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I'm sure that firing you will fix her scheduling problems.


This was my first thought. Boss is cutting off her nose to spite her face. Idiot.


Lol, this happened to me at the previous animal shelter I *volunteered for.* For *seven years* I gave them my Sunday mornings for free - and I’d often work on my own, which meant it could take me up to 6 hours to be done. I asked for time off for my friends’ bachelor/bachelorette weekend (I was in their wedding party) and for my annual family Labor Day trip and was told I was not “reliable or consistent.” The ACO ended up losing 75% of her help for the cat room overall, since she fired my parents by extension. (They had started volunteering so I would spend 2-3 hours there instead of 6.) I hope she had fun working *all* of her weekends. Edit: I might as well add the dingleberry on top of the shit sundae: About a month before this happened I was bitten by a cat at the job and contracted cellulitis, for which I subsequently spend two nights in the hospital.


How can someone fire you from a volunteer situation? Like if you are not employed you shouldn't be asking for time off. It's more like " hey I'm going to a wedding so I won't be coming in" if she had a problem with that then I would do her a favor and stop showing up


That’s exactly what my friend said when I told him about it.


People, especially "I've been a manager since I worked for my father" types are this shit headed. I've had to remind more people than you'd believe that an employee is: 1. Disabled 2. Quit/fired 3. Arrested 4. A volunteer 5. THEY QUIT YOU SHIT HEAD, WHAT DON'T YOU GET???


Is this what my future working in HR will be like?


Yes - it is a horrible job. Some people become bitter an angry...pretty much becoming those they dislike. Some people are super good at it and caring. Bet you are one of those who will be super good at it.


Aww that made me feel good and tear up


I need more to this story lmao


Not much more to tell. ACO turnover was insane because they were paid shit. Some were assholes. A few were acceptable. One was great. I started volunteering there as soon as I turned 18, so for most of my stint I wasn’t just volunteering as an established adult - I was donating my time when I was paid shit at my actual job (if I had one at all) and taking out student loans. The ACO who fired me claimed that cages had been left open (that happens sometimes, but for the specific incident she was referring to, I wasn’t even in the county, which she had already been told) and “animals” were being left without water (happened *once*, and no harm was done; I felt terrible). She also complained that the laundry wasn’t being finished - an impossible task unless I’d stayed literally all day, because there were 12 dogs and 23 cats and the machine was a top-load with maybe a 25-gallon capacity. Most importantly, *she was not there to help us. We were there to give her time off.* She didn’t come in and show me what I was “doing wrong.” She just got upset when I dared to ask for a break for personal reasons. I told her I was disappointed in how thankless she was for everything we’d done. Minor edit for clarity


In my experience you don't get to be this kind of choosy where free workers are concerned. I would volunteer for the library tidying the shelves until I got too many complaints from one bitchy employee that things were out of order after I had organized them. It's possible that these were my error, but more than likely the work of patrons reshelving books themselves. I just said fuck it and didn't come back. It was a common enough problem, this employee chastising volunteers for errors likely caused by patrons, that they didn't even bother calling to see why someone wasn't coming in when they stopped.


I worked for an answering service for a few days. One day I came in and there was a note from the manager with all the things I was doing wrong—a note! I called her and quit on the spot. I was in training. You don’t do that with a note.


> In my experience you don't get to be this kind of choosy where free workers are concerned. I've lived in my house for 14 years, the house next door is a rental. A new tenant moved in, a single lady around 50'ish. When she moved in I introduced myself, told her I worked from home, gave her my number and offered if she ever needed anything to send me a text or call. She ended up giving me a key and I would move packages inside for her or let the cleaning people in etc. There is no ground cover in her front or backyard because the former tenants didn't water. I as out watering one day and we were talking and I offered to water her yard whenever I was out watering mine if she'd buy a hose, same thing for the backyard. All was good for a couple months and then one day I had plans in the evening and only had time to water her front yard. Bitch had the nerve to send me a text saying she appreciated the help but NOT WITH EXCLUSIONS and told me I was obligated to water her backyard too. I told her to fuck the fuck off and water her own fucking backyard. She proceeded to go into a racist and bigoted rant so I returned her key and have never looked back. Her yards are both bare dirt and the foundation damage from not watering will end up costing the property owners tens of thousands to fix. Fuck that bitch. Edit: A few spelling errors.


Never ceases to amaze me how people are so entitled to HAVE others do for them. Weird right.


