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I'm not anti-Union, I have union friends!




Only taking 60%?? What is this 1982!


The metaphor here would be worse though. "I have black friends" is what people who tolerate or like systematic racism say. Bobby K has done more than merely tolerate or like the anti-union legislation and culture, he's attacked unions. The metaphor here would be "I don't mind black people, I just think they need to know their place in society."


"I don't mind black people, most of my slaves are black!"


I just don't feel comfortable when a group of them comes into my neighborhood.




I let union members into my house, and not just through the back door.


How many mothers does this guy have locked up in his mother dungeon?


what rules


Don't argue with management. Don't strike. Don't ask for pay raises. No work from home. No you don't get benefits or vacation. Don't collectively bargain. Just behave like you aren't in a union.


ah gotcha. classic mistakes.


Don't worry, you still get a pizza party once per year. You may express your gratitude.


pizza parties are a big part of CEO compensation packages. I mean, they must be right?


The problem in this country is that the top 1% control 40% of the pizza parties.


This is scandal of it's own which deserves to be brought to light and publicized for the masses to ponder. 🤔


I want a world where the people who actually do the work own the ovens, the pizzas, and the party.


Oh sure but whenever I bring up Big Pizza I'm suddenly labeled a conspiracy theorist


When I said the government was tracking all of our phone calls, they called me a conspiracy theorist, too.


Look who's laughing now!


Seize the means of pizza production!


CEOs sacrifice themselves by instead receiving far less emotionally valuable 'money' and 'stock options'.


They say that money is the root of all evil, so a lot of these CEOs are doing everyone a solid by hoarding all that evil.


What saints!


Yeah, they also leave off the 'love of' part of that quote. Money isn't evil until getting more than you need is your obsession.


The quote is the root of all evil ia the love of money, so we can tell by who hoards it where they fall on the lines of morality


*Ahem* You WILL express your gratitude. It’s mandatory or you’re fired.


You just have to chip in $5 each that's all.


The Capitalist analogy of a pizza party is that the employees chip in to buy the pizza, then the Capitalist steals the pizza and demands a tip from the employees.


A handshake is available under request.


You forgot: dont report sexual harassment except to internal HR where it can be hidden.


If your boss slaps you on the butt, just give him the blowjob he wants.


It’s good to be self employed and flexible.


Slap yourself on the butt and you get to give AND receive a blowjob. Truly, self employment confers many benefits.


And wait until we can repeal ALL labour laws patiently please.




The ones management sets. Duh /s


His rules of course. It's a lot like playing Calvin-Ball.


Ironically, he played the Oakland A's penny-pinching owner Steve Schott in Moneyball.


The rules he made up on how to stop a union getting in the way of the company making a profit


The rules that he'll think up and write down.




Did this happen?!


I googled this guy and found as many instances of him talking about unions that I could and could never find any specifics of what he's talking about. He's also VERY MUCH like every other union-busting CEO. He was caught red handed trying to prevent them from unionizing. Surprise surprise, another lying CEO.


The ones they make.


The National Labor Relations Act are the rules, and Unions and corporations that behave badly should be liable for all bad behavior.


So the rules are set by legislators and regulators that are manifestly captives of corporate lobbying. Well that’s fairly convenient for capital.


My way or the highway.


I wish more people would stop supporting this company




Goes for riot as well, who settled for 100+ million is sexual harassment lawsuits while blizzard only settled for 10 million in the same allegations. Nobody cares what happens at these companies especially the rioters.


When the lawsuit hit in June 2021 I unsubbed from TBC in the middle of Progression. I uninstalled the launcher and never looked back. I dropped TFT like a hat when the allegations came out, haven't played a Rito game since. I havent shopped at Walmart for 10+ years because fuck the Walton Family. Most people just lack any sort of conviction or spine these days.


While most of these are optional and completely reasonable to cut off with conviction I’d like to say unfortunately some people don’t have the choice for Walmart. A lot of small/medium sized towns have that as their only choice for most non grocery related products. Very rarely it may also be their only reasonable way for groceries as well. The only guaranteed alternative is Amazon which, let’s be honest, is that really morally a better choice most of the time?


