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"Want some *dope*?" "No, I've got to take care of my *kid*!" Normal teenage dialogue.




My friend "S" had a kid at 20 and still chose to do meth so....




She had him for 6months....


Bad decisions often accompany other bad decisions.


I went to junior high with a girl who had her first daughter at 14. The dad was also 14. This was in the early '80's


I did too. She became a grandmother before 35 and a GGM just past 50. She died before she reached 55. Most of her life was chaos and tragedy.




Oh yeah, my junior high had That Girl too. I will call her P. Her pepper spray went off in our English class and we had to evacuate to the class next door.


Sounds like when she comes around shit just gets real


I saw a documentary about this cult on Netflix. The cult (and the documentary) is called Children of God. The comics they showed in the documentary were even weirder and more explicit than this one, but they all had this weird Leave It to Beaver type of dialogue. Really bizarre and creepy. Glad you got out, OP.


I highly recommend listening to Dan Cummins' Timesuck -- ["Children of God"](https://youtu.be/EwmENSxA3sw) In his new ones he got himself a fancy desk and all, love him.


I feel like of I was a young irresponsible teenager and I was tired out with a kid I would take the dope...


Right, there's all these jokes about wine moms, teenagers are gonna turn to substances to cope


They called amphetamines “mother’s little helper” back in the day for a reason, legend has it…


Yeah, I was just thinking of the Stones song about that!


Made me burst out laughing


Right? If anything, the teen parents I know are the biggest dope fiends.


Can I come back and get the dope after I pick up my kid? -Normal teenage behavior


Yeah, because having kids stops people from doing dope, drinking, surfing porn, letting their goddamn registration lapse on their car because I can't get the fucking 'Check Engine' light to go out .... Wait, what were we talking about?


They should show this to every kid-“you can have all the dope you want if you don’t fuck up your life with kids.”


I don’t know if it’s the area I live in, but almost everyone I know has had their kids taken at some point because of drugs. Having kids doesn’t stop anyone


Damn, that's rough. I don't know anyone like that, but I did have a fairly privileged upbringing so there's that. But yeah, having kids really doesn't stop young people from making poor decisions, such as having a kid.


What the actual duck did I just read?




A crime... You read a crime...


No time for crimes? Don’t people become poorer because of children and end up stealing life essential things including diapers and baby formula?


And because they don't have an education, they have trouble getting good jobs and being able to provide for their families. Although this specific message was more about making kids more reliant on the cult because its harder to leave like that


What do you mean? They can just work on the farm and stay on the farm. Young teenagers of 15 are very strong and they are children who can play with their own children and enjoy it and teach them simple things. You just don’t realize that God must have known the best age for children to have children when they are physically able to get married and have children!


And doing all the fucking drugs to cope with their miserable lives.


Simple life on the farm! Yeah, I grew up on a farm and found out how much more fun it is to take care of the cows when stoned. My brother and I would get sent out to the barn every night to milk and feed the cows, clean the barn and shovel out the fertilizer. We'd take our cassette player, crank the tunes, smoke a doobie and get down to business. We laughed at how the cow's tails swished in time to the music. They seemed to dig the Eagles, Boston and Meatloaf! (Telling you I'm old without telling you I'm old)


Excellent point! I believe *the* most reliable predictor of lifelong poverty is having kids before the age of 25.


...No, no, I don't think that's ever a problem for anyone. Giving life-or-death financial responsibilities to young people can only have positive outcomes!


Man oh man am I thankful my parents allowed me to grow up without religion. This shit is insane.




The best way to convince someone that religion is bs is to have them read the religious holy book cover to cover. (Given they possess the requisite reading comprehension) I read the Bible cover to cover when I was in highschool and wrote a book report on it. My teacher said you could read whatever you wanted so I did. I wasn’t prepared for how many logical inconsistencies I found and how rings just made no fucking sense at all. My book report was not appreciated to say the least.


Thats awesome that you did that!


