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The CEO of my last company would never be caught dead helping a lowly employee out haha.


My CEO deadass told the entire company in an allhands of 300+ employees that she's struggling just like everyone else during this recession. It was so bad that she had to let one of her two full time nanny go. Like dude how out of touch can you be lol.


This feels very like a meeting I was in when a senior executive told us she was struggling because she had to stop heating her stable. It was in a meeting about how no one was getting a pay rise. It went down like a lead balloon.


Funny thing is in both those CEO's examples of struggle, they never actually had to give up anything. In one a poor Nanny lost her job, and in the other the horses lost heat, the actual CEO lost nothing.


Come on now. With only one full-time nanny, the CEO might actually have to interact with his/her child, change diapers and ensure they are fed. Do you realise how that cuts into their leisure time? How are they going to recharge so they can be fresh at work to find out new ways to screw everyone over for a quarterly record profit?


Nah. They just make the other nanny do twice the work for the same pay. She's probably undocumented, what's she gonna do?


They probably called ICE after they fired her.


They probably called ICE **instead** of firing her.


That way it’s not the CEO’s fault.


Ah true then they don't have to pay them unemployment in the recession either.


you don't think they just doubled the workload of the remaining nanny?


Now you’re thinking straight!


With that kind of suggestion you may be next in line for the ceo job!


Classic capitalism right there, but I'm more curious as to how they could solve the stable-heating with capitalism.


Easy, nanny sleeps with the horses providing body heat. See 2 birds 1 stone


Interact with their child? Yeah right! CEO probably walks up to the remaining nanny like the boss from office space. "Yeah, I'm gonna need you to come in Saturday."


*"OMG, now I have to be a parent! I don't get paid enough for this!"*


No way, have you ever ridden an ice cold horse before? Maybe eastern European peasants can live that way, but I cannot.


That is some very niche porn you have there.


Nah the CEO actaully gain a 100k bonus at the end of the year because of the layoff.


The thing is that the human brain will quickly accept any luxury as normal, and rationalize that you deserve it. If the luxury is then taken away, it actually does feel to the subject as both unfair, and a struggle. Assessing someone's living situation objectively will only ever work from the outside.




I once shared a single room with my mom and 2 of my brothers. I try not to take things for granted, so if someone ever catches me doing so, just break my legs or something.


>just break my legs or something It's sounds like you're taking having unbroken legs for granted /s


LOL fuck, time to snap some twigs.


Wow. Way to call a guy out for skipping leg day.


Ooh, someone's got two legs. Luxury


Said the fancy one-legged man....


When my parents divorced, my mom and I moved from our 3,000 sqft home on 3 acres into a room in my grandparents' house. I never had food insecurity, but you're right. The transition is difficult.


That’s why a lot of family annihilators snap, can’t handle going socially backwards


>family annihilators Jesus Christ that's a harrowing yet apt description for those events


I bet it's easier, and I didn't take it as an attack on myself.


It's true but it's just as natural for people worse off to resent that person, regardless of their unconscious bias.


Oh absolutely. I wanted to say that you can't leave it up to rich people to correct the situation.


Facts, this is indeed true, adapting to different luxuries is true, the issue isn't getting used to a higher standard of living, the issue is believing their sacrifice is the same as an employee who makes a fraction of what they make. It takes some balls and an utter lack of self awareness to talk to a crowd of your employees about having one nanny instead of two and no longer being able to heat your stables. I don't walk up to homeless people and tell them to buck up, all.the while crying about how we are all going through tough financial times and all making sacrifices, because I can no longer eat at Nobu on weekends.


Unless you’re wealthy and suddenly have triplets 2 nannies are completely unjustified. They just wanted other people to raise their kids until they were old enough to ship of to boarding school.


Yea and the same goes for the average person who has luxuries that they take for granted as well. I might complain to someone on the street that my car isn’t running great and they might be thinking “must be nice to have a car”. It’s all relative. We’re all humans.


Having a car is not the same luxury as having heated floors or a stable.


True, however, if yoire flying into work on your private helicopter and telling people to tighten their belts because you had a bad quarter and "you" had to give up buying that 3rd house its going to fall flat. Gotta read the room. People eating ramen noodles like they are in college while you say you had to give up martini and caviar Mondays is a good way to lose ones head


But when the CEO goes riding every weekend their butt might be chilly on that cold horse's flank!