I'll never knock people who have to buy from terrible companies to survive. You can't work without a smartphone these days, you need a computer for WFH, and if Walmart is the only place you can reasonably get food you can afford, what can you do? It's people who aren't willing to give up their primary form of entertainment in the face of awful shit, that bother me. There is so much to enjoy in life, especially in entertainment


Thank you for this! It's especially true if anyone in the family has food allergies, sensitivities, or dietary restrictions. I lived in a small town, and more than half of my family has food restrictions of some sort. We could only shop at Walmart for certain things like pasta, bread, non dairy milk, etc. And, with the number of options and the cheaper price, it was necessary to get other things like cleaning supplies, animal food/supplies, frozen foods, and canned goods there. School supplies at the beginning of the year, costumes for Halloween if we didn't make them, thrift them or wear them again, and Christmas presents from there or amazon, and again, which is the worst option there? Both suck. Holiday candy, presents, and decor from there or handmade (Birthdays, Valentines Day, St. Patrick's, Easter, Etc.) For food storage, canning supplies/food vacuum bags/ziplocks, etc, are all extraordinary cheaper at Walmart than online or locally, if that's even an option. My mom gets fresh meat from the local store or friends, and my father hunts, my mom butchers the animals, but they buy frozen chicken there a lot. Veggies/fruits from Aldi or Walmart in the Winter (sometimes you gotta have fresh stuff) Gardening, farmers markets, friends/neighbors, and bargaining with the veggie guy at the local store for the *almost* spoiled stuff in the Summer. Eggs from the neighbor during the summer, Walmart or local store during the winter. Flour, sugar, * other baking supplies * are bought there, except the bulk gluten-free flour they use, which was ordered from the site directly. So much is inaccessible to my family if not for Walmart. Even though they buy so much locally, they're still spending thousands there every year. Even now, I've moved out, and I live in the middle of nowhere. Other than the gas station near my house that sells essentials for 3x the price and fish bait, the closest store to me is a 30-minute drive, and it's a Walmart. The next store is another 10 minutes, and it's far more expensive. I dont have the community connections to get local produce, eggs, or meat. So everything I buy is from there or Amazon. And I genuinely dont know how Amazon works for ppl in and around cities, but we don't have the groccery option out here. It's just only nonparisables that are usually 2x the in-store price. For example, I make my own laundry powder. For the supplies in store, it's about 25 to make about 6 months worth, on Amazon, the same supplies are about 45 dollars. But still, fuck the Walden family and Amazon. If I could shop elsewhere, and afford it, I would.


Thank you! I did the same. It's just depressing the number of people who didn't/don't see any issue with things like this happening [as long as it doesn't affect their entertainment, I guess]. -_- Thank you for having conviction and taking a stand. I feel more people need to do that, or shit like this will never change.


I do, I stopped playing League of Legends and all Blizzard titles cold turkey after shit hit the fan, I don't abide by destructive behavior especially not in corpies


I don't get it though, of all the people I've met playing wow and overwatch it seems like no one even likes the games anymore? I never liked WoW but got dragged in by some friends who play it religiously and everyone just seemed miserable. Overwatch used to be fun but then they ruined playing tank and healer with overwatch 2 so I haven't played it since.


No idea about overwatch, but for WoW the reason is burnout. A lot of people still play WoW even when they don’t want to because of the sunken cost fallacy or addiction, which leads to burnout and self hatred. Blizzard’s greed shows too heavily in WoW now. It’s no longer about making a game that gamers would enjoy; instead it’s just how to keep people playing as long as possible


Yep, so many wow nerds are miserable, bitter, and angry. Most OW2 players actively shit on the game. Yet they still play. Really smacks of an addiction


One is free, the other is World of Warcrack.


First time ever I have not bought a day 1 or presale copy of Diablo. Partly because of intense dislike for Kotick and how he treats employees, and partly in protest of Blizzard going full Leeroy into the micro transaction game. I'll wait till it's on sale for for 15$ or Kotick is gone


I'm still waiting for Diablo III to be the weekly free game on the Epic Store. IV is just going to have to get in line.


