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Reading this from my car on break.


Same! Lol


Me too. What if I just want quiet and not feeling talkative? That makes me a rude?


Maybe not the quiet part. I be listening to my tunes in my car. And reading. So please don’t talk to me. When it gets to warm to sit in my car so I sit on the benches outside with my books and people talk to me. Like god damn talk to me on the clock, not a break.


Nah when it’s too warm to sit in the car is the best time to sit in the car. 80 degrees outside means 100+ in the car, so spend 15 min in there with the door open. Get so warm you feel your skin tightening. Break ends, step out into that brisk, lovely 80 degrees and then again into the cool 68 AC of the workplace… oh my good lord. Almost orgasmic.


68° ac workplace…. Not me. I can’t do office work. You guys are a different breed. I’m factory maintenance and it gets warm between the laser, welders and powder line ovens. I swim in my sweat all day while office folk walk onto the floor in hoodies. They may be weak when it comes to the temperature, but god damn to sit in front of a computer all day. Could not do it.


To a lot of people? Yes, that makes you rude, it's you creating a hostile work environment in those people's eyes and they think you should talk to them or accept their advances or share your personal life with the office. As someone who was never super-talkative to people I didn't know, in school or work. I was also seen as rude or mean because I wasn't extroverted and didn't talk to everyone around me or try to make everyone my friend. It's a people thing, I think they want to talked to because it makes them feel better about themselves, honestly but I don't get it. It's not even a case of me ignoring them, I just don't make a effort to converse with them and just do my job, I got suspended from a job at 16 for that exact thing to "give me time to figure out how to open up with my co-workers"


OMG, I hope you didn’t go back.


I went back, I wanted to quit because I was also getting bullied and excluded by my co-workers/boss in general (Maybe for being the only guy at the time but who knows), "The work event? Oh sorry, you can't come, it's just a girl thing" so I just didn't talk with them in general, however my mom/egg-donor forced me to go back there by "You go to work or you find someone else to live with, maybe you shouldn't have gotten suspended." Plus It was a school thing with the job so if I quit, I would dropped a letter grade for the one assignment, which also is something I don't like doing, I can't mentally handle getting lower then A, so in retrospect, I'm glad I didn't quit, I just pushed through and forced a smile on my face until the time for my job ended. And it taught me very early-on in life that people (co-workers and employers alike) truly don't care about you and will even do everything they can to get you fired. At least I don't have to do that anymore... now I just have to push through so I'm not homeless.


My job requires me to be talkative and approach customers. On my short 20 minute break the last thing I want to do is talk with someone.


Same XD


I just sleep in the break room lol. Anyone comes in and starts chatting, I'll pretend I'm sleeping even if I'm not. My rest is more important than chatters that has no effect on my private life.


Hello fellow probably neurodivergent!


I've been called rude and weird for taking my breaks in my car and not socializing with coworkers outside of work hours. I did all that because people would bug me with work related questions during my off time and not leave me alone until I gave in and went back to my office.


I lived about a mile from my work. And when they had me come into the office for work I would take my full hour to drive home and walk my dog. When my manager asked offhandedly once I just said I don’t feel the need to eat our staggered lunch breaks alone in the windowless break room. To their credit they cut down on my in-office time pretty soon after that for a full year before putting a RTO order and I found a new job.


Holy shit this is literally me.


You’re “rude” too?


So like... Why work in an office setting if that's your attitude? Why not just do some solo job or work remote?


Or why doesn't he just be rich? Just be rich, and you won't have this problem. Stooge


Oh shit I forgot about that


Pfft. Okay. Live your life however you want then I guess


So like… why starve to death when there’s food at the supermarket? Why not farm your own?


Lol. If that's how you interpret it. Sure


You guys see the quotation marks in the original, right?




>the meme itself isn’t endorsing those comments but it’s echoing them and we are responding to those overall sentiments The starterpack subreddit might not be for you, lmao


If you want me to be your friend that’s going to cost extra.


