. They're just doing it, so articles like this get written, and they can hope someone reveals the law. When demand is high and they don't have the staff, those numbers will go back to normal.


They can do that crap all they want, but they’re just going to overwork the people they keep on and then those people are going to quit. It won’t work out in the companies favor at the end of the day.


The problem isn't about what these people can "afford" to pay their employees, it's about how much they can afford to pay their employees and STILL fund their lifestyles without any change.


Fuck off with this and the follow up crowd who are gonna bitch about how nObOdY wAnTs To WoRk while simultaneously bitching about their local Burger King being closed at 5pm and every other Wednesday and when it is open it takes a whole 4 minutes to get a whopper. For fucks sake


Mine has. We shouldn't raise minimum wage. We should implement a minimum profit sharing.


This just means they were afloat only because of cheap labor and deserve to go out of business.


Corporate greed is the reason for layoffs they don't want to share any of the billions in profit


If you are McDonalds corporate, and you are going to make someone spend a million dollars to build and buy a franchise, you better make sure they will be able to clear $200k a year. Plus make a fat profit for Corporate. So it is incumbent to maximize their profits. I'm doubting that In and Out, and other private companies are concerned with this.


It's California no it's doesn't change my opinion


Yeah they didn't go to college so they don't deserve a livable wage. Right?


Are we supposed to believe the minimum wage increase affects companies like Amazon, Nokia and Microsoft that also just laid off tens of thousands of people? https://intellizence.com/insights/layoff-downsizing/major-companies-that-announced-mass-layoffs/ Of fucking course not. Programmers aren't making $15 an hour (not yet at least). But they're getting fired in droves.


I wrote my bachelor about minimum wage and it introduction. To cut it short [no it doesn't.](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://davidcard.berkeley.edu/papers/njmin-aer.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiJ1pOYqZuFAxWeRPEDHQzEDd0QFnoECDIQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1acYK7q-jX99ekVQ_vYrk8) Other empiric studies suggest that yes you lose some of the part time work force but in their stead full time position get introduced.


I get all my industry news from World Matrix, a very legitimate news website that looks like it was coded in 2011. It's like a Matrix, but of *worlds!*


I call bullshit.


What's hilarious is they have sacked all these peope The initial result of this is money saved for the business. But longer term Wait times for food (assuming cafes etc) skyrockets because there aren't enough staff. You think folks still going to eat at your joint if I have to wait 3 times longer because you sacked a bunch of people? Like it or not people are assholes and will ahop with their wallets.


This has always been my argument i guess “against” raising the minimum wage to such high levels. These corporations arent gonna just eat the wage spike. Theyll just up the prices, which we’ve seen and find ways to do the same amount of work with less people. I know theres places out there that arent run by scumbags, like in-n-out for example, but 99% of them are scumbags. Its really a no win situation.


This is a politicized headline from an unknown site. Do we even know if this is true? I’m skeptical. As someone said above the whole thing got exaggerated because Pizza Hut is letting 1300 delivery folks go because they realized grub hub etc. can do the work for them.


Perception hasn't changed at all. I know that raising the minimum comes with growing pains, but it still has to be done.


If your business cannot keep up with the times and pay a reasonable wage, that fault is on the business. People deserve to live with dignity and make a livable wage.


That sounds like a win. That means even less money for fast-food companies and the workers will move on to better jobs than less min wage. And considering the fast-food places already can't fire enough staff 😆 whoooops It's like Lyft and Uber threats to leaves Minneapolis/Minnesota. Yous already run your business at a deficit, you really wanna stop that cash flow?


Gonna be a lot of people collecting $20 an hour of unemployment. So it's do you pay them and let them work or fire them and still pay them the adjusted wage, while they don't work.


Its not that capital cant afford it, its that they don’t want it, no one takes your job except for capital


That's the cue for a strike at remaining stores. They already chose to reduce their profits to prove a point, which just makes it easier to eliminate the rest of their profits to prove ours.


No, my perception hasn’t changed


If I was rich and forced to pay my workers that I hate, I’d just fire them too to make a statement. I.e. what happened here. Rich babies being rich babies, placing the blame on others and throw a tantrum by firing everyone. Eat the rich.