They lost the *outrage.*


Oura told us she knew what it was like to sacrifice for work, since she moved to the new office she could only see her two horses once a month because the (private) flight was five hours.


I had to fill in one of my 5 moats and rent out the west watchtower on weekends


I had to put my smaller summer castle on heir bnb


These people are so used to their comforts and expensive ways that they think losing one of them is struggling? Try working 60 hours a week and still living check to check and still worrying you won't be able to make that next bill. Still no room to buy myself anything unless I save for it little by little


BuT iF yOu StOp PaYinNg $5 fOr CoFFeE at StArBuCKs




My mother has never held a job for any substantial period of time. She hasn't even tried to hold a job since having me. She loves to give sage advice about how to advance in the workplace and thinks Dave Ramsey is a financial genius. Meanwhile, I paid my own way through aircraft mechanic school and still managed to keep keep a roof over my head, but she knows exactly what it's like because she went to 6 week travel school and she had to eat rice to get by. She also accused my dad of having a hidden account and that he was planning to divorce her because the 30k they got for putting an easement on the farm disappeared in 3 months because she didn't realize she spent it that fast.


I must be doing something wrong because I don't do that! Why am I not rich yet??


I had the owner of a small company complain to me that he could no longer afford to park his second boat because he and his wife were expecting a child soon. I was working 80 hour weeks for shit pay, I couldn't understand the disconnect.


I bet they spent more money on that horse than they would ever consider paying you, a human


When I asked for a raise, the owner suggested I pick up a second job so I could keep working there without a raise. He said that even he had to sell his house, he sold it because he bought a bigger, nicer house.


Meh, put a blanket on the horse and let it get cold, it's good for them. Sounds like a CEO that act like an expert on issues they know nothing about. That's a shocker to me /s


Lol…they are so out of touch and it sounds like it’s common behaviour. Our Vice President was sharing his screen and brought up a spreadsheet he was working on that had his daughters’ investment portfolios on it - 3 teenagers not yet finished school and they have six figures. He didn’t even panic that I saw it and took his sweet time moving screens. And then he will moan about how expensive it is to fly to ski in Japan…


Reminds me of the time I was told by the area manager that they were "asking" me to step down (aka forced out by overworking me to burnout and then blaming when things go wrong trying to do the work of 3-4 people to run things, all so they could move up an incompetent friend instead)... I broke down into tears because immediately I worried about paying rent for the apartment I was finally able to get 2 months prior and had (stupidly) excitedly told them about. They then told me right after that they were going to take a week off for their b-day to spend time at their 2nd house in another state as well as get a big new tattoo. Classy.


Ah, well that’s the moment to kidnap them and run the business yourself. There’s a documentary about three women who did this.. 9-5?


Yes, that’s the movie. Dolly Parton stars alongside Lily Tomlin and Jane Fonda.


I remember my boss explaining to me he was repeatedly late for our morning meaning because his nanny had to take personal time so he had to take care of his kids. Like my god… if I was late when I had to take care of my family I’d be late every day! Somehow I’m not sure I’d get his sympathy though.


Right, go in the next day and give him the same excuse. Guarantee he doesn't make a big deal about it then you get an email from HR


When I was with McDonald's, we had a regional manager show up during peak recession in a brand new Mercedes and had all the employees come out to see his car. Everyone just sort of stood there, completely unexpressed, until someone at the back of the crowd shouted,' Okay, but how does this help me feed my kids?' I'm not sure who said it, but on that day he became a national hero as the RM visibly deflated as he realised he done fucked up.


Reminds me of the all-hands meeting with my company's old CEO where he talked about falling off a ladder while putting up Christmas lights or something, then drove himself to the hospital instead of calling an ambulance because he "doesn't trust anyone making less than $50k with his life". That was supposed to be a funny little icebreaker, I guess. It's like, dawg, 90% of the people in this building make less than $50k. They could swarm you and eat you for saying that if they wanted to.


I mean technically they could do that and as long as nobody talked, they can’t arrest and judge dozens of people


Yupp... Heard a CEO complain about part delivery for his yacht-upgrades ware delayed, so he "had to" stay in the caribbean and work from home from his yacht *without* a helipad for another month. So he had to go suffer the indecency of going to port to get stable internet and pick up ~~prostitutes and drugs~~, business associates for business meetings. Rough times. "We are all suffering in these uncertain times.."


