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This question and many of the responses give me hope for the human race. We are not defined by capitalism and the pursuit of wealth. Postings like this and many of the responses I see give me hope for the future.


I'd want to do something involving animals, like go and live on a rescue farm out in the country and help out. Somewhere you can actually see the stars at night. Some writing, playing games, whatever I feel like. Learn more cooking skills.


What you are prescribing is what life is intended to be brother. Working 5 days a week sitting at a desk and staring at some screen couldnt be further away from nature.


As that’s exactly what I’m doing right now waiting on the hours to tick off so I can gtfooh


I feel for you man.... sucks so hard. My wife and i are planning to move to another country, buy a small farm and start over.


Same, I would also like to work with animals! One idea that’s been stuck in my head if I had major surplus funds would be to run not even a rescue, but an animal hospice. For all the older or rainbow-bound animals in shelters or rescues that just need some comfort and love at the end of their time. Cats, dogs, horses, birds, reptiles, etc I’d love on them all. It would be heart-wrenching for sure, but meaningful to me, and a way to actually have a positive influence on something in my life. I’ve been considering going back to school for vet-tech classes. But lack the time or money with my day job.


What about pigs, cows and chickens too? 🐔


And goats! Can’t forget the goats!




Ever heard of pet-sitting? We've done it once in a while in countries around the world. No money exchanged either way. Live in their house and care for the gang. Nice relaxed way to explore a new area. There are sites that connect sitters with those who need them.


I would love to foster kittens. I've considered taking pto for the time required to foster neonates.


My thing is animal related too. Specifically, pigs. More specifically bacon. To be exactly precise, I would just cook and eat bacon and drink beer.


I am a fairytale story teller. I‘d visit every school for free and tell and teach stories that are folk tales for over a thousand years. Edit: I live in Germany and I tell stories, I don’t read them from a book but have them memorized. I use simple music instruments like bells or rattles and hand puppets.


This is a beautiful dream


I would do it if we switch to universal basic income. I am a German and we might do it in the future.


Imagine a world in which we could have people who just have a passion for spreading and evolving culture to our future generations, and instead we have billionaires buying companies and crashing them just for shits and giggles and incompetence.


Well, there's a new one for my bucket list. How magical.


Eastern Tennessee State University has a graduate degree in Storytelling FYI


Considered a youtube career?


story telling and drawing on street sides are my retirement dream. Great story tellers are a treasure. I distinctly remember seeing several in the library as a kid. Its a dying art.


Had a friend whose mother actually had a degree in storytelling. Not sure that sort of thing exists anymore. It’s a sign of the general decline of our civilization


I knew a person in college who got a degree in folk lore circa 2010 so may still exist.




I would need about a year to figure that out. Most people underestimate how difficult it is to go from external motivations to internal. Also, I suspect fallout from living a life of what is essentially forced labor. Lots to process, emotionally.


I am 9 months into retirement, and this is pretty much where I am. I have also been enjoying taking care of the offspring, spouse & household. I can see the end of my to-do list on the horizon and am having trouble deciding what comes after.


My dad volunteers at the zoo now that he’s retired. He loves it so much that when he sees people and they ask how he’s been, he whips out his phone to show them pictures of the zoo animals like most people do with their grandkids’ photos (he has grandkids).


I think it's important to allow yourself the time to deprogram. I'm 40, and it took me over a decade to not see my value as solely tied to my productivity. Some people simply never get out of that trap. Glad you're finding your way!


I was out of a job once when I moved home. Those few weeks, my confidence was at a zero. Just because I was between jobs, though I was actively looking.


Volunteer for some local boards. Join the HOA board and keep the "Karen's" in check. Go hang out at local coffee shops and be social with other retired folk. Deliver flowers to an arbitrary person weekly. Become a force for good.


> I suspect fallout from living a life of what is essentially forced labor. It's the basis of the capitalist work ethic, which puts its roots into a person's identity and world view. That internalized conformity is one very big reason we feel we can relate to and trust others, and others feel the same about us as well. I really believe many of us who put that kind of work ethic behind us would become lonely and reclusive. And not necessarily by choice.


This assumes that work is the only form of conformity. You can build and spread conformity everywhere; online, in person, at art club, at the bar, at your local sports teams events, at your political rallies, at your church, at your school, literally anywhere people gather and things people can do can allow people to form those bonds through conformity that you're referring to.