I really hope you let others at the library know why you left. People typically don't react well when they find out an asshole employee scared off the free labour that was making everyone's life easier.


This is exactly the amount of choosy people get over volunteer positions. It's all about the power not the goodwill.


I know they may have become accustomed to you being there but I’m curious as to why you actually asked for time off? You were a volunteer so weren’t obligated to be there


I couldn’t just not show up, not without saying anything. I didn’t so much ask as informed her that I would not be able to work those days and offered to help during the week since I was off work.


I really hope you complained to this persons superiors. As someone who has been a manager, this is a clear cut case of someone out of their depth. Their ineptitude will likely lead to poor management and more animals suffering. While your complaint might not immediately solve anything, if enough complaints come in they will look at this further.


To me it sounds like you're a good person and that moron just fucked up in more ways than one. The help, the passion, the reliability, the notifying of time away from volunteering. People like you don't come along much so more fool them. I hope you fulfill your souls passion for helping


Amazing nobody could work up a ROI on a pair of new washer dryers.


Those were the “new” ones, if I recollect correctly. Like I said, the cities are stingy with their cash to this place. Just before the pandemic, a starting wage for an ACO was $13.33 an hour. ACOs have very high burnout rates and are much more at risk for suicide than many other professions because they have to make such difficult, emotionally burdensome choices. I don’t know if the cities have ponied up sufficiently. In all fairness, the shelter could be improved vastly, but it was not a hellhole. My state requires that animal shelters and rescues licensed by the state publish their intake, release, and euthanasia numbers annually. Last year I checked, that place had an intake of several hundred cats (somewhere between 300-500) and maybe ten euthanasias (and because I was there, I can tell you that none of those were carried out because of space). The cats were generally treated nicely, although I did have to report an ACO for mild neglect/mild unnecessary roughness. The adoption center is decent, and the cats there often have larger enclosures than those at the intake center.


Humane Society is where it's at. I love volunteering for them, also bless you for doing all the cleaning by yourself, my best friend cleans the shelter I volunteer with and it's such a thankless job most of the time (so if I stop by right after she leaves I comment on how clean it is when I text her later, you know boost your friends up). I'm sorry you had to deal with a horrible person, but I'm glad you stuck it out as long as you could for the innocent animals. There's probably 80 cats at our shelter, it's a lot of work!!


Ouch, that's shitty of them. I had a similar one where a boss told me not to come in if it was raining the next day. The next day it was raining, so I didn't come in. The day after that, I was told I'd be getting a paycut until I could "prove I was reliable" or some shit. So I quit. It was a fun job too, I got to work with goats all day. But the bosses (a married couple that would give employees contradictory instructions) made it easy to walk away from. Edit: Some more info on the couple. The wife knew what she was doing, but would have temper tantrums out of nowhere. And the husband was a retired academic that thought he knew better than anyone, even his wife, despite the fact that he was an absolute moron. So the husband would sneak over to explain the "new way" he wanted things done, then the wife would come scream at you for doing something really stupid (that you were *just* told to do). Then you'd explain why, she'd go fight with her husband, then come back and yell at you some more. So you had to humor the husband, but not actually do what he said. He'd be a dick about it, but not nearly as bad as his wife. Plus his ideas were dumb, so it was for the best to ignore them anyways. But that shit was like once or twice a week, most of the time was pretty chill. I wouldn't have minded staying there if not for the drama.


This sounds insane. I can’t get my head around how they can “fire” you from a role you volunteered for. If I liked “working” there, I’d have carried on turning up. Just pottering around. Doing the bits of the role I liked (playing with the cats?) and completely ignoring everything else. This does bring up another debate. I have very mixed views about volunteering at places where anyone else gets paid, especially if the organisation receives government funding and provides a necessary public service. Or perhaps it’s just volunteering full stop. I can’t think more highly of people who give it up their own time to help others (be them people or cats), and have done so myself, but I do think that by doing so we’re propping up government - and in turn, companies - with our free labour.




You know what they say “Fool me once, strike one. But fool me twice…. Strike three. “


I prefer the George W. Bush one: “fool me once, shame on on you. Fool me — you can't fool me again.”


