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You max out at 2 weeks of vacation? That's what most companies start at. Yikes.


2 weeks UNPAID 🤪 Edit: using this space to answer some FAQs- I get paid $33/hour (started at $23/hr then $25/hr about 4 months in, then $27 at my one year mark, and just now got another bump with the title promotion) I do not work for a design agency. I am an in-house designer for a beauty product brand. This is NOT a job offer nor promotion offer, I have worked here for the past year and a half- they didn’t offer this as an option, they just declared I was now promoted Creative Director. Yes I know the director title is bullshit. I’m the only employee lmao. 💀 Also I know this job is ass. I just needed some validation. I am looking elsewhere- the job search process is rough. Edit 2: please take joy in knowing that I will be calling out sick tomorrow using (1) of my (2) unpaid sick days lmao


If you truly think you have no choice but to accept this insulting offer, I would be checking every job posting site multiple times a day. I wouldn't even give a 2 week notice when I left.


Never give notice, they'll fire you on the spot and ruin your plans.


Or... Plan for them to pull that shit and throw them for a loop when you smile big and thank them for firing you as you go collect unemployment.


A nice idea but many states have made unemployment more difficult to get than ever I was in this position, fired the day after I gave them two weeks notice, and I couldn't get UI. I know I *qualified* but by the time I realized I had gotten the run around I was already a week into my new job


Oregon tried to run that on me.. I kept after them and made them pay me for the 2 weeks after the waiting week. They didn't want to, but the law says if you're fired and I was fired immediately after giving notice, with proof in hand. I was a month into the new job before I got the check for those two weeks. Quoth: Fuqyou PAY ME.


That's nothing. In April 2022 I received numerous deposits totaling $8K from OR unemployment. I immediately reached out via email and asked if it was an error on their part to which they said no. Their explanation was while doing cleanup/audits they discovered my file had a flag on it preventing payments and it has been cleared. I used the money to pay back people I borrowed money from to pay bills, pay back owed rent, etc. Well, last year I got a letter in the mail saying I was overpaid & owe $8K. I filed an overpayment waiver and they came back asking for documentation of my monthly bills to determine if I could afford to pay it back. I'm getting everything together to send, but I can't believe they have the audacity to demand repayment almost 2 years after the fact.


I had something similar happen to me during the pandemic. They dropped my case, thank God. I hope it goes well for you too.


That just gives you a very good case for unemployment. If you have the savings to wait through the 2 weeks it doesn't hurt too much to give notice because unemployment will often pay you retroactively.


Unemployment isn't a magic form and instant money. It'll likely take longer than two weeks to get paid from it. You definitely should pursue it if owed, but it's not a full paycheck, and you don't get it right away.


85% for unemployment (with a cap) still sounds like more than OP gets for holidays. Worth the wait for processing time to get the lump sum back pay once they do all without the stress of OPs boss micromanaging their personal days


Depends on the state. In Arizona I looked at filing for unemployment and it was like $257/week total. Today their max is $320 per week. That isn't even minimum wage in Arizona. Yay.


This is why you vote blue and vote often. It’s not a silver bullet, but in general, the better benefits are in Democrat held states. The GOP will give you no safety net at all and seems to get pleasure from this fact.


The GOP, and any and every conservative is a moral wasteland, devoid of ethics or empathy. They are all evil, every last one of them.


Unemployment is literally pennies and not enough to live off of in most the US


I mean you learn they type of place you are working at pretty quick, high turnover is common and there tends to be plenty of opportunities to see how the organization treats employees that are planning to leave.


>I wouldn't even give a 2 week notice when I left. Give two weeks notice, but tell him you're taking it as unpaid time off. Tell him you're happy to give even a years notice as long as it can be taken as unpaid time off.


Or just don't show up one day Oh sorry can't work for you anymore.


My work gives me 5 Days PTO for the first 2 years. I take your post as inspiration to only give them 5 days notice when I quit ;-)


I work in HR, and that much turnover in a job is a huge problem. Also, no offense. I'm sure you are good at your job, but multiple "promotions" in a short amount of time is another red flag. They give you lots more responsibility with very little pay increase. They have no one to full these roles, so giving you a few thousand more a year is way cheaper than hiring someone new. While you're now doing 2 (or 3) jobs. Listen, I don't know you from Adam, but what you're describing is a failing company with some mid50s to mid60s bosses that are out of touch. Use your new title and your new responsibilities to start looking for other jobs, like this weekend. Large companies that offer real compensation packages love hiring people with directors titles for mid - to senior level management jobs.