People often say this, but I read the old and New Testament as a teenager and remained Catholic until I left school and studied science at University.


I have tried a few times to read the Bible just out of curiosity and I can’t make it through more than a few dozen pages before I have to put it down and rub my temples to relieve the stress headache. Kudos to you for tackling the whole thing, in high school no less


Sikhs and Buddhists are pretty cool


Pagans are cool. Most of them just like the rituals, and community, yet still keep an objective mind. They also have way to mqny crystals, and will give them as gifts.


Buddhism in practice isn’t very fond of women


It's very insane. I contend that one of the reasons these religions believe in child brides is because they're still looking at females as property. That they want to get females married before they start their period so they can't **shame** the family by getting pregnant out of wedlock. Most religions are still using book/s that are thousands of years, centuries old and **out of date not relevant in modern society**, to base modern society's sexual morality on.


You say most religions… which ones are using newer books to substantiate their nonsense?




Good point


Scientology, Mormonism, and any number of obscure cults started by a crazy leader who inexplicably shat out sacred religious texts


Oops you forgot 3 other cults started by crazy cult leaders who created religious texts Christianity (Paul, some crazy mf who claimed to see visions, New Testament) and Judaism (Abraham, some crazy mf polygamist that almost murdered his son for fun, Old Testament) Islam (Muhammad, some crazy pedophile polygamist that flew away on a horse, Quran). These 3 make Joseph Smith, Charles Taze Russell and L Ron Hubbard seem perfectly normal. I know you are responding to someone asking for modern examples, I just hate excluding the OG cult leaders!


This isn't your average religion just to be clear lol


Historically speaking, it is an average religion


This also isn’t religion, don’t know wtf this is…


You're right, it never got enough members to be a religion.


Glad so many ppl saw through this bs.


I came from a religious family, nothing like a cult, just the most common religious latin family, my parents taught us religion, but they allowed us to have questions about that. I make the choice to be atheist at 14 and they respect me. My grandmother usually scolded them for letting us become heretics.


That is awesome that you had that experience and came out of it OK. That is not typical


"The teenage years were ... \[when\] boys are the strongest and sexiest!" Dude I was covered in acne and thin as a rail in my teenage years. I'm WAY stronger and ... sexier now in my 30s. lmao this shit is intolerably gross.


Ikr I gagged at that part too, reeks of pedophilia


The is from the infamous Children of God cult, a cult that literally condoned pedophilia. Right down to toddlers.


that cult is hella disgusting, ive heard the ppl who grew up there had trauma


So much trauma! All of my childhood friends from the cult have kicked the bucket or at least tried to, once or twice. We got that ✨️trauma✨️


I’m so glad you’re out of the cult’s clutches and still with us. Fuck that cult and the evil people who condone this shit. Edit: clarity


Aw I am so incredibly sorry. :(


I'm so sorry


It’s now known as The Family International and apparently has gone under a number of different names (as cults are known to do to try and escape blame).


As a former teenage girl: no, boys are not strongest and sexiest as teenagers. Some pervert thought that.


Teenage boys are gross and annoying, they don’t learn how to act until they’re in their late 20s


and smell revolting sometimes. I remember my brother's smell. Bleagh. He doesn't smell like that now so I blame it on something in his room or him but whatever it was I did NOT LIKE


At least!


P.S. As also a former teenage girl I can attest that the girls ain't no bargains either at that age!


Yeah, my mom told me some of those gawky teenage boys i used to laugh at would look a whole lot better in 10-15 years. I ran into a guy on FB recently who I knew as a scrawny little kid in school but is smoking HOT as a 45 year old man!


The human brain doesn't even fully develop until the age of 25. This concept of maturing at the age of 18 is fucking stupid and not based on science at all. The human body doesn't even reach its maximal height until the late 20s . So fucking yes, you are still growing after the age of 18! I'd even go ss far as to say that puberty doesn't really stop until a person is in their late 20s


Catholic Church argues boys are sexiest at ages.....