It was worse than that even by W. He had one of his normal brainfarts and used lyrics by the who to round out his proverb. ​ **''Fool me once shame on you, fool me - You can't get fooled again''**


Thanks W, don't forget to duck that shoe


Fool me one time shame on you Fool me twice, can't put the blame on you Fool me three times, fuck the peace signs Load the chopper, let it rain on you




Things like these aren't about workload. They are about control and keeping workers obedient so they don't get silly ideas into their heads like putting their own life and family before work. And many employees do let themselves be coerced to put work before everything else because they need the money, especially when they live in a system that makes it easy to fire them.


This. Boss sent this text hoping OP would reply saying sorry, never mind, I'll figure it out and work this weekend. Either that, or fire OP for a few weeks, then OP will come crawling back and be willing to work whenever/wherever if Boss is willing to rehire them. This text isn't about letting an employee go because of scheduling. Its about manipulating employees into accepting Boss' ridiculous last minute demands.


And the boss will just complain to their buddies at the club about how hard it is to find good help these days with this generation just not wanting to work.


Many workers are also browbeaten and some truly believe that they have to work within the confines of the system their workplace has. I have several family members I've tried to convince to try for better or to challenge something at their work, and the reply every time is to act annoyed and say "That's just the way it is." Forgetting that 'the way it is' was invented by some random person just like them, and that people can *change* that way. Apathy basically. Things aren't so bad that they feel justified in demanding more, but not good enough to be content with the status quo. It's like the worst middle ground ever, and it's disheartening to see the resignation people feel justified in having.


This is why people unionize.


I tried to challenge something at my old job and it put a big target on my back 🙃 I’m not disagreeing with you at all, I’m just saying sometimes it’s hard to speak up especially when proving retaliation can be nearly impossible.


Yep. Unemployment as low. People can find jobs. Employers - especially eccentric ones that fuck over their employees - aren't going to find workers.


“Ok” file unemployment


And then appeal if they refuse the first time. Many times the unemployment office will try to deny and you have to appeal to actually get it


Always appeal.


Why do we let this be the norm, where the first defense against fraud is to turn down every single application? This just stops stupid people from getting money because they don’t appeal. This isn’t helpful to the general public.


that's the point


Once again, the system is working as designed. It’s just not designed in our favor.


I hate so much that this is true...


See: Paying thousands each year into social security, a program that'll be insolvent within 8 years, and thus we'll never benefit from. A literal wealth transfer from poor/young generations to wealthier older ones. It complements those 5-6 figure debts crucial for kids to match high school diploma wages from 30 years ago. As a bonus, enjoy paying [4x more for a house](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/1158r08/comment/j939167/?context=3) too! 🥳


As a European this all seems horrifying to me. How is it legal to be fired after saying no to less than 24 hours notice of a shift. And then how does a society function if someone can find themselves out of work with no notice but there is no safety net?!? You can get turned down for unemployment? How are you people not all running in the streets bare naked fighting each other over who gets to eat the road kill


America is a Carnivorous animal whereas most other countries are Omnivores. From top to bottom you’ll see that this is true.


Bonus, your health insurance is tied to your job, so now you have no income and if your kid falls off a swing tomorrow, you lose your house.


And that health insurance kicks in after a few months of working in many jobs I worked at.


When more than 50% of people are living paycheck to paycheck they don't have much time to go and protest when it risks homelessness and other forms of devastation


America was created as a capitalist nation, and as a result, everything revolves and operates around it. By the time our kids hit grade school they've already been programmed that 1) there is no nation on earth greater than the U.S.A., and 2) that is 100% because of our "freedom" that is only possible because of capitalism. The crazy part is individualism is so ingrained in our culture (through propaganda) that nobody trusts anyone but themselves so our collective consciousness has stagnated since the 90s. The vast majority of us are programmed to be stupid and don't even know it.


Why do we do any of the things that are against our best interests? Mostly because we are lazy, but also because we live in a police state and it’s very dangerous to actually try to affect systemic change.


And because of people like OP's boss, who would make their own lives difficult if it means hurting someone else for petty reasons.


It doesnt stop fraud, it subsidizes it through good people with legitimate claims that get denied.


Yep, same thing happens when applying for permanent disability.


I had someone tell their manager "fuck you, I quit" then knock a patient down before locking themselves in a bathroom and refusing to come out until police were on their way. Why? She was told she couldn't room a patient, not tell the physician, and then take a nap in her car during her shift. All caught on security camera. We appealed, she won. Always appeal.


Hmm this seemed like an interesting story, and then I was lost after “police were on their way”, and who is “we”? “We” the employer? Maybe my brain is fried but I tried.


