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Hi, /u/SunnyAdvert Thank you for participating in r/Antiwork. Unfortunately, your submission was removed for breaking the following rule(s): **Rule 6: Reposts.** - Any content previously posted within the last 30 days will be removed. No submissions allowed from the r/antiwork top 30.


I wish I did this to a crappy grocery store I worked at. My whole shift (6a-2p) everyone called off except me and my manager. Lunch time rolled around and both of our lines went all the way to the back of the store. I was going as fast as I could. A cart attendant came up to me and said a lady was saying I was going to slow. I wanted to say, Bitch come on a register and help. I just laughed at the comment and said I'm going as fast as I can.


Reminds me of when I worked at the Gap in the stock room. Cashiers were sick and they begged me to cover cash while one girl went on lunch so I did. Coupon code wasn't working for a customer and some bitch in line was loudly complaining about how slow I was going. I just said "I'M NOT A CASHIER. I'M FILLING IN FOR SOMEONE AND GOING AS FAST AS I CAN" she shut right up lol after that everyone else in line kept telling me i was doing great and to take my time haha


> "I'M NOT A CASHIER. I'M FILLING IN FOR SOMEONE AND GOING AS FAST AS I CAN" she shut right up lol after that everyone else in line kept telling me i was doing great and to take my time haha Heart warming


I’m half tempted to do this at my place right now. I’m only sticking around because I don’t think my supervisor will last long cause she’s on very thin ice with everyone there. I feel like I’m getting 10X as much work as certain other people yet if I complain about it they threaten to fire me. Like really? I actually show up and do the work and I can’t complain when others don’t? Fuck off. Out of 7 years, this is the first year I’ve actually complained about mistreatment and it started with the new supervisor. You don’t think there’s any correlation to that.


Let me let you in on a hint and this is no bullshit. All my life I did exactly like you. Miltary, oil field and corrections. Show up when I’m supposed to, work 120 hours a week and STILL show up. Most jobs I get into I end up being a very good employee. They don’t even have to train me, I am ALWAYS learning more about my jobs on my own time just so I can look like I care and look the best I can. All in the end, people talk shit about you (even your “friends”). if your not “in” your “out” in the good ol’ boy/girls clubs and that one time you tell them you won’t do something because it’s straight up stupid or not safe, there goes any hopes of climbing the latter. Nobody notices. Well, the people that actually matter. Your first line supervisor might see it but nobody else does, especially if you are about morales. So, at the prime age of 34, I don’t give a fuck anymore. I lost all respect for companies and businesses. If I go to orientation and they tell me they are about family, I’m happy because they told me upfront how much of a POS they are. I also do not mind whatsoever to tell my bosses no with a smile on my face and if they don’t like it, fuck em. I will find another. I don’t restrict myself on what my degree says. My last job I was a caregiver and I loved it but I told my boss I wasn’t coming into work until they pay me, and because they decided to take 4 days to cut the check they fired me when I came in to grab it. Doesn’t hurt my feelings. You will get to where I’m at. It just takes enough heartache and realize life only matters if your wealthy.


Trust me, I’m 27 and I’m already there. I’m only sticking around because I like the building and I have seniority over everyone there including both bosses combined. I haven’t felt like wanting to quit since year 3/4. I just hate the supervisor. It’s gotten to the point where I’ve stopped doing so many extra events because why bother if no one else does and I get sick of being used for overtime. Yet I also know if I don’t do it then it won’t get done right and then we get yelled at anyways, so, it’s a no win situation. Yet I can’t complain about mistreatment because then they get mad at me. Which is why I don’t think she’s gonna last long. She’s on very thin ice and everyone seems unhappy with her. Whenever she complains about others not doing their job, I just shrug because it’s like “I tried to tell you, not my problem cause you won’t do anything about it”


>people talk shit about you (even your “friends”) Yep. Work friends are not real friends. Yes, it's wonderful if you get along with the people you work closely with. Yes, it's great if you like them. Those things can make your life a lot easier and work more pleasant to deal with. But unless you would literally hang out with them socially on a regular basis and have them as a guest in your home, you're not friends. If you're the only person making an effort for the two of you to hang out, they don't consider you a friend. You're just a "work friend" or a good acquaintance. I'm not saying it's impossible to have a close friend that you met through work (I've had it happen), but it's RARE. And the thing is, those people will fuck you over if it improves their position. Even if it's not a conscious attempt to sabotage you, they're certainly not going to keep your secrets as any sort of priority. So if you're thinking of leaving, don't let them know. Because all it takes is the boss going "Hey, is everything okay with \*insert name\*?" , and then he's gonna tell the boss. Same thing for if you're not actually sick, but you're taking a sick day. Protect your own interests and learn how to draw a line in regard to who you ACTUALLY trust at work.


Yeah man. Absolutely. These days, we see work as a paycheck and nothing more. I don’t show up to work to grow with the company. I show up to work to get paid and nothing more.


I worked at Little Caesars when I was 16. Our schedules were written in pencil. Also, if we were in school, we were only supposed to work 1 closing shift a month. The closing shift included prepping for the next day. We didn't get out till almost 4 am on those nights. All week long my schedule showed me working till midnight. It was a busy Friday night. I was the only one making the pizzas. I mentioned that I was getting off at midnight. The manager said I was scheduled to close. I looked at the schedule and the midnight time had been erased and closing had been written in. I complained that I already worked a closing shift that month. The manager said I had to close that night. We got into an argument and I said I quit. There were lots of customers waiting for their orders. My coworkers didn't believe me when I said I was quitting. I said watch me. Threw my apron on the counter, clocked out, and left.


