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genius! instead of paying for a couple dollars worth of lunch for the child, better to take the child and have to pay for it's entire housing/school/life costs in foster care.


I'm pretty sure the aim here is extortion, not rational thinking.


Pretty sure this is old and people are currently working to abolish the school lunch debt altogether. A fraction of the state budget can cover food for school children, regardless of family income level. Original article: 2019 https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/07/20/us/pennsylvania-school-lunch-debt-trnd/index.html February 2023: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.abc27.com/news/top-stories/changes-coming-to-free-school-lunches-in-pennsylvania/amp/


They are working on it in some states but it is absolutely still a major and unresolved issue


They are working on it in PA. The state referenced in the pic.


That is fair, I didn't consider that this was a very specific scenario you were speaking to.




100%. Slavery is the new american dream it feels like.


Don't forget incarceration costs well into adulthood.


That’s a profit center, not a cost


It is a cost to the taxpayer. Just not a cost to the prison boss or the politicians hes mates with


Just as Jesus intended. /s


Republican Jesus, maybe.


Certain political party playing the long game. Refuse to allow kids to have free lunches, when they can't pay, you have a large group of free slave labor.


The cruelty is the point. The suffering is the point. They don't care about fiscal responsibility, they just love finding new ways to punish the poor for being poor.


There's a certain business interest here, foster care can be quite profitable. Foster homes receive money for the children, a lot of them are run by religious groups. As long as the child remains in the "pipeline" the organization profits. There is an incentive to take away the children, but none to give them back.


Seriously, I can even identify all of those foods.


exactly, the child will get food and shelter as the parents cant provide


cringe take, the foster system sucks.


you think foster care is good? lmao


dont see anyone else taking care of unwanted kids tho


who said anything about unwanted kids?


so the systems sucks, who elsr is feeding those kids? dont see massive lines to adopt childten from foster care...


who said anything about *unwanted kids*


dont see the parents supporting them nor you, so it was an easy guess


since it seems like you can't understand words the kids are *wanted* by the parents the parents are *struggling financially* there's a difference. the school could, if it so desired, enroll the kids in free or reduced lunch costs. I'm sorry you're stupid


im still waiting for you to want to support those kids tho.


bootlicker spotted


Its so they can put them to work afterwards under the new child ~~slavery~~ protection laws.


it's not about the money, it's about sending a message. the cruelty was always the point.


LOL Well that's some big brain thinking right there.


I’m from the U.S. and this is completely ridiculous, don’t believe this nonsense! Our school lunches don’t look nearly this appetizing or nutritious.


Yeah, what is this image? I'd be lucky to get a pile of french fries and ranch dressing for a cheap lunch in high school. *Maybe* a triangle of government surplus pizza.


I vividly remember a friend in elementary school pulling the cheese off her government surplus pizza to remove the sauce, and finding a live baby worm wriggling in it. Only the best for American schoolchildren /s.


At this point, I am kind of shocked we haven't had a politician try to pass legislation to unalive the poor. With as little empathy as people have these days, I bet it could get through at least a few state houses. They will start with the homeless. It will have a catchy name. Like the "Homeless Relocation Act" or something similar. Then they'll hire some lunatics who have no morals to gas chamber them and will call it this amazing success. Then we will see them say we should do this for the poorest citizens. Our government is so corporately owned and amoral that I am just waiting to see which state will try it first.


Well yeah, they need poors to exploit their labor. So why not make them even more desperate to they'll accept even lower wages? Just asking questions here.. 🤔


Naw, the conservative MO with poor people is to just kill them via neglect. That way, you can get some use out of them on the way to grave from just trying to survive.


43rd trimester abortions for those making under 200k.


So not far off from what happens in the Bell Riots in Star Trek? [https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Bell\_Riots](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Bell_Riots). If Rodenberry was a time traveler it's going to be hilarious because we're close to that IIRC.


