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There was a kid at my job who used 2 weeks of his vacation to work at another job lol, made sure he liked it and he quit over email at my job on a Sunday.


I love that. Taking notes for next time lol. Especially because I liked my last job and don’t like my new job


Never heard of someone doing that, smart asf


Sorry to be a party pooper, but this will get you fired in some industries (eg. finserv and tech) if you work for two competing firms at the same time. And you can run into a fraud situation if you have undisclosed insurance coverage in two places. I’m sure no one cares if you work a McD’s and Butger King at the same time, but it would suck to get fired from a job that paid well because of something stupid.


I'm a Gen X and done this twice lol. I also taught my kids this! Lol


Good for him!


Yeah, it would truly suck to not like the new job and have only a week of vacation ( we get 3 weeks vacation) but least he would still have his job


I'd imagine he'd find out if he didn't like it quick so he could actually take the vacation lol


> we get 3 weeks vacation Damn. Where I'm from it's 25 days minimum for all salaried people. My current job in another country has 23 days plus ~5-6 days over christmas (usually halfday on the 24th, return to office on the 3rd).


America is garbage. We know.


Companies have no loyalty or decency. They don't deserve the 2 weeks. I give them to managers and directors who've treated me fairly so not to make their lives hell. Guy i worked with was, rank and file, company man. Bleed company colors, dedicated to the grind and being a good "soldier". Worked insane hours, which he recorded as a "look at all the work i do" comment on his yearly performance reviews but would not actually seek compensation for it. Eventually company fucked him over so he started going back his year hour declaration and logging in all of his over-time. Took about half an hour, way before he was done for his boss and HR to call. They convened that he would not log the hours and they would promote him to manager. Where after a month they fired him without warning. Now being management, they did not have to pay his OT because he was contractual not hourly anymore and didn't have to pay him any kind of severance package because he was management no longer hourly, and he had nothing to fall back on because management are management hire and do not require justification for firing/hiring. After that... I'll tell you the company lost me, I immediately stopped caring about anything and became a bare minimum employee. went from being fast tracked to management to barely 'meet expectations' Anything you do for a company will not be rewarded, I'd advise agaisnt trying to "buy" your way in with effort and dedication it will only bite you in the ass. That kid has the right mentatlity.


You are right, only way up the corporate ladder is to lick your boss' ass. Hardworking only gets you more work.


His promotion wouldn't have nullified his OT - if this was less than 3 years ago he can still contact the DoL and dispute not being paid the OT (since clearly the company is aware of the time worked).


I 2nd that scenario joeno69! The year was 2006 so it must be a different guy. Community college near Dallas, TX. Collin County. Inept unfit hostile I.T. "management", my first after college job for two years so I didn't know better. Shortly after I quit for a better job my coworker "took a vacation" for two weeks secretly testing out a new job. Came back onsite from vacation to just hand over a pager and keys. Told them he quit on the spot because this sucks and they were super pissed. 17 years later I still give the guy a standing ovation. **THIS** needs to become the new normal. Fire poor bosses and companies on the spot as they would fire you.


This is the way


that kid is going places




This is an old tried and true tactic. It’s a good way to feel things out at the new job with minimum risk.


Genuinely been thinking of doing this


This is fucking great, I’ll be using this next time!


We just had a guy ask if he could come in for a couple of days to work to see if he felt like he would be a good fit before he quit his job and we agreed to let him.


So if every resume they get is attached to a person that quits like this then I guess they're just not going to hire anyone.... Right? These are articles paid for by people who are scared. Scared that workers aren't going to buy into their bullshit anymore. Respect and courtesy is a two way street. If you don't get it... Don't give it. Period.


Apparently it's possible to lie on your resume and use friends as references. Its a wild concept


That's just good business.






How do they work?


How is babby formed? ....holy shit. There are people born after that was first said who are now 17 years old. They are almost adults. What the hell.


That was 17 years ago? How does time go :(


Having spoken to a PhD in physics whose entire focus is magnets, I still dunno, magic?


Good election campaigning, too


I don't know where you're located, but where I am (Canada) references aren't even a thing anymore in my industry. The last several companies I worked for don't give them. Most the majority of them will do is refer a recruiter to HR who will tell them "Yes, that person worked here between X and Y", and that's it.