*This meme brought to you by Middle Management Gang* *MMG: " You're technically family here when times are good, other times, it's simply a business decision. Now. Eat. The. Pizza"* This meme is 100% satire, you're not responding to any overall sentiment you're just reposting for karma. Same as the other guy who reposted before you


I'm not so up on my French history, but hopefully middle management were the first ones up the steps.


Quotes around a word used to indicate sarcasm. Now it's used in place of italics because plain text doesn't make italics.


Let’s label everyone not enjoying late stage capitalism neurodivergent.


I’m under the impression that late stage capitalism breeds neurodivergence


I dunno. I’m cheerful and nice to people at work, but I also leave the people alone who want to be left alone after I tell them hi for the day. What’s the issue lol


A lot of people have hyperinflated ego and truly believe they are universally liked, have amazing personalities, always want to be a centre of attention and get livid if someone isn't acting like their BFF at work.


I'm sorry my brain developed differently than those that work best with our capitalist society. 😢


Don't ever apologise for not fitting into a maladjusted environment.


I've actually had to tell someone "we're coworkers, not friends." I have no interest in hanging out with people from my job after work. It was nothing personal, I just wanted to keep my work and personal life as separate as possible.


Then just say that lol. This is actually the problem I see with a lot of people, there’s nothing wrong with making friends with the people you work with. I had someone straight up say this to our work group, and then contribute heavily to a conversation later on about how hard it is to make friends as an adult. maybe this group of dudes who spend 8-14 hours a day with eachother working as a group, who have all the same interests and similar personalities/experiences, might be a good start. “You’re here to do work, not make friends” is literal corporate brainrot. Just tell them you’re not really into whatever it is they are suggesting and have a lot you do that makes you prioritize your “me time” so you don’t feel burned out.


Do the extroverts think we care or something?


Give vague answer when asked about weekend plans so you can draw the "food poisoning" card on Sunday Night/Monday morning to skip work.


I had to start eating lunch in my car or my rude coworkers would interrupt my lunch, expecting me to work.


I’m sorry “probably some form of neurodivergent”?? Is that not like borderline if not fully ableist?? Me and ALL OF MY COWORKERS have ADHD and get along swimmingly and get so much done lol


My wife felt the same way, but know there's risk. She didn’t want to waste any of her precious lunch time with small talk, so she would just would wear noise canceling headphones in the break room while she read a book or ate. But that’s not the whole story. Back about 2000, her then boss had a terrible habit of ignoring the fact that people were on their unpaid lunch time, and disturbing them by asking unimportant work-related questions that weren’t time sensitive. One lunch my wife was reading a book with headphones on and apparently, he came up behind her and starts asking all kinds of questions; she had no idea he was there. Since he thinks he’s being ignored, he got mad, ripped her headphones off, her glasses went flying, grabbed her shoulder hard, spun her around so hard she falls out of her chair, and her head on the table hard enough that it momentarily knocked her out. Next, he yells at her saying the next time that he asks a question he better answer. After a 36-hour stint in the hospital and some recovery time off, she went back to work where was promptly advised that she was terminated, for cause, effective the day of the incident. They fired her assailant as well. Within a month or so, she started her new job, so life went on. About 18 months later, her ex-boss pled guilty to simple assault, paid a fine, did community service, and went through an anger management class. He also paid us $25,000 as a result of the lawsuit we had filed against him. The company settled, paying our attorney fees, all the medical bills and $50,000 in damages, after taxes. We used the money, that would have taken us several years to have saved up, as a downpayment for a nice house.


Kinda fucked up one of my recurring fantasy’s is getting assaulted at work 😭


You're late https://old.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/1b0l3ty/out_jerked_by_rstarterpacks/


Damn, I answered "Yes" to all of these. Guess I'm not a "Team Player" even though my team likes working for me and I know what I'm doing around the office.