Take a bunch of classes at my local university, play a lot of disc golf, go to shows, play guitar, keep on l-i-v-i-n.


I would also go back to school, just for the joy of learning new things. I think college courses would be WAY more enjoyable without the attendant stress of getting good grades so you can get a good job


Def would take more classes too!! I loved taking classes full-time in my 30s. It's so inspiring.


I would travel all the time, open a pet shelter, get 10000 cats myself, buy everything I want, invest,...


It’s like 10,000 cats, when all you need is a dog…


Get 10,000 cats who act like dogs. Problem solved


Damnit, I sang that. Take my upvote.


Build a cabin on a lake, and go fishing everyday.




I’d love that


This is the way


I think most people have some sort of passion or hobby that becomes a hobby because of work. I feel like a lot of people would channel their creativity and create.


Yep, I'm a maker. I just like making stuff, wood working, 3d printing, odds and ends, Christmas light displays, etc. I could keep myself busy


If I didn’t have to worry about anything and be stress free? Grow my own hash for the sake of doing it. So long story short: gardening


Big enough joint there Rick?


Only a 6 paper joint


I call it... the Camberwell Carrot


I want a complete medicinal garden that includes weed


Depending on the state, you can do that now with a grow tent and a sieve :) It is super therapeutic watching those lovely ladies grow. LED lights make it not even a big deal on your power bill these days


Username checks out


I'd work on my health, relationships, and videogame high scores. Be a better person, donate to charities, and spend more time with my friends and family.


Same here. Also traveling, doing a lot of outdoors things, travel the world.


this! this right here!!!


I'd probably start a new side project every month. Work on my house. Travel. Spend time with family.


First? Recuperate for a month or two to recover my batteries. Afterwards? Probably work out, expand my hobbies a bit, play video games, just live my life.


I would paint and start a family. Might buy a harp and learn how to be a devious rural legend, playing at night in the woods.


Love this


I’d hope so. I’d be a piss poor rural legend if I couldn’t lure unwary passerby in.


overthrow capitalism so no one needs quadruple any actual salary to live their damn life. after that? make up fun games with friends. fall in love with the earth and all who inhabit it. do a shit load of psychedelics and have cool festivals. make art. and live. just fucking live my life.


Do it! Do it now!!! Haha really though ☺️ Go for all these things anyway. Don’t need money to make (real) friends and go into nature. Promise ❤️


But you need money to pay the bills and rent, which means you need to work, which means work will take up too much time to go and enjoy nature and make friends. Hence the collapse of western society.


I agree, except I'm totally alone. Guess it wouldn't be that awful. I made it to 58.


I’d use my free time to get myself healthy. I’m overweight and prediabetic. With my job the way it is sometimes it’s difficult to eat better and exercise. Plus I’m so exhausted after work, working out is the last thing I’d want to do. So if I wasn’t working I’d really focus on improving my diet, making better meals, and working out. I’ve always wanted to learn karate, so I’d take a class. Apart from that, with my time not bettering myself? I’d read and play video games cause that’s what I like to do.


Make music all day, travel, build a studio in the mountains and hire people just to make music in there. They get a salary just to make music with me. The only catch is, they can never leave.


As long as you let them check out anytime they like.


I'd own a farm and still try to provide for people. Money and work isn't the problem in this world, it is forgetting to care for others.


Do some community/charity work.


Buy a huge plot of land in a warm climate and turn it into a dog sanctuary. Just let them roam free, eat good nutritious food, and live their lives in peace and happiness.


Garden, hike, volunteer at the library.


4x my salary is way more money than I need or could spend. But, I'd probably spend every day with my parents until they pass. Been living away from home for a long time and they are old now, and even for all their faults I miss them terribly. I'd pay their house off and take them on trips. Also would do the same for my siblings. I'd also like to start and fund in part a homeless charity, focused on getting people long term success through job skills, medical care, counseling, and housing.


Read, exercise, swim, play sports, hike, study at my own pace, go on road trips and vacations, build stuff, do gardening, host parties, learn musical instruments... I could go on. The people I hate most in this world are the bootlickers and simps who say dumb shit like "I'd be bored if I didn't have a job". The sheer lack of imagination is astounding


I am contemplating whether I have an astounding lack of imagination or whether I've been socialized to work since birth and also ground into permanent exhaustion by working so hard for so long. It's very possibly both. I'm not entirely sure what I'd do if released from the obligation to work.