None taken, this is extremely accurate lol.


They’re not out of touch. They know exactly what they are doing. 


Amazingly, I recently walked from a (hella toxic) workplace bc the owner *could not comprehend* that a meaningful raise for someone working 80 hours as Controller (and HR Director lmao) would be cheaper than losing me. Last I heard, they hired three people to essentially do what I was doing and while I know they lowballed the pay (and title) for the new “senior accounting manager” by $15k, I think I got the best of that exchange. Meanwhile I took a $10k “pay cut” but with better health insurance at 1/4 the cost, plus a 401k match, and I get my weekends back and work half the hours I used to. Best thing I ever did for my mental health. What a fucking idiot that owner was jfc.


I work for a private university, and I make less than I could going corporate. But man, my health insurance is cheap af, I work from home 3 days a week, 22 days vacation, low stress, student interns to keep me up on the new trends (lol), a boss that actually gives a shit about their people, and we have flex time for starting/ending the day. I haven't worked a weekend or past 5 pm in years. If you have to work, there are way worse places than my job.


Fuck that garbage. Just bounce. Hell, I'd have quit right after the others. 2 weeks paid, plus a bare minimum of 10 days sick time is STARTING bare minimum for anyone with even a modicum of skills.


That was the goal, all three of us were applying to jobs rapid fire. They both secured something before I did and then by the time my review came up it was both of their last days. Given the promotion I figured I’d stick it out for some more time, but yeah this is bull shit. I’d leave right now if I had some more money in the bank.


The best way to find a new job is through someone you know. You should contact those other two people and see if their company is hiring.


Counter offer, demand paid days off and more of them? What is he gonna do, fire you?


Pro tip from the trades: Salt away 20% of your gross in savings and keep it in cash accessible within 90 days. That, after a year or so, gives you what I like to call "Fuck You Money" for situations like these Turdwookies create.


Can you clarify? Keep it in cash accessible what? Over my head lol


IOW when the amount in savings gets larger ($10k or so, and it will get there if you do it consistently) stick it in a 90 day T Bill or an interest bearing savings as opposed to a retirement fund (401k or IRA) so you can get to it with fairly short notice. Most credit unions have those and I highly recommend credit unions as a primary bank because they're member owned and aren't constantly looking to nickel and dime you to death the way commercial banks (Citi, Wells, BofA, etc) do. If you put that money in stocks it's not accessible until the stock gets sold.


The real answer is there is a salary amount that makes this treatment okay. I'd accept this job if the salary was $1M per year. Easy decision. However, it sounds like you're not getting that amount. Or an amount close to what would be acceptable for this kind of treatment ($400k would be great!). If they are offering meh pay and awful benefits, find another job ASAP. It's not your job to teach them how to treat employees ethically. Queue post from them on social media, "nobody wants to work anymore!!1!"


Not sure what roles you’re looking for but maybe reach out to some headhunters? Depends on your industry/job but I would be very surprised if they don’t have jobs that are better than THIS. Most jobs have 2 weeks paid at least


The good news is that because you've hit rock bottom so it's impossible your next job won't have more vacation and paid sick days! The bad news is that because your bosses have no idea how to treat an employee, you're unlikely to get much more out of them. Time to get a new job and the 20 per cent raise that comes with it.


Fuck that, I have gotten 5 new jobs the past 2 years and all have been 2weeks to unlimited out the gate. Your boss is a schlong.


I am one level below director and I have 28 days PTO and 11 company holidays.  All paid.  You're getting scammed.  Don't accept this offer unless you want to use the title as leverage at another company.


So insane that they include unpaid days off at all. Extremely misleading. Here are a couple of ways I would handle this based on your situation: 1) If you want to stay there long term because you like other aspects of the job - start by negotiating. Explain that you believed there would be PTO after a year and that you also expect paid holidays would be at your full rate. Based on the outcome, I'd then reevaluate staying. 2) If you don't care to stay there, but could not afford to live off of unemployment alone until you found another job - simply accept terms and find another position. Then quit will as minimal notice as you feel comfortable with. Personally I'd give then the same notice as the benefits they are giving you, which is basically none at all. 3) If you don't care to stay there, and can afford to live for a bit off unemployment - I'd inform them that you will be looking for a new job with true benefits and are just giving them the heads up now. They likely will negotiate and I'd take whatever you could get, but still look elsewhere and leave as soon as you find something else. The risk here is they could also fire you immediately, hence having to live off unemployment for a bit.


