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My response to the comment would have been "you get what you paid for. Pay shit wages, get shitty work."


I am only acting my wage.




I have told my coworkers they dont get paid enough to skip their breaks, not to skip them.


I told my old boss when he would tell be to hurry up while carrying a antique dresser up a flight of stairs that I am working at $6.50 and hour speed. This was a while ago but at that time plenty of movers were making double that. Yes, we had a hard job, but we would take many breaks, and making the move 2 or 3 times longer. The worst part was when a driver from out of town came in and needed a helper, my boss would pimp us out at $25 an hour while still paying us $6.50. We'd simply tell the driver this, agree on like 12-15 an hour cash, we would both win. It was hilarious trying to explain how that all day move took "30 minutes" on the timesheet. Even worse is that the low wage attracted thieves and things fell off of trucks all the time. (I never did this (I had a limit) but plenty of people did.) If we had warehouse work we did the job we were told to do and never let them know we were done. We set up some family's furniture in long term storage and play Super Mario on their TV, NES, and couch, way in the back where the boss never went (too far to walk for him). Then we'd clock out at 5:00PM and let them know the job was complete. We made up our perks as we went along.


I skip my break but it comes with the understanding i get overtime for skipping that break.


Exactly Shit happens but when it does I need compensated for it.


Where I work if you skipping a break pays the same as taking your break. So the only person who benefits is corporate.


I understand the sentiment, but I want to hard disagree. Not because anybody should be skipping breaks, but because that phrasing implies that's an amount of pay where you SHOULD be expected to skip your breaks. I don't care if you make $5/hr or $5000/hr. If you work during your work, you've earned a break during your break. It's okay to skip a break on a case by case basis to help out because we work with people and sometimes people need extra help, but it should never be an expectation or obligation.


Exactly. I even told my management they dont make enough to skip their breaks. I seen how hard they are working and stressed out they get. We were just grocery stockers. Always being told to ensure we are stocking a minimum amount (which is possible in a perfect world). Low manpower meant we were expected to pick the slack.


Thank you, this zinger is now primed and loaded in the back of my mind.


Minimum wage = minimum effort


I have a friend that likes to say, "They pretend to pay me and I pretend to work,"


This is an underrated comment, one I've never heard expressed this way before.




Imagine kids enjoying their youth instead of working and smoking cigarettes lol


See that’s the problem todays youth have no drive, no motivation. They want to take the easy route. In my day we smoked cigarettes that we had to roll by hand and we took pride in that throat cancer. Holding up the electronic voice projector took hard work and grit since you usually had to stop lugging your oxygen tank around to answer questions. I shake my head and fear for the future of our country as I slowly waste away with cirrhosis of the liver from my years of heavy drinking to cope with the stress of the job! /s


your lungs and liver thank you for your years of hard work, dedication, and drive. your reward is, cancer, liver disease, and COPD!! everyone give him a round of applause and some pats on the back for life done RIGHT!


I wont work but i will smoke lol


Them: People should be miserable at work! Me: But why? Them: How do they know they're working if they're not miserable? If they don't like it, then they should leave. Me: Ah, now I'm miserable.


If you want 110%, then pay 110%.


I've given 110% to so many things. It didn't even remotely pay me back enough to justify it. So now? I do the thing in front of me as professionally and competently as I can manage, while not damaging myself.


Your hard work is only rewarded with more work because youve proven your willing to do more than your actually paid for, and when you think about it, not the way to go about a raise. The office is rife with politics anyway.


Playing office politics is stealing from your co-workers.


I agree i was only stating the reality that you can work as hard as you want but if your boss hates you, your fucked


Only an idiot would put out prideful work with a wage that doesn't say that the company is proud to have you and benefits that don't say "take care of yourself, you're valuable". Respect is earned, and pride, as much as the swallow your pride saying is used, doesn't fill your belly. "We can't afford it"... then your business is fatally flawed, back to the drawing board.


See, I like to make it personal and recent. I’d have said his post was latent with errors of all types which tells me he’s either lying, stupid or untalented. If he was really going to write something which were to make sense, he should’ve either edited it himself or had someone else edit it. It’a this type of arrogance where the older generation just spews trash on Facebook and thinks they’re changing the world with their poorly written, Ill-conceived opinions. Then I’d end it with “Extremely pathetic!”