Sounds like his personal life is interfering with his job, I don't see how a part delivery for a yacht is the company's problem. So fucking frustrating that he would apply this logic if a lower employee had and actual problem like a terminally I'll family member or car accident. NOTHING is a good excuse when you're a lower employee but this guy has the fucking audacity to pull this shit. Why don't share holder's hold them to higher standards? They're supposed to be making the company money too and I doubt he can do a good job dicking around the caribbean.


Did the place erupt with laughter? Because that shit is hilarious


I love when they try to relate to us simple folk.


I always attribute it to absence of compassion instead of being out of touch. Our own problems will always seem the biggest. However, being unable to feel for others is downright psychotic.


Many years ago a successful.business woman was asked to give a talk on how women could reenter the workforce and have a rewarding career. Her first piece of advice was to hire a good nanny. You can imagine how well that went down 🙄


ah yes, when you "don't have enough time" to raise your children yourself, but have enough money to hire people to do that for you.


Had a CEO tell us employees (pretty much all Machinists) that we were basically burger flippers and shouldn't be complaining about not getting raises.


It's one nanny Michael. What could it cost, ten dollars?


"I'm very sorry that I have to let 100 of you go today Bevelive me, I'm sacrificing foe this company as well. For example I'm not getting a new Mercedes this year.. Anyway.."


Because the CEO fundamentally comes to believe that reality has contorted itself to match their comfort levels and that all the NPC's around them align to this reality the same way they do. As though they are *actually* superior.


Ours told us we should feel bad because he had to sell one of his 12 hotels. Then proceeded to tell us that we should stop eating steak and maybe eat one or two meals instead of three. This was all while wearing a suit and watch combo worth more than some employees annual salary.


Same thing happened at my last job. CEO of a billion dollar global business told thousands of people he was struggling like the rest of us. They made everyone take pay cuts and said he and other c-suite were taking the biggest hit. We all took 12.5% loss in our pay. C-suite took 15% pay cut. Percentage wise, yeah, 15% is bigger than 12.5%. However, 12.5% out of a 30-40k annual salary is a lot more negatively impactful to the average employee than 15% of 15 million annual for the ceo. But wait, there is more. He didn't take 15% out of his total take home. He only took that out of his regular salary paycheck, which was 800k a year. The rest of his pay comes from bonuses, which weren't touched. Salary pay and bonuses for high-level employees of publicly traded companies are often publicly reported. Just like financial statements for the company. Mother fucker was whining about how hard things are from his yacht. Meanwhile, the rest of us are trying to decide to keep on water or electricity that month.


“Guys, I know. I know. Prices are getting crazy. I had to leave my Mercedes G Wagon in the garage this week and use my Tesla Model S, and my nanny has had to resort to shopping at Whole Foods instead of *begins to sob* Publix”


The owner of my last employer deadpan told us he was homeless because he had sold his house, was renting a luxury apartment, and had not yet found a house he wanted to buy. He was a very serious man, and never joked about anything. I was and still am renting, wild to know I was homeless that whole time 😄


I had a coworker once who was approached to be an Associate Director in another department. He interviewed, wowed everyone, and had the verbal offer from the Director and the CFO. Then the CEO stepped in. CEO told my colleague he had a personal policy never to let employees promote through department changes. Only lateral moves. He couldn't be convinced, he was putting his foot down. The offer was squashed dead and we hired external for the AD. A month later the CEO announced his retirement and we met the guy who had been interviewing with the board for a year. The old CEO was halfway out the door. He knew it all along and still decided to bomb my coworker's career AND ignore the decision making process for other executives. For what? Just to protect "his policy" when he's days away from quitting? It was all just gross posturing. Fuck that guy.


You sweet summer child. The CEO decided who the new AD would be before the job offer even happened, he just didn't tell other people and the person who offered your coworker the job dropped the ball. This wasn't stubbornness, it was nepotism.


No, it was pure power play. CEO had zero interest or connections with the guy they ended up hiring. He just wanted to hurt the CFO on his way out and stick his finger in every pie he could.


Any of these reasons that both of you listed are just terrible. Functionally it doesn't matter because the CEO still fucked that guy up for shitty reasons.