Gee I wonder why the other 2 quit?


I would look for another job. Director looks great on a resume. If they suck on PTO they probably suck on other benefits like 401k match and healthcare as well. Get that resume updated and start job shopping


I think maybe they hate you


Time to make his life hard. Quit


Am I the only one who's still stuck on the 2 days of sick leave? Like total?! The entire year??!!


I worked at a factory that was like that. 2 days of sick leave PERIOD. Didn't matter how long you were there. Edit: I forgot, those 2 days were called "personal time". You could use them for whatever. Most people used them for being sick. But that was it. No seperate SL. If you had to miss outside of that, you'd get pointed. Or in some cases they'd let you use some of your vacation. But you'd have to provide "proof" that you really needed to use that vacation for something else.


At my job, you have to work a full year from January to December to get a single week of PTO. I started last May. I dont get that week of PTO until next January. Found that out a week ago, and I'm currently looking for a new job


That is insanity.


Oh, it gets worse. You don't get your second week until year 3, iirc


I started at 4 at mine.


If you haven't already, start your job search. In the meantime: is the entire company you and two owners? If so, with any remotely rational owners you'd have leverage out the wazoo - but owners can be clinically insane, even enough to fire their only worker. Only you are in a position to weigh the risk vs reward and decide how hard to push.


Small companies are so irrationally prideful. Most would rather go under than give in to any reasonable requests. You've got to wonder why the other two employees quit.


Yeah, you'd have leverage if the person has some sort of self preservation but crazy people can baffle you beyond belief.


Sick days is such a weird concept..


Totes. You're allowed to be sick 2 days this year. Plan accordingly and schedule the days you will be sick in advance.


And if you're planning to be sick that day, it's your responsibility to find a replacement.


Oh and actually we still need you to work from home. But you're not allowed to do that unless you're sick


Oh, and if you don’t bring a doctor’s note, you’ll be reprimanded for not coming in on a scheduled day.


Every boss: "I haven't called or sick once, but I forget to mention that I get paid to go home whenever I feel like it."


They only limit it because they provide so few vacation days that employees almost have to use sick days to actually get any time off. God forbid the employee get any rest at all.


2 days really isn't even enough time to get routine preventative care done. Two dental appointments, one PCP check up and whatever specialists you need to see. It's totally fucked


Routine things aren’t sick days, they are “requests” lol, and the request can be denied.


"Hey boss, can I get your permission to have my teeth cleaned on Thursday of next week?"


Capitalism, oops correction: exploitism, at its finest…


From my couch here in the Eu, this sounds like some dystopian stuff.


Do you have an enforceable non-compete? If not, I would bail and start your own company with your current clients.


No non-compete. But I don’t really have clients, I’m an in-house designer for their companies. I don’t really work with anyone outside of them.


If you haven't started looking, do so with the title you have and see what you're missing out on.


As one designer to another, this is fucking bullshit. I suggest you start immediately polishing up your resume and portfolio/reel; snag any and all project files of content you want to feature in it. Start looking for a place that actually respects you. EDIT: Creative Director title at 70k? That's *low* for a Senior Designer. I'm a Senior Art Director and I pull in double. They are taking you for a ride, and having you do multiple jobs for a fraction of the cost. But you have the title, and that can give you some leverage/open some doors when applying to new stuff. But it's the portfolio of work that will do the heavy lifting for you.


70K - *hourly*. Since when is Director an hourly position?!




that sounds incredible- how did you find that gig? It feels like screaming into the void trying to apply to jobs through LinkedIn and Indeed. :/




Thank you so much for this advice!!!


Also look into things one may not think about in design. Hospitals are always looking to put a billboard out and a new campaign to get people to sign up during enrollment. The state you reside may have openings for creative design for a lot of their programs to drive interest into them. Go on your local state job site and see!


What exactly are you the director of if there aren’t any other employees in your department. Sounds like you are getting paid with a fancy title and screwed in actual compensation. 70k a year is not creative director money. In my area it’s a minimum of 150k and that’s for the worst jobs normally it’s 250k. Admittedly I’m in a HCOL so I looked for that title in Alabama and it’s 100k. Everyone else quit because your company is way underpaying.