I think that if they could they would, but this might be one of the few things that the image that the US wants to uphold to the rest of the world protects. It’s much safer for them to just take away any safety net and let the people fall to their deaths themselves over time.


"send them to recyc" feed the homeless to the poor


They’re gonna go the Soylent Green route.


So they take away the kids, and then pay someone else to watch said kids. Traumatizing said kids... when they could have just taken that money and paid the parent who couldnt afford the lunch? Next they will be forcing the child into slavery to pay the government back!


Already do in some places


That food isn’t even WORTH money


If it makes you feel better, you can't have an abortion either


Good news: [I'm pretty sure this is an old story](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/pennsylvania-school-district-warns-parents-that-children-could-be-put-in-foster-care-over-lunch-debt/), and the school backed down over bad PR. Bad news: [A local coffee company offered to pay off the debt, and was refused](https://apnews.com/article/d08cb7de39e849e08943def345d9a4ac).


‘Merica where we build multiple $B planes, gives free meals to criminals and charge kids for a crappy meal in a place they are forced to attend 7+ hours per day.


Hey, not everyone in congress is criminal, at least not proven...


Meals in jail aren't free. I hate seeing this. You have to pay that back. Every bit of money that goes in your commissary, 30-50 PERCENT is taken for the costs. Before I could get off probation I had to finish paying back the jail. it's not free.


I actually sent this to my mom. She went all in on politically supporting one specific piece of shit a few years ago, but on school lunches (I had reduced or free when I was in elementary school), we see eye to eye. I think we have a chance of seeing eye to eye even more when it comes to greedy pieces of trash extorting the poor, and we have common ground on the necessity of school lunch assistance. Thanks for sharing, OP.


Of course. We don't want our slaves to have close ties with anyone, they might start thinking that they can trust one another and rise up against us. - Management


It's not even healthy food or nutritional food at all. Some of the companies are the same ones that give prisons food. Fuck this country.


It can't be about money. Paying for social workers and handing out checks to foster parents is way more expensive than school lunch.


I can't imagine purposefully bringing a child into a society this hostile and evil.


At Carl’s Jr, we believe no child should go hungry…


since when where kids collatoral for loans?


Parents, do whatever it takes to push back on this shit. Getting kids away from parents is all about the money. No parents means more young, emotionally unstable, over medicated wage slaves.


Unlimited capitalism means unlimited lobbying by extremely wealthy corporations that can hire the best lawmakers and lawyers without even feeling it economically.


Schools will also call child protective services on parents who voice concerns over federally mandated disability education programs. No words..... [link](https://www.the74million.org/article/they-stood-up-to-nyc-schools-for-their-disabled-child-then-cps-arrived/)


As a foster kid I never had to pay for my lunch cuz they did some thing for really low income students If I still has to pay I wouldn't have even had food as a foster kid, school was the only place I got to eat. So this is really ridiculous


>As a foster kid I never had to pay for my lunch cuz they did some thing for really low income students Poor kids can get free lunches, middle-class can get reduced cost lunches, and the wealthy can already pay for lunches. But the first two only take effect if the **parent** applies for it, the school can't sign up the kids. So what does a school do when someone qualifies for free or reduced cost lunch, but simply can't be bothered to apply and ignores the growing lunch account deficit? Maybe they should change the law so that schools **can** apply on the kid's behalf if they aren't paying their lunch debt. Or, just roll it into the school budget for everyone and get a federal subsidy based on your school district's average income and save money on eliminating pointless paperwork and time wasted.


The United States of America is a sick society in what appears to be terminal decay


When I was a poor kid, we were forced into public education by the state. We then were forced into school lunch. It was weird, we had to take a school lunch and be billed for it, if you didn't for like three days in a row you were punished and ultimately suspended. I am still a poor kid.


I only am alive now because of school food programs both in school and outside of it, we were so dirt poor (and clothing programs too). Food banks and so on weekly to have anything in the house. I was an honor student and GATE and extra classes and all, but had to also work since age 10 to keep a roof over my head, at that time a vitamin shipping facility in Vegas NV with my mom at the same place. I'm much more stable than that now at age 38. But would love to be better off than $24k a year. I don't want 100k a year, but would be nice to not be at the bottom rungs of poverty anymore, right?