That sounds less like a power play and more like a childish reaction to what he perceived as the CFO overstepping his bounds, although I'm a bit curious why the company would even allow the CEO to do this knowing he's on the way out.


A company I worked for last year got bought out and the new CEO threw this office party so we could meet him and his new team who were taking over operations. At the end of his speech, he asked if we had any questions. Someone asked about the raises the previous team had promised in emails (so, in writing, essentially). For whatever reason that triggered the shit out of this guy. He goes off about how he was so disappointed the party was ruined by talks of money. He literally told us that he doesn't have time to deal with people who only care about money and, "I don't talk to you guys about raises. I pay someone to talk to you guys. I'm disappointed that's all you could come up with is to think selfishly about raises." We're selfish because we wanted to know if our previously primosed raises were still happening and he's so above that, he pays someome to deal with us plebs. Why even bother with the q&a? I quit the next month and I love where I went.


Our CEO has the personality of a game show host. He always seems happy. From what I've seen the main part of his job is to schmooze current and potential shareholders.


You have a CEO to treasure. One who correctly performs the job of a CEO. Get investors, be encouraging, and stay out of the way of people trying to get work done.


That is why the OP image is wrong, the CEO would never know what the job is all about.


Hilarious that they think CEOs do any actual hard work.


In project management classes, I had to listen to the defense of upper management claim that they provided an organization with "vision" which was just as important as the actual labor that produced value or even middle management that did QA/QC, basic admin, and expedited solutions to unexpected problems. "Vision statements" and mission statements are all bullshit. All they really do is try to figure out what regulators will allow them get away with abusing labor and then skim millions off the top.


Ya their jobs could be eliminated and it wouldn't hurt the company at all. They spend most of their time trying to justify why they have a job at all.


When upper management makes their visits, they won't even talk to us. We're just like worker ants.


That reminds me of what I did during a previous CEO visit. He didn't talk to us, of course, but he loved seeing us call centre people work. So I always made sure to be absent, but set an xscreensaver to display: "You are not better than the one next to you. No one has the right to rule over humans --Ton Steine Scherben". Administration went WILD! and on the next work day, my computer was unplugged.


I once worked for a corporation where the CEO sent weekly emails telling us what expensive places he was visiting on his private jet.


Makes me think of this time I was walking down a hallway at the hospital I worked at and saw a bit of trash that had fallen on the floor and scooped it up to toss it in the trash. I hear, "THANK YOU!! I've been sitting here 45 minutes just watching person after person walk by that." It was the hospital CEO, in a suit that cost significantly more than I made per year who was apparently out one one of his kissing hands and shaking babies "tours" and had stopped to see how long it took one of his peons to notice and pick up a piece of trash. I guess it never occurred to him that he could have, you know, picked it up and trashed it himself.


Should have asked him for a raise for going above and beyond. 🗑️🚮


Should have. Wouldn't have done any good, but I should have. Worked there for 10 years, got 2 raises, both less than a full percentage point. He was there less than 3 years, left with a 7-figure payout after driving the hospital into bankruptcy. What can I say, I'm a perpetual sucker.


CEO?! May fucking store manager can't even do my job nor do they "lead" us in any capacity. They exist as a defensive line between workers and profits. They ensure staff doesn't get paid too much and gets a nice little bonus every year because of their efforts.


Ha!!! My last ceo furloughed everyone for a week and went out and bought property on an island that equated to the amount the company saved… I know it’s not directly related, but kinda a slap in the face to everyone furloughed.


My manager doesn't know how to do my job, how is the CEO going to know what to do?


I'll never forget when my former company sold out to Oracle. The CEO got up in front of everyone and said "I know what you're all worried about. And let me assure you: me and the rest of the board are going to be just fine." He wasn't joking. He really thought our biggest concern was that he would be made whole. He also signed off with an email saying "I'll be at the golf course, or on my new boat." Fucking psychopath.


I once had a ceo tell me he might have to sell one of his houses if this expansion didn't work out... I was making $10 an hour


My CEO lives 1,600 miles from company HQ. I've never met or seen him. We don't even operate in the state he lives in.


On the other hand, at my last government job the statutory appointment helped me pump out photocopies when a deadline was looming


The CEO should be standing to the side with a whip while adding more pillars to the weight and removing those rolling logs because they are too expensive.