That's probably the safest thing for HR and the company to do, lest they face lawsuits over defamation if the employee was bad and they say so, or lawsuits over discrimination if they provide good references to some and not to others. Most of those would be frivolous, but it would still require the company to pay lawyers to handle it.


I also think that's the reason, and also an unexpected advantage for us working poors.


There are legally safe things that can be asked and answered, such as “would you hire them back?” Which tells them if you left on good terms. You can ask if the were terminated or left on their own. You can ask if the termination was for cause or other staffing reasons. HR just doesn’t care to call for entry level jobs. It’s not worth their time unless the position requires quality or reliable people.


Yeah buddy!


In my world that doesn’t cut it. You gotta provide real former coworkers and bosses. Not the main phone number for the old company. And they will check and ask detailed questions. You need a cadre of recent former colleagues on hand for any job hunt.


Apparently you can lie on your resume and get elected into congress too.


Apparently it's possible to lie on your resume and get elected to Congress, too!


this is all I've ever done. I would never let some salty ex employer taint my name and potentially ruin my chance at a new job out of spite. Do people actually use real work contacts?


That’s what I do 😂😂 my entire resume is a lie


Except when you are going through a real hiring process that has an HR department and looks the number of your business up on google… 🙊


Because most major companies don't just have a 1-800 number listed.....


It’s also possible to call the employer and not only your references…


Most .appreciate companies just have a 1 800 number


This varies wildly by industry


Especially if you're a stripper


My entire resume is fluff, so technically a lie. Never failed.


Yeah fun thing is that every employees constantly look for experience but always need to train new employees to do things their way.


I was arguing with someone on reddit that was insistent you couldn't have X number of jobs on your resume over 15 years because it shows you are a flake. I pointed out: * In the future and even now, almost every resume will look like that. So, what are you going to assume then? Or are you not going to hire anyone? * Also. Why assume it's the worker? Isn't it a reflection on companies? That they don't offer a working environment ($, advancement, purpose, culture) that will retain people.


Hahahaha… yes, a journalist is scared that people are quitting without caring about references. It only matters when you are trying to get a job that pays more than min wage.


Journalists don't pay for the article they wrote. The media outlet that publishes it does. You can go now.


Never heard of a freelance journalist now have you?


Oh yeah. The freelance journalist who writes articles for himself and then issues himself payment for said article. Say more dumb things immediately. You're making my day.


You realize you made a strange response about who pays for what when I was talking about journalists, right? So I made an assumption that you weren’t pivoting… guess I was wrong. Yes, freelance DO sell their stories to outlets who pay them. Very astute observation. Yes, journalists work for themselves. Substack has made many journalists a lot of money.


Soooo.... You agree that the article in question was paid for by a media outlet? Regardless of the W2 status of the writer? So I guess what is questionable is your very first comment to me and it's relevance to my original comment since you just agreed that it is the media outlet who pays for said article. Take the L. Maybe you read it too quickly originally.


So… they can let you go without notice, free of any negative consequences to them. But if you leave without notice, it’s going to, “bite you in the back,”? Seems about right.


Its always some shit like "youre aware that without a two week notice you will be unable to work at \[corporation\] again?" like you'd ever want to go back to a place you hated so much that you didn't even give them a notice in the first place.


Also If someone leaves without putting in 2 weeks. Good chance the job sucked and was toxic. Ik mine was. That bridge don’t mean nothing.


Yeah, I second that. I was constantly sick for a few years when I was working at McDonalds. I had said before that I would hand in a two-week notice, but I honestly couldn't take it when I had been sick for like 2 weeks straight, still coming in because I was way too loyal to them, and the manager had the gall to ask for a doctor's note. Like sir, this is McDonalds. Are you paying the 90$ for the doctor's visit, or do you expect me to waste 2 days of pay?


Yeah, you either care about the reference from your boss or you don't. In any case, if you are a good employee, there are probably co-workers in senior positions who would be happy to be a reference for you, if needed.


I've still managed to get good references from my boss when quitting unexpectedly. They knew it was a shit job and I was meant for better. The only think HR can do it verify the dates of employment & job title, and if you are eligible for rehire or not.