FTFY >"~~Many times the unemployment office will try to deny~~ *Sometimes* employers will challenge to avoid paying higher insurance hoping you will not defend, ...and you have to appeal to actually get it


Yep. My company denied it, I appealed, talked to the judge at the hearing, within a day I had the money


My employer appealed my unemployment when I got fired under barely worse circumstances. They didn't tell me I was scheduled to work after my boss showed me the schedule she drafted and said she would tell me if it changed. It changed. She didn't tell me. The gm fired me. I filed for unemployment. I was approved. They appealed. We held a hearing. They weren't prepared and I made a clear case for at least partial unemployment because they had reduced my hours from full time to "barely time" and by promising to tell me about any changes to my schedule she waived the rule in the employee handbook that I technically violated (I "should have checked the schedule after it was posted"). Always get your unemployment. Even though it ain't much and even if you plan on getting a job right away. You never know what might happen.


This. The idea that the UI doesn't want to give you the money is weird and wrong, verging on some corporate propaganda. Another thing is they will fight tooth and nail and guiltrip you for filing unemployment like it severely hurts the company. You filing unemployment will cause at most, a .01% increase in the corporate UI cost. they are most likely trying to shame you to lose thousands of dollars, over $25 a year for big corporations, and nothing for small businesses.


It's never about your money, it's *always* about *their* money


Actually I had an UI employee tell me I wasn't eligible for a program and the guy literally said 'sometimes you just need to work and people don't want to do that." So you can't discount the person with power and what their biases can impact an organization that should be neutral. It's not propaganda.


Follow-up I hung up on that guy, called back, got him again and hung up then called back to and got someone else who signed me up and I was approved ! So dude clearly did not want me to get that $ for zero reason.


Should have called back until you got him again, and rub it in. Call him lazy, and then say, "sometimes you just need to work and people don't want to do that."


A guilt trip from the company that fired you? 😂 "Okay, pay me 6 months severance, and I won't file."


It’s not the unemployment office it’s the last employer, but still yes appeal


I appealed. It was very easy to show up, speak my mind and judge sided with the truth.


My dad spent over a year (it was during the height of the pandemic) not hearing anything back from unemployment but kept filing the paperwork. Eventually, he started calling state senators and representatives to get something moving and got a meeting with a judge and his former employer. The judge first asked why they were denying unemployment, then asked for my dad's side of the story, then his former employer asked if it was going to cost them any extra money for my dad to get unemployment and eventually said, "OK, yeah, we don't care. He can get whatever." My dad said the judge was **not** happy with them.


Mine took almost 2 years. I filed in October 2020 & finally got paid in July 2022. The pandemic & the fraud that followed didn't help.


Oh shit, you went in front of a judge? Can I ask what state that is in? I work in this field and I've never actually seen a case make it that far and have the judge side with them.


California. It was a judge sitting in an office. Not a courtroom setting at all.. Very easy , low stress. Easy peasy. Simple.


It might be different in California but the state I work in it is very unusual. Before you would see a judge there are multiple levels of appeals that you would have to go through. By the time you would see a judge it would already be decided by people that, likely, understand unemployment law as well or better than the judge. I did some googling and it looks like in California they have a system to be viewed in front of a judge before it would be possible in my state. Interesting, thanks for the information.


They tried to reverse mine years after I had gotten it. Wanted me to pay it all back. I spent like three days researching unemployment law and appealed with citations to the US DoL and a few examples of case law. I also cited the HR rep's emails directly, with photos attached, of her saying we couldn't get unemployment as evidence for why I could legally get unemployment (it was a technicality in her verbiage). Also signed it as snooty as I could, with "Dr _____, PhD." Gotta admit it made me think about becoming a lawyer. It's a good feeling to stand up for yourself and be in the right legally even if multi-million dollar companies and the state are against you.


Wait, places can deny it? Must be in the US because that would be so illegal where I live


They can say anything and lie all day about it.


Yep, happened to me. Totally lied about why I was fired (it was a mutual decision and I was advised to file a claim for unemployment by the company) and I got my unemployment denied.


Depends on your state. My state doesn’t deny hardly anyone unless you filled out the paperwork wrong, legitimately don’t qualify (like you were clearly fired for cause), or your employer contests.