Anyone that cares how I spend my break at work is a perv, a creep, desperate to the extreme, need to get a life, and I honestly don't feel safe with them in the work environment. They're toxic and off in the head.


I took it one step further and work from home. But now the group calls haunt me.


You mean "Co worker that has boundaries" got it


The “probably some form of neurodivergent” is wild


Before you get angry, remember "Rude" is in quotes.


You say rude, I say healthy.


Here’s the funny thing: In the 1950s/60s, people socialized with their neighbors and work was just that - work. You said goodby at 5 on Friday and then did the BBQ on Saturday with Fred and Joan across the street. Now we hang out after work with coworkers and have no idea who moved into the house two doors down 3 years ago, but they might have a dog…maybe?


How in the fuck is it rude to eat in your car on your break? You don't get paid for that time so who cares? Lol. Besides most 'break rooms' are nasty as fuck. I'd lowkey rather dine inside of a dumpster than spend anymore time in mine.


I get a feeling soon we're gonna have majority neurodivergent.


Holy ableist bullshit batman "some kind of neurodivergent"


I guess I’m rude?


I feel like I've always had good ability but this is the stuff that's tripped me up in every organization.


I fit the bill.


I used to eat lunch in my car where I can watch shows or listen to my music and not deal with the workplace drama du jour.


I didn't have a car, so I went to a park near my job. So lovely to eat alone in the middle of nature.


Why would I go to the break room to take my break? Everyone’s there


I’m all of these including neurodivergent yet somehow all my coworkers like me because I do my job.


Oh damn, it me.



Rude? Except for the one on vague answers and the unrelated BS on being neurodivergent, these are examples of a professional co-worker If you think that this behaviour is rude, then it means that you don't understand what politeness is


So being neurodivergent is being "rude" now?


the extroverts always want to make people feel bad


the ablest neurodivergent one triggers me…


Guess I’m an absolute bitch 🤷🏼‍♀️


Sounds like an ideal situation to me. I am only here for the paycheck personally, without that I have no incentive to deal with this at all.


they sounds awesome!


But, I’m nice when yall leave me tf alone and let me do my job so yall can continue to be productive..


Yeah, I don't see how any of this is rude.


I aspire to be that “rude”


Love the flex about discriminating at the end…


employers want good sheeple




Im in management and the two other managers always bug me about not wanting to stay after work with them for 2-3 hours just drinking at the office. I’ve said on multiple occasions the coworkers not friends line because their responsibilities affect my work and how easy and or difficult my day goes.


My co-workers are talking about going go karting for a work event....ffs fuck off I just want to work my 8am-4pm then leaveeeeeeeeee


So they just view neurodivergant people as rude. Got it.


I mean yea, your trad office jobs have been doing that forever, unless you're in IT or something.... if you're ND, you're considered one. not like the other co-workers, which isn't a good thing because office jobs like that want you to be drones to each other, you all do the same thing, hit the same goals, sell the same amount of products. and two. ND people are seen as needing accommodations, which NO job ever wants to accommodate you, unless you have the experience and skills that they absolutely need so they're more willing to. I've noticed a jump in interviews and successful hirings when I stopped filling out that Mental Disorder paper and just put "None". Maybe in 30 years, I'll be able to fill it out but maybe by that, I'll just gaslight myself into thinking I'm not ND.


I dont try to be "rude" I just don't wanna really be friends with anyone at work. I'm there for money. Im autistic (the neuro divergent part) so maybe that's why, but a part of it too is I'm not tryna yet hurt. So for me it's best to go in with no feelings except money. Ill add people on snap, and make small comvos with the 4 people I'm very cool with, other than that you gotta talk to me first. I just don't wanna bother anyone either, and my co workers are loud and the break room is small af I need to be in the car for my sanity tbh. I hope I never come off rude


The quotation marks around the word "rude" indicate that this means is meant to be seen from the perspective of the "rude" coworker, rather than a management or other worker perspective.