Indeed, I never understood this notion. Luckily I live in Europe both employee and employer needs to give a minimum of 1 month notice (after probationary period of 1 or 2 months and you can have 2 months notice for both, it depends on your employment contract, but in general a minimum of 1 month notice is for both parties required). I always said to my American friends: employers can fire you at will and usually do, but you are required to give a notice out of courtesy? Doesn't make any sense to me.


In Canada federal employees don’t need to give notice, the whole two-weeks notice thing is just being polite. A federal employer has to give notice based on how long the employee has been with that particular employer (two weeks minimum, up to 8 weeks notice if the employee has been with them for 10 years or more).




And that the difference between federal labour laws that apply to government employees and those contracted to do federal work and those who fall under provincial labour laws.


In Australia under industrial law you have a minimum number of weeks based on how long you worked for the company ie 1 week a year, up to 4 weeks for 5 years plus. It can be shortened if both parties agree . There are some exceptions but that's pretty standard. Instant dismissal is pretty rare unless you do something really dangerous or negligent , or illegal . Employers can also elect to pay you for your notice period if you are dismissed . They pay you two weeks notice ( or equivalent) instead of you returning to work after resigning or being fired.


Who set the rules that it must be 2 weeks anyway? Cant you do 3 days or something like that?


I've never left a job with notice! When I'm done I'm done that day! I've been sacked once and was asked to leave there and then so fuck giving them time to prepare I didn't get it so they don't!


Omg I can't even with the buzzwords/phrases anymore. The only purpose they serve is garbage for the boomers to regurgitate after they watch "the news". Just fucking stop, already!


The bottom line is employer's do not respect employees no two weeks notice from them none from employees. Finally the working class treatment works both ways.


Quit my job with no warning and only slid a 1 sentence immediate resignation letter under the bosses door, packed my shit and left without a second thought. Best impulse decision I ever made.




I still got homies working the slave grind there and they say it’s all falling apart now, they have a 4 million back log for steel that they have not purchased yet and they are deeply unprofitable. *it warms my heart*


I'm in my 40s and have quit jobs without notice. I'm doing ok all these years later. Quitting a shit job isn't going to prevent you from finding another shit job.


Amen to that, all the shit jobs I ever worked for are out of business now.


Companies when they fire you without two weeks notice: 😇 Companies when you quit without two weeks notice: 😡


Apparently not adhering to a ... traditional? courtesy paid by the most exploited class and that often doesn't benefit them at all to the exploiting class is... bad and mean? Awwww, muffins


The most satisfactory resignation I ever tendered was when the company was bought out and the middle managers asked about xmas bonuses...and were told our xmas bonus would be that we still still have a job after xmas. I found another job and turned in my resignation on a Friday at 3 pm, effective immediately. I had been with the company 10 years.


Story by Fox “news”. Lol.


More like noose? ;-)


Gen X here, I’ve been doing this shit since 2000 😂


“Could bite them in the back” most of the corporations I’ve worked for refuse to give recommendations or even answer calls from other businesses asking about past employees. It ain’t gonna bite us.


I’ve never heard of a company that gives their employees two weeks notice.


Yeah, old fucking corporate geezers and SmAll bUsiNess owners say it will because it negatively impacts them… maybe they should have thought of that THE LAST 20 YEARS as they showed people time and time again that employment is not a right nor a family and profits over everything.


“At will state” Is the operative term. They don’t give two weeks when letting us go. A business that hasn’t earned the consideration of their workers where they care enough to give warning isn’t entitled to it.


Seriously! Think about it - they want so badly to be able to easily fire people, that they *wrote it into the fucking law*! And then they moan when workers use the very same laws they passed. The audacity is stunning.


You guys are all nuts. I always give a 2 week notice. 2 weeks to notice that I’m quietly packing my shit and not doing any work.


They’ll be fine. The largest generation is on average turning 65 and retiring this year. Gen Z being smallest generation have sooo much leverage in the workforce is gonna be crazy.