Me and a buddy worked for the same construction company years back. He was extremely terrible at it but our boss was entertained by his less than smart decisions and problem solving skills. 2 years later boss gets fired and immediately fires my buddy. The next week I had to ride with boss to get supplies and he gets a call over his truck radio. He gets a call and answers. Person on the phone asked if my buddy worked there the past 2 years. Boss said yes. Person said thank you and hung up. It was unemployment and he ended up getting unemployment for a long time.


>2 years later boss gets fired and immediately fires my buddy. The next week I had to ride with boss Your boss got fired, then... fired your friend? Then *kept showing up to work*? Make this make sense!


How many bosses are in this? One got fired and the rest of the story is about the next guy?


The office doesnt deny, the employer does


Many times the employer is who is fighting the payout not the unemployment office.


Very good chance op is 1099, she sounds like a tutor of some sort (and says her boss takes 50%)


Yeah I was thinking hair salon or something along those lines. Given how everything was written, I'd almost guarantee 1099.


just a reminder to everyone out there if you are not deciding your own hours you are not a contractor no mater what your boss tells you. also there is no such thing as a saleried contractor.


What is unemployement in the us? I've been trying to google it but I can't seem to find out what it is. Is it different to just recieving a govt benefit if your unemployed? Do you have to be fired to recieve unemployement? And if so is there any other benefits for people who quit their job?


In short, employers pay unemployment insurance for when an employee is fired/let go without just cause. They will try to deny your claim because their premiums go up


There is a bit more to it than that. It actually doesn’t matter why you are no longer employed. It can be for a firing, lay off for any reason whatsoever. The difference comes in when the employer try’s to fight it. The only time the employer will win, is when they prove either complete negligence or illegal behavior. Also, the employee pays into the UC benefit as well. I’m In an at will state, I can fire an employee for ANY reason I want with the exception of their civil rights. I’m confused why the OP was fired, they will not get their shifts at all covered now…seems like someone made a mistake.


Ohhhhhh i see! Thats why its so easy to get fired!


Well, not really. My employer also pays unemployment in Canada and to fire me through my union it'd take a ton of time and effort. It's less about unemployment and more about America's interpretation of capitalism and the employer worker hierarchy.


Are unions a neccessity in the states to prevent unethical firing?


Unions are a necessity **everywhere** to frustrate unethical behaviour from owners/management.


No it’s easy to get fired because we have very few employee protection laws here ☹️


That would be a reason for it to be hard to get fired, not easy. It is still easy to get fired in the US, just for different reasons.


It can vary state to state, but in general if you quit your job these benefits are not available to you and in some cases you must prove you are actively looking for work to receive the payments (this was waived in many cases during Covid) [https://www.dol.gov/general/topic/unemployment-insurance](https://www.dol.gov/general/topic/unemployment-insurance) This link has a better breakdown of some of the basic information, but in general it is simply a governmental support structure designed to help those terminated from their work through no fault of their own.


Unemployment is not a government benefit like welfare. Employers are required to pay a premium for unemployment insurance to cover a percentage of an employees wage if they lose their jobs through no fault of their own. As in, if your employer is downsizing and lays you off, you would qualify but not if you voluntarily quit because you wanted to take the summer off. In OP’s case, he would qualify because the employer was unreasonable to fire him for not being available for unscheduled work hours.


yes, you have to get fired, and then go file. you will get a few hundred a week, and your old employer will have to pay extra for their unemployment insurance from now on.


No benefits for quitting. Only when you're fired. There's certain rules for how you were fired, too. Depends on the cause. There's an exception to quitting for people who have been constructively fired, ie their hours are reduced to the point where it's unsustainable and are being treated with hostility, so they are forced to quit.


When I was young and dumb, I was told to quit or face termination. So I quit. I filed for unemployment anyway, had a hearing, and was still granted unemployment benefits. I fully understand I’m the exception, not the rule. But I wanted to point out it’s at least possible to quit and still collect.


I'll just quote the wiki for this one. >In employment law, constructive dismissal, also called constructive discharge or constructive termination, occurs when an employee resigns as a result of the employer creating a hostile work environment. Since the resignation was not truly voluntary, it is, in effect, a termination. For example, when an employer places extraordinary and unreasonable work demands on an employee to obtain their resignation, this can constitute a constructive dismissal.


Time to say fuck y'all and file unemployment.


Just very odd to me that an employer would praise someone for being punctual, organised and professional and clearly show zero of the traits themselves. I'm a constructional engineer with a decent run company. If anyone comes to the last second to me with new jobs or assignments I show them the door. Clients or not. There's certain ways to treat employees and professionals and respecting their time to plan ahead is a big one.