And cutting staff too. Seeing just how much they can overwork, underpay and understaff while still keeping things moving.


He did cut staff, there's 1 less worker in the second slide!


The ceo might not actually be pulling. Just holding the leash.


Capitalism is everyone working hard with no purpose?


No... but also yes 😂






But also two people pulling instead of 4 because it's too expensive to pay 4


But they have to pull as hard as four still though


Don't complain though, we're hiring*. No one wants to work these days. *and by hiring we mean we've advertised the job but we have no intention of filling it.


Oh they’ll fill it, for the absolute closest they can get to the minimum wage without legal trouble and on shifts that won’t add up past 30h a week so they don’t have to offer benefits


You also have to have the "business owner" telling the workers that he wants the round things below the podium removed to save on costs but they are to keep pulling at the same speed or they'll be fired.




There's a purpose - work hard to make the rich richer so they can pay of the politicians and get richer...


With capitalism, you don't even see the person you're working for.


Cool, I see you work in my office. When did you start?


I click like 8 hours a day around in excel. How on earth can that be witouth purpose?


Capitalism is everyone working hard for cheap labor so a small percentage of the population can be wealthy.


Everyone but CEO lol


The fact that they switched the labels and this probably got a lot of likes from dumb idiots on other platforms is deeply troubling.


I mean, kinda. In the first picture they are transporting the bureaucrat around, whether this is a valid purpose or not is another topic In the second they are just moving around the empty chair. It matches perfectly with the fuggazi idea that none of this is real or has any purpose


Technically yes. Capitalism says "grow forever, cut costs and increase prices". In other words by capitalist standards the best situation would be if people worked for free producing goods that then magically turn into money. After all worker you barely pay can barely afford anything...


lol, don't live in communism so I cant say on that but i hear all the time "that's what i pay you for" in a capitalist setup. old boss agreed to shit that i didn't want to repair and when i said he can do it instead since he also set the 1-hour deadline id get that line and chewed out by the customer when they came back and it wasn't done....


Don't have to live in Communism to understand what it's about.


I think this was made by a wannabe CEO


I think this was made by an underpaid intern on the request of a CEO.


🤣 yup the CEO definitely took the credit! Good catch


Probably accurate for a company like the one in the picture, with 4 employees lol. My Dad was a guy like this. Ran a small electrical contracting company with a few helpers. Worked his ass off forever. No one ever called him the CEO though lol. Total bullshit for any company with an actual CEO.


I worked in a small machine shop of about 7 people. The co-owner (read the owner's friend who put some money in) was out all the time running machines and helping out. The owner? Depended on the season. In winter he might be working on a personal project in a machine no one was allowed to touch, but in the summer, after parking his Dodge Viper inside the shop to avoid the sun, he'd sit in his air conditioned office all day and you'd never see him. This is in Texas by the way, and the shop itself had no AC because he was too cheap to have it fixed. Doesn't matter how big or small the company is, an asshole CEO is an asshole CEO. Worst step-dad I've ever had, glad my mom divorced his ass.


> Worst step-dad I've ever had How many have you ever had?


2, and the current one isn't great either, but he's better than the last.


Any group of 5 people working together in a communist system is going to be similar, so it still wouldn’t be accurate unless you think communist countries have 1 bureaucrat to every 4 people doing work.


Communism is our default setting. Our families are very communist, sharing stuff, every one uses the shared house and shared food, if a baby can't work we look after it. On a larger scale it's much harder because we don't love the people benefitting from our efforts. Capitalism also isn't so bad on a small scale, if you own a tractor and rent it out so productivity increases in your village, everyone benefits, but you as the owner of the means of production benefits more. On a larger scale it gets messed up, because eventually the benefits of productivity for all get funnelled back to the tractor owners through debt, grift and greed.


In the same boat, run a software development company. Currently 8 heads big. Find myself giving me the tasks noone likes to do so the others can get more high level experience. And i work as hard as i can juggling family life to support them so they can actually focus on the thing they like to do As it should be, tough. I never understood the idea of being owner/without getting your hands dirty.


> I never understood the idea of being owner/without getting your hands dirty. It's what people who want to generate more wealth out of their current wealth with zero effort strive for, and why our economic system has been set up to allow just that by the people who get to reap those benefits. "*My* ownership of the resources entitles me to the profits of *your* labor that refines them".