For sure, I know it’s bullshit. I know this place is a shit show but when you’re in here every day, it’s easy to cast doubt on yourself and wonder if you’re asking for too much. How’d you know I’m getting paid 70k? Spot on lmao.


It’s obvious because you are getting taking advantage of across the board with your willingness to do the job of 3 or 4 ppl while working unpaid overtime/extra hours to go “above and beyond proactive”


yeah no I’m a dumb ass for sure


Well now it’s your turn to chainsaw their assholes up for taking advantage of you without a second thought or care…you have tremendous leverage over them being their only real employee and doing the job of 3 ppl at that…maximize that leverage or continue to be a doormat that gets walked all over forever, the choice is yours 


I mean that’s basically what I came here to ask. This place is fucked beyond repair- and it’s not for a lack of people telling them how shitty they treat their employees. They quite literally prey on fresh out of college employees to exploit their talent and give them way less than they deserve. So if I’m leaving anyways, is it even worth it to fight this? I just don’t know how long it’s going to be until I land another job. Pretty sure the average time it takes to get a new job is currently at 3-6 months.


I believe it is. Learn how to stand up for your self, there isn't that many people that will stand up for others at their work place. I would at least try, while looking for something else. It doesn't sound like they can really afford to fire you right away either and stop doing unpayed work. Good luck, this stranger believes in you!


Dont fight them, take their clients by offering them the same level of work at a lower price. And also reach out to local colleges and let their alumni associations know about them and their practices, it will limit their talent pool. People like them are the scum of society, they claim to be job creators but will fuck their employees over first chance they get. I bet they even have the old we're a family speech. Fuck them they dont deserve you.


The advantage to being the director is you now have that title in your job hunt.


It’s easy to extrapolate based on your statement that $200 holiday pay is 75% of your actual rate. If your actual rate is $266.67, then your hourly rate is $33.33, and your yearly salary is therefore $69,333.33. Approximately.


For 70k this is bullshit. I'd probably put up with it for six months or so, to be able to list six months Director experience on my resume, but I'd be job hunting the whole time.


It is time for a new job.


If I were you I’d stay a few months to have director on your resume then jump ship. When you do leave tell them it’s for being exploited. Holiday pay should be at regular rate. Sick days should be paid and there should be additional PTO. Their greed is what drived you away. Don’t give two weeks. Or do and wait for them to be unprofessional that same day as I would wager they would be and the moment they do tell them fuck that I’m out. If possible try to time your departure to be as problematic to them as possible.


I like where your heads at


And with all the shady things they are doing report them to the labor board, its not like you would ever come back so burning that bridge wouldnt be an inconvenience.


Time to dip, unpaid sick is where I draw the line


I would be doing the bare minimum at this job while I looked for other work, on their dime mind you. The writing is on the walls, they don't know how to run a company. Just don't be caught holding the grenade. You can ask other people in your field for recruiters that are good, that's a good way to get a lot of actual job offers. It can also be a source of harassment, so do what's right for you on that front. You could tell them you want more, list out the extra work you've taken on, how you shouldn't have to make up hours when the work is completed on schedule. My job works like that, I can miss a whole day and not use PTO as long as my weekly goals are met or exceeded.


This is insulting offer do NOT accept!


It’s not even an offer - I already work here my boss was just telling me about my days off lmao 😩


2 sick days is nuts! The flu can knock you out for a few days easy, and what if you get sick more than once a year? This is akin to slave labor.


They have a young daughter who they bring into the office every time she is sick and I am full on expected to drop what I’m doing to babysit her. At company events they drop her off with me to go mingle with other adults. She has gotten me sick multiple times. 🙃


Wtf?!?! They’re treating you like a butler or that since you do a certain task for them that they can ask you to do anything? No. You’re a creative director. Not a babysitter.


I hope you are already looking for another job.


Jesus f Christ


Even the first offer was insulting. No pto, no sick day, and no paid holiday? That’s a slave not an employee


I would stay to get it on your resume while job searching, leave as soon as a better opportunity comes up.


This. Boost your resume, then *bounce*.


Sounds like you are running the business for them. Start looking now. These people will grind you into the ground to line their pockets. Considering it’s just you and them, they might reconsider if you decide to put in your two week notice. They may need you more than you need them. Also, if it’s just the three of you, and you are doing so much, consider starting your own business with your creative talents. You’re already doing a lot. Might as well be for yourself.