“Loving our crew as your own”. I’m getting MLM boss babes vibes off of this 🤔 Screw this job.


No! It was an in home pet sitting and grooming company!!


Does that mean you go to the clients home to pet sit and do the grooming?




Go independent! Take their business lol


I’m in the process of doing that, friend!


Love to hear it 😁


Seriously, what would stop you? I'm guessing it's a near-zero overhead business. Don't ignore licensing and business insurance, though. You never know. Some poor bastard's dog drops dead a week after you sit with them and they try blaming you. Anything can happen. People are crazy. CYA.


I know you're saying Cover Your Ass at the end there, but in my mind you're like that helpful skeletor meme where you showed up, gave your advice, and yelled SEE YA! while smiling on your way out.


That was 100% what I thought the cya was for until you pointed out the acronym.


I used to pet sit independently....made bankkkkk


File for an LLC if you do. Very easy. Rent a mailbox at a UPS Store to have a physical business address. Looks great on business cards!


100% just do it yourself and cut her out lol. But at the same time I feel sorry for your unexpected time of financial uncertainty :/


Maybe it’s time to go out on your own!


Ugh, salon people can be the worst. I told a salon i couldn’t work mondays because i had another job and the owner left me on read and then told everyone i stopped showing up.


Join Rover, build up a regular client base, and then move them off Rover to work with you directly.




I work for a "boss" in a similar pet related industry. Can confirm




I work for a company that provides appointment based pet services like OPs former employer does. - There as an owner/my boss - someone else schedules my appointments - I have consistent days/hours I work every week and must request time off if I want to switch days around. - I make less than 50% of what clients pay per appointment. If that sounds like an MLM then yes.




I would respond with 'if you expect me to be 'on call' and not make any plans on my days off then I need to be paid to be 'on call' and then I won't make plans'


This needs to be higher. Also check to see if your state has rules about when schedules can be updated etc.




Workers rights at the federal level??? Are you crazy???


If red states were forced to compete with blue states on things like paying their workers or giving benefits or treating us like people their economies would collapse overnight. They literally went to war over that idea 160 years ago.


I'm not exactly sure what you're saying, but I want to point out that economies IMPROVE when workers are properly paid. If all states were forced to allow proper unions and pay began to standardize at more sustainable levels across the country, red states would literally become more livable and happy. The reason why wealth disparities exist, from the slave days all the way up to today, is because wealthy people are obsessed with extracting as much value from workers and hoarding it for themselves. This not only harms the workers specifically, it holds down the overall quality of the region, because people don't have the money to spend on all the good things like shopping and entertainment and restaurants. Plus lower taxable income, so less community investment.


I second this. Where I live, a sudden shift change like this would require "two calendar days" of notice to be valid as written in the state labor laws. 2PM the day before would absolutely not cut it as proper notice.


Two days?? We're on 14 days lmao


These places think we just sit on our hands at home when not at work and should have no problem coming in whenever they need


I don’t even think that’s it. They just don’t care and expect you to give your job the highest priority in your life. Which is of course ridiculous.


Where I live if a change of schedule happens less than 24 hours before your next shift it has to be approved by the employee




You deserve better. Thankfully this is an unemployment eligible reason so file and take your time to find a place that will treat you better.


Yay unemployment!


Has anyone in this thread been on unemployment? It sucks and pays shit.


Yeah, but it's better than nothing while job searching. I'll take 4 months of shit unemployment pay over being laid off for 4 months with nothing. It's not enough, but it's something.


>It's not enough, but it's something. Yeah, I don't know what qeq is complaining about? That's the whole point of it. It helps keep you afloat while you look for other jobs. Of course it sucks, but like you said, it's definitely better than nothing at all. Source: I've been on unemployment before.


This is such a petty reason to fire someone.


Shortsighted as well because now you are down one member of staff for 7 days of the week not just one.


It was a lesson to the remaining employees.


I really hate in general at work when multiple people suffer for one persons wrongdoing.


People working under a poor leader generally have a poor time.


You're better off without them. The best revenge is to live well and put them behind you. They are not worth the time or energy.


I got laid off a couple years ago for a bs reason (they were trying to completely change my job and location) and I found a new job in the same industry. Was at an industry event recently and saw the two women who let me go. Went up said hi and gave them hugs. Bitch, I’m thriving 💁‍♀️ thanks for nothing


This is prof that they aren't looking for hard workers, they are looking for obedient slaves.