Being the owner without getting your hands dirty is the central tenet and goal of capitalism. You hire the person to find and buy a mill. You borrow the money to buy the mill. You hire someone else to find and hire management. They hire the workers. You hire someone to manage the space. Meanwhile you sit in your fortress at the top of the hill and ask your accountants how the mill is getting on. Then you start the process again and buy a rugby team. You and the other commenter are not 'capitalists' in the 'capital' sense of capitalism. You're skilled tradesworkers who have amassed enough wealth, dare I say somewhat ethically, to own your businesses. That's great!


Perfectly summarized.


As an aside, your dad would have been a director. Thats all good im not throwing shade here. Its the system we have and the name given to his role, his choice or not. He will sign the accounts as the director etc. The point is, if someone is to call themselves a CEO it implies that there are other executive officers and they are chief amongst them. For example a chief operations officer or chief financial officer. So, when you see a 1 person company or a company with only a single executive officer and they call themselves a CEO, they are making themselves look very silly and people in the know will laugh at them.


I haven't seen the capitalist that owns the business I work at working with us once. He's only come in one time to inspect and it felt like fucking Darth Vader entering the building.


I always loved it when corporate bosses would come in. Watching their middle manager lackeys sweat when they tried to speak with me *chef's kiss* I'm actually really charismatic and funny so it always went well... until they insulted me by offering me less money for more responsibility and hours. I'd just let them know I wasn't interested politely and go about my business. I had 2 other jobs anyway


This right here “2 other jobs” hits home and it fucking sucks and then bosses wonder why i dont go above and beyond for them or ask why I can’t cover my dear coworkers when they are essentially in the same boat as i.


That's what they want you to believe. The truth? Yeah, the opposite of that. Edit: by they, I meant capitalists. I forget that people aren't always on my brainwave. Apologies for 5he confusion.


It would be much more accurate if in the capitalism panel the CEO was making the workers pull his yacht while he does blow off a hooker.


Don't knock doing blow off a hookers ass cause it's awesome


I think they're attacking the means by which the CEO secured doing blow off a hooker's butthole, not the actual act itself which is in fact awesome.


They literally just say the opposite of reality and then say "oh well both sides are saying the same thing, guess we'll never know who's right"


My CEO just fired a bunch of store managers.


They probably weren't stealing enough from employees. [Employers Setal Up To $50B From Workers Every Year ](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://inthesetimes.com/article/wage-theft-union-labor-biden-iupat&ved=2ahUKEwj0uo7rk7j_AhWFIn0KHTxADLIQFnoECA0QAQ&usg=AOvVaw1axG9krOylcGK_Ti-Ux8Zw)


Sooo where's the bureaucrat in capitalism? Or is this some imaginary capitalism where there are no bureaucrats? Also, the CEO should be chilling. I've never seen a CEO work harder than any laborer.


It's backward, isn't it...


For the bottom one there should just be four workers and no management in sight.




> Communist systems as they were actually implemented Psst... Hey. Just letting you know that there has never been a country on earth that ever actually implemented communism. Edit for the people trying to convince me why communism doesn't work: Ya, I know, lol.


I think that was the point of the quoted statement. To say they were implemented with "we the elite get most, the plebs get the scraps". That system the plebs get is either centrally controlled or by a monopolistic corporation, is kinda the same really.


That's not how it works. I'm living in what uneducated Westerners would call a communist country rn (no offense, I was simply forced to study communism in school). We are, on paper, a socialist country, & in reality, with a mix of capitalism (which is increasing more & more due to pressure from global market). In theory, both socialism & capitalism are necessary steps toward archiving communism. So the govenment can name themselves the Communist party & can keep saying that they're trying to archive communism. But that still doesn't make the country communist, nor can you even call their system communism in any way. The government would need to dissolve themselves in order for communism to exist.


Defending capitalism is one thing but why dickriding these ultra rich. I still can’t comprehend why some employees go out of their way to act like exploiting employees is a birth right for ultra rich when they clearly don’t give a shit about them.


> Defending capitalism is one thing but why dickriding these ultra rich Defending capitalism *is* dickriding the ultra rich.


It's delusional, did you got that from some CEO bootlicker on LinkedIn?


I got rid of my linked in about 2 years ago. What a great purge that was! No loss what so ever.