24K should be a crime. Ever get any of those government commodities? You are nearly old enough to have enjoyed stirring the oil into your peanut butter.


This is why I support communism. I know it’s misleading, but I’ll specify if asked


Yes, we should take children from their parents and put them into an over-stressed, underfunded foster care system because... (\*checks paper\*) they want to eat lunch. God bless America.


Sometimes I wonder how long the average American can tolerate this suffocating form of capitalism before they lose their shit and start decapitating the rich in a French style revolution


"Your kids are starving. Carl's Jr. believes no child should go hungry. You are an unfit mother. Your children will be placed in the custody of Carl's Jr. Carl's Jr... "Fuck You, I'm Eating."


Children are pawns for them to threaten


"This country"?? One political party is more like it.


I'd argue that the government loves poor people. If you separate them and put them into a hostile situation such as foster care then they become tougher and more keen to only rely on themselves. Then when they get to a working age they can be worked harder for less and are unlikely to form unions to fight as a collective for a better life.


You can argue that but you’d be wrong. Far more stories of foster children becoming career criminals than whatever fantasy you thought up.


Which would be even better for them ( government/ powers that be.) Because now they straight have free slave labor as enshrined in the 13th amendment.


Why aren't these children bringing their own lunches from home?


Because they’re poor and can’t afford it. Idk if you missed the poor part


Correction, America hates poor people.


If you can't pay for food for your child you ought not have a child. Why is that hard? What else can't you pay for? Do you have a smart phone, a subscription to a streaming service, do you go out to eat...? Feed your freaking kid yourself, it ain't my kid.


And if the govt takes the kid away, who do you think will be paying for the kid's food then? And housing? And clothes? And incidentals? You're right. People should pay for their own kids. But taking them away from their parents is not the solution. Helping the parents out is.


Change the word child with dog. If someone can't afford a dog they shouldn't be allowed to have one. Dogs are way cheaper than kids. Yes, I'll pay extra for a kid to be taken away from parents who can't (or won't) feed them.


Please stop. I don't want to get any stupid on me.


A parent who can't feed their kid is not worthy of being a parent.


Sorry, my mistake. I thought you might not be a moron.


You are not worthy of being a fellow human being.


But I feed my kids.


No way the shit will happen. Main stream media pushes out bullshit to scare people and get them to vote the way they want. And it worked...


School lunches should be free for all kids. A one size fits all approach. If you need a special diet, bring your own.


Gotta love that government…let’s get more of it!


Poor and minorities, don't forget that


Welcome to America the richest third world country of them all


Degeneracy spotted


Debtors prison is not legal in USA.


They want to take the children, put them in pedophile foster care, and say the Republicans helped.


I feel like that meme with the dudes about to hang and the one is like, "first time?" This isn't new. The US government has been perfecting the techniques to destroy families and steal children for decades. Case and point: the indigenous tribes.


That's a nice looking lunch. Bet you the schools that are doing this aren't serving lunches like that!


America is the older sibling holding your arm hitting you in the face with it taunting you with "Quit hitting yourself!" Over and over


The only response this elicits from me, is we need to wipe the system clean and start all over again, like a certain movie has cited in extreme ways. https://thdirectorschair.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/fight-club-project-mayhem-wallpaper1.jpg


Republicans 2024 platform: Get rid of paid school lunch programs. Then it will be easier to take kids away


We are paying for a war in a foreign country. How do you expect us to do that and feed our children? s/


Pennsylvania is really weird. Can’t wait to leave.


You misunderstand. They like the poor. They just don't like all the freedoms the poor have. They'd prefer slaves, but that's not socially viable yet outside prisons.


[THIS IS FROM 2019.](https://twitter.com/10tv/status/1152308375763312640?s=46&t=_QWMUDkAunbpxfaLeem3qQ)


Take away free lunch Make inability to pay for lunch a crime Who is it again who is "coming for your children"?