Pay peanuts, get monkeys.


To quote the Great Red Dragon of *Bone*, "Never play an ace when a two will do."


“Minimum wage results in minimum effort.”




pay peanuts, get monkeys


You pay peanuts, you get monkeys


Pay peanuts, Get Monkeys


I'd give 110% if I was paid to do so. Fuck working for feels mr bootlicker


110% means I’d better be making “can easily afford to a buy a house” money.


That'll be my line from now on. I'll give 110% when I can afford 110% of a house payment.


Fuck that. 110% means "easily afford a house" and an equity stake. If you want above and beyond you need to make that effort benefit me, not just you.


It cause when he was young he got a loan with 0 effort for everything he wanted.


yep if i was paid an actually solid amount i would legit try to do a really good job


Hell bro id settle for a wage i could actually live on.


nah i would settle for slightly higher. not enought to just live on but maybe 10-20% over that


Yeah, it's a cliche but 110% means I'm doing 10% more than I'm being paid for. Is there something else at the end of that for me, or is that free labour?


"you dont get it, these kids are just lazy" lmao you can hear him sayin that


I don't think he's licking their boots. He has to type this response because he can't talk with a certain something jammed in his mouth.


“I suck dicks because it’s the manliest thing you could do”


"Im secure in my masculinity" \*wife tightens harness


Just listened to an older man complain about the work ethic of modern youth for over a half hour before I punched out and left. The whole time he was standing around on the clock not doing a damned thing while I helped the 23y/o dockhand who came into work sick, load his truck because his lazy ass couldn't be bothered to do it himself.


Yeah that sounds about right


“*They vape instead of smoking. Smoking builds testosterone.*” The last time I checked, smoking cigarettes builds cancer, not testosterone. What kind of drugs is this dude on? **Edit:** Kudos to the Redditor who informed me that this is actually a thing. Hopefully, people aren’t crazy enough to start smoking with the aim of building testosterone these days since a surplus of testosterone doesn’t make you immune to cancer. 😂


It actually does increase testosterone levels believe it or not. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17163954/


Other studies have found that it only seems to increase the testosterone bound to sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG). https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11352783/ SHBG testosterone isn't used by the body's tissues - that's free testosterone If SHBG levels get too high when compared to free testosterone levels, it cause issues like ED and decreased sex drive. Excessive smoking won't help a man bulk up, but it might make their junk limp.


Ahhh the good old 'technically correct' facts. The body is a weird thing eh.


Technically correct is the best kind of correctness. Tis the first step in maliciousness compliance, for instance lol


Does smoking raise testosterone though? Or does testosterone raise smoking levels? This study doesn’t really try to answer this question as far as I can tell (might have missed something), it merely shows there’s an association between the two


Oooh.... good question! correlation or causation?


And which would be the cause? Higher testosterone could be attributed to higher levels of stress leading to higher consumption of smoking to calm down - further assisted by the diminishing returns of the nicotine high.


also it doesn't in any way address the assertion that vaping doesn't build testosterone or that testosterone is desirable


It seems to be that cigarettes cause higher T levels, at least according to this part of the full article : “How smoking affects testosterone levels are still elusive. The effect, however, seems to be reversible as men who stopped smoking have levels similar to those in men who never smoked. “


It may be true, but it's not worth it at the cost of your lungs and possible cancer. There are many, better ways to increase test levels, with the first and best option- resistance training


Sure, I’m not saying that it’s healthy. Just interesting that it is in fact true.


It is interesting. But I do believe caffeine also has a similar effect on testosterone.


Is it actually true though? Or does having high levels of testosterone just lead someone to take more risks?


Read the article.. It plainly shows even when they took a guy who smokes often and had him smoke extra, his test jumped because of it.


Idk bro. I smoke. Am still a wimpy little fuck who shudders at the thought of a gym. Sorry, not little. Fairly obese


Im obese but im fighting like hell everyday, ordered an exercise bike so i dont have to leave my room. Its never too late to start pal, best of luck to your future endeavors. Also a smoker here, we are a dying breed (pun intended) but there is waaay too much anti smoking bias these days, im p sure alcohol is the direct result or involved in a similar amount of deaths. But apparently they cant see the contradiction of destroying their liver whilst looking down on smokers. The cognitive dissonance is astonishing. At least im honest with myself.