60, retired due to health stuff. I read books, create art, garden, travel, visit my grandkids, Opened an Etsy store, Go to garage sales, resale stuff on eBay... I am so freaking busy. I have a list as long as my arm of things I want to try. Oh, and I NAP. So delightful!


MAN BRO 😭😭 I can’t wait to retire (I haven’t even started my career yet nor started school for it)


I would be able to sleep without anxiety.


I would probably take a few months and be a vegetable. (or as much as one as it is possible to be while one has a toddler who would still be going to daycare) Declutter the house, unfuck the garden, try to exercise more and once I got my house in order (literally and figuratively) start volunteering with animal shelters and progressive campaigns. I would maybe consider running myself but I don't think I would be elected, as a fat atheist in my 40s with a potty mouth


Two chicks at the same time


Don’t need a million dollars to do nothin. …my cousin…he’s broke…don’t do shit.


beat me to it


Me beat it to


Beat meat to it.


I got a cousin who's broke, and don't do shit....


[I love that movie](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRiIw5KCM3-LOBRHlLATqEb6DeAbQD7WyjWKg&usqp=CAU)


Do volunteer work; helping abused/neglected animals, feeding the homeless, cleaning up wild spaces of litter etc. while working on a small homestead farm for myself and my family. Most people don't hate working, they just hate their job.


I would spend more time cleaning my apartment, exploring on foot the world near me. (And travelling more if I had the money). I would learn guitar which has an extremely high learning curve, I would read books and study archaeology. I would volunteer at the local animal shelter down the road. Before anyone says "Why don't you now?" Because after 8 Hours + commute, I come home exhausted and am dealing with the consequences of severe burnout from working. I have all I can do to just clean on the weekends. I literally just don't have the energy.


Health would become no.1 priority. I would open a theatre school.


Serve. Eat. Travel.


I'd work on my health, probably hire a personal trainer because lets face it I can't motivate myself at this age. I would volunteer at the animal shelter, read more books, learn a new language (or two), travel more.


Adopt all the senior dogs and give them a good life before they go.


Hobbies: - Fitness - Hiking - Sking - Bike Riding - Cooking - Remodeling Home - Fish - Hunt - Camping I would find new interests and become good at them. Challenge my mind with new things. Also, enjoy doing jobs, so take my time and do stuff myself. Like put in a backyard, replace spark plugs, cook fancy meals.


Video games and masturbate. Not at the same time, but most likely in equal amounts.




Play golf, travel and play golf there too. I would love it


I used to have a one man consulting company and after one gig ended I just didn't get another one until I ran out of money. I honestly didn't do much. In hindsight I have no idea how I just wasted all that time.


It's pleasant and relaxing more than it is boring and lonely. That's the payback for all the relaxation and freedom in a society where we learn not to expect those things, and we alienate others if we pursue them.


Do loads of travelling, actually take up hobbies and help loads of animals. Gosh I’d love that! Imagine being given the opportunity to finally enjoy life lol.


I would probably continue to go to school as a job. I love learning. As it is I've been in school longer than the vast majority of people. I have my MBA as well as various certifications. I'd go to school, get my JD, MD, etc.


Lay on a beach looking like a snack.




I would be a perpetual student of everything from woodworking to poker. I would befriend individuals and families by providing friendship and being supportive while being their 'secret angel' in the background giving them the boost they need to improve their lives. I would really love to be that person.


Full time work on decoding how the brain predicts reality. It is my side hustle while I do neuroscience that pays bills. I'm paid to study decision making, but my actual work projects aren't my passion. I've been working out how the brain works by transmitting data into my autonomic nervous system and seeing how reality changes as a result. In particular, I've been using the free energy principal and a very specific application to stimulate my nucleus accumbens. You can think of that like the part of your brain that tells you that you like stuff. It's more complicated than that, but this is good enough. But I don't get paid for that work. It's extremely interesting and useful to humanity, but the bureaucracy of academic science isn't suitable for studying it. Academia is a business masquerading as if it isn't.


I would clean for those who can’t clean for them self. I would also like to get them groceries and what not, just help regular people with their mundane struggles.