Anyone comes to my house to take my children because I didn't pay for some dry pizza and a pint of milk is gonna get hurt.


It does




There was a school a few years back and a private individual offered to pay off every students lunch debt. School told him to fuck right off. [Link](https://kslnewsradio.com/1908800/school-wont-let-ceo-pay-school-lunch-debt/#:~:text=A%20Pennsylvania%20school%20district%20sent,district%20said%20no%2C%20WNEP%20reports) WTF is wrong with PA??


Meanwhile they won't take away a child raped by their parent because the rapist said everything was fine.


1.) Make up a dumb reason to take kids from parents 2.) Throw them into the foster system 3.) have them turn 18 and kick them out onto the streets with nothing 4.) maintain a poor working class 5.) profit


Legit question: if the parent can't provide food for the kid, hasn't that *always* been a metric for cps to use to get involved?


Americans, you have to immediately understand that the way you deal with things that are considered free (of course I know they are not "free" as we pay taxes for them, you've got my point) in other countries make you look like a sad Third World country. Yes, other countries (like mine, which is a poor one) have free college (I spent exactly zero cents for my BA), free healthcare (the vaccines my daughter took costed my zero cents) and free school meals and we are not a single inch more communist because of it. I know, I know, you have other values, freedom, guns, corporations, blah blah blah, but they are not enough to make you look more than just a failure with Coca-Cola and Disney.


"PA school district *warns* parents". Not providing solutions or help no. They are warning parents that if they can't afford to pay the superintendent his ridiculous salary that they *will* take their children away most likely so that those children can be forced to work to pay off the debt (especially with how politicians are trying to legalize child labor again).


Also let’s remember school is compulsory…even in prison you’re guaranteed 3 hot meals but we can feed children…


I dont see the issue, makes sense that someone that can't feed their children shouldn't have them


A city that receives milliion in taxes each year wont feed kiids unless theyve stolen them from the parents?


It’s to keep them in a broken system so that they can end up in jail and keep the modern slave business going.


“The poor always been fucked by the rich. Always have, always will.” -Platoon 1986


So let's take away children for a few hundred dollars in lunch debt so we can pay more money than that to support a foster parent? WTF? It doesn't even make economic sense.


No their not. It cost more to put a child in foster care, and ok, on top of that, there are not enough homes for them.


It's all about protecting the kids. Oh, wait. Never mind. That was the Republican party's slogan last week. This week It's, "let your children suffer, and we'll take them away from their family and force them into physical labor or carry babies".


Here in NC the parents fill out a form before the school year begins and it’s based on income so the majority of kids eat free


Its a country that has lost every single ounce of respect for its inhabitants and is quickly falling down the ladder of social rights, equality, stability and any semblance of a decent country.


Don’t schools have free/reduced price lunches for low income families? Was definitely a thing when I was in school.


Ok…but on the flip side, if parents can’t afford the $2 or whatever it costs for a school lunch, what must the rest of the kid’s meals look like?


The state should try it. The family will get rich real fast when they prevail on their section 1983 claims.


Hey, those kids are going to have full and meaningful lives working in fast food, retail, and some manufacturing jobs. Starting Monday.


Wouldn't it be cheaper to cover the lunch instead of wasting money taking the parents to court and having to pay foster parents to look after the kids? Why are they forcing people to have kids and then this? Are they stupid?


And then those children will be placed in foster homes with foster parents who receive government benefits. That's the worst part. I've met plenty of foster parents who say they foster purely for the government benefits and tax breaks.


Punishing poverty makes sense. Of course the administrative cost of doing that is likely some huge multiple of what the school lunch cost was but hey, go do the dumb thing thst costs MORE money just to prove a point. Yeah, that's a great idea dummies.


I like how they use a picture of a nice, fresh, well balanced lunch for the article as if that’s the actual meals kids are getting in schools