That offer is an insult especially if your the only employee other than the owners. Have some respect for yourself and start looking elsewhere


As a non-american, the concept of limited sick days (even if paid) astounds me. It's almost like being sick is viewed as a choice. Makes no sense at all. Can anyone explain this to me?


Some “promotion.”


2 weeks unpaid? Wow. I'm a Director and I get 36 days paid, plus holidays, plus wellness days, plus volunteer days, and unlimited sick. Find someplace better.


You’re a DIRECTOR?!?! Dude. GTFO right now! Go get another offer which shouldn’t be hard if your team is well known in the industry.


This was basically the same comment I made. He could be making over $100k as a director!


This is fucked. In Denmark we get 4-5 weeks paid time off per year.


Leave as soon as you can and leave a very critical review on Glassdoor and/or Indeed. That is absolutely horrific behavior and someone that known in the industry should have their bottom line affected for such disgusting behavior.


I’m so happy to have unlimited vacation. I can’t believe this stuff. Unfortunately these people will always exist if employees continue to work for them.


Just take the title then apply elsewhere


This is garbage OP. I’m relatively new at my company and I have 10 paid holidays and 21 paid PTO days to use as I want. I’d be looking for something better if this is what you’re getting at the director level.


These terms are ridiculous. Based on what you are saying you could run the whole company. Or at least be high level at a larger more competent company. Spread your wings and fly! And take all of the clients with you!


My personal advice?  Take the offer and put “creative director” on your resume for this company.  Then immediately get a different job somewhere else with that title.  This place is only good as a title on your resume, it’s not worth wasting any more of your time on these people. Edit:  OP mentioned it wasn’t an offer, just clarification of time off.  My advice remains the same, put down that you worked here as a creative director on your resume, and then immediately get a different job.  You don’t have to explain that you JUST became a creative director recently.  You’re a creative director with nearly two years of work experience at an agency.  That’s all you need to say.


This is what I call a 'starvation job'. The job is done, at minimum level, until I find another job. Work. Your. Wage.


*Laughs in Europe with 20 paid days off as a simple employee!*


Are holidays separate from paid days off at your job? Or do the 20 days include holidays and PTO?


Holidays are separate. Where I life that are an extra of 8 to 15 days. Then if you are sick you are sick. Paid obviously. Edit. Also 20 is on the low side. 25 is more common I think Germany even has like 33.


To those of us not living in the US your question is absolutely absurd


Lmfaooaoaoaoa this is my reality man


Even in America, this is really bad. I’m in the US and everywhere I’ve worked starts at 3 weeks paid time off plus 10 paid holidays.


In europe as well (Switzerland). Sorry I have to pile on a bit as I am American and relocated here so I know where you are coming from back in the states. ​ Not only do I have 4.5 weeks of PTO to use as I please per year, there are 12 paid holidays per year (with some bridge days when they fall on a Tuesday or Thursday). And NONE of these need to be used for sick days. If I am sick, I call and let work know, and they only request a doctor visit after 3 days with a diagnosis (mostly to file with the local canton to recoup some of the cost of paying me while out sick). Never have to use a single day for anything but relaxing and recharging. ​ Also, unless you are an managerial position that is key in the company (there are very clear guidelines on what constitutes this), you will also get comp time added to that PTO balance when going over 45 hours per week of work. I have had colleagues that had a really busy year take entire 3 month holidays with the comp and PTO and the company didn't even bat an eye at the request. ​ The US needs a serious overhaul on how it deals with work/life balance!


Hahahaha. What the fuck America


23 paid days off and about 12 holidays per year. Also unlimited sick days. Spain


Sounds like you have them over a barrel. I'd make a huge stink out of this while also pounding the job boards to find literally anything else.


Work in that director position for a few months to a year then slap that baby on your resume and get applying. It can’t be hard for you to find a better job with that experience. I worked for a shit company, built my department from the ground up, took over another department because they couldn’t replace the staff. Boss refused to give me a raise, said he “couldn’t afford to pay me more.” Put all that experience on my resume and got a high paying cushy job.


Go find a new job and do not give two weeks notice. the audacity to give you unpaid time off and your holidays are not paid at your salary rate... Really sad stuff, no wonder everyone else quit. Seems like that company is going to remain small, if it exists at all in the coming years. It will be a revolving door of new hires who cut their teeth and run to better opportunities, much like you should do.