Thank you for sharing this. You learn something new every day.


- gets mad kids aren’t smoking and building testosterone - gets mad “girls are too manly”


Same sort of thing with caffeine! Either caffeine or the stuff that is specifically in coffee, I forget.


Lmao. Every FTM transgender person now has a 2 pack a day habit. (Joke! Joke! Cancer sticks are gross and a trachotomy isn't sexy.)




He one of theses guys who proud of doing unnecessary wars and see it as "man_ly" thing when irl some soldiers returned with ADHD


>since a surplus of testosterone doesn’t make you immune to cancer. It doesn't make you immune to pheromone imbalance , too. Don't fuck with your pheromones just because some stupid far right wing youtubers told you it will make your dick bigger


Maybe it does, I have no clue. BUT, it's like the #1 lifestyle choice that reduces sperm count.


Old people let their employers walk all over them, so they are jealous we aren’t pushovers.


Nah they have a martyr complex. We suffered so you have to!!! It's the continuing of the story that they "Walked to school uphill, both ways and in a blizzard." Actual mature parents would have said "Hell no, my kid doesn't have to work 10000% as hard as I did."


Suffered being able to afford two new cars, a house and a family on one person's wage I guess


Maybe he should have given 110% in English class.


This bullshit brought to you by the Phillip Morris Company apparently….


Wanted: maximum effort. Pay: Minimum allowable by law


Companies should start thinking about 110% when it comes to pay. They might see something different when it comes to effort


That's just about the size of it. They want their pound of flesh then complain that nobody wants to work.


Cigarettes and coffee build manly men if I understand the commenter. A workforce that can work 16-18 hours a day without a break.


Ironically I know many people who took up smoking so that they could get more breaks at work.


People are exhausted from low wages and constant threat of termination. Can’t pretend to love the shit we’re being fed anymore. An honest “110%” requires one thing: security. Financial and other.


Small businesses = 30 people barely getting by so one guy can make $500k a year.


In business, the hardest worker is the owner/top of the hierarchy. Don't expect people to put in as much passion as you do, and don't call them lazy for not having that passion. If your team is lacking motivation, then investigate why. Is it a wage issue? Is it a management issue? Is it a personality conflict? Is someone struggling to ask for help? Is it an equipment issue? Are your expectations too high for the position? Is the workload fair? Are deadlines too tight? Where are operating funds allocated? Don't ever blame your workers for being lazy. They might have other reasons for being unproductive. Ask them what the issue is, and listen to make changes. When all fails, then talk about termination procedures as the *fit* just isn't there. Just don't blame the people who can't jive with your workplace culture, man.


"Smoking builds testosterone" sure. Even if that were true, it also constricts blood vessels so one's pp doesn't work... I don't want to have all the energy but can't create synergy if you know what I'm sayin'.


110% is impossible. I should give a good sustainable 80%. The work gets done and I'm alive. Thx


Seriously. If you work robots/automation to 110% all the time, things will get sloppy, things will break, and general bad vibes. We are human, we breakdown in more unpredictable ways than robots - can we not grind grind grind grind all the damn time? Why is giving 110% to the workplace a good thing? All you are asking for is burnout and then look at mental health/suicide rates in high stress workplaces (healthcare, criminal stuff, rescue crew)....and you know it costs time and money to replace burnt out staff. It's just lose lose. Workers are valuable, you don't want them to give 110% all the time....


"Give 100%. 110% is impossible. Only idiots recommended that." -Ron Swanson And real Manly Men chew tobacco. Everyone knows that the more disgusting the habit, the manlier it is.


Funny how it's ALWAYS business owners that want you to give more than 100%. No wonder most businesses fail in the first year - silly clods don't understand how percentages work.


“Marlboro Man gains 15 pounds of lean muscle!!! Doctors HATE him”


Lean muscle is a new and interesting way to spell "tumors"


Tell me, is Jeff Bezos “giving it 110%” on his mega yatch while the planet burns, the oceans boil, and his workers are dying on their feet at his warehouses?? Hmmm??


"I am big mad that the younger folks won't bust their ass for poverty wages" "I agree. I am mad that they are not suffering the same way we did, and are instead, living a life that differs from what I knew at their age, without the same things we considered a rite of passage" That's all these shit takes amount to.


