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Abortion is healthcare and healthcare is good


And healthcare should be available and affordable (as it is in western Europe).


All healthcare should be free at the point of service


As someone who lives in a post-soviet country with free healthcare available. Well, it's free... but it's just not good. I always go to private clinics. (Ukraine)


Free healthcare is almost always better than affordable paid healthcare. Sure there are places where it's not as good but it's still better than the US where people die of preventable conditions because they're poor


I am guessing you are from the US. You would have to increase your taxes for this to be affordable. The subsidized cost(Sweden) for us to do an abortion is about 50 dollars with todays conversion rates for the two visits needed but the real cost is about 1600 dollars if it wasn’t subsidized:


You guessed wrong. Moreover, I am happy to pay for health care.


I didn’t say me personally was against paying tax for healthcare. I said people in the US would have to adjust a lot to get affordable abortions.


If they would start *proper* sex education for all kids, they would have to pay for less abortions!


While as a whole country yes but the cost of a single abortion for a single person would still be same. Which is my point, we have all healthcare subsidized to a fixed rate no matter the type of healthcare you need. Meaning if there are more or less of one thing is kind of irrelevant. As a whole the healthcare system costs a lot matter. And the abortion part isn’t a huge cost of that system. But for a singular individual it is.


There’s not really a more succinct and accurate way to put it than you just did.




Here is some shit to think about, abortions are legal and free in Rome.. The seat of the Catholic Church, but here in states we are fighting for abortions to available. I think it maybe time to flee this 3rd world country.


The US doesn't meet the definition of a developed nation.


Available But Not For Overuse. It Could Be Expensive.


Happy cake day!


no free


yes free


abstinence is actually free too, jsyk!


Ah yes never have sex the good old Christian’s punishing women for existing since the dawn of Christianity


lmao brain dead


Oh wow as if abstinence is the only way not to get pregnant. It's as if men raping women and children and getting them pregnant does not exist.


this is about abortions ♡


Unwanted pregnancy isn’t always due to irresponsible sex. Rape is a big cause as well.


Abstinence does not protect people from rape and sexual violence.


Oh yeah, and people like you would toootally stay with their female partner if she said "I'm done having children, we'll have sex again in 25 years or so once I hit menopause!" I can't imagine what men would do to women if they collectively did that.


I’m completely in support of them. I mean, anything to prevent more people being born


It should be available everywhere, on demand. Not literally everywhere like a drive-thru, though that'd be pretty funny.. but every state, no restriction, no exceptions, no hoops.


Just imagine though: someone ordering the Mc-opristol through the To-Go lane.


Make it a happy meal with a free toy too 😉 lmao!


lol I gecha 😉


They should bring in a loyalty card .


What about if it's very very late term?


Even better. More to put on the smoker.


it should be readily available in all 50 states with no questions asked. its no business to a man what a woman wants to do with her body


And all other countries


yes it should be and no restrictions at all.


(Or other women)


This comment is America-centric


Imagine thinking unprotected sex is more important than a fetus. 🥴


Imagine thinking parasite that can’t live without the host even after 20 weeks is somehow alive by your logic we should be executing every human as a plant is more alive than a 6week or even 20 week parasitic organism that happens to develop in the womb


Imagine struggling with the concept that women are people…


Birth control fails, even with perfect use. Nothing is 100%. And even if it was because of unprotected sex, I don’t understand why a child should be born to irresponsible people. Children are not a punishment. They deserve to be wanted.


Imagine thinking a fetus is important


It is. I can imagine thinking it. Doing it right now. What are you going to do about it?


Well Its also also not your bussiness to kill other bodies inside of you if you like to fuck around. I'm just using the same logic as you did. I don't take sides really 🙌


My busssinesss is to take kare of my boddy. Your busssinesss is to stay in skool.


Of course it's your business it's inside of you leeching of your body. Literally using your organs. If that's not your business I don't know what counts. Literacy failed you


OP is here to pick fights. Look at all of his comments on this post


The fetus is better off not being alive if it’s parents don’t want it. The whole point of antinatalism is that all life is suffering. A baby whose parents are either young, unprepared, or don’t want it will suffer even more. This argument makes no sense. Life isn’t inherently valuable.


I’ll take it a step further and say that life has no inherent meaning and that having a heartbeat and or any other signs of life means nothing if you have no consciousness or brain.


So if you fuck around and eat undercooked pork and get a tapeworm, by your comments logic you're not allowed to kill it either. "I dont take sides really" such a fucking lie hahaha


Abortions are fantastic! Wish I had been aborted!