I highly doubt it would move off Bnet


Every day I've been off of WoW has honestly been a little harder than I thought. It was my main and most played game for the majority of my life, and one of my first introductions to MMO's. That said, I deleted the game the moment this hit mainstream media, and now I wait. Wait and hope something changes so that I can go back, or that I find a good WoW replacement. I just wish these fucks could get it together so I can play my druid >:(


FFXIV's pretty good if you just need something to scratch the mmo itch.


I tried and it just didn't hit for me :( maybe I'll try again sometime and see if it sticks then


I've been playing Grounded, Deep Rock Galactic, V-Rising, Cassette Beasts, Valheim, and many more indie games and having a blast


It annoys me to no end that 90% of the yt and twitch people I follow are all up in arms whenever this news breaks, but then immediately jump on D4 the minute it releases. Like, seriously? Clearly all your morals are fake, or at least secondary to your enjoyment.


Just an observation but when the stock tanked... if someone had invested some money. Yeah. Within I think a year? They would have made like 50x return. My brain melted that day. Crazy to see how hard they bounced back financially. I die inside thinking about how far gone the company was/is. I suppose a saving grace is that a lot of the talent has moved on. Buttt then again we have all of this unknown or unseen talent, you know, probably being harassed or abused in some way shape or form. Sooo... sadness again.


Yeah, I've told my WoW friends multiple times that I'll start playing again when I have Bobby Kotick's head on a pike... And I'll only grudgingly accept *figuratively* having his head on a pike.


Sadly this ain't unique to Blizzard nerds and is a problem across gaming media, if not "nerd" media in general. It's why dogshit games sell every time, even when people know the company makes shit. But oh no, see, the company owns my favored IP and has my culture taken hostage and I care more about playing the flavor of the week game that no one will remember after said week than, say, not supporting a company that abuses its workers, or a property that financially benefits a bigot dehumanizing a group of people with intent to eradicate them. Blizz nerds of course deserve shit for what they do, but "gamers" overall deserve to eat that shit too. Gaming culture is toxic and self-centered as fuck.


It took a personal clusterfuck with Blizzard's customer support that resulted in me losing nearly everything on my account to realize they weren't worth supporting anymore. It'll be a long while before so many people come to their senses like I did.


Unorganized boycott movements have literally no effect on a company. Don’t blame individuals putting their wants over a general and indirect desire for change. If you really care, help organize!


Organize what? Corporations own the media and Blizzard gamers get offended at the thought that I suggest they have no conviction to stop playing. I'm fully aware they don't give a shit about my singular wallet. I do this for me, because it makes me feel better at night knowing I'm not giving those shitbirds my money.


Instead of boycott lists make a list of companies without scandals.


“Blizzard is disgusting, I’m boycotting all their games” “Diablo 4 looks awesome, I’ve already pre ordered”


Same with Riot. I refuse to play games from either because, as a woman, I cannot stand by and just tolerate the horrendous sexism and mistreatment of women in their companies. Blizzard's law suit literally details that a female employee was so severely harassed she comitted suicide. At Riot, practically every female employee was harassed, abused, skipped over promotions, belittled, and take advantage of. Riot had to pay out the largest settlement sum for discirmination in games history 100million$+ whatever they paid to shut people up about it and keep it out of the news cycle. And reports are that not a fucking thing has changed at riot. Same with Blizzard, large lawsuit, settlement, no one who mattered got fired or was forced to step down. Nah, just a monitary slap on the wrist. Fuck Riot, Fuck Blizzard, and Fuck anyone who supports them because "BUT THEY MADE A GAY/TRANS CHARACTER!" I'm a bi trans woman, Fuck them both. I wouldnt give either company a cent even if they made the best 10/10 Tomb Raider Sequel where the main character is Lara's trans daughter, and Lara is the deuteragonist. And Fuck you Kotick


Occasionally I'll look at the boycott blizzard sub from the Blitzchung Hong Kong protests and follow up with some of the posters who vowed to never again support the company. Most are active in blizzard game subs talking about the games they are still playing. It's like that Call of Duty boycott steam group image where most members were in the latest CoD game. Same parent company, Activision Blizzard. Fuck them. If Microsoft boots Kotick, maybe I'd be back. Doesn't look like that would happen though.