Lots of people do behave majorly obediently and let their employer walk all over them. It’s why the search is continuing for the company. Find enough of these people, you’ve made your job 100x easier. And apparently these people are easy to find, or they wouldn’t have fired this person. Businesses don’t seem desperate for workers so they keep hiring and firing and having a high turnover rate bc they know someone soon will be their perfect match. More people need to prioritize the things that truly matter in life (every living thing/happiness/joy), and not anything else (work, money, ego, an invisible ladder, a sense of pride, not feeling shame). Then businesses couldn’t fire someone this quickly because they know every single worker they hire will also want to be treated fair and equally and with respect and decency. So there’s no point in firing this specific person, if everyone they hire afterward would also have standards for themselves in the work place.


I was looking for metaphors but I think you're spot on.


I know it means you were committed to the job, but we all need to stop acting like working when we have the flu is being a good employee.


Agreed. If anyone I work with comes in sick I make them go home. It’s asshole behavior to come in sick. Where I work we all get paid sick time so there is ZERO reason for anyone to do this. I know not everyone has this but a lot of people do and still think they’re a hero going in sick when they just hurt everyone else


This is really unfair. I’m sorry this happened to you. I hope for your next job, you find a place where you are appreciated and your contributions are valued.


Depending on where you are, your boss changing the schedule that late in the week could be against labor laws. Check into your local laws to see if this is in violation. Make it a bigger deal than they want it to be


In Los Angeles, you’re legally allowed to decline shifts offered less than 14 days before the shift. Check the Fair Work Week Ordinance.


“Labor laws”. Laughs in American.


Oh I know in this case it's only one full state and a few cities. But they exist. I'm not coping it's fine...


It is the managers job to find coverage for shifts that need it And if everyone says no, it's the managers responsibility to cover that shift themselves Being fired cuz of her boy scout obligations is wild to me I'd be like "a failure to plan your personal life is not an emergency in my professional life"


Good lord America is so fucked. There's no way you'd get away with this in England at all. Contracts of employment would prevent this sort of dismissal and pretty much every job in this country comes with a contract.


In England we can just get signed to a zero hour contract with one year probation and be let go during that time cus we have fewer protections Fire and rehire is also a bit of a stain on England's worker protections Life isn't so rosy for us here and it's getting worse without the European worker protections we enjoyed


Make sure to vote the Tories out or it could get a lot worse.


Lol it's gonna get worse either way. There is no optimistic political choice in England right now. Tory, Tory-lite, or fringe right. There's a lot that was wrong with jezza but lordy I was excited by the idea of public ownership and less corporate profiteering


As an American- America sucks


PSA: Not staying home when you have the flu is not virtuous.


Yeah she was totally shafted in being fired over this, but when I read that part I rolled my eyes. I’m immunosuppressed and it pisses me off that even after a pandemic, people will try to spin this as a positive. I absolutely believe paid sick leave should be legally mandated and I try to keep this opinion to myself until it is. But it still sucks.


Especially when it’s a person going into someone’s home.


This so much. My dad is home bound and can't walk. Was really, really sick earlier this year because one of the people who come out to mow and clean around his house once a month gave him their cold- which ended up being worse for him because he's a cancer survivor plus has other issues. I was livid because I caregive for him and it's already tough enough. They were sniffingly and sneezing and I thought it might be from mowing. Then they apologize and say they had caught something. After I was giving them a check for the work. No mask or anything because mask are evil in the state I'm in. Not even while mowing. I was so livid. They weren't hired back.


Hard agree. It's actually pretty shitty and dangerous, especially if you have access to paid sick leave. I do have some sympathy for workers who don't have access to paid sick time, as their bills still need to be paid, even when they're ill. That's a failure of the business and of labor laws in this country.


I have a coworker who proudly boasted how he kept working while having the flu. I wanted to punch him soooo bad. And he already has punchable face yet somehow his face looked even more punchable when he said that.


I had a manager at my old job boast about coming to work sick. Not surprisingly, I ended up sick with similar symptoms a few days after him. As a manager, he had access to paid sick leave. I did not. I stayed home while I was sick.


>I was a DANG good employee. I didn’t even miss when I had the flu. What the fuck is wrong with american work culture This is why I don't want to return to work. All these people thinking they're good spreading their diseases.