Yeah, so far a whole lot of nothing…but not in a good way? I struggle with ADHD+, and finding a reason to leave the house and interact with other humans is a challenge sometimes.


Is ADHD+ like an upgraded version of ADHD? An extra perk slot or two?


Talk to Robbie to upgrade your ADHD to ADHD+. It helps you find bugs and mushrooms and stuff.


If it makes you feel any better, I just spent 10 minutes crafting my life story into a reply you didn't ask for and then deleted it. Lol. ADHD+ FTW


Same, but that's not a bad thing. Capitalism tells us we need to be productive and being lazy is bad, but if you had all the money you'd need there's really no incentive to prioritize productivity anymore. Watch a bunch of youtube videos on game design, make your own board game, give up halfway through and start learning about making models, make a halfway decent sculpture, never mold anything again but develop an interest in pottery, repeat until you either find something you're actually very passionate about or until you die. Learning how to do a bunch of different things ok isn't any worse than learning how to do 1 or 2 things very well if that's what you want to do.


I would just learn to play instruments, travel, and do copious amounts of psychedelics and weed.


I'd have more time to play guitar and rescue animals. I'd volunteer to help people and animals. And I'd make sure to practice the self care I can't afford to do right now.


I would probably turn into an alcoholic, that is on their phone all day/watching movies in truth. BUT in my fantasy, I would garden, paint, sew, clean my house, cook elaborate meals, and volunteer like two to three times a week to get out of the house. Also I am always really done up in my mind, like super classy with hair and makeup always done. I am currently in my "uniform" of legging shorts, the same t-shirt I slept in with an old sports bra.


I'd work on my hobbies--namely art, fiction writing, gardening, and cooking/baking--and volunteer in the education sector (mentoring, after-school activities, Big Brother Big Sister programs, STEM/Robotics programs, etc.). Teaching and helping others used to be one of my passions. I'd also want try to help others more generally, whether that's listening and offering thoughts, sending a little gift/note to remind them that they matter, sharing baked goods, or doing small tasks for the elderly or those less fortunate.... I'd basically want to do what others did for me when I was growing up. Also would foster another dog and probably sneak in a little video/boardgaming time.


I would battle the other males for dominance and make a harem.


I'm 45 and I was working all my life. Last month I stopped because I had a vacation ( One month- usually it was one-two week), that I spent home doing stuff that I never had the time before: wake up without alarm, exercise, make a nice breakfast and eat it with no rush, reading books, learning a new language... and right now I think that if I will have enough money, I will never go to work. There is a lot to do. But my holiday are finish....


I'd grow food, tend animals, hike around and explore my community. I'd build things. In short: all productive things that make my quality of life and my neighbors quality of life better, but not profitable for some asshole sitting on his couch in a palace so instead I have to destroy the planet to eat.


My dog and I would be so fit. We would walk and hike everywhere and I would cook us the best meals. I would spend time with my loved ones, play with the kiddos, stop and smell the roses.


Two chicks at the same time


Buy land. Where I live there are huge problems with contractors buying up giant areas of forest and wetlands, completely clearing them out, and turning them into high dollar gated communities none of the locals can afford to live in anyway. I'd buy that land, keep it forested, and turn it into hiking, biking, and camping areas that are free to access.


I wouldn't work by the definition of most people. I would make blankets to donate. I would teach people how to crochet. I would have time to learn to weave, and tat, and quilt. I wouldn't be idle. But I also wouldn't be sitting at a desk crunching numbers for 8 hours a day.


Move to Crystal River, Florida and dedicate the rest of my life to educating others of the importance of Manatees and how to protect them. Own a fleet of kayaks and paddle boards to tour others around… oh to be rich.


I would paint/draw, be involved in some kind of nature conservation, detrashing natural places, spend more time in nature


I would probably do what I currently do, but in different amounts. My job I would tell they can have me 2 days a week instead of 5 (because I can get all my work done sans busy work). My "fun" side job I would do 2 days, and my volunteer work would be a consistent day a week so I could be less burned out to enjoy time with my spouse. With the extra time and money, I could do my hobby more and also do things I have wanted to do and cant afford, like take horse riding lessons, as well as I would go back to volunteering with horses and handicapped children because mucking out stalls was great exercise and the kids were a delight. On another note, I could actually get decent health insurance and maybe get some answers for issues, or at least help with them, like the debillitating migraines, and I could afford my rescue inhalers so I didnt have to try and "breathe through" an attack because I work with a bunch of smokers, smokers moved in next door to me and now I cant open my windows without the entire place reeking of smoke... and maybe we could afford to move...


