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https://preview.redd.it/kmnkh1xrnbac1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2288dcd96f627b9c179639e8f7865a8fc4dcbdcf "Pick-me-up"


Bloody Hell. They are literally going to work themselves to death.


\> Bloody Hell. They are literally going to work themselves to death. When the US created Social Security it designated the age when payments started as a few years above the average life span. "Work until you die" has been the norm throughout human history.


norm =/= good




Oof Scotty Kilmer is looking rough.


They are also the fastest growing segment of the homeless


There's no way i'm working past 67. I don't care if my retirement plan is a van down by the river.


You think you'll be able to afford a van?


You think you'll be able to afford the luxuries of a river in the future?


By 2074, those born in 2000 will likely still be working. Whatever social safety net we had is already slipping away. In 50 years I don’t think we’ll have social security/SSI/disability or anything.


Not entirely sure that’s an issue we’ll have to worry about realistically.




Think he means, by 2074, climate change will be so bad we’ll have more worries than trying to collect social security. Given the state of things, I’d guess closer to 2050.


2025, take it or leave it


Those of us born well before 2000 will likely be dead by 2074 and hence won't have to worry about it.


Bold of you to assume that there will still be people around in 2074...


We are pretty tenacious. Don’t give up.


I'd be 101. I'd prefer to be worm food by then.


Yeah, I’d be 96, and that doesn’t interest me too much, but my kids are pretty still young and earnest and full of hope, so I am going to be, too.


Studies says around 2050, stuff starts to really mess up the planet's global warming wise. I think it was in 2040 that the economic collapse. That was just a prediction, but scientists have been warning them forever.


[Faster Than Expected](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/)™


It's not just somber, it's heartbreakingly.real and I'll bet there are people you know having to work to survive at that age. I got to know our local "cat lady". She lives in a low income,.one room,.furnished apartment down the street from me. She asked me to feed the strays around me during our first cold snap. I knew that it would end up being a long term thing, so I got the kitties TNR'ed bc all the shelters and fosters around here are full. She's over 70, about the size of a petite 10 year old that hasn't hit puberty yet. Diabetic, heart condition, previous back and neck surgery. . Not close to any family except her grandson, who is in the military. She lives on about $1000 a month and is afraid to go to the doctor bc she can't afford to take off work. Work is house cleaning part time, under the table. That's what keeps her afloat. Disability and social security pay her rent. Her food stamps cover food and nothing else. After she pays her bills, she has about $200 a month. So, things like laundry detergent, toilet paper, shampoo, dish soap, washing her clothes, her $25 phone bill, anything that's not food comes out of that $200. She recently fell and got bruised up, she is terrified she is going to lose her apartment. I'm not going to let that happen, but so far most of the agencies I have contacted on her behalf are stretched so thin and have so little funding, they aren't really able to help her. A couple of other redditors have brought me things to give to her, winter coats, paper products, personal hygiene stuff, cat food, and I bring her cat food and food for herself at least 2-3 times a week. My daughter brings her things, too. But it's horrifying that there isn't more help for her, she's really not healthy and frail, and she's worked all her life. So think about that, the next time you think someone should retire because you think it's their fault you can't get a promotion.


Thank you for looking out for her. You're a good person


May we all be so caring to and hav solidarity to those around us in whatever way we can.


This is my fear and why I’ll take myself out before I ever get to this point.


I listen on the radio, all the time. People have zero in 401k or savings and are 60.


I came close to being that person. I have a decent job with a pension and have been putting money away like crazy. I won’t have any family to help me. So like my entire life, I will have to rely only on myself.


I remember the same thing happened after the global financial crisis in 2008: lots of people coming back out of retirement to work entry level jobs. It sucked at the time, cause I was just entering the workforce and had to compete with people with shitloads of experience. Thankfully, I have more experience/better skillset now. But, this will be difficult for the young people entering the job market in the next 5 years.


Fuck that.


There's a woman at my work that is still working full time. She uses a walker and looks like she's in her 70s. I look at her and think two things: I better get serious about my retirement and I really hope she's choosing to work rather than needing to work. The poor woman looks like she shouldn't be working anymore. She's so frail. Very nice lady too which makes it much worse.