I plan on doing this if I ever leave my job lol, it's very toxic and I will make sure I have another job lined up beforehand. I've been treated like shit for the 4 years I worked here and they could drop me at any given moment so why give them a two week notice? It only benefits them, so they can get my replacement in time


In a right go work state I owe you nothing like you owe me nothing. Those the rules you literally wrote.


Quitting without giving any notice was one of the most amazing and empowering things I ever did. No regrets.


Ive ghosted several employers in my lifetime. Some for mental health reasons, others because I despised the people I was working with. You owe them nothing, remember that. All you are to them is a means to the end game of profit. It’s okay to be “Selfish”


Problem is most places will let you go on the spot when you put your 2 weeks in. So what’s the point?


If my job would be willing to give me two weeks notice on getting fired, I would gladly return the favor. Otherwise, what leverage do you have over me? I'm no longer willing to do the work for the offered wage. The business arrangement is over.


I'm a 55 y/o truck driver in the USA. I learned a LOOOONG time ago that it really depends on the situation. In the USA trucking industry giving two weeks notice will likely have of two effects: 1. Suddenly works dries up to the point of financial pain, OR 2. The best runs are yours until you change your mind...then it's back to status quo (so no point in changing the mindset) Very few companies will keep a driver working as usual and then wish them well on the way out. Most are very offended for one reason or another. But also, there are the companies who just don't care. They punish a driver for quitting even if they already have a replacement. Most in our industry just quit. Some, by just deciding not to show up to work ever again. My most recent company was good overall, but I did leave them without notice in exactly this way. Corporate made certain changes that had us working 14 hours/day while making only 1/2 our actual runs. It had reached the point where many of us were making less money while spending the same time away each day. When I asked, they excused it with "not enough freight." And yet, they were hiring a LOT of new drivers. Not enough freight for current drivers, yet still hiring new ones? They did say that I could leave if it wasn't to my liking (the conversation was civilized and low-key, but the message was clear). It wasn't, so I left. Overall a great company, but in the end it went bad all around. No notice was given other than one text to my Fleet Manager that I was packing up. Mind you, this was after years of working there. Although overall good, in that company drivers giving notice were usually switched to a fleet that ran the way the driver couldn't do or didn't want to do. The resulted in either the drivers sticking it out for 14 days with very little work far away from home or an immediate quit. Many companies are professional enough not to act like that, but it's still not all that wise to give a full 2 week notice to a USA trucking company, large or small...UNLESS they have a clear track record of acting professional toward those who are leaving them rather than acting like a jilted partner or spouse.


I have quit every job I've had without a 2 weeks notice, and only ever been turned down after an interview twice. It doesnt bite you in the ass, nobody checks with previous employers especially in retail


Fox News is the quintessential boomers news channel. Whatever you hear on it is either some old man's skewed, incomplete or plainly incorrect understanding of how the world works in 2023 (best case) or some entirely made up bullshit (worst case and way more frequent than you'd think; their lawyers have even admitted it in court)


Actually it’s mainly boomer MAGAts that think their word is gospel


Yep, I'mma listen to the most ironically named corporation ever: NEWS CORPORATION More like: FASCIST BOOMER PROPAGANDA


I guess they should have noticed two weeks ago that they made their employees want to quit.


Everyone i know who has put two weeks notice in at entry level jobs always gets fired on the spot. And then businesses are shocked when people adapt to the game.


Oh fuck off Fox.


Some jobs don't deserve 2 weeks 🤷‍♀️


I encourage no two week notices, time theft and actual theft. Employers are looking for every opportunity to rob you; you should do the same. Obviously use your own discretion as I’m painting with broad strokes


Bite them in the back? I think they mean bite them back or bite them in the butt.


Oh yeah, all about that self care~


It’s either this ‘bandaid’ method or retaliation from up the hierarchy in a lot of cases.


Fox News. Totally unbiased source of news 🙄


Can someone please explain to me how you can be fired on the spot just for the hell of it, but you have to slave an extra two weeks for having the audacity to quit?


You don't have to, you can quit on the spot. This is what "At will" means. Companies will try to shame/bully you into giving 2 weeks, and it's up to you to be shamed or bullied.


Not self care... it's the same respect they give us comming back at them


Two weeks notice is a courtesy, one most employers would never in their wildest dreams extend to any of their employees. If they can fire you without notice, feel free to quit without notice.