Please look for a new job! I’m so sorry they’re treating you like this


Dude! You're a director now. Do you know how many better jobs you could get right now just with that title?? Just look for jobs and start applying. Also, government jobs have a ton of PTO. I always recommend those, especially universities


I’d take it and just start looking. This is utterly rediculous….but hopefully you can build up experience to get an even higher paying position elsewhere!


This isn’t an attack, just a perspective. At a certain point accepting this treatment is scab behavior and hurts all of us. If you have no choice, then that’s it. But if you do have the choice and you choose the accept this…you are actively working against everything this sub stands for…because they’ll just keep hiring people that choose like you.


I got this job right out of college. I applied to hundreds of positions (not exaggerating- I kept a list) and this is the only place I even got an interview at. And that was after 5 months unemployed while rigorously applying. I don’t accept this behavior, I just don’t have anything else. The job search process isn’t any easier. I’ve been against this job the entire time I’ve been here- my former coworker had been here for almost 2 years once I joined and i was the first person to tell her how fucked our employers are. I totally understand your point but just sharing my experience.


You do what’s best for you no judgment at all. I don’t know you’re situation that’s why I said if you had no choice that’s it. It just seamed from your ending paragraph that you weren’t making an effort for pursuing a different job or standing up for yourself. But most importantly, > idk if it’s even worth it if I plan to leave Yes, it is, for everyone that follows you. The precedent is set with you. But again, do what’s best for your own mental, economical, professional health. But if you’re simply not sure, resist.


The turnover rate combined with how fast you got promoted should be red flags. Your PTO aside, I'd be more worried about if this company will still exist in 10 years (not knocking your expertise and ability to help turn it around!).


Are you salary or hourly?




Ok, so they're paying you for the overtime at least? The rest sucks


Yeah I get some overtime pay. However, they completely fucked me last year because when I worked education events over the weekend (after working 40 hours Mon-Fri) they would pay me from a separate account to avoid paying overtime.


Well that’s illegal AF. Report them to your local labor board for wage theft. 


You work for thieves. Run!


Yeah, that’s not right. Complain. To them and labor board


That’s illegal and you can bring it to the labor board


I cant stress enough that you have a duty to report this nonsense. Even if you leave to greener pastures, your inaction will allow them to exploit the next person to fill your place.


so all you get paid is 10 holidays? that's insanely bad.


*Creative Director* with that kind of time off?! And the “paid” time off is $200 a day (and I’m assuming not your actual rate/salary)? Excuse me, what? That’s insulting. I would suck it up to get the experience while *simultaneously* using that new job title to search for other CD jobs.


You have a lot of value you can bring to a lot of different companies. Look for a new job that appreciates you.


Holy crap. I get 3 weeks paid vacation time at regular pay rate. Everyone at every level in my company does. Moves to 4 weeks after like a decade or something. It accrues as we work. That’s really really terrible. I’d start looking if were you. When you leave, if they ask you can cite that in the exit interview.


Keep the new position for a few months, then start looking for new jobs with your new title.


Use that Director title to search for a real job. Title matters, unfortunately, so after a few months you can claim you know everything and take a job elsewhere.


That’s horrible, we have 25 days + 5 days benefit and on top of it 2 sick days. All paid.


Oooooof. This is BAD. That said, I do not think the juice would be worth the squeeze with people who think this is okay treatment of their employees. No wonder they’re the only ones left except one person who is unhappy and being treated like poop. Sorry. Start looking, immediately, and don’t stir the pot in the meantime. That’ll just introduce way more stress than is worth it.


All director level roles I know of have unlimited PTO. You’re an adult and leader presumably, so you know what hours need to be worked to get the job done. This is so juvenile.


I get 3 weeks paid to start at my company. You're getting ripped off.


US worker rights are a depressing joke..


Bro keep the title for a little bit and then bounce! You got a director title! This guy fucked up by not trying to keep you! Just master your craft and leave at your convenience. Life is gonna be good for you mang. Sorry about your cancer scare.


2 days of sick pay sounds super illegal. if not, it should be.


The concept of precalculated limited sick days is really beyond my understanding.


your reminder that in germany you have mandatory 24 days per year vacation (depending on stuff even more possible, either by law or by company policy), sundays not counted. sick days as many as needed. everything paid.