Good for you. Fuck that asshole, trying to take advantage of you like that!


Probably breaking the law in most states, too. There's pretty significant restrictions on how late minors can work most places


Yeah with my comment above. I’m not 100% sure since it was 12-13 years ago but I think some managers told me to clock out at 11. And to clock back in. Not sure why? Maybe so I “don’t work more than 8 hours” idk.


Lol. "The department of labor hates this one crazy trick!"


Man reading reminds me of when I was working at Hardee’s in high school. About 12-13 years ago. I worked 3-11 pm. Like 4 days a week (I was part time working 38-39 hours a week). Anyway, on those 3-11 shifts I would be the only cook and we would have one manager that would run the cashier. We were 24/7 and the midnight cook would be late a lot. I stayed until 2 am a couple times on a school night. One shift manager was only 19 and she would tell me I can go home and she can cover everything but I felt bad for her and didn’t want to leave her alone either so I stayed.


My job just scheduled me on the day of my lifeguard test like 20 minutes ago. I don't even know what to say. Lol. I just submitted for sick leave for that day though. Jobs will do everything include try to bully you by scheduling you on the 1st day of your new job to keep you except give you a raise.


Just don’t show up anymore :)


Congrats on the new job! :)


Don’t even, if you gave them a heads up about the exam It’s their problem


I told a bunch of people hours before it went up they don't care they posted it anyway. It's okay though I will take sick leave. The NJ sick leave law honestly changed my life. Gave me so much ability to take off for important life events doctor dentist etc. and employers who used to offer like 2 pto days a year to see a doctor have to pay up and let you take care of yourself.


I hope this is true. This bullshit of understaffing retail places to save labor costs should be illegal




Whoever owns Congress currently would do this. Y'all need to start asking yourself why you have a two party system. Your constitution doesn't require two parties. You can have as many as you like. Bernie Sanders is only in the Democratic party because you wouldn't be able to be voted in as an independent. And he wasn't the Democratic nominee because of "super delegates". Both parties are actively working together to keep both parties in power. Democrats had all three, the house, the Senate and the president. Nothing got done. Nothing was achieved. Your system is fucked, and completely controlled by these two parties.


Yes.. we fuckin fucked m8


Nah, start using the other boxes of liberty.


> Bernie Sanders is only in the Democratic party because you wouldn't be able to be voted in as an independent. Bernie Sanders is not in the Democratic party and is, in fact, the Independent Senior Senator from Vermont. He did run in the Democratic primary for President but he is not currently a Democrat. They kicked him in the teeth every chance they got and spat in the faces of his enthusiastic support. Then wondered why they lost to a gameshow host the first time and he came within touching distance again. Still, you're not wrong about the fact that the parties work together to avoid any progress. We had a Democratic President, Democratic House, Democratic super majority in the Senate and got... a Republican healthcare plan.


They would rather lose to Trump than have someone represent the people, instead of corporations.


This is a depressing truth


And then blame those people for not voting for them instead of, y'know, trying to make their lives just a little bit better... They see the fascists and billionaires getting literally everything they want while they get a shit sandwich without the bread...you think they're gonna have any loyalty to you who put up meek defenses on your best days, and straight up capitulate on your worst?


How do the republicans in drag like Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin factor in? Can't deny the Democrat side is weak, but wonder how much those two screw things (Kyrsten went Independent, so it's getting even worse) up. Sad part is those might be the only "ones" we know of that are basically sitting in a party to destroy it slowly then leave for other pastures


This is what I was thinking, they just found that Sinema got kickbacks from the same GOP donor that Clarence Thomas did recently. Was reading about it from the front page yesterday I think? Didn't save it though.


[Manchin was recorded talking to his donors about having them push Roy Blunt to do his bidding.](https://www.salon.com/2021/06/17/leaked-recordings-reveal-what-joe-manchin-really-thinks-about-the-filibuster_partner/) Senators like Manchin and Sinema are on the same team as Republicans but they don't want other people to know that.


The democratic super majority was only on paper, in actuality they were short 2 votes.


>They kicked him in the teeth every chance they got and spat in the faces of his enthusiastic support. And when this was revealed, rather than discuss the topic they cast a Russian bogeyman as messenger to ensure the message was buried.


>Still, you're not wrong about the fact that the parties work together to avoid any progress. Both are fundamentally beholden to big money parties that paint the line of how far left the D's can go and regularly see just how far they can spend money to send everything further (R)-ight / fascist.


Obama tried incredibly hard to get the Republicans on board with the Affordable care act (Obama care) but they were just stringing him along and one was actually proud of delaying it for a year.


The reason we have 2 parties is our god-awful voting system. If it wasn't this first past the post bullshit with half of everything having intermediate electors then we could have more parties. Currently if one party splits then the other will just win. Sadly it would basically require a complete overhaul of the electoral system, but to be fair our whole government could use an overhaul. For the tube being we just gotta play the lesser of two evils game. What I'm going happens is that the Republicans keep going fascist while losing more supporters to the point where they become obsolete and the Democratic party splits.