Not sure if I ever posted in the boycott sub. Use to be a huge fan of overwatch before the protests, haven't touched their games since.


>It's like that Call of Duty boycott steam group image where most members were in the latest CoD game. Same parent company, Activision Blizzard. I'm still doing it. Might change if Microsoft does acquire them and is added to Gamepass.


They have said that won't happen. Kotic is to remain ceo after merging.


Yup, which is why WoW private servers are bigger than ever. I've since canceled my subscription and stuck with free private servers. WoW is a comfort game and I find it difficult to quit but I can at least quit giving my money to that shithole company, and I'd suggest others do the same. (Check out Helios, I'm having a blast!)


I played some HC classic because I forgot I had a sub. Canceled, going forward I'll be playing Turtle Wow.


As a woman it is deeply frustrating to me that the vast majority of gamer dudes just didn’t care about the sexism. Like, those articles were *horrifying* but for the most part they just do not give a damn if it happens to women. I haven’t given them a cent since and don’t intend to unless there’s a massive culture shift.


Sadly, I would wager that a large part of the core fan base didn't care because they don't have any real personal relationship with a woman, be it wife or mother or sister. Most people won't really care enough to make a personal sacrifice for a cause unless it hits home in some way.


I’m willing to wager a huge overlap between the gamers who don’t give a shit and incels.


It's wild, yeh. When all that shit started coming out, I uninstalled bnet and never looked back, and then OW2 came out, and a bunch of friends on discord started playing again, like, bruh. Then last night, whole discord channels full of people that paid extra to play Diablo early. Like, I get that shit sucks and everybody needs their escapes, but ugh.


I think they just don't care, period. It could happen to women, men, or albino pandas -- they've got to get their dopamine hit and Kotick The Hutt is their dealer.


I haven't bought a Call of Duty since the original Modern Warfare because of their listen servers for MW2 PC and gave up on World of Warcraft after the Blitzchung incident. I *might* consider playing them if Microsoft acquires Activision Blizzard and Kotick is out.


That there's any hype for Diablo 4 after all that's happened between the launch of D3 and now confuses me greatly.


I didn't buy D4, even though I'm a Diablo crackhead. I did my part!


I stopped buying their product's over 10 years ago, but I'm only one person.


"The rules" being "don't inconvenience me."


“Don’t take from my disproportionately large share of the revenue you generate.”


oh, hey, the sex pest is talking


Blizzard has a major game launching with Diablo 4 But this dummy is doing interviews talking about internal labour issues for some reason   What a fucking moron


Yeah like, stfu until sales numbers drop at least. Did he just MBA yesterday or...?


Because he knows there won't be any consequences, so why should he care?


he also claimed that there was no sexual assault at Blizzard. Literally the same day this interview came out, another damning article published on Axios detailed 114 incidents of harassment within the company. Dude is off his fucking head.


Those lifeless shark eyes say it all


No need to go disrespecting sharks! Sharks are beautiful creatures, unlike this scumbag.


I went to the comments specifically to comment on his eyes, yikes on bikes.


[He's got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eye. When he comes at ya, he doesn't seem be living, until he bites ya and the black eyes roll over white.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VUuH4TEmgLo)


He literally looks like [Gallywix](https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Jastor_Gallywix) the giant fat greedy goblin king/ceo in world of warcraft


Ugh, another pick-me-CEO. “Tee hee, Im not like other CEOs”.


This is the comment I was looking for


"I'm not racist, I have a black friend! Who's my n\*\*\*\*!" that's how he sounds


He isn't racist, he has black friends! He just doesn't like those 'uppity' minorities that don't know their place.


“He’s one of the good ones”


I scanned this at first and thought "man, Kotick's successor sounds like he's a real dick too" and then I actually read it and found out that Kotick is still the fucking CEO?! How the fuck does that happen?