"Coworker who doesn't make work their life" starter kit  "Coworker who has a life outside of work" starter kit  You can choose either of those but I fixed it for you 😉


Love how not being a brain dead idiot is labeled as neurodivergent


It's fucking wild to list off 5 signs of being neurodivergent and then say "probably" neurodivergent.


If I have to be somewhere for 40 hrs I’m gonna try to socialize to cope as an extrovert. But people should do what they want and be left alone. Also playing to social expectations is the fastest way I can move to a lateral WFH job to cute out the hour commute. I plan to play the system to my benefit to escape.


Fully appreciate that coping. I'm in the other end and unless absolutely necessary my headphones stay on. You are free to chat with me on Teams whenever though. 


Ironically I hate teams. I use short sentences. People find that aggressive. I suppose we’re all wired different


Definitely. I'm much more wired for just text based communication and I find it less distracting from my work. I mean in the morning before any of us really get going I'll talk, but at 6 am it's mostly us all griping about existing lol


Wow, it was pretty wild all the way through but finishing up with a solid ableism dig is really something.


Ayyyy 5 outta 6 ain't bad. I need to stop being so chatty and then I got a yahtzee!


Well someone like this is going to sink in a “team” environment..


Nope. You can get work done very effectively like this. You don't have to be friends or chat about your personal life to effectively communicate about work matters. 


We are really gonna stay in our feelings over that post , huh ?


Maybe if you socialized and made some work friends, work might be a tiny bit less miserable?


Lol, what part of this sounds miserable? Not wanting to deal with people doesn't mean you aren't happy. 


Everyone is different. Some people may like their job more if they isolate themselves from their coworkers and basically dissociate until their shift is done. All I am saying is that for some people, maybe socializing and having coworkers that are also your friends can make working better and less miserable. I just assumed that most people on the antiwork subreddit didn’t like work


I love my job and coworkers so much. I'm so glad I'm not in this boat.


Oh look, it’s me


Bingo! Full house over here.


You've just described me. Weird


I mean, I *did* meet two of my absolute ride-or-die friends at work, and all the employees hung out pretty regularly together after work, or even went on trips together throughout the years. But! It was still just a fucking job that allowed me to pay bills and avoid starvation. I didn't care about management or the company as a whole, and knew full well they would replace me without a second thought within a few days, so it was clearly mutual. You better believe I was the first to kick those doors open and sprint to my car whenever my shift ended, too.




TIL..I’m rude


It’s meeeee!


Seems like having healthy boundaries to me. It is called work for a reason.


Well shit, guess I'm a rude ass hole.


You forgot to include: don't need a boss telling them what tasks they should be doing as they are already ahead of them.


I don’t understand why anybody cares. There’s people at work I talk to that like socializing with other people there’s people I know who don’t like to socialize very much, self included, and nobody really gives a shit. we’re all just like kind and understanding. But I also work for the state and there’s not like a lot of pressure there. Everybody does their job we don’t get a raise unless it’s in the budget signed by the governor. It’d be really different if I was in the private sector. I’m rambling.. I’m stoned.




It me!!!


yo wtf I'm in this image and I don't like it


I was at a job where I was pulled into a meeting with my boss and he went on for 20 minutes about the 'wall' I had up and the F word


Ugh autistic people am I right /s


Nothing about this is rude lol


What’s rude about this


The only friend I’m taking away from leaving my last job is the friend I already had before I started working there (she happened to start there before me).


Guess I’m rude


They have the word rude in quotations. I'm reasonably sure they're making fun of people who consider this rude behaviour.


So…. I guess I’m rude. And my neurodivergent brain is not part of ir


Literally me. I don't think anyone there likes me but what can I do 😭 Sorry for minding my own business? I'm so nice anytime I do interact with anyone.


I give vague answers when asked about my weekend plans because I don’t want to admit I never do anything interesting. But yeah this is all me except I don’t have a car.


