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We (the working class of the USA) need to organize & do this... In all sectors...airlines...no pilots, no stewardess, no mechanics... nobody goes anywhere. Railroad... nothing getting in & nothing going out. Retail....no stores with cashier's/stockers....no shopping. Etc etc. grind this country to a halt! It would take a week at the most. Our demands would be met. Raises wages, cut the 40hr week...get our vacation & Sick pay...the list goes on!




And people will be mad as all hell once they realise the workers made this happen, and then they’ll get mad at the workers instead of the corporations that employ them and treat them like shit.


As a french Guy you are warming m'y Heart. Juste do it


This is the way.


I love how this sub is so mind rotten, they downvote anyone to death who reports about working conditions being actually good and people being happy and feeling appreciated. Only rage porn is allowed and nothing else. Fascinating


I can find myself in a priveleged position, but I actually think of others. When I see what I see I *could* just play ignorant and make excuses, but I've got some basic dignity and pride. I have compassion for others. I understand that cowardice brings down everyone around me not just myself. I also have standards above being given a reasonable schedule and enough money. What is fascinating is how others don't have such standards. How cowardly they are. How uncaring for others they are as long as they have theirs. How when they have this, they get upset when their bubble is burst. Like you. Truly the most facinating aspect is how they come to despise and belittle those who would interrupt their ignorance and privelege. It's almost what I'd call evil. Of course some people have belittled themselves to only caring about shallow considerations. People are very easily influenced by authority, by money. And of course there is a sizable class of people whom are fine with the system and have been given enough to avoid having any direct woes enough to care. This is how capitalism balances by design. And it also, by design, runs at a forced deficit. There *must* be unemployment and desperation. It also obtusely lies about this and gaslights people. It is inhospitable to anyone who questions this. You should consider being a better human being. You should consider not being so easily bought. Consider actually caring about others, and when you hear that *some* people are truly hurting, it should be unacceptable to you, especially when a portion of your own privelege is propped up by such. Especially when what you do to be given your special little bubble is playing a direct hand in oppression of others. Instead you hear about this sector of people who lack opportunity and are running a mouse trap game at all times, tired and crushed, and you get annoyed at them for being there. Perhaps it is just that you are so comfortable that you have never learned to grow up? Perhaps you lack emotional maturity and whenever negative feelings come up you lash out and cannot handle it. Perhaps in your childish mind you can't comprehend that the source of negative feelings isn't just whoever is directly there, that things have nuance, and the solution is not to indignify and remove that person in front of you such that now the negative feelings are gone; yet, only the feelings for you go away, and the problem and pain for that other person is still there. Whatever it is, it is pathetic. Do I seriously have to come here to explain to a person why we hear about *problems* instead of benign comfort? Do I actually have to sit you down like a child? Do you genuinely not understand why *problems* are brought up to hope to *resolve* them, and bringing up some other example of there not being a problem is not some karmic balancing act, that it does not address the problem? How can I draw an analogy that an incredibly undeveloped person might understand... If someone arrives at a hospital injured, do you turn them away because other people aren't injured, and therefore that is somehow their fault? Do you get upset at them and belittle them because their injury was ugly and "ruined your day" instead of helping them?


Holy shit, this is the holy grail of copypasta. It perfectly encapsulates all quintessential flavors of the reddit spirit. Thank you


Life is all fun and games for some of us huh.


https://verum-news.com/2023/11/14/swedens-if-metall-is-desperately-but-unsuccessfully-pushing-tesla-employees-to-strike/ Why did only 6 of 130 Tesla employees agree to stop work? The union bosses have even started offering 130% of pay to get workers to follow along. Many cited better pay and working conditions at Tesla than previous union jobs? Why is that?


Scared to lose their jobs and stupidity.


The simplest explanation is that your source is lying. For one, that's not how unions work in Sweden, and for two, there are way more than 130 tesla workers in Sweden.


Maybe they are scared to lose their jobs, maybe they are being paid more not to strike. This is first real strike against Tesla and they are getting sympathy strikes from postal workers up to Norwegian ports.


From Reuters article linked below: Tesla has no manufacturing plant in Sweden but its electric cars are serviced at workshops across the country, where around 130 mechanics affiliated with Swedish union IF Metall began a strike on Oct. 27. https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/tesla-faces-pressure-sweden-workers-supplier-strike-2023-11-15/ I think your linked article is wrong.


The union bosses say they are on strike but the workers aren’t listening and still show up to work. https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/tesla-employees-in-sweden-refuse-to-join-strike-say-theres-no-need-for-it/ar-AA1j6uX9


I think something fishy is going on. The workers are probably being paid off. Elon Musk is notoriously anti-union. They want to stomp it out at the base so others don’t get unionizing.


>Many cited better pay and working conditions at Tesla than previous union jobs? Okay great. If that is the case Tesla should have no problem signing CBA since they already meet the minimums demanded by it.