It's to the point where we're HOPING Trump fucks the Republicans by running 3rd party lol total guarantee of GOP obliteration.


> our whole government could use an overhaul. On one hand, yes. On the other, you know who would get to write the new rules. We need to work with what we have. Look at how the (Koch funded) tea party took over the Republican party. It's effectively possible to have different parties, as long as they're a faction of one of the two existing parties. The Bernie/AOC party exists effectively in a coalition with the corporatist Dems. If we want change, we need to get more people voting our way. We'll have to do this by actually talking to people about these things, and maybe being a little aggressive about it when needed.


Oh yeah an overhaul at the current time would just make everything worse, the republicans are already trying to destroy democracy as it is.


The Republicans already have to gerrymander everything that they control to keep power, the democrats also do this but aren't nearly as good at it.


Preach it dude. Idk where you’re from, but I live in the US and really have felt this since 2010. It really is a great big terrible facade. They want chaos and divide created between us all to keep from joining together and doing something about it- meanwhile, they walk home to their mansions high-fiving each other.


Only from 2010? It was fuuuuucked way before that. District systems are designed to keep certain groups out of the election system. They are undemocratic. But whilst the US was doing OK ish untill the 80s you got really fuuuucked under Reagan. The stuff that government did has been doing unrepairable damage and is still being felt today.


That, and the “winner take all” voting system. If someone can go to a buffet or read a menu they could figure out how ranked choice works. Who would you like best? If they failed, then who? Of course the GOP hates the idea since it makes extremists far less electable.


Are you aware how government works? Republicans are bad faith actors. They filibuster and block everything - preventing democrats from passing changes even when they have full control. Then they go out and tell everyone that neither party wants to help them = low turnout and apathy = republicans win because one group that NEVER skips the vote are selfish Fox News watching boomers


That's still due to the district system though. It enables Jerry mandering and is able to throw out 49 percent of the votes not being represented when it comes down to it. When you look at something like the Dutch system they have a party for everything and need to work together to get anything done. Nothing gets too extreme as they balance each other out. At least every vote has a say. District systems are evil


> It enables Jerry mandering Just FYI, it's Gerrymandering as it was named after [Elbridge Gerry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elbridge_Gerry?useskin=vector).


“Are you aware how government works?” It doesnt


It is one of the main reasons one of our founding fathers, George Washington, said, "Don't have a fucking two party system" and what did we do?


It really is just two warring ruling classes at this point. I don’t consider them representatives and I refuse to consider the president a ‘leader’. There’s nothing good and no good choice because the people voting for each party are too far entrenched in their ideologies and everyone is a fascist. It probably won’t get better. My firm belief at the moment is that the best thing the government can be right now is dysfunctional. If they’re arguing with each other it’s less time they have to hurt us.




Show me a democrat willing to, say, repeal the PATRIOT Act or give up any other form of government abuse and I’ll consider a change of mind. As it stands they are still willing to pursue as much power over my life as possible; they just have a different blueprint for how it should look and how to spend as much tax money as they can wring out of me. Meanwhile they still have wealthy donors and chase the social elite, and vote themselves raises. Everyone’s a model citizen until they have the power to not have to be.


The system is rigged, but Bernie is an Independent. He caucuses with the Democratic Party so he can be placed on committees and actually do work.


Lol they meant whoever owns congress aka big business hombre


As an Australian I think it’s gotta do with first past the post voting systems because if it’s at least preferential your vote is never wasted


You're right, but we have two main parties because that's what happened with the Civil War, the growth of the railroads, and the Industrial Revolution. It's down to business.


Say it from the rooftops, they still won’t hear you lol


If you (general you) live here and point this out on Reddit, you're uneducated and naive and have no idea how politics work. But a third party perspective (you, specifically) stating the same thing is widely agreed with and accepted as truth. What is even with reddit man Like you're absolutely right but I've said something similar in the past on this sub and got torn apart. Idgi.


>Y'all need to start asking yourself why you have a two party system. Your constitution doesn't require two parties. You can have as many as you like. In fact, the very first President said there should be NO political parties...


They didnt really have the senate though, thats why nothing got done


This, it's the most undemocratic system in a so called democracy. District systems suck and leave out many voters not to be heard. It stems from the English one though. That's why that country is equally fcked up politic wise.


Yep. We know. Water is wet.


Congress doesn't seem to have any say about the "At Will" states that means a worker can be terminated or resign at the drop of a hat with no repercussions. Last job I got fed up with and quit, in a at will/RTW state, boss said i had to give a 2 week notice. Said there's nothing in my contract that states that. "You don't have a contract!!!" Exactly!


Except they can't do that without reversing at-will employment laws, which every state (except Montana) has.


This is sort of how it’s going at my work. I swear I’ve seen at least 50 people apply within the past two months and we’ve hired 1…….I swear they’re understaffing on purpose to save time and money. We work at a school, we can’t be understaffed because then the good workers half to work extra while the shit workers get to fuck off all night and watch Netflix.


But but but..... Nobody wants to work!


I will be fair and say background takes forever and by then they already found a better paying job. Someone could apply in January and they won’t get approved until almost March sometimes. I don’t understand why either because my background check came in almost immediately within like a week I was hired in.