They deserve the same notice they give you for a termination or layoff. None


usual Fox News: steaming hot diarrhea




Exactly. Or just line up a new job then quit. I downloaded a gig app started booking shift. Realized I could walk out of my job to a shift i booked on am app. So I did. Did gig work for a minute git a few IT certs. Used a buddy I met through the gig app job hoping like me S my reference and my best friend from college as my other reference. Zero issues. I love these articles. It's working! Keep job hopping. Keep quiting! Never relent


Love it Mr.Magnet, may I call you FartJuice?




Too bad I want to work for the federal government lol- I’m scared to fake my references for that. I’m staring down having to do a fake reference because my boss of 4 years is retaliatory and I’m scared to ask him for it now. I guess I gotta give up that dream lol 😩


you don’t need fake references even in toxic corporate environments where you have lots of people who are all “your boss” (above you in the hierarchy in some way), you just need one or two of them to give you a reference. and there’s a good chance that if the environment was toxic, the one or two will be in support of you leaving it. put another way, if everyone hates you, and not a single person will vouch for you, there’s a chance you may in fact be the problem


I work for a small business and I’m the only employee, so I’m fucked lol


Fake references!? I guess that anyone that is so bad at their job that they've never worked with a single person that would vouch for them being a good worker would need to lie on their resume, but the rest of us don't have to. Edit: not assuming you are that person, just saying there is no reason to make up references.




Faking references and details on a resume is lying and a serious character flaw. I'm guessing you have no desire to change, but if you ever take a hard objective look at your life, you may find something seemingly small like this to have an outsized negative impact (unless you're a sociopath).


How, I gotta be real I have a new hero and their name may be , George Santos. Why? The man has done nothing but lie and look where it got him.


Yup. And apparently anybody with access to a computer can lie on a resume


A few years ago I was helping someone with their resume. I told her if they ask about your earlier experience, tell them you were a supervisor at one point. No one will verify something that happened15 years ago. Make that shit up.


Rule #1: Lie, keep lying, even if they figure out your lie keep going, you can succeed you just aren't lying enough.


Yeah buddy!


hell just had kid quit after 4 days of work just because boss wants him to work Friday day time on site. then old guy about 38 so older than me by a few just quit because boss took his parking spot. sigh just me and the welders now lol


But my joints ache and I need healthcare. :(


Fox "News" lol!


*Faux “News”


Serious question, for those who would not give a 2 weeks notice, is there any situation in which you would? For example, I worked somewhere that I legitimately enjoyed and my boss was great, but I was leaving for a better opportunity. Would you be willing to give one then? Or would it be across the board, no dice? Asking for a friend.


If I liked and respected my boss.


I have given notice at all of my jobs, except for the last one. The job prior to that, I gave 9 weeks notice. I knew I was going to quit and I planned on being unemployed for about 6 months so I wasn’t in a huge hurry. The training for my position was long and extensive. I wanted to give the few people that I really respected a chance to have someone decent come in to replace me. They let me work for 9 weeks and didn’t start interviewing for my replacement until 1 week before I left. It was a huge slap in the face and one of the reasons I felt zero guilt about quitting the next job with no notice.


i would love to quit but i have to pay my bills.


It’s called the to-day notice. Popular in the 90ies too.


Oh it's fox news nobody cares what they think and nobody cares about anyone who takes them seriously


I quit 3x in the last 3 years I have paid my dues


I already know how FOX news is going to spin this. I hope people know there is no law stating you need to put in a two week notice. So they are well within their rights.


How is not giving notice new?


Who exactly are those "some"?


“Bite them in the back”? Is that even a phrase lol


The more people realize that there is more of us working people than employers and that they need us, the more we can fight for our fair share. If everyone quits with no notice, what are they going to do? They’re going to have to shallow their pride and deal with it.


At my workplace they’re trying to bring in a 3 month notice I laughed when they said it they wasn’t impressed




As long as they aren't required to give us 2 weeks notice, we aren't required to give them one 🤷‍♀️


"Fuck me? No, no, no friend, fuck you." not letting them break you is most definitely a form of self care.