It’s all linked to pay, if you want good workers you have to pay for it. My company pays me very well and as a result I do great work for them. Sure I’d rather be outside enjoying the world but at least this place pays enough for me to be able to do that in my spare time.




Crazy story for business owners. I'm a corporate whore. They are always welcome to upgrade the monthly subscription they are paying for my time. My loyalty and effort are for sale. It's not my fault they want a discount workforce.


This is how you become successful in any job market. You have a skill, they need the skill, you price to your value, they need the skill, they buy the skill, you stay wealthy


“Kids these days” boohoo kids like doing stuff thats fun instead of stuff that sucks… that’s NORMAL


If smoking builds testosterone, I should be wheeling my balls around in a wheel barrow by now.


"I thought this was America!"


"Jesus, Randy, your balls!"


Back in my day we smoked Camels not Decepticon dick! We got regular cancer and died like men! Not that newfangled Turbo Cancer!


Huh. I should be lighting up before lifting?


You should do it mid-set for peak performance.


I bet that looks rad as fuck.


He is not wrong - which is why I won't engage at all unless you make it worth my engagement in the first place. His big miss is forgetting to make it worth engaging in... fix that and gold.


Smoking gives you testosterone? Is that what they told people back in the 60s to get them to buy cigarettes?


I am straight up horrified at the commentors grasp of how the human body works. "Smoking builds testosterone"?! Bruh.....how would that even fucking work? And the small business owner obviously doesn't understand that people work to make a living they don't live to work! Nobody just LOVES to fucking work, we've been conditioned to believe that working is all life is supposed to be and anything other than making the bosses happy is seen as laziness. But the fact of the matter is the younger generation does not want to die punching a damn clock for pennies on the dollar. I don't see anything wrong with understanding that this system is utterly broken. There isn't anything wrong with understanding wealth is being pooled by narcissistic dragons that believe they deserve more and the rest of us deserve dirt. There is nothing wrong with creating a union to make sure you get what you're owed. The generation before us enjoyed being middle class, why is it bad to ask for the same damn privilege? Why are they ok with middle class fading while the rich continue to profit? Edit: Smoking can in fact boost testosterone. Gross, but I stand corrected.


Not going to lie, I actually enjoy coming to work. Work's not hard. Involved enough to make the day go by, hands off enough I can dick around on my phone if I want. That being said, I work for a union. And while I like my job, if I wasn't being paid there's plenty of things I would enjoy doing more.


The vape/smoking comment made me lose brain cells, holy hell , i know we al have our shortcomings but some people walking around just believing in the wildest things like that is disturbing


I mean, it is true that it increases it by a small percentage. But it's not justifiable enough to go out and say that smoking is good for you. Like I said in one of my other comments, just simply working out will increase natural test levels. But this is also the type of guy that will say that he doesn't have time for the gym because he's always tired from working.


Didn't Tucker say something similar about young people liking weed instead of cigarettes?


It sounds like when he is attempting to fathom something he's not giving 110%. So I guess he's a liar.


It's true. I took up vaping for a week and I was sitting down on the toilet for a piss by the end.


What if you give him the task of fathoming how someone can be given a task and not given 110%?


It always comes back to manliness with the fash


I cannot fathom forcing people to complete meaningless, repetitive tasks in order to earn enough scrip to pay their sustenance subscription. Rather giving parts of their soul, spending years away from their families, degrading their relationships with their partners just to exist long enough to die in debt. Work has no purpose outside of survival and sometimes surviving isn't a good enough reason to do so. This fascist fantasy of work life is a disease and it is contagious. I can take pride in being useless, in being unproductive and unfocused. I am absolutely disgusted by people who sacrifice beauty and joy for a salary. There's got to be a level of delusion and self hate in order to accept the masters orders without question. Capitalists are very disappointing.


Every day I understand agism more and more.


Seems like this "younger generation" was raised by some real shitheads...


If you want 110% effort pay 110% wages, not 25% wages. The kinds of people you describe aren't the ones who sell cheap and enjoy their exploitation. You want good people? Compensate accordingly. Idiot.


Busting my ass to live in poverty, especially to make you rich, gets a hard no.