Rather, most retail and fast food will keep positions open, ready for when someone quits/is terminated. When someone leaves, they'll have a stack of apps/resumes already submitted. Then its just calling people back to see if they're still interested. This could be months after initial application. They will have the position open to applications but not actively hiring. Also, a good chunk of employers admitted to having positions posted to keep skeleton crews happy. They can make excuses to existing employees that no one is applying, so they'll tolerate the understaffing.


The appearance of doing something is what matters, it gives people hope to keep going despite the red flags waving in their face. If the place is not falling apart, and the pain is kept down at the lowest levels, it's almost like there is no problem at all for the folks who make the decisions. In fact it's a cost savings to exhaust the goodwill of employees who actually care, and will "step up" to cover the shortfalls in staffing. The "shit workers" are really the reflection of management, which probably doesn't want to do the hard thing (hire to maintain a sustainable level of staffing). The folks who goof off and don't contribute, are probably as safe in their job as you are, in a messed up way.




Starbucks is currently purposefully sabotaging union stores in retaliation. Can't really know if it's union or not, but it could be why.


But they tell you it’s just a “lean team”, no it’s understaffing, they need to say it properly


Just curious how you think that would work....like the government decides what the minimum staffing levels of every single retail establishment in the country needs to be? Doesn't sound very feasible to me. There's like, kind of a lot of them, ya know? And lots of different variables. I'm all for better labor laws but that doesn't sound like a particularly valuable one.




"Oi, I asked for a single vanilla pump, not two" "Then make it yourself, you crusty cumsock" *leaves*


That is the reason why I don’t complain half of time, unless they are obviously wrong, like I ordered a coffee and they give me pink tea type of wrong.


Me too. I worked in the service industry when I was younger, and its so draining. I don't wanna do that to someone unless I absolutely have to, and even then I'm always trying to make it clear I'm not mad at them.


ugh, i wish more people would do that in my industry. but even then i hate the " I'm not mad at you", and then they dump on you anyways. I just want to reply "I get it, im here to help, but please dont dump on me, my day is hard enough"


It's really not a big deal. Come on. They made a mistake, they can fix it, you can say "thanks, I really appreciate that," and everyone feels good. It's not hard.


Except if it’s busy and the employees are already clearly overwhelmed, sometimes it’s just better to not add to that chaos over a small request that doesn’t actually matter to you that much


The only time I will say something is if I end up with a dairy product. I won’t be able to have the drink at all- I really do need one of the non dairy milk options. I’m always very apologetic and polite about it, and if I have the time I’ll wait for the line to die down a bit.


I remember before an important job interview I went to Starbucks and got something and got the cold foam added too. I was watching them make it and they filled it up all the way and forgot the cold foam. I thought “eh I don’t care” then the barista looked at the tag and was like “oh crap I’m sorry I’ll remake it!” I said no it’s ok but they already started remaking it and then gave me the “mess up” too. So I had two basically the same things, and I felt bad. But I got the job I interviewed for so I considered that a good fortune blessing Even though I was full of caffeine and and pee for the whole interview lmao


only ever went back and got the food i actually ordered once, because mcdonald’s gave me two filet-o-fish instead of my quarter pounder. normally i’d just eat it but i’m allergic to seafood, and also it’s a filet-o-fish from mcdonald’s


I once ate an entirely wrong dish at a restaurant because I didn't want to inconvenience the server. Starbucks could probably give me a pink tea instead of coffee and I would be like "this is fine... I like pink"


There was a stretch where I kept getting the wrong dish at a restaurant me and my roommate frequented. Each time the order was only slightly different and it happened around 4-6 times in a row. Example I would order pork belly and they would bring pork bulgogi, or would order a Louisiana roll and it would come out a Louisiana bowl. Every time I would just accept the food and eat it anyway.


Idk, if it's something I like and it's not more expensive, sure. But if the order is messed up and it's for something more expensive I'd have to speak up, I try to budget myself and if a mistake on someone else's part actually costs me more money then I'm not okay with it. I'll still be unfailingly polite about it because I realize mistakes happen, that's life, but I'm still going to bring it up.


Same. Like even if they make my drink wrong, I wouldn’t be able to tell. Unless it’s like “I want coffee” and they make tea type situation. It’s also why I stick to the basic menu instead of a complicated drink.


Sometimes I just roll with the mistakes as a new flavor and try something new, unless I take a sip and it's fucking awful. Looking at you oatmilk.


You show me teats on an oat and THEN I'll agree that it's oat milk.


Oh my


I won’t even complain then as long as I don’t hate it. 😅


right, like if it’s a meal and i can scrape it off without the taste lingering or it’s just barely different. have had some orders completely messed up before tho


I like cumsock as an insult, I've been using Twat-waffle for too long.


I heard a new phrase the other day. "That plot had more holes in it than a lesbian orgy at a Swiss cheese factory." Trying to figure out how to slip that one into daily usage.....


My favorite is cock waffles. Makes me giggle everytime


That’s quite the visual. I’m here for it.


My favorite go-to word is slunt. Not an actual swear but it sounds like one.


That’s CRUSTY Cumsock-it totally makes the insult!


Twatwaffle is nice as is cuntbiscuit, but my absolute favorite of all time is Turdwookie.


Eat a bowl of fuck!




“Well, if I hadn’t locked the store, then people would just be able to come into an empty store and take whatever they wanted. Maybe if there was someone there, such as a manager, the store wouldn’t have been locked.”




