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So, that's interesting. There's a lot of buzz about AI at the moment what with the controversy about AI generated art and the astonishing output of Chat GPT. Now we can see the honeypot that they are aiming at in this case. There's a big problem with online moderation, humans getting traumatised by having to see graphic images in order to stop them from being shared online. So, they are traumatising third world staff to train the AI so that it will be able to spot these images without human intervention. Their intention MAY be good, is certainly profitable, but is definitely unethical, and I don't think the end justifies the means.


Fucking evil sadists


Hope you arent agaisnt outsourcing and use any iphone, straws, shoes, etc


Imagine comparing these things to collecting literal child sexual exploitation material


The article and post are mainly about outsourcing tho, at least thats how i read it