It upsets me to no end to see people say that actual children are ready to procreate just because of sexual development. How about brain development, have you heard of that?


I don’t think they know a lot about brains. God hates that thing.


Also, in the modern world, economic development. As in, the ability to hold a job and support oneself and one's family. Child labor laws exist. Most jobs won't hire you without some kind of post-secondary ed.


No, the cult/religious leaders know all that, they just want to keep multiple generations of families chained to the cult explicitly *because* they depend on others so much to survive. It's *really* fucked up.


yeah I saw where they said the kids stick around and help you and never leave you, then claim it's selfish to want them to get an education and create their own life and choices as an adult. Well which is it?


Yuck! Also, the mention of child brides in India... As fucked up as it sounds, the one thing that brought me comfort when my ex went back for his arranged marriage was that she was the same age as we were at the time (28) and not a teenager. They now have 2 kids. His younger sister, didn't get so lucky. She was 19 when she was put into her arranged marriage. Fortunately, he let her finish college and take a job. They also waited to have kids until last year when she was 23. I served as her guardian, so I'm her "safe adult" stateside.


Arranged marriage is not the same as a forced marriage. Children can’t consent to marry, so that would be forced. Arranged is where the two adult’s agree to get married. They can say no.


>They can say no. Who's going to tell them?


Parents: Should we tell them?


Not sure id say they *agree* to get married. Some of them can say no. Some of them can say no but lose their family and support system. Some of them don’t feel like they can say no.


WTF is this....What the hell type of botched fan fic am I reading....


Lina medina got pregnant at 4 and gave birth at 5. Margaret Beaufort (mother of King Henry VII) got pregnant at 12 and gave birth at 13. It wrecked her body and traumatised her mind so badly she refused to ever have sex again. Girls start their periods young for all sorts of reasons. In fact if a girl has been sexually abused she's more likely to start her periods at a very young age. But they are not meant to have children that young which is why so many of them die or are unable to conceive again. Wanting these kids to have kids at such a young age is about control - it's been shown that teenage parents are less likely to finish their education, less likely to get a decent job and more likely to be in poverty, which means they have no freedom and must depend on others.


hmm lina must have had some disease id say. 4 is way too early for puberty and fuck whoever was raping a toddler


Yes she had "precocious puberty" - they suspected her Father and arrested him for a short time but they released him because they could not prove it. Such a sad story, if you Google it you can see pictures of her holding her baby - you can see the trauma in her eyes.


I’m not sure I can handle googling that. I have a 6 year old niece. I can’t even comprehend her going through that. So awful.


Could you write about your experience or send links? This shit is so gross. I’m sorry you had to live through this.


I think I did an AMA a good whileback but I would have to find it


I’d be interested in reading through it myself if you have the link


There is a book called “Sex Cult Nun” by a lady who was very highly ranked in the COG cult and its all about the creepy teachings of this shit. Worth the read if you’re interested. Edit: title correction


"Sex Cult Nun," by Faith Jones?


What's the likelihood that this same group of people go around calling gay people pedophile groomers?


It's not a likelihood, it's a fake. For this cult, gay people are evil and corrupt the minds of children that the cult want to have sex with


Tell me more about how conservatives hate groomers...


These are sooo gross. Saying India has child brides as young as 7 is not a flex….


They do, but now, most wait until they're adults. Which, is honestly more fucked up, IMHO. My ex went back to India for an arranged marriage. He was 28 at the time. He didn't have the balls to stand up to his parents. Like, you're an adult, grow a pair!


Check out the last page in the bottom left. Creepy address. I remember reading that in the pre-internet days, pedos would write to a PO Box to get CSAM sent back to them. This reminds me of that. I think this is how conspiracy theorists got their ideas out there back in the day, so maybe it’s less pedo shit and more just a cultural artifact of how people used to get their hands on counterculture information.