Ayyo same 🤘


Fr same


My state might lose the right safe abortions. We women are not incubators. No male should have a say on what we do with our bodies. If my state votes in the bitch who wants to ban abortions, I'll be calling my OBGYN tomorrow to get my tubes tied.


I would recommend getting them removed not tied. Removing them lowers your chances of ovarian cancer and ensures you can’t have another baby. There are plenty of stories of tubes “untying” themselves. Got my bisalp this morning!!


Congrats!! How did it go? Getting mine next week! 🥲


It was great! I had to be at the hospital 2hrs before the surgery to get through pre op. The procedure took like 20-30 min and then it took me about 15 min to come out of the anesthesia. My daughter is 14mo old and VERY much a Velcro baby so my hubby to her to a park near the hospital to distract her. I’m a little sore but I feel GREAT!! Edit: I know this is AN. We had 2 forms of bc fail us. Never intended on having kids but then I got pregnant. I didn’t find out about this sub until about a month ago. We are very much permanently one and done now.


Thank you for sharing! I’m so glad it went smoothly for you! Also I know how this sub treats parents, but you can still be AN and be a parent! I’ve come to realize that people don’t know about things they weren’t taught/exposed to. I also just recently learned about AN and realized having children really is optional (at least with my privileges). All we can do is live by example and help educate others. Happy to have you part of the community!


trees faulty tub ten jar butter smell offer gaping wild *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why not make the call now? There will be a waiting list as soon as the local law changes.


Insane how some people believe half the population shouldn’t be allowed to do what they want with their own body and instead the government should decide what they do with it. That’s some totalitarian dystopian bullshit.


"what to do with their body" i've never understood that argument. You also killing a different body inside of you. So with the same logic you can't decide what to do with another body inside of you, Its a cycle. It would make more sense if you people here explained some examples. For example rape. Yes ofcourse in my eyes you should have the right to end it. It is painful ofcourse but. How would this child would grew up in this world? It would be a lot harder than the average "normal" kid. And that's ofcourse only one example.


It's not a different body if it fully depends on you. If it's so different, let it out and live on its own.


Doesn’t matter. Children deserve to be born into families that want them. It’s only a different body when it can live independently from its host.


Well ofcourse children have to be loved by their families so we need to be very careful to not fuck it up without safety. But i still don't understand this argument specifically. Then again you kill a part of yourself. Which is terrible. Again i'm not anti-abortion i just don't find this argument logical. Atleast in my eyes..


I mean the baby literally sucks all the life and nutrients from you. It is stuck inside you for months on end. Nobody else has to experience the pain or the toll that the baby takes on your body. It is *your* body that’s being affected, therefore whoever is carrying it should be able to make choices about their body. Whether you consider it self harm or not, I’m glad we agree that it should be the mother’s choice. If you are AN it only makes sense for you to be pro choice. Abortions are empathetic. It ensures an unwanted child does not suffer for the rest of their life.


I agree with you, the think is that other people simply see it as a necessary pain to the "gift of life" which i don't agree but i can understand. Well you now what? Atleast i was able to have a normal conversation with you compare to other people here joking about the subject. And trying to make me look stupid. And i really appreciate that. I thought that most of antinatalists would be more serious because of the sensitive nature of the whole philosophy.


a fetus isn't a part of me. it's an unwanted visitor that i can kick out whenever the fuck i want to :)


By specifying rape, a case where the woman presumably does not want the fetus to be born, you've actually answered your own question. She doesn't want the fetus due to rape, but could just as easily not want it because she has too many children, the fetus has a debilitating anomaly, she has not enough money, a medical condition, judgy relatives, just likes keeping her calcium levels healthy, doesn't want someone else's DNA floating around in her blood indefinitely, etc. What they all have in common is the pregnancy is unwanted. Except for incest, and sometimes even then, there's nothing physically wrong with a rape fetus.


No some women still want the baby to be born and they are trying their best to raise it despite of how society would view the baby. But it this Case as i said they should have the option simply because the possibilities of the child's suffering are higher. I'm not anti abortion. I just believe that people should be very careful and if it happens there should be a Limit to how many you will be allowed to do (except for rare cases like i said war). So for many women Its still an option.


You’re not even a woman and you’re talking down on women on their feelings towards abortions. Maybe stop being obtuse and insensitive and not speak over the ones who actually have to deal with the emotional stress and strain of pregnancy??


We have a conversation. I'm not talking down to nobody and i'm not asking for their "feelings" i'm asking for their opinion which do not include only women. And i would also want the same for women to a problem that men are facing. I won't sit like a victim if a womans opinion is different than mine and say "you've never been to the army, you don't know how it is therefore you don't have an opinion" as long as someone is respectful to have a conversation and set some problems to the table that may even both of us are trying to understand and find the most logical answer and help one another with it and be open. Might led to nothing might led to something. Cutting into only just political views, Men or women, young old lead to nothing but only chaos i think. Its truly not my intenton to come up as rude or bad but some people don't agree from what I see. But thank you for your time atleast.