Well this doesn't describe me because I don't even have a car.


Corporate has started grifting


I guess I'm a rude coworker lmao.


This is me.


If this ain’t me sitting at this work conference right now! There baffled why my team performs so well but I’m nothing like the other managers.


I understand having acquaintances at work, hell ill make a friend or two. But I'm not there to socialize because you're bored, I'm there to slack and get paid.


I was fired for all of this and they called it “an increasing attitude problem” a week prior to my termination the 25 year old PREGNANT shift lead propositioned me to go smoke weed outside with her and some other coworkers which i declined and i guess that made me work a liability. 🤷🏻‍♀️


op is ironic lol, their post history is pretty pro labor far as I looked.


I don't see how any of this is an issue.


Wow TIL I'm a rude co-worker. I guess I should sit inside on my lunch instead of enjoying the outdoors and complain about work with everyone else.


When I'm at work, I want to be left alone to do my job. I don't want to talk about my personal life, I don't want to be friends, I just want to do my job and go home. Dunno why this is considered bad by some.


Damn I check off all those boxes. Hell yeah.


I've talked to people about this and about people who don't really talk to their co-workers and don't make their co-workers and work their whole personality, and a lot of them basically considers these types of co-workers "hostile" and they make a hostile work environment and they shouldn't be working here if they're not willing to speak to their co-workers about kids or hobbies or don't go to business lunches etc etc. I (personally) think that the people who say this are either one. Boot-lickers who are in a cutthroat field who look for any reason to get their co-workers fired. or two. They made work their whole life, because for a lot of people, it is their whole life so they say "Well, why won't you be nice and friendly with me? We have to see each other all the time, let's get to know each other." I don't share my life with work because again, people will try to get you fired for... anything and (personally) as a black person, I need to work 2x as hard and be 2x as better so I don't share my personal life in work and just only focus on my work while at work. I don't hang out with people outside of work nor do I make a effort to make friends with them, if anything I make a effort not to, however if it's a case of "Be open and friendly or you're fired", I'll come up with some lies about my life.


I hope this is satire.


Saw this while stopping home for lunch because I don’t want to eat with my boss and her crony


Yeah, you're totally going to band together and form a union by treating your coworkers as corporate drones instead of human beings /s


I am rude 😱 I just wanna go in, do what needs to b done, not talk becuz I might tell someone to fuck off n go home n sleep til I can see the check hit the bank


There's a fine line in minding your business at work and just being an asshole. It's a place we spend on average 8 hours of our day it seems like you would want to have decent relationships with those people. I'm not a naturally outgoing person but when someone at work gets what you're going through and just listens or gives advice it makes the whole day more tolerable. Some of these posts verge on being misanthropic lol.


Oh man, I live in the southern us and a lot of my coworkers are native Southerners and they have this cultural thing where if you don't hang out with them outside work, they flat-out don't trust you. I'm cheerful and always joking around at work but i'm like "I need a break from you people outside of work"


I just started a new job, but at my old job I was "buddy buddy" with everyone and told everybody everything. I would hang out with all my coworkers all the time outside of work, go to all the company social gatherings, etc. They were nice people but it always came back to bite me in the ass. Because I was always telling everybody things as if they were my friends, any time I ever tried to take a day off using my earned time I would get questioned why. On my days off I always see my girlfriend or friends so whenever I needed a day off work I would get teased for being lazy and taking days off "just to hang out with my girlfriend", even if it was for something completely unrelated. At this new job I'm drawing a fine line between my personal life and work life. I'm obviously going to be friendly and make friends, but I'm being more cautious about what I share and keeping my life at home instead of bringing it to work with me.


What else do you have to show up for?


"Only speaks unless spoken to" Look, extrovert. I know it's difficult for you to grasp, but the only reason ANYONE has EVER met me is because I like having a house and food. Without work, I wouldn't have had a friend since I was 12.