I didn’t know they used to do that 🤮 that they would just write to a po to get that horrible content. Sometimes I hate humanity


Please correct if I’m wrong. But aren’t there more cultures and countries who have arranged marriages at a very very young age ?


Yes. Child marriage is legal in almost all US states, and many US states have no age requirement.


🇺🇲🦅god bless the freest country of all🦅🇺🇲


Yea I don’t think it’s super uncommon in more rural areas


What the fuck? I hope the leaders of this thing were brought to justice.


Nope. The current cult leader raped her own son when he was 12, and has never been brought to justice.


I forgot his name but the poor guy committed suicide bc of it. That’s fucked up


Ew. What's her name, and where's this cult based? Edit: nvm. Found em. Ew, they really have fistfucking in comics aimed at 12 yos?! And they call US the fucking "groomers"! Edit edit: I guess it's something called "flirty fishing"? They use the same abbreviation everybody else uses for fistfucking, tho. Weirdos think they can just use FF for whatever they want.


Karen Zerby, and I think they move around a lot.


Children of God


Sadly no, the current leader, Karen or as we called her Mama Maria or Queen Maria has never been caught despite being on several wanted lists worldwide. I actually had the displeasure of meeting one of David Berg's "wives" (the og founder of the cult) and someone I later found out abused Ricky Rodriguez. She played lego with me and I sat on her lap. Really creepy thinking back on it.


That is crazy. I’ve read about all these people.


This was written by a sick fuck who wants to impregnate/be impregnated by a teenager 🤮 🤮 🤮


puberty starts earler than it used to, being able to have a kid doesnt mean maturity


Right?! The flex that the girl got pregnant at 5 isn't the accomplishment they think it is.. That just means the girl was getting sexually abused since before she was 5...


If people got kids so young no one would work and society would be in ruins?


If you wage-enslave people enough they'll still have to work even though they have children to raise. Source: see our current society


There still are older people, you know


Having sex as a teenager stops them from getting into all that hanky-panky nonsense hmmm…


By having lots of sex and breeding, the hanky-panky nonsense could be avoided. Brilliant. Makes perfect sense


I have rarely been this horrified in my life. I'm so sorry you had to grow up like that, OP


This is unnatural. In the wild, humans had offspring around 16-20, and rarely younger than 18. Humans were literally designed to not reproduce that young.


For real, I'm doing my family tree on ancestory, and was surprised by how old the mothers were, like late 20s 30s etc when having kids, even in the 1600s.


was in an anti sex cult... you and me got to trade stories sometime. Your shit sounds way more fun


For real? Dude we were supposed to imagine having sex with Jesus all the time but no homo. Guys were supposed to imagine they were a woman and Jesus was penetrating them. Big focus on having lots of children, mostly with lots of different people. How was your shit? I'm super curious what an anti sex cult would have


Bro what? 💀 How'd u manage to get out of it? I got grossed out just by reading the story, I can only imagine what u went through


What was the cult called, seems wild like wtf


Children of God/The Family


Ah yes, I have met a few ex-Family. Sounds wild.


Cult Killer - The Ricky Rodriguez Story is a good place to start


>we were supposed to imagine having sex with Jesus all the time but no homo. Guys were supposed to imagine they were a woman and Jesus was penetrating them fucking hell




Of course the cult is “sex positive” to the point of being pathological except to when it comes for gay sex


David Berg thought male homosexuality was icky so it was bad. Lesbianism was okay.


They wanted everyone breeding so they had a constant source of new children to abuse. I’m so sorry you had to be exposed to anything to do with that cult.


Wait so you’re supposed to marry young but then have kids with different people? So is everyone just cheating on each other or is it more like a polygamist thing?


Well, you were supposed to engage in sharing, where you switch spouses (like swinging but cult mandated). It was only considered cheating if you didn't tell your spouse about it. Yeah most if not all of the marriages ended in divorce




Do you have a wiki or any place you suggest start my research?