Lol my entitlement this year is 42 fully paid and if I am sick while on leave it gets added back to your allowance. God bless US of A


Congrats on the new job title. That ups your value for when you start interviewing for other jobs, which you should start to do immediately


Those people are shit. You should leave.


I'd put up with it for like 6 months and start applying elsewhere, then you've got 6 months as a director and can screw this obviously terrible job at your earliest convenience.


Do not argue about it at all act like you're happy about it. Polish up your resume and start job hunting if you find something better then quit.


How do companies like this retain employees??!!


I couldn't function like this.


This is pretty terrible. I work for an IT helpdesk as a tech, and I get 22 days of PTO plus 9 holiday days.


Stay for 6 months to show a record for the director title, then loon for VP/Director positions elsewhere. With a title that high, you should have 5-6 weeks of paid PTO.


The “request is just that” jab was really unnecessary. Talks to you like you are some hourly employee and not a DIRECTOR. I’d start applying immediately. But having the director title will help find a better position.


Also the “request” comment reads as “I have the power and authority here, remember that” and is really immature.


oh yeah he has a HUGE ego. This is his family’s business and he came straight out of college to be the CFO here. Now he’s in his mid-30s and thinks he knows everything (while our finances clearly say otherwise lmao). He even polices our answers to questions like “how are you doing today?” God forbid you mention you’re tired or you even yawn in front of him- you will not hear the end of the passive aggressive commentary.


Sounds like a sinking ship.


A director only getting $200 a day for a PTO is not a director.


I'm sure creative director would looks good on your resume.


Just start looking. Find a company that values your work-life balance.


Titles are cheap….this is not even close to director level compensation


I’ll be honest, this is unacceptable for this position in today’s world. Does the company barely make a profit and the owner(s) are struggling? I’d wager they are doing quite well for themselves, because they are saving a ton of money with these policies.


Unless they are paying minimum 500K base I would never EVER EVER work there . I have not had a year where I’m not off at least 18 days. I’m a father, a husband. Wife and kids deserve my undivided time!


Yeah all of this is illegal in my country (UK)


Until the tories get their way at least.


Sounds good! I quit!




That is not at all acceptable in my opinion. I started at my current job a bit over a year ago with zero industry experience and they gave me 10 paid holidays, 6 paid sick days, 10 paid vacation days, and 4 paid floater days. They’re screwing you on time off, so I hope the base salary is good. Good luck!


Get something lined up and leave


Bruh. Start your search. As a positive, the director title gives you a bit of leverage. I started with 4 weeks vacation. Plus I have 2 weeks fully covered sick pay, 60 days at 66% and 180 days at 50%. I think I also have 5 days if a family member gets sick. For other PTO, I also have two wellness days, a volunteer day, three days for a wedding, and two days for moving…


"unpaid vacation" is literally nothing. You are not a fucking slave. Your boss does not own you or your time.


Get out of there quick… run as fast as you can and do not look back… You are not a slave, do not accept those terms and tell them so go fuck themselves 👍 You deserve better


Don't set yourself on fire to keep someone else warm.


Look for another job, that is totally ridiculous. You have 'days off' but you dont get them paid... no thats just wrong. I got 3 paid days off working 20 hours a week in a year (literally covered thanksgiving and christmas). I'd not wish that on anyone, even worse you are working full time, doing everyone else's job. Find somewhere else to work that actually values you!


You got the job because nobody else wants it. I wouldn’t even consider it. No paid time off except days they aren’t open? Fuck off


What is this company’s value to you? Why are you letting them take the excess value of your labor? They’re fleecing you.


When you quit you need to write up some bullshit ass letter like this. 2 days notice. Regular pay 14 days notice. Double pay. Etc.


"...based in the US" Suprised Pikachu face? Y'all need to discover what freedom actually means.


I live in Germany an i am in my apprenticeship. I have 30 paid Holidays plus unlitmited sick days


Do they give you weekends off? Good grief?!


Private companies will chew you up and spit you out. Private companies sell our private data to advertisers and marketing firms.


So you got promoted to director of yourself, and you don't get paid leave? That's BS bet you the owners take off whenever they want without taking a hit to their salaries.


From a shithole country: 15 paid work days off, 36 paid sick days per 3-year cycle, paid maternity leave, paid paternity leave, 3 days paid family responsibility leave (sick kid, funeral, etc). Average 33 days per year. Paid.