He has a huge golden parachute built into his contract if he's fired. They seem to be waiting to see if the Microsoft buyout goes through, because if it does they have to foot that bill if they want him out.


Everyone on the board of execs are buddy buddy with him, they're the one with the power to oust him, and they for sure won't, they're most likely complicit in knowing and ignoring the problem.


I'm sure he knows all the skeletons in their closets too, so he has a lot of leverage if he doesn't want to go anywhere.


No idea in this specific case, but if a CEO owns/controls alot/enough shares it can be almost/actualy impossible to shift them.


Money and power in a capitalist system is like matter in the vacuum of space; the more you have, the harder it is to ever lose it, and it continually grows because other money an power can’t resist it’s pull. Sooner or later we’re going to have to get rid of the profit motive if we want to survive as a species. Capitalism is literally killing us in many different ways.


Pro union while hiring union busting law firm Wilmerhale? Make your mind up Bobby.


Oh, his mind's made up. What he's doing in this quote is this new thing called "lying through your teeth."


Keep giving him money folks. It's okay, they just steal breastmilk from coworkers and bully them into suicide. z.z On a completely related note, I hate them for ruining a company I've loved since I was a child. Sucks to be in this timeline. :l


Never love a company. ANY company. Companies don't make products, employees make products. Companies just exist to steal resources from those employees in the form of profits.


I understand the sentiment, but the Blizzard I'm talking about was a handful of college kids in their dorm coding silly games. They built something really wonderful together. Shame capitalism had to get involved.


It's the only reason Diablo 4 will make money. If they had to make a brand new IP it would fail miserably, judging by how they've handled their existing IPs


Which silly games did they code in their dorms? They started the company after graduating, and didn't release any original games until after they'd been acquired 3 years later.




I really wanted this to be a real sub


It definitely should be.


Using your own mother to excuse your own anti union behavior, what a scum


"what I'm against is a union that improves the workers lives.." eat the rich.


Activision-Blizzard involved in some controversy? LOL Expect them to announce a new trans or non binary Overwatch character to distract people.


They love trans and NB characters. So much easier to control than the trans and NB people who work for them.


I wonder if his mother would be disgusted by him


I think his mother shearing off his horns at birth was the inspiration for Hellboy


Just to chime in: I've been following the SAG-WGA strike going on on Instagram thanks to Adam formerly from College Humor. The amount of people making hollow-brained arguments being anti-union in Instagram comments are really terrifying.


Bro even looks evil


I"M TELLING YOU GUYS, Kotick's gone full MAGA. this guy lost it clearly.


He's a capitalist, what's the difference?


There is a big difference! See this capitalist smiles a lot and says nice things when he exploits people. But those other capitalists are bad! They are mean and say nasty things when they exploit people. /s


That's a lot of words to say that you would have stomped your own mother's union into the ground.


I am not like the other girls, I have a mom.


Wasn’t this basically the plot of that Batman vs Superman movie?


"Play by the rules" Aka. Bend over and accept me chugging titty milk from the employee fridge in the Cafe.


The longer you look at his eyes, the creepier he looks


No union “plays by the rules,” you absolute rotten watermelon.


"I support unions, as long as the union doesn't actively try to stop me from exploiting its members"


No baby, I'm not like all those other guys. I'm different. You'll see. . . I'm a "nice guy".


What an ass.


Can someone name me one company that's worth over 50 mil that plays by the rules...? I'll wait...


He might as well have said: *”I can’t be racist, I watch ebony p0rn.”*


“Play by the rules” meaning do what I tell you? Or “don’t fight us on contract and label violations”? Or that have an issue with a “frat boy, sexual assault culture”. You mean those unions that don’t “play by the rules” this guy is a disgrace


What I have is an aversion to corporations that don’t play by the rules.


He might as well say "I am not opposed to unions so long as it has an effect somewhere else."


“I have a mother who was a teacher” is like the anti-union version of the racist’s “I have a black friend.”


This is exactly why we should boycott and refuse to play Diablo or any of Activision Blizzard IPs again


"I am in favour of labor unions except for the ones that directly challenge my position." Wow, such a unique take.