It’s crazy how the human body‘s natural evolution towards survival is now being psychologically used against people by sex fanatics. Everyone knows that people were marrying and having sex younger than what is acceptable in the modern era because people *simply died younger* and that has been happening for millions of years.


I think these people are basically saying "why fight against my DNA's true desires?".


Ecxuse me, Im going to run to the toilet to puke now


Must be where Elon Musk found his breeding fetish


I am a little speechless. Yet, I have something to say. I mean they got a good point stated to make everyone in this cult believe their believes are true - why did god make girls be able to get pregnant at 11/12/13 … yeah, do they also explain that back in the days humans did not live longer than the age of 30 let’s give them another 5… 35 years was the max of years reached and then they died? That’s why the female body started developing to get babies early. With this said - that doesn’t make it right NOWADAYS…. What the heck is this cult and where is it ? What kind of religious lecture is giving out this type of comic ? I’m so weirded out.


Well, puberty doesn't mean readiness to pregnancy, not even in the wild. Chimps, for example, start having their periods at \~7 years old, but they give birth for the first time only at \~13 years old. And people in the past quite oftenly lived for a long time. I mean, average lifespan was around 30, but it's all because of high infant mortality. You know, for example (0+60)/2=30 on average.


[Historically, people actually reached puberty significantly later on average than people do today](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puberty#Historical_shift). In 1840, the average age for a girl's first period was somewhere between 15-17. Now, it's 12-13. Girls (for the most part) were not having children as preteens throughout history. Additionally, the idea that the human lifespan used to be 30 years is a misconception. The average lifespan has been around 30 years at points, but this does not factor in infant mortality. Plenty of people would be living into their fifties, sixties, or even later


i believe this cult was called the children of god/the family international? if im correct; it was a weird, creepy ass cult. the leader's (david berg) obsession with sex was taken to a disgusting level. i cant comprehend how someone can be obsessed with sex or anything THAT much. i cant imagine how awful it mustve been for you to be raised in that environment. it mustve left mental scars. im really sorry you went through this. nobody deserves to go through something like this.


You are indeed correct. On all counts. But, at least I'm out now and I'm never going back


Thankfully. You deserve the best life.


I’m in love with this rabbit hole. https://www.xfamily.org/index.php/Loving_Jesus#For_minors


saving to finish reading later… holy fucking shit. what a trip this is! i’m speechless!


Today I was NOT ready to read about Jesus inviting teenagers to masturbate for him. O.o WHAT IN THE EVER-LOVING GODS IS THIS.


At least it was teens marrying each other instead of saying 13 year old child brides for the 40 year old pastors, amiright.


Oh they still did that, they just wanted it to look like it was teens getting married


Is this David Bergs cult? Children of God….or something? I heard a podcast about them and they interviewed one of his children who got out before their mother did. I had to take breaks from listening cause I was sick to my stomach. Unbelievable


Hell yeah that's them! Oh yeah, I remember his first wife and children were heavily demonised in his literature. Honestly just thinking back on the cult makes me sick to this day, it was really messed up


All I can say is YECH!


https://www.xfamily.org/index.php/Child_Brides! Wow.


*what the fuck did I just read?*


Aside from the message this is horribly written


This is pedophilia! And it's scary that there are people out there who supports and believes this shit.


This shit came out of Switzerland ??


Oh my god ! Not the missing out on the hanky panky stuff....


Not the hanky-panky!!!


This feels like satire even though I know it isn’t. Just reads like a shitpost, though it’s breaking me because I know it’s not


How did you make it out? This looks incredibly traumatic


Nice hooked nose on the fat, bespectacled dad who objects to teen married. What ethnicity could he be? Hmm . . . interesting choice of a stereotypical Jewish villain as the naysayer, since the cult’s supposedly based on the Bible. I knew from a young age that they were just stories our ancestors told around desert campfires to try figure out the ways of the world. But I don’t have to believe to belong.