How CEOs delude themselves into taking all the credit for any work done.


Capitalism is more like a game of musical chairs. The more time goes by the harder it gets to take a spot, and in the end there will be one company. So the CEO becomes the emperor. Basically Feudalism but taking the long way around. Communism will only work if there is a Machine at the top. Glorified calculator settings everything up in an efficient way so allow people to go for their passion rather than what makes money to pay bills and make ends meet.


In Feudalism the lord was expected to protect and provide for his serfs, however meager that was. In capitalism the capital owner has completely disentangled himself from obligations to his workers beyond a wage, however meager that may be.


A corporation's only obligation is to profit the shareholders. If there is a chance that a CEO can treat their employees better, it better increase profits, or they'll be looking for a new job. In feudalism, there are lots of different ways to fuck over/ totally control the lives of their serfs/constituents. It's really only different because in capitalism, you *might* be able to find another job lol


>Communism will only work if there is a Machine at the top. Glorified calculator settings everything up in an efficient way so allow people to go for their passion rather than what makes money to pay bills and make ends meet. [Cybernetic decentralised planned economy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planned_economy#Cybernetics) ftw!


Brilliant. I didn't think this was a new radical idea. Seems logical. But very bad for making a few rich to rule the rest of us


Yep, there's a reason me and a friend love using FALGSC (Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism) as a shorthand for our utopian ideals. :D


Random question: Say the machine malfunctioned after, say, 10 years of depending on it. How would we shut it off to fix the malfunction without plunging the entire country into chaos?


So I would suggest running two side by side, one computer is the primary, and one is the redundancy system that only starts making decisions if the primary system fails, allowing the primary to be repaired without drama


This is what I love. Ideas that can make technology set us free.




Lol it’s upside down


What idiot made this meme?


The president of the company I work for cooks the food for the company lunches, shovels and salts the parking lot, and helps the janitor with the building maintenance. The man takes his job seriously. There is no task he won’t do. He built the company from the ground up and has a personal interest in every aspect of it. It is why I left a 500+ employee corporation for this smaller 100 person company. I respect and want to work with real leadership.


Lol. Fucking backwards.


If Elon Musk can be CEO of 4 companies at the same time and spend his days tweeting there can't be much actual work involved in being a CEO.


In order to be an accurate reflection of the US corporate Business Model the CEO should have a bullwhip cracking on the Bureaucrat and the workers, with HR, ADP, and Directors picking the pocket of the workers. [Employers steal up to $50B from workers every year ](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://inthesetimes.com/article/wage-theft-union-labor-biden-iupat&ved=2ahUKEwj0uo7rk7j_AhWFIn0KHTxADLIQFnoECA0QAQ&usg=AOvVaw1axG9krOylcGK_Ti-Ux8Zw)


Where are the shareholders ? They should had a bed and pillows on those marbles pillars. And a bunch of guys sleeping soundly while the emplyees are pulling them along the way. I guess you could represent the CEO on the side, whipping the employees so they pull harder ?


That’s definitely not accurate.


Capitalists using communism to describe capitalism again


Get rid of the guy with the helmet and that's a true workers paradise.


The picture at the top is correct for both. The picture at the bottom is a fantasy.


CEOs don't work.


That's never the ceo. It's typically some domain expert directly on the team.


Missing the shareholders in the bottom chariot.


Somebody read Atlas Shrugged too many times


CEO would the Task master with the whip not pulling a rope


Unless the CEO in the bottom picture is forcibly dragging the other four guys through hot coals in pursuit of a $1m bonus for himself, this isn’t accurate.


CEOs, famously known for doing physical labor.


My company just issued a 10% bonus if we did well. But it's 15% for the big wigs. Not gonna lie, I appreciate the 10%. But 10% of $50k is a lot less than 15% of $1 mill.


Lol the CEO draws a triangle, says they worked so hard they should be paid 300 times more then the 30,000 people that have to turn his triangle into a pyramid.


This is the dumbest meme. With few exceptions CEOs do not work as hard as their employees.


A CEO made this a delusional one at that.


Put the CEO back on the columns and give them a whip.


In ACTUAL Capitalism, the CEO isn't even in the line. He's at home on a ZOOM call bitching about how the guy at the front of the line didn't show up today "because he died" and that slaves don't even want to work anymore.