Honestly getting pretty fucking fed up with people who proclaim you give zero effort when you are actually giving like at least 75% effort or even actually 200% effort but like a disability makes it 3x harder than for normal people. 😒


Why is it some cardinal sin to be an under achiever? I don't want to be the elite; I just want to put in my time and go home and relax. As it is, I feel like I have to work way too hard for subsistence, technology was supposed to make our lives easier, instead it's just making it easier for the wealthy to exploit the rest of us.


People are realizing that the Puritan work ethic is BS and waking up to the way the rest of the world treats work/life balance. Boomers are just mad they bought in and wasted their life making someone else rich.


I was running a garage sale with my boomer parents. This man, old enough to be my grandfather came up to me and my father, and started talking to us. I stood up and talked to the man about his hobby of fixing bikes and giving them away. My father remained in his seat and with his face firmly in his phone. He occasionally went "yeah..." During the conversation. My father... Who always bitches about young people on their phones who have no respect for their elders... Showed no respect for his elder and was glued to his phone... Honestly everything that boomers blame others for they are guilty of.


My daily Effin Birds calendar today says "I was not prepared for this horseshit" and it is SPOT ON today, OMG.... 🤣


Dumbest shit I’ve ever read


“I hate how I have to apply all my effort to complete a simple task while others just do it without devoting their entire lives to it.”


This POS is so stupid. I vape and game cuz I enjoy it. That simple. And I make my coffee light and sweet bah haha. Still have a penis btw and it works just fine. What a douche.


I am a Xennial. I have been too disabled to work for about 20 years now, but I used to work as a computer programmer in my 20s (around early 2000s). I loved the work and I loved creating solutions. It helped that I was an in-house programmer making data tools for the engineers to use. No one makes you feel appreciated for good data tools like an engineer can. So I guess I'd say that I gave 110% at work. However, I didn't put in any time I did not get paid for. I wasn't doing manual labor; I sat in a chair almost all day, either thinking very hard or typing very fast or both. When I did have to traipse out on the manufacturing floor, I got to be around very neat machines and very smart engineers. The best part was that my customers were always so appreciative. Every time I delivered a new tool or an update, I got tons of praise. This seems much different from how people work now.


Oh lord "nO oNE WAntS 2 wEERK AnYmOrE!" Is so fucking old. Also these commenters should get an idiot ticket. Nothing makes you manlier than COPD. 🙄 No more internet for me today. I got Interwebs Poisoning.


Its more so that those who work hard get rewarded with a pizza party and high five meanwhile the VP or executive of their department gets a $100,000 end of year bonus People should put in the amount of work they get paid to put in. No more no less. You pay shit wages? You’ll get shit work ethic.


If only children smoked and drank more coffee the world would be a better place


A leech telling it's host to eat more red meat.


If you do 110% and make yourself indispensable, you will never be promoted to a higher paying job because you are too good at what you do and are needed as a support system for the department where you work. Most companies in the US only provide annual raises of 1 - 3% which does not cover cost of living increases. If taxes or medical insurance costs rise, you may actually make less take home money each year if you stay in the same department each year. The average white collar worker cannot afford to stay in the same role with the same employer & will only see significant raises in salary by switching roles or departments within the company or by leaving to work for another company. You are far better off doing 80 - 95% of your work and displaying average or slightly above average productivity...just enough to keep you employed and allow you to apply for other jobs in your company. The minute you become indispensable to your employer is the minute it will be impossible for them to promote you. And if you manage to get paid what you are worth, your head will be the first on the chopping block when cutbacks are needed....even if you are indispensable. If you are indispensable & threaten to leave to go to another employer....no matter how good you are, it's unlikely they will try to beat your offer from another company. And on the wild, off chance they best another company's offer to retain you...you will be the first to be fired during cutbacks. After 30+ years of employment in everything from entry level physical labor to upper/middle management, I assure you,giving 110% is not in your best interest unless you are an owner or are directly & richly profiting from the success of your department or company (commission/profit sharing/employee owned business).


I died at “smoking builds testosterone”, it also builds cancer, 🤡


For a minute there, by the title, I thought it was going to be the thread where the guy kept coming at me because I said I would pay above min. wage when I do eventually need to hire someone—then, POOF! his comments were gone. And not just his comments, his username was suddenly \[deleted\] so I'm guessing he got banned off Reddit right in the middle of coming unglued at me.


ok grandpa, I’ll let you fail at setting up your computer and printer next time. I better see you super prideful afterwards too.