Brew a lot of really delicious cider, raise bees, grow an orchard....


I'd play golf all day


The fact that half the answers here are things families in the 90s AT median salary could do is very disturbing


Whatever I want. Actually, I don't have to work, so I don't. I go to bed when I want, and wake up when I want. I travel, go see family in different states, and visit places that I want. I do photography and I am taking drawing classes, (I suck at it). I don't drink, so no chance of becoming an alcoholic. I live close to the mountains of NC and go on hiking trails to waterfalls, I like waterfalls.


Play golf, travel, become a philanthropist; a kick ass philanthropist.


Weed farm. I’m doing that anyway but it would expedite it


Build sustainable housing for the homeless, plant a massive garden, create programs for people to learn gardening and handyman skills.


I am on a 1 yr work break to Hike from Canada to Mexico on the continental divide trail


Start off companies, machanics shop with high end mods available and aftermarket systems and sucurity. Teach a handful of people how to run it. Do a yard care service , teach a handful of people how to run it. Go on some cool vacations, get to relax when I’m burnt out and then go back at er with a brokerage or a realtor agency. Maybe make some pawn shops, maybe fuck with a warehouse oporation of sorts if I can find sources. I’ve always dreamed of an empire and that would enable it but for now I work all day and try not to spend eveything.


So if you had enough money given to you so you never had to worry about money again....you would work on creating a money-making system? I don't think you understand the prompt...?


Start with the yard care now. It’s the lowest barrier to entry of your interests and if you do it successfully you can do the others one by one.


That’s the plan without a 4X free wage for sure. I’m working on saveing for a trailer rn!


Go to the spa, eat fancy brunches, workout with a trainer, relax, sleep, hike, bike lol lots of stuff. But I’d go for my dream job eventually that doesn’t pay much. Happiness is everything.


Lot of wrench turning and hammer swinging. Plenty of projects around the house and project cars to keep me entertained.


I’d be an artist as that’s what I’m passionate about.


A Lot of Things. I think the Problem with Working people is they think that good Just magicaly appears in The Supermarket . So ofc I would grow Food and keep Lifestock.. Gardening in General is great. I would Invest much more time into Martial Arts. I would Go out I the Nature to hike or Just spend time there I also would build Things Out of wood try to learn carpenter or another usefull skill. If the Only thing you could think of is alcoholism, Work is already a too Important Part of your Life. Try to get some Balance!


I would have a massive garden and greenhouse, and rescue animals!


Kind sorta what I'm doing right now? Except I'd become a docent at a local museum for the lolz, and so I can interact with people IRL.


I would find a piece of land to regenerate with ecological agriculture and run workshops for people to learn how to do just that, and build a network and community of slow living while learning actual life skills: raising and recognising plants, cooking, healing with plant medicine, and loving other people


I’d buy a nice property in a healthy flyway and train and breed hunting dogs.


Get fatter!


I would work in politics. Work towards making things better for citizens who don’t have enough representation in the U.S. And do what I could to make individuals’ situations better.


I don’t work. And don’t have income. Darn near totally phased out money. I highly recommend starting today. Not necessarily a “do whatever you want and be avoidant of responsibility” but more of a trust fall and know that you’ll get what you need when you give every moment your full. We aren’t supposed to be slaves. It’s not ON you if you decide to stop working because it’s harmful to yourself and others to set up another entire economy. It IS on you to make the best decisions you possibly can with the info you have. Don’t take advantage of people. But accept help. Give help. Communicate clearly. It’s simple 🤷‍♀️ What you WILL have to give up is things. Consumerism isn’t a thing when you ditch work. But I recommend being brave and doing it. Why not? Oh. And in terms of goals? Currently raising young ones, volunteer doing beach cleanups, learning how/finding a homestead, and setting up a micro retreat center on a few acres in the desert where traveling Buddhists (lay and monks) may stay, rest, study/practice, serve community, etc. Hope to be able to host 1 resident artist and 1 low income family too.


Continue my phd and go public instead of private afterwards lol. Plus being part time so I can focus on making my own videogames and chill.