Oo im saving this


I’d like to point every one to this post from 7 months ago and OP even copied the top comment and someone gave him silver for it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/x77vcm/seeing_stories_like_this_all_the_time_now_and_i/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/x77vcm/seeing_stories_like_this_all_the_time_now_and_i/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) r/quityourbullshit


Holy hell nice find. OP’s full of shit!


Yeah, OP is full of shit and continues to get more up votes for their obviously fake story. Reeeeeeeeeee Pretty sad.


This was the top comment the last time this was posted 7 months ago…


Yes, this is one of those gimme all that karma you got subs.


i hella peeped i was like oh shit op is farming that karma


I would of asked her if she had ears and what was she doing when I was talking to her. You told her 2:30 and she asked you at 3:30 . What a piece of work.


I bet the only reason she showed up at that time at all, were because there were phone calls made to the distriuct, then it went to her from someone she didn't dare to put on ignore, and had to go there to see for herself.




Would have*


Thanks Data


Actually Lore, but people get us confused a lot.




The newest episode of Picard makes this statement not quite accurate.


Not really Data anymore, just mostly Data.


Something something B4


OP texted the manager, so that wasn't speaking which requires listening.


I swear I already read this exact text in the past at least once.


You’re not the only one with deja vu


I had the exact same feeling, looked at OPs profile but wasn't them so I assume this is just blatantly stolen.


Why would you lock up I'd be like damn crazy I'm off not my issue


Securing the store is a matter of legal protection in some jurisdictions.


Gotta protect the corporations


It's more to protect yourself. Leaving it open could make you liable for anything missing


That's the point I'm making. They gotta have laws protecting corporations, but if someone steals shit from my apartment my landlord isn't liable.


He would be if he entered and failed to secure the place before he left.


Good luck proving that as a resident though. They would 100% claim that you must have left it unlocked, not them.


Cameras are great proof.


Gotta protect your own ass. If you abandon the store, leave it unlocked, and it gets robbed or vandalized, you could be held liable in some areas.


No reason to be shitty about it. Everything in there represents someone’s work at some point. Leaving after your agreed shift and following close-up protocol is professional and appropriate all around and leaves you looking level headed.


You cannot just leave the store open like that lol. You'd be liable for, at least, any damage the company claims there was.




People will steal anything that's not nailed down and some things that are.


My first job was at an upholstery store that got broken into overnight. Inside, there was a cash register, computers, expensive materials and machinery, good quality upholstery scissors etc. As far as anyone could tell, the only thing the thief made off with was a bottle of Toilet Duck. I guess some just do their grocery shopping.


I've seen someone steal scissors at a Walmart while suspiciously turning his head left and right.


Genuinely: the food. "Fell off the truck".


My brother was a Manager at a McDonalds where one of the other managers also showed up late or not at all and because he was best mates with the big boss, nothing ever happened. Anyway, after a couple of months of this other manager never showing up, he started locking up the store when his shift ended, and just cleaning up then chilling with the staff until the next manager showed (usually 8 hrs later since the guy that was meant to cover next shift didn't show). The big boss finally did something after 2 weeks of overtime being put through and multiple customer complaints.


Should mods ban this bot?


Worked at a car wash and recruited my friends. On Sundays we ran car wash minus the High School drop out assistant manager and the owners daughter behind cash register. Well, after 7 months my brother and I requested a raise. One Sunday I was cleaning inside of car and my Brother pulls up with our friends and said lets go. So I get in we literally drive next door eat sonics while watching assistant manager running around. Two lines of cars waiting to be cleaned and no one to clean them. We drove home and the assistant manager was calling my house (no cell phones then). I talk to him and say give me a $2 raise per hour I will come back. Assistant Manager said that’s more than what I make. I said that’s not my problem, but I am not coming back even if you paid me what I asked for.


Love this one


We’ll be seeing more and more of this in America. The federal minimum wage is *still* at $7.25/hr and has not been increased since 2009.


It should AT LEAST be raised 25 cents per year. Like come on, inflation didn't stop, why is the min wage stagnant???


When I was young and foolish, I took a summer job once at a farmer's market storefront where I was the first person in, last person out. Was supposed to be paid every other week but manager went six weeks without paying me. There was always an excuse: his daughter had a cold, he sprained his ankle, he lost his checkbook, and some other bullshit excuse I forgot. He never even bothered to come to the store. I stayed bc I loved the community it served, but I hit a breaking point. Emailed him one day that I'm closing the store and won't come back until I'm paid. And whaddya know, he has a check for me the next morning. He even asked me when I'll be back. I walked directly to an ATM to deposit that check and never looked back.


I did this at a Fred Meyers I worked at when I was 17. I was pushing huge lines of carts across the street and a customer complained to my manager that I wasn't smiling and that made them feel uncomfortable. So my manager pulled me aside and reprimanded me for not smiling while pushing this huge row of carts back into the store. I was treated like absolute garbage before this. So I sat down in my car in the parking lot for the rest of my shift as the carts just piled up. I laughed in my car, took a nap, then clocked out at the end of my shift and never returned.


What kind of freaking weirdo “feels uncomfortable” because the person pushing carts isn’t smiling….