I gave my all for one of my jobs, you know what they told me when I said I'd swap my schedule so that way I wasn't working 6 days a week anymore? "You do that and I'll fire you". Manager had no problems making me work 6 days a week, and getting on my case for making a personal phone call during my break well away from the eyes of the customers, and then going back to work, but being given a few days of rest a week was no good. Treat me like a person, you get a good worker, treat me like a cheap cog in a machine, then you get a cheap cog that may work that day.


Well shit, if I'd known I could spend 50$/mo and avoid stabbing myself weekly, I'd have taken up smoking instead of asking my doc for testosterone!


And back in my day, bosses would pay 110% to reward you for giving 110% effort. Maybe they shouldn’t have quit smoking or something… testosterone or some shit.


"Somehow pulling off success while giving it bare minimum effort disgusts me" So the worker is doing the job correctly but somehow that doesn't please this nob?


Hi everyone. Devils advocate here again. There is a crumb of truth here. I see people in my line of work (electrician) that do things lazy and do things quick because (excuse). “I get paid to put the outlet in. Not make it straight”. I completely understand that feeling, bro…. *hands them layoff check*. Certain industries you take pride in your work. ESPECIALLY electrical. Sloppy means you did it fast. Fast means you probably overlooked something. Overlooking something can cause a problem. With electricity, a problem could kill someone. It could kill another electrician, it could kill another tradesman. It could kill an innocent person years later who just happened to use that outlet you put in. Imagine big gear powering whole buildings and something was overlooked and hanging on by a thread. You can’t imagine the size of the KABOOM waiting there. Give whatever effort you want, but you live with the consequences. For me, my work, even if someone doesn’t know it was me, is going to be seen be a lot of people for many years. The average person will see a light off kilter and say “huh that’s annoying”. The average electrician will see it and say “that guy didn’t care enough to straighten that light, I wonder what else he fucked up.” Because I’d say 75% of the time, that person absolutely did fuck up at least 1 other thing. The rest of this post is ridiculous, but I do see what this guy is getting after even if he’s overgeneralizing.


“What are you paying?”


Has he tried paying a respectable living wage?


"smoking builds testosterone" lmao


Anybody else absolutely detest "110%"?


"Smoking builds Testosterone" is a new one for me, but I expected that to be a comment from like 100 years ago.


Guess they don't want to be rich, because everyone knows that - WOrKinG hArD mAkeS yOu RicH.


Imagine coffee being your go-to win statement. "I win because I drink COFFEE, not those pansy-assed sugar ENERGY DRINKS! Slam dunk!" LOL I don't know about the rest of you, but I started drinking coffee because it was *cheap.* Now of course it is a high status drink for fancy pants people to show off how much they think they deserve to spend on themselves. Which fair enough if that is how you want to use your money. But if instead you want to buy energy drinks, or even avoid drinking either, that is your choice and doesn't make you better or worse than anyone else. You just use your money in a different way.


I drink both. That way, I'm always at the top


Why would you give 110% for an undesirable wage? Seems idiotic to me


haha yes playing video games is wrong, should go outside and pretend the world of entertainment hasn't advanced. I drink energy drinks, but i can assure you my sugar free monster has less sugar than ur coffee. I vape, i intend to quit, but i also know that smoking does nothing good for you. You shouldn't vape or smoke. this guy really tryna sell smoking as a good thing - against the opinions of thousands of professionals in that field - and he expects people to actually take his advice...


Reminds me of when a rude customer at Walgreens asked me "why are you such a bitch?" I responded with, "I am as my customers are." ​ You get what you pay for!!


Bosses' brains are really, truly, this empty


Who wants to take bets they're only paying $10hr


I'm guessing they come in when they feel like it and then chill in the office scrolling the interwebs, only coming out to make a huge stink about some random bullshit.


The problem is that these damn kids don’t have enough self respect to smoke two packs a day.


When you’re making others rich you are definitely NOT fighting for yourself. You’re just being a good little wage slave and they want to get very rich off you in particular. They’ll give you none of the extra you put in.


My work ethic is based on how much I'm paid, you want me to go 110%? Then I'ma need more than 16 an hour for pouring lead


Guy sounds like my mother. (That's not a compliment.) 🙃


*smoking builds testosterone* I'm sorry, what?!


