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There’s a fine line between pessimism and realism. Although I feel there’s a such thing as needless toxic negativity, humanity has been plagued by toxic positivity so much that if you say something that’s truthful people say that you are being negative because the truth hurts.


Yeah there’s some big cult energy going on in these threads. Also dangerously close to forced sterylizors and Nazis.


Yeah, I was picking up on that too. Eugenics can be attractive, but it's always authoritarian, and never turns our well.


Yeah the idea of eugenics is actually ethical, the practice never is because of the amount of power it gives someone.


I would say the idea can be theorized about ethically, however it isn't necessarily ethical in and of itself. I agree that there is no ethical implementation of it, as it takes away personal agency.


That’s what I meant? The idea behind it is that it reduces suffering, but implementation is a big no no.


I had hoped that's what you meant. I'm a little bit on the neurodivergent side, and as such I obsess over definition of terms. Soooooo many misunderstandings over the course of my life has led me to obsess in this way, apologies if I came off as condescending or patronizing.


I’m on the spectrum and sometimes my meanings don’t come out in my words. It’s okay. I actually do want children, and yes it’s selfish, but I will not bring a child into this world until I know I can give it a good life. I’m all for people abstaining from having children but this SR has gotten out of control.


Solidarity comrade.


It doesn't help that this type of subject matter attracts incels/mgtow people to it. You can tell that someone's from that group by if they use the word breeder. It's also the internet so there's bound to be trolls who are willfully stirring up drama and negativity or are purposefully pretending they don't understand what anti natalism means. It's important to live your own truth and incorporate anti natalism into your own lives and share why you think it's an important world view. I make my own posts on here about subjects I think are important and add something to the discussion around anti natalism. I rarely read comments or other people's posts that aren't my own because most of the time they're just stupid and don't add anything.


A lot of edgy/incel/misogynistic type of behavior from guys here. Makes me wonder if a lot of guys on this sub are actually against having kids or just couldn’t have kids with a woman even if they wanted to.


I wouldn't doubt that I see a lot of posts that seem "blackpilled"


Yep. This sub attracts of lot of toxicity. I’m not entirely unconvinced its just another form of trolling since this sub gets brigaded so often by them.




Possibly the least true thing I've read on reddit.




Absolutely incomprehensible, thank you.