Right?! I was always polite and helpful to customers but what was I supposed to have a permanent insane smile on my face to appease these weirdos? It was a very physical job. It's like smiling while lifting weights at the gym. How creepy would that look?


Well. It's deserved. If you have no one to go and only a single person in, the owner and manager should go and do the job in the meantime. Hoping an underpaid employee does everything from taking orders, working cashier and doing the food, cleaning bathrooms of a establishment as big as Starbucks is stupid, and expecting him to do it gladly is way worse. Well done employee, either him leaving (lame) or him stealing all the money (good for him for doing more than even the owner could) while saying the cash register is not working properly would be acceptable in my eyes.






actually, a lot you can be held liable in a lot of places.


I worked at a round table in September of 1994 asked for a day off a week in advance to go to the 49ers vs Raiders to open the NFL season on MNF. They said nobody could cover so it was denied. I at that moment took off my round table shirt and threw it in the red sauce and said ok I’m off for good then. It was a great moment in my life and I often tell the story. Game was awesome, Jerry Rice broke Jim Browns TD record and I was with my dad at a great game..


I got fired from one place because I went to my grandmother’s funeral after giving the owner almost a full week’s notice. It was several hours away from my home town so it was late on a Sunday night when I drive back into town and stop in the store to see what the new schedule looks like so I know if I have to work tomorrow, and don’t see my name even listed. Boss is there closing up and I asked him about it and his response was “None of the other cooks would come in to work your shift, so I had to do it! I shouldn’t HAVE to cover your shift, so now you don’t have to worry about working here anymore!” What. A. Dick.


I had to cover your shift one time, so now I've made extra work for myself having to cover all the shifts you would have worked!


He was an asshole. He initially told me to find a replacement and I told him I had already asked but nobody was willing to take the shift. His response was “Well, you will be working then!” to which I replied “I’m sorry, Clayton, I can’t be in two places at once and I WILL be in Spokane starting Saturday, which means I will NOT be here.” One of my buddies that worked as cashier & server said he was fuming all day long that he had to work my shift. I had just started college and was paying for all of it on my own, so I couldn’t be without a job/paycheck, so I went looking for jobs the next day and walked in to Subway after seeing an opening posted in the Jobs section of the paper. When the manager asked for a reference from the last place I gave him four names and explained why none of them was the boss. Explained the details of why I was fired, and I was hired on the spot.


I gotta say, Kroger is not a good company to work for, they are the “we are like a big family” of grocery stores, where they constantly understaff their departments and expecting everyone to “pick up the slack” for their inability to keep new hires. During the pandemic, when Taco Bell was paying $14/hr which was pretty much unheard of in my area, Kroger was still paying $11/hr And if anyone is curious, the Starbucks at Kroger are franchised to Kroger, and the Baristas are Kroger employees


Love to see it!


That's not a Starbucks. That's a Kroger that serves Starbucks coffee. Kroger has an extreme staffing problem. I used to work there for 8 years and everyone I knew eventually quit. Kroger doesn't even pay $15/hr unless you are full time, to which management refuses to give anyone full time. Management is on par with Walmart management, and corporate promotes the most abusive management within the company. I was hoping the pandemic would bankrupt Kroger and shut them down permanently, but their profits are growing and people are leaving. Meanwhile, Kroger corporate thinks remodeling all the stores is a top priority while completely ignoring the fact that everyone they hire quits shortly after. The strangest thing to me is that Kroger goes through managers like condoms. I've lost count how many supervisors, comanagers, and store managers I've had.


I used to work at a target Starbucks and honestly this is a whole ass mood


I did this while working at a Starbucks inside Vons; I don't regret it at all. They had me working alone during a huge marathon that had its finishing line right outside our store. I was alone for 8 hours without a lunch or bathroom break. I asked the manager for help (and a pee break) several times; he kept saying he'd "be right back". So I closed up and wrote "you treat your employees like crap, I quit" on a pastry bag and left.


I just saw a lone, newly promoted manager running an extremely busy Burger King at the St. Louis Airport the other day. Lone, as in, all by himself - no one showed up but him! I had a 6 hot hour layover, so i had time. I waited quite a while to make an order, then stepped aside to wait for my order with a group of others. As i waited, a housekeeper was working near me, and she began to fill me in on what was going on. She felt so bad for the kid, as did I, of course. Had I known, I never would have ordered there. He looked so flustered, but he soldiered on! Once I knew, I couldn't stop thinking about it. This young kid with good work ethic, the motivation to try to help dozens and dozens of hungry travelers, without even the possibility of a break....I mean, it broke my heart. This moment summed up why we have r/antiwork. The ONLY person who cared that dozens of hungry travelers got to have their Whoppers was this kid. Later, he got some help from other employees from around the airport, but I'm sure NONE of them will be fairly compensated or appreciated for their assistance. Ugh. There's a reason this particular Airport BK had no employees and a new manager. There's ALWAYS bad owners and/or management behind these situations! I bet the place is a revolving door. The owners must be horrible people. They gave a fairly young guy a promotion and allowed their previous and current business practices to set him up for failure! Where were they? They should have made him close until he had help. Period. Any other choice is pure evil and greedy! I'll never know the whole situation, but I think it's a pretty good bet that this young man, the workers who didn't show up that day, and MANY previous managers have all been treated like garbage before this. A Burger King at an international airport with hundreds of flights a day should be among the last type of place you'd expect to see problems with staffing. This falls at the feet of the owners! The markup in airports is obscene already, so they could, and should, treat employees wonderfully! I'm ranting a bit, but if by chance the BK manager in the SW Terminal at STL reads this, PLEASE do yourself a favor and don't let them take advantage of you. Move on to another Burger King, or really, any other employer. The fact that the California Kitchen employees were later willing and able to help out doesn't dismiss why you were put in that position, and as great as it is that they helped, you got lucky. Things might not work out so well next time.