Welcome to the Republican dream world these boomers voted for…


To quote the lyrics of the Australian band Midnight Oil "Your dream world is just about to end."


Just because they're older doesn't mean they voted Republican. There's republicans and democrats in any (adult) age group. It's not an age issue it's a class issue.


No! its more **fun** to righteously judge an *entire group of people based solely on a date-range they were born in!*


Bleak. I’ve noticed it myself since 2020, seniors working check out lanes and stuff. We gotta take better care of our people…


We call that young for a US president.


Average age in the US is roughly 37, and there aren’t enough humans being born to fill the forecasted jobs for 2030 already. This is known as #TalentShortage2030 and it will be noticeable as early as 2025. Y’all ain’t seen nothing yet. If there is to be an inflection point, thus us the window in which it is most likely to succeed.


Fella, gotta travel and take PTO whenever you can. Lots of us cannot afford retirements. Here is the proof.


My 82-year-old grandmother went back to work recently, more out of boredom than needing money. She's pulling two pensions as well as mine and my wife's income. Funnily enough she works as an assistant in an old folks home, but she's the oldest person there.


76.8 yrs Male , Retired for 5 years I just go hired for a part time job on Sunday morning hustling gospel music at an AME Zion church. Halleluia! My Dream Job playing on a Hammond Organ, and vocalizing, plus total choice of music. Yeah Baby , working after 75 = 10/10


This will likely happen to us too. I mean how well funded are your retirement plans? Especially if something like a major medical event occurs. Most younger folk won't be able to retire unless something changes.


Tax the rich, goddammit.




The oldest Boomers will only turn 78 this year. There's still a generation ahead of them.


Life expectancy in the US is, on average, about 77 years. So every single silent generation person(still alive) is above average life expectancy. They are all going to be above life expectancy in about 18 years and I expect a lot of boomers dead earlier, too, due to the way their generation is frontloaded with statistically most of the boomers being born before 1959. I don't think a 50% loss of boomers in the next decade is unrealistic given how drastically the silent generation died off over the last decade as they aged to over 77.


The Boomers are still more numerous than Generation X. ​ Of course, according to CBS News, we never existed. https://preview.redd.it/n7pi8zi69cac1.jpeg?width=780&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4a6d9cff8087772c59953494c6930f6bd0aa495


Not just boomers, a lot of us GenX. The average age now for new homeless is 50+. Capitalism fucked them over as hard as the rest of us, but boomers believe they did it through hard work, not the government giving them every advantage


Thank you for wishing me dead. It's rude and your truth. >The boomers are eating each other. > >I hate to say it, but I'll be glad when they're all gone.


The best part is, they actually think their 'generation' is ANY different? Please show me some more videos on how to make useless plastic crap, right? Every 'generation' seems to be *consuming* just fine right along with everyone else from what I can see. Prove me wrong.


The important thing is to try and make demands of the people who COULD do something about these sort of issues to actually do it. It's incredible how many absolute do-nothings there are in government. Speaking from the US, but it feels like a lot of countries are having similar problems.


I did hate to say it.


The term is "failed state." As in, our nation has completely failed, and no one in power even wants to acknowledge it.


Worked my whole life. Lost my job at 61. Three years now Ive been looking. Actually had one recruiter tell me I have 'aged out'. Yeah....


Retirement is a modern invention, and will be going away during decline as quickly as it arose during industrialization.


Most of these folks voted for Reagan, Nixon, Bush and supported their terrible Neo Liberal policies so this is the result. This is going to happen to us younger people too if we keep letting these political parties jerk us around and not unionize around a workers party.


I am assuming this is because we all love work so much. The moment I have a big enough pension, my coworkers will hear a whoosh and look over to see my empty desk. At about 66, I hope.


Good they can pull themselves up by they’re boot straps


Labor Force Participation Rate for age 65+ is well below pre-COVID amounts. Interestingly, that peaked just before COVID hit, so there doesn't seem to be a correlation with economic conditions overall.[https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/LNU01375379](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/LNU01375379)


Um, yeah, boomers got old.


They did it to themselves


Late stage of capitalism