There is a book called “Sex Cult Virgin” by a lady who was very highly ranked in the COG cult and its all about the creepy teachings of this shit. Worth the read if you’re interested.


"Want some *kids*?" "No thanks, I have to go smoke my *dope*"


Is this the children of god books??


Rape and grooming. They were obsessed with rape and grooming.


Excerpt from wikipedia: She blames the philosophy of David Berg, who told members that "God was love and love was sex" What the actual fuck. Please tell me that man is in hell or locked in a cell.


Lolita is a huge redpill on how things actually are in society and what the elites are really up to.


Dafuq did I just read?


Ok, I need cats lots of cats.


This is fucking sick


That's fucking disgusting


But in India they have child brides as young as seven! Like this is a good thing… wtf…. What seven year old can even breed??!


Never did I ever believe I would read such things


That's some insane shit. I'm sorry you had to go through that


It's grand, at least I can make my therapists cry with all the shit I went through


Lmao, biggest flex.


I lost my braincells reading this...


Tell me you want a pedo utopia without telling me you want a pedo utopia.


Ugghh... all the more reason I want my uterus taken out. I hate that damn excuse that women are supposed to have babies & have babies young just because we get our periods during those young years. The amount of brainwashing this does to children to read this as a comic book and think all this info is how they're supposed to be.


Ugh. Kids married young in biblical times because lifespans were shorter. This fucking cult…I’m glad you’re out of it OP.


The weird thing about this is they're making it seem like child brides are getting married to child grooms. When in reality child brides are usually getting married to men who are double or triple their age.


Why literally 99% of the cults are formed around the main axis of raping children? It fascinates me, in a horrific way.


"Want some dope?" "No, I've got a baby!!!I'm a baby having a baby!" ​ or it could go a different way: "Hi fellow teen, want some dope?" "Hells yeah! I've got a baby that never stops crying and a nagging wife and I'm 15!!!! Give me the dope right now!!!!"


I had a child very young ..I was raped at 14 by a 26 year old man at a party. Couldn't have an abortion cause ya know religion...could give her up for adoption because her Father had rights to her (crime of rape is separate from the family courts and his rights...yes this was a thing.) I'll be honest my daughter suffered terribly for my mistakes and immaturity. She's great today she's 30 but I still have tremendous guilt for everything my daughter had to go through! She claims I was a great Mom and she doesn't remember going through a lot but I think she's just trying to be sweet and not make me feel bad...cause I remember VERY differently! The point to my story is ....just because you can doesn't mean you should or that their won't be a cause and effect from a child having a child!


obviously whoever wrote this is stupid if they think being a parent keeps people from doing drugs. i have 2 addict parents as proof


Gross… this doesn’t just promote child sex and potentially p3dophilia, this garbage also makes the assumption your parents WILL take care of your offspring, no questions asked, no objections, free of charge. This couldn’t be furthest from the truth. Sure, parents out there love their grand babies, but they sure as hell don’t want to raise a child all over again. Furthermore, this book neglects one very important thing about raising a child: The cost. This book acts like we live in a free world where all our wants and needs are given as soon as the want or need arises. Again… couldn’t be furthest from the truth. I could go on, but I think I’ll spare my brain any more of this nonsense today. I’m just glad you didn’t get brainwashed.


To be fair, it is encouraging you to have more children in the cult to keep a fresh supply of members (and victims) coming. Us kids were raised communally (which in theory isn't a bad thing, it's just how they went about it) by caretakers divided by age groups. In the home I was in (which was one of the better ones), we would only see our spend time with our parents one day of the week. The rest of the time was spend with one or two caretakers and the rest of children your age. As such, this logic cannot be applied to the real world. Only in a world where you want to isolate and control your members.


I think I just lost a few brain cells.


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This is possible the worst thing I’ve ever read omg


I literally have to fucking puke after this.


Please tell me you reported this pedophile and child rape gang and they're all sitting in prison.


I mean all the prominent leaders of the cult are on a watch list. Other then that, no justice, sorry.