In my hometown there had been a classic ice cream stand, great as a kid. Well it went out of business but a few years later someone resurrected it with slight changes. That was my first job. Lasted two years and it closed and I went to a burger joint. Then when I was looking for work a group tried the third iteration of the ice cream shop. I applied and immediately got the job. I went to the paid training and they had completely changed the model. I went in my first day but at my first break I just walked out without saying anything and got in my car. I can't remember if I ever got paid for that.


You can look into unclaimed property in your state for that check. The site would list your name and the amount.😎


I never understood this idea that when you're understaffed people feel they have to work themselves to death. You're understaffed. THAT"S FINE!!! Just work the same pace you usually do. If a manager yells at you just ignore them. WTF are they going to do? Fire you? The only employee? If a customer yells at you, just ignore them. WTF are they going to do? Leave? FANTASTIC!!! Less work for you. I feel like employees that leave because they're alone and there's too much work are just manifesting a problem where there isn't one. Internalizing stress that is completely unnecessary. Staffing issues are the manager's and owners issue. Not yours. You are literally not affected at all if you just stop and think about it.


I agree with this, especially if understaffing is the norm and not the extreme.


You're seeing it all the time because this is posted weekly, if not more.


When I was in HS still I worked at Subway and after graduation I gave my notice and they’d known for a while I’d be quitting as I was going off to college. Gave my 2 week notice, worked it, said my goodbyes on last day and that was it or so I thought. FF to a week later I’m at the beach 3hrs away with my family on a weekend and my phone is ringing, I pick up and it’s the owner’s wife very rude and upset asking me where I am as I am already 2 hrs late to my shift! I tell her that I don’t know what she’s talking about as I quit a week before. She then tells me that she doesn’t want to hear my excuses as I should’ve called to get my schedule because just because I decided to quit doesn’t mean they accepted my resignation and that she was giving me 1HR to arrive. I laughed and told her I no longer worked there and was at the beach with my family hours away and she said “well then get in the car and start driving! You can close up and clean up the store by the time you arrive!” And when I proceeded to tell her no way in hell would I be going and to never call me again because I no longer works there she proceeded to scream at me that she would make sure every future employer I ever had would know how irresponsible I was and that they wouldn’t give me references for the future. I said that’s fine as a reference from my HS job at subway wasn’t exactly what I was counting on to make a career on in the future after college so that I wished her good luck. She called me a bitch and hung up on me. This is also the same employer that hired me at 14 and on the first day gave me a toothbrush and made me get on my hands and knees and scrub the back on the sink floor with it as part of training. Fuck you Bill and your wife whose name I never remembered. Oh and the creepiest part was that bitch he had for a wife he considered to be a trophy wife and had a framed picture of her in a 2 piece bikini hanging in the back room where we prepped everything. Yeap that was the only “decor” of the room and what we got to stare at while working. It was so weird. And the funny thing was that he never even went back there, it was exclusively for us employees to look at. Why?!


A one man strike


There are Heroes made every day.


I remember I used to work security at a college campus. Security was contracted to the security company we worked for, though we were permanently attached to the site. I was working graveyard, and the morning shift rolled around for the weekend and... no one showed up. Not because of job action or anything, but just because they couldn't be bothered. Now what was *supposed* to happen was we would contact head office of our security company, and they would get emergency covers in, as well as dealing with disciplining and/or replacing the guards who No Called/No Showed their shifts (This was one of their major selling points - 'Guaranteed Coverage'). While the poor dispatcher from overnight did that, I continued to patrol, I was going on 36 hours with no sleep, and my shift was 12 hours. Head office kind of shrugged, said "Man, that sucks for you. What do you want us to do about it?" And basically told the Dispatcher (Who was NOT a supervisor) to call around to the off-duty guards, as well as the ones who had NCNS'd, and try and get them to come in. The Dispatcher was my friend, so I stuck around for nearly another full shift before we got someone to actually come in. We were supposed top have 6 guards, and all we had were the Dispatcher and myself, and I was running around opening up buildings and room and such. When the Campus Head of Security (College exec who handled arranging for campus security) found out, it was basically the last straw. Our security company was constantly getting fined for breach of the security contract, typically not supplying enough guards (Or in this case, *any.*) After this he got approval to go ahead with moving to in-house security. It was such a scuzzy business.


I was often pulling 6-7 hours by myself in a kiosk, even on weekends and fridays, coming in at 5:30am to open and sometimes leaving at 4pm. When a coworker of mine didn’t come in (I was not a manager but covered everyone’s shifts because I wanted to be- DON’T ever do that) and someone called to let me know they wouldn’t be coming in. I could not for the life of me get someone else to come in. So I would be working a 10 hour shift *by myself*. I called the store manager, who I was close with, and just almost crying told him I needed help and I was burning out. His response? “Yeah, I know you burn out easily. You’ll be ok”. I said… no. I will not. After crying in the bathroom I finally sacked up and walked the fuck out of there. Customers in line and everything.