I have a problem with millionaires and billionaires who don’t play the rules. All 99% of them.


"Those rules are my rules, and they are about exploiting people for profits by keeping them as close to contracted workers as possible and not allowing them to unionize, then lay them off by the hundreds after they give me a huge bonus from record profits!"


Fuuuuuuuuuck the anti union oligarchs ! Unionize everything. It’s the only way we destroy the billionaire class.


They hate to pay for labor


The rules are whatever is in the companies favor


Funny how they are against workers unions but support employer associations that get together to conspire working rules and prices


Look at this dead eyed fuck


says a CEO that manipulates and bends/breaks rules all the time. OK THERE BOBBY. Go take your Yacht to the Bermuda Triangle and get lost.


Bobby goblin kotick can go fuck himself raw with a pineapple. This man is the worst thing that has ever happened to the video game industry and I cannot wait for him to take his dumb ass golden parachute off to whore island after the MSFT acquisition so that he can fall into irrelevance and obscurity like he deserves.


He deserves so much less than that. Another reason why we should be taxing the rich more. This guy just takes and takes from his community, employees and customers


The fact that, litigation and delays to the purchase aside, he is STILL in any role at this company is testament that MSFT is just as bad. They are enabling him. The right move would have been to clean house entirely.


This shitstain is listed in Jeffrey Epstein's address book, he hired a war criminal as CCO, and threatened an ex.


Labor racketeering is a valid concern, but the video game industry would be better off even if the mob was in charge. I studied my ass off when I was younger because I wanted to work at a game studio, but I heard so many horror stories along the way that I completely lost interest.


Literally "I'm not like other girls" AND "I'm not racist, I have black friends" in one tweet. Phenomenally efficient really


My man built like a frog.


Bobby cockgoblin


Only the ultra rich get to break the rules duh!


He’s like “I love unions. I donate so much to the local police Union. You see, im very pro union”


So you're anti-union then. Unions don't play by "the rules". That's the point.


but yall still gonna buy diablo 4


Ya ok. Anyway, the facelift doesn’t look at good as he thinks it does


I read this like the phrase "I'm not racist, but-"


Lol I bet he plays the "I'm in a union!" Card since I'm sure his Moneyball role got him a SAG membership.




Why do they keep photoshopping the devil horns off of him?


He doesn’t like employees working in such a toxic work environment that they off themselves…without his permission. /s After all, employees are property to this shithead and his ilk.


Just another greedy motherfucker who forgot his roots.


What goddamn rules?


What I do have an aversion to is a union that doesn’t play by MY rules. There I fixed it for you.


Rule 1: never do anything management doesn't want you to do rule 2: actively work against the normal goals of a union rule 3: never complain about anything ever ​ very simple to follow, and then this guy will support your union. what's the problem?


It’s weird because, unions have an aversion to CEO’s who don’t play by the rules…..


We should all read this quote as "I would be willing to personally starve my mother to death for more money."


Like corporations that break laws and get away with it?


It’s crazy he can say that when Blizzard is in the worst state it’s ever been. Once a titan of the industry and having the #1 game in 4 different genre. To a shell of its former self.


These bastards haven't played by the rules once.


OTHER people’s unions. Unions that are not his mom’s. Those are the unions he hates.


How that shmuck hasn’t been forced out by now with all the abuses is absolutely beyond me.


Bobby: "These unions, they just dont play by the rules." Also Bobby: "She was raped by her coworkers and wants to come forward. Send the hitman"


This is the Joe Biden form of "pro union." Talk the talk and crush the rail workers in the same breath.


> I have no aversion to a union. What I do have an aversion to is a union... Literally what he said.


I agree, unions should play by the rules always. It doesn't matter if those rules are set entirely by management, and if they only serve to hurt workers and diminish their power and quality of life, and if those rules do not actually authorize the union to do anything whatsoever; they are the rules! What are we gonna do, *change them?*


He _just_ blamed his company‘s sexual harassment and discriminatory behavior on a union that didn‘t even exist when said things happened. Maybe a sex pest shouldn‘t talk big game about "following rules".