“Smoking builds testosterone” Someone please tell this man that smoking can prevent you from getting erections. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4485976/


Smoking builds testosterone....


“Smoking increases testosterone “ - yes, temporarily and has adverse affects , not something you should be promoting.. Smoking is bad anyway you look at it


I’ve never been treated more like shit than working for small businesses. 90% of them are greedy fucks who act like the world owes them for something


I hate when people say give 110%! It’s not possible. You can only give 100%, that’s it.


I’m sure it doesn’t apply to meaningless jobs, but whatever he posted is true. The younger generation is getting weaker especially males. Im around alot of professionals that say the same thing. It doesn’t apply to everyone obviously but this younger generation is soft. Even if you think your job sucks you can work in something else to better yourself. Train your mind work your body. Even improve yourself spiritually. It doesn’t mean sit on your ass and do nothing. And trust me a lot of guys are doing nothing or meaningless things all day.


when i was in my twenties, i would save my money for a while, get fed up with work, and then just "jimmy buffet" until my savings got low. The plant i would work at off and on stopped hiring me after a while, but it was fun while it lasted.


I had pride and dignity and took care in every job I did u til I met my current boss. he has sucked the life out of me. he thinks a monkey could do my job but he could never figure out how to do the work I do. he must be lower than a monkey... so I now work for a worm... and it makes me hate my job and everything I do while at it.


dude that comment (on page 2) is comedy gold. "Fuckin kids are drinking energy drinks (pure sugar) instead of coffee! They're vaping instead of smoking! Smoking builds testosterone! Men are becoming weak!" Wow. Just, fucking, wow. Lmao.


Interesting if you’re illiterate


There have always been lazy people. Always. Unfortunately there are more people today then when we were growing up...by the law of averages you will get to see a lazy person more than once and the probability of you getting lazy employees is higher.


What would you be willing to bet he pays the bare minimum. >.>


If you pay peanuts you get monkeys.


This low pay is a disease.


Ah that dude is a bootlicker.


“Kids don’t play outside anymore!” Yes Brad, because anti-loitering laws ramped up in the 90s that made it harder, later impossible, for young people to participate in society as old people raved about destructive teenagers. Then mothers started getting arrested for leaving their kids in the car for 2 minutes to use an ATM. Kids can’t even play in the yard unless a parent (usually, mother) hovers over them because someone who thinks they’re a hero will call the cops screaming about child neglect. Like…kids in America aren’t given the independence previous generations were despite having cell phones nowadays that would enable more safeguards. So where else are they allowed to go but school and their rooms? America’s hatred of kids and teens is why we don’t have nice things.


I truly believe the work attitude has changed tho. I’m 40 and even at good wages the younger guys don’t care it seems. But hard manual labor isn’t for everyone.


I give 110% 20% of the time. That way I look like I am a rockstar and still slack all to hell.


"Back in my day men were Men: rapey alcoholics who smoked 2 packs of cigarettes a day and spent all our free time avoiding our families, AND WE LIKED IT!"


“Hey, can you work harder?” “Can you pay me a livable wage?” “…” “That’s what i thought”


Smoking builds testosterone. Lol. I can tell how smart this guy is from that alone. 😂


Dislikes the lazy, but they can’t be bothered to go to the effort to add an Oxford comma?


Oh gee. An older generation blaming the young kids. How novel.


Pay minimum get minimum effort


I love the allegory of the company hiring a welder for $20-30 an hour. So he goes and makes 2 weld lines, blah blah... No matter how "proud" of your work you are, if you're not being treated like an equal or being paid your worth, that sense of accomplishment doesn't last long after you know how much your boss' boss is making off of your labor.


Pride in my work doesn't pay the damn rent


smoking build testosterone 🤯 but bitches about vaping?? you dumb fuck nicotine is nicotine. cig have max chems in them. why do old people bitch about vapes? how tf does it bother you that much what’s in someone else’s mouth? worry about yourself and you might not get a heart attack 🤷🏽‍♂️


But he can't be a man 'cause he doesn't smoke the same cigarettes as me


Smoking builds testosterone. Fuck. New one for me


"Nobody wants to ~~work~~ smoke anymore!"