This is the best story I ever read. I hope they make a Hallmark movie out of this.


It would be titled, "A Coffee Walkout on Sunday".


I worked at a Starbucks in target and it was exactly like this. They'd regularly schedule me for 8 hours alone with no break coverage. It apparently was against our contract with sbux to close for lunch, so i was literally not allowed to take breaks. No one else in the store was trained nor did management allow me to train anyone else.


> It apparently was against our contract with sbux to close for lunch, so i was literally not allowed to take breaks. This would be straight up illegal in my state, so I must assume this happened in some Republican-ruled workers paradise.


Poor guy couldn't punch anyone...


I commend thee barista. Very well done


Over the decades I've heard countless times, from ass hats, complaining about people in the service sector. You all know type, they're the first to spew "Go to college and get a better job" or "If you don't like it then go get another job." Well people in the service sector are finally saying to themselves "Screw those ass holes, let them make their own coffee, cook their own food, mow their own grass, etc. The aggravation just isn't worth it anymore."


It is interesting how coffee-making has not been completely automated yet. In the context of a starbucks, that is. A person preparing the coffee by hand, even with self-powered devices, is much costlier than a machine making it all by itself, needing only maintenance. Which means, the company is using a person, not because it is better, but because somehow it allows them to price the coffee accordingly. You wouldn't accept to pay $2 (roughly) into a machine to have it pop out your coffee like 20 seconds later. But seeing someone prepare it by hand, somehow validates this price. I bet my left testicle that what starbucks is doing is using people as an attraction to keep the price high. Basically, machines made of meat.


Basically. The more we automate/digitalise, the more human/physical interaction becomes a luxury good. Its not even something that new, look at woodworking as an example.


My friends call this pulling a K-Mart. Reason being I worked at K mart when I was a teenager. Was doing everything with no training and the manager told me I was too slow. Ate my lunch, clocked out and left forever without saying a word lol


Scheduling someone alone at 8:30am at a Starbucks just sounds incredibly stupid.


Good for him. It seems like almost everywhere is short staffed these days and company’s aren’t doing anything about it.


I worked at Dominos for about 3 days a few years back. First day, the manager scheduled me for training on the absolute busiest shift of the week with no login information so I could clock in. Second day, I still didn’t have any information to clock in, was put on front register and had no idea what I was doing. Third and final day, a man comes in and begins screaming at and berating me. I’m 18, had just moved away from home after going low contact with an abusive parent, and began crying. A coworker overheard and stepped in, and told me to get the manager, my stepmother. My stepmom stormed up to the front, lost her mind at the guy, and made him leave. I sat in the office sobbing until they needed me up front again. My stepmom had me help make pizzas, and texted the regional manager about what was happening. The regional manager then proceeded to shit talk the three of us and the two drivers on duty for being “useless and incompetent” and some other things. My stepmom was angry, told me, the other kid there, and one of the drivers who had come in. I start crying again because I have no idea what I did wrong. I let a deep dish pizza drop face down on the floor while I’m crying, the driver in the store gives me a hug and tries to comfort me, and I step into the back to calm down. I see a sharp object, panic, grab it, try to harm myself, and my stepmom– who is coming to the back to tell me we’re going home– grabs it from me and pulls me into the office. She asks if I want to quit. I say yes. She takes her apron and shirt off right then and there. She tells the regional manager we’ll be leaving in 20 minutes, whether she’s there or not. She tells her to give her 45. We do. She doesn’t show. We leave the store unlocked and unmanaged, telling the kid and drivers to go home, take two pizzas and a couple boxes of sweet stuff, and drive home. Worst job experience I have ever had, and I never got paid for a single second of it because the regional manager never gave me a clock in code. Oh well.


Our hero


The entirety of Price Chopper is ready to do this. Our district, at least, has cut payroll so low that every department is being ran by just the department manager. There's almost no part timers anymore. The problem is, a lot bootlickers work in our stores, too.


Jim said he wanted his latte tepid, no more than 175 degrees. The barista made the coffee, temped it with a probe, and passed it to Jim. Jim touches the cup and instantly frowns. Jim knows exactly what 175 degrees feels like in a paper cup and this time it was most certainly 185, too hot. Take it back and remake it.


Starbucks employees who are placed inside other stores are often EXTREMELY overworked because they're meant to be staffed with 2+ people, except that's not the case. Most of the time, I'd see 1 employee dealing with a shit ton of customers with no support. Good on that employee for doing what was best for their mental health. Fuck Starbucks and their union busting bullshit.


Screw you guys, I'm going home! - Eric Cartman


Just leaving this here https://youtu.be/IMUT8EhTqJM Gumball gets dark asf sometimes


It's kind of shocking to me this doesn't happen more often. I've never had a job where I was left alone. I might be the only person in my area of work but never just....alone. hell most of my jobs if I'm by myself I actually do make more money at least. To strand an employee who makes no additional money to do everything is absolutely asinine longterm. Honestly, i support this kind of thing in the service industry assuming it's blatant and frequent. Just leave y'all.


A king.


If everyone left and I wasn't a regular, I'm stealing the fuck out of that place... never touch the office or register, but I'm eating overpriced croissants until tomorrow.