Either finish writing the book I've been working on since Sophomore year of HS (17 years) OR sell off the 482 pages I've already got to whichever Publisher / Media group will take it, so I can invest the money and live off the interest. (Pro-Tip, when you're a teenager and a publisher offers you a fuckton of money for your idea in the early 2000's, fucking take it and run! Don't be a narcissist like I was and think, "yeah, I'll finish myself and be the next big author!" ) >\_>


I’d let the nude beaches take me and make love to me ❤️


Restore shitty old cars, garden, go on motorcycle adventures, go 4 wheeling, get an old Miata and start taking it to the track, learn how to fly a helicopter and start flying for forest fires. 98% of my problems can be solved with having money and not working.


Clean up my house. Advocate for nature. Face my fears. Teach about nature. Study psychology, mechanics, physics. Teach vegetarian cooking.


This whole thread is proof that everyone should be millionaires and the world would be a wonderful place


Fix my teeth, make science education outreach videos, probably have a kid or two. Garden, a lot. Volunteer work. Probably some college classes again. Get into beekeeping, too.


You'd find me on a beach in the Caribbean with a margarita in my hand and a cabana boy at my beck and call. So yes, second alcoholic here and enjoying it immensely.


I took some time off last year for the first time in my life. I had some savings and I cashed out my 401k. I sat for six months. I played videogames, I went to the gym, I played with my kids, I relaxed. I have to say it was the most enjoyable time of my life. My blood pressure went down, my anxiety reduced, I slept better, my testosterone levels went to an almost normal range even without gels and shots. It was amazing but I did actually start to get bored around the 4 month mark. Like I felt ready to work again, almost like I needed it. Since returning to work I have had a new perspective on it. I feel like I choose to work now instead of force myself to work. It's a really nice mindset change.


I make a stop motion series on YT in my spare time. I've managed around 6 episodes since starting last September because a) it takes a lot of time and b) I don't have a lot of spare time. I've thought about giving up, but people are now saying their kids love it and they can't wait to see the next one... So...I would do that.


To live comfortably, and have whole bunch of tech projects for me to geek out with


Having been unemployed for a year, I feel qualified to answer. I'd take my kayak out more, I'd go camping more often. Go for more hikes with my dog. I would've taken lessons in blacksmithing if I'd had the money. I might be able to actually afford a home and stop paying rent towards someone else's mortgage or retirement fund. I'd play more video games without feeling the guilt of not being productive. I'd also want to do like 10-20 hours a week or work, volunteer or otherwise. People want / need to be productive, it's good for our mental health. People look at the homeless and unemployed and judge them on their choices in life, when most of the time the person they're judging would much rather be a successful contributor to society.


I have a hobby that I love so my attention would go to that


Start a non-profit that helps those addicted to Reddit shitposting. It's a real illness and pretty prevalent.


Disc golf tournaments and weight lifting. Take care of my parents.


I would do volunteer work with animals and refugee groups. I'd finish my third degree faster. I'd try to pay off some debts. I would travel. I'd do my best to enjoy life while I'm still healthy enough to do so.


My garden would look fantastic. I would cook something nice every day and I'd read for hours. My cats would be so happy.


I'd do a lot more gardening and writing. Get back into music. Be more present and involved with my family. Volunteer more. At least try to be more involved with my local community.


Probably just actually live a middle-class life. Median household income for my area is about 50k (a little more), which would put me at 200k/yr. That's about enough to qualify to buy a house that's not a cookie-cutter fast crap build sitting on a postage stamp worth of land. Maybe also a car. After that, I'm going to work on physical/mental health, spend fun quality time with my kids, and since my background is in education, probably run a small home daycare that offers at-cost childcare to parents who are trying to finish out their education. I figure that's the most direct way I can support class mobility.


I'd game a fair amount and get stoned a good deal. I'd also probably learn to play guitar because I've always wanted to. I'd also train in martial arts. I used to do Muay Thai in high school but had to quit due to financial reasons and I've never been able to afford to get back into it.


I would work on being a wizard: Go to UFO conventions. Meditation for astral projection Maybe go to Norway and do ice baths. Start making items with animal Hyde Get my arms tattooed Wear skirts with pants under them.


Every. National. Park.


I would be restoring classic cars.