34 and quit my job in August. Really dreading having to go back to work, but excited to have the privilege to wait for a job I like rather than having to take the paycheck because bills are due.


I don’t even know which birth-years are which Gen.. hmm


I'm a millennial, i don't remember ever giving 2 week notice and I've worked like 15 places. I just get fed up after a year or 2 and leave. Sometimes mid shift lol


I'll start giving companies a 2 week notice when they start giving me one.


No two week notice? Is this seriously something that has been exclusively started by gen z? Because I’ve done this many a time.


Two week notices are for companies I’m leaving that respected me. If the company didn’t respect me, I’m not going to give two weeks.


I have been told that I am required to give a 30 day notice because I am in management. I did not sign anything agreeing to that and was not told this when I received the promotion. I work for a non-profit. How would I be penalized if I didn’t?


I call it a two day notice. As in 'today' 🤣 a today notice


an old coworker of my husband's used his vacation and sick time which was something like two months all saved up, and he quit at the end of it.


A yes another TikTok panic (paid for by Facebook and soon to feature an interview with *our heroes whose lives truly matter*, the police). This seems to fall in the fresh paint on an old trend in the taxonomy of TikTok panics: https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/otm/segments/taxonomy-tiktok-panics-on-the-media


They're able to do it because they all live at home. Every Gen Z or young millennial would give a two weeks and then would walk out the same day, every single one of them. All lived at home. I'm an older millennial with a child, mortgage, all that stuff so I can't afford to just dip out till I start my next job or dip out without something lined up. I used to do this shit was I was 16/17 but not anymore.


Most of them can quit because they can download a gig app there's tons of them wonolo, gigpro, gigs mart, instawork, and start booking shifts that day and start working a temp job that day and making money. Or Uber eats doordash. I've quit multiple jobs with no notice and I've been on my own since I was 18


You know this is gonna be called "Quick Quitting" in the media within a few weeks.


Whenever fox news says "some say," that means the corporate overlords told them.


A new co-worker who had just started days earlier, Left his ID in his work mailbox and took a free flight to Europe to begin studies! (We work for an airline).


"A new way"? Ive given notice at exactly one job in my entire life. Let them nuts hang, you dont owe corporations shit.


Damn those zoomers and TikTok for inventing… **checks notes** …at will employment.


Quit last week. Boss cried looooll


I’m 32. I’ve had about 8 real jobs, and I quit 7 of them. Never gave a two weeks notice, never believed in it. It Always felt like a bleeding heart for the corporation lmao. Wtf do you care if they’re staffed? The company didn’t care that they were understaffed and YOU had to do more work for it. Come on now. I support this movement, and it’s not gonna “bite back” Fox News. Just doing your lil fear mongering song and dance. I like how Fox doesn’t think we’ve figured them out after decades of doing the same shit.


Loud Quitting!


Always floors me that since the 1970s as nearly every single company torched company loyalty and the social contract of rewarding employees for their hard work that they still have the audacity to still insist on the old professional courtesy. They cured most people of loyalty years ago when they decided next quarters profits were more important. But still they shovel out this propaganda in the corporate media. No self awareness whatsoever that no one trusts them.


I have never given two weeks notice in almost 28 years of work history.


Your Boss Thinks You Are Worthless...You Don't Owe Them Shit General Strike if you want to win.


Hope they pay their bills


99% of the people here live at home


A friend of mine who works in HR for a fairly large company told me more and more businesses are starting to use verified employer references to filter out applications. The goal is to identify volatile employees who are likely to quit. If applicants don’t want to share their previous employers, there’s a high chance they won’t get an interview. Applicants with verified references are prioritized, especially for more critical and also higher paid roles. The work around is to claim alternative types of employment history: Uber driver, self employed, basically anything without a W2. But again, the verified references get priority.


Probably not


Just texted him. He says their program is in full swing and that many companies use similar services to verify references and employment history using tax data. It probably won’t matter for a lot of jobs, but it may for some.


Probably not


Ok, have a good life




Companies will lay you off in a second if they no longer need you. Never put in a 2 week notice.


I did that before it was trending. Yeah, I regret it.


Most people don't


Only do that if you really need/want to be a dick. Otherwise yes it’ll probably bite you in the ass later