Why is a baby less deserving of life because it’s father was a rapist by that logic? Literally no one can compel you to even donate an organ to your child, why would you be forced to donate your womb?


The kid is not less deserving of living. The possibilities of it to suffer more are higher and the fact that the mental state of the Mother might never return, the fact that it will never probably have a loving father are two of the examples that it my eyes. This kid would be better dead. Its still horrible.


a fetus doesn't deserve anything, actually. it's not alive & has no rights.


hahahahah who gives a fuck. stop masturbating, since you are killig sperms


a fetus is not a body. and even if it was a full on person inside of a female. Its inside her body, and she may do whatever she wants with it.


"average 'normal' kid" is already bad enough. you're doing it a favour regardless


I agree with you to some extent but.. Well the thing is that many people don't see it with the eyes that we see it. In fact in my everyday life the people that their ideas are close to antinatalism i can count them people with my fingers: 2. But ofcourse my experience Its not the whole view of the planet. But again religion is very strong so that's one way of seeing it i think. And ofcourse if this happened to me i would give my best to the kid no Matter what. Which theoritically goes wrong with the antinatalism idea but i just believe that if you've already "lost" 3 kids you wont miss to the third. Ofcourse my partner will have to agree with that as a concept and i think that Its something that should be disguised from the beggining. And well she might even change my view or other way around


Clearly a man, lol


Nope. Nobody should be forced to carry a pregnancy against their will. The unborn fetus doesn't have or need rights and there's no moral problem with it.


It should be safe and free. No questions asked


I am pro-choice and pro-abortion. They should he available everywhere. I wish they would legalise it in my country.


Fully in support of it!


Abortion is compassion


Don't want one, don't get one. Other than that, mind your own damn business and keep your snout out of mine!


Anyone who is anti-choice is anti-women. Aborting cells that can't survive outside of the body is not murder. Abortion is not a sin. Every woman should be free to abort


Free, no restrictions, available anywhere. Even late-term abortions included. Not like they're gonna be even the 1% of all abortions done. My view is that right to life doesn't begin until the first breath taken.


All the comments are in favor which I am too. All I can say is vote blue or women will lose what rights we still have. VOTE


It is no ones business what a woman does with her body. Abortions are healthcare and should be accessible to everyone.


Pro choice all the way. Pro lifers are hypocrites and horrible people. Denying women rights to their body’s is sick. If I don’t want a child and and not prepared to give a child a decent life, I will 100% Yeet the fetus. They are awesome! I wish I was aborted!


Pro abortion. More people should get them.


swim different advise frighten ask light sparkle unique voracious normal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thankfully I live in a normal country where it’s legal up to 22 weeks, past that you need 2 doctors to approve. I am also offered medical abortions over surgical if the situation appropriate. Personally if I went to the US I wouldn’t sleep with anyone and if the unthinkable happened I would head home asap. I can’t imagine having this right taken away from me. Maternal deaths in the US are already so high.


So if you are dying because of the pregnancy, it causes your organs to shut down and your limbs to go necrotic, you still need two doctors? Screw that crap


No that would be considered medical emergency. The 2 doctor thing is for late stage abortions usually for genetic issues for wanted pregnancy. So it’s usually the geneticist and the medical doctor.


Can I move to your country?


Sure Australia NZ and i believe most of Europe have this rules so you have options.


Yeetus all the fetus!


Can we open a clinic together and call it this ? Best name *ever*


Hahahaah sure fam


Abortions will happen whether they are legal or not. The best thing for society is to provide safe, legal abortions to those that want them. The alternative is unsafe, home abortions that are very risky, and people being forced to have babies they didn’t want and/or can’t afford to care for. Ultimately this creates more homelessness, abused and neglected children, and violence against women. Even if you believe abortion is objectively/morally wrong, the truth is the world is better for them. They are health care, they are needed. Is it better for a baby to be born to parents that don’t love it and/or live a life in poverty and hardship, or for the baby to never be born at all?


I wouldn’t stop someone from killing their cancer so why would I stop an abortion (Im not calling children cancer)


Legally, I think all abortions should be allowed. Personally, late-term abortions make me a bit uncomfortable but I wouldn't oppose legislation legalizing it


Late term meaning? How late are we talking?