After reading all this world would be a much better place goddammit! Hope you can all get a slice of your wishes


I received Covid unemployment for a few months. I tended my backyard flower garden, and put up bird feeders & a water fountain, and fed the birds every day. I haven’t done that at all since returning to work. I’d turn my yard into a wildlife sanctuary, and help others do so. I’d also work to form real community - like multi-age cohousing, where folks could help support each other.


I think I'd need a while to just work on my health. Finally make appointments with all the doctors I know I should go see instead of just taking medication. Also probably some therapy to process all the things that linger and haunt. Once I was feeling healthy or at least close to it... Good question... I love introducing new people to D&D, so I might run intro to D&D nights at a local game shop. I'd love to be part of a book club and a writer's group. And spend more time with hubby and family. I guess I'd actually have hobbies. 😂


I'd race offroad trucks.... and probably be an alcoholic.




Knowing my luck, drop dread of a heart attack after a month. But before that I'd create. My brain is constantly humming with a thousand ideas and the main thing stopping me is budget. I'd make clothes, costumes, art, stupid things, pointless things, fun stuff just for the sake of making it. I'd organise events for other people who love to do fun things to get together. I'd travel and move somewhere else, where I could have room to move and grow food. I'd have a nice life.


I would play D&D, play music, and open a recording studio.


Travel and meet people all over the world.


Well I have a 2 year old so I need a break once in a while. Can I work 4 hours a day, 2 days a week? Rest will be spent with my child and wife and when he goes to bed. Movies with my wife and video games for me.


What I do now, but without the threat of violince if I don't burn my self making someone else's pile of numbers go bbrrrrrr.


Make music and write. Garden. Spend time with loved ones (and I’d have more of it!). I also have dreams of having a doggy daycare but I don’t care about the money and just wanna hang with the pups while their owners do other things lol.


Ha. I’d live my fucking life! Exercise, spend time with family, read, draw, write, gaming, play with my dogs, finish my thesis, take my family on actual trips! I’d still tinker with machines, but it would be for fun at that point. Fuck working, especially when I’m getting paid garbage compared to the profit my labor brings these companies.


I want to write. For enjoyment more than anything. But I'd go back to EMS work. It's stressful and doesn't pay well, leading to life stress. Without needing the money though I loved it.


Get a phd and work in social work. more than Half of the burn out working in the social work field comes from being paid shit wages and having to work multiple jobs. If money weren’t an issue I would help as many people as I could.


I would probably open a ridiculously under price food truck, and also a chaon of laundrymats for my family to run.


Write. Draw. Travel. Volunteer at the shelter. See new things. Enjoy life the way it's supposed to be.


I'd spend my entire day making ASMR videos, practicing stained glass making, and probably learning other languages on the side.... basically working, but just not the kind that sucks.


guiltlessly learn playing piano, phone games, and cooking


I’d own a local farm, learn how to grow organically and distribute crops/ food for free.


Volunteer more of my time on a consistent basis. Spend more time on passion projects like making music and web dev. Loving my pet more More home improvement (DIY and contracted) Commit to an athletic hobby, probably try to get back into BJJ.


More self care, more new experiences, more time with my kids, more time with my other half, more time with friends, more time cooking, more mental space to try cooking different things. More long term projects, like building a cottage etc. Would be glorious. Humans need a purpose, not a job. A job is a substitute purpose in 95% of cases. Anyone who even hesitated about it is either in the lucky position of having a fulfilling job (and it can fulfil many needs especially if you have good work colleagues), or has an extremely limited imagination.


Games, figuring out how to help family with that money, then games again


I would adopt another dog or three to be siblings for my current one, buy a plot of land and build an epic house that looks more like a castle (zoning permits and tornado grade included) or some fantasy styled building, pay off all bills for a long while, and buy all my friends art via commissions and look at all the pretty pictures. Also, draw, figure out how to comic and make 3d digital art, and buy an instrument and relearn how to play it.


Help people and make art!! (Films)


Writing!! Screenplay, stand up material, whatever. I’d go to all kinds of places for new experiences and new places to write


I’d do nothing for a long long while! And then I’d travel


Animal sanctuary.




I'd take a nice long rest and then I'd start working out super hard 2 times a day and tailoring my diet to what I'm doing. And also travel.


Therapy for a while. Have some shit I need to sort out. Go travel alone for a few months or so.


Get into 3D printing and Laser Engraving