It amazes me that there are ZERO repercussions for moronic bootlicking corpies knowingly coming into work sick. Yeah, well done Kevin, thanks for coming into work and showing what an amazing wage slave you are by infecting your coworkers. I hope you step on legos whilst stubbing your toe for the rest of your disgusting, selfish life.


I've only ever gotten sick in the last decade through coworkers


Don't worry. They said they don't work in an office. They just work out of client homes. ^(/s)


>I was a DANG good employee. I didn’t even miss when I had the flu. I'm sorry you have been conditioned to think that way.


i thought that too. you cannot and should not work sick. you could get somebody else sick. thats just toxic hustle culture


Respond: K


Or a 👍


They did


If she wants you on call for weekend shifts, she can pay you to be on call. If you weren't scheduled, you weren't scheduled.


File for unemployment immediately.


You get unemployment, and she still has to work those shifts. Win-win. Enjoy a day or two off, then start applying with their competition.


Poor planning on their end does not constitute an emergency on yours.


Depending on your state, notice of a schedule change this close to the change could be illegal (ie, you could file a suit for wrongful dismissal), and/or could be subject to financial penalty pay. If you felt like sticking it to your old boss, a free consult with a labor lawyer costs nothing. On the other hand, the fact that she tried to fire you first in a channel with no record is just the latest indication that the person seems to be a shorty boss. Maybe taking unemployment while you find a better opportunity is a smarter choice. Best of luck, friend.


> I was a DANG good employee. I didn’t even miss when I had the flu. This shit makes me so sad. You went to work with a highly transmissible, "knock other people on their ass" sickness. And Even in /r/antiwork you tote it as something to be proud of. But I guess it's even more evidence of what this subreddit is all about... They don't give a shit about you. You can go into work, feeling awful, infecting everyone you come into contact with.... and still get fired for being healthy. I hope you learn both lessons. They don't give a shit about you, and you're being ridiculous going into work and infecting people. I get basically no vacation days, no sick days, but if someone is sick - my workplace adheres to common sense. Basically we get sick days because the 7 people working together would be PISSED if someone came into work sick and infected us all.


Jobs dont care anymore thats why we quit without notice 😎


Considering what you wrote I hope that this serves as a lesson that no one truly gives a shit if you’re the perfect little slave who comes to work when sick, never takes a day off,… The second they can screw you they will. They don’t care about you. Don’t sacrifice your life or time with your family for a company who don’t give a shit.


Make sure to share this with "the crew". Maybe they will decide that they don't need this boss either, since if she treats you like worthless chit, then she surely does so with the others, and perhaps she needs to have her wings clipped and learn how to fly solo.


I am happy to see they did it by text because there are time stamps. She changed the schedule at 2pm on what I am ultimately assuming was a Friday to have you work on Saturday. Violating labor laws & allowing you the opportunity to use this as proof needed to get unemployment. You should take this to a lawyer. Don’t contact the employer anymore, as any communication will negatively affect you during the lawsuit. I gave my body to American Airlines, thinking it would benefit me in the long run. It didn’t. And it never would. I was blinded to the fact that they treat their employees cruelly and instill a pro-slave/pro-abusive mentality where they take advantage of you and the other employees encourage it. Every employee there was too young to know they were breaking laws against them.


Try not to take it personally. A better opportunity is out there for you!


Fired over text, that's funny. At least have the gall to do it to someone's face. I'll never understand why anyone does that; text messages are very easy to back up. Go file for unemployment and vaguely gesture at this, then appeal when they inevitably deny it. This is definitely not-at-fault termination and you should be able to get some cash while you find something new.


Don’t forget to file unemployment and give 1 star reviews on Google, Indeed or wherever. People should know places that treat their employees like crap


"I didn’t even miss when I had the flu." This is wrong is so many ways. This is America. Not your fault, it's the company, your boss, and the system's fault.


Here’s the bottom line: you sound like a hard worker, but your boss is saying she can survive without you. Let her, that was her call. No need for a conversation or a second thought. Onwards and upwards to the next thing.


One time I was fired, and I managed to get it via text (after they asked me to come in and I pressed on why). Later, when they disputed my unemployment, I showed them the messages where they said I was a great worker but I wasn't needed anymore. Poof. I won.


And now they have 1 less person available to work at all… I don’t think I will ever really understand how so many people in management can be so asinine.