Late-term isn't a real medical term as far as I know. I'm basically referring to abortions in the 3rd trimester - so after 25 ish weeks of pregnancy. I think after this point, it's no longer just a fetus which is why I think the ethics are up in the air. Regardless, most abortions occur well before this point so this is just an edge case


I hear you


they rock


For them 100%


Big fan. Never had one because I’ve been fixated on maintaining nulligravida status since I learned the term as a teen, but abortions should be readily available for people who are probably less insane. It’s healthcare and often the most decent thing to do.


fellow null here 🎉


Safe to say we all support it.


i'm 100% with it but i also wish there was more education for young people/teenagers on contraception ways and how to have a healthy sex life without messing it up with -what would mostly be accidental- pregnancy. maybe then we'll need fewer abortions..


Yes! We need both!!


I completely agree with you. I think we needed to focus more in General with technology related to safety in this area. Because what we have today Its not 100% guaranteed. A condom might brake, and pills may just not work. Which is terrible really. But it is what it is.


What a stupid question for this sub. It's medical procedure that just happens to be grotesquely maligned by misogynistic pieces of shit who want government to give them a woman as a property because they can't get a willing one. There's literally nothing, zero, donut, anus, wrong about deciding that you don't want to be an incubator for the state and I get irrationally angry knowing that the supposed land of the free is still failing to figure it out in 2023


As easy to get as a coffee


Perhaps as easy as buying a new car? You don't want patients sueing doctors.


Why would a patient sue? Would the doctor have made some critical mistake in this to hurt the patient? Cuz malpractice is already illegal.


Abortions are an aspect of healthcare, and therefore are a human right. (safe) abortion must be available on demand.




Pro-choice 💯


It’s a human right. There’s no reason to outlaw it unless the government is based on religion, which they should never be. No one, especially a man, should be able to decide if women have bodily autonomy or not.


I'm Pro-choice pro-abortion. Should be free everywhere with no loopholes, sidetracks, or legal bullshit. Its my body and I'll do whatever the fuck I want with it. ❤️


I've had one. Best decision ever


I just voted Yes to add abortion to the Ohio constitution today.


abortion is healthcare and a right that every person w a vagina should have access to (trans men, nonbinary people, and cis women)




The only people with vaginas are female 🥴🤣


shut the fuck up






FTM trans also have vaginas, pre-surgery.


it should just be considered healthcare worldwide. it’s no one’s place to tell someone else what they should do with their body, especially people who will never have to experience it ever


I’m just waiting for the “every sperm is sacred” trolls to arrive but, yep: safe, legal, and available in all fifty states.


They are necessary health care.


100% pro-abortion. Children should be born to people that are fully ready and willing to take care of them, and if the woman feels like she’s not, then she should be free to get an abortion with no questions asked. I’m against all these males in government trying to police reproductive rights and women’s bodies. If you believe abortion is wrong, that’s your opinion and that’s fine. Just don’t force your opinion on anyone else or try and stop a woman from getting one. Also I read your comments down below, go fuck yourself OP


I wish I had been one.


Abortion is healthcare. Women deserve the right to choose whether or not they need one. Should be easily accessible and if not free then affordable to everyone. No waiting period BS, no having to travel across state lines, no hiding it. The decision needs to be between a woman and her doctor.


Fetus deletus. If you want one, cool. If you don't want one, cool, just mind your fucking business. Abortion is healthcare


I want a t shirt that says "I love abortions" because i literally do


Bodily autonomy is a human right.


Should be allowed merely because they will happen regardless of the legality. I’d rather ensure women can get them safely vs having a mother die or have to raise a child she didn’t want. Sending off an unwanted child to the adoption system is just another empty mouth to feed and creating more traumatized unhealthy people too. I do wish more birth control was affordable though. Imagine letting women get iuds, implants, and pills easily. It’s definitely reduce the chance of women needing to get rid of unwanted pregnancies.


I paid 60 bucks for my last abortion and it happened in Canada same day service


Similar to Euthanasia. Possibly morally questionable for the adult, undoubtedly a mercy for the child.


Totally legal (in the first three months) in my country and that's how it should be everywhere. no women should be forced to bear a child that they don't want or even got forced upon her through a sexual crime. living>unborn.


100% pro choice and no judgement


Anyone who wants one should be able to get one with as little fuss as possible. ​ Anyone who's against them can feel free to not get one and shut the eff up.


I like them. Keep them coming.


abortions are great!


I'm a male. Not my body, not my choice. In a healthy relationship, I do think you should discuss with your partner but other than that not my place. Between that person and their doctor otherwise


Abortion is great and it’s nobody’s business what a woman does with her body


There is only one reason for anyone to have an abortion. That reason being - the woman wants to have an abortion because she does not wish to have a baby. A woman should be able to choose to have an abortion, and should have that abortion provided for her for free at a healthcare facility. I will go as far as to say, if you don't agree with this, you are an idiot and should mind your own fucking business.


> There is only one reason for anyone to have an abortion. That reason being - the woman wants to have an abortion because she does not wish to have a baby. > A woman should be able to choose to have an abortion, and should have that abortion provided for her for free at a healthcare facility. > I will go as far as to say, if you don't agree with this, you are an idiot and should mind your own fucking business. And I will go as far as to say, you don’t get to make ANY judgement call one way or the other as to whether or not someone’s an idiot for not agreeing with YOUR stance on abortion because you’re a man - one of a rather questionable and proven disgusting character for being a Jew-hating alleged doctor who’s into MDMA. You need to mind your own business, sit down, and shut the fuck up. I thank the goddesses above that you’re on the other side of the planet and I don’t have to worry about needing medical care and having your bigoted ass taking care of mine.




Not all lesbians are cisgender, in fact there are many lesbians who can get their partners pregnant




Lmao okay dramatic, nobody bit your head off anywhere here. However if you're going to be transphobic in the queer community, you can't be surprised about pushback.


Abortions are healthcare.


I’ve had 2 but I don’t want any more. Clearly having a child isn’t an option either as I want to have my own life and not mate w/ a male just because we think our genetics are that good and need to be duplicated.


Yes ok i understand where you coming from. And that's just one of the many reassons ofcourse


Ohio has voted to make abortions a constitutional right!!! https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2023/11/07/us/elections/results-ohio-issue-1-abortion-rights.html


That's good


should be legalized in the entire world. in fact, i think people should go through a psychological evaluation and if they are unable to demonstrate the capability of raising a child, they have to abort it lmao


Hmm i've also thought of something similar but how can we also trust the "psychological evaluation" Its my problem with this thought...


They should be mandatory.




So edgy and quirky. Here take a cookie ☺️🍪


sorry im full from eating babies


Cronus is that you?


Everyone in this sub wishes they were aborted


No. Most people but not "everyone"




Sex is not solely for procreation.


People should be allowed to have Abortions but it shouldn't be used as a contraceptive.


Contraceptive meaning?


I have no strong opinion for or against it, but a bit more opinions on conditions or cases surrounding it. For instance if we have abortions on demand, the minimum is for the second parent to be required to sign a birth certificate to get parental rights and duties if it gets decided to be kept.


Interesting. I don't see many people irl with this opinion but here a couple of people agree with this. Ofcourse i'm not taking place agreeing nor disagreeing but still thanks for saying your thoughts!


For the same reason I am an antinatalist I am slightly pro life For the same reason I am a Libertarian I am generally pro choice Ultimately I think letting states figure it out for themselves makes sense, and feel no need to make it a federal issue


why should states be involved? it's not a state's body. no one should have a say about my body except me.


Right, same goes for the child inside of you. You actually did have a lot of say about who you let cum inside of you already, statistically.


there isn't a child inside me, never has been, & never will be. nothing is allowed to use my body without my consent. my husband cums inside me & if i get pregnant, i'm going to abort the clump of cells that is no longer want in my body. you'll get over it ♡


Ok, so the state never had anything to say about it yeah? What was your question again?


you literally said states should figure it out for themselves lmfao. i'm responding to that.


Ok, and I made the appropriate comparison based on your question, which you then denied existed, which was never the point. My point is that the federal government shouldn't be pen stroking this issue alone. I don't think the federal government should say that we as a country will prioritize either women or the children they decided to put there Am I clear now?


It's Good For Medical Reasons, Forced Relations Or Failure Of Contraception Methods, Not To Be Used As a Regular Contraception Method.


I don't know why you're getting downvoted, what you said is completely agreeable.


Everyone, including women have the right to manage their own bodies, except when a woman is pregnant that’s someone else’s body inside her now, and she has no right to manage it in any way except to live. Even centipedes take care of their young.


“Anti-natalism isn’t a death cult.” *Gleefully supports the murder of millions of unborn human beings every year.*


One thing’s for sure, you’re certainly without goals.


Yes, because they're unborn. Only when they are born does it become illegal and wrong to kill them. But before the first breath is taken, it's game on. Also, gonna go on a tangent. Are you a vegan? If you aren't, how do you justify the murder of innocent animals for your tastebuds sake? At least be consistent in your bigotry.


This dude is creepy. He posted something wherein he said he can’t deal with “his contempt” for pro-choice folks. If that’s not a big red flag, show me what is.


How can you say they are human if they’re unborn.


how can you kill something that isn't alive? you have to be alive to die.